Swing SLOWER but hit golf shots FURTHER (let me explain…)

Ever wondered how some golfers seem to swing the club slower yet hit the golf ball far? Follow these steps to achieve an effortlessly powerful swing which generates MORE distance.

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In this video we are going to be talking about how you can swing slower and yet hit shots further cuz it is a question a lot of you guys ask you know how can the pros look like they swing it so smooth how can they look so in control and yet

When they hit it it sets off like a bullet and flies such a long distance and I’m excited to be covering exactly that with in this video and if you are new to the S Quest Channel make sure that you hit the Subscribe button now we release weekly videos on how you

Can better improve your game so what is the secret that these Pros are using well first of all it isn’t really a secret this is all about using the body and the club in the most effective manner so the first thing to understand about speed is that it is created

Incrementally as you start to move down towards the golf ball speed is continually applied until the point of impact and then just afterwards so the first thing you want to do to get this more controlled looking powerful motion is to focus firstly on the back swing

Now the reason that the back swing is so important is because it allows you to build up the potential of energy that you can deliver onto the golf ball you need to be able to generate enough turn enough width and enough movement off the golf ball so as you start to come

Through you have time and you have that potential to deliver the power in a smooth fashion so to give yourself that potential of speed we need to create a big wide turn away from the ball now a turn for many golfers as they’ll understand it is the shoulders rotating

Away from the ball with the middle of the back facing down towards the Target now this is correct but I want to start thinking about your back swing turn a little bit differently it’s not just what you’re doing with the upper body that counts if you’re somebody who

Struggles with back swing turn one area to look at is what you’re doing with the trail hip so for a right-hander the right hand hip what a lot of people try and do is turn the upper body whilst restricting movement on the lower if you want to achieve a full turn allow that

Right hip allow that trail hip to rotate as well if you can turn that trail hip it allows the upper body to follow it allows you a greater range of motion another way that you can increase the amount of turn on your back swing is by lifting the lead

Heel so the left heel for a right-handed golfer if you can turn that right hip if you can turn the body if you allow that heel to rise it actually gives you more range of motion yet again it gives you more freedom to be able to turn fully now why is this

Important it all goes back to what we spoke about when we mentioned creating power incrementally allowing it to build up as we move through impact let me explain it this way if you have a back swing which looks a little bit more like this so the left arm just about gets to

Parallel the upper body doesn’t turn fully if you move down into impact there’s only going to be so much speed that you can create in this little section of the swing so if you think about the amount of real estate that your club and your hands have to move

Through here you would have to apply a lot of energy and pull downwards really hard to try and create speed now you still can hit the ball a decent distance from that back swing but remember we’re talking about how to make it look smooth how to have a much more Fuller range of

Motion and still Propel that ball out there whil it’s looking relaxed now if you have this full turn so this full rotation up to the top of the Swing all of a sudden now you have so much more room and so much more time to apply that

Speed that’s why it won’t be rushed that’s why it’s going to enable you to be able to incrementally increase that speed that’s obviously my word for today so we’ve established that we want that full turn because it gives you time to build up that speed and this is as

Mentioned the setup this is what allows the possibility of having that Smooth release of power through the ball but how do we action that what are the thoughts that we can have to smoothly apply that speed through impact now the first thing that we have to get

Absolutely nailed down is that we don’t want to rush at the ball it’s not going anywhere it’s not moving fingers crossed so we can actually take our time especially in this transition phase of the Swing as we move from the top top of the back swing into the down swing

You’re not going to be hitting the ball with any of this part of the Swing again hopefully not but if you do rush you can start to throw your body out of sequence and sequence is a very key word here with any power movement in hitting or

Throwing whatever it may be the sequence is generally the same we wind up we start to move our weight towards the target we rotate and then we release we throw we hit whatever it is it follows that same sequence if you start to do the opposite

And this is what a lot of golfers do if you get wound up and then decide to throw your hands outwards and throw your hands at the Target you can see how this natural sequence how this natural motion is completely interrupted we need to be leading with the lower half then

Unwinding and taking our time allowing the club allowing the hands to move through last so a nice drill that you can use pop the club across your shoulders turn away as much as you can oh restricted turn the right hip oh bit more lift the left heel oh oh now we’re

Good all the way up to the top now as I start to move through the ball I’m going to shift my weight I’m going to turn my lower body and then I’m going to allow my right shoulder and the Club to move through and it is that sequence that we

Want to be following it’s as simple as that another drill that you can use again it gets the sequence pretty much in the right order is if you take a ball and imagine that you’re skimming a stone across a pond across a lake across the ocean across a river across whatever

Body of water that you fancy you’re in position you turn away and then you move and you’re in this skimming action and if I just basically replace the club with that motion here we are at the point of impact it’s a very simple feeling but it’s a really effective one to try and

Get those movements so I’m just going to get that feeling of skimming that stone and this is a really tricky hole here if I hit the Fairway you’ve got to like the video I guess you can still like it if you want getting nervous on the

Simulator in the widest way in golf you got to you got to like the video anyway back to Power things I also really like the skimming Stone drill because it feels like you move your weight down a little bit into the ground this is all about pulling energy up from the earth

I’ve done actually a few videos on this please check out the swing Quest channel for more of them however something which we’ve not discussed yet throughout all of this and potentially one of the most important things is Strike now this isn’t discussed enough when talking about how to swing smoothly how to have

That effortless power a lot of the very best golfers in the world they can find the center of the CL face now the energy transfer in the center of the CL face is going to be much higher than if you’re hitting it out the heel out the toe out

The bottom or the top let me put it this way if you swing super fast but you strike the ball here it won’t go as far than if you were swinging slightly slower and you hit the middle of the face so having a smooth swing having an action which

Delivers yes speed but also consistency of strike is going to enable you to propel that ball forwards whil it’s looking in control so we’ve got quite a few different movements that we can work on there but there’s going to be one more which will really put the cherry on

Top of this smooth swinging cake and that is the finish position so I’m going to move through this shot I’m really going to try and apply that power in stages but I’m gonna hold my finish position and I can guarantee it makes a difference it’s amazing how much

Smoother and how much more in control a golf swing is when you hold the finish position it’s such a simple thing it’s something that if you had lessons as a junior you were probably told but it still does ring true if you can come up to a full finish and hold yourself right

Here that will mean that a lot of stuff which has gone on within your swing has been under control so we’ve got lots of things to work on there we’ve got the back swing we’ve got movement down through the ball building up that power gradually with those drills but finally

Let’s move up stick that finish position and look down at your target right guys hope you’ve enjoyed if you want more help smashing your driver check out these swing videos right here


  1. Exactly what ive started to do with my game, My irons have iproved so much and now im just working on my driver.

  2. Any recommendations for exercises/stretches that will aid in improving the range of motion to allow the rotation. I know I struggle with tight hips.

  3. Pete, smoothest swing on you tube!!!! I've only started playing last 12 months and just had my 1st lesson and I struggle with the transition BUT the coach also so about how important the finish was as well!! Thanks Pete

  4. Man I wish you could coach me 1 on 1 I may actually be able to play then! Also wish I lived anywhere but northwest England that would help!

  5. For the end position, I always say to my friends golfers, think of a friend taking a picture of you at the end of the swing and pose for it….

  6. This is one of the things i've been working on for the past couple of weeks. It's transformed my swing.

    I always got too quick from the top and struggled with weight transfer. By really slowing the backswing down and then a gradual acceleration into the ball it allows me to sync everything up much easier. Gives you time to get your body in the position it needs to be at impact.

  7. Pete I’ve always been confused about whether this sequence and the backswing are the same for full swing iron, driver and wedges? Or are there variations to it for shorter clubs?

  8. Great video and perfect timing Pete! Not only have I been thinking about slowing my swing down to promote proper body positioning and better contact, but I also have a playing lesson later today.

  9. I’ve had my driver for about 2 years now and I’ve hit it perfectly about 10 times, so I call my driver swing the highland fling heel toe heel toe 😁.

  10. great videos as always. Just a comment thou on the "skimming drill #2" as i've heard many professionals talk about it: If you're a rght-hand hitter while being in life a left-hand thrower, it's really hard to "feel" that drill. Is there anything else that could be helpful for our breed of golfers ?

  11. I'm not used to this level of advice without it being delivered in torrential rain on the Irish coast with a bearded ginger man yelling Marouch at me 😅

    Love this throwing analogy, it makes sense without even knowing how to break down all the individual components of a throw.

  12. Ok Peter…. Shoulder, Trail Hip, then Lead foot… got it but more importantly, where and what the shoes are you wearing and can I get them in Canada? Those are clean looking and I want a pair! lol

  13. Yep, it’s the skimming stone for me – wish someone had told me this a few years ago, when I first took up a golf club! 🙄😁

  14. Great video, Pete! Does the skipping the stone “feel” work for irons as well or does that lead to hitting up on irons and losing compression?

  15. Peter, you seem like a genuinely good dude. The type of guy that I would hang out with. Great instruction! Subscribed!

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