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Kelly Slater vs Ethan Ewing | Hurley Pro Sunset Beach 2024 – Round of 32…
Since it hosted the first Championship Tour event ever in 1976, Sunset Beach has long stood as an old-school test of power surfing. And while timeless rail-to-rail surfing still dominates, a new school of surfers is beginning to redefine the wave with a more modern approach. Who will win out, and who heads to colder waters on a hot streak?

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K.Slater vs. E.Ewing

00:00:00 – Heat Start
00:00:12 – Wave by Kelly Slater
00:00:30 – Wave by Kelly Slater
00:00:44 – Wave by Ethan Ewing
00:00:59 – Wave by Kelly Slater
00:01:17 – Wave by Ethan Ewing
00:02:30 – Wave by Ethan Ewing
00:03:02 – Wave by Kelly Slater
00:03:21 – Turn by Kelly Slater
00:03:24 – Wave by Kelly Slater
00:03:53 – Wave by Ethan Ewing
00:04:07 – Wave by Kelly Slater
00:04:48 – Wave by Ethan Ewing
00:05:21 – Wave by Kelly Slater
00:06:26 – Heat End

Ethan Ying up against Kelly Slater in the non priority heat so the clock’s on between those two they got 36 minutes on the clock hyper girl during the break it started with this yeah a little belly takeoff for Kelly here and swooping away that looks really groovy board looks really really good

Under his feet there goes to hit that second section but just goes down but yeah I think there’s there’s a lot to be said about Kelly I mean I mean there and there’s also what hasn’t been said I mean here he is right now up and riding

Slater just up and out so still fishing for something but he’s just staying busy prone takeoff here getting caught up and punching out the back is Ethan Ying thought he was going to pull into that little chuny section for a second yeah I feel just because that prone

Takeoff he just didn’t have the speed later here stalling off the bottom little chatter on the face for Kelly and this wave goes wide into the channel once again so the the the interview coming out my takea away with from jordy’s interview is that he’s confirming what we’ve been talking

About we call them honu in Hawaii and they’re turtles in the channel there’s Ethan Ying on the face and slashing here nice layback hack there nice leverage in that turn from the surfer from North strad broke Ying sharp is always on the rails uh you know couple of false starts

Couple of fractional fractional scores to begin with but now he finally put it together on a wave as we break it down here and this first SE just absolutely jamming it in the pocket there throws that back arm in the lip just so it’s like sort of that bit of variation that

Layback hack and even these couple of little cares on the inside here just really beautiful to watch but that right there that was a pretty hard maneuver to go for made it really really critical he probably identified that this wave was going to fatten out so quickly so he

Could put it all on the line here like hey okay I might have to get this one section let’s let’s really go to town here and he absolutely did I mean he obviously got those two smaller cars afterwards but I mean knowing this wave was dissipating in size he was like okay

Let’s just put it all in the line gets a 5.5 for this performance so mid-range score uh 5.5 just off of really here and he probably will get another opportunity be pretty exciting but bad news for him is that Rio has priority but Ethan seem to get

Away Ethan Ying picks off this one from under the pack and Ying just a nice series of cutbacks of the DHD always clean rail game this wave gives him a little extra section on the inside and Ying capitalizes on that right before it he hits the channel so good heads up

Surfing by Ethan Ying kind of cruising through the beginning and then nice exclamation at the Finish it’s super important to respect the people that live there you go there and yeah you want to catch a lot of waves you want to learn the break but you could still

Learn the break kind of just by being out there um oh Kelly goes Swan diving right there but um it’s important to um have that respect to to to gain respect as well ton of energy going different directions says we have the goat up now Kelly big whip controls it stretches

This one out in front Fades a cut in will try to chip away at the lead that Ethan has on top of him C turning 52 on February 11th out how to enjoy this and then dominate it as well as we see last to Kelly Jesse Yeah just clean surfing

For him right there just um on rail the whole time unfortunately that wave didn’t give him that second steeper B just makes you want to book a flight to Indonesia hearing that it’s uh obviously Surfers Paradise where he comes from and Rio W happy to be and when you were on

Tour looking at different disciplines yeah that really hit home just cuz that’s kind of how I was or am growing up you know Sports were my life so whether it was surfing or anything else here’s Kelly on a bomb Kelly now with some speed there’s the wind up this

Clean wrap to get going speed shoving him down the line he’ll just chip one off the top quickly still chasing a 617 yeah what a way to find a sneaky wave under PR very clean and um also we see Kelly right here a little bit flatter wave unfortunately for him and

Hit that um like inside bulb in a weird angle once again just not finding it you would have just like being right there and and ready to go and then that and then kind of you know not getting the opportunity right away to work your way back is uh there’s something special

About that persistence to being strong like that you I guess that’s that kind of wise thing you don’t lose until you really give up so he he’s he’s back and proud of him it’s pretty rad yeah had some success as well I by wild cards

When we went to W them up or rot Nest Island in wa Slater on the ropes 617 yeah big number for today with these challenging conditions he does have priority though it’s all about just getting into the right situation at the right time Kelly’s going to lean on this

Wave to try to turn this heat going for his carving three and he gets it that’s one of his signature moves that is incredibly challenging especially in these kind of waves get the Val B but is it enough to show the judges he’s won this heat his girlfriend

Kanani loves it difficult that turn actually is to do mostly out here at Sensi you got to go beyond vertical right there and maintain your momentum throughout the whole turn in order for you not to get stuck or catch a rare or anything and lean forward too much I

Just really don’t know what they’re what the how the judges are going to digest that one Brett your opinion on that carving three gosh I don’t know I’m just kind of obviously I’m just glad I guess in his Kelly’s position when you’re out there with less than a minute and Ethan

Continues to be one of the favorites to win this contest at the herley pro Sunset Beach and probably a big sign of relief when the judges take that long


  1. Cannot believe what I saw … Bets on that a 4 point wave will be in the 2min sunset highlight reel for years to come.

  2. THats BS right there, The guy did a 360 FFS. Brassos get 10s for 1 air reverse or other aerials. WSL is just going to the pack really.

  3. I wish wsl and other organizations would stop and take more time to listen to constructive criticism/feedback, see what the majority thinks. Like here’s an idea, why don’t they ad a feature to the audience to have a say? Like 33% of score is weighted by the audience average? Why not? People would be honest overall, just like these comments are mostly about these judges how they seem to want to paint their own narrative? The fact that it seems pretty obvious to many shows they aren’t listening.

  4. kelly got a 4 .5 for his vertical snap 360 against ethan ewing in the critical part of the wave.
    who else can pull this manouvre…?
    so tecnical…!

    for many year the wsl judges were dishing out 8-10s for a 1 manouvre 360 air from medina, toledo, italo, julian wilson, etc.

    in this contest guys have been getting 6s and 7s for single manouvers…. (eg. john john in his round of 16).

    UNDERSCORING kelly seems to be the normal these days.
    i think he knows it…..

    i wouldnt be surprised if he walks away from the world tour after margarets.

  5. I wish Kelly would drive on now and give younger dudes the place on the tour. I get it, he's the goat. But it's time now

  6. Kelly turned the heat, that 360 manaeuver was 6,50 at least. I would score as 7.50, as the wave didn't offer any other section. That ate things the public want to see: creativity and risk.

  7. In other sports/comps, you have to win by a huge margin to take the GOAT down, [Example: Boxing]. Ethan surfed well, but in my opinion, Kelly surfed equal, until the 360, that's when he took the heat.

  8. Everyone all slaging the judges for Slaters 360 score like they don't know what their doing.. Fun but they are looking for a combo of things and this wave is all about rail work. So if that bores you. Just trying getting waves this size and ride a bigger board than your used to.

  9. Love how Ethan surfs, but that carving 360 should have taken the heat especially when conditions were so mediocre.

  10. WSL just couldn’t stand to see Ewing get eliminated in the round of 32. Kelly does something nobody else is doing at sunset and they fck him. Announcer literally said "and thats why Ethan Ewing came in as one of the favorites in this event." They were never letting kelly win this heat

  11. Old school, 90s thing. You don’t see the new generation pulling this, which is part of it. They don’t like Kelly’s style. Judges also have a major scoring issue and have for a while. They’d much rather see someone flailing down the line in a halfway stinkbug stance for an air.

  12. I think Slater was also underscored on his 4 where he pulled off that late drop in the lip and did that clean turn rebounding off the white water with more speed. He even finished it off with another cutback to end.. Ewings 5.5 was slower and safer the whole wave

  13. The judges are lost. They have no clue just how incredibly difficult that turn was! Ethan is stylish as can be, but Kelly won that heat with the carving 3, no question.

  14. Kelly was dissed on the last wave. We all know it. The judges know it. Remember, we all have marching orders to keep our jobs. The judges were given orders to keep things "interesting". Kelly is no longer "interesting"to the top brass of the WSL. Sad…

  15. Compare to 1 turn scores . That should get the sccore no one can do. But has all waysbeen underscored and he the only surfer to do i

  16. Was kelly slaters heat to win could of not celebrated and fit in just one turn haha and it would of been his heat but unfortunately he thought it was good enough at the time very unlucky kelly

  17. The judges never seen 360 done like Kelly can. These judges better get with it especially that 360 Kelly did. This is the 21st. Century not the 20th century! Anytime judges in the past as far back as the 70’s when a new move happened they had no idea what to do. This move they should’ve given him a high score. They should try and do 360 out at Sunset Beach is conditions like that and see how hard that manuver really is.!

  18. I remember how amazed I was the first time I saw a guy pull a carving 3 in front of me at Juno pier- I was all,"damn that dude rips…"

  19. Finally Kelly`s boards look good. If he had caught some better waves he would have scored higher. But, a 360? Difficult maneuver but they went out in 1982. Also, if he had done a carve after it he would have scored better. Missed the opportunity by waving his hands and celebrating.. I reckon it was only a 4 at the most

  20. Literally none has done that carving 360, much less in these conditions on this wave, in forever…. He pulls that out last second in a critical spot and the judges just screw him another time….

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