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A Deep Nuanced Discussion About the NBA 65 Game Rule | Tyrese Haliburton and JJ Redick

We are psyched to have Tyrese Haliburton, IN PERSON, for the first time ever on the Old Man and The Three. We talk about so much including the Giannis ball, the 65 game rule, The Indiana Pacers trading for Pascal Siakam and more. In this teaser clip, Tyrese and JJ go deep on the 65 game rule and why Tyrese called it “BS.”

Subscribe to The Old Man and The Three podcast w/ JJ Redick (ESPN / First Take) and Tommy Alter YouTube channel today for more NBA analysis, player interviews and highlights.

#nba #tyresehaliburton #indianapacers

Let’s go there to Indie no we should go to the 65 games oh go yeah I like I like when the guest brings up a topic okay okay um so my question actually around this because you you have commented on this and you said it was a [ __ ] rule

I’m sure there’s been some backlash from different people about that but my comment about my question about this was was the General mindset about your first injury the first hamstring injury right because I’d talked to you about it right and I was like bro I’ve had a ton of

Hamstring injuries blah blah blah um wasn’t like giving you advice or anything I was just kind of providing context but did you feel like a sense of urgency to come back sooner than maybe yeah no question you did yeah what and then not not from like our medical staff

But or or for sure but like from like a $53 million incentive like even I’m trying to think of the games that I missed before that um in Boston I I got I got hurt right before he went to Boston I couldn’t play got like a charlie horse and if it would

Have been one extra day we had a back toback if it would have been a back toback I would have played and then I got like the flu in Miami and couldn’t play the next day like I was throwing up um so those are the three games I missed

And then once the minute I got hurt I think like you could see like I got carried off like I was really emotional because in that moment I was just thinking like damn it’s over you know what I mean like season’s probably over

I went to take a step with my leg and my leg didn’t really lift up like it didn’t really move so I think in that moment like any player like he would just kind of panic um but after that it was just like kind of and then the MRI was like

Good results like our medical staff like these are the best results we could possibly get like was it grade two it was grade one grade one it grade one grade one yeah um and so I’m just like how how can I get back as fast as possible what’s the right the right way

And then kind of after we traded for Pascal and I knew he was going to play in that Portland game and that was kind of the game that we were eyeing like it was either that game or I don’t remember who we played after that but it was like

That Portland game was where our eyes were on and as soon as the trade for Pascal went through I was kind of like damn not only is it the game of mine that’s the game I’m playing like if Pascal’s coming I want to be a part of

The first game like and the medical staff agreed like I was I felt good enough um and then after that like I played a certain amount of minutes and towards the end of the game I could feel my leg hurting like there was a play

Where Aaron went to flip the ball to me and I was going the other way and it went back court and when I bent to pick pick up the ball I was like oh this is not good um that night I like remember getting in the in the car going back to

Hotel and I like had to sit down and pick my leg up to put it in the car like I couldn’t really lift it and so I was like oh this is not good and then it just that’s when like I think a lot of frustration boiled over because it was like

I like I I thought I was ready to go for the Portland game and so did our medical staff everybody agreed um but I don’t think I if this was never the case I might have been like another week yeah maybe give it another game or

Two you know let me let me think more through this like let’s try to be 100% and even now with this whole I’ve had a minut restriction now for the last two weeks and it’s what’s your what’s your is it 25 it’s changed I mean it started

At 20 and then it’s ramped up and it’s been [ __ ] terrible like I’ve I hated it you know like I came back for the Boston game and they were kind of beat they were beating us pretty bad first half we we’re like a third quarter team we got

The game right back in the third and I was like oh I’m done like you know and that was very frustrating uh the New York game same thing we had the lead and I got pulled right as we were kind of running away in the third quarter then

They come back and win and then we tried to play the Kings game and they were like we’re not going to play you in the first quarter whyin came off the bench by rookie year like the flow of it was just weird and so I think I’ve just been

Been frustrated by it completely but I understand where the league is coming from listen at the day I’m a fan of basketball like everybody is we want the best players to play um but realistically like we talked about earlier there’s only a couple of us that

This is going to hurt that that this could hurt financially you know what I mean yeah well I guess there’s there’s two parts there so number one I think we can all agree the intent was good for sure and there’s naturally like I say this every time the NBA makes a new rule

Change about anything a new policy or whatever is like every time there’s a new salary cap thing I’m like love the intent there’s going to be unintended consequences with the new second apron there like I don’t I’m not smart enough to figure out what the unintended consequences are going to be

Three years from now but there will be some for sure whether that’s like a team trading a high draft pick because they want to keep their core together you know what I mean so they’re not up against second apron and then like 3 years later that draft picks becomes the

Number one pick and it’s a generational talent and 20 years from now we’re like oh that’s [ __ ] team but it’s like that the intent of the rule was for parity right so I I don’t know that there’s like a solution for getting guys

To play and I also I I I think the best question I have around this entire topic is if a team is willing to pay a player $260 million if the Indiana Pacers are willing to pay you this amount of money if the Minnesota Timberwolves are willing to pay the max for Anthony

Edwards do do we need this like one year this one year of like he’s got to make all NBA yeah tap it a Tatum too right that’s the part that I don’t like I If you want to incentivize contracts to Performance I’m okay with that but

Putting it all on one year doesn’t make a lot of sense to me yeah whereas like if you had signed a contract and it was like during the course of this contract if you make all NBA or even if you made it twice you have six years to do it

Right then you get the supermax uh I think that’s a better route right because you’re you’re G to be pressured into playing too soon with this games thing you’re going to in some ways I think guys you’re not I don’t think you’re in this situation but some

Guys are going to put more pressure on themselves uh and and maybe play differently yeah so I I think that’s the unintended consequence be Beyond just like trying play it’s it’s just the the rule itself around the supermax for this rookie extension I don’t personally like

Yeah and like you said at the end of the day you think these organizations don’t want to pay us this money like I understand for salary cap reasons but you don’t think that the Minnesota timberwol want to show we made the right pick at number one he’s a super max

Player or Charlotte Hornets we made the right pick lamelo’s a supermax or the Pacers trading for me or whatever the case may be like right the Pacers gave up an all-nba player to get you yeah exactly so that that that’s the biggest thing but like you said I mean the

Intent is correct and I don’t and I think people misconstrued my words to say like act like I don’t like oh I don’t care about fans like we don’t need to play like no I want to play 82 games if I if I can but I mean that’s just not

How the cookie crumbles right now do you feel like this is an issue that for guys around the league who this maybe doesn’t directly affect this year that they’re actively paying attention to well again I mean I don’t want to say like I think that you also

Understand like how I feel in the NBA and I’m not like here to I’m not going to say anything bad about the PA like the PA is amazing but I do think us as players you really you’re not really necessarily thinking about everybody you know what I mean you’re thinking about

How does it relate to you and like kind of your peers you know I I think kind of with that with like this year with the draft uh combine everybody has to submit their physicals now with this new rule like I’m not going to lie that would

Have screwed me if I had to submit all my physicals I was coming off a broken wrist I I didn’t give my physicals to Cleveland I didn’t give my physicals to Atlanta like I didn’t give my physicals to teams that I didn’t want to go to

Where like I understand the why a GM would want everybody’s physical because I don’t care like for me it was like you’re going to draft me you don’t even know if my wrist heals correctly you don’t know what my wrist looks like so then that’s a risk that you’re taking

And I understand why the NBA would be pushing for that but that’s kind of something for me that as and I I could have been a lot more involved with um the negot ation for the new CBA and like I’m just not that involved in the PA and don’t

Harrison Harrison would scream at me he screams at me all the time about it uh that you’re not that I’m not yeah yeah you seem like you seem like you’d be a good fit for it I think so you think so yeah I think I I think I would be but

I’m just maybe like as one of the nine vice presidents there’s so many vice presidents but I that’s just so like you said like I think sometimes as players we might think more of about ourselves than we do you know about the players coming in or

You know what I mean like it only affects this rule right here that we’re talking about 65 games it affects obviously guys like Joel with you know MVP but financially really only three or four guys a year this is this is not a push back on that but I think I’m

Looking at it because we know CJ and I think he’s a well-reasoned very thoughtful very intelligent person and it felt like and I curious if you felt this last year it felt like last year the the load management conversation really just hit a fever pitch and it when you’re actively doing

Something that is turning off your fans and making them angry I don’t think you really have a choice like if if if you are the product the league the game The Players the that’s the product right and the consumer is saying I really hate this part of your product you have to listen

To your consumer so you have to actively try to correct whatever is wrong with your product for sure 100% And and like you said earlier if this didn’t come down to which is why I’m saying I don’t like the rule yeah yeah that like first of all Le let’s let’s acknowledge this

The rule from my understanding was basically put into place because of Derrick Rose right where he won an MVP called the D he won an MVP in his third year right he he should have been paid more on par with his peers yeah right um the Rarity of that of a

Guy I’m sure I know it’s happened a handful of times it happens I’m not saying that there’s a lot of [ __ ] good players that are good by their third or fourth year the Rarity of it is is still it’s it’s a minuscule amount of

Guys I I I would think if a team says you’re our guy we want to pay you the supermax we’re going to invest in you and if you make the all-nba or whatever incentive they want to attach to it over the course of this contract while you’re

In our uniform you get the supermax yeah now if you say uh we’re GNA sign you to this $260 million deal and you have five years to make onba and two years into it you request a trade well that negates any chance to get the supermax right it

There’s got there’s got to be some give and take on both sides I just fundamentally don’t like this that it’s just based on one year and it’s your fourth year in the NBA and it’s now at the point where it’s not8 to 10 million over four years it’s

50 some dollar 50 some million dollars over five years are there any comps like this I’m just TR to thinking in general in sports you bring a thing that is just obviously you getting hurts completely out of your control versus requesting a trade or doing any sort of other thing

That you know we miss games because of be technicals or whatever it is like this is is it it just feels like a it feels like a first in a in an interesting way I agree with that and the other part of this and this is just

Coming from my seat now which is I vote on this stuff yeah so do 99 other people we’re all smart enough to like make these choices ourselves yeah we are if like last year no one played in enough games the MVPs played 63 64 and 66 games okay so you’re not going to

Give an advantage to anybody I’ve talked to some people who are like I did a 50 game cut off for all NBA I did a 58 last year was a little bit of anomaly like literally nobody played games there was like one guy and I think it was joic that played not it

Wasn’t yic I’m sorry it was one guy trying to think who it was that played over 70 games that I voted for for all NBA Julius Randle he’s the only guy so to me you’re taking some of like the power out of the people that are voting on this

Yeah and another unintended consequence and I guarantee this will happen is that some guy will make all NBA probably in the front Court Pro that because of games played you’re like ah that guy got a 13 M NBA interesting interesting and this [ __ ] played in 62 and he had an unbelievable season

This guy played in 68 and you’re like yeah interesting right interesting yeah yeah that’s we’re smart enough to figure this out on that way for sure


  1. For those commenting w/o watching, we talk at length about the fact that the NBA had a load management problem. No question. In this vid, we brainstorm how the 65 game rule can be fixed so players don't rush back from legitimate injuries due to the steep incentives in place. How can we honor the fan and protect the player. Curious what you all think. Full episode drops tomorrow. Peace!

  2. I am thinking that a good mix would be to still have the 65 game recquirement for all nba but have an appeal process where if a player missed the 65 game mark they can appeal to the voters with the reasons why they missed the mark using proper documentation for each injury sickness etc. and the voters can decide whether to give them an exception or not. If you don't want your all nba spot to be left to chance you are going to play in 65 games.

  3. The season is too long. Especially if you’re a contender and making deep runs. Tack on these guys playing international ball. The pace is faster than ever. A lot of guys are putting serious mileage on their bodies. The NBA/Owners know that less games=less money. Which is why they will never agree to the easiest solution. Shorten the season. You’d most likely get a healthier, more competitive and entertaining product.
    If you shorten the season then there’s less revenue for the league. Less money from TV Networks/Advertising. The whole business model is based on 82 games plus a potential 20+ games in the postseason. You want players to take All Star Games and Regular Season seriously give them less games. Less commitments for the league outside of basketball.

  4. 65 games isn’t that much. It allows you to miss 21% of the season and still qualify. You miss more than that and are out 25% 33% of a season, why would you think you should still qualify for these awards? Injuries suck and are part of the game, but you miss that much time you shouldn’t be an all nba player. But in the end again the players only have themselves to blame. They sat too much and the nba had to do something about it. The supermax contracts is getting out of control. Players now think they are entitled to it. Any player averaging 20ppg think they deserve a supermax deal. In reality there are probably 5 truly deserving supermax players in the nba but how the system has been put in place, teams have overpay those just borderline stars to keep them.

  5. For those who haven't even watched the video, this isn't about mvp…this is about him missing out on 50 million dollars because he messed up his hamstring.

  6. It's simple: let the paying customers decide. You can do this by making NBA tickets refundable. Fans who pay good money to see stars should see stars play. If stars are not available for whatever reason, then fans should have the option to refund 100% of the ticket price. The NBA will then have actual data from ticket sales and refunds whether sitting out stars affect the bottom line and by how much.

    To be fair to the league:

    1. Guaranteed player availability will only be applicable to the two best players per team designated by the league. These are the superstars, NBA all-stars, All-NBA teams, and supermax and max contract players. This means that you can't refund your ticket if any of the 3rd to 12th best player on the lineup is not available for that game.

    2. Tickets can only be refunded up to 12 hours before the game. By this time, teams already know which players will play for that game. At the same time, this will give the league time to sell the returned tickets at a discounted price to recoup the losses.

    3. Bulk tickets or discounted tickets such as special offers, season-passes, 10-game plans are not eligible for refunds.

  7. John Stockton played an elite level of basketball as a guard for 19 seasons. In 17 out of 19 seasons he played a full 82 games. He played in 1504 games, and missed 22 games his entire career. After he broke his leg he played 33 days later in the Olympics vs Spain.
    None of his time on court playing for his team or even the fans who contributed to the meager amount of money he made was incentivized by super max or possibility of losing 50 million dollars. The term load management didn’t exist and took on a different role back then. Load management meant the opposing team watched the film and tried to figure out how to keep him from getting 20 assists that night even though he lost his leg in a tractor accident on the way to the game and had to hop on one leg until they reattached it at halftime.
    Karl Malone missed 32 game in 18 seasons.
    Don’t come at me with how many rings they got to show for it. No MJ they get at least 2.
    Come at me with how happy their fans were to never see them sit out a game. You were the lucky one if you showed up to a game and didn’t see either of them play that night because it never happened.
    Players bodies and the ability to tolerate pain haven’t changed that much in 20 years. Their mindsets, dedication to fans and the game, have.

  8. People dont understand that the percentage of games played has dramatically gone down since the whole popularization of the term load management with those 2014 and 15 spurs teams. Before that players were playing tons of games. Current projections have that mark back up to the standards it was at in 2010 and before.

  9. After the train wreck of a game we say for All Star 2024, make the minimum 70 games for these awards. These players want to put in zero effort all regular season and want to be rewarded with awards and bonuses? Nah thats wack

  10. Its a good rule but for All Pro and real injuries this just isnt fair for guys missing out on money. Let them miss all pro but the money aspect is crazy give me my bread

  11. To me 65 games is not enough. Think about it this way. 65 games 20 minutes a game. 1300 minutes is about 22 hours. That is less than three 8 hour work days spread out over what 6 months? Yes they have practice, but that’s not all out all the time, and yes they have to stay in shape. But a lot of regular people have to stay somewhat in shape, without free access to gyms, trainers, chefs, and medical treatment. So someone like me wakes up at 4AM 6 days a week. So in 1 week I’d cover 2 years worth of the 65 game rule 🤔. And then after I work go to the gym for about an hour, have to cook my own meals, and then take care of myself. And surprise I don’t make millions to play a game. I’m sick of these soft players crying. Going to a game with 4 people for decent seats, food and drinks, parking etc. costs close to a weeks pay for an average person. So to spend that and show up and see the stars you paid to see sat out, how does that make sense? Celtics lakers most recently, lakers went to Boston and AD and Lebron sat out. Who TF paid to see Austin Reeves? Quit whining and play the GAME you are paid millions to play. If you truly deserve the award and don’t qualify this year, come back next year and prove it.

    Legit injuries should be taken into account about contract incentives. But no individual achievements should be allowed if the criteria is not met.

  12. If a huge sum of money is riding on my availability to play games, then give me whatever drugs LeBron's doctors are giving him.

  13. The cost for a parent and child to go see a game with a marquis player with a half way decent view is a few hundred dollars. Many can’t afford to do this often. It’s a terrible thing to know that the star player(s) are sitting out the night you spent some significant money. Injuries are understood, load management and b2b rest isn’t.

  14. I don't think you can use the argument of players coming back prematurely from injury against the rule, any team should keep their player on the side lines if an injury is being dealt with. The player should have no say in when they can comeback because thats exactly the reason why we are now dealing with this bullshit off stars sitting out games without being injured. The player is not a medical expert and therefore the decision to allow them to play should ALWAYS lie with (preferably independent) medical professionals.

  15. Just make it 65 games or 3 missed games incidents. So if you miss 20 games straight and 1 game you still get your bonus, because you only missed 2 times.

  16. The only way this rule doesn’t make sense is if teams discount tickets for games players sit out for any reason other than sickness or injury. Even if you have to do it retroactively. NBA tix aren’t cheap, especially if the team is good

  17. Don’t get me wrong I believe players should get payed what they’re owed since they’re the ones that make the nba money, but the players this hurts the most are the ones already on max contracts. I understand why they would be pissed, but it’s hard to feel sympathy for players already making tens of millions of dollars

  18. This is a players podcast so that perspective is to be expected. But talking about the fans abstractly as consumers is, in my opinion, disingenuous. I think it’s just as disingenuous to say “I’m a fan of basketball, like everybody is”, when the economics of being a multi-millionaire NBA player is dramatically different than the average middle class fan. Haliburton and other NBA players, just like any other employees, should continue to fight for the most money they can get. However, players not playing when they’re uninjured is simply not interesting. Some fans can’t afford more than one game a year. If the games aren’t interesting, or not entertaining, why would they take the risk of spending? That uncertainty means less money for the league and eventually less money for the players.

  19. Love the rule. I'm not sure that super max contracts were a good idea either because it puts pressure on the team to offer their star an insane amount of money even if they aren't a top ten player. I think it's having the opposite effect that it originally intended. In the long run it hurts small market teams

  20. I think to be fair to the player's money. 60-62 is enough. Enough to keep fans happy, but also enough to allow players who are genuinely injured to have enough time to recover and get their incentives.

  21. What a sob story. lol
    Bro you good even if you were injuries. You get paid millions. Not like you gonna miss games and have no PTO. LOL

  22. This rule is necessary not because of load management but because "points per game" actually means "points per game played". If a missed game meant 0 in all stats or they just counted season totals this problem would go away

  23. As a long time NBA it's hard not to like the 65 game rule. Seems like players don't care about the fans these days. I do agree that teams should be allowed to pay players the supermax.

  24. Dont blame the 65 game rule. Blame your peers for putting the nba in a position that they had to implement it.

  25. I think players need to adjust to this rule. It is what it is and theres no crying about it intil theb new cba

  26. I think the rule in principle is sound. What the league needs to focus on now in my opinion is how they can reduce injuries around the league. The NBA is played at a much faster pace now than it was 20 years ago and there needs to be an adjustment with practice and training regimens in my opinion at least.

  27. I’m not dialed in to all the rules, but these compensation rules sound wacky. In Indy wants to pay him 50m, why not?

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