Golf Players Invitational Picks, 2024 Disc Golf Sleepers, All-Star Results, & Pay-to-Play Courses!

Welcome in to the second episode of the Players Meeting! The gentlemen discuss the DGPT All-Star Event in detail, the weather and the course (Olympus). Hear about all of these players: Calvin Heimburg, Isaac Robinson, Gannon Buhr, Ricky Wysocki, Matt Orum, Kyle Klein, Anthony Barela, Cole Redalen, James Proctor, Ezra Robinson, Aaron Gossage, Chris Dickerson, Missy Gannon, Ohn Scoggins, Holyn Handley, Ella Hansen, Kat Mertsch, Hailey King, Catrina Allen, Sarah Hokom, Macie Velediaz, Jessica Weese, Ali Smith and Henna Blomroos.

Stay tuned to see the DGPT Sleepers of 2024! As the guys pick 5 sleepers each who are rated under 1030 and set to have a phenomenal season. Do you agree?

Listen as the boys share their opinion on Pay to Play courses and if they are good or bad for the sport. Who wins the debate on if SUPER CARDS (feature cards) should be outlawed in the game? Ever wonder if the tech disc information is valuable? These fellas have the answer for you.

We make our Weekly Picksss for the Invitational. Choosing a Shine, a Sleeper and a Stinker. And the first round of the Survivor series is kicked off with picks from all parties included. Who do you think is going to finish top 15?

0:00 Introduction
1:54 What’s Poppin’
24:03 Top 5
37:01 Straight Shooter Sessions
44:06 Wheel of Debate
50:47 Courtesy Violation
54:45 Weekly Picksss
1:04:25 Survivor League
1:12:26 Outro
1:13:41 Video of the Week

If you’re the Drone pilot it’s fun but it it made me a little nauseous even trying to watch it yeah and in the accuracy the accuracy piece was like you couldn’t even see the disc half the time not only that it was loud like it was so

Loud that you could barely hear the commentators well that’s not too bad W I wasn’t going there that’s a that’s a that’s a whole another show entirely but hello everyone and welcome in to the players meeting a wind dummies production I’m your host Lucas deal tonight’s show we’re going to look at

Results and thoughts of the allstar event that happened this weekend we’re going to dive in deep and look at the top five sleepers in 2024 more opinions more debates plus a look at our pick for the Survivor league and the Invitational I’m extremely excited to get this going and

Of course I got my boys with me hello gentlemen how are you this evening and of course we got the one-time World Champ Chris Smith AKA Smitty and Mr Ronnie anrew the step pup master and the zero time World Champ we’re going to with that all year long we’re never

Changing that intro um until you that in June exactly exactly kale old kale better better bring it to empor you that’s all I’m saying I would be more worried about Joe rir out there he’s a stud too hope he’s not 50 yet he’s all right well boys disc golf is officially

Back we had the All-Star event I’m super excited to start start talking disc golf with you a lot more often so let’s kind of get into what’s popping what’s been happening around the world of disc golf let’s start field events let’s talk about that performance by the fo and no

What are your thoughts yeah what the most impressive thing that happened 713 feet yeah AB all day I didn’t realize he threw I didn’t realize he threw his very first throw 700 feet until I watched the highlights so yeah but 713 man that is a big number and uh Albert Tom was like

640 or something like that something so I mean that’s that’s a long ways as well 60 some feet he won by yeah yeah and then uh he’s a free our little redhaired girl throwing 500 elzra yeah she’s not from uh Europe no no she’s just wanted everyone to know that Montana or

Something like that MD it is but man she can really throw far I don’t know if she has any other disl skills I hope she does because that’d be fun to have another another person in there banging yeah she’s young too right oh yeah yeah she

Like 16 or 17 something like that yeah super awesome Yep and uh I watched I only watched uh highlights of the long drive I was busy in the morning I did watch some of the U accuracy uh Alden Harris was pretty amazing at that last uh what we GNA call

It that last stage I guess St B was yeah where BS was flicking and he threw those turnovers mid-ranger putter anheiser those were those were beautiful yeah yeah super nice a lot of people really struggled with that station too you know what was weird is watching uh Goose hit 85

Trees and then watch Dickerson step right up and just put eight of them in the bullseye in a row or something like that but I don’t know if that was true accuracy though man that like didn’t like it trees were super close to the

Te um I don’t know if it was really shot shaping or not because everything was one angle shots there was no no bending a disc and no uh no controlling the the Landing or the speed it was all flat down there but yeah I felt like that was pretty uh slow and

Boring to watch in my opinion I I did too I didn’t care for the accuracy um I thought the putting was really not very good either um I I didn’t like the stations it seemed it wasn’t very exciting to me except for watching James Proctor and the marisel just go nuts I

Mean that it’s fun when someone putts and they never miss so so that was that was pretty fun but other than that I mean own was amazing as well I felt and I’m with you there was a couple of those stations that they had a really hard

Time lining up their putt through those trees it was like the angle was super duper weird um I guess which is what they wanted was to make it challenging but I don’t know man and I couldn’t watch the ladies they were they were not good well was good at

All did you watch like she won at at the first four stations I mean she didn’t miss one in the finals and she didn’t like line up took forever like the men to get that angle she just fired bro I mean she was sick with that but even she

Didn’t make any other the of the Goof from the goofy stations right yeah those last two stations were just kind of goofy golf I mean it was really it really depended on your putting style whe whether your putting style was conducive to the actual angle of the

Trees so I I mean like I said it was fun watching mared and it was fun watching Proctor and even Rick to some degree um and obviously owned what she did on the actual true putts those stations were pretty amazing but other than that the only thing that I found very exciting

With the with the field events was was uh was ab and that’s unfortunate because I was kind of looking forward to all of it I really feel like they could have taken all three aspects of it and had different cameras on different long drive accuracy putting and do more of a

Production where you’re cutting to this you’re cutting to that maybe you’re seeing stuff in replay I don’t want to watch a bunch of people drives or two turned over and going out of bounds or cat Allen hitting a tree two inches out of her hand on a putt I don’t need to

See that you know I want to just see I want to see the action so maybe that’s something bet that would be much better uh post production yeah I think so too I think it’ serve it serve serve them better to do that in a post- produced format they could have more people

Participate we only see the good stuff and let’s not let’s not let these poor H stars look bad in front of the camera I do like the fact they brought in people that weren’t part of the event I thought that was pretty cool yeah so mared wouldn’t have been there without yeah

That those Lind girls putted elzra I thought that was cool well you could I mean you couldn’t have a legitimate All-Star putting contest and not have the best putter maybe on the planet there you know so I’m good on for for inviting them extra people because that

That did that did add something to the event I thought and then last thing I want to talk about is that drone during the accuracy get that thing out of there am I right that was terrible I don’t I don’t want to see that man I in the yeah

I’d rather see Catch Cam and t tcam Working simultaneously on a split screen or throw throw and catch I but yeah that drone was garbage dude nobody wants to see that I mean if you’re the Drone pilot it’s fun but it it made me a little nauseous even trying to watch it

Yeah and then the accuracy the accuracy piece was like you couldn’t even see the disc half the time not only that it was loud like it was so loud that you could barely hear the commentators well that’s not too bad well was that’s a that’s a that’s a whole another show entirely

But get the out I’m not a fan Let’s uh let’s change subject from disc golf to basketball a little bit did you guys watch uh Steph and Sabrina she gave that dude all that he wanted he had to make the last two in the last station to beat

Her yeah so I don’t understand why that doesn’t translate to uh dis Golf and putting and maybe it does I mean own didn’t get whopped by everybody else by the men but all the rest of them got walloped but you know this [ __ ] could outshoot any of the guys yeah I mean she

Sabrina shot had 26 points tied with three others on the men side that were the top score of the men side I mean Steph would have of course won she had the same she had the same score as Dame didn’t she yeah as Dame as that’s all

You need to know right there yeah the winner the winner of the Three-Point Shootout that’s crazy I mean I mean Sabrina I mean Sabrina’s on on the same level in in her in her discipline like on is in hers though I mean they might

Be the best in the world at what they do I I think those two like a three-point with the men and same with the putty my own can putt with anybody on the planet and obviously Sabrina showed that she she she definitely can shoot with anybody yeah I mean she said

Afterwards if you can shoot you can shoot it doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or a boy it just matters the heart that you have and wanting to be the best you can can be any little kid watching even me as a grown man watching I’m just like

Damn like that’s inspiring stuff as you said think there’s other there’s other women who can shoot fantastic also take Caitlyn Clark oh yeah yeah she can fill the bucket and you know the uh the pool that we’re drawing from for women’s basketball is larger than the pool

Drawing firm from disc golf and I mean there’s no nice way to say it a lot of the women May aren’t the best athletes and the basketball players are fantastic athletes a lot of them so y you know maybe that’s maybe that’s the difference but I’m just shocked that the putting

Was so atrocious in the in the putting competition yeah I don’t disagree and you know and obviously it’s not this highly physical skill right I mean you and I stood right next to own and Flagstaff she is a little bitty tiny person that’s a little bitty lady and

She she just gets up there and just rocks it in there dude she’s so good yeah she’s amazing she is I mean she scored 42 points against Katrina Allen’s 29 she won by a lot like I mentioned in that final round she won by the fourth station I’m just thinking she could have

Even scored more if she was really truly locked in after she already knew she won the uh the on the men’s side uh final Mar weed scored 54 Proctor scored 42 so I mean right there just as much as own in that final Owen is definitely in a

League of her own when we’re talking putting on the women’s side there’s no one even close I yeah I mean I think she’s clearly the best putter yeah on the female side of the tour Sarah Gilpin is like a really good putter too so maybe she should have been there kind of

Like mared was for the putting because I think she’s probably one of the better women besides own could she stack up against the other man and I mean she beat quite a few of them so yeah she can definitely she can definitely play with them for sure first before we jump into

Results let’s talk conditions and how that really just just put a damper on everything in my mind I wouldn’t have wanted to play it looked miserable um I’m sure those guys were worried about slipping and falling I I don’t know what’s going on there now if

It’s raining or not but it’s going to take it’s gonna take quite a bit of uh sun and wind to dry that place out before a hundred people smack through there three times yeah and it doesn’t look like that’s the type of course that gets a lot of sun with all those trees

Right so I mean I wonder what they’re going to do already it wasn’t it didn’t look like it was the most put together place yet right they were there were still a lot of dirt a lot of uh muddy spots from all the new construction which I mean it’s

Going to be good I just don’t think it was probably ready this year in my personal opinion I mean haven’t they been using that I mean throwdowns been there forever right I mean I don’t did they add a bunch of stuff for Change and stuff I guess I don’t

Understand why the revamp conru some redesign uh I don’t remember the old course having Turf teas like this one does maybe it did I’m not familiar with the old course enough to to know any better from what we saw I think holes one and nine were the same as what they

Had been I think it was 18 and and one and then I don’t think any of the rest of the holes were the same now they were playing a safari this weekend to be fair yeah yeah I mean I watched some of the skills stuff and then I watched a few of

Like the replay stuff but I hardly watched anything live this weekend was just hard to watch I watched every second of all of the men’s action I watched the majority of the women’s and there was a lot of times where it was just hard to watch unfortunately because of the conditions

Um and I felt bad for them out there because they’re not they’re not being you know showcased the way they should be those are our best players and unfortunately the course just wasn’t wasn’t in the condition to allow him to do so yeah well let’s uh let’s look at

Results here Jessica whiz played pretty well and she I think won the female accuracy getting a single getting a single on whole three by hna which kind of a bummer they didn’t catch it going in the basket but we got the we got to see the drive and got to see a reaction

But I mean let’s be honest hna’s got a cannon MH Jessica whis has both spins and it throws pretty far Hokum is really limited and probably on the downslide of her career and my uh my sleeper was hot garbage yeah she didn’t play well she was just off and of course different

Players play differently in those type of conditions some are better in rain than others Katrina definitely did not have her aame this weekend Ella and Ally killed it 10 down Ella was great I watched a lot of that match Ella’s yeah Ella’s was good Ali did her part and the

Other two just never got anything going I mean look at all that red Missy and Holland took care of business yeah well ‘s putting was absolutely atrocious the last hes Haley was pretty much bad all day Holland was a superstar the whole round drug Missy all over that course

Missy didn’t do much and they went nine under two threes two threes on the big hole after doubles team Missy was up uh two to one and then let’s talk men’s doubles Robot Chicken Mato Co rullan and Goose I mean the the condition just madees all

Of it so so difficult to watch it just wasn’t exciting because of the way the conditions just wasn’t allow him to to do much I mean even even when they were making birdies it was pretty uneventful really this is a shocker to me the Robinson Brothers put a put a little

Spanking on uh Barella and and Rick let’s be honest Rick was pretty rough all weekend Ricky did not have it wasn’t typical Yaki Golf and the Robinson boys I mean seven was basically a perfect score whole five I think I saw one person that was the cliff to Cliff hole

I think the only person I saw make it across the cliff all weekend was uh Ezra in singles I don’t think I saw anybody else make it across the cliff Rick and ab rely on power to to make up Strokes on people and could imagine trying to

Throw as hard as those dudes do and that stuff they probably had to dial it back about 900 points heimberg and Proctor took care of business against 2K and Burr another you know seven down like Ronnie said that’s probably about as good as you’re going to get although they missed whole one

Didn’t even have a put at whole one if I remember right I think one of the two of them almost threw it in on on five I don’t know but yeah SE that they’re they were impressive Proctor was really really good all weekend yeah he had a

Good weekend I I love watching that guy play golf he’s a good player man they were tied after the doubles rounds so starting with the women um hna took care of allly and Sarah hok took care of Jessica whis Smitty there is your sleeper Katrina Allen um I think she was

Still in bed because yeah she was definitely sleeping my stink of the week was going to be Macy Macy had a fine a fine weekend she played fine yeah she had a couple of highlights on on the singles round there on whole one and whole three that that last day a couple

Throwi wins with a forehand they were pretty they were pretty cool yep and Ella played well all weekend as well even to Haley Kings plus two Holland probably the standout for the weekend you guys agree oh yeah I I think so yeah ladies MVP yeah for sure three down over

Cat merch and then Canon took care of own and that will end up making team own three team Missy six men’s side Goose got Robot Chicken if you guys weren’t watching this Dickerson threw it away Dickerson made a a terrible uh layup on the last hole laid

Up too far back he couldn’t he laid up so far back he couldn’t get over and Goose goes forehand forehand to eight feet and wins the match yeah I saw that wow erra over Proctor I think Ezra is really good maybe underrated yeah because he’s in maybe

Isaac Shadow a little bit but dude he’s played well quick what do you think Ezra’s rated um 10 38 yeah I think he’s in the 1030s yeah like 10 I it’s either 1037 or 1038 I was looking at this today it’s like wow that’s pretty I mean he’s an

Allstar for a reason the dude’s really good ab got got Cole at the end there oh how’d that work out for you Lucas come on that’s a that’s a what happened at the end that last hole is really hard if you it’s really easy to go OB off the

T and if you don’t get into a good position it’s really hard to get up the up the hill and onto the green uh he wasn’t safe on his second shot so he had a he was putting four from the Drop Zone but the the five on nine that’s going to

Happen occasionally I mean you’re either those the best players are usually going to make three or five on that hole the eight though that of course that’s not on the regular golf course and I’m really happy because that was that was a garbage hole especially in those conditions it was almost unplayable for

Those guys I the fact that we look over here and see Kyle Klein with a three that’s a disgusting three easily what propelled him forward there to win by two genon and Ricky tied plus four just not good showing bad they both I was for

Sure Rick was G to make his putt on the last hole to uh put the pressure on Ganon he missed bad and then Ganon missed the putt that I would thought he would have drained so that was the final match I don’t know if you watched or not

Lucas but that was the final match and it it ended on airball face mask I wonder if ganon’s GNA struggle without his pa3 he looked he couldn’t have looked more disinterested to me okay everything about his body language I mean he looked like he he couldn’t get out of there

Faster fast enough dude he just he looked like he did not want to be there okay I can see that too and his caddy was and his caddy was the most annoying person I’ve ever seen is it that dude that was on coverage all year last year that stares into the camera yeah

Okay yeah yeah I know who you’re talking about yeah he’s we’re not there to see you buddy we don’t care about you yeah Calvin got Isaac look at that finish man yeah that’s struggleville by Isaac it’s I I think they were just all done and ready to be gone and so happy

So happy they didn’t have to go into extra holes yeah honestly I don’t blame any of them I think it was a little bit of a wasted weekend with the weather um I know we talked a little bit before the show that we didn’t really find out

Anything that we wanted to find out I mean other than Holland she really showcased herself I don’t think anyone else really stood out James Proctor had a pretty decent weekend he threw a lot of really good shots and made some killer putts I Isaac was unbelievable in the

Doubles round he carried Ezra a big time in that doubles round but yeah I’m with you I think it was I think it was Holland and and Proctor those were the two people that kind of stood out the most of me too team Isaac one beat Team

Calvin yeah I just I like the idea of the whole thing I just think it needs revamped I think even before the event these two had no idea what was going to go in was going to happen as the tournament played out I think it was just uh a series of

Bad bad feelings that just put the weather on top of it not knowing who how the formats work not knowing who’s going to play who all everything I think just culminated into they were just fighting that crap for three days I think they were just done yeah they got

To do a little bit more planning ahead of time for sure and what do you think about the venue itself the property itself looks like it’s going to have some pretty killer stuff some cool Fairways Lota Hills of course and we’ve all seen throw down the mountain so we

Know that we know the property is going to be cool um I’m sure what Paul and Dylan and whoever else else has uh had a hand in design is probably more Pro Tour level than what throw down the mountain was but we don’t know because we don’t

Know what the course is the weather ruined what could have happened so we’ll find out this weekend I think yeah I think the course is cool I think that my biggest problem with the venue is it doesn’t seem very conducive to fans to me that’s true seems like seems like

It’s going to be really hard to to put a gallery in there for for both the event and obviously there was no Gallery with the way the weather was for the all stars but it doesn’t seem very uh very good place to to go watch golf at let’s

Kind of jump jump gears here into a another segment let’s do our top five last week we had a winner his name was Smitty this week we’re going to try to get a new winner yeah after the math was actually calculated Smitty did win but we’re going to do a new top five

This week it’s going to be the top five sleepers of 2024 beforehand like last week you guys sent me who you thought the other would pick you also sent me your picks as well and the rules stipulated that the player had to under 1030 rated to be considered a

Sleeper and so y all went through found five different players a piece and let’s go through them want me to go first since I won you got it winers Winner’s ball all right my number five I went with Brody Smith I think Brody Brody hasn’t won on

Tour yet I think Brody could break through Brody’s got both spins Brody’s got a bomb br’s got a good decent putt I think the right course he could he could win he had a shot at DDO last year I don’t hate that so I follow Brody

On uh on some social medias I actually just watched a video over the weekend um where where he was talking about his plan for 2024 and like the main thing he said he like I’m not worried about form anymore I don’t care I’m going to do it my way

I’ve been throwing for my whole life I know how to do this that’s that’s how I’m going to approach 2024 so I kind of like that actually yeah that’s a good pick that’s fun my my number five gonna go back to uh me and Smitty’s era here um Scott

Stokeley um obviously we know Scott still got the distance to compete at the tour level same thing you’re talking about both spin um in Europe he was pretty good last year he played a lot of the European tour and was right in the mix uh couple

Of a couple of top fives um I think he’s good for disc golf if he can go out there and compete with the big boys so I got Scott stokeley as my number five it’s a good pick interesting pick too I’d love seeing Make Some Noise yeah I would too yeah and I’m

Rooting for it so that that top of it number four um I’ve got Braden sides so that’s another person I’m starting to follow a little bit on uh on social media this dude’s a player I mean he’s a super player he had a 26 he’s up to 1019

Rated he had a 26 Point jump in the last 11 months um he had five wins in 2023 two of them a tiers uh he had four starts on the pro tour cashed in two of them and the dude finished 40th at Worlds this dude’s coming and he’s coming fast uh he

Plays a lot with uh I think with Joseph Anderson I think it’s kind of that that little crew together the kid’s good he’s coming if you don’t know who he is watch for him this year I think I think he’s gonna he’s gonna do well yeah I’m glad

You picked him I uh I’ve heard the name but I didn’t realize how much he was uh shredding and and moving up so yeah I’ll keep an eye on that for sure got I didn’t get a point there I didn’t have him so my number four Brody’s a running mate

Ezra another guy that has big distance he has uh both spins decent putter you know once again the right course he could he could get a win I mean that’s what I was looking at guys I think potentially could win an event and I think Ezra has the skills to do

It yeah he’s he’s been right there a few other times already uh yeah I mean yeah the dude’s a the dude’s a stud my number three Alden Harris surely he’s on your list I I didn’t know if you would put him on there oh wait I can’t I’m not

Trying to predict your list I’m telling you my list never mind but I think you know Alden he he won what mid- America last year a couple years ago he had some good showings last year he’s good his anheiser like I said earlier were the highlight of the

Accuracy contest to me they were true accuracy shots and not just throw a disc out and let it fall out of the sky so I think I think he could do some damage yeah I mean I I said in my in our last episode that he was my you know

Maybe my uh my breakout player of the year but I but I just don’t know that he’s a sleeper I mean for yeah he’s under our 1030 threshold but I think the dude’s already relevant uh um but yeah Alden Harris yeah how can’t go wrong with that pick at

All um my number three I’ve got solivan Tipton uh another another one of these kids is just getting better um every event it seems like uh had a pretty strong 2023 already um he’s he’s really moving up he’s up to like 1025 I think um and finished 12th at

Usdgc so this is a kid that’s you know another one of them freak got arms nine you know 9et long uh it seems like there’s a thousand of them out there but he’s he’s among the the best of them yeah that’s a good pick um I’m gonna take another one of

Them kids might as well be Sullivan Tipton 2.0 uh but he’s just a smaller version of I got I got Evan Scott uh I don’t know if he’s necessarily A a sleeper he falls in our he falls in our under 10:30 uh but there was a middle part of

The year when they were playing all them silver Series where that dude was just shredding he won an event and was in the top five multiple other times so uh yeah these kids are taking over disc golf yeah and Smitty had that one is I’m taking I’m taking half a

Point I said uh I said uh Aiden Scott parenthesis Evan Scott these are the same dude they are the same dude they’re the same guy we don’t know which ones which I’m pretty sure they’re both short and they both throw it really far and they both putt really well so you could

Put them you could put them in a lineup and I couldn’t tell you which one was which but I know they’re both good absolutely fair enough I’ll give you half a point credit awesome it might be enough to win so far Sur surely we’re gonna hit one of them so it’s my

Turn yeah yeah yeah number two Paul CR last year’s Rookie of the Year first year really on tour just did a big you dirty son of a b so yeah I think he’ll I think he’ll do some damage yeah yep um Ronnie got that one not in the right

Spot um but he did get Paul he had he had Paul at three for you um so really close um but that’s a full point for Ronnie yeah’s good and and and I know that you that you like him and and uh that you follow him a little bit so I

Thought you probably have him in there yeah I I like his game and I like his attitude and I think he’s got the desire to uh to be good and I think he will be good yeah I think I agree with you I think he’s really really good and he’s learning

From a really good player Nick Carl so all right who’s your number one Smitty Parker wel count him as a sleeper kind of I think he did win a a Tour event last year which was kind of shocking but I think he’s going to be in the running a lot

This year I just think that dude the start he has this year better discs probably better support I’m guessing and he was really he just popped off last year at DDO and he missed a lot of caches I don’t know if he was injured or what

After that we just didn’t hear much from him I think we’re going to hear from him a lot this year I think he’s gonna be lead card Chase Card a lot yeah can’t disagree the dude’s the dude’s really good um and that Crew He had out there in Arizona with them uh I

Think that we’ll see how much that really you know hits his hits his overall performance for the year but obviously yeah he’s he’s a stud my number one I have yakub simod uh he’s playing as did you get that one right get it right oh U that was number five

Yeah gotcha uh coming over to play full-time over here for the most part um obviously if you can put his little 110 putt performance out of out of mind over there at the one whichever one of those Estonia open or whichever one it was last year where he just shuffle puted

For what seemed like forever uh that kid’s good man and that’s we seem like we say that over and over and over again that kid’s good they are all good there’s so many 25 and unders out there that are just unbelievable and uh he’s one of them and

He’s already poed up you know he’s he’s already a dude that’s kind of in the mix he was a European Allstar uh top 20 in Worlds I mean to call him a sleeper kind of hard to do and and I kind of left you know I said You know guys that were

Under 10:30 wel gosage Hammond Jones uh I kind of left all them off Alin Harris uh but but yeah it’s just there’s so many good players out there oh yeah it was uh 10:30 was I mean 10:30 is really good and you start look at that and you’re

Right some of the names on there have won or been in the mix and like even my first two picks are they’ve been in the mix but they haven’t won so I looked at it that way that they I guess without with the exception of Parker this the dudes that

Haven’t won yet that I think have a legitimate shot at winning I don’t know if Paul’s gonna win but I think Paul’s gonna Paul’s gonna be a lot of top 15 or 20s yeah I’m with you I kind of did the same thing the only person that I had in

My mix that was already a winner was uh was Evan Scott and it was a silver Series so um I I kind of took that same that same model you did yeah it’s going to be fun to watch these guys and just to see what happens so I

Didn’t do the same thing you guys got but I think Tristan Tanner is gonna have a year this year I think Silas Schultz is another name who’s kind of shown some some good things he’s only 1019 who could have a good year too so you look

Down that list I know you guys did your research but there’s just too many I mean you could name a whole bunch that’s been in the mix before so I’m really excited for this year for sure yeah it’ be fun to look at this episode in

October and look back at it and see who we picked that did I mean we just picked 13 people see see if any of them make noise I think the score was uh one one.5 first. five and Ronnie got one so yeah that so yeah Smitty knows Ronnie um

Better than Ronnie no Smitty I really thought he trist Tanner you know I really thought he’d have Tristan Tanner in his mix yeah um I don’t have as much confidence in him as Lucas does I I hope for his sake that he does well I’d love

To see him do good and but you know we’ll have to see yep I think he’s another one that has it sometimes between the ears I think with a new sponsor a little bit of a morale boost for him earlier this year I think he’s

Going to be in a good spot early on so we’ll see how he plays yeah hope all right always let’s uh move into our next section straight shooter sessions and today I’m just going to give you a topic and to have youall just give me your

Opinion so we are seeing this more and more because more courses are are coming up and they’re not just being thrown in everywhere people are spending time to really make these courses Immaculate and with that time comes a lot of money and they want to return on their investment

So we’re talking payto playay courses so tell me your opinion on payto playay do we like it or is that hurting the sport pretty sure you’re about to hear the same thing from two different dudes here uh I have zero objections to paying to play this golf course that’s maintained well

Thought out and you know has all the amenities you might want I’ve got zero problems paying for that you know within reason yeah I mean I I yeah I think I think we’re gonna have the same opinion too I mean it’s I know we are because I

Because I do it’s yeah I I mean I grew up playing ball golf so I mean paying paying to play golf is not foreign to me and I think it’s the evolution of our Sport and as more of these people you know like you said more of these people

That purchase properties and put in courses um high quality courses if it’s a high quality course I’ll pay EV you know all day long I would rather pay I would rather pay 10 or 20 bucks to play a a great course than some 18 H holder that got stuffed in a

Nine hole park for free I’d rather do that all all day long go ahead I think knockwood knockwood here in our area is a great example uh it’s not I think the uh yearly pass is like just over $100 or something it’s not a tremendous amount

Of money if you’re going to play it multiple times I played it probably 10 times last fall so first time I go out there this year I’ll buy a yearly permit and I’ll play the heck out of that thing if I recall correctly it’s even cheaper

Than that it’s like 60 bucks I think it’s like 60 bucks yeah which is even better right I mean Y and about that is you you’re not just getting the disc golf course there you’re getting the whole park so if that’s something you’re into uh it’ll be interesting to see what

Happens in Emporia with rusco taking over the uh what used to be the Country Club what they call it Champions Landing now I think I can’t wait to see what emac does with that I’m I’m sure that the flow is going to change and you’re GNA have more uh more

Shot shaping involved and I I really I I hope we have a full redesign coming there with the exception of the island hole you know maybe maybe keep one couple of them classic holes keep them in there but yeah I think so too and yeah I mean one of my favorite courses

To play and I’ll be out there here just a couple weeks uh in Las Vegas I won’t have time this trip but I try to make time every every time I go out there to play Wild Horse that’s absolutely fantastic and it’s like 20 bucks you get

A cart it’s it couldn’t be better um I you know I travel to St Louis all the time um definitely this spring I’m gonna get a chance to play uh Eagles um really looking forward to that and that’s a little bit more of a a

Little more hit to the wallet you know I think it’s like close to 100 with a with a cart but I mean I don’t have a problem paying to play golf uh as long as as long as the facility is worth it yes Smitty you mentioned that it needs to be

A reasonable price what do you consider reasonable uh just what Ronnie’s saying depends on the course if I was in St Louis area and had the time I would stop and play uh Eagles Crossing just to say and I don’t know how often I would

Frequent if I was in the area if it’s that much but I like disc golf but I don’t like baloney sandwiches type of deal even in like in Branson uh Treehouse I don’t know if it’s still there but that used to be a pay to play and that was worth that was

Worth the money the other one there uh Branson Trails I think is what it’s called that you have to get a reservation and get a you have to pay to do that I would and it wasn’t very much and I would pay that every time that was

That was different kind of disc golf that wasn’t manicured pretty awesome Fairways but that was some of the most awesome downhill shots and the elevation there is awesome yep I think Treehouse is now gone too unfortunately Treehouse wasn’t very expensive it was like maybe 10 bucks yep

Yeah one thing that I think about when I think of pay to play the reason that I like it because I don’t mind paying either I do like when a course is upkept well but I love not seeing as many people um and that’s just me don’t like

Someone on my booty all day long having to let people through all the time so if I go I I love Oak Park here but I rarely play it because there’s all so many people there always and they’re just on you constantly and I don’t like rushing

When I play I like to just kind of chill it’s like my chill time and so on the pay to-play courses there’s usually not as many people and that’s why I like it too the busiest course I’ve ever played in my life was a payto playay course I

Played a yeah um what baloa park uh the one in San Diego what what’s the whatever the pay to play the little one in by the zoo is in San Diego and dude it was he played in sixms and you’d get to the tea and there would be three

Groups waiting it was all day long getting through there so I made it nine holes and this guy I met out there said hey you want to go play this other course there won’t be any people there I didn’t know anybody I was in San Diego

For a week and I’m like yeah sure let’s go he took me to Goat Hill and we rented a cart and played Goat Hill oh wow sick yeah so that’s cool what is that Corson I don’t it was super cheap it was only like $3 to play oh well that’s not

Really pay to play that’s kind of the same as Black Hoof I think it’s like two bucks oh I forgot that you even had to pay there yeah I think it was I think it’s just a couple dollar um I think all I had was a five I think I stuck a five

In there yeah I thinki morly field you’ve told me about playing there before actually yeah Black Hoof has it so you can also on the uis there’s a a PayPal and you can just PayPal it which I think is really smart and I don’t think a lot of people offer

That it is black H is paid to play or it’s it is I didn’t I didn’t know that it’s worth it worth it I mean well worth it yeah dude all right so yeah good conversation let us move into our next topic our next segment the will of

Debate so the wheel of debate we have topics from last time remember if you have some topics please let us know right now on our list we have the perfect round what that actually looks like we’ll get into that if that’s one of them we have super cards and then

Bringing back final nines let’s see what it’s going to be and it’s going to be super cards when we’re talking Super Cards we’re talking about feature cards where it has all of the best players um is that giving someone an advantage or not so if you’re

Pro you like feature cards and you think it’s good for the sport if you’re con you think hey it’s it’s an advantage because you have all these great players on the same card and this is going to for Ronnie because Smitty went last time okay Ronnie so you do not want

Feature card or super cards and Smitty you’re all about them you’ve never loved anything more all right so we have a minute to debate let me get a uh timer pulled up Ronnie is going to go first speaking of last time we had votes com

In we only had one vote but the person that voted chose Ronnie as the debate Champion so actually has won something here on the show all right he has won the debate his mom must have watched thanks Mom Ronnie you got a minute on the clock

Are you ready sir let’s do it all right three two one let’s go super cards um yeah I’m I’m not about it I think it’s a distinct Advantage for those people who are being put in that uh that final pairing that feature pairing um one they’re allowed to play at a slower Pace

Right giving them more time to to actually contemplate their shots think about there there’s there’s not as much of a rushed environment to uh you’re playing with the best players in the field right able to feed off of when they’re playing well right you know you

Don’t maybe you’re not stuck with me or something like that in a in a group going off at 7 o’clock in the morning that’s one of the other biggest advantages right you’re not teeing at 8:30 a.m. when when when the fpo was just just you know just cleared the

First hole you get a you get a wait play When the conditions are you know hopefully better and and you get a wait around not have to get up at s o’clock in the morning all right that’s a good one all right SME you get to give the

Counterargument are you ready sir yep here we go three two one I don’t think I have much to argue here I think Ronnie made uh all my points for me last thing I want to do is uh tune in to disc golf Network on a Saturday morning and watch

A bunch of hacks go around the course because they’re the last card out you know or the the local Pro who the tournament director puts on the the last card for little coverage because he spread some mulch or helped an old lady across the street I don’t care about

That um also I’m paying for my disc golf Network subscription so I want to see Paul McBeth Calvin heimberg all the big boys duking it out week after weeks so you know feature cards are the only way to go I and I wish that we had more I

Wish we had second card third card all the top dogs up there at the top these uh these guys 10 15 101 they don’t have a shot anyhow so throw them off let’s just watch feature cards okay great debate who do you think won put it in the comments did Ronnie win

Did Smitty win but now let’s hear from the boys on what they actually feel about Super Cards um I’m actually kind of somewhere in between I I agree with Chris yeah I’m paying you know now even a little bit more for disc golf Network every month so yeah I want to see the

Best players on the planet but I also think it’s a huge advantage to be able to play in those groups so um I I don’t know how you how you do it any other way but I do think that the groups playing in those uh and those

Super cards do get a do get advantage over the rest of the field yeah I think until we have more cameras and smaller groups you’re G to have featured cards because that’s what we want to watch um if you had the ability to follow a guy on the third card follow

A guy who’s hot on the eighth card more Ball Golf Style watch the guy who’s on then I think you you have better coverage but the way we do it now I think feature cards are the only way to really get the uh most bang for the consumer’s Buck but 100% unfair

Advantage you know WEA remember uh super duper rainy condition they cancel the round you play the next day when it’s not raining because you’re last one out de Moes I think that happened last year that’s the only time I bet you that those top guys

Had to get up in the morning and get around and get to the course and get warmed up before their body was ready to go which is another you know super advantage to roll in there at three o’clock and play after you’ve been awake for hours versus getting up and getting to the

Course so I like them but I do think they’re a disadvantage or excuse me a huge advantage that’s my thought too I didn’t think anyone was going to say it but the time that they play is such an advantage I am so bad in the mornings my

Body’s not awake I move slow it takes me about half round a lot of times to even before I start feeling good so yeah when you can play at two or three and your bodies you’ve been up your body’s loose it’s just so e so much easier so good points guys

Um what do you guys think you you watching what do you think about super cards are they we have to have them we’re paying for stuff right but are they an advantage um do you not see it as an advantage let us know in the comments let’s jump into our audience

Questions we call this segment courtesy violation we only have one question uh this week coming from Greg Renfro and that question is how do y’all feel about tech Diss and the information it gives is that information valuable and for those of you that aren’t familiar with what tech dis is it’s a

Little device that goes on the bottom of the disc that you can throw into a net it’ll tell you the speed that you’re throwing your nose angle the spin that you’re getting um your Hiser angle versus anheiser angle and is this information important what do you guys

Think I’ve never used one I’ve seen them I’ve seen people throwing them I think at this stage of my disc golf career I’m probably unable to change anything anyhow I’m probably stuck with what I have do the best of what I got and I mean I’ve spent 25 years figuring

Out how to do things the wrong way and make it work so probably just stick with it you know what else can show you how you throw a frisbee watching the Frisbee playing the game I do I think it’s a cool thing to be able to maybe go do when it’s cold

Outside uh to get maybe something more out of your reps sure do I think it’s valuable not in the slightest I I I think it’s something some nerd made and you know and oh look how hard I can throw the frisbee okay how does that

Then why do you still throw it 250 feet you know I I just don’t think it has any value whatsoever do you think you want it stored with Lamar’s Javin I just I just don’t maybe I’m debie Downer on that one but I just do

Not do you think it has a little bit more value to someone that’s brand new to the sport that could maybe show them a few things early on I think that’s even less I think that’s even less I I agree they they don’t know what positions their bodies are in and the

Last thing they need to be worrying about is how much wobble they have right off the bat this is far different than a launch monitor in Ball Golf right that does have value because in Ball Golf you have carry distance and the reason you’re doing that is you’re you’re

Trying to learn carry distances and stuff like that these things are not Advanced enough far enough to be able to give you that kind of information now if this was a simulator where I threw it into the net and now it transposed a an actual flight

On a screen for me now all of a sudden now I’m getting a little bit of value out of it right for what but what it is right now just giving me some readings of of speed and nose angle and all I oh I only had 04 degrees of wobble I

Must throw it really flat okay and what does that mean I just don’t I you know I just I just don’t get the value out of it I I just don’t see that it’s really helping you and even less so for for newer players because

One do they know how to decipher the the information that’s being given and two are they manipulating the way what are they doing to manipulate the numbers I guess is what is what I’m trying to say yeah no that’s fair and I think the simulation is an awesome idea we just

Need another n to make that one make the world go around man it’s true I’m all about it so yeah good good topic um I good good topic no offense nerds yeah yeah we need you we need you and I I’m a nerd when it comes to disc golf so we’re

All we all nerd for something right Fair all right let’s get into our last topic of the episode weekly pcks picks pcks with three s’s let’s let’s talk about our last week’s well we we’re really not going to get into last week too much right um other than other than

Smitty picking Katrina which was the worst pick on Earth um he definitely had the worst week agreed oh yeah I’ll take I’ll take that I’ll take it it was it was a bad week for me it was F let’s get into this yeah so we’re going to a real tournament

A real tournament we’re going to find a shine a stink and a sleeper for the Invitational so here we go boys um I’m going to start us off with the shine and you know Who’s Gonna Shine Chris Dickerson after that blow up at the end he plays well in the woods I

Think he is going to shine this week me next yep yeah I won’t do this every week I promise you boys but I’m taking Vinnie I think uh this this I’ll get on somebody else next week all right but this dude um man so many just straight far

Shots that throw down the mountain and I think that that’s Benny I think he’s probably gonna win who oh calling it got it um I’m G throw out the guy my throw my throw out his last four holes of the weekend other than that the guy was a superstar

Um I’m I’m gonna take what may be the best player in the world right now Isaac Robinson yep I think he does everything that Calvin does I think they’re very very similar players actually um except the dude just seemingly never misses a putt that matters so that’s right that’s who

Good pick that’s a great pick and he he throws so much farther than people give him credit for yeah he was he was putting a move on the disc all week weekend I like it I’m a big big Robinson fan my pick huh yep sleeper or stinker I’m GNA go sleeper Benjamin

Callaway really okay yeah well just another one of those guys that can throw laser beams and I think that’s what it’s going to take at this course he’s a good putter he uh he can throw both spins like all the rest of them I guess that’s something we don’t even need to say

Anymore but yeah the gu’s the guy’s fantastic at disc golf and now he what could be a disadvantage for him as he lives in Iowa and it’s probably been miserable there for months years decades centuries forever you me Lucas go ahead sleeper uh I’m gonna I’m gonna

Call upon the old guy uh kale Lisa I think this is a little bit of a kale style golf course there’s some long stuff obviously um that that you probably need but I think Strait’s going to really help um and he can keep it straight and you talk about a guy who

Doesn’t miss in the circle Much Ain’t Gon to kill himself for the most part I think the old guy uh I think the old guy is gonna is going to bring one for the for the MP 40 crew and uh show these kids a little bit maybe a maybe even a top

Five wow okay um I think that’s a terrible pick but I like um how much enthusiasm you have with it um you really went for it I have someone that’s probably borderline on the sleeper side of things but he maybe hasn’t had the best tournaments lately but I’m going

James Conrad um we know he’s good in the in the woods we know he can putt like crazy another laser Beamer so James Conrad I think is gonna have a good tournament talk about terrible picks shoot just wait just wait is he is he even in the field yeah he is he’s

He’s uh 1020 something rated um guarantee he finishes higher than both your stupid sleepers oh what are we betting I smell a bet yeah Texas Roadhouse say Smitty you get last you’re paying for both me and Ronnie no because you’re the one that want the better against us we didn’t bet

I’m just saying let’s hang out guys this is how I try to hang out with you guys I have to make bets to hang out with you yeah if you need toop to you at night just give me a call all right man I just

Need some friends okay so all we have is your guy has to beat both of our guys or you’re taking us that’s it yeah look that’s fine that’s fine Perfect come on let’s go James be my second free Road House of the Year all right this one would be a little easier to

Earn you’re gonna see you’re gonna see all right do your stinker Ronnie my stinker I think I’m gonna really surprise you with who my stinker is here my stinker Simon lazat that’s my stinker I agree 100% wow doesn’t seem doesn’t seem like a Simon style like he he’s good enough to

Play on all courses right I think I think we know that but hasn’t been around I just I don’t know it’s just a feeling and I agree his last video he hit so many trees the Casual uh the the he was played some league and he played

Terrible Simon terrible of course plus I feel like it’s the biggest room for judging what a stink is right I mean when he’s the second or third best player on the planet if he finishes 15th that’s a stink for Simon uh so I don’t know I just get a I

Just get a feeling that Simon’s not gonna not gonna be the Simon we’re used to uh I think he’s gonna maybe not have the best weekend Smitty what’s a stink for you if oh well I’m just saying if if Simon finishes 15th you said it’s not a stink

Where do have to finish not I think I think top 15 is pretty solid still I mean it’s the best players in the world and it’s a big field so TI 20 top I mean top 15 makes the cut in our uh Survivor League that’s fair

That’s true that’s fair and I think he could finish far south of that I mean I I just I’m just not feeling Simon this weekend I agree he won’t be in the mix for the win but I think he’ll beat a lot of people my my guy’s not going to beat

Very many people he’s not even going to cash Chandler Kramer I gu a chump to begin with 1030 something I think is he really I quit this I mean he’s going open bag this year doesn’t that scarest 1022 for Chandler that’s good Prett good pretty

Good but he’s not he’s not gonna be able to flick his way around that of course he’s gonna have gonna have to throw backhands to compete I think that’s a good call I don’t think he can can he I’ve never seen a single one except for I’ve never seen him throw

One so yeah that may end up being a really really good pick but I mean he I mean what’s what’s a usually finish though like what’s an average finish for him that’s a tough one to gauge for a stink if he money if he misses cash I

Think that’s good yeah if he doesn’t make the money that’s that’s a stink if I mean it’s hard to make the cash now on Pro Tour events I mean it’s hard I think I saw something towards the end of last year some statistic uh in the

Changes how the pro tour has been where it was like five years ago what you needed to average to make the money to what it is now and I think the average to make the money now is like in 25 or something like that is what you have to

Average for the weekend to get into the money yeah yeah that’s true that’s that’s good that’s good disco still that dude the the dude played 29 events last year Miss cash eight times Miss cash at Vegas which is early in the year Miss cash at Waco which was also early in the

Year and then he went over to the European open at some point here where’s that at oh yeah maybe that’s not a terrible maybe that’s a bad stink he he had some bad bad stuff but usdgc 22nd worlds 22nd great L leg player 22nd that’s fair yeah I don’t think you’ll cash though

Yeah it sounds like cash like 70% of the time so that’s pretty good pretty good out there if there’s a cut if there’s a cut he probably won’t make the cut all right I like it I like it now I thought about it I like it

So we also have our survivor league boys so that’s starting this week I have got everyone’s picks in before I show you everyone else’s picks I’m gonna have you give me your picks so all right remember for the Survivor League we have 15 people playing with us the person that we pick

Once we choose them we can no longer pick them the rest of the year if they finish top 15 we survive and we move on to the next tournament if they don’t finish top 15 we’re out so we’ll start with Ronnie Ronnie who you got I am going to take Mr Kyle

Klein okay I will say that is the only Kyle Klein pick this week unless Smitty did it I just he he’s he’s sneakily the like fifth or sixth ranked player in the world he’s awesome I love him so I’m right with you do I even need to show my paper or show my

Calvin Vinnie okay yep you pick him in everything so hey win y I’m going I’m going to week two baby you are that’s what this thing’s about right this thing’s just about getting to the next week exactly you are the fifth person to pick Calvin I’ll say that I figured he’d

Be a popular pick now I will tell you my person no one picked either Ronnie so and I don’t know if this is a good thing or bad thing probably not a good thing but it’s my shine as well it’s Chris Dickerson I think he’s gonna play well

This week it’s just a feeling I have boy all right so real quick let me show you everyone else’s picks oh that’s cool looking all right so Greg picked Simon KY picked Calvin Ed picked Garrett girthy good playing good playing with you Ed PayPal cash app however you want to

Pay that’s actually what I said to him I said yeah go ahead and uh here’s my PayPal go ahead and send me your money now so I can take it um Dixon chose Calvin Nick chose Ezra Robinson wow okay yeah that’s that’s scary Blake chose Calvin Nick chose Mato Tyson chose

Calvin my lovely wife chose Simon paty chose mattio L chose col ralin sorry Andrew yeah see you dude maybe yeah he might finish 15th and Schmidt chose Simon as well so those are the picks so my main takeaway from this is how much of idiots are we that nobody picked Isaac Robinson yeah

We’re saving him we’re saving him it’s it’s a it’s a scary thing to do to try to save somebody because you can’t you got get to the next week but I know I I almost took Calin just for that reason I’m yeah I’m confident he’s gonna be in the top 15 I think

Greg like you guys got me thinking Greg might be in trouble and everybody that went Simon yeah I truly don’t think he’s goingon to have a good good week obviously I did not help Kindra with her pick if uh if Garrett girthy wins Ed can come to uh Texas Roadhouse with us

Seriously yeah that is that is a bold first pick so we got we got Vinnie KY Klein and who did you have Lucas Dickerson Dickerson so I’m gonna be honest is there anybody in that group outside of Calvin heimberg you’re like oh automatic I mean I think not just our

Group but all of these all of these picks no outside of the heinberg are I mean I think maybe Klein is the next closest automatic well I don’t know like man usually you would always say Ricky but after his performance I’m like I don’t even know if I like him well

Too I heard him say on the broadcast that Rick was gonna go home oh was he not even playing no I think he’s playing maybe he’s on the list but I think he’s doing the All-Star thing and then he’s gonna go home and then he’s gonna come

Back now he’s flying so it’s not that big of a deal but I don’t want to be in an airport two days out of a week long stretch and I say all that but here’s here’s another another one I I was surprised at today what do you think MD Matty O’s rating

Is he’s a 1040 guy yeah he’s in the 1044 to my guess he’s almost 1050 okay he’s better than 1047 for m i mean he’s great he’s he’s sneaky um and it’s kind of a mato style course I guess um there’s and course Ezra I mean we all just said that that

Dude’s you know really great and if his if his brother wasn’t Isaac Robinson maybe maybe he’d get a little more credit but but yeah there’s some how many here okay here we go here we go over under over under we have eight and a half contestants left for week

Two oh no wait we have 15 10 and a half 10 and a half contestants U let me look at these picks he’s gone he’s gone well Ed’s gone so we’re um I’m crazy gonna giry I’m gonna say over but you know how good I am at this I think we’ll have we’ll

Have we got what three Simons there I still think Simon will be in the top 15 maybe how confident was that definely I think that’s a good line Ronnie I think you picked the isn’t that exciting though too that like we have no like absolutely that is

That is so good for the sport like when you don’t know you don’t have a clue that is so fun I’m so excited to watch this weekend yep it’s gonna be fun I think I don’t have anything going on there you have it all right well let’s

End our show with uh a nice little video uh we’re g to show a little video of something that we talked about in our podcast on the Wind dummies podcast but a pretty crazy putt um that we’re all calling definitely came to rest but give us your opinion in the in the comments

On if you think this is legal or not and other than that gentlemen it’s been a blast can’t wait for next week we’re going to be right back at this every Tuesday after an event we’re going to drop a new episode so after um be prepared for another one we droing

One right after that so any suggestions please leave them in the comments give these guys something to debate something to give their opinion on they have so many opinions they want to give them make sure you always right every time every time you saw some Katrina pick all right gentlemen anything else

That you’d like to say before we head on out of here uh if you made it this long to watch the whole show I really do appreciate it I know that I have a blast talking to these two Kneads and hopefully we can make your 90 minutes of

Viewing give you a few giggles and lighten your day up a little bit yeah same feel appreciate everybody who uh who does take the time to watch uh can’t wait to do it again I mean The Season’s here it’s on us now next time we’re here we’re talking about a real

Tournament oh yeah it’s on all right everyone take care byebye now okay wait okay wait very interesting I heard the cheers I thought maybe someone had thrown in for I’m one of the sh holes but dude look at this thing love to get to see this the wind was just perfectly coming


  1. I never saw the drone on the accuracy, so I can't comment on that.

    On the drives, I hate the chasing shot. It's terrible and you can't see the angles of the discs because the drone is flowing at weird angles as well.

    I LOVE a stationary drone shot though. One that shows the tee and a solid 350 or so feet of the fairway. Then cut to the catch cam.

  2. Good stuff again guys. Simon easy top 15. He definitely has a tournament mode. I'm pretty confident he'll be okay. Go James Conrad! I hope you get a free meal Lucas.

  3. Possible debate topic. I think it’s weird to have the All-Star weekend at the beginning of the season. I’m not necessary a fan of how the NBA does theirs in the middle of the season either. I think it should be at the end of the season like the NFL. A culmination of the season before. What are y’all’s thoughts on

  4. I'll root for MattyO til the day i die 😂 I think Cole Redalen could do really well this weekend if he puts things together. And isaac robinson is looking deadly for sure. Can't wait to watch a pro tour event again, feels like it's been forever!

  5. I rooting for Double G now… let’s go team ED!!! I didn’t say I think he has a chance, but it sure would be great to see the reaction next week 😮

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