Lower Your Lead Side In Transition To Flush Your Irons!

Looking to flush your irons?? This is one of our favorite golf alignment stick drills to help students learn to lower their lead side in transition! This movement pattern and simple drill can really help in getting your low point forward for ball first contact. And this isn’t just about hip rotation which many may think, it’s about levels and space. So often we see a tilt and throw out of the top, whereas this drop of the lead side can help us get stacked up, and enable us to better turn our chest through the shot. Ed Lasater and special guest LPGA Tour professional, Dana Fall joins me to help break it all down. We hope you enjoy!

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So let’s talk today about leadside down in transition to flush our Irons so Ed I’ve got a alignment stick in my belt I know you use this a lot with our Online Academy I when I go through and look at some of the evals you give this is one of the the main principles that I I see from you so

Let’s talk about this a little bit well the reason I do that is quite often uh what I see is that when most people start down swing they start pushing off a lot and as they do this belt stays straight up and then all of a sudden

Come to impact your zipper and your buttons are not in alignment and so they’re not rotated and they have to throw and then quite often they get this part way over here the hands way behind them so what I do is I ask them to put

This in their belt loop most of it sticking out the lead side barely anything on this side and then as they wind themselves up to make sure that their lead side doesn’t collapse and this thing angled too far down they have to feel like it stays somewhat up yeah

So we don’t want to feel like it goes down down like this early so this side’s going to feel like it’s staying right somewhat up yes and now in transition I want them to visually see this thing work itself down and around and that way by by the time they

Get down to P6 their hands will get in front of their thigh the buttons will be over their zipper and then from here as they’re pushing and continuing to turn away they can finish awesome so let’s walk through some of the things that set up this down and around it’s really not

Possible for me to to get this to go down and around if in my back swing I’m working too much down well there’s two fold of that one is either my left my lead side is collapsing way too much or two I’m staying in right Bend instead of

Left Bend yeah when we always talk about we want them to feel like their lead their Trail side is expanding up and they’re they’re going to feel like their hips are level but they won’t be then in transition as that lead side goes down when this lead side goes down it will

Pull their upper body from over here to on top of them and then they can push away and release that Golf Club so as you’re demonstrating that I’m seeing the lead hip go down but I’m also seeing the rest of the chain so I see this left

Shoulder it’s coming down as well it doesn’t immediately start to go this direction either right because when this goes down it’s pulling your lat your shoulder your chest and everything back on top yeah so everything’s on top now this can’t happen if they pull their hands down because the physical reaction

To a hand pull down will be to balance themselves this way so we have to make sure that we keep our hands and arms up Center of mass working back as this is happening awesome so there’s a combination there so I’m going to quickly demonstrate facing back to the

Camera so you can kind of see what this looks like from a a different angle and are we encouraging a player to spin the hips like this no no we’re not and I’m so glad you said that because I hear that quite often and the reality is if

We’re just spinning our hips this lead hip isn’t going down no so what I want it to feel and look like I make this nice wind I actually feel like I’m keeping this left hip up but you can see that there’s an angle down there has to

Be some amount yes cuz there’s a change in Flex in my left leg to help me wind up now from here I feel like I drop like this and I’m turning and you can really see how that down and around a lot of pressure down and I feel like I’m

Creating a huge stretch across myself when I do that well and why do we do that because we know speed is created by the stretch and transition yeah right and how much you can push away so yeah so Ed how would a player know if they’re actually spinning out versus Landing

Left correctly well usually it’s going to be one of two things either one that left hip is going to come shooting straight up and they’re probably going to spin their foot like this as opposed to actually feeling like as they’re falling left they’re on top of their leg

And then they can push away so whenever use see this thing hip or this hip shoot straight up that’s when a guy can start spinning like really really hard the other one I see is I actually see players spin this foot like this right that that’s a Telltale sign that they

Didn’t shift pressure nearly soon enough cuz if I shift while I’m still winding that Foot replants Right more closed if anything yeah you need a braking Force for sure you’re not going to see it that’s a spin out and I’m still trapped over here on the trail side right exactly so we’re

Going to use Dana fall here as a model to show us a couple of different drills using the stick and we’ve also introduced the downshift board here I’ve been working with Dana now since 2019 and this is one of the things that we’ve worked really hard on with her is

Getting her to feel like she works downhill into the ground a little bit more right your general tendency is to slide and tilt and the left hip stay high and maybe some low Point issues maybe some hyraw issues excessively right yeah and this is to try to

Eliminate some of that add a little more compression add a little more speed right and kind of zero yourself out just a little bit better so we’re going to use the downshift board and the stick at the same time so that it can show how when she actually falls left that left

Hip goes down which causes the board to go down and then she can push that lead hip around the corner so show us without hitting one real fast cuz I don’t want Ed to eat a golf ball I appreciate that now you’re going to land left and go

Down and around so she had to shift first start over give us a little trigger a little shift down left and around boom perfect that would have been great so Dana show us kind of what the wrong looks like something kind of what you’ve struggled

With in the past movement wise yeah so I usually like to move off of it too much and my weight is too far on my right side and then my I couldn’t ever really get back left and I would go this way and flip and throw basically to get back

To the ball yeah so you get a little bit tilted rightward without enough rotation which causes some low Point problems causes you to have to use your hands more than we might want to try to square things up yeah okay Dana so let’s see a good example of kind of this exaggerated

Feel let’s do it at a relatively slow rate of speed but with more or less a full range of motion just so those at home can see what we’re what we’re getting at here it’s good yeah just a little skinny but that was that was the right pattern really EX exaggerate the down

Piece there you go a nice flushy one I go more down okay guys so some some last thoughts here we’re going to wrap a bow on this thing the keys to being able to make these really nice strikes with our irons are first we’ve got to wind the

System up we don’t want to wind the system down that’s a good way of putting it yeah we want to wind the system up so then we can downshift boom and now I can unwind yep exactly true and we use the alignment Rod to give us a visual reference so

That we can actually see it moving out of the corner of our eye you know to get your left hip to move down and around awesome absolutely so hopefully you all learned something in this video if you have please like And subscribe please come visit us at Milo lines

Where we can help you learn to swing more like an athlete and play the best golf of your life and lastly if you are in Southern California or will be in Southern California and would like golf lessons please go visit Ed he’s in San Diego you can find his booking

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