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Everybody take care right Andre how you doing a no bad Paul how’s you all right you uh you got a swim H I didn’t know have a lot I got there but had a bit of Rush about and uh yes um wasn’t wasn’t the visit I was

Expecting but never mind we’ll get there for a swim tomorrow night yeah I look at that video you sent me it’s one them MST uh Mark uh 1 ESC and Mark to you look like they’re not on logbook they class as a brand new car aren’t

They yeah that was a I would like one I had something else written in the window I think Sun said but um look at the picture I thought it was one of them but um they’re Mega Money yeah you could be over 100,000 for one of them that

Billing that billing gam Mark to ESCO 156 Grand [ __ ] hell that’s mental a mington diamond engine famous rally engine in it I think they think engine is it I probably 25 30 grand for an engine it’s uh is serious serious do there it there if I can see

What there is something written in the back but I kind of the writing’s too small to see in that picture but it’s got a proper weapon that thing I never seen it running just seen it par there but a picture of that something special had a nice instrument pod as well like a

Fancy h i mean I like a set of dials myself but had a nice the interior was done really nice I tried to take a picture of that but all I was getting was a reflection in the window but uh nice piece of CIT that yeah somebody making some money trading

Them aren’t they okay A B and wheeles at MSD isn’t it I think they’re they’re building six r4s as well with v6 supercharged V6 Audi engines well don’t be telling Julian man one of them eight cars man they’ll be losing his mind out we I sent him a picture of that I sent

Him the same picture I sent you but like he likes it he likes something like that Jules nice nice stuff if I the I’ll buy one but the moment I can only look at them yeah you STI with that care Andy that’ll keep me going for a while did you see fat Dan’s

Interview fat Dan Rayfield Dan Rayfield I’ve not seen the is that the American guy the yeah he talks a lot of sense you know I used to have a bit of back and forward with him about 10 years ago he’s got baseball cards you know from

Uh 90 you know 100 year old than that you know whatever like early days and that and stuff like that and uh yeah he’s a proper into like know baseball and American Sports he a proper sports fan he’s one of them guys you see sat crowd you know with popcorn and hot

Dogs and that and it be one of them types would it Boards of mustard and tomato sauce and onion just he does talk a he does talk a lot of sense because you know Canelo he ain’t got an opponent so as he that’s right I mean I I heard they

Got offered the is it 45 million f um is it Ben aidz yeah what it is right is the the Amazon are involved aren’t they so if they’re going to be flexing the muscles all these boxing people are just going to fill the boats aren’t they no oh but but it looks a

Bit canelo’s trying to pick and choose and there’s only one fight for him benitz really he’s got to fight that kid yeah he’s got to fight him otherwise it’s just it’s a scandal if he fights anybody else really it’s a scandal I mean he didn’t want to

Fight Crawford but you can’t feture 147 up to 168 can you no it’s too dangerous and they need they need to do summer they need they need to do some some it’s uh he’s got away with it for that long on he now yeah backing for at the eight and that

Yeah well he invented a division didn’t he 155 do you remember ah you should never got away with that that’s boiling guys down to that but still glassing it as middleweight uh title defenses it’s a joke that’s absolute joke what’s going on making a mocker of here and he’s got away

It that judge is looking after him and all sorts listen it’s scandalous yeah still trying to milk it to very end and instead of just have it taking some risks since he since he got in with bble he’s wanted to pick and choose yeah he

Got brave for a while he got got k at right time didn’t he yeah washed off got caught out in the end be bevel didn’t he he got caught out yeah but what they’re doing is they like to mil like American Independence Day don’t they they have that other bank holiday in

September so they get them dates locked down for him don’t they and everybody buys into all country buy it don’t they yeah you know so it’s not a wealthy country but no I think just Taking Liberties and he’s got to fight that benevita is always going to be shamed by all of them

All of them got to be shamed do we agree on that I would say so yeah the commission yeah sorry the commission agrees commission agree Jer Jerry and kentre and Richard Terry Mikey leave a comment I mean all that H all that what he’s been up all that needs called out

That’s got a put a dent in his resume that needs there’s people they’ll know look into things far enough like casual fans and that and they’ll just have him doing know he’s an alltime great and they they’ll know they they’ll gloss over all that stuff which is wrong all that stuff should be

Highlighted Max used to say that I agree mate I agree but people buy into what they’re going to buy into don’t they you know what I mean canelo’s picks and choose don’t he yeah when it’s yeah when it’s looked like he’s been beat he’s benefited doubt he’s had a couple of dodgy

Draws yeah and uh when he when he has stepped up to Elite level has been beat and he were beat by L in my opinions yeah okay uh ay and Garcia looks like it’s going to happen in Brooklyn New York Eddie’s bouncing about full of life buzzing uh Eddie is back on

Everybody’s lips again the the the the daone schedule for next three months fantastic isn’t it you seen it I’ve not seen at all got some great fights a lot in America but uh we’ve got some great stuff coming up we’ve got that uh Sheffield one as well uh Terry ARA on

That a you Sandy Ryan uh D Smitha does the leads one coming up yeah but like like I said the uh who was on the leads one again I forgot cell Taylor catell Taylor that’s not pay-per-view so really they’re strong aren’t they back to they say they’re number one again now

W you if if it were neck and neck the they pulled Eduardo’s pulled away on it he’s just yeah his put it in first gear put them big size 12s down on it and he just burnt a big donut a over everybody everybody all people like me brick

Top f is everybody Eddie’s just donutting down street in his TVR hey bricktop still try to fire up the 1983 V12 Jag Ed’s uh well Ed Eddie’s burning off in his TV tusen with wa with whale siding down Road control it drive that bump in the head’s done I’m

Good did you see FL on his head that’s looks like an air it what was that that on his head that a trump cut is it so Trump Fair T Trum moment he’s got to take him about 15 years to grow a giant Fringe so he can whip it

Over he’s got his mores blood resistant T listen at least mores attested against zor came winds Eduardo what so mongia looks like it’s dead in water Crawford’s say it’s not big enough and there’s not to gain uh Benny Vitz this looks like he’s feeling his Napp it

Charlo says he’s an H he’s not spoke to Alman since his last fight uh so as far as I’m concerned there’s only one fight left for him for Canelo and that’s Christoper Eubank Jor what do you reckon maybe get maybe get that Saudi for a bit of cash B some Saudi

Money well Crusher Ben you Banks D water in it yeah that would probably be a good match for Eubank going up to probably suit him better going up in weight it could you imagine now if yard were at match and Eddie be saying to yard you

Think you could boil down seven pound to pight Canelo would tundy advise him to do it for Right feet you would hope not that’s dangerous dangerous well not to stop um Canelo fighting heavy he fought heavy before he so I would it be a good

Match for y to take if it was light heavy but no boiling Down super middle that’s that’s shouldn’t shouldn’t allow that to happen he’s a big guy yard for the way anyway is he yard’s a big lump he he’s probably a Coss way really are I’m just saying you

Know these promoters they don’t think the weight divisions for a reason for example what they did to Kell Brook against uh Golovkin were nothing short of a scandal so let let’s look at it from another point of view a world champion the welterweight Paulie malagari would they have put him in say

Let’s let’s say let’s say somebody not as killer as Golovkin who has got the record on it for defenses right I know him and Hopkins [ __ ] record but Hopkins he didn’t he only had nine stoppages the other fell were knocking everybody out on it so let’s look at

Uh putting Pauling malagar and we say Matthew Macklin he should have a world title he got robbed against St but let’s say Matthew Macklin a former world champion in in hardcore boxing fans eyes yeah yeah mlin got that decision against Stern and then they said Matthew your

First defense is going to be Paulie malagari the Magic Man people would have been up in arms wern’t they yeah yeah nobody would have bought that oh look what we’ve got over here we’ve got Kell Brook stepping up to fight a killer in gkin right but Kell you really a 168

You’re bigger than Golovkin you walk around heavier than him giving it that and they spun it and they got away with it and they ruined that kid’s career because he could have been one of the real greats up he were destined for to be a dominant welterweight I’m talking Lloyd running

Night do you know what I mean it’s just greed on the promoter part instead of either bringing somebody the right size in or dropping the show they had to do something but who was ADV a fighter will fight yeah but he should have been advised against it I think

Daren Daren Barker first defense against paie malar there have been on wasn’t there yeah Billy Joe there have been Al on when he went middleweight champion yeah you know you know even if you B for p m that way e got am so but it’s all right to put put

Kell in yeah that’s okay no it is so they brought remember they brought Marco Antonio barer up to fight Amir Khan didn’t they that was wrong as well that was just all all wrong got a bad cut earlier on I should have been stopped right when it happened

That was a mad really bad cut but it’s it’s almost like they kept it going just so he could get the win there I feel I felt sorry for Barrera there did you because he never fought that we before he he always F featherweight didn’t it Bantam weight or featherweight

Yeah okay just just to get a name on the record yeah okay uh Canelo so we a got a dance pot on the Canelo it’s got to be benitz if not you say we could buy the Yu bank one we buy into that but other than

That no Char W like I said that’s a noo he’s on holiday right tank Davis has rejected Conor Ben’s offer uh they just did that just to get the senic news everybody knows that but one being ConEd very close is Danny Garcia and Ben that’s close

But the fat Dan says that Ben’s not an A in America it won’t sell over there it’s got to be in UK oh that’s a bit controversial it have to be after April when the silent ban gets lefted yeah that’s his twoe ban up in April is

It a UK that is how old Danny got see know he getting on a bit yeah it must be 34 35 yeah must knocking on now uh a 147 tournament in UK British one Ben Aris scarf Crocker mckinson uh a no he’s not British is oh Conga a

Kman could have them six if he want to go for European aian or uh Conor Walker could put him in with that that’s eight then oh what about Josh Kelly at 154 at British so there’s there’s options for Ben in Britain is there let me read these names out here

Connor Walker all right if you want to put Ean these are some these are ranked guys that the say domestic level even Ean I think he’s World level Conor Walker these are these are the British level a kosman Congo cocer scar mckinson any them will fight Conor Ben

Eishan will fight him and Josh Kelly will fight him at 154 so 147 at 154 what’s that eight nine that’s 10 people there that are saying they’ll fight Conor Ben 10 yeah then and they and Conor Ben is blanking then they’re not even getting it a time what sort of media people

These are promoters you’ve got people calling your out left right and Center saying they’ll take the fight or there people speaking for and saying they’ll take it 10 people there and all all their handlers and all their trainers to 10 you got a group there of 50 people all saying yes let’s

Keep money in UK not America or Saudi because that’s a LEL Conor Ben don’t deserve a fight inide does he so this is not a big headliner this is a lot of big money Fen done that but this is how I look at it why don’t he just try and win fans back

Over take his ban up to April and you go through this lot like a dose of salt he could do three in a year yeah it took him three years to know then lot guess some money pay his legal goals yeah he could he could have a good

Income there and let’s have around robing between lot of them yeah I saw I saw somebody interviewing Eddie Hills and he I can’t remember who it was that asked him asked him about why not Josh Kelly and it was just a flat no so him apart man doesn’t he want that

Does he he want that SM so why Josh Kelly beat him don’t you yeah you know his trainer is don’t you who’s his trainer I’m not sure who trainer is go to Adam the dark lord yes the dark lord listen I want to start heing people

Say go to Aden boo on all your social medias let’s get it going again the go to Adam because he’s like a forgotten soldier at moment Adam we miss him we need his we need his sit Downs with coug that’s it so kougan is a good interviewer he is a good intervie he’s

Very patient lot a lot to be learned from watching him very patient wish should video what about a 175 tournament Ben Whitaker Anthony yard Callum Smith Craig Richard daniz Boi Lyndon Ara pom pilone there’s eight there that’s good good is it all them eight have a you know a

Quarterfinal a semi final and a final in one year couldn’t they could do that that’ be good winner goes to fight Bia and bivel after they’ve had their two fight deal do you know what I mean it’s all there for these people but they’re not sharing the love out there that’s a good

That’s a Saudi tournament that on its own is it that Lyon AR’s already been out there buty who was ready for a world title danaz British conw for European Champion uh Craig Richards Mundo Smith former Ring magazine yard to Challenger and Ben Whitaker Mali Olympic medalist who was

Saying he can beat them all get all their mate at it and winner fight Bia and MIM after they’ve had their two fights it’s not earn you earn your corn get you could have a quarterfinal and a semi-final and a final there you go piece of pissed they

All don’t have to fight each other all come down the line can’t they get names and the profiles out there but you hopefully some might listen brick top and Eddie Hills need to get it sorted get it sorted tournament forward let’s seal the bests we don’t need all these K belts as

Well they need to jog on yeah Ben been a lot of them mate been a lot of them do you think this Saudi situation you think he’s having a knock on effect on kids that are like 12 or0 who wanting to get to 20 or now and now they’re at

That stage where they need to be going at least for an area belt you think that’s are all holding out to build that record up waiting for knock it door possibly need just roll the DI and get on with because tomorrow waits for nobody it’s just what they’re going to do hang about

Another year when you look at how the heavyweight division’s been stagnated is it really Fury’s had 10 fights since Vladimir in under a month and he’s got one in three month right that’s 11th yeah that’ll be 11 in under and three months he’s not active

Is he who one a year man is he no but usually that’s because he’s getting messed about is it well yeah that is US case us it not active though I they saw I remember UI Fury getting uh his fight with Pula and look how long it took the

P left to finally get that Joshua fight after after they parked him up didn’t they after UI win yeah yeah had to wait a good few years to fight to fight Joshua it’s like getting line cuz the G the game people mandator is slotting people in and then getting them rematch

Closes it just plugs it all up up we’re not even getting active Champions never mind Undisputed it’s all a farle and it always has been going back it’s 25 year now is it since we’ve had it yeah you know and they keep doing this and I think he just going to be

What another big let down again but it looks a bit but let’s hope it in let’s hope it happens CU it’s got to happen it’s just and it’s got to be I noticed the WBC guys at maricio suan he’s on about having six judges or that in the early stages just looking at

Options to prevent controversy he’s wanting no controversy so he said but oh course they giv a nice sassic cake exactly yeah keep inven these different belts all s of leeches man wood peckers PE pack p p pecking it you pecking it you that’s what they do Peck away that’s it fill in their

Pockets if anybody had any balls they tell them listen we don’t want to deal with all these trinket belts we just need a ranking one to 15 if you getting them rankings right that’s good you know where you are you’re you’re you’re a number you’re one to mandatory or one or

15 yeah one to 15 that’s what we need and then people will start with put British and European because you you can get into rankings by them belts and whatnot I think after they have been disputed and they’ve got a winner say we got a winner hopefully it’s not a draw

Or something D like that or any controversy you get a winner after that BN all the belts set the ring belt or something like that just have one that’s the champion whoever’s got the ring belt think Fury just say right I’ve been in all at belts except Ring magazine if he

Took his lead on this right and did that could you imagine he said what melts me nothing I’m the guy to beat belts me no yeah maybe people would back him I know I would yeah I think that needs to happen hopefully usk would do the same as well

But he’s I don’t know he seems to like belts do it so maybe these SS can like start like a proper rankings thing and get it across all weight divisions and get and get everybody to put everybody in these rankings and do it that way and everybody buy into a proper

System there a a big turkey belt he could he could create he could create his own belts Gold Belts tow okay we could call it the Triple T heavyweight what do they call him The Honorable his Excellency the belt of Excellence or something like that I just

Want but what I want to see most of all is I want to see people win a British title and try and win it outright and learn the craft and then when once they get into them hard nights they’ve been they’ve been in a firefight aren’t they I don’t

I always bang on about this but look at F’s career in British title fights Robin Reed Brian Mcgee you know what I mean Tony Dodson people like that do you know what I mean just BR British title defenses Tim Le he did the traditional route as well even though he lived in

Canada grew up in Canada he came over here and did the traditional thing didn’t fire fight something then wants to get ready for for real mcau they’ been in way you already been in with four Olympians by the time he got to that stage or three Olympians so by that stage Charles

Ado uh Robin Reed and Brian Mcgee so You’ got three Olympians there and and Brian he want Commonwealth foro other two were even though Olympia they Robin Reed want WBC McGee WBA IBO British and European so you’ve been in firefights you ready for your pascals and your

Deral and Taylor all them Keers aren’t you we’ve got geers now in this country they’re getting up to 12 and0 and they’re thinking just a couple of easy ones then we’re 14 and0 we’ll start get managers to start lobbying they get these rankings and they’re in these

Rankings but they’re not ready and if they get that phone call for a voluntary out at top 15 out anybody they want Lottery aren’t they in the mindset so thinking well it’s easy way to Lottery money or at least Thunderball lower weights do you know

What I mean so the’re kiding the sou but once they get at Promised Land look what happens they get served up aren’t they you know I mean so learn your British way get a British title and have some have a proper belt at home do you know what

Happens in other countries I’m not aware what place of France Belgium ger or that is there is there a traditional route there like um belts like is there a German belt or a French belt or Italian belt any of that yeah they they have all the Italian Champions

French Champions all that yeah all that and then they go for European don’t they yeah prestig is belt the European title and start fighting for it a bit more instead of this TR nonsense and getting fake rankings do you remember when Connor Ben were about 10 and0 and he

Were at WBA number five you remember mentally hour something like that what’s going on here there number five Conor B what is all that about give him my title short and see what happens there bang off the Buton Moon Yeah but it’s uh I was going to say

Now I mean the rale B that’s going to go that’s why wouldn’t why wouldn’t you want to win one of them listen you know when you look at it right Dave Allen a’t got a belt as it to his name Tommy Fury ain’t got a belt

John Ryder a’t got a belt Conor Ben G Bel right well they’ve all had it off out of the box none of have got a belt is that where it’s going get to now no’s got a belt none of them have got an area English British or between them then for

John Ryder brusher Ben Tommy and Dave Allen they’ve had opportunities but they a’t got a belt between them they love a belt the swap houses for a belt when they get to a certain age in their life you know when they look at mirror they’ll have regrets about

Wrong advice it h you and you sleep maybe might not Tommy Fury CU he’s had it off on it his mindset is different but Dave Allen will regret not put that timing because he could have been a British champion easily yeah he should have FL that Thomas shouldn’t

He and when the money Runs Out still you would still have your ondale Bel but uh sorry the money at the time might h take your detention away from not having the belt but when the money Runs Out think I could have had that belt you still have

It there’s no Shortcuts To Success no that’s it well maybe they might all get jobs as pundits maybe Tommy Fury might get a job as a pundit because he’s got a following maybe maybe Dave Allen might for a bit lighthearted entertainment maybe John Ryder might because there’s a Sims

Fighter might get a pit job Crusher Ben will be nailed on for one cuz he’s Conor Ben’s son so probably get him a pit jobs where whereas if you’re in all of Fame you can’t be a pundit if you’re outspoken you know because you like right somebody in all of Fame would be

Like an expert wouldn’t they you think so yeah did I see somewhere at Tomy Fury’s been offered 15 million for two fights for Jake Paul one in boxing and one in MMA yeah is that right yeah but end of the day it’s just them just putting stuff out

All the time because they’re obsessed by it themselves aren’t they now yeah keep themselves relevant well that’s what’s going on in that that’s what’s going on it’s uh I mean look at state of John now you think he’s spoiling Tyson’s Legacy tarnishing it think he’s tarnishing it a bit

He’s he’s maybe not been allowed to at the moment if he’s been kept at arms length but CV Andy right your CV is all right and it but don’t say you’re a goat and all this and that yeah not having this fight you you’re not doing fighting that

Person you pulling out a fight don’t say all that and then it come back and bite you in ass but there still time if he beats usek twice Joshua twice Uno there’s five wins there going on to his CV yeah then if he gets a couple of more

Good fights a couple more good wins you know he could be looked at then in that company that top 20 company love to be in top 20 would he know all time great but he’s nowhere near that top 20 at moment not not not ring magazines not

Anybody’s he’s not on all is he the sad thing is the potential is there and there’s so much much time been wasted exactly and and his best years he’s wasted 10 fights yeah in under month he’s wasted his best years wasted it doing it his way and now they’re

Alienating everybody and they can’t see it they can’t see rubbing everybody’s nose in it and if you have a poor and the losing conversation you get you press P to you get threatened or you get told you’ve got to have a f at when

Do you know what I mean that’s uh what I thought I thought Josh tayor came across quite refreshing on that aspect when he was getting questioned and talk sport about Champion he says he doesn’t actually care what folks say if that’s their opinion that’s her opinion but he’s not trying to ban folk

For speaking him or interviewing him or because they’ve got because they’ve got an opinion basically yeah but from a Fan’s perspective my perspective you when you see you know yourself you see a guy you wow he’s amazing but and fury as well to an extent he’s the skills are absolutely

Brilliant and then when you see he’s not getting the fights the fights are not happening for whatever reason and times going by you think what a waste just wasted talent and then by time he is getting the fights and it’s a bit of Travis it’s too away he’s getting beat

Maybe ends up getting beat with people he shouldn’t beating them that’s that’s the end that’s the end game it’s a you don’t want to see but but uh like I say I don’t always I don’t often mind who wins as long as it’s a good fair fight they give their

Best and it’s a fair result controver look at Al right how active Ali was yeah and Mike Tyson and Larry hes and then you look at this lot now it’s abismo what they’re serving up abismo they’re just standing on boxing fans and squashing them people are turning off and they can’t see it

You know no see it because everybody’s ging them up everybody’s gassing them up these people and they’re in their own bubble cuz they’re having it off but they can’t see what they’re doing to the sport look at the shows that are not happening Fighters that are not wanting

To take risks yeah to go to Saudi and nobody wants to upset the apple cart and say a word because they all want to get there sorry what they need to do is take a step back and look at the big picture no just BL because like what happens

When it dries up or some happens out there well they’re already saying we don’t want so and so out there this person can’t go out there that person can’t go out there don’t want anybody questioning anything it’s like communism yeah it’s had a knock on effect to the sport in the

UK whereas the border the border now on the back foot they don’t know what to do they want to run up a tree but Robert Smith wants to go find a big oak tree and run up it and hide you can see it written all over the faces on they’ve let Conor

Ben right fight twice in America the boxing systems let that happen and earn money while saying he’s been cleared but he haven’t been cleared you a explained anything 20 month on nobody’s asked him Connor at all these interviews Connor how did it get in your system then

That’s all they got to ask him that’s that one question Connor how did it get in your sister you mind all this [ __ ] that ain’t an answer just give us an answer that’s all they’ve got to ask nobody wants to ask it cuz they don’t want want to lose access and

Laming at holders don’t want to say anything because they all want to get to Promised Land don’t they and it’s like some carrot that’s dangling over him and nobody dare rock the boat and speak out what needs to happen is everybody needs to ask them everybody everybody

Should rock the boat and then where are they going to go then you know the they can of ban everybody from access so they become a non entity don’t become invisible oh able to retire at this right not be bothered about boxing did that and walked away and said

There’s not to be made thank you very much job is it rescue sport government won’t they can’t stand it MPS sh no MPS when I callor them about boxing anything but they put their heads in their hands when I called them I said what about funding they put the in the

Hands they just got this dim view of the people who were supposedly run the sport they’ got low opinion of them because none of them can be trusted can they with around a pound note side state fi to part two yeah just give me five I’ll be right with you


  1. Its going to be a big year this year for Josh Kelly, Wasserman and the Sauerlands have got to step him up and find him a meaningful fight at 154 he's WBO #1 WBC #10 and IBF #4. The IBF is currently vacant, I would like to see him get a big world title fight at the stadium of light! Sink or Swim time for him and his career

  2. The BBBC shouldn't let any British fighter go for a European let alone a world title unless they've won a British title but they don't control boxing as you say board of no control. The big promoters tell them what's happening instead of the other way round. That's why there's not enough co-promoting andus as fans miss out on some classic fights. 🥊👍

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