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Wrestle Carnival Pure 2021

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[Applause] get St On Ladies and gentlemen welcome to wrestle Carnival present [Applause] pure thank you thank you for joining us here at the Portland Center this evening we’re really glad to have you guys back tonight’s opening contest is a singles match introducing first the carnival is back in town on a night that promises to bring pure

Excitement pure action and pure wrestling to the city of Nottingham is Jam Joshua J Brad you’re here alongside James R Kennedy and James what a way to start things out here tonight in the Portland center with Jay Joshua you ain’t kidding Bradshaw here comes a man on a mission of course lost that

Submissions match to Chris Ridgeway way back at curon call nothing to be ashamed of there but Jay Joshua would dearly love to get on that winning Trail tonight Joe Hendry is tired he’s given all he can give but as a new wave passes by another will [Applause] Arise why aren’t you clapping it’s the answer it’s Joe Henry Raja I am mesmerized by what I’m seeing and listen oh I can’t even talk listen and look at what’s happening before your very eyes and ears magic that’s what these people are Electric and here opponent weighing in at 255 lbs Joe the answer Henry well we said this last month at carnival of Honor but look how put together Joe Henry is he’s added a lot of mass a lot of a lot of body weight a lot of muscle we saw what a Powerhouse

He is in that victory against Leon Buzzard oh no doubt about it Joe Hendry against his former Protege El Capitan Leighton Buzzard so so impressive but there’s a man who hopes to upset the apple cart so to speak Joe Henry says he is the answer well tonight is a big big

Question mark for Jay Joshua can he overcome someone the caliber of Joe Henry we’re about to find out I think to say we set the apple cart is to put it mildly because Joe Henry of course had on a collision course with Doug Williams here in this very building

November 14th as part of Carnival Mania so if Jay Joshua were to defeat Henry here it would be a major problem in Henry’s preparation for one of the biggest matches of his career oh and there’s a handshake to your point rad we’ll see a bit more of that next month

Between Henry and Doug Williams maybe a bit more of this as well both of these men as Joshua takes Henry down it is the second appearance for both in wrestle Carnival as we said Jay Joshua losing to Chris Rich way back at Cur and Cole hrew with that win over

Buzzard last month at carnival of Honor James we’re seeing here in the early going the amateur wrestling background of both of these men both men jockeying for position a little bit of a stalemate early on interesting because the longer this match goes Bradshaw you would expect Joe Henry with the size advantage

To also have the power and strength one as well you would be unanswered questions I think about Joshua as he escaped the cl to defendry there last time we saw Josh that match against rway was a submission match this one of course a more regular Style Match where pimples are allowed as

Well so we’ll see if that change in the rules effect J Joshua gives him more of opportunity to pick up a win there’s a nice take down from Joshua who could ever forget the amateur Acumen that Joe Henry has went to the Commonwealth Games in 2018 no slouch when it comes to the

Ground game himself Joshua into the ropes gets the break and of course J Joshua would reply to that by saying well he also qualified for the Commonwealth Games back in 2012 in Freestyle Wrestling so both of these men with a highly accomplished amateur pedigree they about to lock up again it’s been a

Very even contest in these opening few moments absolutely and you can hear these people on edge anticipating something special between these two men to kick off pure here this evening and it looks like Jay Joshua maybe has an early Advantage try to R through here in the

End switches to an arm drag that was smart from Joshua both of these men for their amate background have very different professional wrestling backgrounds as Henry gets the the head scissors here Henry’s been wrestling quite a while longer than Joshua J Joshua just passing the threeyear mark

In his pro career and now look at this look at the balance and Poise of josua we have the shoulders of Henry down there Henry needs to be careful heing an eye on his position of his shoulders at all times but H I think will be annointed himself much think

It’s looking for a Boston crab but large legs of Joshua would not be turned over and in the end Henry had to rely on the bottom rope to be his Savior and the answer decides to take a minute rolls out of the ring just take stock of

What’s Happening here now of course with that Big Ring of Honor pure Rules match against Doug Williams on the horizon Bradshaw an awful lot of people are already looking past Jay Joshua I’m sure that Joe Henry is not one of them Henry getting back into the ring

Here of course we do have a pure Rules match tonight our main event Chris ridway is in it he’s going to be competing against Jonathan frish what a match that is going to be later tonight here at M but right now it is all about Henry and Jay Joshua and it is Joshua

Back on top oh and look at that power from Joe Henry just takes control we going to the ropes to give himself a little bit of rest fite how do you even try to counter this immense strength that we now see in this latest incarnation of Joe Hendry oh and look at

This quick as a cat as well not just the power has the speed you know what he’s trying for looking for the Henry look that ankle look that he’s used so many times to force submissions from his opponents a little bit too early to get Joshua in that position at the moment

But Henry I guess firing a warning shot there to his opponent and Bradshaw to answer your question we saw Leon Buzzard try to use Speed and Agility against the answer it didn’t work J Joshua will have scouted that match so it’s going to be interesting to see Joshua’s

Strategy he does have the feel of two big bulls locking horns here Jay Joshua and Joe Henry nether man prepared to give an inch they’re back into the ropes again referee wants the break instead he gets a side headl from Joshua get sent to the ropes shoulder block and Joshua

Came off the worst what a collision that was in the middle of the Ring makes he another one yeah Joshua think was going to try again for the sake of his pride if nothing else but it’s the same result no Henry just a pillar just pure Granite here that Jay Joshua keeps on

Running into third times a charm perhaps oh big kick from Joshua will that help him out instead Henry goes to the ropes and Henry follows him in knocks him down with the shoulder block Joe Henry just a a little step ahead of here mentally I think of Jay Joshua in the past minute

Or two oh and then a Ze on Q it’s almost like Joshua heru Bradshaw yeah I don’t know what maybe took it his motivation because suddenly he’s back in the game or is he Henry look at the power of the answer G Joshua is not a small

Man go for the cover here is Henry gets a two count as you say Joshua not a small man and use those tree trunk like legs to kick out on Two and a Half how impressive was that from Henry just almost holding J Joshua with ease midair before slamming him down to the

Canvas hry looking to capitalize here and no doubt Doug Williams somewhere will be watching this match very very closely as we head towards that date with Destiny between the two of them again November 14th in carnival Mania if Joe Henry were to defeat Doug Williams on that night Doug Williams being one of

The leading lights in British wrestling over the past two decades what would that mean for Henry’s G do you think oh it would be massive Joe Henry has been making waves in pro wrestling since day one but that might be the biggest win of his career certainly personally

Oh exchanging blows being strike to the chess and then Henry gets that boot sends Joshua into the corner I don’t think Jay Joshua is at all used to being manhandled in matches the way he’s being handled here by Joe Henry absolutely not and here’s another example wow vertical suplex looked like it was

Effortless from hry a lateral press get a two count for the answer and that’s exactly the kind of strength that Doug Williams will be studying again Joe Henry has all the respect in the world for Williams and that’s why a win over dug would mean everything to

Joe trying to take the knee of Jay Joshua out of his socket there is Henry Henry with a pronounced ruthless streak and you can see now trying to weaken the ankle of Joshua you don’t need tell him twice what that’s about again trying to soften him up for the Henry up yeah

That’s exactly what this is about Jay Joshua right now powerless to fight off Joe Henry you can just see the determination on the answer’s face cranking away at that ankle there’s that extra element of competitiveness in this match as Joshua kicks his way through Joshua Full Nelson and then into the German suplex

Great power from J Joshua a display of power of his own and look at that kick right to the side of the head he may have knocked Hendry out here but he very nearly got the three count Henry narrowly out what I was about to say

Before that was given both of these men damage of background I think there’s that extra element here they both had the chance to compete in the Commonwealth game they both had those similar backgrounds and they both want to be known as the predominant amateur wrestler in pro

Wrestling yeah and we are seeing that competition Fierce as it is right in front of us and look there’s another big kick from Jay Joshua that look of resentment from Joe Henry as he stares up at Joshua almost daring him to hit another kick on the third

Time of asking Henry grabs the leg Joshua got it by the throat slaps him and now Jay Joshua will go to the ropes gets picked up by Henry fireman’s carry by Joe Henry and a gorilla press Goodness Me Henry again with that Ro power on display it’s a game changer

Isn’t it but look at the position of Joshua whether by accident or design rolled out onto that ring apron not quite safe and sound but Joe Henry still shaking off those kicks from Mere moments ago Joe Henry taking a moment to gather his breath but he is at this point in

The match clearly in better condition than Jay Joshua after that press round Joshua to his credit though is back to his feet here remember Joshua looking for his first Victory here at wrestle Carnival a lot of people saying after Henry’s impressive display against Leon buzzer that he was the favorite going into this

Match but it has been very very even between these two certainly has and back and forth they go with these big knife edge chops Joshua regaining himself he’s found a second win here J Joshua repeated strikes to Henry big boot got it right in the chest go to the Rope

Was trying to maybe spear him there but Henry got the knee up the skull of J Joshua collided and there’s another Collision cover that man the larat from Henry he does go for the cover does he get the win no he doesn’t frustration starting to build for Henry you can see

It written all over his face Maybe believed Bradshaw the answer did that he would have the win by now but Jay Joshua so so impressive here tonight to kick off k Henry feeling the energy of this crowd in the Portland center now trying to send Joshua to the

Rope Joshua held on he grabbed the leg of Henry took him down big kick to the chest right into the heart of Joe Henry the cover from Joshua and he comes close again but not close enough great back on the attack straight away trying to force a submission we

Know from what we saw at Curtain Call that J Joshua something of a submission specialist and you can hear Joe Henry is screaming in agony here Henry as well is right in the middle of the Ring I don’t think he’s Within Reach of any of those bottom

Ropes big big danger here for Joe Henry Unthinkable the answer might Tap Out might give up right in the middle of that ring josa trying to hit the heel into the chest of Henry to do some more damage but Henry oh what a counter what a counter from Henry to the hry

The hry luck and a Tap Out a tap out the answer is the winner winner by submission Jo the Henry Joe Henry Marches On to November 14th a Ring of Honor pure Rules match awaits against Doug Williams at carnival Mania could that have been a message to

One Doug Williams a huge submission win right before next month’s colossal Showdown Joe Henry looking damn good inside that ring here tonight it is a rejuvenated Joe Henry who is now 2 and0 in wrestle Carnival as he heads to our biggest show ever next month to take on the ambassador of British wrestling

But tonight it was Henry and Joshua and Joshua has earned the respect of the answer it started with a handshake it ends in one but not before Joe Henry picks up yet another win Henry is AR raised in Victory the answer wins here in [Applause] Notting The following is a singles contest introducing first The ruthless Savage this is real well she will have to be ruthless as she makes her wrestle Carnival debut Rio entering into one of the most competitive women’s divisions in all of independent wrestling both her and her opponent making their debuts here tonight both looking obviously to make a spectacular

First impression absolutely Rio looks ready to go the ruthless Savage looking to turn heads brw [Applause] And her opponent the baddest [ __ ] in Brick rest Mercedes play I think it says something about a competitor when that is the nickname they choose for themselves that is what Mercedes BL has done I won’t repeat it but it is I’m afraid to say in terms of our attitude pretty

Apt I like it Bradshaw I like the Swagger I like how the mood changed inside this building as soon as Mercedes Blaze came through that curtain and I like the fact that blae just scrolled right past R and stared R dead in the eyes I’ve been saying for a couple of

Years now that Mercedes Blaze is one of the hottest prospects in all of British wrestling and we will see if she is able to prove that here against Rio Rio a very accomplished opponent in her own right a former title open champion and two-time tile women’s champion from

Preston just before the pandemic started was beginning to get invites to wrestle all around the world most notably in India this Mercedes plays already giving the referee some attitude just for doing his job before the opening BT ah he deserves it let’s be honest here Mercedes Blaze is the star around these

Parts and there goes that Bell and it’s on Bradshaw looking forward to this one two women looking to impress here in wrestle Carnival you are so compassionate towards your colleagues color and elbow tie up here Mercedes Blaze and it is Rio who is powering Blaze into the corner referee

Who again is just doing his job asks for the clean break and gets it yeah absolutely gets it I wonder how long that’ll last let’s be honest here a little bit of attitude it’s a little bit spiky between these two women already I do wonder if the rols were reversed and

It was Blaze being asked to give the break whether it would got a clean break but that might be a hypothetical question or is it because in fact it is Blaze who forces Rio into the corner and we’ll see wow I take it back yeah that showed

You Brad Shaw judging a boot by its cover I can’t believe you sometimes was take down from Rio these two young women so athletic so hungry for success lot of the crowd here in Nottingham supporting Rio but Mercedes BL is just one of those people who I don’t think that bothers her I

Think I think that motivates her more she thrives on the antagonism of a pro wrestling crowd look at that take over from Rio smacks the M ready to go again she definitely not thriving on this Onslaught from Rio Mercedes blaz yet to really find her way into the

Match there’s a high kick from Rio who now sweeps the leg of blade is Rio with a drop kick right into the face Mercedes blaz drags her back into the middle of the Ring goes in the cover hooks the leg and gets two and now

Smartly if you ask me we saw this from Joe the answer Henry earlier on just taking a minute just taking a breather Mercedes Blaze trying to recollect her thoughts can’t let these people or real for that matter get inside her head blae wants to wrestle this match Bradshaw very much at her own

Pace again having some words with the referee it’s Mercedes plays as she seems to be irritated that a count out is happening but in any case Rio chasing her back into the ring Blaze went for the elbow drop Rio lured her in and moved out the way no real back in

Sight Rio’s got her in the ropes here going to try and whip Blaze into the the ropes there a reversal though and a smart way of taking down Rio from Blaze who’s I think going to try to rmer face first into the canvas absolute mercilessness from Mercedes blaz is it

Enough to pick up the win no Rio makes a statement and kicks out at one only a one count there but Rio checking those teeth there might be a few rattling around ringside in the first row Mercedes Blaze so so vicious It is that Untamed aggression that we’re seeing here from Mercedes Blaze that has brought her so much success first part of her career and that’s the scary thing about Mercedes blaz she is still very very early in her career I I don’t think there is a ceiling here for Mercedes blazs going to

Go for the cover again blaz starting to show a dominance can’t get those shoulders down for threee just yet but based on the evidence we’re seeing it could could be just a matter of time absolutely and Mercedes Blaze just pulling on R’s ring gear hauls her back in as the submission locked in

Now she’ll cut any little Corners she can to give herself an advantage it is a win at all costs mentality for merced’s blads as Rio is struggling to retain Consciousness but she is up on to one needs to get back onto her feet I think to relieve some of the pressure

Here been able to do that but I don’t know at what cost in terms of how much energy she had to exert and Blaze sends her straight back down Mercedes Blaze just shuts real down one more time here’s the booze from this crowd here in Nottingham but Mercedes doesn’t look

Phased by that one bit elbow into the face of Rio Rio with a body shot found its Mark now one to the face Rio having to be really aggressive here to match blaz she’s got the leg of Mercedes blaz Mercedes is trying to negotiate here with Rio doesn’t look like working yeah I

Going to say I’m not sure if she’s in a very strong negotiating position there’s a attempt at the PK instead a roll up from Mercedes plays gets the two a little bit of bad blood forming between these two women Rio Rio charging into the corner gets the elbow up toes

Blaze right into the jaw of Rio and then send a face first into that middle [Applause] turnbuckle always happy to improvise just when it seems like she’s down in a hole the his Blaze finds way and a butterfly suplex there I think she might have done some damage to the left leg of

Rio hooks both the legs with the cover and kick out again on two another display of that viciousness from Mercedes Blaze who again Jaws off with the referee not happy that she didn’t get the three count Onre and now look at this brw pulling the hair BL now sitting on the lower back

Well again we apologize for the language as Mercedes blaz slapping the back of the head and giving some verbal abuse here to Rio and now look at Dragon sleeper with her body weight as well to really do some damage to that lower back very innovative submission hold from

Mercedes Blaze Rio’s in real trouble Blaze make snap Rio and two right here right now the pressure on that spinal cord is inhuman here but it at least it was being back on all fours will help Rio somewhat still got that body weight of Mercedes way is on her back

Though some real resilience to get to her feet throws Playaz is off that’s impressive from Rio inredible strength in the legs particularly and it buys Rio some much needed time Rio runs into the corner maybe took too long because in the end Blaze was

Out of the way but then Rio did the same thing blaz knees first into the turnbuckles keep an eye on those knees now of Blaze again tries to take her down this time rioa it coming at smart from Rio learning from her earlier mistakes that Wast lock trying maybe for a German

Suplex saw one of those earlier by Jay Joshua in that match with Joe Henry and now the elbows from Mercedes Blaze as she tries to free herself eventually uses the arm to take Rio down but Rio with a super kick well that might be enough but Rio has had so much taken out

Of her Dave that she can’t capitalize yeah I think she hit that one exactly on the bullseye right in the jaw but as you say taking her time to get over there had to recuperate did she take too long yes she did I think that is a yeah I think that

Is a bit of good luck there for Mercedes plays because if Rio had been able to make the cover immediately I think this match would be over now oh come on there’s no luck when you’re just that good now Rio looks to put Mercedes away

Oh what a close line from Rio and a back elbow Rio is fired up ducks a Clos line from Blaze cross body attempt got blocked Rio showing some strength again into a side slam cover by Rio leg hooked kick out that that left shoulder in the end with

What popped up off the canvas to keep Mercedes blaze in the contest Rio did everything right there the execution was perfect the positioning was Flawless but Blaze found a way to survive an impressive debut from both of these women but of course there can be only

One winner here we’re no close closer I don’t think to knowing who that’s going to be oh look at that big elbow ra into the corner onto the second turn Bo just a posterior to send Ria away and oh got kind of a spear but almost a headbutt into the face from

Blaze the cover and a kick out narrowly and not very convincingly it has to be said from Rio maybe that impact has done more damage than Rio would like to let on Rio can’t take too many shots like that one Mercedes Blaze now coming in for the kill firman’s carry from Mercedes Blaze

At least briefly Rio knew she couldn’t stay up there and didn’t got those shoulders of Blaze Down oh that was extremely close very very close for Rio M away yeah needs to be careful take takes it down now both women back to their feet but it’s Blaze on the

Attack W oh what a cutter from the shoulders goes for the cover might have knocked her out oh narrowly well that left shoulder that is a judgment call from the referee saying that left shoulder just about came up off the canvas she tries for the cover again once more those shoulders aren’t

Down but it is a game of inches here between the shoulders of Rio and the canvas Here Comes Mercedes Blaze yet again oh it’s her again I think Rio’s out Rio is out the cover by Mercedes Blaze and Mercedes blaze in the end with a dominant Victory and your winner Mercedes

Blaz it was a back and forth we are impressed but you have to say in that last minute or Al Mercedes plays showed just how ruthless just how Relentless she will be to climb to the top here at Westell Carnival I like what I’m seeing Brad Shaw Mercedes Blaze came here with

A point to prove she proved It [Applause] [Applause] you the following is a tag team match introducing First they are the team of Adam B and Ry NOA well no disrespect to these two young men I think they have a huge uphill challenge here Adam Bol and Riley NOA are going to go up against two of the most dominant forces that we have seen seen in British wrestling for quite

Some time Adam B already here in wrestle Carnival Short History has stood up to Powerhouse Blake and will Cruz I think he’s a mad man for doing so bran Shaw and Riley Nova a mad man as well for agreeing to team with bul here tonight set your stop watches this ain’t going

To last long it’s rare that we agree but you might be right because I don’t know I I worry for these two young men here they come the most dominating Duo here in wrestle Carnival here to smash crush and Destroy and their opponents the team of the PowerHouse Blake and the headline will

Cruz well here’s a headline for you together these two way a combined 500 plus pounds they significantly outweigh their opponents particularly Adam bolt who’s weighed in tonight at just 159 and so I don’t know bolt and Nova are going to have to use their speed agility they’re going to have to hope

That they are able to take Cruz and Blake by surprise because it could be just a couple of power moves and you could break a body in half if you have the strength of Cruz and Blake so both these men entering that ring right now have all the confidence in the world and

Why shouldn’t they from day one here in wrestle Carnival Blake and Cruz have set their stall out they are the most dominating Force we have round here and tonight they’re going to reinforce that and prove it yet again they’ve been a pretty controversial Force as you said they

Made their point initially at Curtain Call after intervening follow our Gauntlet match on that night we saw last month at carnival of Honor Cruz defeated Kyle Kingsley after which as you said Adam Bol stood up to these two men as they tried to deliver some more punishment after the match but it’s one

Thing to stand up to bullies and obviously we endorse people doing that but it’s another thing to to I don’t know I just I I just fig they’ve may be bitten off a little bit more than they can chew here I I hope I am wrong but we

Will see as Adam Bol starts in here against will Cruz well here’s their first mistake praw when you look at these two men Bol and Riley Nova Nova is the one who can at least make an argument for trying to match size and power with someone like will Cruz he

Wouldn’t of course but he can try this is a mistake for bolt to kick off this match outweighed by some 130b here by Will Cruz but Bol doing what he needed to do in these opening seconds using his speed frustrating Cruz hoping to Ure the big man into making a mistake but very

Quickly you see what happens if that plan goes AR for Adam bolt he’s been grabbed here and he’s already in trouble now with the speed though quick kicks from Adam bolt bolt does a close that goes to the Rope slides underneath drop kick and Cruz really moved that is

The scale of the challenge facing Adam bolt and Riley Nova and really all bolt managed to do there was anger will Cruz you saw Powerhouse Blake pointing a big old finger across it bolt it looks like a fresh Challenger has entered the arena Powerhouse Blake wants him

Suult it really is a Powerhouse just about got B back on his feet then kick around the back of the head this is going pretty well here you have to say for bolon Nova in the opening moments but again the difficulty is how do you counter that both of them sent to the

Rope some agility from Blake Blake showing he is not just some lump of muscle he’s able to jump around and to hang in there with these two they’re able to send him to the outside well that wasn’t in the script for Powerhouse Blake and Cruz they didn’t see that one coming but

Yet again I think that will just tick them off here comes Adam Bol Blake catches him B took a little too long Blake saw him coming Riley Nova sends him to the ground what a statement that is Riley Nova right on top but will Cruz just

Sending a little message you want to try and match power with us you even want to to try and match agility with us and you’re going to come up short yeah you don’t want to get into a brawl on the outside of the ring with Cruz and Blake and instead they are back

In the ring Riley Nova and Blake and again Nova impressing here he’s got caught and slammed down and that could be all that could be all right there the cover from Blake looking to end it over kicks out Blake sending more than a warning there just how quickly this team could turn things

Around as Cruz tags in oh this is not where ra Nova wants to be right in the belly of the Beast Powerhouse Blake will Cruz starting to jail as a tag team you can see it here cutting the ring in Half Believe It or Not despite the impact he has made on these past two shows this is the first actual match in wrestle Carnival four break second one of course for for GR who as we said beat Kyle Kingsley last month but got to be impressed despite the efforts the

Admirable efforts of M and Bol just how powerful just how impressive Cruz and Blake have been as a cover in a two will Cruz just smothering Riley Nova right now Nova can’t get a second piece as soon as he kicks out will Cruz is right back on the

Offensive no time to breathe no time to to recover for Ry Nova 24 years of age is Will Cruz 10 years younger than his tag team partner Blake who tags in here and Blake by far the most experienced man in the match as well the mean streak of Blake we’ve seen

It two months in a row and now as we said in an official wrestle Carnival match we’re seeing frequent tags here between these two which is a sign of their tag team Synergy growing better by the minute absolutely and so is the confidence Nova was able to escape the

Suplex tags in Adam bolk bolk takes Blake out of the equation got caught though there’s a back breaker with some Authority there from will Cruz and now the Quick Tag again to PO host blee sent on but no one home Adam Bol has come here today

Knowing what he’s got to do he has the only game plan he can have it is a game plan that is working or is it wow oh my goodness Blake my God you can have all the speed you want but kick out but how how how

Did Adam B kick out after what Blake just did to him there I was just about to say before that nearfall attempt you can have all the speed you want all the agility in the world but when you’re in there with sheer brute power like Powerhouse Blake possesses it’s only a matter of

Time to the corner and then into another one Blake sending Adam B literally from Pillar To Post and much damage to Adam bolt as is humanly possible in a matter of seconds Blake now toying with Adam bolt backd drop yeah he like play with food here is

Blake but crushing the ribs of Adam Bol No Remorse from Blake and you can hear these people don’t like it I don’t think the PowerHouse Blake or the headline will Cruz care one bit they’re enjoying themselves here tonight at pure yeah I think Cruz was asking for a bit of the

Action here now he sees that Adam bolt seems to be there on a plate there for the taking tags back in and Cruz is just holding Adam bolt in Place K oh no Adam Bol moved out of the way Cruz and Blake collided and Riley Nova’s tagged in big opportunity here for Nova I can’t believe what I’m seeing as will Cruz get sent off the ring apron but Lake still the legal man I think and Riley Nova having dispatched

Cruise going after Blake W though using that strength to bring himself back in Nova gets the knee up and Nova with the boot right into the face of Blake TR trying to get back in Nova saying no I told you Bradshaw I told you these two young young men had something about

Them no you didn’t you said it would be over in a matter of second set your stopwatches you said well set your cameras because Adam Bol with the moonsault to the outside oh look at that knee from Powerhouse Blake just shutting Ry Nova down big clubbing blow there from

Blake bolt may have done as much damage to himself as he did to Cruz with that LA to the outside uhoh it’s on now tempers clear Ry Nova not backing down there’s one thing we’ve learned about Blake these past couple of months that he has a very very short fuse

But as you say Riley Nova not intimidated by Blake NOA is giving as good as he gets here you hear the smack of Flesh bone on bone and oh look out Blake tried to pick him up he’s gone behind though as Nova Nova trying to lift

Blake that is easier said than done to put it mildly take into the corner get him right in the kidney over will try again no na the German superp as he can with the bridge for the upset no no no no oh braa I can’t believe what I’m seeing

Here I thought this match would be dead and buried five if not 10 minutes ago but Adam bolt and Riley Nova you have to give them credit Plucky Spirit here tonight you might have to give him more than credit you might have to give him the victory the way this is going cuz

Riley NOA trying to get Blake on his shoulders in the end Nova goes into the opposition Corner wrong part of town for Riley Nova now will Cruz back in and that spells disaster for Nova shoulder block from Cruz Nova tried to roll out of the way that may have

Been his Saving Grace here but there’s a big body slam quick cover and a kick out from Nova very laical cover from will Cruz Cruz I think such a believer in his own dominance that sometimes he just assumes he is entitled to Victory look at this here’s the speed of

Cruz Cruz catches Riley Nova Nova lands on his feet though that was smart but in the end it came to nothing because what a close line the cover and again the kick out again you have to say not the most convincing cover from Cruz but it

Was a convincing boot to the face thanks for coming Adam Bolt B A Power Bomb here this could be curtains for Riley Nova Nails it Nova’s head bounces off the campus like a basketball but somehow he still kicks out still not enough for will Cruz who steers around almost

Incredulous as there’s a a shot of the after effects Riley Nova dazed and confused right now I think he’s gone cross-eyed may be down and out in a matter of seconds if Will Cruz has his way there we go says it’s time to finish this Cruz pretty much deciding as you

Say but they’ve had their fun but it is time to put this to bed but is it as a victory roll is it enough for the victory it nearly was I can’t believe this as I said and here comes Adam bolt now over with the kick bolt as you say

Tagged in Bolt of the top oh nailed him they’re not going to pull their off off oh that’s so break oh that could be critical that could be critical because Cruz was able to make the tag and now Blake’s caught him Blake has caught him my God the power of Blake oh

What a counter what a counter from Adam B there’s no way Bradshaw they’re not going to pull this off the upset of all upsets here in wrestle carable twice into the corner goes Bol looking for a third time suddenly Adam Bol starting to believe this crowd in the Portland Center starting to

Believe W’s got him up on the top turnbuckle Blake trying to ensure there is no fairy tale to be told here tonight in Notting him oh this is so precarious though both men perched high above the ring hang on what is Blake looking for here don’t tell me don’t tell me oh my

God a four away slam a all away slam from up high on Adam bolt what was I said before thanks for coming Adam bolt cover the cover and oh Riley NOA Riley Nova made the save these men just will not stay down oh got Ry got shoulder block there

American football style really from will Cruz Blake still the legal man as is Adam bol bol is in real trouble Bol is in real trouble will Cruz tagged in finish this that Fall Away slam there is very little you have to say in terms of prospects here for Adam Bol Blake has

Tagged in what is this oh my God what a double team unbel what a double team from Blake and from Cruz my friends it is academic and Jo is the team of play and will Riley Nova and Adam Bol brought the fight here to will Cruz and Blake in a

Way that I don’t think anybody could have foreseen but ultimately even against such determined opponents bottom line here is that Blake and will Cruz found a way to win I thought this match would be over and these men would be homeing host within a few minutes but

Adam bolt Riley Nova they showed us something here tonight but speak speaking of which Powerhouse plake will Cruz yet again dominant here in wrestle Carn yeah well now hang on now cuz yet again maybe referees done a good job of getting them out there I thought we were

Going to see some Afters again very dangerous men are will Cruz and Blake as they have proven here tonight at pure [Applause] Oh in stains coming from my blood tell me go back [Applause] Home [Applause] Oh [Applause] Fasten your seat belts this match has an opportunity I believe as many do to steal the show if you want to know why just look at what happened when this young lady competed last month at carnival of Honor In This Very building came within a hair of winning

The heart of Shimmer title against hyan yeah one loss must have been hard enough for Alex Windor to take she won’t want another but what a challenge Windsor has in front of her here tonight Wrestle Carnival is attracting Talent from all over the world and here is one of the finest we have had grace us with their presence here at the Portland Center a 10-year veteran from Austin Texas the former impact knockout Champion Jordan Grace Grace so so powerful i’ fancy her

Chances against anybody male or female in that locker room one of the best for sure and here to leave her mark on Wrestle Carnival let’s go to the ring for the official in ring introductions ladies and gentlemen the following is a singles contest introducing first to my right she is

Titanium she is iron will she is Alex wi and to my left standing at 5’2 and weighing 160 lb she is a nationally ranked p power lifter sick Mama pump Jordan Grace Jordan Grace showing off the guns before this match here against Alex Windsor Grace given her CV given her

Resume as I said spent six months last year as the impact knockout Champion we know how powerful she is we know how dangerous she is but we saw so much good from Alex windfeld last month remember Windsor is only just coming back into action after having to step away from

Wrestling through injury back in 2018 I was so impressed last month with how good Alex Windsor is yeah no doubt Windsor came within milliseconds of becoming the new heart of Shimmer Champion that was such an impressive effort against hyen but this is a massive hurdle for Windsor to overcome

You look at the power already of Jordan Grace is evident this could be a long long night for Alex Windsor Jordan Grace is one of those competitors who is so strong if she locks you into that bear hug that she likes to use she can instantly crack a

Rib instantly do some internal damage Alex Windsor needs to be very very very careful here now Windsor jockeying for position trying to release that grip and now RW goes Alex Windsor Windsor is very well-versed in every element of the m game obviously giving up a little bit in

Terms of power to Jordan Grace but Alex Windor as I said showing that her athleticism is really at its peak it was last month but there is that power Alex Windsor just ran into a brick wall in the form of Jordan Grace and there’s that athleticism of Grace as

Well go on attempt by Windsor shoulder block that is where I don’t think Alex Windsor wants to be going Toe to Toe with Jordan Grace if they’re going a shoulder Block in the middle of the ring there’s only going to be one outcome look at these big shoulders right to the midsection of

Windsor well they there’s a reversal though oh my goodness big shoulder block again Alex Windor needs to find an answer to these questions being posed by Jordan Grace as she needs to find it quickly Grace grabs that arm right back on the attack the snap

M straight to a cover and a one count look how quickly after that snap there Grace was into the cover no wasted motion whatsoever this young woman from Austin Texas 10 a veteran as I said but still just 25 years of age so basically been wrestling her entire adult life

Certainly in some of her childhood as well that’s phenomenal when you think about it only 25 years old wait a minute winds has got her up now four away slam we’ve seen one of those do some damage already tonight and it did some more there there’s a little bit of push back

From Alex Windsor letting Grace know you ain’t going to have this all your own way yeah and that’s a I think an important message message that Alex Windsor needs to send early on and that is why she needs to be aggressive needs to assert herself that is what she is

Doing and I think it is to her credit it could serve her well as this match progresses look at these strikes these forearms body shots from wior Windsor trying to charge in Grace got the boot up but Windsor was able to grab it and use it to leverage Jordan Grace down to the

Canvas now winds are looking to stretch out Jordan Grace yeah has that leg and the arm as well now got those feet pushed into the small of the back of Grace bending her backwards you can see Grace is trying to get the croud on her side try to feed

Off the energy of the audience here as Alex Windsor switches into a pin attempt sweeps the legs away with so much power in those legs this is exactly the kind of scenario I mean where I say the Windsor needs to be careful takes it down yeah I would say Bradshaw if you’re

Alex Windsor you go for the arms first and foremost it’s not that the arms aren’t powerful look at them but those legs those legs 90% of the power comes from those legs running elbow from Jordan gra who goes for a cover and gets a two count

But the ease of that body slam I think very uh self-explanatory in terms of what we’re dealing with here in terms of the strength of Jordan Grace I know we keep talking about it but it really is one of the most impressive physical attributes of anyone in any women’s division anywhere I might

Have to eat my own words maybe 90% of the power comes from these arms look at the torque on this submission and a camel clutch applied here oh Jordan Grace Grace pounding away at the sides of the face and jaw of Alex Windor powerlifting background you can

See it look at the physique the way that Jordan Grace is built built for competition built to win now got her her boot right again into the back really is trying to focus I think on the lower back of Alex Windsor certain self-confidence that bord is on cocking this occasionally with Jordan

Grace got that half Nelson and trying once again to remain in control of the movements of Windsor Windsor using a left elbow to try and release herself in the end Grace was able to woman handle her to the corner roen Grace Just ragd dolled Alex Windsor Shrugged her

Off Grace with the right hand strike to the side of the face windso starting to feel the cumulative effect I think of all this aggression from Jordan Grace Grace charges in certainly feel the effect of that windso though knows she needs to respond and does so Grace is

Going to do the same in the opposite corner yeah I’ve made up my mind Bradshaw it’s the arms and the legs Grace attacks from all angles now it’s Windsor attacks her as she comes charging in Wind gets the boot up Grace slaps her on the way back with

The back of the hand a big boot to the face from [Applause] Windsor that might be the only weak point on Jordan Grace that big boot planted right to her face yeah I was about to say I tell you what this seems to be actually very much to

The credit I think of Alex wind that she has been able to withstand this onswa and she is still in this match very much still in this match that didn’t look the case early doors but I can yeah but I’m not sure this is smart from Windsor do you really want to get

Into a battle of strikes against someone who can get as much force behind him as Jordan Grace can winds are giving as good as she’s getting though oh but now Jordan Grace just takes control she has that natural advantage in that situation and yeah admittedly great tenacity there from Alex Windsor

But the outcome of that exchange was no disrespect to Alex Windsor was kind of inevitable because of the power that Jord and Grace can get behind those strikes no attack the stomach W is Shifting gear is she needed to this is smart Cline takes down Jordan Grace cover attempt hooks that left leg

And a kick out oh but right back to it not giving Grace a second submission there’s a counter kick out on two wind knew she needed to be first to the punch or first to the kick more literally there as coming out of that submission and that pin attempt she’s

Been able to retain the upper hand look for a suplex but Grace not allowing herself to be lifted in fact we might be seeing quite the opposite happen Grace planting Alex Windsor on the top turnbuckle yeah Windsor had no choice there the power of Jordan Grace and we’re about to see

Another example of it looking for the muscle Buster and Nails it that could be it Dave classic Jordan Grace here in Nottingham is good for a two count but it is not good for a three oh but look at that arm watch the arm shoulder forced down getting a kick

Out on two from Alex Windsor but how much has that muscle Buster wrestled her cage can Alex Windsor find a way back into this oh and there’s a little bit of disrespect from Jordan Grace almost taking it as a slap in the face that Windsor has been so competitive

I think we might be about to see the grace driver get that pump handle Jordan Grace and wind’s in trouble Windsor knows that’s what Grace is looking for that’s why he saw kind of an element of desperation in her efforts to free herself there Grace holds on to the

Ropes CL line attempt and Grace clubbing away at the back of the head of Windsor oh what a strike though from Alex Windsor Windsor Power Ball Alex Windsor Got The Power Bomb she’s got the cover here and Grace kicks out that was a big surprise I think that

Alex Windsor was able to lift up Jordan Grace for the PO bomb she absolutely nailed that what a moment that would have been for Alex Windor but time is of the essence now cannot give Jordan Grace any time to recuperate has to go right back on the attack and put Grace away

Earn herself a massive win here at pure race back to her feet the arm hooked over the top rope Jordan Grace not going to go anywhere she doesn’t want to go and said she slaps winds around the face big boot right into the nose of Alex Windsor and then sends her into the

Turnbuckle face first oh this is ominous for Alex Windsor double knees into the back of the neck oh the elbow the low elbow from Jordan Grace Grace building aead of steam here Bradshaw Here Comes Grace Grace off the middle turn buckle takes out windso but Windsor somehow somehow stays in the

Match Jordan Grace slumps those shoulders almost wonders what she has to do to put Al W are down for three you are looking quite simply at two of the most talented athletes two of the most talented wrestlers anywhere in the wrestling world Jordan Grace and Alex Windsor putting on a show here

Tonight at pure on the shoulders briefly was Windsor Windsor trying to roll back he got these shoulders in fact down for grace and now Grace oh Grace Grace sweep hole the sleeper hold Jordan Grace going to try and turn the lights out here on Alex Windsor right in the middle of the ring

Too those arms massive arms wrapped around Alex Windsor wind Windsor out there’s nowhere for Alex Windsor to go referee wants wants a response here from Windsor if he’s not going to stop the match oh this could be it brw this could be all’s gone down once gone down twice if it goes

Down a third time this is over no windsor finds Way Windsor I think some part of her realized the predicament she was in but she’s not out of it yet oh back up to her feet though that’s impressive in and of itself yeah but Jordan Grace is or at least was holding

On to that sleeper Grace follows wind to the ropes there’s a sunset flip attempt gets it finally the shoulders go down to count but now hang on a second Windsor well Windsor got that submission she’s got the legs hurt and a Tap Out oh my goodness a Tap Out Alex Windsor wins and

Your winner by submission Alex wind my God what a victory what a victory for Alex Windsor over one of the best in the world Jordan Grace oh Grace was smacking the canvas to see I give it up but then as soon as the decision was made almost regretted it but that just

Shows you the pain of that submission that Alex Windsor had locked in Bradshaw this is a massive victory for Windsor Jordan Grace so so impressive just an absolute House of power is Jordan Grace but that makes this victory for Alex Windsor all the more impressive Alex Windsor came within a hair of

Championship gold here last month and this month has defeated Jordan Grace [Applause] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Pure the following contest is our strong man Gauntlet introducing first ladies and gemen five consecutive matches he’s going to walk out of here as the official strongest man in wrestle

Carnival yeah Crowley may have to live up to his magical [Applause] reputation crowd voice in their opinion this what has something to say ladies and gentlemen welcome to the main event of wrestle [Applause] Cal I I see you looking at you watch this isn’t the main event where where’s the CH

CHR oh yeah no this is the main event because char sent I know it you know it I am the most valuable commodity wrestle Carnival house isn’t that right Gary Ward huh huh I am all over your social media like a spectacular rash okay and I’m so much more valuable

Than any import you can bring you any bet okay you’ve got the squid guy from Ring of Honor coming fantastic you got Chris foot fetish Ridgeway big deal oh you got that old bu bag Doug Williams really really do not get me started on Joe Henry the the

Answer the answer the answer to what the only thing he’s the answer to is why you should always wear a okay I am far more valuable than anyone and if I have to make five other people tap to prove myself and that’s exactly what I’m going to do oh and uh big shout

Out to Warren Banks who’s home ill he’s home he’s poly and that’s why I’m here thanks to you thanks for the booking Warren thanks man I’ll do I’ll do the same for you I’ll get you I’ll get you one oh wait no I won’t because I’m a [ __ ] you certainly

Are listen this man oh oh oh speaking of men yeah never mind that man are you mad not not 3 one to Yeah man who needs no introduction he’ll do his own when I say oh1 you say two on my to re on back of a new one my city what you are meing from is no I can’t choose might see me in the more ring

Might see me get to bling if I got be with you you don’t want to H me off a bu Street up just as you what I’m sh when I say1 you say 211 21 can I say 01 you say 211 211 you say 211

Is a way spot when I say when I say when I say that when I say when I say when I say that when I say with I say when I say 01 21 R the 01 21 the lyrical Dragon man like the and he’s right Crowley is a waste

Man I can’t believe that you DED Charles Crowley but you late that brow he’s not impressed is he not the only one he’s one of only two okay so youy inter to intimidate me your sideb glasses that scary you call me what was it you call me a [Applause] waste oh shut up

Naughty L you can do one oh one when I say 01 you say do11 when I say1 you say do11 when I say oh you oh wait a second try for a cheap shot there’s a super kick from man like thees the cover the bell rang and thees has defeated Crowley

Crowy wasn’t ready this is a disgrace what a waste man right that’s it canceled the [Applause] show oh that was glorious glor imagine Charles Crowley’s Legion of fans are going to be so bitterly disappointed he wasn’t ready you are his Legions of fans I can’t believe you’re reing in this disgrace can’t you

Really get out of here you’re gone no no all these people have been short changed Charles Crowley came here to entertain he’s magic he’s a delight probow he wants to go again but that’s not how this works man like theice has humiliated Charles Crowley here at pure

Get your hands off him he’ll make you disappear just like he did Warren Banks oh know man like Thea just made him disappear oh this is this is a catastrophe this is a disaster I can’t believe it what an embarrassment for poor Charles Crowley oh God I love pro

Wrestling nobody wanted to see this Dave nobody thanks for coming let the man walk out of his own accord at least oh I’ll go peacefully he says yeah well grow with a a low blow to one of our ring crew well that’ll cost him some money yeah enjoy the show without him

Good luck with that one this man is the show we will enjoy thank you I you know what we we’re already enjoying it brilliant this is a disaster well hang on it gets worse no rest for the wicked I heard he want I heard he once lifted an elephant above his

Head be see this come on now we minute if if big guns Joe is actually here then weighing a massive 76521 G standing at the ginormous 1,6 17.4 m t the biggest henches sky in wrestling today big guns Jo all of those were statistical facts no error is there and in this strongman

Gauntlet I don’t know if theice can withstand the irresistible force that his big guns Jo well theice has some guns of his own so well put together as manlike theice there you hear it there you see it live and In Living Color theice one of the best who’s ever come to Nottingham

Well he just said a he just said a wrestle Carnival record in terms of the quickest Victory against Charles Crowley no listen we don’t need to talk about that you know I’m trying to set the stage here move on you know make man like Darice look good and all you want

To do is talk about the past by the way this is another pair of debuts well I guess actually the match against Crowley was technically the debut for theice but nonetheless the and big guns Joe appearing in wrestle Carnival for the first time despite some malicious rumors

Going around that big guns Joe may have more in common with Joe the fan than than he has been letting on but well that’s that’s what was going through my mind if if big guns Joe is here then uh what does that mean for a

Little bit later on when Jo the fan is involved in this Gauntlet right now got a more immediate problems as big guns Jo cuz he can’t get manite the off his Feet block now the man going down at this both of these guys determined to stay on their feet and it is eventually man like theice who succumbs to the Superhuman strength of big guns Joe it’s a big backdrop wow big guns Joe literally bringing out the big guns here in his Arsenal and

Taking man like Darice clean out trying to suplex him but Darice won’t allow himself to be lifted remember that we are competing under strongman Gauntlet rules we already seen one Victory here for Darice but there are six men to enter this match so we are only on the second of what will be

Five matches whoever is standing at the end of the fifth match will be the winner as the nips up gets a high leg Lariat on Big Guns Joe goes for the cover on Joe and gets a two count man like Darice a special special talent mark my words Bradshaw only a matter of

Time before the entire world is talking about this man so athletic so strong his confidence must be through the roof after the start of this match chop across the chess there from thees and big guns Joe having come exploding out of the blocks starting to find it hard going

Here against theice Great gymnastic ability from man like theice able to get the knee right into the abdomen goes for the cover gets his body weight down on the shoulders and it was nearly enough for a free count this is what the match with Charles Crowley should have been

These people were robbed of seeing more of the magician himself I can’t believe it it’s not man like Teresa’s fault that Crowley couldn’t last more than 3 seconds in the ring with him don’t you talk about his personal life that’s disgusting what your mind is we’ll just leave that

There anyway abdominal stretch my man like Darice big guns Joe being tortured here by Darice now Darice looking to get a second consecutive victory we talked about Crowley would need to run the gauntlet well thees would need to as well he’s in there from the beginning as a hip toss from Big Guns

[Applause] Joe now suplex I think the may have landed on the back of his head as Joe goes for the cover and kick out by Darice almost another elimination there before our very eyes but theice vies big gun Jo wants to put him away though Dave

Certainly does and this of course as Joe sends him into the corner is the second Gauntlet match in wrestle Carnival history thees lifs up onto his feet that’s what put Crowley away and thees may be about to put big gun’s Joe away as well what impact from

Man like theice and somehow Joe got that right shoulder up but it was another Joe Joe the fan who we talked about earlier who won the first Carnival Gauntlet in uh back at Curtain Call two months ago he’s going to compete in this one as well still can’t believe that one but

Look at this power from Darice Fan’s carry but Joe not going to allow himself to stay up there for long darisa sending to the corner he big guns Joe but ran into the big elbow of man like d who back flips onto his feet standing missile drop kick nip up from Darice

Now Darice looks like he’s going up high might only be a matter of time Darice might dispatch a big guns Joel right here thees off the top I think maybe for a 450 changed his mind in midair and got power bombed by Joe theice got taken by surprise and he’s eliminated

Wow didn’t see that one coming have to be honest I thought man like thees had big guns Joe exactly where he wanted him but it’s Joe who rolls on in this strong man Gauntlet I had to re is a favorite here in this match now what’s this now God Only

Knows variety show right Enough At over 300,000 I heard he’s trending around the world a social media sensation is Memes any other surprises here tonight where do they find these guys well they find them everywhere Facebook Instagram Twitter something called Tick Tock Myspace people face party yeah I’m kicking a old school I bet you’re not even on Snapchat who is that’s s 2018

Deal a memes is the here and now as far as big guns Joe is concerned really really good opportunity here to wrestle a really really famous person on social I just wanted to my so you can shake it and say stop Talking couple of fans getting impatient with memes as his big guns Joe’s trying to unload here on memes right hands trying to lift him up but oh the the guns failing Joe momentarily there well body shots from Joe who’s they get means into the corner now I recognize him I followed memes he

Didn’t follow me back but I guess when you’re a social media sensation others follow you I heard he blocked you what oh come on now here comes it comes Joe no block of the uppercut but memes didn’t go down there a body slam attempt but cover by memes KCK out on two

By Big Guns Joe who is hanging in there CAU into a power slam cover by memes and once more Joe kicks out but remember of course under the rules of this Carnival strongman Gauntlet big guns Joe is on his second consecutive match here whereas memes is

Fresh to the party yeah and you think usually people laugh at memes no laughing here tonight from Big Guns Joe because memes came to conduct business and progress in this strongman gun suplex by memes Joe landed awkwardly I think and he may be stunned here wind knocked out

Of him but was still able to kick out on two how long can big guns Jo last that was a physical match with man like theice certainly took it out of Joel memes has the the advantage in terms of stamina here M’s able to knock down big guns Joe with considerable

Ease now what’s he doing here oh yeah got to keep tabs on what’s happening on social media I think he’s live streaming memes I think started recording streaming to his millions of fans worldwide takes down big guns Joe as memes he needs to pay more attention I

Think to his opponent a little bit less to his phone well I heard since memes entered this match Bradshaw that approximately 2.3 million fresh followers have joined the social media hype train hereit he’s trying to show off for the internet and it didn’t work if had his back fired

There’s a big body slam where did that come from uhoh I think that video yeah both straps are down I think the video is still live oh this is going to be embarrassing for Ms then into the Boston crab the Boston crab and the tap out big gun Joe survives memes

Memes is out of here and these people you hear it chanting rallying behind big gun’s jaw [Applause] Uhoh I’ve been waiting on this moment all night Bradshaw introducing the Jack St Dy Tri ready look at those biceps no I’ll take this dude I’ll take this look at those biceps those triceps those traps the definition in his chest the vascularity D It’s Christmas come early for everyone

Here tonight that right there is what a pro wrestler should look like and you okay yeah maybe get a paper bag or something vascularity vascularity oh someone someone get me a stiff drink this man’s too much the daddy is here Bradshaw you’re quite the fan aren’t you oh well who wouldn’t

Be uh you seem to be second only to shreddy himself in terms of how much you like shreddy showing off his uh considerable physique here but I think gun Joe is not going to be intimidated no I’ll tell you size of Joe I’ll tell you one thing shreddy wasn’t

Knitted by nanas he was made through countless hours in the gym sculpting that frame big guns Joe is in serious trouble now never underestimate the power of the guns you’re right shy looking like he could well be the strongest of the strong men here tonight the elbows from shreddy as big guns Joe

Is holding on for dear life here it feels like running elbow right to the face from Big Guns Joe is now on his what third match in a row we are on the fourth part of a five-part gauntlet look at the power of shreddy effortless absolutely effortless the gorilla press

Slam oh come on show some respect these people here in Nottingham have no taste I mean is it is it a rhetorical question like he doesn’t seem to be interested in the answer that anyone has for him who seriously who says who’s the Danny shreddy that’s who shreddy Breck right here in town

Hall oh and Wrecking shot here at wrestle Carnival I’m telling you I am telling you this man going straight to the top in the carnivals of old of course members of the public were invited to compete against the resident strongman and something of a feel of that here

Shreddy just dominating against big guns Joe oh but big guns Joe trying to fight back he’s not having much success Z remember there is one more entrance to come here in this gaunlet match and that is going to be Jo oh the fan again oh hold that thought snapmare suplex and a

Cover by shreddy big gun Joe got his foot on the bottom rope a the cheap way out not the cheap way that was smart smart from Big Guns Joe no it was cowardly instead of facing shy manto man he took the coward’s way out big brain

Joe what that was bra Joe that won’t catch on this is why you don’t work in marketing Bradshaw we’ve been over this I can’t Trend quite like memes can but memes is going to have plenty of time to focus on his social media because he’s been eliminated whereas

There are just three people left here in this strongman Gauntlet two of them are in the ring right now and big guns Joe fighting back against shreddy look at the power of shreddy hooks both those arms oh head butt Jo no means to protect himself having his way way here against

Joe oh you got to love it why why do you have to love it I mean come on look at this man look at how he’s put together do you want me to run through all those muscles yet again no absolutely not I think I speak for

Everyone when I say we do not want that here comes Joe into the corner stry taking a run up or at least jacked and stacked for goodness sake about to become a winner how long do you think he spends staring in a mirror every day oh hopefully hopefully many

Many hours when you look that good you have to learn to appreciate it you know self love is everything it’s the first step so the ropes goes shreddy and shreddy rolling through re waste workor as he gets back to his feet shreddy she power with the German

Suplex oh just torturing big guns Joel and these people don’t like it but they’re going to have to learn to love it here’s a cover and a kick out by Big Guns Joe who even you would have to admit is showing quite a lot of tenacity here to

Still be going on this his third match he has really run the gauntlet tonight I’m not admitting anything look at him plut those ropes again like the coward he [Applause] is I don’t know if that was what a coward would do he’s able to get the

Elbow up and then the boot up into the face of shreddy I think he’s doing a pretty brave job here but still shreddy powerful as ever I think Joe might be knocked out big guns Joe’s in trouble I’m telling you br don’t even don’t even make the pin shreddy just

Award this man the strongman Gauntlet trophy right here right now I’ve heard that trophy is 18 ft tall Platinum diamonds all over it gold plated who told you that a guy outside he also had a a a briefcase full of old wrestling belts I don’t know whether he

Was telling the truth but he looked like a pretty standup guy to me yeah but you think shredd is a standup guy so he standing up right now on that middle rope isn’t he about to put big guns Jo down for the count he’s

Going to try and lift up Joe from a low position here kind of a deadlift for shreddy can he lift him well he can of course he can never doubt the daddy Brad please don’t call him that there’s a cover one foot arrogant and it’s not enough a jacked and stacked cover thank

You very much are you like the chairman of his fan club or something I might be I might be if applications are open I’m filing one tomorrow morning this man has impressed me so so much [Applause] shreddy has been impressive I’ll Grant you but I think big guns Joe is equally

Impressive for surviving this long and he’s got the roll up and he’s got the win he’s got the win another travesty of Justice how many are we going to see here tonight since you took over this fan club things have gone from bad to worse for shy no no I hadn’t officially joined

On as the head of the fan club quite yet he probably got a few less members now because Shy’s been eliminated oh wow well talk about bad spot shreddy having been pinned here has taken out big guns Joe Shy made an impact win or lose that’s what this man

Does he turns heads each and every time he steps put inside that ring you know what this means shy shreddy as he’s going to I hope eventually get out of here has left big guns Joe lying and that means the big guns Joe is a Sitting Duck for our one

Remaining entrant in the strongman Carnival strongman gaunlet excuse me I’m too excited but but who’s it listen we know it’s Joe the fan but who is who is that going to be because there were serious suspicions that it was big gun’s jaw under that mask a shred you are such

A conspiracy theorist well we’ll find Out come on I’m on the edge of my seat here if the rumors are true then there won’t be a a Joe the fan but there is his way to the ring it’s your favorite fan just me Joe see me Joe see me are we really doing

This we are doing this and more to the point Joe the fan is doing this and he’s got to be the favorite here to win a gaunet match for the second time in three months so we had a magician in Charles Crowley you were happy when he

Left we had a vascular jacked stacked beast in shreddy you were delighted when he got eliminated but you’re happy to see this guy I love his Mantra the the never give up Spirit oh that’s original so much hustle so much loyalty so much respect from Joe see

Me big guns Jo who wait a second big guns Joe can be about to have his attitude adjusted oh a low blow we haven’t seen that from Joe C me before Oh the referee didn’t see it either apparently that might be what wins The Gauntlet

Match not because of a kick out by Big Guns Joe up until now Joe C me this fan had always been a pretty upstanding citizen but a low blow there on big gun’s Joe these people don’t like it but it might be successful for the [Applause] Wait a second though big guns Joe still got some fight leftt and in fact wait a second big gun joing for a Power Bomb has he got enough power left yes he has the sit out Power Bomb from Big Guns Joe and big guns Joe is the strong man of Russell

Carnival big gun show you cannot beat the biggest guns in professional wrestling big guns Joe is the carnival strongman and it wasn’t those big guns that got Joe the win here tonight it was those big balls he was kicked in them but all that testicular fortitude saw

Big guns Joe through in the end survived and won this God uh in the background there you’re seeing just how many millim tall he is 1,678 MM all of him standing tall as the winner of the strongman gaunlet here tonight at pure the following is a singles match introducing F [Applause] many is the English Rose Jetta Jetta a 19-year veteran arrives at wrestle Carnival and as you can hear from her entrance music Nobody Does It Jetta and listen to All these voices here in Nottingham a bit of a choir on the go here at wrestle Carnival she is the reigning pro

Wrestling leave Champion a title she won in August in a 30w woman Rumble consistently one of the best performers in British wrestling over these past two decades but a very unique situation for her in terms of the woman who’s going to be facing her across the ring as we will

Explain in just a moment yeah went through so many wrestlers in that Rumble to win the pro wrestling Eve Championship but here tonight has to go through the most important person in her [Applause] life she is fearless she is the Ace Charlie [Applause] Moran as you just hinted at the reason

That this is a unique situation is that in December of last year Jeter and Charlie Morgan got engaged they are fiance but of course that all goes out the window here more importantly in this situation Charlie Morgan has only just recently returned to professional wrestling retired in 2019 after a foot

Injury and now she is back she’s looking to put away the woman who knows her best that’s the end goal for both these women here they know that you only get the first chance to make that first impression here in wrestle Carnival you better take it because as we’ve

Discussed Bradshaw this this women’s division around here is so so competitive the cream of the Croc exist here in wrestle Carnival Jetta and Charlie Morgan going to face off here again unique Dynamic but also two very talented wrestlers in their own right jetra as we said the current Pro Wrestling Eve Champion Morgan herself a former Eve Champion spent six months with that title back in

2018 very hard to call who the who the favorite is here and that’s what has me so excited as the bell sounds you know we’re seeing two women who know each other so so well but they also know what it takes to reach the top and that’s why

This is going to be one hell of a [Applause] match jeda having plenty of fun here [Applause] Little bit of a standoff here though early on now they are getting into it and it is a wrist lock from Jetta that Morgan is going to have to deal with in these early moments oh and has that cranked in so much so that Morgan drops to her knees but look at this

Balance that was a Smart escape from Morgan but jeta very quickly reestablishes the hold oh Morgan though able to regain the upper hand yeah nice reversal there from Charlie Morgan the reigning pro wrestling Ling Eve Champion Jetta on her back right now Jetta trying to use the legs to kick

Morgan away which she does we saw the power of Jordan graci’s legs earlier on Jetta showing her own strength headlock Tak down from Jetta referee checking to that right shoulder of Morgan do not go down to the canvas which may have briefly done but not long

Enough for the referee to ini iate the pin count but the shoulders of jeta are down for one referee Scott Bell painly placed keeping a close eye on this hold another attempt by Morgan to roll Jeter over onto her shoulders and the referee checks out those shoulders excellent positioning there as

Our cameras take you inside the ring here at Pur what Escape yeah well jetta’s still down now I’m not sure how long it took for Jetta to realize that Morgan wasn’t there anymore quick as a cut from Charlie Morgan the word the nicknamed Fearless by the way very apt I think for Charlie

Morgan to have that that courage to go through that injury and to come back to the ring as she has in the past few months really is to be admired as you can hear a lot of support for both of these women here in the Portland

Center tonight and I wonder I wonder if this one’s about to get a little bit heated because as much as both these women obviously have a lot of affection for each other this is pro wrestling there can only be one winner there’s a Northern Light suplex from jeda will she

Be the winner not yet but holding on to the knuckle lock both of these women Tia though covers up Morgan shoves her into the ropes jeta Chris Crossing and now jeta with the school girl roll up kick out on two so so close here they go

Again oh cross body off the middle roope from Morgan good for a two count both women coming close here to the victory but not close enough oh and look at this just controlling that ankle we saw this from the answer Joe Hendry earlier on here tonight might have the same results for Charlie

Morgan Joe Henry with a big big win earlier of course as he heads on to Carnival Mania next month 14th of November in this very building going to be competing against Doug Williams that’s going to be quite the contest as this one is turning into Morgan now oh

Jetta hoist her up here stretching her out jeda with nowhere to go all four limbs have been neutralized Morgan couldn’t hold her up there for too long going to try and get her up there a second time and does oh and that must play hell with the knees

Of Jetta coming back down look at the power in the legs of Morgan pressing up above her head here and finally dropping her down again but you’re right the continuous pressure on those knees will have done some damage to Jetta who nonetheless kicked out to keep herself in the match Charlie Morgan

Firmly on top here Morgan again having to deal with changing direction from jeda who now goes for a sunset flip gets those shoulders down for two Morgan with the coun as she gets two Morgan finally rolling out on top of Jetta who shows great power arches up on onto her feet

Looking for the backs slide who has the more strength here one of those arms has become detached and now hang on a second I think jeda going to transition into a strangle hold but no she couldn’t because Morgan was able to escape Morgan now shoved to

The ropes both women hit each other at the same time both go down and we have a stalemate here at pure both women crashed to the canv hard you heard that Collision mid-ring as the referee counts and this would be a horrible way for this match to end for both these

Women they want to find out who’s the better one between the two the referee is up to a count of six and you’re right we don’t want this to end with both of these uh women down but we won’t see it I don’t think because jedar is back to her feet and

Now look Morgan back cracker though the back cracker now Jetta quickly into the cover kick out by Morgan but now the submission the muta lock from Jetta contribute to the great muta will it be enough to force a tap out from Charlie Morgan look at the desperation all over

Face doesn’t want to tap might have going she’s going to tap no she’s not maybe not so close B quench her fist in the end she’s got the shoulders of jeta down J had to break the hold in order to free herself from the pin we’re back to a steal mate again or

Maybe not oh running into G from Morgan Jetta doesn’t go down but she does need the ropes for support Morgan off the middle the back elbow on Jetta didn’t I think get all of it and that might be what allowed Jetta ultimately to get that right shoulder up off the map

Charlie Morgan that face of pain that expression turns to determination Jetson now goes to the ropes boot to the side of the face of Morgan another one a neck breaker jeda holding on jeda holding on submission again more [Applause] tapa I don’t know here if if Charlie

Morgan can hold on no that bridge from Jetta is picture perfect we might see a tap she might even fade might she might pass out if she doesn’t tap [Applause] out look at this Jetta oh cinching down Morgan again clenching her fist defiantly refusing to tap out and she’s

Away from submitting so so far away from that bottom rope which would release the pressure release the hold couple of feet away it may as well be a couple of miles but finally Morgan able to muster enough energy to get there oh and here we go again we’re back

To a stalemate neither women wanting to give in certainly not Charlie Morgan Jetta wants to finish this now how much is left though of Charlie Morgan after that extended period of time caught in that M lock a kick into the jaw oh my goodness planted her with the DDT absolutely

Planted Jetta the cover from Morgan and Morgan from nowhere has won it and your winner Charlie Morgan how impressive was that lightning fast just when it seemed like Charlie Morgan had only a few drops of fuel left in the tank she found a way to spike

Jetta’s head and pick up the win Morgan with stood everything all that punishment from Jetta and picked up a massive Victory and now postmatch both these women now there’s a show of respect from Jetta both women gave everything they had here tonight Bradshaw there could only be one winner

Though and it was Charlie Morgan I talk about a pro wrestling power couple you’re looking at one here Charlie Morgan and Jetta putting on a clinic tonight and then I think the engagement still on just about Morgan and Jetta enjoying the Applause the appreciation of this crowd in the

Portland center after one hell of a match between these two women here tonight at wrestle [Applause] Carnival [Applause] the taper the tap out from the dragon sweeper for the Dragon S [Applause] w [Applause] you know there’s a pretty strong case for saying that in the first two wrestle Carnival events that Chris R way has been the most valuable player a pair of submission victories over Jay Joshua and Carlos Romo but if Chris Ridgeway wants to become a real player a real dominant

Performer who is talked about around the wrestling world then he needs to find a way to defeat Jonathan grasham tonight GL sure we witnessed a world class display back at carnival of Honor Ring of Honor pure rules Doug Williams defeating Dean allmar not just anyone can wrestle these pure rules it’s the

Ultimate test of combined skill intelligence and endurance chis ridway has all those attributes but so does this man well the flag says it all I am the foundation and indeed he is quite simply one of the finest technical wrestlers on the planet his knowledge is encyclopedic and he may just be the best

Wrestler on the planet Jonathan gram arrives at wrestle Carnival prum held the RO pure title for a jaw-dropping 317 days recently losted to Josh Woods at death before dishonor so here tonight Jonathan gram he wants to show that he is the master of this kind of match

The following is a Ring of Honor pure rules match and will be fought over a 60 Minute time limit introducing first to my right representing Northwest strong this is Chris richway and to my left representing the foundation the octopus Jonathan Cres right now our referee James Greenwood will inform this crowd and both competitors of the rules governing This Ring of Honor pure rules match gentlemen this will be a cure contest you each have three brokes once your free have been used PS and submissions will be legal on all

Close this punches to the Head are not legal close this punches to other parts of body the first time you use close distance to the Head will count as it will the second will be instant slti as always as R matches be 20 count on the outside of the floor and if

There’s any outside interference will in instant determination conest would you like to shake hands please ah the formalities are out of the way we have a handshake that’s going to be I think the last sign of any kind of friendship any kind of respect here between these two

Because ultimately as much as they do respect each other the competitive juices are are now flowing for Jonathan gram and for Chris Ridgeway it has to be this way again this is the ultimate test the ultimate Proving Ground and there you hear the Bell we are underway of course as you said Jonathan

Gresham very very used to these pure Rules matches he was the pure Champion for over 300 days it was a title that was reinstated in Ring of Honor and really became synonymous with gram who was the first man to hold it after that reinstatement you and I have called a

Jonathan gesan match together over in defiant wrestling back in December of 2018 but since then Gresham has gone from strength to strength and Ridgeway has quite possibly the challenge of his professional career here quite telling as well that already grum takes down Ridgeway the shoulders of richway go down this

Was nearly over early remember one fall to a finish as these two again trying to just feel each other out [Applause] here remember those rope breaks so so important we saw what happened back at carnival of Honor how dog Williams used that to his Advantage he certainly did and hang on now Bridgeway trying to Grapevine the leg but Gres him very quickly able to counter it does fundamentally change the

Dynamic of a wrestling match when you do have that finite number of rope breaks as we saw in that match between Doug Williams and Dean allmar last month at carnival of Honor arm drag from Ridgeway brings gram down and it is a a change of pace here for

Ridway because ridway in those two submission match victories that we’ve talked about in his wrestle Carnival career so far has had unlimited rope breaks he has made use of the bottom rope multiple times in both of those victories and that’s not a luxury that he has here against gram in this match

No no three and then that’s your lot so there’s going to be a lot of thinking between these two men gram obviously so so experienced as we’ve discussed but Chris Ridgeway one of the finest talents on the circuit right now a man who has been turning heads for

Years now could this be his moment been honing his craft of course in the fairly recent past over in Japan Jonathan gresimo is the absolute epitome of someone who has honed his craft That Elbow right to the ribs in the lower back of Ridgeway and also

Cranking on that leg the ankle as well but pressure is again counted Jonathan Gresham from Atlanta Georgia in the US and to have him over here we saw of course Jordan Grace earlier as well he a symptom that the world is opening up we are able to bring you again some of the

Best talent in the world and it is a great sight to see look at this now as Jonathan gram they call him the octopus Chris Ridgeway might need to be one himself that was smart from Ridgeway Gresham was looking for a bow and arrow there and Ridgeway able to adjust his position get

His body on top of Gres for a quick pinfall attempt let’s just say that flexibility will be all important here because both men know their limbs are going to be contorted stretched and punished to the Limit here this is going to be grilling there’s no getting away from

It certainly isn’t and not least in terms of the types of move that might stretch out Chris Ridgeway is the reason that Gresham is known as the octopus that patented octopus stretch has brought so much success to Jonathan Gresham through the years that richway I’m sure will have done his homework on

It but no amount of homework can prepare you for being in there against Gres extended color and elbow tie up here both men into the ropes referee trying to bring him back into the ring and whichway goes over lands on top I don’t think that’s going to count

As a rope break for either man because both of them into the ropes and it was only brief there before they were back into the middle of the ring but ridway is still trying to capitalize on what has been really extended struggle here between the two

Over what I know what a minute a minute and a half now yeah both men just like tigers right now just desperate to get the upper hand it’s rway who rolls through and keeps hold of that wrist though knows so many reversals so many counters able to flip Ridgeway over head but rway

Held on to the wrist L yeah gam tried there Dave to inject some Pace into the situation but Ridgeway will not be denied and here we go again yeah you’re quite right that is exactly what Gres trying to do and that’s what he does so well if he finds himself in a

Disadvantageous position he mixes it up he changes things experiment he just has so many different different tools at his disposal that it it really is I would think very hard to prepare for a match against Jonathan Gres oh no doubt about it and there’s why just so fast but this Ridgeway is

Matching the octopus hold for hold here I don’t know what Jonathan gram expected he must know that ridway is so so talented so so skilled a little bit of frustration on Gram’s face there if I’m not mistaken tried to add some speed into the equation but rway just keeps on coming

Back going to say Ridge W the the tour of the two men you’d think he has a leverage Advantage but Jonathan Gres has made a career out of using that frame of his to his Advantage is’s pretty put together Jonathan Gres he’s not just a technical res there’s a lot of strength

In that frame as well as you see as he tries to force the arms of Ridgeway down and he’s achieved it as well but Bridgeway quickly pops up that right arm Gres now going to try and adjust his body weight so he he’s able to more effectively force it down in the end

Bridgeway had to bridge up use that strength in the neck to keep himself in this oh and there’s a little bit of respect but not Reciprocated I’m not sure if it was respect there from Gres or I think Bridgeway maybe saw it as kind of patronizing him and that’s why he instantly went back on offense maybe maybe we’re we’re seeing a fascinating melodrama play out here both these men the feeling out process early on and and

Now look at this Ridgeway using Gram’s own arm Ridgeway so adapt thinking on the Fly he is a lot of ways the you can understand why people have been kind of calling him the English equivalent to Jonathan Gres in recent times because he knows so many ways to

Put you in those submissions to put you to sleep to make you tap out Chris Ridgeway has become or has gained a reputation quite rightly for being one of the most dangerous men on the planet right now yeah and I wonder we saw grum try to use some speed early on I wonder

If ridway finds himself in a compromising situation only a matter of time before we see those gunshot style strikes from ridway when he kicks his opponent’s feel it he’ll shatter bone with those legs yeah that is one thing we haven’t seen yet as you say there is plenty of heavy artillery

In the Arsenal of Chris [Applause] Ridgeway still has the feel of two men Det determined not to make a mistake no one making too many or taking too many risks yet at this point of course they’re going to have someone’s going to have to force the issue as the clock

Continues to run down Bridgeway briefly to the outside fresh sweeps the legs kick right to the hand I think that was of Ridgeway drop kick into the left shoulder Ridgeway goes to the outside remember a 20 count in operation under Ro pure rules yeah that buys Ridgeway a

Bit more time but again Dave Jonathan gram upping the tempo a little bit Ridgeway will have to find some way to combat that the deeper and the longer this match goes on because right now anytime gram UPS the pace Ridgeway is in a bit of trouble you can tell Ridgeway

Triying not to let on that that left arm was bothering him but pretty clear to gram I think that that is the case and gram increasingly focusing his efforts and his attention on that left elbow that left arm of Ridgeway no cranks again now traps it between the legs and stretches the other

Arm bending that right arm of Bridgeway and the shoulder was down referee I think has done a fine job so far in officiating this one so much to keep an eye on when you’ve got two men who use every part of their body to their advantage Gres is trying to break

The arm here of Ridgeway it seems like yeah another one second time that ridway has used that as a crucifix pin attempt and a two count aggression the arm drag gram with a slightly disparaging stare at Ridgeway I think Gresham getting irritated at this Never Say Die attitude that we’re seeing

From Chris Ridgeway the interesting thing from that passage for me Ridgeway trying with those kicks and gram just shut him down almost unfaced by those strikes which surprises me because again they’re one of the most powerful parts of re Way’s entire Arsenal look at this though gram this is

Where gram excels he’s got that left arm tied up look he can he’s got him absolutely where he wants him he can do what he wants where he when he wants now Gres take he’s taking a Brea here is gram while ridway is still driving in agony

Yeah this is dangerous for Ridgeway that arm could break at any moment at a very unnatural angle and again Gres trying to inject some energy bring these people into this match as he tortures rid torture is the correct verb here because press twisting at that ankle

That left arm still tied up the right arm is as well ression seems to be almost taunting Ridgeway shoulders are down here and Ridgeway needs to be very very careful got out in the nick of time but there’s another arm drag and there’s there’s no chance for

Ridgeway to catch a breather every time he escapes a hole Jonathan gram is there with an arm drag just to reaffirm his dominance over this portion of the match and and this could be the way this thing plays out until the end unless Ridgeway does something drastic unless he takes a risk

And does something special and that experience advantage that gram has in this kind of match I think starting to maybe tell a little bit at this point because gram has been able to dictate the pace over these past few minutes that’s one thing he needs to avoid though is getting those strikes

Giving Bridgeway raer a chance to issue those strikes cannot leave that one rattled gression Bradshaw yeah you absolutely cannot leave ridgeway’s right arm unattended because that’s what will happen oh here we go now Gresham end to the ropes Ridgeway gets the knee right into the midsection

Sends Gres again to the ROP does the same again going to look to do it a third time and does oh this is what reway needed Dave here we go here we go this is turning into a fight here between gram and rway and Jonathan gram just clutching at

Those ropes almost knocked out of the ring [Applause] there you are watching two world class technicians at the peak of their powers oh ridgeway’s left arm has had so much damage inflicted upon it oh my God the still battling away and he’s done plenty of damage there I’ve think to Gram’s

Left leg rway smells blood se’s an opening yeah you’re right he certainly does and he’s going to try and force the submission here from Gresham Gres so smart though uses his arm to get those hands locked across the face of Ridgeway Ridgeway though was able to battle

Free now Chris Ridgeway trying to twist contort those legs of Jonathan Gresham got him turned over onto his front that’s where he wanted him and now if ridway can hook in this this face lock as well which he can I think Gram’s in trouble here aggression maybe he’s near the

Ropes maybe he’s too near the ropes and he is but that will count as a rope break joh his second rope break he has one Remaining I think that’s I think that’s incorrect referee said two remaining apologies ladies and gentlemen John has two remaining you hear it that’s right two rope breaks remaining for gram he may have to use another one here Gres may have to use another one because a half crab applied by

Ridgeway ran was able to battle out onto his uh onto his back but wway with that right leg kicking away at the head of gram Gram’s into the ropes again yeah Bradshaw Ridgeway just tried to keep his body between second rope break he has one that’s huge that is massive a second

Rope break for Jonathan Gram now only has one left of course I think we may have just watched the decisive few seconds in this match when we look back at this for Gres to have had to burn through two of those rope breaks in quick succession could be absolutely determinative of who’s going

To win this Ram drops to his knees prevents what looked like a suplex attempt this is what you were talking about ridway with those kicks gets started there’s no stopping him trust me on that which way you can see it you can see it how he in his body language how

He is growing in confidence every passing moment here fisherman suplex over into the cover he’s got two he doesn’t have three the left shoulder of gram came [Applause] up look at the way that gram is hobbling away gingerly he managed to get the elbow up into the face of Ridgeway though

Ridgeway looking to capitalize while he has the upper hand gr’s up on the top turn buckle perched up there Ridgeway is going to join him up there oh this is dangerous what’s Ridgeway doing Chris ridway seems to have we did have G oh gam Escape gram escaped and now Ridgeway

In a pretty compromising position very precarious spot here for Chris Ridgeway certainly gram has the advantage gram bending the arm of ridway remember that left arms already had plenty of damage done to it and now Gran plants it with the suplex oh the impact on that one was fear staved both

Men crashing hard right into the middle of that ring but a lot of that impact came down on the left arm of Ridgeway and now referee has a count on both men gram may be slightly the less hurt of the two but gram has used two of his free available rope

Breaks has to draw on all that experience here’s a roll up catch it by surprise gets a two count going to try again his gram Gres again with a two count briway tried for roundhouse K as a hurc he’s got the leg hook got the leg

Hooked in his two and three quarters for gram oh and that was deliberate did you see where gram planted that kick yeah left arm left arm left arm left arm that is the almost the exclusive focus of gram gression I think going to try for the octopus stretch and Ridgeway was

Able to get to the ropes that’s the first his rope breaks chrisway has used his first rope break he has two remaining well I would argue that’s a pretty good use of the Rope break because you don’t want to get caught in that octopus stretch no no way no how

But Jonathan Gres all down across goodness how many times now tries to wrap him up into a pin attempt and that might be the closest that Gresham has come to winning it oh that was so so close literally millimeters away from the referee’s hand coming down for three

And Jonathan gram knows it meanwhile Chris ridway trying to get some feeling back into that left arm so to recap Ridgeway has two rope breaks remaining gram only has one it is gram who is the aggressor and gram once more on that left arm of Ridgeway Ridgeway

Though was able to lift him up and slam him over now he’s got his right thigh over the top of the head of gram got that left ankle caught up going to try for the ankle lock here is ridway he’s got it locked in ridway has the ankle lock

Has to sit down in it but gr him back to his feet oh my God on the top of his head Jonathan Gres just got planted by Chris Ridgeway Ram’s rocking here Bradshaw now he’s even standing after that impact look at these back elbows oh another one of those vicious

German suples there’s a cover in a kick out oh but I don’t know I don’t know from looking at that situation there if Jonathan gram didn’t get a little bit lucky I don’t want to take anything away from the octopus but Ridgeway grabbed that left hand in pain God

PK the penalty kick from ridway and a kick out straight on to the ankle straight on to the ankle he’s ridway rway going to try for the ankle look again he’s got it again oh we have to get out quickly Dr no he hasn’t got out he has not got out

Gram has one rope break left he can use he is near the ropes oh but he’s he doesn’t want to use that last rope break knows how important it could be but might have no choice and he did have no choice he did have no choice has used all

Three that’s huge branchaw massive Advantage Chris Ridgeway who has two rope breaks left Jonathan Gresham can no longer use the ropes to escape any submission hold or any pin attempt from Ridgeway you saw Ridgeway she his fist with delight realizing the gravity of the situation here no more rope breaks for gram and

Now rway just going back to his wheelhouse what brought him to the dance these strikes a pretty vicious chop there though from Gram let’s not discount the Striking ability of Jonathan Gresham but Ridgeway with another one of those kicks oh my God a bullet from a gun whenever Ridgeway lands one of those

Oh into that smack Echoes around the building agression fireing back rdway got his leg caught rdway got his leg caught and it gets taken down but he’s straight back up goes for the kick gets it right in the jaw of Jonathan gram both these men must be exhausted

Right about now they’ve given everything they have Gresham on his feet Ridgeway on his feet we are watching an instant classic here under Ro pure rules the main event of pure here tonight brought to you by wrestle Carnival Jonathan grum now dispensing with that wrist tape things just got

Aggressive R and Ridgeway rman Ridgeway strike for strike blow for blow here in our main event look at this WOW slaps and kicks from ridway oh and one right to the face but Grisham nips up Grisham with the insecurity Grisham tries for the German suplex rway wouldn’t let it happen goes

To the ropes there another hurricane rer take down Gres on top oh rway counter the counter from Ridgeway the counter from Bridgeway and the kick out from [Applause] Gresham Ridgeway tries to rolling through victory roll Victory roll from ridway another two count another two countres tried to coun with an arm drag

Ridway moved out the way gram got him on the second time of asking and now Jonathan Gresham looking to tie up Chris Ridgeway can he get those shoulders down he has got the shoulders down and it’s a kick out I think yes it is only only just by Ridgeway wow take a deep

Breath you’re watching professional wrestling magicians between those ropes again to the left arm goes gram something has to give here though sooner or later something has to give this is awesome chant with breaking out in parts of the crowd there briefly but for the most part this crowd are

Just utterly absorbed by what they are watching gram I think could be on the point of maybe rocking in that octopus stretch if he can get that right leg over the head of of Ridgeway he’s striking away here at Ridgeway Ridgeway screaming rway can still use the rope

Break remember still has two left and again into the ankle lock ankle lock Great Vines the leg this time meanwhile gram has no rope breaks left Gres that won’t count doesn’t matter gram can’t rely on the ropes Gram’s going to have to find another way to escape that ankle look how how does

The octopus get out of this one br’s trying to go to the outside of the Ring even then ridway won’t let go ridway knows this could be the biggest moment of his career ree will not be denied agression trying to find a way out he’s tapping out it doesn’t matter though on

The outside of the Ring a Tap Out won’t count yeah but think of the damage that’s being done to gresham’s leg oh referees issuing a count remember the 20 count in effect these two still locked up slapping each other away neither man will let go of the other

Watch out for those closed fists this could get Fiery even more fiery than it already is again out G none of this is a valid Tapout on the outside of the Ring referees have to a count of 16 Gresham knows he needs to get back in

But ridway won’t let him in referee’s up to 19 referee 20 oh they’re both out they’re both out it is a double count Out no way wow I think that’s the decision a double countown neither man got back into the ring within the referees count of 20 Ridgeway was so determined to administer more damage to gram he took his eye off the ball and both men counted out we’re going to get confirmation of

That referee is conferring with our ring announcer agression agression wants the mic hang on a second chanting five more minutes [Applause] well I didn’t come all the way over the Atlantic just the wrestle Chris wway I Came In Search of the best wrestlers in the world most importantly the best pure

Professional wrestlers in the world and tonight I have to admit I just wrestled one of the best pro professional wrestlers World thanks way you were somebody that I been looking for you are someone that can help change the course my company bring of Honor you traveled all over the world

And in my mind all your travels preparing you for this moment all I need is one answer I want you not just on my side I I want you as an equal in the foundation wow what an offer what an offer from creser to Ridgeway what will ridgeway’s answer be though

Day I am the foundation I think that’s a yes thank you each and every one of you tonight right here Nottingham UK you witness the first European member of the foundation this man will help me change the course of R of honor my company this industry together we will change the face of

Professional wrestling we are the foundation thank you very much thank you for supporting wrestling com I hope to see you all next time what an announcement from Jonathan Gresham we said at the start here that Chris Ridgeway could have a career changing night and even after a match that was

Drawn against Jonathan Gresham that prophecy has come true Chris ridway has joined the foundation Jonathan gram was so so impressed by what he witnessed who he fought with who he wrestled with here tonight at wrestle Carnival he opened up an invitation for Ridgeway to join the foundation in Ring

Of Honor and Dave Ridgeway accepted jonath congression by the way a Class Act look at how he’s thanking everybody at ringside going to all sides of the Ring to thank this great crowd here in Nottingham for coming out and I’m sure all of them will come back on

November 14th when we will have another pure Rules match it will be as we’ve said earlier Doug Williams versus the answer Joe Henry that will be the main event of Carnival Mania next time we’re with you here in Nottingham for wrestle [Applause] Carnival


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