IS THIS THE GOLF BAG // STAND BAG OF THE YEAR IN 2024? GIVEAWAY PINS & Aces stand bag review 2024

Jeff breaks down why this may be the bag of the year in 2024. He talks about pockets, size, colors, materials and price point

This is one of the hottest bags in 2024!

Hey guys welcome back to Modern golf hope you guys are having an incredible day and even better week today we’re talking about this guy a lot of you have asked we finally got our hands on one so we’re going to review it and really give you our thoughts of the pins and ases

Players preferred standbag what do we think about it we’ll go over the feat shirts and I’ll wrap up and tell you do I think I would suggest it or not so for this particular review we’re going to be giving away pins and Aces sent us um a

Beer SL I’d say soda or pop can uh holder that I think it holds six or eight or 12 uh the best comment in the comment section on our YouTube video we’ll be sending this to you so certainly pay attention to that we’ll let you know when the contest ends and

All that good stuff but let’s talk about pins and Aces and really this golf bag so I’ve had this now for a few weeks I’ve used it a number of times um I kind of give you my thoughts again talk about certain features that I like certain things that I think the bag

Is missing um and then what I recommend it with all that said let’s talk about the probably the most important part um is the top and so this top is a five-way top um if you have watched any of my reviews in the last year or so it’s not my favorite

Top um so if I have one thing that I don’t love about this it’s the five-way top I will say I’ve enjoyed it and I’ll put pictures up now of the setup so I put driver 3w hybrid my putter here and I go 456 iron 789 uh pitching Gap and

Then my um kind of sand SL lob here at the bottom I like like the materials on the top very much it’s a softer denser um velour um the one thing I will say that a lot of people don’t will say they don’t like is the plastic top here but

Overall I like um the functionality of their 5way this bag cuz I know people will ask me it’s right around 62 lb and right around 34 35 in depending on where you get your measurements from so pretty much standard with the other higher-end bags uh that are out there this bag is

If you’re new uh to penin ASIS comes in a very variable of colors a VAR I should say a variety of colors um I love this lime green it is awesome um it is such a cool color they have black and black and gray and black and white and navy and

Pink and Camo and so they really have done a phenomenal job of covering the color basis for anybody the other thing we’ll talk about here is price point where is this align price point I think this is the key to this whole viiew and

I’m going to say that to the end of of why I think this is a good or bad bag so as you guys see here one huge pocket right with the rain Hood you guys know how I feel about rain hoods not a huge fan there are there are

Very little to any compartments in here at all and I’ll put pictures up but there’s really a neat thing here for your keys to hang on but outside of that there really isn’t too many Frills there’s no really Pockets with inside now get rid of that there are no real

Pockets inside this bag um this is just one big open Cavern I want to show you because this is one of the things they sell they call this their Zen pocket um if you use chewing tobacco this is what they suggest I think it’s a neat little

Pocket what I would suggest and I can’t tell um what I would suggest with this pocket uh for further things with them is maybe put a magnet in there to have some type of closure I think this would be a phenomenal place for your phone or

Keys or wallet um without putting it in this pocket but again it’s subjective I think it’s a great use of space cuz most companies and most bags this would be just a wasted space so I do like that aspect a lot the zippers and you guys

Know how a junky for zippers I like the zippers they sound great they also do a nice rubber coating over the zippers that has a a little form function to it um or a little form to it which I really really like they also have here which is

Really neat and I didn’t realize this till I was actually using it last week um kind of a what I would say where I put my glove or some of you guys put your towels um and this this Carabiner actually if you want to put your keys or

Something on there I think this is a really clever idea I haven’t seen this with anybody else so very cool and this feels like it’s made of aluminum it’s not a cheap plastic which I love you guys know I’m I’m a quality junkie little velcro here for your gloves um

What have you this pocket I love this reminds me of very techie guys if you don’t know I’m a tech junkie I love to have the techy looking things huge velour pocket here for your valuables I love it I love what this bag does I love the garages for the zippers

Here okay let’s get into this side so we’ll start with the top cuff we talked about here we also talked about a little bit about this handle I want to really get into this is one of the coolest features and I don’t have it but they actually sell a speaker that magnetizes

I wonder I wonder if I have anything magnets here I don’t um oh I can he put him let’s see if he fits rest in peace so you can see there’s actually a steel plate in there that you can put a magnet to hold things on but they sell a speaker um

That you can actually attach to here and I’ll put the picture up of it now which I think is an ingenious idea um so if you have a magnetic Rangefinder or you’re at the range and want to put a speaker with you or your Rangefinder great little place I like the handle it

Feels like it’s all the same material although there’s a little bit of like a a fabric behind here but overall a really really good um handle there their straps which is probably one of the most important things for you guys who walk like me um really really good

Pivoting um structure here for their straps I like it a lot I found these super comfortable you can see super thick foam on these um really thick I mean like these guys went above and beyond um with those so let’s get into the magnetic pocket here just one big open

Pocket and I’m okay with this velour line for valuables or your range finder uh or what have you and I’m okay with that one thing I do love about what these guys have done is you can see even the trim piece here is like a rubberized

Material which I like I think it really pulls out especially on this colorway the accent um of this bag large super large ball pocket again a lot like some other brands we’ve seen where it’s removable I would say what pins and Aces has probably done is

Taken the best of some of the best golf B bags around and then kind of manipulated and added it uh to this bag so the other cool thing which I love is this huge pocket and I I if you can see guys in the camera it’s cooler lined

What I call Igloo lined um so if you want to put your yoos or Dunkin Donuts or Skittles in here it’s a great place for it the material is the same as the other high-end bags that you guys have seen I think when I get to the price

Point I think that’s what makes this such a unique opport opportunity let’s say to buy there is a little pen finder here pen finder a pen slot here uh for your Sharpies or pencils or what have you I would not put a pencil in here

Because I think it’ll go get lost um one of my favorite things and you guys know if you watch any of my other reviews bottom of the bag um rubber grips on these four sections and their logo on there I think is a huge hit I

Love it they also have a grip area so when you’re picking up the bag right here here it’s a little different material it’s black it’s not super tacky but it does a a good job we’ll get to this side large pocket here again just open Cavern really

Nothing in there and then this kind of slant pocket here as well so lastly for this one let me get these out of the way lastly the hip pad I really have enjoyed I actually played a week ago um and carried this for nine holes and I was

Really surprised how un comfortable this was really nice job again and I’ve said this for every bag manufacturer so hope these guys don’t take it the wrong way is I wish they would do some type of zipper pocket here that I can stuff my rain Hood into um but really really good

The legs are not carbon fiber um but they do have some very unique feet they almost look like little claws um on there and then certainly the umbrella and a loop and then the tag up here or the uh attachment up here to put your bag in or your umbrella in sorry um

Really really good bag let’s talk price point and I think this is where you got to pay attention to this bag so if you’re still watching and you haven’t turned this off yet thank you but um most high-end bags are in the 400 Price Plus price range this one is

$2.99 and here’s where it gets even better they do a lot of promotions to give 20% off so you take a $300 bag minus 20% let me do my math so 60 bucks off you’re a $240 price point $240 so for the people who don’t didn’t

Want to buy higher end bags in the $400 price range I get it I understand this is your opportunity to get a golf bag that is super high-end but for certainly a considerably less money um how would I rate this next to the top level bags I’d say it’s very close is it

Exact no there are some shortcomings you guys know the carbon fiber legs again if you care about that I I understand but um the the material is very close um to the other ones I think I think these guys have done a phenomenal job for

Their first rendition of a golf bag um I got this bag a few weeks ago and initially told my wife I think this is going to be my gamer for 2024 and she said are you sure I love this bag I think it’s a phenomenal bag I think it’s

An incredible first iteration and I think the price point for 240 and and shipping free shipping so let’s say you’re 250 255 price point man this is a good good golf bag so um again please leave your comment you have to be a subscriber um to win this so if you’re

Not a subscriber Please Subscribe um and let us know if you have one of these bags and you’ve put it through the paces like I’m starting to let me know what your thoughts are I think this may be one of the best bags um in 2024 by far super great price point super

Incredible quality um the only thing again and and just me I would love to see them uh just do a 14-way top and I think they would be going crazy and I know there’s people out there saying I don’t like a 14-way top I like a five or six this bag is

Perfect for you my personal thing I would like a 14-way top but overall really really oh I’ll show you here too I I should have said this earlier this has one of the the best base systems um to lay flat and that’s what one of the things they really want to promote

When you go on their site and they sell you it really lays flatter and more horizontal which is what I like in a golf B I don’t want to my standbag to be like this I want it to be as flat again I have nothing in it now um so it’s not

As heavy so but it does lay even flatter I think this is a great great golf bag for the price um I’ll peek around here but if you haven’t checked it out pins and again not sponsored not paid for uh a lot of you have asked me

Hey what do you think about penss and Aces we finally got one like I said in hand and I really like it um I think they’ve done an incredible job and again kudos to these guys let’s upset the marketplace uh I think they’re going to I think they’re going to wreak havoc on

Some of these Brands I really do um but anyway guys thanks for watching if you’re new Please Subscribe um if you are been a subscriber from day one or last week thank you I appreciate it uh we have a ton of stuff coming up in the next few months forl relation golf

Related stuff uh so let us know and let me know what you think of uh the pin and as’s bag and also this colorway but anyway guys thanks for watching we will see you next time thanks guys F


  1. Watching this video feels like taking a swing on a perfect sunny day – smooth, effortless, and filled with anticipation for that hole-in-one moment! The craftsmanship of the Pins and Aces golf bag is like poetry in motion, designed to elevate every golfer's game to new heights. It's not just a bag; it's a companion on the greens, a symbol of dedication, and a vessel for unforgettable memories. As someone who lives for the thrill of the game, winning this masterpiece would be a dream come true – a testament to the shared passion we all have for golf and the pursuit of excellence. Here's to hoping luck swings my way like a well-aimed putt! Cheers to Pins and Aces for creating gear that embodies the spirit of golfing greatness.

  2. Thank you, I've been waiting for this review and you confirmed what I thought. Can't wait for my bag to come in from them

  3. Since I only play with 10 clubs the five way top is great for me! 14 way top leaves too much empty space. Plus it saves weight to carry the 6 pack around! Great review, professionally done!

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