3 Golf Swing Exercises for Posture & Seqeuncing

Read the Caption for Sets and Reps + more Golf Swing improvements πŸŒπŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

The more you train your posture, the more you can improve your flexibility, balance and stability all huge if you want your swing to be repeatable and deliver good golf shots πŸ“ˆ

And sequencing is how the best players in the world, even the smaller players, generate huge club head speeds and launch long straight drives so often πŸ”₯

So this #GOLFWOD Training set is the way to go if you want to improve your body and see results on the course too:


Rotation – 3 Rounds

12 Golf Posture T-Spine Press
12 Rotational Split Squats
12 Step to Rotational Press

All 6 each side – Rest as needed between Rounds.
Doubling down from last week as we rev up your rotational quality headed into the season.
Less rounds so increase resistance from last week.
Focus on Golf Swing mechanics.

Power – 3 Rounds

12 Hip Thrusts @ 50% of Deadlift Max/7 RPE or 12 Heavy Kettlebell Swings
3 Box/Broad Jumps

Rest 90 seconds between Rounds
Glute focus for posture and power.
Focus on ground force development and speed through the Hips.
Look to load at the heaviest set of 3 you can maintain for all 6 Rounds.


Your posture your sequencing into the ball will have a huge impact on the consistency of your ball striking these three exercises will help you improve both we start with the t-spine Press through working in your golf posture we rotate through the thoracic spine which is often the

Tightest part of your back movement two is a rotational split squat which requires you to separate your upper and lower body allowing you to rotate your hips first in the down through the final movement brings it all together is a step to rotational press you’re using the ground you’re working your

Sequencing and that rotation is next level perform these sets and Reps with a cables or bands at Mid resistance for high level golf gars

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