College Fantasy Football Best Ball Strategy (2024) – Q and A with Josh Chevalier of Fantasy Points

Are you looking to dominate your college fantasy football league this season? Look no further than our Q and A on college fantasy football strategy. From drafting the best players to making seamless roster swaps, we’ve got you covered with expert tips and tricks. Stay ahead of the curve and crush the competition with our Q and A to college fantasy football strategy. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, our strategies will help take your fantasy team to the next level. Don’t settle for mediocre results – elevate your game with our proven tactics. Get ready to dominate your league and earn bragging rights with the ultimate college fantasy football strategy guide.

Hey guys welcome to fantasy points this is the special cff show that uh we got going on here my name is Josh shaval I am here at fantasy points I lead the college football team and I got one of our subs on today want to introduce yourself hey yeah uh Ryan Carpenter and

Like I said one of the subs over at fantasy points so I’ve been around for a few years now ever since it got started yep and man we’ve been it’s been so awesome to have you as you know one of our subs for a long time I feel like

You know beyond a sub you’ve become a good friend and a good advocate for this space in cff and so it’s been awesome to have you and I’m looking forward to this conversation man you uh you know we got into best balls last off season kind of

Doing them together and and hanging out and um so why don’t you talk a little bit about your background with best balls and you know how we got here today yeah well it’s kind of like I’ve you know briefly spoken with you about and some other fellas but you know a lot

Of it is coming from the NFL side first and all the years that I’ve been involved with that and you know as life gets going and busy for everybody you know one of the things that I came across via you know I listen to sirusxm the fantasy stuff the channel and and

Almost all day long um one of the night groups is Bob Harris and Mike Dempsey the football die hards and you know I listen to them lot a lot of time at night and one of the things that they got me into years back is the best ball

Because more than anything it’s just and and you know I told you Mike related it to golf you put down your clubs for six months you come back and you’re starting over like you got why’d you do that right well it’s kind of like drafting in his opinion like you should be

Constantly be drafting like doesn’t matter what time of the year it is doesn’t matter how far the season is yeah some of the info may not be perfect but so what but it’s kind of just that it’s that regularity to it for one so being in the the mode of drafting but

Then two it makes it a lot easier when it does count when you get down to basically almost the start of the Season you’re not trying to cram like tons of information in your brain to get ready for a real draft like a redraft or a

Dino or whatever and so for me add to that layer that I can’t really you know sit and read tons of Articles all the time like I you know everybody’s busy with life right and I wish I could sit down and read a bunch of articles but I

Just can’t so the best format has become the perfect thing it’s a PR preparation thing it’s a know the players thing you know it’s it’s constantly keeping that draft activity going and and from as early on all the way up until the point that it matters the more you can do in

My opinion the better you’re gonna be yep n totally and you know we started these a couple years ago these cfff best ball drafts essentially because we found that mock drafts you know didn’t really give us some accurate ADP because nobody has skin in the game and so we started

These $5 best balls and you really carried that torch last off season um and what you’ve done this off season has been even better right like we’re seeing new people come into this that we’ve never had Draft before I was telling Mike bambridge one of my boys and a guy

That works with us at fantasy points it’s like man I think like 30% of the drafters are completely new to either cff or best ball um because I just haven’t seen him before and this is not a huge community so um so it’s been awesome to have new

People but what we wanted to do right was if there’s anybody that’s new or wanting to get into this to create a a primer show essentially on what is a cff best ball and then what are the questions that somebody’s new they might have right and so you know a little bit

Of quick things our formats are all pretty similar right we start you know we draft for 30 rounds we have two QBs that essentially the highest two QBs are your starters two running backs three wide receivers one tight end and then you have what two flexes right I think

Is what we got so that’s our format that’s what we do and we draft 30 rounds and you have you know whatever that is 10 starters and um you know so it gives you some leeway right this early in the season where we’re not sure who’s going

To be the starting wide receiver for certain teams or the main quarterback um but it also for injuries too it allows us to have that so and it’s a full PPR that’s what we run so all those are really good anything else with for that you think is important before we get

Into these questions uh no you know it’s on fan tracks like you said you know the other part of it that’s really the important part you five dollar like okay if it helps me get better now you know whatever I’ll do as many as I can like

That’s that’s not even a major expense so uh yeah no but best ball format you know the best part is once these are done we don’t have to touch them you can wait till the you know the end of the entire regular season to even look at it

Ever again that’s the other Nice Part yeah totally and you know this has been awesome so we’re still in February right and so but here we are we’re going to we’re going to have this conversation I’m gonna hand the drive the steering wheel over to you let you kind of drive

This ship and you know I know you want to ask some questions and then I’ll do my best to answer what I can okay yeah yeah so you know a lot of this is based on okay we got these drafts going and that’s great starting to learn the players especially the

Newer players I don’t recognize I I’d say close to 20% of these names maybe even 30% so there’s a lot of names on here that are popping up that I’m like who is that where did this player come from right and so as we go through these

Drafts it’s great to do but there’s definitely things that start to happen where I’m like wait a minute why that that player went over here you know 10 Rounds later in this next one though like you know so you know there’s a lot of things that start to come from this

And it’s hard to get the answers because you can’t get that out of like reading an article necessarily right or you might but you might have to read 10 articles right so this is kind of you know for me okay how can I take someone like you that does have the time and

Spends you know so much research and everything you know knowing everything to get to the point um where I can say okay now that we’ve got you know six seven eight of these going and and whatnot what are some of the key things that I’m starting to go wait a minute

Wait a minute I need to figure out and that’s kind of where I want to go with this hopefully today so the big part um you know it’s when it comes to these beste balls and obviously best ball I understand is slightly different than say like a regular redraft uh college football you

Know say team but it’s close enough right but at least specifically to these best balls because that’s where we’re at now in the selection process right you know is there I don’t I always hate to say it but is there a best strategy approach you so NFL right and the NFL is

Pretty easy or at least for me it is because I’ve done it for so long you know it’s there’s zero running back it’s load up you know heavy uh you know wide receiver running backs and put QBs way at the back end you know or it’s like don’t even think about tight ends

Because who cares like people that have all their different like this is how I do it this is every time and then I just kind of pick the players to match that basic approach so when it comes to college fantasy football I don’t I don’t know that I’ve heard necessarily if

There’s any specific strategy but that’d be my first question is there an approach is there any type of strategic way to kind of say Okay rounds one through five you know whatever I don’t know what it would be so this would be saying I have no clue would you have any

Advice in that realm that’s great yeah you know what I would say is there’s 134 teams in FBS football so the endless there’s endless choices and the players that you can pick and who you can go after now obviously the best teams narrow down to probably about

40 or so um but you know with that that’s the beauty of cff is there’s really like no set strategy on this thing now I will say with the transfer portal and the ease of moving around for players now that quarterbacks are typically deeper so quarterback’s typically a position that you can wait

On in these drafts and you see that happening right now we’ll talk about this in a little bit but you know that QBs are ones that you typically late on wait on a little bit later and then pick kind of best available running back wide receiver and and you know past years

There’s been a brock Bowers type right that’s a guy that’s heading above head and shoulders above right other you know um tight ends you know similar to a Travis Kelce in the NFL that you would see him go early um but other than that like tight ends are another position

That you’re typically going to wait on so wait on QB’s tight ends go best available running rning back wide receiver early and I’d even say to get a little bit more granular that it’s typically it’s easier to go wide receivers early earlier on in the draft

Season because we just know less at this point um but you know I think running back wide receiver early you’re probably not going to go wrong it’s typically a winning strategy um but if you go you know two three QBs in the in the first three rounds you know you’re going to be

Hurting to find those you know crazy good wide receivers or running backs to hit your wagon too okay so so you literally think you could go almost maybe six rounds deep before even touching a quarterback and actually still have a legit chance of winning one of these things oh yeah I

Mean QB is so deep that and and look man like we’ll get into this later but even this year the difference between the qb3 and you know who’s going in the first round and you know the qb2 is probably pretty negligent um so I just don’t think that there’s that big of a

Difference okay right on um so then you know so we got these set up we go 30 rounds um also in the same sort of Realm at least more so for beste ball probably than regular season with the NFL there’s a lot of groups out there that have like

Targets of you know okay you’re gonna go two QBs and seven to eight running backs and you know six to seven W you know whatever wide receivers in one tight end and one defense or you know and they all have their own are there any type of

Kind of you know ways to look at 30 rounds and say I need to split it up with each position category there yeah I would say more the the target numbers and my target numbers are typically I went six QBs I want four tight ends and

I want 10 running backs and 10 wide receivers okay so you start two quarterbacks back right so I have enough of a cushion that somebody gets hurt I’m not just cooked right um and the other thing is in college fantasy just like the NFL I’m sure but I don’t play a ton

Of NFL but you know dual threat quarterbacks Rule the Day right but dual dual threat quarterbacks also have a higher chance of getting injured so you want to have some kind of risk management system there and then four tight ends because again if you have a tight end that gets injured then you’re

Kind of you’re kind of screwed rud if you don’t have enough backups um and there’s outside of your first 15 tight ends you’re G to be throwing a lot of darts at tight ends and hoping they hit and so you just have more variance there

And then I go you know my other 20 draft picks are all running backs wide receivers I try to I just try to you know load up and get you know guys are going to score big each week but we you know best balls are only two or three

Years old in CF they were not available until then so you know you don’t have a lot yet as far as those projected totals and a lot of data on that um and so we’re still we’re still growing in that that space yeah so nobody’s actually dove into the actual results and then

Broken down the results and then done the statistical you know whatevers to say okay 72.5% of the time this this lineup wins basically so this is more about injury relationship and and like you said because even 30 rounds because I I don’t think there’s any NFL that go 30 rounds it’s about

Maybe finding kind of those lucky hits here and there as well yep yep okay that’s it okay um okay so the other thing I I I always think about it in relation to this is that you need like you said 130 some odd dang teams which

Blows my brain but anyways um you know and that count for this player pool and so to me coming from more of a fan viewership side of of of college football to diving in about three years ago to start trying to learn this so that I can be more capable of doing this

Myself on the fantasy side is that okay well from a fan side it’s it’s obvious you know SEC Big 10 Big 12 you know you kind of know yeah your main conferences with your big Powerhouse teams that have been around forever that are typically contending for national championships

And all that kind of stuff and so right away brand recognition right oh I know that team I probably better get that QB oh I know that team I probably get better get their running back so but does that really actually makes sense in the fantasy Zone to stick to like say

Power five the the big main names and conferences or does that actually hurt you if you just make a decision between you know say two running backs that seem to be in about the same ADP or something but one’s over there and I don’t know conference and one’s in the oh I know

That conference yeah how does that work in this universe how does that actually play yeah I mean some of it is just figuring out conferences that have poor defenses right in good offenses I mean historically that was the Big 12 right like back in the day when you had

Patrick Mahomes and Texas Tech and it’s like well they’re not going to play any defense and they’re gonna throw for a jillion yards right with the air raid like so you have that type of stuff right and so I think it’s just following on monitoring that so Mack Mac is kind

Of typically known as like a zero defense conference right and lots of running backs because there’s so much weather later on the seasons it’s like running running backs Rule the Day in that conference so that can be a strategy Conference USA right now is one of those conferences they’re just not

Playing defense almost at all and so to go after Liberty I mean you’re pretty much guaranteed some pretty high level points so that is one strategy acc’s kind of like that right now um the Big 10 is really tough because you’re asking these players uh they have really good

Defenses right and so that’s a little bit tougher so I think there are conferences to go after you know the ones I typically go after ACC American um Big 12 is usually pretty soft with defenses um one of the things I’m looking into more granular granularly this year is kind of looking

At teams that have really good offense like a top 40 offense with a bottom 90 defense or you know like a bad defense right kind of a difference of like 50 spots so their offenses like USF is a good example like their offense is really good and their defense was really

Bad last year so they’re going to be in shootouts so there’s just going to be more points in that game so Byron Brown Sean Atkins you see them going the first couple rounds and that’s why Georgia Tech similar to that where good offense bad defense so if you can find those

Combinations that can help out too um but yeah ACC Conference USA American G5 conferences typically are not as good defensively um Sun Bel is one that is so I would be careful there but yeah like Ashton Genty after his first three or four weeks playing with Boise State he’s

Not not GNA really face a defense other than Air Force that’s gonna be tough on him so so in college it sounds like it’s much more uh predictable to some degree cuz the NFL is not maybe a handful of teams are obvious but the vast majority

You can’t really rely on that because so much changes from year to year for one and even halfway through the season it changes and all a sudden you’re like oh this was a great defense nope they’re terrible now yeah so it sounds like that’s a little more reliable in this

Realm yeah okay totally all right that’s good um is there you know within okay so we don’t have near as many as like say uh baseball for example but positionally wise um you know is there like anything to focusing on um and I think in my brain

Would be like a tier system like a lot of uh Sports and fantasy do like tiers within the the category right so all the QBs tier one two three four you know what I’m saying so is there is there a way or or or should there be a way I

Guess to say okay I need to I need to clarify before I get into doing these drafts that there are tiers and if so you know how to break it up and say well boy I I need to make sure I don’t get you know to this point with running back

Or wide receiv or t is there any of that does that exist at all totally yeah I mean I think in anything right a good drafter has tiers and you’re looking at two things right you’re looking at ADP tiers right like where’s the breakoff for like right now in our drafts right

It’s like you have the top three or four QB that people are going to go after and they’re going to be in the first couple rounds and then you’re going to see two or three rounds right where you’re not going to pick a QB and so it’s like all

Right if you’re not going to get one of those top three or four right that’s a natural tier break that people are kind of determining but then also you want to have your own kind of rankings or find out you know some rankings that you trust or people that you trust that have

Rankings and kind of see the tier ranks there too and like where are they matching up with ADP and value because you know it’s like anything right it’s all about value if you can get like last year I was able to get Ashton jenty in the eighth ninth round of any draft and

Like he was an you know a top running back last year but I got him much later and so um I think when you can find those values that’s what you’re looking for and that’s part of what tiers are right where where the value breaks sure

I tell see that but the one thing I definitely don’t see are like tier rankings ever put out why is that well I think we should change that so I think that’s one of the things that um there has been you know at different points uh tier rankings that I

That I’ve seen I mean that I know that Wes used to do and stuff like that with fantasy points but we need to start getting back into that it’s one of the things when I was reading this I was like yeah I need to put tiers in my

Rankings uh for this next year and so that’s definitely something I’ll be adding oh good yeah yeah I I I know I know I would be looking at that every day so yeah that’s good um so transfers freshman you know new players you there’s definitely a lot of uncertainty right for obvious reasons

So kind of thinking in terms of the same thing is there a way to I guess you’d probably have to split them because those are two different things transfers and fres not in one grouping but is there a way to say at all wait this long

You know get six for sure returners that are at positions before you begin to think about maybe diving in you know and maybe there’s one or two that are so good that they transferred to another team that they’re still within that obvious range but maybe not as obious

But is there even a way to even go about like kind of mentally preparing going in going I’m gonna get eight I’m gonna get four like is there any you know anything like that yeah I don’t think about it like that necessarily but I think about D okay let’s take this example Dylan

Gabriel right he just transferred from Oklahoma to Oregon we know that Oregon’s a good system and uh it’s like a plug and play with quarterbacks we know that he’s transferring from a high like P5 team right from a good offense to Oregon who’s all also on the same level so I’m

Gonna be very comfortable drafting him in the first round same thing with Evan Stewart going to Oregon like we already know he can perform at a high level as long as he’s healthy he’s transferring to Oregon I can um you know I can think

About that and I can look at that and go this is a pretty even but last year for example you had Carson steel going from Ball State in the mat conference over to UCLA in the Pack 12 now that’s a tiar Jump Right In competition um a couple

Years ago he had cam Ward going from Incarnate Word which which is FCS up to Washington State that’s two tier jumps in competition those are the type of guys that I would not take early on because it’s just hard like it’s hard to figure out you know unless

You’re just some like an incredible Scout really figure out whether those people are going to train you know their skill sets are going to translate to success at this next level um you know one of them that did Jeff Braum with Jamari thrash who went from Georgia

State last year to Louisville like we some of us were more comfortable drafting early because um he kind of took over as the wide receiver one that is A system that you want a wide receiver one Jeff brum’s wide receiver one and Jeff Braum was talking him up

And so I trust Jeff Braum’s eye and and if he’s telling me he’s okay but I think for the most part when people are jumping tears so from the group of five conference to the power four conferences um like I’m gonna be more hesitant and if they’re jumping

From FCS to up then I’m really going to be hesitant to draft them unless I got you know some good quotes from the coaches um that I trust and it has to be a really good system um other than that what you’re saying yeah I might take a

Risk in the later rounds on some of those guys but I’m not going to go super early does that make sense it does and that makes it harder for like where I can’t necessarily follow all that information closely I guess it would be then

Okay it may not be easy to put a number on it but would you would you wait till probably a third of the draft is over then before taking any crazy risk yeah I’m probably going rounds 20 to 30 right with those those picks okay yep okay

Yeah okay that makes sense and I’m gonna and this will kind of piggyback that to some degree um you know with freshman coming into college football um and and and this is a tough one where I get probably the most uh confused is because I am still trying to learn you know uh

Deie C Toc yeah stuff too and for these best balls it’s kind of hard to figure out okay well when do freshman really become relevant for this style of college fantasy football because they’re obviously going to be more relevant in like campus to Canton because you’re

You’re trying to bring them in and take them all the way to the NFL but then you’re waiting like my four years maybe before they even matter so is there a way to like again without having to read through Bill billions of Articles knowing when freshman are truly

Relevant to this format uh more like redraft you know college fantasy football yeah yeah I mean essentially what you’re looking for there is guys that are just elite elite right they like so for example in the past trevan Henderson contributed as a freshman but he was the top running back in that

Class they had a spot that was available right there on the Ohio State depth chart so you kind of saw he was an you you want a high ranked freshman and I would use 247 composite rankings to look at that and then you want to know that

The depth chart is looking good and then you want them to be an early and rolly those are kind of three things that you’re looking for in freshmen that are going to contribute early and if they’re not an early and rolly it’s going to be really tough for

Them to get on the field in week one um and it’s typically running backs that we’ve seen have some sort of success so the Nick Singletons of the world um or the trevan Henderson but man trevan Henderson um is really and then CJ Baxter this

Last year like he got hurt quite a bit but he was the starting running back over Jonathan Brooks week one um but so you kind of saw okay bean and Roshan are gone you know this is a sarc system running back he’s an early en rolly we

Got some data on him um it’s those types of things that you really want to see I don’t know if there’s any to just be honest this year Jeremiah Smith is the one that I’ll look for um but other than that like I’m not sure if there’s going

To be a ton of open spots for freshman to really contribute this year at a high level um it’s gonna have to be something that we’re going to look at but there’s not the obvious there’s no obvious running back coming in this year that’s going to take over a backfield that’s

Desirable like a Penn State or Ohio State or Texas right those are all three like major Landing spots and that’s where we saw fresh freshman the last three years um and so yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t see that right now this year um and so I would I would probably

Stay away other than Jeremiah Smith that I would start looking at maybe and I would look at him in double digit rounds um if he’s available so so for so for that it’s Pro like you’re saying year to year changes also which is part of the difficulty but

It’s probably more of a it’s probably more injury related and or underperformance related luck of the draw that they actually become literally relevant if of any type unless you just un which we don’t know right now but you know unless we get to the start of the Season they’ve already

Basically been shown as okay yeah we’re playing this player yep totally I mean and and you saw that trevan Henderson right he wasn’t starting week one against Minnesota two years ago like um he was the backup and then he got some you know experience and then also I I

Could be wrong but I I think Mayan Williams actually got dinged up and then trevan had a few weeks of the backfield and then he hit like 200 plus yards against akan and it was like that was like all she wrote right opposite happened with CJ Baxter he started he

Got hurt against Alabama and then Jonathan Brooks came in and took over and we know what he did until he got hurt and so um so injuries play a like Ashton jenty last year not that he was a freshman but George helani gets dinged up in week one against Washington and

Then Ashton jensy goes off right injuries do play so much of a role in a lot of these running backs popping off so so if there was a general and there can’t be always but if if we had to say okay rule of thumb just in case freshman are not likely to

Be accountable in this style of format right they could which means if you’re going to take some of the better name you know ranked whatever uh freshman players that’s probably almost more almost last third of the draft range totally totally okay yep because I see him going a lot earther than that and

I’m like wow like is that how important that player is like it makes me kind of go I are they even gonna play like so yeah I think it’s either people like me that are getting too cute or uh you know like they just think they’re smarter

Than other people um or it’s like they have some sort of insight right like I knew that CJ Baer I’ll tell you why I took CJ baers I took I had the most shares of C.J Baxter and Jonathan Brooks last year in best balls and why because

I knew that CJ backer was probably gonna start but I also that J Jonathan Brooks is really good and if one of those guys gets injured that backfield is gonna go ham right and I was getting them you know and you did this a lot too right

You did the same strategy and it’s like we we got them round 12 and then round 20 for Jonathan Brooks and I was willing to just double tap and grab both of them in that range because you’re not losing much but what we gained in that right

Like we had a huge strangle hold on that position um and so yeah it was helpful for us in that way yeah which that actually kind of reminds me of one more thing you know I think we we can go into the draft next but is that you know last

Year I was kind of told and and it doesn’t matter I know everybody has their own views right and that’s fine but I was always curious to learn more and see if it changes that stacking was not important in these 30 round College fantasy football drafts like what’s your

Opinion on that yeah I mean I don’t really care about stacking I don’t care about stacking in DFS for college you know football I just think there’s so many teams and so many opportunities that you don’t need to do it um but of course if you stack the right com you

Know combination that’s awesome right it’s gonna win you weeks um but you know ultimately I do think the later you get like what we did right with double stacking running backs it’s like well if you just know a position’s good then you know and it’s going to be

Fantasy gold right then you should probably take a chance on that but I don’t I don’t think it’s required at all all right so and and again we don’t have any statistical analysis that’s been done that would even back it up anyways but nah it’s all conjecture yeah okay all right well I

Think at this point why don’t we actually get into the draft itself the the so for those who don’t know you know we’re running a bunch of best ball drafts right now on fan tracks you know gaining uh the community like you said off of uh oh Twitter you know trying to

Get people involved and uh so we’re into like number eight now I think seven or eight whatever it is anyways we’re going to cover the first one that completed here just a couple days ago and really my thought process here was I was in it you know and I’m using as much

Information as I can to try to you know go about this as best as possible but this is learning to me so this is how I’m starting to begin the process of actually getting into this year’s uh players because there’s a lot of players on here I don’t I still don’t recognize

Their names and Dred into this now so I just wanted to get your kind of overview of what you thought and how this thing laid out and then we maybe just you know a couple of specific players that I had might have had a question or two

About yeah I mean look it’s really hard to criticize anybody’s strategy in in college fantasy football because there’s so many teams and some of the times that when people go unconventional like they win and so you know I’m not going to sit here and criticize anybody’s picks here um but I

Mean overall like I think you know for this to be the first first one right that was out there I thought people did a really good job in this one and so we can just kind of walk through and you know you got any qu I mean my basic

Observations is what we talked about right you see three quarterbacks in the first two rounds um and Byron Brown who’s in the second round here usually goes in the first round um and uh you know and then you have you know not until what round five here that we see

And that’s and it’s green that’s coming off the board there um and so you see kind of a run there and that’s that’s like you know this is kind of how the board setting up this year so yeah I’ll let you ask kind of any questions and

Then we can go from there yeah and I’m gonna have to ask Jared at some point because he went on a four quarterback run starting in the fifth yeah I have I don’t remember seeing that at all not even last year so I don’t know if he’s

Like you know got a new strategy or if it just was like it it is what it was and felt so I’m going to find find out on that one that one stuck out to me the most was that four-run quarterback there in rounds five through eight and I was

Like man I don’t remember seeing that at all so I don’t know if it’s new or anyways we to get yeah at some point to cover that one um probably the first one to pop out to me right away and again mainly because I don’t know even

Necessarily all the names even been at the top but uh mafa in the second round was one that I remember like at some point it might not have been all the way through the entire baseball draft season but for sure I remember in the live streams as well they were just like ah

He’s you know he’s not even necessarily a required draft piece and now all a sudden he’s in the second round yeah this is the beauty of of cff so part of this right is you know you look for opportunity you want bcow running backs um and so you know will Shipley just

Graduated and he was split in the backfield with Phil mafa last year so mafa I mean it’s more than likely a true freshman that’s going to be backing him up this next year so this is his backfield and they just hired Matt Luke as the offensive line coach I mean they

Are going to want to run the ball and mafa is going to be the center the you know the focal point of that offense and um and he really was impressive over the last six weeks of the season last year and so I think people are looking at

That and going like man this guy’s gonna have a really high floor as far as his production I mean he’s at least gonna get 17 fantasy points per game and more than likely he actually is going to be in the 20s and so that’s why he’s going

So high and you know somebody could draft him in the first round I wouldn’t I wouldn’t blink an eye I mean I I could see him being uh potentially a top five to seven running back for me um so I like him in this range for

Sure okay okay um another thing I forgot about this one as well with uh Debbie he you know he’s in almost every the one of these so my first thought was you know he went four running backs right out of the gates yeah Jak yeah and you know and

And I know he does so many of these that it could be one of two things that’s just what what he feels is the best way to go this year or maybe he’s just testing a strategy out what do you think I mean I definitely think it’s you

Know it can be a good strategy I mean what I like about what he did in this draft is he went for a running backs and then if you look at his wide receivers they’re still really good you got Derman Burgess out of Georgia Southern

Which is an air raid um offense you have Jaden Higgin who’s Higgins who um ended the year Well there at Iowa State and is gonna probably be a Target Monster this year and then you have Kaden Robinson who uh is now I’ve seen of him since this you know since these first best

Balls I’ve seen him go as high as the fifth or fourth round so he got a lot of value in in this draft and early on so I don’t mind that four running back strategy it was a little risky but um but it really paid off for him

Here okay all right so you’re not necessarily that he was just testing something out that it was more um he was you know probably probably saw thought process behind it yeah I think he I mean the way that he picked these um these wide receivers I mean he clearly saw

Value here um that he could get later on and you know he perfected that strategy in my opinion I mean this is a really good start okay and then let’s see so this uh this James Oregon that’s a name I I don’t know why if he was around last

Year but I definitely do not recognize yep uh oh Jordan James sorry I was I was looking at somebody’s like name up top like a drafter um Jordan James yeah so he was the backup to you know backup split carries with Bucky Irving so Bucky Irving just went pro um no no Wedington

Got hurt last year but I think he averaged like seven yards a carry as a red shirt freshman last year um and so now he’s a red shirt sophomore he’s like 205 I mean he’s a guy that um he kind of hits all these efficiency metrics really

Well and so I can definitely see why he’s going here you know we know that Oregon this this Oregon is just a great cff system in general for QB’s running back wide receivers it’s why you see them all going so high here right you have two wide receivers in the second

Round um and then you have a quarterback in the first round and now you have a running back that’s going um here in the third round so it’s just a good system and so he’s the next guy up and um and he was really good um with about I think

About a 100 carries last year okay I’m gonna give you this next one then I’m gonna step away for about two minutes here yeah with uh with teams that have like you know three possible four four or five possible players all vying for playing time in position you know like

You almost like committees you know what how do you plan for that like how do you go about that with especially like a best Bell draft do you avoid it all together do you try to scoop up all four five if there’s that many maybe only just two like what’s your thoughts on

That and I’ll be right back yep yeah I mean like typically teams that are rbbc like that I mean unless it’s like some crazy good system you know I’m typically gonna gonna stay away from it um you know we see that even you know you typically see that with Georgia

And with Georgia like that that’s a system that I’m I’m typically just gonna stay away from um but there are teams that will have you know R like two running backs you have Ohio State and Penn State this year um and typically what happens right Ohio State you got

Quin shot jins you got trevan Henderson um we’re seeing quinon I don’t know where he went in this draft um but we’re seeing quinon go higher he went in the third round here and then you see trevan Henderson he goes in the seventh round right I’ve seen him seventh eighth round

Almost every time well that’s a five round difference between these two players and there’s they’re not that different and so you can grab you know trevan Henderson in the seventh or eighth round and that’s a great value if Quin Sean was to get hurt for for whatever

Reason think trevan hinders is going to go off and he’s got Chip Kelly as his OC it’s a great system even for two running backs we’ve seen um two running backs be able to eat in the system before um with Zack shanet and Britton Brown at UCLA a

Couple years ago and so I don’t mind that at all um you know going after the second one um in that in th those type of systems I will say I mentioned Georgia earlier they usually go you know multiple running backs but with Trevor Ean coming in this year year at Georgia

I could see him being a guy to draft um you know in the first 10 rounds and uh because I don’t know I think they’re G to give him quite a bit of the of the work and the OC there um Mike Bobo has typically he has featured running backs

At a pretty high clip in the past and so I could see them riding Trevor etn this year um as it’s you know it’s his money year man this is his chance to get in the draft so yeah that’s what I’d say okay and uh you know kind of to go

Back a little to to something we hit on a little bit there yeah there’s definitely no um I can’t see any anyways absolutes to drafting quarterback yeah it feels like like you said there’s maybe that little bit of early on one two or three top ones maybe here and there but it doesn’t

Seem like there’s especially in later rounds as well it doesn’t feel like there’s a lot of like in NFL drafts you tend to see almost the exact same pattern throughout from almost the beginning of basball even almost to the it might change slightly because we get a little more

Info on a couple of players but it really doesn’t dramatically change for the most part it’s very structured um almost year to year and throughout the year so do you think um like is there any type of strategy like and it could be is not necessarily

Rounds it could be would you tend to stick with a little bit we talked earlier QB’s from certain conference QB’s from certain teams on you know I don’t know I I guess I’m trying to find a way to to more appropriately put QBs on my list and say you know what here’s

The groupings here’s the tiers and so forth but here’s what I’m really going to focus on in order to like get those four that five or six you think you said six was the appropriate number that I really want on my team yeah I mean I’m

Typically going to go I and I’m almost uh totally This Way Rich rebar back in the day on the NFL side kind of coined dual threat quarterbacks as Konami Code you know quarterbacks right cheat codes that’s what that’s what you need to go after like these high you know systems

Right that can also feature a dual threat quarterback so you know you got like guys that I like this year like Nico uh from Tennessee and then you got Avery Johnson from Kansas State Tennessee Josh hypo system has produced fantasy gold for like the last 10 years

Right so you want that type of quarterback now when you got uh Josh hypo quarterback that can also like be a dual threat like that’s gold so Nico in the bowl game played against Iowa scored like I can’t remember how many fantasy points he scored maybe 25 to 30 had three rushing

Touchdowns um and he looked really good on his feet and when you have that type of player and that type of system those are the type of guys you want to go after Avery Johnson same thing I mean this guy’s the best athlete on the field playing quarterback and um those guys

Are typically gonna um score a lot of points but yeah it’s typically systems that people go after so a guy a system that uh you know that I think will be Advantage like LSU always seems to have like a good good offense um good quarterback system so

You have Garrett nus coming this year right he’s he went into the 14th round um in this draft because there’s a little bit uncertainty whether he’s going to be the starter but man like they always got good wide receivers like he’s a guy that he’s gonna pay off more than a 14th

Round pick would um like typically so you want to find guys like that too that are going to be you know just have have value in that way I’m trying to see if there’s any other guys here um I kind of like later on like Tyler van djk right he’s in the

System with uh with Fel Longo F Longo typically does good with quarterbacks um you know he went in the 28th round I mean that’s you know you’re not picking him in the 10th round but the 28th that’s not bad Kiren drones from Virginia Tech he’s a guy and best ball

Right you want to get these like high ceiling players and guys like Kiren Jones who had he may have like five weeks of like you know minus you know or under sub20 fantasy points but he’s also gonna have six weeks of you know over 30 fantasy points and that’s the type of

Stuff that wins you best balls and so trying to find those guys is really helpful okay okay um I know for myself one that popped out because I remember last year starting off so hot but then not so great down the stretch was uh Branch out of UFC and I think it was

Like what fifth round here I believe um oh yeah of course I took him so uh but I mean what’s your thoughts on him like what was he just a was it a weird game or two that he had and just came back to Earth or is he gonna pop again at some

Point I zachari branch is one that I got question marks on I definitely think he’s G he’s going to get in NFL he’s going to be a high draft pick but what’s his production going to look like even in even in high school he wasn’t the most productive wide receiver on his

High school team right so for a guy that was the number one wide receiver coming out you know he ran a 10300 meter I mean he’s just got all the talent in the world and yet trch katuna who’s at Wisconsin now he was the leading wide

Receiver on that team and so I just wonder with Zachariah Branch if he’s not going to be a guy that yeah he’s going to have some 20o games but it’s also going to be mixed in with a lot of kind of you know fivepoint games so just a

Lot of variance and right now I I think the way they’re getting him the ball is with some specialty touches and then some deep shots but he’s not you know this prolific route runner at this point um he can definitely get to that that’s just not his game so I think there’s

Quite a bit of risk in drafting a guy like that um you know in the fifth round at this point yeah okay okay uh these will be kind of ones yeah no like in-depth uh NE needed for this situation this is going to be kind of like almost

Be sheet uh answer knowing that it could be completely wrong because it is freaking February yeah I’m okay with that I ain’t worried about it but if you had to make a choice like today so like at Ohio State like the brown kid versus Howard yeah like who would you pick yeah

I mean for me that one’s like pretty easy I think it’s will Howard I mean look this is a guy that Miami wanted USC wanted there’s a lot of nil money that’s floating around that guy um and he chose Ohio State so I don’t think they’re

Gonna give him a bunch of money to S him on the bench okay and I think I messed this one up because I didn’t realize there was a logo so yeah uh sha at uh Louisville y does he have any competition no I mean he could have a

Freshman but they brought him in to be the starter this year okay so he’s pretty much up okay yeah um then let’s see here what are we thinking on a bird Emanuel yes or no I mean if you’re going to get him in the 21st round like we see in this draft

Right here yeah take that shot because he’s a potential League winner I mean if he gets a starting job there and he has it to himself he’s scoring 30 points a game so he still got a shot to be one of those guys oh yeah oh yeah okay okay um

Let’s see here uh this one was a little uh and maybe I don’t know the full story Beck out of Georgia and I think he went pretty late if I remember or at least I know in some drafts he has but anyway does he have competition is he a lock is

He just gonna be kind of a so so guy where’s he at uh man I I think Carson Beck in the 12th round is great I mean you do want some of those like guys that are gon to be consistent right these high floor guys that’s what Carson Beck

Is he’s not going to score you 35 points a game but like if you’re going to pick the Avery Johnson’s and Nikos of the world like I am like want to come back around in these middle rounds and get some guys that I know are going to score

Some points just so my team isn’t completely tanked so I like Carson Beck in the in the 12th round okay uh ERS uh I think I forgot to put in here because like Manning’s possibly in the running or no I don’t think so I mean I think

They’re gonna give it to Quinn and let Manning sit another year so I like I like yours in the in the 10th round I would probably wait I probably feel better than the 12th 13th round with Quinn yers just because he’s not going

To score a lot on the ground or do a lot on the ground but you know it’s not the worst okay okay and let’s see here how about this uh what is it oh yeah Texas A&M wigman yeah I mean so Colin Klein who is Will Howard’s OC at Kansas State

Um he came over to Texas A&M it’s a great system for dual threat quarterbacks and Conor Wegman is definitely a dual threat great athlete um I would definitely if I could get him the 20th round I would do that I would take him as high as you know the double

Digit rounds probably 12th to 15th if I’m getting them there I’m thinking I’m getting good value because this is a guy that could totally I’ll play his ADP and if his ADP is gonna be in the 20th which it’s not you know now that we’re in the

Seventh best ball um it’s he’s he’s gonna go higher than this for sure he’s great value okay so that’s that’s almost like too late then okay yeah yeah I haven’t really uh looked at all the others to see where he’s falling yet okay um couple more players probably and then we

Can probably kind of close this thing out here yeah uh I remember this name and I and I don’t remember why but this Travon Citizen and he’s in what Miami yep what’s going on there well I mean he tour his ACL a couple years ago and then

Had a set back um in his recovery and basically had to have another surgery and look man he’s still practicing with a brace on his knee so he I think it might be as much mental as it is physical at this point but he’s just not

There yet this it will be interesting in the spring ball to see kind of how he does Mark Fletcher the starter there is going to be out for the spring so travante citizen will get a chance but we’ll we’ll we’ll know a lot more um come April and May about where citizens

At and whether we just need to give up on them okay so it’s still taking a chance maybe but it might not work out okay um what about makabe Purdue what do we got going on there yeah I mean makabe you know this guy is a former walk-on that earned a

Scholarship right and think you know and he’s no longer with coaches that brought him on to the team and brought gave him a scholarship and so I think he’s just look Walk-Ons are are going to be limited physically I that that’s just gonna be their deal so I think he’s got

Limitations I I think if you’re taking them here in the 20th round 21st round like like you can do that and I think that’s fine just don’t think he’s going to be a Bell cow um or anything close to that okay um let’s see you kind of talked about van djk that’s probably

Good uh cam Rising that was kind of a name that popped out to me too as well that seemed to be um at least early on maybe you know and I could be wrong to some degree you guys are the experts I’m not but he seemed like he was pretty

High in the beginning of the you know bestall year and then he really fell quite a bit and you know what’s going on with him where’s that at now yeah I mean I think cam Rising is a great I saw him go in one of our you know fourth or

Fifth best ball May no maybe it’s the second one where he went like the 28th round and I was like man that’s a great pick right he’s recovering from an ACL injury from two years ago um but he we should know early on in Spring ball

Whether he’s back but for now man if you can get him you know 25th to the 30th round like take that shot for sure because he’s a guy again I don’t think he has a super high ceiling but he’s going to score you 23 24 points a game

And if that’s your qb6 qb5 like that’s a good QB five or six to have so I think he’s just fine under the radar because he didn’t play last year yeah okay cool well that’s probably about it from my end as to this specific draft hopefully we can do some more of

These yeah I know I know it helps me a ton I really hope it helps you know the the I don’t know how many people will watch it I hope a lot but you know if if they are watching I hope it helps and I hope

They realize that um by doing this stuff in these best balls and and maybe it’s just in chat maybe it’s just on Discord whatever but being able to come in and start talking about these drafts also uh to me is a huge help and and to get a

Little bit of insight from you know the pl the people like you that that have have the ability and the knowledge and the time to to know the in-depth stuff because there’s a lot of stuff there that you just said that I had no clue about and I even knew some of those

Players so definitely want to thank you for that because this is a huge help for me especially going through all these best balls as we continue to you know go forward to the spring and get into this thing so uh so this has been awesome I really appreciate it and I hope everyone

Out there who watches this and listens uh enjoys it and uh you know and and obviously there’s probably some question and comment areas and whatnot that we can look at but come to Discord let’s talk about it yeah man yeah this is awesome dude I’m I’m glad you came with

This this idea this is fun to talk shop and uh man maybe we can do this once a month or so as we’re kind of getting more beste Ball results in and kind of having these conversations because I think it’s good right it’s good to have

These and um you know we are gonna have ADP on the site and we’re going to do some rankings and projections and all that so got a lot coming at fantasy points and so we’re gonna we’re gonna have you equipped for these best balls and um you know the more data that we’re

Able to put out there the I think the the smarter people draft so um it’s going to be going to be fun I appreciate you putting this together cart yeah no this is great and everybody be sure to go to Twitter X whatever you know find

Josh cff guys and then go to the fantasy points it’s fantasy pts CFB if I’m correct yep that’s right hit those you know like alert all that good stuff you know get into the Discord we’ve got an awesome area all set up for just College Football chat only you know for all and

Not me I’m a sub I’m just there to enjoy so it’s Josh it’s it’s all the guys that he’s brought in that are in there and I would love to see more talk like this you know now not not two weeks before the season starts too late at that point

Like let’s start talking about this stuff now so thank you for that be sure to definitely go hit Josh up on on Twitter and get into the Discord with fantasy points like I said and uh you know I appreciate the time man this has been great yeah for sure and like hey

They need to be following you too right at what you at karp g26 is that right what’s your oh yeah yeah I’m no one to follow but sure yeah that’s me on Twitter well if they want best balls to get you know to be a part of that’s true

Yeah get the best absolutely come hit me up on Twitter yeah cart G 926 that’s how I run all those best balls yep there we go all right guys thanks for joining us man really appreciate it and we’ll see you guys later


  1. Great show gentlemen…there is no question that CFF Best Balls are the best way to prepare for the upcoming season. I know that all of my Best Ball Drafts last year prepared me for the CFF King's Classic in Canton last year. I knew the player pool so well by August.

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