Golf Players

Is the Sports Card Hobby Doing a Good Job? | Brendan Pereira | SCL #217

We sit down with Brendan Pereira AKA Coach Koe, passionate sports card collector, content creator and host of the Cardboard Coach podcast to talk about his content creation journey, being a sponsored creator, his approach to controversial topics, TikTok as a platform for the hobby, collecting and investing, the content he consumes or doesn’t, the impact social media has on hobbyists’ experiences and more so join us live and bring your questions and comments as they will be in play.

Saturday February 17 @ 7:00pm PST / 8:00pm MST / 9:00pm CST / 10:00pm EST

#sportscards #thehobby #coachkoe

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Download the Center Stage app on iOS and Android for instant card identification and pricing. Visit

If you’ve discovered a vintage collection and need help with valuation and selling, please reach out to Leighton Sheldon at Just Collect. Visit

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If you’d like to consign your cards to PWCC, please use referral code SCL when filling out your submission form.

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If you value transparent, consistent and accurate grading, please check out TAG ( They are the only company I use to grade my cards now and they have the nicest slab, bar none, in the hobby.

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All J sports cards is a lifestyle sports cards and we live now Jeremy Lee in the building and every guess that you ever needed sports cards after hours keep the hobby heated updates hobby talk like you never seen it sports cards live and could ever beat it sports cards is a

Lifestyle sports cards and we live now welcome to another episode of sports cards live with your host Jeremy Lee all right everybody Welcome to episode number 217 of sports cards live it is Saturday Night February the 17 2024 my name is Jeremy Lee I would like to thank everybody who tuned in last week with our episode with Paul hickey of the sports card strategy show really

Fun show you can check that out on the YouTube channel and next Saturday Our Guest is Mario Alejandro a big Twitter account and great follow over there the pwcc weekly hockey show is back tomorrow and MC Monday’s live showcase auction the first one featuring only $5,000 Place Plus

Items will take place here on the channel on Monday I’d like to ask you to join over half a million people who have downloaded the center stage app across both IOS and Android for quick comps and accurate comps and card identification features the center stage Market Place featuring super easy listing and

Transparent reasonable fees is coming soon so please join me in supporting the great team they have the Innovation they are undertaking and let’s help make Center Stage a great place to buy and sell singles also use protection practice safe swaps ver swap is an app in middleman service that lets you

Securely trade cards through the mail every transaction up to a million dollars is fully insured by their guarantee check them out on IOS and Android and join me in veras swap founder Raymond Lee for our bi-weekly veras swap trade desk live on Instagram also please join me in welcoming new

Sponsor filth bomb breaks the team at filth bomb offers live case breaks and box breaks and as we learned a couple weeks ago when founder stepen Abend dondolo was on the show they do so with integrity and responsibility if you enjoy group breaks and are looking for a

Company to break with check out filth bomb breaks streaming live on Fanatics live four channels seven days a week very busy on there shout out hobby News Daily and Leighton Sheldon will be joining us for the Vintage Spotlight a little bit later and also tag grading is

Blowing it up at the Burbank show today with our custom badges you can now buy and sell tag graded cards on comc and the tagx service is a game changer lorana Pokemon other rounded Corner tcgs are now eligible for grading visit Tagg if you value transparency and

Consistency in grading as always thank you loyal viewers and listeners appreciate you as always if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel or the podcast please take a moment and do so and as always tonight your comments and your questions are in play Let’s get to it let’s get to it everybody tonight’s

Guest started in the Hobby in 2001 going to local corner stores with his buddies and buying packs of Panini soccer stickers he was in out out of the hobby but came back in 2020 as he was looking for something fulfilling and began to document his hobby experience on his

Coach Co Tik Tok and Instagram accounts and he began co-hosting the cardboard coaches podcast in 2021 his favorite player of all time Cristiano Ronaldo Matt sundine tierry alri and his favorite teams of all time are FC Portu and the Toronto Maple Leafs he’s originally and currently hailing from Toronto Ontario Canada let’s bring

Him out Brendan Pereira also known as Coach Co welcome to sports cards live buddy how are you I’m good man happy to be here it’s good to have you it’s been it’s a long time coming I’m glad to have you here and uh yeah and also I mean

This is a fun one for this is my first show as if anyone watched last week you know that was the last show in the old house the old Studio this is my new spot this is the new space I love uh I’m I’m excited and happy to to be here and to

Have you on for this first show Brendan we’ve uh we’ve had a chance to get to know each other over the last couple years now so like I said long time coming but welcome back welcome here I’m happy to be here and uh I’m happy to be

Part of the christening yeah well that’s really what it is it’s a this it’s definitely going to be a fun one what’s going on Troy I see you out there on Instagram if anybody’s watching on Instagram we are we are streaming to ig tonight feel free to come over to the

YouTube channel uh where your comments can be really brought in to the show over there but I appreciate that Troy ice he says two bald beauties that I love and respect David Adams casual Troy from Troy L costro from David Adams all right listen let’s get to you though

Brendan Coach Co uh you know we’re both Canadian and we see each other at the Toronto Expo and we you’ve you’ve come to my networking event the Thursday night before the show starts and um you know it’s it’s just nice to it’s nice to to become friends with you we’ve sat on

Panels together but we are two Canadian content creators do you think do you think that that sets us apart at all being some people think oh Canadians are all nice and friendly do we have a bit of that going on or are we do we say a a

Little bit too much how do you think it might set us apart from other content creators seeing as we are both Canadian I definitely think that the saying a too much is in play uh I mean it honestly gets brought up quite frequently when I’m traveling especially in like United

States where they’re like oh you guys really do say a I I don’t notice it as much obviously and I mean if you were to say it to me I probably wouldn’t notice it either uh you know in terms of like differentiating ourselves I mean I do

Think that and I’m sure we’ll probably talk about this later is that there’s there’s not a lot of content creators from Canada or at least the ones that you know continue to put out consistent content and uh I think it’s important for us to be represented in in the

United States and and for them to see that you know Canadians mean business when it comes to collecting and and it’s not just hockey I mean sometimes it is hockey but um you know there’s multiple ways to use your voice and uh yeah I think it’s important for us to show

Representation in the United States yeah and you’ve been doing a great job of that I mean you’ve been traveling to a lot of shows down south this is this weekend right now the Burbank show is going on it’s the first Burbank show I’m not at I’m deeply uh saddened that I

Can’t be there I don’t know if you’ve been watching on Instagram but the the VIP badges that tag has been giving out to the to those holders uh they’re all over Instagram right now and I’m like I I text it down to some of my guys tag

Like you got to make me one of those like I’m not there but I need one of those they are they look so cool I’d really like to be there but you’ve done a great job of of kind of representing Canada and but what you just said I

Think is really true is that you know just because we’re Canadian we’re not only about hockey yes hockey is our baseball H you know if if if baseball is America’s pastime hockey’s definitely Canada’s Pastime but you and me and a lot of Canadian collectors we collect a lot more than just Hockey baseball

Basketball football wrestling you started off with soccer are you still collecting soccer yeah oh yeah yeah it’s it’s harder for me to find soccer pieces because they’re not so prominent and you know the ones that are prominent you know I try to wait for things either

Come down or to get a really good price on some of them but every now and then I’ll find like I I’m I’m specifically like I I gravitate towards stickers because that’s kind of like to your point when you first introduced me that’s like how I started off right and

So I I love stickers um and you know finding those in graded copies or even in raw form is like actually really hard and even if people do own them they it’s not something they necessarily travel with so it becomes like kind of challenging to to just like stumble upon

Them whereas like if I was sifting through a dollar box or you know even perhaps looking through a showcase I mean it’s much easier to find a an actual card versus a sticker yeah for sure I I don’t see them very often uh especially up here at at our Expos and

All that but uh couple comments I see on Instagram daddy rips says the Burbank was popping yeah thanks Daddy rips now now now I miss it even more it says that the tag badges are the best show giveaway anyone has ever done that’s a really uh really great great uh comment

To get there daddy rips thanks for joining the show before we get on with this Brendan let’s go to the comments here uh that have coming through on YouTube lots of them in there so let’s say we got Alan Turell from wax stat is with what’s up Al hope you’ve enjoyed

The Burbank show Linda that’s Michael Linda’s first hello hello to you Michael 86 collectible says love the new setup well I’m going to give you guys a bit of a uh I’ll give you a bit more of the view Brendan saw before we went live

But for you guys so you can see I got these these are all like originally commissioned paintings I’m just going to tilt my camera upward so you can see the full extent of that but we’ve got there there you go there’s the full extent of

My what’s behind me and uh and then over there we got four more two showcases with cards those used to sit beside me at my old place they weren’t within the camera view the the further one back behind me that’s all the the first year and second year of Upper Deck game

Jerseys from hockey they’re all in PSA slabs and then the other one right there this showcase here are some of my favorite uh tags car hockey cards and one basketball one Shaquille O’Neal in there um that are all my favorite uh tag slabs that I have with my PC so I love

Sitting in this room now Brendan and everybody because this is my new space this is my my office my Studio it’s it’s my space in this new house and uh yeah I’m pretty pretty excited right now about it so this is fun 90s hockey collector what’s going on Todd McDonald

Says love the new thank you Todd I appreciate it what’s up stooks good to see you buddy Robert Scott thank you so much the professor is here Jeff McMahon appreciate that Jeff Laura good evening to you ALG what’s going on Al good to see you buddy Jake doll CT Renault says

Good evening glad to finally catch the beginning of a show Kurt welcome thank you Michael I appreciate that Mid-Atlantic what’s going on Jerry hotch is here what’s going on Maple the maple laps they won 8 to2 nine n nine to2 nine to two nine to2 did you see that uh

Matthews had his second a back-to-back hattrick like he’s at 49 goals eight I think yeah yeah he’s anal crazy know crazy I could see he could he could easily crash through 70 here Bob Boozle is in the house what is going on bobel the loud collector Phil is here Laura

Says you’re going to need a bigger Outfield wall for your sponsors kind of out of room right now I mean i l line them up across the top here that’s going to be the new the new look but again guys I mean these guys are are all

Supporting uh me in the channel and I just want to make sure I’m giving them value back so I hope nobody Minds that I’ve added them to the view Eric is in the house says you guys up north talk real funny unlike Us in Boston sure we

Do sure we do thank you autograph curator muchly appreciate the comment of the nice new digs Tom Newman thank you says fire ass setup Jeremy thank you thank you so much congrats on the new crib yeah very exciting for me and my family thank you cards ah appreciate the

New space congrats everybody Jamie Croft happy Saturday to you Jeff Hart thank you Jeff same appreciate these comments I really like listen it’s been a very Brendan I know I’m just going on here about this tell you it’s been a two- week move and uh we’re finally in and uh

And settled for the most part 86 says coach might be the only person in the world with a better mustache than Austin Matthews he doesn’t have a great mustache uh Coach Co what do you think of his mustache it’s all right I don’t know he’s uh I I don’t know he’s got an

All right mustache he’s all right he’s all right vintage Card Collector says love the paintings behind me I do too guys I’ve had these paintings for a while but they were sitting in my my rec room outside of the old Studio but in

Here we got them all hung up I had a guy come in and really like hang these up with uh he was using lasers and all sorts of stuff so pretty happy with pretty happy with the with the layout uh Bobby Burell has joined the audience

Bobby what is going on good to see you pal cards ah yes I am still in Calgary and Loud collector says Matthews is a plug that’s coming from an Ottawa Senators fan Coach Co all right again everybody welcome to the show episode 2117 sports cards live Coach Co is our

Guest and again the first show in the new studio Coach Co let’s get a little bit about into you a little bit and uh let’s a bit about your hobby history and really who you are as a hobbyist fill us in buddy fill us in yeah so my hobby

Journey starts I mean much like you mentioned that like 2001 2002 buying packs of Panini stickers at literally Corner Stores um I grew up in a prominantly like Portuguese and Italian neighborhood and and so most of my friends growing up were Portuguese and Italian and I mean my family is entirely

Portuguese and so you know the Euro Cup and and you know watching soccer overseas is like it was it a big deal for us and uh collecting stickers was just something that we did and you know I actually got into like set collecting and I’ve transitioned that into like my

Collecting nowadays as well but um set collecting and at the time it was the books so you would buy those Panini books that you know actually got super popular again during the World Cup and uh the goal was to fill them all out and you would either rip packs or you’d go

To you know we would go to a place called The Galleria Mall which was like close to my grandmother’s house on the weekends on Saturdays they’d have like a few vendors set up every Saturday and it was nothing special but you know at least one or two of them would have like

Just sleeves of these stickers and you would you know pick out which ones you needed for that to to to complete that that page or whatever the case you’re were doing so uh yeah the goal was just to complete the sticker books and then it transitioned into uh Pokemon cards and Yu-Gi-Oh cards

And buying pack s of Tim Horton’s cards and McDonald’s cards so like a lot of the like entrylevel things that I mean we still see a lot of collectors or or yeah people being introduced to the Hobby get into uh and then you know all of a sudden you’re and a teenager and

You need to find a job and you know pend for yourself and so you know collecting kind of took a backseat and then pandemic rolls around and I’m looking for ways to fulfill myself and I’m like you know what it’s not just about work anymore obviously the whole world’s just

Shut down so what is it that truly made me happy and I found you know really gravitating towards Nostalgia much like a lot of other people and uh I just I I fell in love again and I was like you know what like this stuff makes me happy it’s like

Some most of the stuff that I’m purchasing is like not crazy expensive like you know what’s the harm in doing this like this it’s cheaper than like going out and getting drunk It’s you know what I mean like so many I could be spending my money on so many other

Things and I’m like I I every time I look at these things like I I feel something that’s like incomprehensible and you can’t even really articulate to to to people who haven’t felt it before and uh so I just started kind of documenting documenting my process and

Um you know jumping in and actually spending money in a space as an adult uh I had a lot of questions and for the most part I didn’t really know where to go to answer these questions and so you know like I said I start creating content and actually kind of

Like asking the audience like you know what’s the deal with this and why is this more expensive than this and uh you know questions that people would ask if they had the opportunity to and and I happen to get responses and uh you know

From that I I would be led down a rabbit hole and I’d gain more information and you know fast forward for five years and and now all of a sudden you know I’m still learning I think that we’re all learning every day and uh I just try to provide a voice um

And and sort of like a an entry point for people I want people to kind of come to me for information and know that I don’t have all the information but I’ll try to point you in the right direction and uh you know one thing that I’ve

Always tried to do is like feature other accounts as well so like if I’m getting my information from someone I always feature because I think that it’s important for you know I might have come across one story of that person but you know let me put you on to that person so

Maybe you either find your Niche or you know really where that information is coming from so that you can get more of said information if I don’t happen to come across it yeah because what I notice you do is seems like just about every day you find something newsworthy

And you do up a real and you put it out there on Tik Tok and in I’m not on Tik Tok really but I’m on Instagram I see it on Instagram but you’re also on Tik Tok and I think that’s a really it’s a really good way to you know especially

For your followers just to sort of keep keep up to speed on some of the story stories that they may not otherwise find on their own that you are helping them you’re helping them find yourself but you made a comment when you were speaking earlier when you said that you

Would look at these things and you get some sort of feeling about them like about these cards or these stickers back in the day and I want to just tap into that for a second because because I get that too like there there is there’s something about what we collect and

Being a part of the hobby that it’s like it’s like a visceral feeling know butterflies in your stomach sort of thing that I think maybe only true like really true collectors or and not to like listen you can you can buy and sell cards and also be a true collector but

You have to have that true collector bone in you in order I think to uh to really get that feeling so that’s that’s really cool to hear I want to get an understanding because my first real uh when you first came on my radar Brendon

It was because you were all over Tik Tok what was it that took you to Tik Tok first that’s a great question actually um I just think I was getting the most responses on Tik Tok I was getting like the most people uh referring back to me they were

Like actually answering my questions whereas I found on Instagram um it was like less less supportive if that makes sense like I found that the people on Instagram kind of just made me feel like an idiot they were like oh how do you not know this

Already and even like some of the things I was asking weren’t even like really introductory level things it were just like oh you should know this already and I was like that’s not really a place that conducive to like uh someone who’s trying to like get information here and

At no point did I claim to be an expert like you know I still don’t like I like I said I still I’m learning all the time like am I obsessed with this stuff do I like have I put an an unbelievable amount of hours in in like the last four

Or five years of course but like Am I by any means an expert probably not you know but um yeah I was just like I felt that on Instagram it was like you’re an idiot and and that’s it and I was like well I mean I’m asking a question so like I

Think the real idiot is the person who you know NE like thinks that they know what they’re like everything and so anyway yeah on Tik Tok it was people answering my questions and actually pointing me in the right direction and I found that that was way more supportive

And and uh yeah so I was like you know what I’m just going to gravitate towards this and keep building you know it’s like I I say there’s no there are no there are no stupid questions or the only stupid question is the one not asked so kudos to you for asking anyway

I mean how else you are you going to learn want to say hello to Colin Murray has joined us Ziggy no cheers to you Bobby Burell says the gallery of all had the best setup went there a ton of times in the early 90s Steve Elmore hello to

You hobby Champs has joined us what is going on and uh we got we got uh Troy in on Instagram saying crediting is huge and it of course it is the one of the things I I think about this is kind of kind of off topic Brandon but like

Oftentimes I will hear some someone will say something or they’ll post something on Instagram or Facebook or wherever Twitter I will see it and I will think to myself oh that makes sense so I’ll I’ll park it you know I’ll just park it for a while couple weeks later I will quote

It as if it’s mine but it’s not because I don’t remember where I saw it and I’m I you know it’s like if I had if I had a great a better memory maybe I’d be able to to credit everybody all the time but to people that I have quoted without

Crediting you have my sincere apologies it’s not it’s not on purp I literally just don’t remember where I saw it so but something you said you know really resonated with me and I felt it worthy of of sharing with more people what’s going on greme Reid and the cardboard

Corner have joined us we got people on Instagram still wrestling card wizard says the magic of sports cards no doubt about that wrestling card wizard let’s jump into okay I titled this episode is the sports card hobby doing a good job we’re going to get to that we have a

Reason why we’re calling it that but let’s talk about something kind of current event if you will the other day on my Instagram I posted a an infographic of all the alliances or sponsors and partners that I have and you’re also a sponsored content creator

Let’s talk a bit about that we have that in common what is it how does that impact you and your content if at all by having sponsors yeah I think it’s important that if and when you get sponsors that you don’t make all of your content s

Kind of like oversaturated as a result of having uh sponsors and so one thing that I I mean I’ve I’ve limited sponsors at some point uh in in time because I want to make sure that my stuff is still as genuine as possible and so I mean to

Your point like how does it affect me well I mean I can’t just take on you know 10,000 sponsorships and and not and and still have like the voice I want if that makes sense so I think that making sure that the sponsors you take on and

You know your own kind of morals and integrities align um and that your sponsors understand what your content is and and how it’s delivered as well I mean I’m very fortunate that the people who either sponsor me currently or have sponsored me in the past are are well

Aware of you know my stance on certain things or or My desirability to say what needs to be said and um you know and and be kind of accepting of you know whatever happens as a result of that not to say that like I’m about to go start

Fires but you know you have to understand that like I’m probably going to say exactly how I feel like 99% of the time and so if you’re looking for someone who’s going to be PC and who’s you know probably not going to ruffle any feathers like I’m definitely not

Your guy right so um yeah I I think that that’s it’s both of those are like super important to to to note if and when you get sponsors and and just like I said just be as genuine as possible right so just if you do get a sponsorship uh if

You feel like you’re being limited on what you can say I mean I’d probably re-evaluate the situation right so I mean I’m fortunate I I still have uh my own business I’m a personal trainer so I I can still have a voice and I’m not entirely dependent on on any income from

From the sports carard hobby right um or from from any of the marketing or any of that such but uh yeah I think it’s just important to make sure that you you know who you are as much as possible yeah I think I think that’s exactly right you

Said it really really well and um you know my experience is you know I started doing content almost for it’s three years 10 months ago now almost to the day actually yesterday would have been my three-year and 10mon uh sort of uh anniversary but in any event you know it

Started out just going in front of the camera and talking but as you you know especially starting relatively early I mean there were YouTubers and content creators 10 years before the pandemic started the very beginning of the pandemic but if you got into the content game in early 2020 that ended up being

Pretty early and like a lot of us who end up getting sponsored we do it because we love the we love cards we love this hobby we love the lifestyle sports cards is a lifestyle for so many of us and then you just happen to pick up sponsors because people like what

You’re doing and that’s that’s kind of a really really cool thing when I when I when I got lamed the other day which was a lot of fun someone made the comment on his post like uh you need to know who owns what what companies own all the

Content creators and the funny thing is that like you can be a sponsor content creator you’re not owned by anybody if the whenever I enter a discussion with a potential partner or sponsor I tell them that you know I’m going to be honest and authentic about what I think about

Things even it has to do with yours you know I’ve been doing pwcc shows for three years now and you can see me tearing to shreds some of the cards that they’re selling and basically I wouldn’t buy this I you know this one does not

Get uh I do not I do not I do not endorse this I would not suggest anybody purchase this particular card it’s it’s ugly for the great or whatever so but people seem to often think that that you are going to do what you are told to say

Which is the furthest thing from the truth I figure if I wasn’t authentic in what I was talking about I would have lost my audience a couple years ago already so it’s uh and maybe that’s you know I don’t know maybe it’s a little a little bit uh like sound maybe that

Sounded a little bit entitled perhaps I don’t know but really um if you love what you’re doing like you know when we did when when when I just last week did another podcast and I and I they asked me you know what do you suggest people H

How how to do content was said be authentic be passionate have sub subject matter expertise entertain Inspire like if you’re doing these things you’re gonna you’re probably G to deliver some good information everything’s not going to be for everybody but everybody should be able to find one or two nuggets from

Just about every sort of episode does that does that resonate with you yeah of course I think that if people want to get to know you they’ll get to know you right so like I mean I I really don’t care about people who don’t care about

Me you know like I really like I just could not care less if you don’t take a time to get to know me then like I don’t give a [ __ ] I was very good there Jeremy I was very you know so like I don’t know um

Yeah I think that that as long as you’re being your authentic self like you have nothing to worry about right and like I said the people who gravitate towards you will gravitate towards you and they’ll see that and um you’ll make the impression that you need to make and and

It is what it is right like I mean you can be judged by a post at any time I mean this is the the dynamic of social media right I mean this is what happens when you create content people can listen to eight seconds or 11 seconds or

22 seconds of a clip of a 2hour podcast and be like screw that guy you know or like just interpret it in the wrong way and no one asks further questions and it is what it is right so like I mean I don’t lose any sleep I I

Know exactly who I am and uh I mean hopefully you do too and that’s that’s why we’re here right well 100 exactly that that listen if if I if if it was otherwise I would have packed this in a long time ago I’ve had I’ve had critics

For a few years now so but like you I don’t care like like yeah I I pay attention to it a little bit but it’s okay I I know that not everyone’s going to like me I know that not everyone’s going to agree with everything I say and

I I don’t even agree with everything I say because sometimes I’ll say something here lot I only get one take I can say something go to bed at night and think to myself ah damn no no I said what I said at that point of the show I I

Didn’t say it right I actually don’t believe well you know like yeah but you have to cut yourself some slack and allow yourself to do that otherwise don’t do live streams CU you’re not going to get it right every time I agree man and like it’s like that agel saying

Like there’s like people in the in the bleachers and there’s people on the field right like it’s it’s very easy to criticize when you’re not doing the stuff right when you’re not in it when you’re not when you don’t know what it the process looks like I mean there’s so

Many times where I’ll put out a video and I’ll say something wrong and I’m like you know what like it is what it is like I said it wrong it’s okay like I’m fine but the comment section is just abs absolutely flaming me calling me an

Idiot and I how do you not pronounce this you don’t know anything like and I’m like you know what like I don’t it doesn’t bother me you know like it really I I I make mistakes and like here are my mistakes you know welcome like you’ve never made a mistake before I

Mean God bless you like I don’t I mean I that’s a wild life I I don’t know how you how do you even make moves without making mistakes I don’t understand exactly exactly oh you’re you’re so right yeah we have to cut ourselves some slack here if we’re going to do this couple

More comments here dolles cards and collectibles Niagara good to see you fellas says my two favorite podcasts love your content thanks for all you guys who Lobby thank you dollies always good to see you hobby Champs notes at Austin Matthews up to 48 goals cards ah says quality content needs to be

Subsidized somehow I appreciate those like Jeremy who make a point to be transparent about it appreciate that cards ah Tom Newman says I need a shoe deal next yeah that’d be pretty cool daily ones hey I’m not going to turn that down cars a says Leed that’s when

You know you’ve made it well I mean hey I was actually very honored by that the other day I thought it was awesome Ziggy no says you’re both positive examples sadly not everyone is as transparent back to the matter right there Chris C transparency is key if we

Had a true if we had true print runs from Fanatics and Panini we could make better buying decisions as collectors I think that’s something a lot of people would like to see Laura good to see us says there are those out there who don’t hear exactly that in the relationship

With sponsors Chris C loves the background thank you Chris C it’s like a new Vault on display yeah I’m I’m loving my new I’m loving my new digs guys vintage Card Collector says sponsorships if handled professionally bring more content and education to the Hobby that’s a good thing alwell says if you

Guys could go back to day one of content creating and talk to yourself what would each of you do differently Allan I gotta say never been asked this question at least not that I can recall I love the question while I think about an answer

I’m G to put the Coach Co to go first do you have an answer for this one yeah I’m G to be really honest with you I would change nothing I I just think that you can’t fast forward this process like every single day I learn something new

And I feel like when I did it I needed to do that in order to learn the next thing it’s almost like learning math you can’t like once you learn multiplication you’re like why did I spend so much time or like division you’re like why did I

Spend so much time on like learning how to subtract when like it’s so much more efficient to divide right but like you had to learn that stuff in order to learn that stuff my biggest regret is not creating content sooner so like if I

Had to go back to day one I would be like start six months before or start a year before or you know what if I had the ability to go back that’s what it would be and then I would just be that that much further along another thing I

Would say is like don’t be afraid to invest in your technology don’t be afraid to like put like actual money down because like the minute you do you’re going to be that much more motivated to continue to create like I I know that I struggled for I probably two

Or three months like should I buy a microphone you know like or should I upgrade my laptop like I remember it took me like probably a year to upgrade my laptop or a year and a half because I was like oh this is like such a big Financial commitment then like now

Looking back I’m like I don’t even know how I survived as long as I did with that old one and so you know if you’re passionate about something like just actually put in the time put in the energy fully commit to it and again I don’t mean fully commit to it like quit

Your job and you know run away from your family but like actually do it and I promise you like it’ll be super fulfilling and and you’re going to be learning stuff constantly and that’s kind of like what being alive is all about so so well said dude agree with

All of that I I I honestly share your answer I don’t think I have a a different answer I’m racking my brain as you’re speaking trying to think what would I tell myself or what would I do differently like you I would have started earlier if I had if I thought of

It you know that I remember going back several years probably 10 years ago I was sitting at in my old house at my kitchen island before I was fully moved in even I was doing a zoom call with a with my buddy Darcy and a longtime hobby

Friend of mine we probably were chatting for two hours and at the end of the call and it was all hobby talk at the end of the call I thought to myself man an audience would have enjoyed listening into that conversation but I didn’t know about content so I didn’t even think

About starting something back then but when I think about the beginning of my content Journey that I think about man that should have been the clue or that should have really been the the you know the impetus for me to start but no I waited probably you know six years

Before I actually uh started doing content but um what you also said at the end there is you know if someone out there think about do you just got to do it not like you said it’s it’s living I wouldn’t change anything either because I didn’t know what I know now back then

So I don’t know that I could even give myself any advice without experiencing it first and going from there so uh we’re going to read a few more comments here unless you have any response to that Brendan we’re gonna read okay we’ll go to some the the comments that have

Come in and then the Vintage Spotlight segment with Leon Sheldon is going to start right away Jake’s toe says the best reaction to trolls is no reaction yeah no doubt thank you Benny Cromwell says the new digs look great appreciate that very much Bobby Burell says Jeremy

Didn’t realize he was so good as he was when he started and I said you’re going far now we’re now we’re there thank you yeah Bob you’ve been a great supporter of mine man and a friend for many many years so appreciate you Bobby very much Bob Boozle says Jeremy gamble gamble

Would have groundbreaking a few years ago I think I’ve heard of another content grador something Justin gamble Gam something I’m not I’m not familiar with the content but I’ve heard other people talking about him very nice zigg no says coach is dropping dimes great insights and alwell thanks for the question all

Right Brendan we’re gonna bring out Leighton Sheldon from just collecting vintage breaks for the Vintage Spotlight I know you have a question ready for him let’s bring them on say hello Leon Sheldon what’s going on on this Saturday February the 17th my guy hey gentlemen

How are you nice to meet you Brendon L nice to meet you as well I’m surprised you guys don’t you must have no you didn’t know each other I no no I me I’ve seen him I’ve seen him I definitely recognize your stash from your content absolutely there you go good stuff well

Wait Leighton thanks for joining what do you think of the new digs Leon what do you think of the new the new setup big upgrade really I’ll take that I’ll take that okay big big upgrade he says I love it thank you sir thank you all right

Well let’s get to it Coach Co Brendan please present and I do do I I I had a preview of what this question is I got to tell you when I saw it I was like great question so let’s hear what you got for for Leighton yeah so we’ve seen

Type one photos start to get increased attention lately after uh not getting the love that I mean quite frankly they probably deserve uh what do you think one vintage category that’s probably not getting enough love right now that probably will or should get more love I thought was a great question I’ll tell

You what first came to mind and we’ll just take from there yeah so I would start and look at anything that is not currently graded by the grading companies because if you can do that then at the very least you’re likely not paying that increase in the asking price

Because you can’t get it graded thus there’s not going to be a multiplier and so the examples I’m going to give are three but they’re all related and they’re actually not cards but they’re card adjacent so they are wrappers display boxes and display cases and they all have their individual niches meaning

Brendan if I for example had a beautiful 1952 top set couldn’t we all envision a day where the top single graded PSA 9 rapper of a nickel um pack wrapper of 1952 tops could sell theoretically for thousands of dollarars not more when ungraded already sells in nice shape for

Maybe 500,000 bucks if it torns a few hundred meaning I could see people who own a set even if you’re not on the registry wanting to have a really nice rapper and the reason being is in many cases it’s like a piece of art so if it’s presented in high grade I think

Right now I’m not suggesting as investment but for your question I think there’s wonderful opportunities to buy in each of those three sectors especially if you’re true collector because they’re not grading them at the moment I love that yeah and and you know the question doesn’t necessarily have to

Be investment wise right like I think that type one photos probably started off as just like people loving like what it was and that is like an authentic original print right and then naturally as it gets more exposure it snowballs and now of a sudden like maybe they’d be

Considered investments in some in some or in most cases I guess depending on what you haveen great uh great Point um one thing I wanted to add is if you’re not familiar with display cases I don’t think that they’re going to start grading them or authenticating them I

Mean I’d be surprised but they truly are rare they’re very visually appealing and in quantity we did this a couple years ago with one of my companies vintage breakes I probably have I don’t know somewhere between 50 and 100 of these and they range from the 50s all the way

To the 70s and when you put them together it’s kind of like I would say a work of art in the sense of you know I’m not an artist but it visually it was it was really cool and uh I just think that there’s wonderful value uh for collectors in those three sectors

Because if they were grading them and they were high grade they would inevitably start selling for bigger dollars because there’s collectors who own those sets in high grade that I had to think some of them would really appreciate a companion piece to their set yeah I I’d probably agree with you

There I I got a question and forgive me but as I said earlier the only stupid question is the one not asked what is the display case Leon oh sure so in other words take like a 1952 tops the baseball shipping case that all 24 boxes came in the actual outer cardboard case

Oh simple as that okay yeah yeah so you know for example like the 1952 tops case I believe there’s only one known I think the last owner of it was David Adams and I don’t want to missp but I think he might have turned down like 10

Or 15,000 for it uh and certainly that’s one of the the the key pieces but can you imagine they built like what they did for starting lineups and things of that nature imagine they built a big holder you know and you found like a 1955 Topps baseball empty shipping case

I’ve never seen one of those it would already sell for thousands of dollars with no grading um and that’s kind of my point is that as you said Brendon I’ve been collecting photos for 20 years I just mentioned my podcast the other day I’ve sold precisely two I know how many

I’ve sold because I missed both of those photos I’ve never sold a display uh case um I’ve sold display boxes and rappers but those are a lot more commonplace um you know as far as those three things go I wanna I want to ask a question here

About a a type of collectible that that I think a lot of us if you are you know probably 35 or 40 or older I don’t know what the age would be but if you grew up in the 70s 80s maybe the 90s um You probably have some Nostalgia for you

Know Saturday Sunday morning sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal and you’re looking like we had no iPads no phones no nothing I I would be entertained by the back of the cereal box and I’ve seen some people on Instagram start talking about collecting cereal boxes like flatten like count

Chocula or whatever it is you know Frosted Flakes early early issues of that maybe the first time Tony the Tiger appeared on a now this is away from sports cards but you know I have Nostalgia for that I’m not going to get into it because I just don’t have the

Capacity but have either of you come across that before any thoughts on it whatsoever Leighton start with you sure I’ll give a shout out to my buddy lyny from uh you know grade school his poor Wife puts up with him and he’s still collecting cereal boxes if he knew about

Your idea tonight to go outside of sports like he’s definitely G to get divorced because he’s teetering on that anyway and if you talk about like oh wait a minute L that’s a great idea what’s the first appearance of Tony the Tiger couch like Jeremy I think we

Should just cut it off maybe right now but I think it’s a great subject to discuss yeah Brandon how about you any Nostalgia for that kind of th those days of eating cereal in the morning without any other stimulation I mean storage for me is a big thing so like I I can’t

Collect something if I can’t store or properly display it so you won’t catch me doing it but I actually do know people who own cereal boxes whether it’s like a limited print or you know I think it was there was one like when Team Canada won um and I know another person

Who’s like obsessed with like the Frankenberry and and it’s like it’s and then that person doesn’t have anything to do with sports cars so like that person just collects those cial boxes so it’s actually quite funny that you brought that up so yeah I think it’s interesting and I think that there’s

Collectors in all different shapes and sizes and and I just like I love to to hear about these like different niches that people get into Bob Boozled here says I thought about wedi boxes but cards magazines toys was enough for me I bring this up right now because weedies

Weedies boxes have had a lot of famous athletes a lot of Olympians so that one uh that that that really makes sense there Bobby says that many of the 60s to 70s hockey related cereal boxes get $1,000 that’s huge Jake’s to says I have a Jordan and griffy wedy full box

Collection 25 boxes okay so there are seral collectors amongst us right now even never you mind that’s uh that’s pretty funny H good stuff so Leighton did you have do you happen to have a topic or a question or anything that you want to throw Coach Co way and we can

All take a stab at it uh I do I’ve been following your content for a little bit and I uh think it’s really great um and I think it’s wonderful for the hobby uh you clearly have fun with it it um I guess a side of you that I’ve only

Discovered of late is that it seems like you’re kind of into motivational content uh and so I’m kind of curious how did you find your way into that yeah I appreciate it so I’ve been uh I’ve been a personal trainer for 10 years now and

So I feel like that goes hand inand um but a lot of a lot of it comes from self-reflection like a lot of self-reflection and uh just kind of experiences that I’ve gone through in my life and and fortunately I’ve had a really good support system uh and you

Know I’ve been able to be uh authentic and and vulnerable and and communicate things where I don’t think a lot of people have the opportunity to and so I just try to create a dynamic where people if they’re not going to communicate they at the very least have

The opportunity to think about you know potentially outside the box or things that might make them a little bit uncomfortable um and and and all of that is kind of in a pursuit of just finding like true fulfillment and just really getting to the root of things like I

Feel I feel like although that journey is uh a little bit I not a little bit it’s very very challenging once you start to really figure out why you do what you do and and you know certain things that might limit you uh once you

Kind of get on the other side of it it’s like what what you’re capable of is is just ridiculous like I remember in high school like I skip school during presentations because like I was mortified of like talking in front of people and you know you fast

Forward and now all of a sudden like I talk every day for you know hundreds thousands of people I mean not not in person but you know like on the internet and I don’t I have no idea when I make a video how many people are going to see

That like I’ve had I had video videos do like a million and you know thinking back on it like that that old version of me there’s just no way in hell that person if you told them that you going to be vied a million times I would have

Never even started in the first place so I think that um you know what you kind of the life that you want and that that fulfillment is on the other side of that that discomfort and so I just try to encourage as many people as possible to

Look within and and just you know just take one foot in front of the other and I promise you it’s it’s a little it’s it gets better well I think it was uh very well put I’m curious if you could share with everyone are you currently reading any

Books uh not currently no no right now we’re I I’m I’ve kind of put everything into like content creation I literally it’s probably been two weeks and uh Atomic habits uh is is a is a big one so I mean uh I would highly recommend checking that out uh I think it probably

Helped kind of get the the wheels in motion there um and then yeah I I think that everyone should see a therapist at least once you know just to kind of talk it out and again there’s like some like negative stigma towards therapy but I honestly think that that everyone uh uh

Should be given the opportunity to kind of sit in front of someone and and allow someone who is probably the best listener you ever gonna have just kind of dissect how you’re feeling and uh yeah interesting you so this book Atomic habits I wrote it down as I was writing

It down all I could think of were Atomic refractors because I love atomic refractors I have some here man let’s let’s see an atomic refractor I collect atomics I love atomics I love atomics we got we got Allan Iverson PSA 9 Atomic Bowman’s bestest cut uh what else we got here I

Got a few I love the D diecut atomics from the 90s actually people throw those away I’m like no I love those what we got here I’ve been building out this uh 96 Bowman’s best set again Atomic die Cuts uh those are gorgeous yeah they’re beautiful and the way that they shine in

In the the the sunlight and I’m like this is then they’re probably like 20 or $30 carts but I I just I love them when you put them together and it Taps into the set collecting I’m like this is there’s so many notable names you got

Like Aman and Sanders and I’m like this is this is what it’s about right here you know let me just jump hold that thought L I just want to say when you just said you know they’re only 20 $30 cards I think I look at it like there’s

This like inverse relationship in my mind where the cheaper the card is yet when you think it’s super cool so when the coolness Factor goes up up up and the the price goes down down down to me that’s that’s the sweet that is that is an awesome way to collect whe When when

When you can love a card because you just said like well you know it’s only3 who cares it’s only $30 it could be five it could be 50 cents if the card is cool the card is cool just because other people don’t don’t recognize it or or

There’s too many of them who cares you love the card I love that Leon I cut you off what were you gonna say no I listen to want me to add on to that that’s how I started collecting uh photographs so think about it there was no authentication people were like why

Would you buy this I mean I was buying I’ve been collecting vintage basketball for a long time I was buying like Jabar and Chamberlain photos for like 20 or $25 my buddy Albert shim is listening to this he was buying them with me a long time ago I remember there was a dealer

On the East Coast like if you spent $50 or a hundred it would had have been like the best photo you’ve ever seen those photos today individually would sell for thousands of dollars wow so so you know go where your heart is and as you’re saying sometimes believe it or not just

Because you think it’s cool and the price let’s say is low sometimes the price catches up uh because other people start to think it’s cool and not through pumping and dumping just because it’s actually cool uh but speaking of cool I did want to mention this because I went

To a convention today locally and it didn’t go the way I thought but it went better than expected just not in the way that I thought and I guess I’ll get right to it try to be brief so I took my nine-year-old son uh to a local show

It’s in parney I think it’s called like the Morris County card show very small now of course I went in there I had cash I had check I mean I’m like ready to to go I quickly realized it probably wasn’t going to be that type of experience for

Me and it was towards the end of the show so there wasn’t a ton of time and we’re walking around and like I’m really trying to push things on my son trying to get him involved like gets Pokemon like oh isn’t this cool he’s like yeah it’s okay so I mean literally we’re

We’re we’re zigging we’re zagging and I mean there’s not much real estate left in the convention and you’re talking about like each of your guys faces tonight I could see Smiles respectively when you’re talking about different facets of either what you collect or the Hobby and it’s

Wonderful to see but it really doesn’t get much better than to see that smile on a nine-year-old so I want to share with you what happened there was no cards you really want at all and there was a gentleman selling these Funko Pops admittedly I don’t know much about them

My son listens to had Che so I think got one of those I’ve given him like a LeBron a Jordan but but not many but he knows what they are and he’s really been into this show called One Piece which I don’t watch yeah I’m not that familiar

But a couple guys in my office are and like there’s a a real life version of it which I watch with him but then’s also like a thousand episodes of the anime so fast forward totally just like on a whim like we’ll start looking and he literally says he’s like Daddy you know

It’ be cool if they had some one piece ones I’m like yeah you know I hope so like thinking there’s just no f way they have one piece of these so you’re you’re going along the table it’s like the last section and it’s like kind of high above

I don’t even see it my daddy’s like Crosby’s like Daddy that’s Luffy and then it’s like all these other different ones and I mean I can tell you the the look on his face that smile I’m getting Goosebumps now that’s that’s what it’s all about so it wasn’t cards and I

Really wish it was but I’m so glad I went and the reason why I went is because weren’t set up I didn’t really I wanted to buy stuff of course I’ll be very clear here the admission was $10 I think I bought him a Gatorade and these

Things were 70 bucks for four of them and he spent more money I mean you know I spent $70 but but that was his allotment if you will and that was more than I spent at the show I gotta tell you it’s the best time I’ve had at a

Convention in a long time it was wonderful so I really advise you to like not put so much pressure on yourselves out there like if you do it professionally then you’re in my boat but even if do it casually maybe don’t worry if you don’t get like the piece

That’s on your hit list and just like keep your eyes and ears open what’s going on we had so much fun and I just want to share that story with you all very nice very nice well Leighton thank you for joining us here tonight Feb 17th

In the new sports cars live studio great to have you guys you can follow Leighton on Instagram Leonor Sheldon justor collect and of course check out his podcast wherever you get your podcast Trading Card therapy Leighton good to see you we’ll see you back next week absolutely Brandon it was great meeting

You pleasure meeting you as well man take care take care peace out Lon thank you for joining all right Brandon we’re going to do some comments and then I got a couple questions for you couple comments uh really on the type one stuff that were coming through Bobby says they

They need more exposure in hockey maybe someone should do a few podcast I collect unique ones and ones that were made from I guess cards that were made from them the professor says I like coach CO’s point of type one photos CNBC news featured Ken golden recently on

Type one non-port photos entering his Auction House very very nice Colin Murray says isert in Toronto grades wrappers and empty wax boxes so someone’s grading empty display C or display boxes at least vintage Oddball love me some type one photos very nice stook says I picked up the seral boxes

With Kellogg’s 3D ads on the back that’s right when you when you collect Sports you collect you know Oddball there’s a place for oddballs for for a lot of people Michael has a Gretzky Pro Stars box that was a seral for sure Bob Boozle

Says I think Coach Co has a good book in him LGC says hand cut pictures from serial boxes are graded which is good but you would hate to see a box be cut up just to get a small portion of it graded well interesting comment I for me

It’s like well if the rest of the box is boring all I want is the card I’d have no problem busting up the box but the the spirit of this comment from LGC applies more to like jerseys like you know we’re cutting up jerseys that’s I

Think more you know egregious in a lot of people’s eyes than busting up a an old seral box but point taken LGC thank you for making it a collector’s dream Orlando has joined us welcome to the show and St says that Leon Sheldon’s podcast Trading Card therapy is great to quote Tony

Tiger Brandon yeah hey I couldn’t resist I couldn’t resist that one thank you stoes for the layup on that Brandon what what does Coach Co mean your name is Brendan Pereira what is what does Coach Co mean yeah man so uh you know again we

We tie it back to the pandemic and it actually started just before the pandemic when I was working in the commercial gym uh I was was uh the assistant manager there and we were underwater for a little bit actually there was a bunch of people that either

They they kind of quit slash they were slow quitting it was like back when slow quitting was a thing so they just like not show up or call in sick and then really try to stretch out uh you know until they essentially got let go and uh it ended up resulting in me

Having to take on way more responsibility and a lot more clients and service people that I just I honestly just couldn’t and so I was probably working like 17 or 18 hours days at the time and I and this was probably went on for like four or five

Weeks and I remember there were several times I came in and um some of my colleagues were like I don’t know how you do it and I was like well I mean it’s got to get done right and uh they’re like I you just come in here

With this like King of Everything energy like you’re GNA you’re you’re GNA get it done no matter what and uh I just laugh I was like ah it is what it is you know and you know after that conversation there was a lot of there was a few times

Actually where I was like yeah I if these guys believe in me like if they believe in me then like I got to believe in me too not to say that I ever really questions myself but you always question like you you inevitably question yourself when when like you’re exhausted

And you’re mentally and physically drained you really don’t know like when it’s going to stop and when the pandemic happened and I got laid off and I had to make a decision on like okay what is my future going to look like am I going to

Stay at this this place where I I think that there’s really not much like progress Happening Here here uh in terms of like uh from an occupational perspective I’m kind of limited like unless I open my own gym which is like you know in Toronto is kind of a hard

Ask especially if you’re working for someone in order for you to eventually like open your own place next to Impossible and I had to make a decision on whether I was going to go back or not and I was like I really didn’t have much experience online at all I didn’t have I

Had very very minimal social media presence and in fact I hated soci media and um I was like I’m going to jump in head first and this is the only option and I’m going to figure it out and so there was a many many many many many times in the

First I don’t know two three months and and Beyond where I didn’t know how I was going to make it happen but what I did was I leaned on this like you know if you at if you if you bring that King of Everything energy like you can you can

Figure it out and so for me it was just kind of tapping into uh something that was like outside of how I felt in that moment right it was just kind of like how can I become more than I am right now in order for to be the person that I

Need to be right and you know ties back into when I was scared shitless uh giving giving speeches so I I just not even show up right so I I really kind of leaned into that and when I was looking for something to like what do I call

Myself you know I was like like I’m going to embrace the thing that that kind of got me here and and that gave me the strength it took to to to quit to to make the strides to make the first video to you know start the first class send

The first email and uh yeah so like here we are and I do not by any means think I’m like the king of everything right it’s like it’s like being bigger than me um is like tapping into something that I know is there but I need to remind

Myself in order for me to kind of get the stuff I need to get done done and I mean I try to embody that like I don’t know you follow my content I’m up at like three o’clock in the morning going for walks like I I try to really kind of

Embrace that like I’m going to do the hard thing because like I know what I’m capable of now the way I the way I see it now that I’ve heard you explain it uh from your perspective and I really appreciate that seems to me like if you

Are a client of Coach Co Fitness which is where you started with that with that name you’re really training people to become their own king of their of their own everything it’s not about you being the King of Everything however you are also practicing What You Preach by

Approaching life with that King of Everything energy and um I think that’s awesome man I really like that I respect that and I think uh I think it’s I think it’s a great signal you’re sending out there to people who are following you so I’m glad you had the chance to explain

It and uh wish I wish I asked you earlier but but that’s uh okay Switching it up now my next question for you is I don’t like you’ve shown a couple of your cards here today but I don’t often see you showing cards on your social media

Why why is it that you don’t do that that you’re not showing off your buys what you might be selling if you sell cards I’m not sure but why why do you kind of keep your collection to yourself that’s a great question actually I I found that when I was creating content

Early on every time I would talk about a guy I was or or girl that I was buying uh or selling it would have somewhat of an impact on the market and like I’m not saying I would move the needle like but if you talk about a player let’s say

People are trying to get into the hockey space and you’re like you know what like I I really here’s a new Trevor zis card I bought or like you start showing several Trevor Trevor zis cards and this is actually what happened um you start to see things like bins just start

Getting hit for the same cards because there a lot of people that and and to my point earlier in this podcast like people are constantly looking for information right everyone’s kind of looking for information and they will tail you if if you’ve put the the the money up basically right and that’s not

Necessarily what I what I want to do like I actually don’t want to move the needle at all I want to just be able to collect what I collect I want you to collect what you collect I’ve had a lot of people ask me like is this a good buy

Is this should I sell this this and the the the response is always the same is like if you don’t if this card doesn’t fit your collecting style if this if you feel anxious about owning this card get rid of it right like it’s it shouldn’t

Be that difficult it should be very easy it should speak to you if you want to buy something buy it if it’s within your budget buy it right like and so I just try to kind of lead the horse to water and and without forcing it to drink you

Know what I mean where I’ll introduce you know this is cool this is cool this is cool this is cool this is cool and I try to feature as many different segments of the hobby as possible and types of cards um but I I really do not

Want to have an impact on like what you’re buying and what you’re sell it and so yeah that’s kind of why I keep the stuff close to my heart also because I feel like I don’t really need to flex what I own right like I don’t know there’s sometimes where I get super

Excited about something and I know that like I again like a $20 card like I’ll show it off right like I’m like oh look at this like really cool card um but if it’s like something that’s relatively expensive like I’m not going to play that game right like I don’t I don’t

Need to anyone to know what I what I own yeah Fair totally fair totally fair I was just curious and and I think I think it’s respon I think it’s a responsible sort of approach that that you’re taking uh with that because you

Do have a lot you know you got a lot of followers on Tik Tok uh for sure you’re putting out daily content so uh you know you said said you’re not maybe moving the needle but maybe you are you know if if even five people say oh I’m going to

Go buy Trevor zis because Coach Co bought a a Trevor zis card um that wouldn’t have worked out so well for people so you know you you you maybe you’ve learned a lesson sort of thing or you’ve seen how it can go bad I definitely have and like not everyone

Has the same tolerance as me right like not everyone has the same financial situation not everyone uh I mean some people might watch one video and to we spoke about this earlier they might watch one video where you mention a player and that’s the only point of

Contact that they have with like that market or whatever they’re searching for and that that’s the research that they’ve done and they’re like all right they this guy said that and this happened to me we like early on I’d talk about like Jude bellam or or these are

Soccer players like or like yofa mukoku both guys that like I very much believe in and one of them is doing incredibly three years later but like does the price I mean the price is probably still down right so it I have the tolerance for something like that because I’m like

Man I love what I own I I love the player I love watching the player but if you’ve bought it strictly for an increase I mean I can’t guarantee you that you’re going to make the Right Moves In terms of buying and selling and and instead of you know me being on the

Hook for for your lack of accountability I’d rather just not entertain this thing at all that was a great way to put it me being on the hook for your lack of accountability because really you’re not spending anyone else’s money that they’re spending themselves but people

Are people are uh willing to be suede to make certain decisions based on what they hear and uh I do think that’s on them myself as well but uh but I hear what you’re saying I think it’s I think it’s a great uh a great approach and

Perspective uh I want to go to comment here Bobby brell about about back to the empty display box he says he’s been preserving empty wax pack display boxes for 25 years he says you have talking about me some of the gum ones makes them display so much better I have three

Bobby Burell preserved gum boxes from the 50s and 60s sitting right there I’ll show you guys sometime I’ve shown them before but they’re they are awesome Joe pero greetings from the Burbank show in Ontario California I know Joe is at the show hope you had a a good day there

Today Joe and Mitch grman of grman cards has joined us good evening Mitch good to see you in the Chad I want to ask you next Brendan about the collecting and investing thing you know again the to the the title of this episode is you know is the sports card hobby doing a

Good job and I want to ask you that question Point Blank too but first I want to know because you travel to a lot of shows you create a lot of content I don’t know the degree to which you consume content so maybe start off with

That first of all I’m curious how much content do you consume as a fellow content creator and then where do you fall on you know are you investing in cards or are you just collecting cards how do you feel about the whole collecting investing dichotomy that exists within our hobby yeah so the

Beauty of my content is I can’t really create it unless I I consume it right that’s like I’m I’m definitely consuming uh I consume a lot of content uh there are some weeks where I am less uh I guess eager to consume content depending on what’s going on in the

Hobby um yeah so I definitely consume a fair bit of content personally I have like I just can’t sit still for prong periods of time so uh it’s it’s for me it’s like the easier easier it is to digest uh the the more I

Consume of it uh I do listen to you know the podcast listen to yours and um you know with respect to the second half of your question in terms of like investing versus collecting um I I mean there’s cards that I think are there are absolute no-brainers and those

And and truthfully the ones that are I just keep buying more of um because I’m like this is it’s still cheap or it gets cheaper or whatever the case may be uh and those things I’m like I make jokes I mean one specific card in general I’m

Like either I go or he goes so like either the player dies or I die like it’s I don’t know that thing’s not leaving um so yeah I think I do mess around a lot with like Ultra Modern specifically hockey and I treat it like fantasy hockey I love it actually

Because it’s an opportunity for me to watch a guy get drafted and specifically with hockey you watch a guy get drafted and probably three years later he finally makes the NHL in most cases I’m not talking about like top five picks cuz those are like no-brainers right

Those are the guys that come out the gate and like those are the guys you don’t buy like you know like those are the guys I don’t touch for two years right and ironically enough is like if I buy a guy who lette got drafted in 2019

And now it’s like 2024 and he made the debut and he’s like 23 years old and he’s like finally playing well but I bought him in you know when his his first card came out in 2020 or 2021 and I’m like marinating on that and then the

Guy who got drafted this year whose stuff came out and it was super hot or not this year but like two years ago for instance it came out super hot and now it’s on the decline I’m like I can actually sell the stuff that I bought early that you know I’m not entirely

Invested in this guy but I do think that it was a buy because I I saw a potential that probably the rest of the market didn’t see I can like use those profits to buy the guy that I actually kind of wanted to buy at in the first place and

At at a better price right so like it’s actually I have a lot of fun with that it’s a great way for me to like recycle um you know the funds that are in the sports card space for me right uh without having to add a ton I think

That’s really important for me um you know not having to put too much into this where like it’s like financially taxing I mean there’s still times where like I’ll pop off and I’m like oh you know like okay I need to take it easy a little bit I need to sell something and

I’m sure most people do have that but I play the Ultra Modern game where like I’ll buy someone for like I said like two years three years in advance and I’ll sit on it and I’ll do that with several players and then I’ll sell those and buy the guys that are that everyone

Was talking about or like that are got injured right like I love buying injured guys because like I mean chances are people just forgot about them you know what I mean like it’s like it’s always a flavor of the month and if you remember that you can kind of like buy what you

Like in terms of Ultra Modern stuff or the guys that you think actually will make an impact and just play the market that way so yeah I mean that’s kind of my stance on investing versus collecting my own personal St So you you’re you’re collecting but you will capitalize on an

Opportunity if you see one to maybe you see a guy you think oh he’s cheap now or he just got injured great time to buy he’ll probably come back um if you were looking to in invest in a guy like Gabriel landeskog doesn’t seem to ever

Want to come back and play he still has the captain C for the Avalanche kind of funny but there are cases where that that will I wonder if that would have worked with Connor Bard this year he just came back last night after a a bit

Of an injury but he was too flavor of the monthy to even that to have you gota wait like three years yeah yeah you got you gota wait till he gets hurt for six months to uh to buy his cards at this point I would think for

Sure all right uh Dylan Ruchi says have a good long weekend you guys thank you so much and uh foul five ball is late just left the Burbank show so we’re getting people joining us from the Burbank show Bob Boozle says flavor of the month I’ll stick with bread and

Water Bob Boozled we got to break you from prison my man if that’s all you’re getting is bread and water all right Brendan you know I’m just gonna I’m just gonna I’m gonna put the question out there it’s the title of this episode and we’re just going to Freestyle and see

Where it takes you do you think the sports card hobby is doing a good job I think the sports card hobby is doing a better job than it probably ever has as I mean and but this is me speaking as someone who wasn’t in in before 2020 and I think

That that’s also kind of indicative of like how the sports card hobby operated you know like I don’t think we they did a great job before of pulling people in um and I think that we’re doing a really good job now of bringing eyeballs to it

I think we can do a much better job of keeping people here and uh I think that a lot of that has to do with the support systems that are in place and encouraging other people to share in a space where uh they can be open and

Honest and they can they don’t they’re not going to get torn down um I think that’s like very crucial I think that you know people should be creating content whether they creating content means like uh still images or um whether that’s like showcasing like videos of

Your PC or a pack opening or whatever like gets you excited to be in this Hobby and to communicate with other people and there’s definitely more of those people that have ever existed but I just think that we can do a better job of supporting those people supporting

Yeah and let me clarify when I when I use the term is the the sports card hobby so what Jeremy what do you mean is the sports card hobby doing the hobby can’t do a good job the hobby is this abstract thing it’s not any individual people but actually the way I’m thinking

Of when I ask the question is I’m not talking about the industry that the hobby resol I’m not talking about the companies that are you know that are within the industry that is that also contains our hobby I mean the hobbyists our hobbyists and I think you answered

It that way our hobbyists doing a good job and then you ended by talking about there could be I think you said a bit more support happening uh speak a bit more about that thought yeah I I love to actually I just think that there’s a lot

Of instances where there’s a bit of like gatekeeping going on of like information or like I mentioned previously where there’s there’s not the proper channels in place in order for new people or people who have been here for you know not as long as perhaps you or many other

People who have been on this channel um and so it’s almost that that is held against people who who have just started or whatever the case may be and it’s it’s actually quite discouraging like I’m not saying this like I’m we’re good you know we I’ve talked about this already like I

Don’t care I got thick skin you say whatever you want to me and that’s cool but I mean the average person if they wanted to share a hit let’s say it was just a I don’t know like a Mike Trout base card they don’t really know let’s

Say someone open a pack of baseball cards for the first time posted a Mike Trout base card I mean I just don’t know how many people would I just be like a that’s a shitty base card or do you know like it’s and it it happens a lot I see

It happen a lot on so many different like channels and and I feel terrible sometimes where I’m like or like oh that’s not even a hit that’s $10 or so I I just think that we can be a lot better it’s not all dollar value it’s

Not it’s not about who knows the most and because you don’t know enough you can’t speak like it’s it can be way more encouraging than than what we’re doing right now and and I think if that happens uh you know you the retention and you you keep people in the hobby for

Long enough for them to really find out and maybe explore new niches and I think that’s when you really start to fall in love in this space right I’m not saying you have to be tied to one specific hockey cards or I mean I mentioned this

To you previously but like not on the actual Channel but you know recently I had the pleasure of picking up a a ticket stub from uh our boy Dave at signed in slab and it’s a Austin Matthews Auto uh rookie debut and it just it hit a spot for me where you know

And and I’ve been like I said full like full-time in this hobby for the last four or five years and and only now because I’ve been in this space and consuming content and and talking to so many different people and you know fortunately had encouragement and all

This stuff did I find this new sect where I’m like man I really kind of love this thing you know like I don’t care how big this thing is in fact like I want to display the I want to display it because it’s so displayable you know

Like and so that took four or five years for me to find this thing right and to hold one and to be like wow this actually feels super special to have this thing and so I just don’t know how many people were losing by just not being encouraging early on and to allow

Them to have a voice and to communicate with other people and find find their Niche and and their own little community so that’s how I think the hobby could be better yeah yeah I think what yeah what what I heard you say there a couple things obviously but you know you can

You can go on social media share your hobby experience maybe share a card that you love and then people are going to poop on you and you might say well you know forget this I’m out I don’t what I what do I need to expose myself to that

Sort of uh that sort of treatment yet if if we’re more supportive they may those people may continue to search out and find out what Lane they really enjoy being in and maybe become you know hopefully we’re not you know we’re not precluding too many people from becoming

Hobbyist and when I say we I just mean the greater hobby uh and and you know even you go on Instagram Facebook and you know I love these Facebook posts people do it a lot where they’re looking for cards so they’ll show some of their best cards from that product and they’ll

Say Hey you know pictures are just for not not available just for attention but you’re showing some big cards and maybe you’re on Instagram and all you’re seeing are big cards everywhere and then someone who just got in is like well I just opened up this one pack I got I got

A an insert that sells for $3.50 and a bunch of Base cards that you can’t even sell for the shipping and maybe there’s that feeling of inadequacy and we can lose some of them and they haven’t found their Lane yet they haven’t become become comfortable yet with spending

More money on cards so that’s where they’re at at the moment and I think I I agree with you I think it’s important that we are supporting all new entrance into the hobby because we know how much fun and enjoyment we can get for it maybe they can to and it will enhance

Their lives if the hobby is not enhancing your life get out of it we’re not GNA you know we don’t want you here if you’re if you’re miserable there’s a lot of miserable hobbyists we see them all the time on social media why put why are you guys putting yourself through

That why are you why are you still here if you hate it so much and to those people I say go get yourself some help if that help means just stopping the Hobby Stop it we don’t we don’t need you that bad that you have to be miserable

All the time let’s instead focus on supporting people who want to be here I think that’s kind of where where my head but I want to touch on base cards we had a couple CH comments in the chat hold your thought right there for a moment

First of all Ziggy no says tear each other down there’s too much too much Envy uh we tear each other down too much Envy is strong definitely true Bob Boozle says base cards are cool social media Med fools I mean he’s not wrong like right yeah if you love a base card

Love that base card base cards have been dragged through the mud in the past few years I think it happened because there were thousands of them being sent to PSA for grading at the beginning of the pandemic when they had that big backlog and base cards had become kind of the

You know they’ve taken the brunt of the of the Hobby’s frustration Mark santui says as long as there are card shows affordable prices card stores both dealers and ctor is making money then the hobby is working out fine yeah that covers off a lot of the a lot of the

Components of the hobby right there F fball says why post your cards in the first place it’s only showing off anyway I think that’s I I I don’t think it’s only showing off I think it’s also finding commonality with other people I did this thing you probably saw this

Brandan about a month ago like card Bros like I’d see someone with the card where I own the same like we’re card Bros we own the same card like that’s cool it’s kind of like like you know back back in in your early 20s it’s like oh you were

Dating Jennifer Lawson so was I you know hey we have something in common you know it’s like there there’s it’s it’s not I don’t think it’s only showing off I think there’s an aspect of flexing but it’s also being proud like I’ll show off

A you know if I’m working on a set I’ll show my progress on that said like here’s 45 cars I’m looking for more and here’s the ones I have so far I kind of spoke to that earlier when you know people do that on Facebook but it’s like

Show it’s I’m not disguising it as I’m looking for more cards here’s my 100K worth of stuff it’s like here’s my $1,000 worth of cards I’m looking for more but I love this hobby I love collecting this set this is a lifelong pursuit of mine so I I get there’s

Nuance there and uh I hope that was clear I’m not sure if it was that clear to me even but um okay keep it on going keep it on going here uh Bob Boozle says if my wife can show off her feet online then I can show off my cards I don’t I

Have no issue with that Bob Boozled Phil Daw says you can start buying Tage Thompson cards again I just picked up tons of them for cheap triple V says dang Jay Lee new card room looks awesome congrats on the new Spa By the way thank you triple V really appreciate that Phil

Da says I don’t see any salani on the wall anymore what happened salani is in here he’s in this showcase right here and I’ve got I’m looking over here you guys at this like bookcase a built-in bookcase on my wall there it’s it goes nine High nine shelves High three wide

And I have a whole one one is dedicated to teamus salani right there right beside it are the uh the unopened gum boxes that I got from Bobby Burell I’ll show those to you guys soon enough soon enough F fball says base cards are the only true rookie cards parallels are not

Ah you know to tomato tomato I guess it depends how how you want to look at that but I guess technically that is probably true Ziggy no says accomplishment I I don’t know what that was in relation to stook says uh besides what Jeremy said I post cards to show people there are

Alternative cards to collect hopefully it’s educational great great reason to sh because here’s another thing Brendan and I I want to get your thoughts on this when I post a card or a or or a gang scan of cards on Instagram I’m going to tell a story beneath I’m not

Going to put the cards and and say what it is I lots of people just put the card say what it is and that’s the end of their post I’m like that means nothing like why do you like the card tell me something about why that card is

Important to you otherwise are you just advertise like that’s a that’s just flexing in my opinion I don’t I don’t often double tap those ones because there’s nothing to double tap I can I can see that on any Online Marketplace or Google Images uh what about you and

Listen I’m not I’m not trying to discourage enage people from posting if that if you don’t have anything to say fine but I prefer those posts that have that tell a story what about you I love it and I mean honestly I wouldn’t have even found this card over here if it

Wasn’t for something like that so like this is a Pacific uh was it 2001 heads up Koval truck and this was a raw card and the only reason why I even found this card is because someone had posted the 2001 heads up pavl datsuk on their

Story and I was like what card is that you know I was like what what card is that and so I think I screenshotted the story and I went on a like a deep dive try to figure out what the set was and you know fast forward and I probably own

I don’t know maybe 10 15 cards from the set because I just love the look of these cards and every time I’m at a a card show especially like uh like a smaller one I’ll go through the dollar boxes and if they’ve got like 90s and

Early 2000s stuff like I am on the hunt for like these pfic spefic arts and not specific but Pacific but uh like I wouldn’t have even known these existed if someone didn’t post them right so I think that if you post I you’re giving someone else the opportunity to see that something else

Is out there and given the fact that we’ve got a 100 plus years of sports cards like at our disposal it’s very hard to know every set of every player of every sport you know of photograph so by posting that I mean you’re giving someone else the

Opportunity to also fall in love with that card 100 100% agree with that we had a comment that came in here uh I got to find it because I thought it was just it really hit the spot um and I’m not finding it really quick unfortunately so

I’m just going to get to it more naturally first of all mukie chillson says the ven diagram of healthy self-expression and straight up flexing overlap it’s all good yeah sounds good to me Ziggy no says Eskimo brothers fishing from the same hole Phil da says for modern hockey all rookie year cards

Are rookie cards for vintage it is different and that wouldn’t just be hockey that would be I think that approach you’d have to take with all sports but I’m you will get push back on that uh oh here ALG says when you show your cards you are celebrating a player

A set a series Etc I would rather see cards online even if unattainable than have them hidden in a box right on the other benefit to posting cards from your collection is that you might be missing one or two and someone’s going to see them and say oh hey I saw you posted

Those 86 flares do you have this guy because I have it and sometimes they they might just send it to you because maybe it’s a base card not worth anything or they’ll offer it to you and you can pay their price and acquire the card that’s happened to me a ton of

Times where I’ve shown a card and now people reach out to me and say hey do you have this one yet might not even didn’t be theirs they’re just giving me a reference which I think is is amazing a huge benefit to showing cards that you have uh on your social media mukie

Chillson says I learned so much from my pal stook he’s a great asset and resource with an amazing collection he’s talking about stoes baseball cards and Curiosities right there guys check out his YouTube channel and throw a subscription over to mookie Chilson’s pal stooks Louie has joined the show

What’s going on Louie good to have you thanks for being here with us tonight all right uh Bobby Burell says if there were only an app for vintage hockey there is it’s called Needum NE du M I believe I’m going to show you guys what this app looks like and

Uh right there right there though right there right in between my fingers the with the the the yellow and orange triangles it’s called need them two e and to use Phil Daw says the entire point of collecting sports memorabilia is to display it it’s like buying a

Sports car and throwing a tarp over it well said Phil dah well said I I definitely agree with that for sure all right we were talking about is the hobby doing a good job and we talked about you know we could support each other a little bit more I think a lot of

People are doing a great job of supporting others I get a ton of support via my social media accounts people dming liking posts commenting all that it’s it’s a it’s very nice to get support and I think we could like you said Brendan we could be doing a better

Job providing more support the hobby providing more support to each other what about what about collectors and do you find that we are that we and by we again I don’t like I said I’m not talking about the industry I’m talking about the hobbyists and I don’t even

Know which sector am I talking about content creators collectors investors flippers shop owners I think I’m just talking about like everybody but are we doing a good enough job at spotlighting the benefits of collecting and specific collectors themselves no I don’t think so and that kind of go ties into the support aspect

Right where I think that there’s a lot of people who have unbelievable PCS I mean one of the things that I Love featuring is people who set collect because I love set collecting but and specifically when people end up putting together either name plates or they put together like uh those massive logos

Like I I featured an Islanders one not very long ago on my channel another one was like a a giant NASCAR patch so it consisted of I think 20 cards and it ended up building out the McDonald’s patch I love those things um especially if someone’s like missing a card I love

Trying to get them that card so like I’ll make a video about it and try to get you know someone to reach out and I mean oftentimes people in the comment section are like oh you just increased the price of that card I’m like if I saw

That someone needed that card I I you know and that’s all they needed I’d make sure I gave it to them like at a fair price if not just gave it to them right so I think that we can all do a great a better job of like showcasing player PCS

And and again cool cards sharing them to your story um set collecting same thing if someone if you know someone that’s looking for a specific card or they’ve posted about it like I mean put that out into the universe right because that’s how social media works that machine the

More times you share something like that the more times like it’ll get shown to people right people the the in Instagram and the Twitter and the whatever will tell people like hey like you should see this because people keep posting it right and and so I mean you’re

Furthering the collecting in general by doing something like that um the algorithms yeah yeah yeah no I I think you’re right you know there are a there are lots of YouTubers out there that are that are really just focused on their collections there are lots of there are

Lots of channels out there that are really focused on their friends who are showing their and I I’d actually direct people if you’re looking for more collector content where it’s really like people showing their mail days or showing their personal collections or you know a portion maybe they they’ll go

Through a few different areas of their PC every episode that they’re doing and I’m not GNA I’m not going to shout out anyone specific but what I will shout out is uh this there’s this YouTube Hall of Fame that that has was started a Grassroots thing here within our space

On YouTube and most I believe most of the uh what most of the the Hall of Famers YouTube sports card Hall of Famers are that it’s that kind of content it’s it’s not it’s not these interview shows like what I do or what you do it’s mostly people who’ve been

Doing and showing their mail days for like 10 years or so already not all of them because it’s a new thing but that’s that’s a good I would go to the I don’t know if it’s called the sports card YouTube Hall of Fame but you guys can

Google it or YouTube search it and you’ll find it and then you can go to the website and see all these all these YouTube Hall of Famers and you can then check out their Channel and support those collectors whether they’re Hall of Famers or not that doesn’t really matter that that’s just

This thing that this crew came up with but it’s still a good list of collector type content so I want to I want to support that by shouting that out and letting people know that they can go find some of that over there I want to

Do some more comments but I also wanted to ask you we’re talking about supporting there are there is the the opposite of supporting which I don’t know what that word discouraging maybe there’s plenty of yeah there’s a lot of that kind of content out there as well when I ask you

The question you know what what turns you off in the content space is it discouraging content is it other I I’ll open it up but I I’ll lead with that what turns me off in the content space um I mean I guess the fact that the the algorithm is designed to pump like

Negative content right like that’s literally how most of the stuff that comes across feed will be stuff that people have interacted with and most of the time those things that have been interacted with they’ve been interacted with because people are outraged and because happy people don’t necessarily uh comment you know people

Who are are they just enjoyed that they don’t go out of their way to comment being like I really enjoyed this but if someone vly disagrees with you they will comment right and so naturally that kind of content gets pushed and um I think as a result of that like

That’s that’s the kind of content that you you’re going to see uh subconsciously unless you’re actively seeking out like opposing content uh another thing I’ll mention is like if you consistently interact with negative content don’t be surprised that negative content comes across your feed because that’s you’re kind of telling

The algorithm like this is the stuff that I want to keep seeing because I keep engaging with it right so uh I think that kind of specifying or like really catering your feed to like what you want is a great way to to Really enhance your hobby experience yeah click

Click on things that you want to see more of not you want to see less of but it’s sometimes it’s it’s uh tempting to click on uh those those loud you know alluring type of uh thumbnails and and headlines and all that you know Phil da says grifting cells I think that might

Be uh you know accurate right there uh Laura says in Becket monthly magazines there were often stories related to Unique cards for example wrong named players and that was a personal accomplishment when you’re able to find that card yeah for sure F fball says I do see your point on rare stuff it’s

Educational yeah again if you’re gonna post your cards on social media please tell a story I I I want to I want to read the story I want to know why you love that card why did it make it into your collection if I know already know

You’re a Jerome Ain collector like our friend ALG in the comments I you know I don’t need as long of a story because I know it fits in but that’s just me who happens to know Al not everybody knows Al so tell the story people want to

People want to know sports card Stein says shout out to two Canadian hobby Legends that’s that’s lofty praise there sports cards italion no I’m not talking about Wayne Gretzky and Steve Eisman I’m talking about Jay and Coach go thank you sports cards stalion Phil da says I

Think an important thing that needs to be more explained is that auction ending sales are not comps in a dealer slow retail eBay Buy It Now setting Auction Sales have limited exposure and time astute no it’s an astute comment here’s why because not everybody is available

To bid on every car you know how many times I forgot to bid on a card or the card is ending when I’m on an airplane and I don’t bid I bid at the end that’s just the way I’ve done it for 20 years 25 years now if we’re talking about eBay

I come in at the end and bid if it’s a pwcc sale and I’m on a plane I’m out luck you know you’re not going to get to you’re not going to get to to buy that card or bid on it so I do agree however

It’s kind of the most liquid Market we have and it’s where what we rely on what do you think Brandon well what if someone puts a a bin that’s too low let’s say it’s a card that like no one’s seen in a while and they happen to put

It like buy it now and like the first person I mean tons of people have this in saved search and the first person who sees it it’s like that’s way too damn low I’m buying this right now right so like then the other 200 people that

Wanted access to it didn’t get access to it either right so like there’s no perfect way to buy and sell so I I mean I think that the system is like it’s a free market and I think that when it something gets becomes available if it sits for a long time that probably

Speaks volumes to what that price is right um and like there’s no such thing as a perfect world where everyone who wants access to that card is going to have exposure to that card right so like a VAR there’s like a variance I don’t know yeah no what you just made a great

Comment there that that comment was excellent because it it you know if Mitch grman is still watching from grman cards a card came up on on eBay about maybe a month ago and he was the first to see it and he snapped it up it happened it happened to be a 2005 Upper

Deck the cup Zigman py limited logos a beautiful beautiful copy I think it was 0506 and he snapped it up for like like a 20% of what a weaker version of that card would sell for now is the car is the price he paid the new comp on that

Card well it’s the only one that people are going to see in the last 12 months let’s say so that becomes a comp but I would have paid triple for that card if I saw it first so it it’s you know not all comps are created equal Phil goes on

To say I see people using auction End Sales comps and shows during live stream and make their offers B B on that which is not how it works this is how you grow the value of sports cardboard I think this what the last part is exactly right

If all we did was pay comps prices would never ever change they would be the same forever so if you’re only someone if you’re only willing to pay the last comp or whatever percent of that whether it’s 80% or 110% of it um if you’re only

Willing to pay that comp you are not advancing The Hobby and you’re just a slave to what other people think really professor says apparently tops are Fanatics is advancing a hobby Hall of Fame what do you think I’m going to reserve my thoughts on that until I see

Who they put in it if it doesn’t start with the likes of Jefferson berck and Dr Becket and Cy Berger and even like a Richard McWilliam uh a lad Denny even a Brian Gray people who have really like like planted their flag in this hobby if

It doesn’t start with them and it starts with some of the more prominent social media celebrities influencers then I’m going to think it’s a joke if it’s if they do it right I think it’ll be an amaz it could be really awesome for sure are you have you seen this Coach Co and

What do you think yeah briefly came across my desk I yeah I think um I really hope that they didn’t use the voting system that it sounded like they were using um I don’t think it was like conveyed to enough people truthfully and I think that the people that it should

Have been conveyed to or like the vast majority of people people uh you know that would have voted in the direction that you were saying with with the some of the pioneers of this hobby I don’t think that those people had an opportunity to for like for instance

Like Jeremy did you did you vote for any of those people in in the tops hobby Hall of Fame I I didn’t so it was a voting Pro so they they opened it up to the public right so like anytime you open something up for the public it’s

Again it comes back to like positive content doesn’t doesn’t people don’t they don’t do what they need to do right so it’s like if people voted the way that they should have this this hobby Hall of Fame would end up exactly how it was so I’m hoping that someone at the

Top is like okay like let’s you know we took these votes and maybe there’s a few like honorary categories for whatever but like here are the the mount Rush mowers and then we’ll build from there yeah yeah I think that makes a lot of

Sense to me I I don’t know the process I didn’t look into it it it wasn’t something that interested me at this point I’ll be interested once once I see who is elected into the hobby Hall of Fame and again if it if berdick and Becket are not on that inaugural list I

Will write it off as being just a silly exercise that has zero importance uh in my you know in my approach to the Hobby but I hope it does I hope it’s I hope they do it right I mean that’d be I think that would be pretty cool uh for

Sure but T time will tell we’ll see how that goes Bob Boozled says I think we’re all going to be disappointed hope hope not but just just don’t know I just just don’t know at all the professor says uh no sorry that one was done Mark santui says card

Collections they had to make videos for oh he’s talking about in order to get elected into the YouTube Hall of Fame you had to make videos for three years to be put in and one year of making videos in order just to vote he says Jake runs it um I forget Jake’s YouTube

Channel name but I have seen it to hear him announce it and and what the criteria were and how how that thing works so you can check out again you guys can check that out but I don’t know what Jake’s channel is called Mark santui says do you guys watch Jake’s

Videos all the time no I don’t i’ the only video of his I’ve ever seen was the one um I think when he took over uh the Youtube hall of fame maybe I’ve seen one other I don’t know what his channel is called I just don’t remember but seems

Like a great hobbyist what about you I’ve never no I’ve never yeah Sky says in marketing studies they have found certain colors draw you to a specific interest like red orange and yellow promotes food what colors draw collector’s interest in the most oh that’s a interesting question I don’t

Know uh refractor whatever whatever colors is refracting off of the the cards yellow gold gold right yeah yeah gold for sure the professor says that one content creator has recently said that negative comments from another content creator has led to more followers on his channel go figure I

Think that I think that’s true as soon as other channels other content creators start talking about other content creators it just widens the audience and more people find out and you know it’s one of the one of the benefits of coll of collaborating with other content creators is that now you’re sharing

Audiences and you can you can have more followers and grow your a find more people who you who you resonate with right I think that’s that’s a good thing and signed in slab David says nice haircut boys we go to the same Barber David thank you thank you I gotta say I

I had a haircut today so I appreciate the compliment uh didn’t how did he know I got a haircut today right how did how did he know how did he know legends never die is the channel uh for the guy who is I guess the commissioner of the

Uh of the YouTube Hall of Fame Justin handles wants to know coach how are you gonna be up at 4 AM tomorrow that’s a great question just gonna do it I don’t know I mean the well the alarm set for like 4:30 so it might be a little

Late Phil dah wants to know Brendon what are your thoughts on cards HQ I find the place is way too big they are not selling enough product and how would you know that how would you know they’re not selling enough product if you are not if you are not looking at their financial

Records but anyway I don’t understand how that business model can be profitable it’s not it’s it barely is in a small shop yeah it’s a big store uh thoughts on cards HQ I wish I wish cards HQ nothing but the most success that’s that’s that’s my thoughts I I wish Jeff

Wilson and his and his Partners the utmost success because if that if that shop is a success which I think it will be I think that is a good sign for the hobby uh brandan anything to to add to this question yeah I was actually there

Uh so I was there for the soft lot the trade night in Atlanta um and it is I mean probably the most impressive sports card shop I’ve ever been in um I think it tailor to both adults and kids and I think that’s important I think that that connection between you

Know father daughter and mother son and mother father father son and so on and so forth like is integral to continuing to kind of build the hobby forward uh prices on everything seemed reasonable I don’t know what the foot traffic is going to be like on a daily

Basis but like obviously they’re not doing this without having information so I think that whatever studies they’ve conducted or whatever decisions LED them to this place were obviously with some sort of educational background behind them uh especially considering uh Jeff Wilson partnered with you know individuals who had previously opened a

Hob hobby shop in the past and from what I hear is a relatively successful one so I mean what I think about it is that we’ll just wait and see I mean it’s a hobby shop it looks like first of its kind and uh I’m curious to kind of see

How it works instead of forecasting whether it’s going to be profitable or you know like what they need to do in order to be successful like I don’t I have no clue what like and chenar neither anybody else in this comment section right so like I don’t I don’t

Know like no I mean listen what what I like about it is that uh they are trying something new they are really trying to advance and evolve the sports card retail experience I think that’s awesome if it works that’s awesome if it doesn’t work at least they tried and they they

Put their money where their mouth is so I respect that I think I think um I think I’d like to check it out why not I’ve I’ve always wanted to check out all the card shops why wouldn’t I want to check this one out um I do want to check

It out of course I do because I’ve never seen anything like it before I’ve been to Burbank in Burbank sports cars in Burbank California several times great shop really really cool place great atmosphere great selection I’m curious to see how cards HQ like makes you feel versus going into Burbank

Sports cards you know if you now if this 14,000 foot card shop being cards HQ in Atlanta is empty all the time it’s going to be it’s going to be an empty feeling you know you’re not going to go in there and get the warm fuzzies you’re going to

Want to go in there and see there being a lot of other people and some action and laughs and just people having a good time you know Atlanta I hope is a good market for it I don’t know never I don’t know if I’ve ever been to Atlanta maybe

Maybe back in my old days of travel but um again I think I want it to be successful simple as that I don’t care who owns it I don’t care what social media influencer in the hobby start whether it’s Jeff Wilson or someone that we’ve never heard of I don’t care I want

To see be successful I wonder how many people out there would feel that same way if it wasn’t Jeff Wilson that was one of the people behind it if it was some known name hobbyist with 13 followers on Instagram that open this store what would what would people want

For I don’t think they feel that much differently though maybe just with a little less vitriol but um but I guess we’ll see any anything to add to that Brendan I think that people would still find a way to be upset about it yeah it’s I don’t know for sure Ziggy no

Says by the way you are both tops Hall of Fame worthy to me uh I’m not going to speak about Brendon but I’m certainly not tops of Fame worthy but thanks Ziggy Bobby Burell says Fanatics should not have this Hall of Fame control like obviously not like obviously not and

Just if you’re yeah okay well we’ll see what happens with that we’ll see what happens uh Ziggy no says I heard Panini tagged Panini influencer including run good life I don’t know what that means I don’t know what that even mean Ziggy sorry about

That I guess run run good life I know of a run I think all I know about reng good life is that uh there’s a breaker called I don’t know that that’s what I know so sorry I don’t know enough about that comment stook says some people are

Good-looking the rest have hair comment of the night right there com the night right there coach Cole the cards HQ has Pokemon cards featured in the front of the store any strictly sports card store well they’re not and most sports cards stores that I know about are mostly most of their business comes

From Pokemon anyway yeah yeah no I agree and I think even in the title it says uh something along the lines of you know and Pokemon it yeah yeah I saw but which was pretty pretty interesting right there Professor has a question for you does Tik Tok promote breaking and selling of cards

Like on platforms like whatnot uh I don’t think so do they promote breaking and selling of cards no actually I don’t think Tik Tok you’re allowed to promote selling cards on there like I think you can have it in the shop but there’s like a certain gambling element that like Tik Tok

Doesn’t allow for so I think you have to do you have to know what the person is actually purchasing and that just it doesn’t just go with like sports cards I know that a lot of people are doing like M mystery boxes and stuff like that like

Not even sports card related like I know that there some prominent mystery boxes and you know like filled the bag with stuff and and I think they kyash that really quickly because they considered it gambling so I don’t think that uh I I I’m I that’s what I think anyway you’re

You’re you’re on Tik Tok with your stuff not necessarily shopping on Tik Tok sports cards yeah right on uh Eric Sanderson dor says you know agrees with Jeremy if cards HQ is successful it’s good for all of us hope it does well I think that’s I think that that’s the the

Hobby friendly attitude I don’t think everyone’s going to share I think a lot of people just want to see Jeff Wilson fail because that’ll bring happiness to their lives I guess I don’t know I don’t know but uh but what what whatever it is um again I’ll just reiterate I want to

See that store be a success signon slab says I’m mostly upset because Coach Co Coach Co trimmed the stash I got to admit I noticed that too and I got to admit I was also mostly upset because that Brendan what what’s up seriously uh man you guys don’t know how much

Maintenance it was you know and I’m happy to have my face back a little bit like I mean I still got the mustache but it uh it was a lot of Maintenance it was like a lot of Maintenance and I was like you know what it’s time to switch it up

Also I found that like so many people were like oh like I know you because of the mustache and I’m like well that’s great but I don’t want to be tied to anything especially like a physical attribute right where I’m like there’s a reason why I didn’t put in my logo and

And it’s awesome that you guys have kind of got to know me and see me you know in most cases because the mustache and I still have a version of the mustache but I I’m not going to just like keep something because of anyone else you know like if it’s driving me

Nuts I’m gonna get rid of it so yeah that’s I mean that’s kind of been My Philosophy the whole time being authentically me and uh I’m sorry David says maybe co could be the oneeyed eyebrow collector just a thought Bob Boozled yeah coach Coen quotes I am

More than just a mustache the professor says will either of you consider buying cards online from cards HQ uh I don’t really plan to I don’t you know I I’ve heard Rob Veris from Burbank sports card say many times that you know and show their their feedback on on eBay that

They’re like a top five across all of eBay seller um I don’t shop Burbank sports cards on Becket Marketplace or or Ebay really why would I shop cards HQ personally because plus I don’t know how you know I don’t know how many cards they have that I’m that I’m looking for

Would I browse it i’ BR I’ll browse it maybe a couple times a year just to see what’s on there but no I’d more of a go in type of thing I’m also not a a customer on the live selling platforms either so just because a car chop has

Them does me now if I was really desperately looking for a certain card I will check every place I need but I don’t feel I’ve ever been desperately searching for a card in my whole hobby you know 40 plus years of hobbying I don’t think I’m going to start uh now

Piece of the game what’s going on welcome to the show says Coach Co nice episode boys and yes I I saw I heard about yogger practicing with the Penguins yeah that’s that’s worthy of of the feels for sure um Brendon anything else we’re coming up we got five minutes

Left here it’s well past your bedtime this is flown by by the way um any anything else on your mind you wanna you want to talk about not really I mean I think I just want to talk a little bit more about like being supportive to

Other people um and I’m not here to tell everyone to be nice all the time I it’s actually it’s more in the case of like education uh I think that and I’ve said this a million times and I continue to say it that I just don’t think there’s

Enough education in this space and there’s not really a place to go for Education there’s a lot of educational uh channels and that’s amazing and people can take tidbits from from from everybody um and so that I just want everyone to just try to encourage you know each other to share that

Information with new entrance in the hobby with people who have been in the hobby for a while um I mean the way the way that you approach it doesn’t have to be in a matter in which like you the other person is an idiot for not knowing

Some of this information um but just kind of treat it like a story and just be excited to to have someone else embrace it as much as you do um yeah I think that education is crucial I think education when it comes to ripping packs and boxes and I there’s

Just not enough information in the Hobby in my personal opinion you know I think uh you have to seek it out you know you have to search it out you have to be willing to sit through some 2hour live streams sometimes if you want to get some nuggets out that are there

But there are so many content creators that are under uh they’re they’re just under the radar and they why because they have small subscribers ships maybe they don’t go all out with their thumbnails maybe they’re not they’re not getting the engagement so they’re not hitting other people’s algorithms but

There is stuff out there and maybe I I think if I you know if I think about what you just said if I tweak it a little bit to to my perspective it’s that maybe you know know some some content creators who have larger audience could do the hobby of

Favor by seeking out discovering some of these under the radar content creators and supporting them to get them to their audiences like Iowa Dave on Instagram shares every day tells you what podcast came out to me he’s a media partner of mine and everybody else’s if you are if

You are a podcaster or content creator and and you show up on the The Daily Iowa Dave podcast list he is your media partner he is doing you a favor he is helping grow your Audience by sharing with his followers who is producing content on a daily basis or who whose

Content is coming out every day and that what he does is what I’m talking about he is the Pioneer in my mind of doing that the YouTube hobby Hall of Fame thing is similar because they are really like you know they are Hall of Famers on

YouTube I’ve never heard on that list I like you know no offense and I I truly mean that no offense but I haven’t heard of most of them I I’m only familiar with maybe 10% of the people that have been elected into that YouTube hobby Hall of

Fame now not to say they’re not worthy but I haven’t even heard of them I don’t know who they are some of them have died by now as well you know in our rest in peace but so that is a great way to find more under the radar uh YouTube that are

Talking about the Hobby and sharing their Collections and sharing their knowledge on a regular basis so I think U let’s see let’s see what Dan’s vintage baseball Dan what’s going on Dan says I don’t want Mega subscribers growing my audience from the current 400 in a Grassroots way is consistent with my

Channel content and attitude yeah see that’s organic growth is the best you know that’s the way I’ve done it I’m guessing that’s the way you’ve done it Brendan I do see some accounts out there especially on instag stagram where I’m like whoa that guy’s got triple the followers I

Do and then you start digging see oh yeah they got 12,000 followers but 10,000 of those are Bots you know like like they’re they’re not real in or that’s not organic and it doesn’t really help you anyway because you don’t get the engagement uh Bob Boozle says glad

The algorithm sent me here after watching a shaving video that’s what you’re G to get because that’s right Carvin Chong the very first guest of sports cards live has joined us Carvin this is the first episode in the new studio by the way he says what up SCM

What up Jay Coach Co nice trim on the stash late to the party Carvin hope you had fun at the Burbank show today I think I saw you in a picture there and sky sky says how do you teach someone about this hobby when it changes so fast

Is that what they need to know is how to follow the hobby not necessarily just learn about it the question is how do we teach them when to change it so fast shouldn’t we teach them how to stay up to date versus just learning about it

Like how do you stay up to date it’s a good it’s a good comment I think and following guys who put out that daily content about what’s going on not me I don’t do that Brendan does it the sports carard dad does it um hobby with cage

Does it a a weekly thing um Dan the Cardman puts out daily videos you know there are people doing this so you can you you can find it you can find your daily stuff uh but the hobby does change fast however I think there are some things that are that remain constant and

That’s what you get from that Evergreen type of content and um yeah that’s what I think how about you Brandon yeah I think the fundamentals don’t really change right like how to how to price a card or I mean they’ve changed obviously in the last 10 15 years but like they

Haven’t changed in like the last little bit right so teaching someone how to do that uh you know edicate when it comes to like grading for instance or you know what I I mean yeah I think that there’s certain things that you know which products are generally more

Desirable uh what the general markup should be there just there’s like a few things that I think that yes these things fluctuate a little bit but they’re pretty consistent across the board yeah there are those Universal truths and that kind of thing that you can you learn about the hobby the H you

Know I don’t know that the hobby is the hobby is changing because we’re seeing okay let me start over the hobby is changing in the ultramodern world faster than anywhere else the the pre the hobby before that isn’t changing that much so if you learn the history and like carbin

Carbin says find a mentor talk to an OG understand Trends that’s not as difficult to do is keeping up with you know what’s the latest product and what’s the latest controversy with the latest product I’m I don’t really care because I’m not buying 2024 Topps baseball or whatever

Ever is coming out personally so I’m not as interested in that I care more about you know is is all of a sudden 57 Tops baseball what everybody like like why is the did someone just discover the awesome photography like I don’t things like that I think are more interesting

For myself Laura says if your video is more educational than promoting yourself Count Me In yeah and that’s you know and I think you’re going to find a mix on some but that’s that’s a great comment and then sign and slab says doesn’t collecting imply history versus

Consuming which is more keeping up with the change interesting that’s that’s deep Brendon that’s some deep stuff right there that’s a whole episode itself don’t you think I do of course you that’s that’s a deep comment David let’s have a chat about that all right

Guys listen we got to wrap up it’s it’s it’s like four hours past Brendan’s bedtime he’s got his alarm set for two hours from now so we can get up and go for a walk and put out an inspirational uh reel on Tik Tok and Instagram brenon

Uh you know Coach Co his name his real name is Brendan everybody if you haven’t uh if you haven’t picked up on that yet uh thanks for coming on uh it’s been a long time coming we’ve I said at the top of the show we’ve had the privilege of

Uh or I’ve had the privilege of sitting on panels with you at the Expo in particular maybe even at the mint and um it’s always been fun always just you know you’re just a pleasure to be around in the hobby I’m glad you’re in it so thanks for taking the time tonight

Appreciate you having me as always man even if it’s uh you know four hours past my bedtime yeah no one I’d rather be spending it with so you’re good oh I appreciate that well all right guys in the chat thanks for being here get your final comment in we’re going to wrap up

In about a minute here the professor says great new studio studio with great tall ceilings for a tall content creator and great content episode tonight thank you Professor yeah this part of the house has uh we’re probably looking at uh 12T ceilings in here maybe a bit

Higher it’s a nice little space I’m in right now Mark sanui is giv us five out of five stars tonight brandan that’s pretty sweet thank you to the professor for the last one all right guys reminder tomorrow night here on the channel myself and Josh Madigan from the hockey

Cards Gong Show will be covering the ending of the pwcc weekly hockey auction well their weekly auction with the hockey component and Monday Monday MC Monday’s live is back with their showcase auction featuring only items 5,000 or more I will be calling the action they are a ton of fun Sunday show

Pwcc very educational Monday show some education a lot of action please join us Carvin yes this is the new house we moved in on Wednesday thank you thank you stoes appreciate that Mid-Atlantic good to see you here we’ll get to we’ll have after hours again at some point I

Appreciate that Dan’s vintage always looking forward to Saturday nights thank you Dan I do appreciate that thank you so much says another great guest nice comment for you Brenda Robert Scott says great episode lots of positive commentary thanks Robert welcome to the show and Eric Stefano good to see you

There in the chat Yankees fan thank you very much grman cards thank you thank you for the for the love in the background I appreciate that for anyone who came in late I’m going to give you guys a little peek at to what’s even higher up so here you go let me just

Adjust the camera here so you can see I’ve got 20 vertical cards above me right there they’re all you know kind of really important I IC cards and then we got the four horizontals over there and we’ve got two cases with cards I have room for a third case over there and

Some more paintings to fill in those gaps up there and then I’ve teased it but maybe I’ll show you guys this wall over here there’s the bubble gum boxes there’s the teus salani Shelf got some other Collectibles old old empty tins of the cup over there what El way up there Nintendo

Uh there you go lots of uh old video games my kids some Star Wars stuff a shell full of books anyway there you have it everybody that’s the new I got to tell you Brandon I moved in and like my favorite thing was putting arranging these shelves

Because this is like the history of me right up there it’s just awesome so uh thank you thanks thank you Jeremy fellow Fireball Yankees fan Eric thanks a lot Laura thank you and Carvin yes old cup yes I have empty tins from 05 to about 2015 up there all right thanks everybody

Brandan thanks again buddy appreciate you say goodbye one more time I took a while there that’s okay thank you for thanks for having me man and uh thank you all for joining and all the positivity and uh I hope that we continue to make some wonderful stuff

Happen in this sports card space let’s do it let’s keep this hobby going everybody Jimmy suranto welcome and thank you so much all right guys with that I want to say have a great rest of the weekend have a great week ahead if we don’t see you here tomorrow or Monday

On the pwcc and the MC Monday show but have a great week everybody thanks for joining me here first episode out of my new home and with that this episode of sports cards live featuring Coach Co is now over


  1. So Jeremy you saw when I signed in I was watching the Colorado Rockies Philadelphia Flyers from Giant stadium?

    Colorado won 5-3 6-3 with the empty net.

    do you want my list of the content creators that I watch?

  2. 1:20:40 I believe they call that "eskimo brothers" … NOT card bro's lmao!!! Small town folks have this problem don't we lol. Dammit Ziggy beat me to it lol!!

  3. To CoachKoe’s point, I would also say to collectors/investors to do your own research. Stop taking influencers advice, pickups, or what’s hot/not, as if it’s gold. This age of technology the research is out there. Influencers, such as Jeremy, provide us information and entertainment, but for myself, it stops there. Great show!

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