Golf Players

This Was a Bad Idea… | Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 95

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports.

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Ryan McCormick:

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Hello everybody and welcome to the show that The New York Times said we’ve never heard of it and who is Frank nikito and why won’t he stop emailing us thank you an well that’s me Frank Niko longtime comedian lifelong sports fan and this is punchlines live from the

South Point Cino know here in Las Vegas Nevada and today’s episode promises to be almost as cool as this military flyover allegian stadium for Super Bowl 58 okay so they’re on the roof yeah shooting off fireworks here they come I don’t know if that’s the Blue Angels the the Thunderbirds the

Thunderbirds okay those people are harnessed on the roof and once again I think the first thing that pops into your head is a military flyover for a dome stadium yeah but it’s kind of translucent translucent a little bit see the Shadows they could have just had some

Drones fly over and been like oh look it’s military yeah check it out there’s a guy on the microphone screaming anyway that was a cool video at least cool cool perspective to see a military flyover from the top of the stadium yeah from the top of the stadium of a dome stadium

Anyway on the show today via the video I believe we have uh his likeness here you can see him in the chair that’s the chair he’ll be sitting in come March 12th March 12th through the 15th do I have a shot to Denny at the microphone

There oh special shot here we go there he is ladies right by microphone the old Southpaw uh Denny will be here to talk about the week he’ll be in studio and the lineup of celebs and athletes he’s putting together for us when he’s here March 12th through the 15th is amazing

We got uh couple potential Hall of Famers uh couple actors a lot of good stuff so it’s G to be fun so Danny will’ll be here joining us the video and then later in the show what day is it Ryan Thursday it’s Thursday so that means Jeff parls will be here Mr eight

And a half minute mile himself JP we’re gonna talk sports lines and see if he likes the nickname I just gave him JP JP all right you think he likes that you think he’ll like them better than my name’s Jeff my name’s Jeff he hates he hates

When you and do that like when you put you put that video together when he was gone for a while and it was him with the shining right it was nich but my name’s Jeff and he was like Jeff are you watching because I know you didn’t like that so I’ll ask

Him about JP and Amanda I have nicknamed uh spice Ryan spice McCormick yo because you know you know whatever Ryan H did you have a nickname from your family or friends when you were a kid uh yeah a couple different ones my mom uh always called me monkey do monkey do yeah yeah

I’ll have to tell her that next time uh we message each other on Tik Tok which is the most bizarre thing to say and then my nana whose birthday it is today so happy birthday Nana love you happy birthday Nana who you just took to her

First uh night first night game yep they lost though you got you got her a loss but you know zort sure um she called you what uh just rybe and then uh well that’s your middle name is a be right so rybe okay yeah and then there was a

Little big little be little big little big yeah because so like a Big Mac because my mccormic could be abbreviated to Mac yeah um my pop would call me Little Big Little Big Mac okay all right that’s all the time we have for punchlines live in

Nevada no that’s cute uh kayen and Sean anyone have a nickname they want to volunteer or tell us about and nope Kaden cheeks Kaden who works on the show uh cheeks turn to the camera uh oh it’s off all right anyway he’s got cheeks he’s because you’re Che you got cheeks

We all have cheeks you know what as a child I was called chubby cheeks me and Kaden have so much in common our age our nicknames he’s 20 uh my grandfather called me Butterball like a turkey thank you Sean yes I think everyone had that visual yep

I looked like a turkey also I think we’ve mentioned before my high school nickname blade I can’t really I can’t really get into blade it was Blazer before metal detectors you blade around in the 50s me and Fonzi no uh it was a pitching style of Larry MCU but I

Saw have people that only call me blade all right moving on from the nicknames uh today is February February Fred Brew brew dog bro we haven’t thrown a beer back in a while Ryan well I guess you’re now a dad we threw a couple back watching the Lions

And Detroit game remember that yeah yeah good time that was our only time ever out socially together mov went out to the The Fan Experience but that wasn’t oh The Fan Experience but we only drank overpriced water is at The Fan Experience right me you and Drew dog

Exactly anyway it’s February 21st 2024 22nd 22nd it’s the second time you’ve done why have I not gotten the okay by the way if btown dummy is watching uh I apparently was talking about the Georgetown Hoya and I meant to say Patrick ying and Alonzo morning instead

I said Patrick suy at Alonzo Morning and that’s because Patrick suy he ghosted the oh he was ghost in the movie Ghost no nobody puts him in a corner though all right anyway I said Thank you B bu dummy for pointing out he said yeah no

One on your staff caught it I’m like oh they caught it they were just embarrassed because I asked him after the show they’re like oh yeah we heard it we thought you were a [ __ ] February 22nd there you go 202 how did I mess that up two days two days in

A row it’s National California day that’s all that’s really important National happy National California Day to everyone it’s where I’ve spent half my life living do I have a Graphic of that or no just we’re just I’m just mentioning it yeah just imagine California there you go

Let’s see let’s see uh and the reason I bring up Cali is the NBA’s back right we had the All-Star break lot of NBA action and there’s four NBA teams that are in Los an or in California two in Los Angeles oh God and I’m trying to do a show bless you anyway

Two of them are against each other the Lakers versus the Warriors which is a good second half opener right there Warriors are currently like minus 5 and a half uh I think it’s gone up cuz LeBron’s not playing LeBron is not playing yes see this is why he should

Have rested that ankle during the All-Star Game yeah when he’s dunking and yeah what are you doing this game is you know they’re both like on the bubble for the playoffs and he’s out there because he wanted to play in his 20th All-Star game uh which he probably shouldn’t have

I didn’t really the line went up to what do we know what the line is uh it looks like it’s just six flat okay it’s six flat but anyway Lakers at Warriors yeah 241 and a half then the Clippers the Clippers like a sexy pick everyone’s thinking Lakers have a shot they in

Oklahoma city um that alltime series do you want to guess what that’s at oh it’s well when you say something like they’ve played 230 games against okay it’s probably 115 and 115 it is 144 to 86 Oklahoma City oh my god really yeah so does that go back to the Seattle days

Or just Oklahoma uh I would think it goes back to Seattle probably yeah that’s like oh I got got a kink on my neck sorry everybody uh Oklahoma’s favorite at home yes yes I I would think they’re only favored by one right now yeah um but the the home teams won that

Match up the last four of that match up okay these are good stats these are if you’re thinking about betting that game tonight there there you see the line 236 is the over under that’s gone down I had it at 237 and a half yesterday nobody’s nobody’s hurt so everybody everybody

LeBron LeBron’s not playing in that game either yeah uh I remember when Oklahoma City had Kevin Durant Russell Westbrook and James Harden yep and they never won a title right well they they got close blew the 3-1 lead to the Warriors The Warriors that’s right yeah I mean to

Think of that team though that’s three Hall of Famers yeah and they never even got to the finals for God’s sakes but yeah wow and then the other California team the Spurs at the Kings Sacramento another pick another there go I mean Fox is amazing right yeah Darren Fox they’re

Nine and a half Point favorites what’s the Spurs exactly did you see the picture of wemi meeting Shaquille O’Neal was a video no uh during the allstar facility wemi meeting Shaquille O’Neal see only person you’ve ever seen make Shaquille O’Neal look small I mean obviously he’s like thin as a rail did

You see that Shaq was butt hurt that his uh tribute at the magic or his jersey retirement at the magic wasn’t aired on TNT was he really yeah it was it was put on NBA TV and he was like super butt hurt that it wasn’t on like an act

National broadcast oh wow but but if if I’m not mistaken it went really really long yeah yeah like apparently that’s been like a meme going around as like how long it lasted like it lasted a really long time who got Shaq you’ve had your number retired 30 times give us a

Break we know you’re great and by the way he does a lot of good so I’m a big Shaq fan uh I was thinking of California parlay tonight Ryan and Sean maybe I don’t know we could talk about that just all Cali teams just take all the Cali

Teams maybe not the Lakers I would take the Warriors Warriors Clippers and Kings and the Kings maybe well I I looked at the ones that I thought would happen so I took the home teams and all of them and it’d be two 222 is what the payout would

Be o so but if you want the Clippers and the show Room 222 took place in California that no one remembers but the date is also 222 what is the oh we’re doing that today’s 222 it’s fate Vinnie punch the ticket up all right we’re doing it today is

Episode 95 all the all the home teams on the money line all the home teams on the money line I like it and it’s to okay we’re doing that maybe uh maybe if you subtracted some of the money I owe from we saying my hometown maybe we could how much ises that add

For this is a bad idea ladies and gentlemen I I said every time I mentioned my hometown Bob Dell says if you say it right off the well I mean we’re kind of off the bat already but uh he’ll Bend to five no Bob I’m not going

To say it to get it right up because I will say it more the Pirates uh spent money yeah mini Dar brings up it’s a good point uh I woke up to the news that uh the Pirates was that yeah no I’m just go ahead cuz I wake up late I don’t wake

Up that late everyone I get ripped on on the sports book thread that I wake up late yeah I’m up late in the lab put name for You Sleeping Beauty Sleeping Beauty yeah so uh so anyway they gave uh they gave him $77 million Mitch Keller five five years yeah so that’s

That’s that’s for the Pirates that’s big man and Mitch Kell that was good I think uh he’s kind of a head case so it’s good to lock him up maybe he can relax but he closed strong he’s had a lot of we’ve had a the phrasing was weird okay he’s

Not a head case I’m just saying he has a lot of mental roadblocks that have prevented him from being really good he didn’t trust this stuff you don’t want him to get locked up I do want him locked up cuz I think now he can relax I

Can feed my family we’re talking about two different locked UPS jail yeah no I don’t want him getting locked up exactly the phrasing was he’s gonna be our Ace and on most teams he’d be a three or four starter I don’t know all right uh

Episode 95 today yeah at mini D yeah who else is out there today David Sanders the Thunderbirds Are based at Nellis which is the your dad right stepdad yeah and they’re close by yeah Nellis Air Force Base is on the north side of town right and that’s what I passed to get to

The racetrack yes I’m tying it all in next weekend there’s the uh something 400 what is it the Phoenix penzo penoil pens oil 400 and I’m gonna go out there and cover that race it’s gonna be fun you want to come out Ryan uh well next week they’ve

Got the uh SW me basketball or baseball tournaments at the Ballpark oh I’m going to that too oh that’s right I know I’m gonna be I pull double duty maybe we’ll see uh let’s see btown dummy what does Frank spend more of his gambling when

His on his haircut or his V wide variety of hoodies you know Christian I don’t need that kind of Guff this early in the show I don’t the hair the hair I haven’t cut my hair I’m just getting a lot of compliments on the hair I guess I should

Just did I shower today in doesn’t smell like it today’s Thursday I did not okay all and uh Keller Will Not Top 10 wins there’s a pirate fan right there Frank mergie already thinking Keller won Top 10 wins all right let’s get on with the collash

Because we haven’t had one in a couple days uh it is episode 95 Ryan 95 so that means our 100th show will be next week yep and our 101st show where I have to dress up as a 101 Dalmatian for losing a bet yep all right I’m working on that St

Tuned I’m working on it all right episode 955 I believe you put together a collage yes let’s take a look as I take a sip of my Pepsi hold on yep I did players again so players all right let’s take a look got the name on there so no

No quiz this all right no quiz anyway uh bottom left you’re just going to skip the chief yeah is that who is that is that it’s the first name on the list Chris Jones oh that’s Chris Jones okay sorry I couldn’t see the monitor there was a glare

Uhuh Chris Jones who sat out a few games right in a contract dispute yep says you know cam I really don’t want to do cam I don’t want to play the first few games I’ll watch you guys from the box and then I’ll help you win a Super Bowl

Pretty good yep now now a three time champ three time champ you got William Fuller in an Oilers outfit yep I like that the oil listen I hate the Oilers grew up hating the Oilers top five uniforms of all time the baby blue is always good the baby baby Blue’s I love

You Blue they had a song Houston Oilers Houston Oilers Houston oers number one it’s a great song but the Steelers crushed them next up you got Richard D you got to put Richard Den in there right I mean Hall of Famer yep Super Bowl champ8 Super Bowl champ why do you

Have him not in a a bear outfit oh there he is sorry I was like where is he he Blended in between the punch lines with fryo logos yeah but he’s pointing at the punch lines logo he’s pointing at it cuz he watches every day William thank you

For tuning in we appreciate it Richard right Richard next up Quint Williams you got Quint Williams in there from the Jets uh he was very highly featured on the past season of Hard Knocks Q they showed him signing his his contract which was huge how many millions did he get Jeff par

Lot Jeff par is just saying this much over was over Mitch Keller money I might have been around Mitch Keller money actually it might have been around 77 million not really sure then yesterday I insisted on my way out as you were building it that I have to see Steelers

Number 95 Greg Lloyd Now Greg Lloyd was probably one of the most feared men in the NFL because he was great him and Kevin green they were amazing but I’ll tell you what my uncle lived uh two houses down from from Greg Lloyd and Greg Lloyd

Would be outside he’d mow his lawn in shorts and no shirt and he was just my uncle’s like it was freak you know he’s just and he would wash his car with the hose no shirt on and anytime anyone neighbor would walk by walking the doger

Try to say hi to him he really wouldn’t say hi he didn’t want to really talk to anyone like hey how you doing uh how you doing there Greg just keep watching keep mowing he was so strong he could mow and watch his car at the same time stay off

My lawn stay yeah you no one he had the perfect lawn in the neighborhood but anyway Greg Lloyd uh boy I Steeler Hall of Famer for sure uh then last but not least uh well that’s the whole list thank you that was a good list the defensive player of the not I’m not

Saying that I uh put him in that spot in the hashtag spot just to piss me off yeah and Greg Lloyd right above him oh could have could have swapped him but you could have you should have uh I I refus to mention that he won defensive

Player of the year I’m sorry he just did I just did he did not deserve it no I’m not going to disagree with you there I know every stat you put him with TJ wat head tohe TJ Watt and all of them had more they tied for I think bumbles or

Tackles for l some stupid TJ watt was robbed that’s just ridiculous he just has to go to the Panthers now and then he’ll win Defensive Player of the Year miles Garrett and then stefansky we’ve talked about this all the Browns yeah they made the playoffs for about 10

Minutes and then I did think stansky should win should have won coach of the year I get demo Ryan taking the should have the team that should have had the first overall pick yeah taking them to the playoffs but do you want to talk about the first overall pick if they’re

The Bears I’m okay oh he’s not allowed CH has to put $5 in jar damn it he’s too good um all right so like I said Jeff parlos is going to be here Jeff parlos well he’s already here yeah he’s physically already in the studio I don’t

Know if you heard the opening of the show but I nicknamed him I called him JP and we’re going to find out if he likes that nickname JP if I can call him hey JP because I call Alex and W because her middle name is Nicole Alex and W I don’t

Know we’ll find out uh we have a guy right now that I nickname friend hi stud he said stud hey and look his camera steady ladies and gentlemen two time also our world series champ friend of 30 years plus and a Gentleman who will be in the studio I don’t know if

You saw it earlier but can we is it too hard to take a shot of Denny right now at at his seat where he’s at and here we go this is what you’ll look like Denny right there there it is right by the microphone Den here oh got to show off

The left gun right there Danny Nagle is here Danny what’s happening Budd you were just uh where were you just coming from the beauty salon or where were you that’s later yeah I’m getting a full full I’m getting the Bro zillian wax later that is a horrible Vision that is

Something never wanted to hear about but now I can’t you weren’t you weren’t you weren’t complaining when you gave me that last one listen I owed you a bet so anyway uh Denny is here Denny there’s a lot going on I mean spring training pitchers and catchers are there tomorrow

Is the opener is that correct Ryan we have the Dodgers and Padre’s tomorrow it’s today it’s today that’s right started about seven minutes ago seven minutes ago spring training is here so there you go oh it’s on thank you Jeff parlos just pointed out the game’s on

And I had first pitch strike for $2,000 what happened I don’t know uh Reno Pauls knows what I’m time about so anyway uh spring training what was your spring training experiences like your maybe your first one was with Minnesota or Pittsburgh I’m not sure Minnesota okay so Minnesota what was

That like ah dude I mean it was it was so crazy my first big league Camp because we had guys veteran guys like Jack Morris oh my CH Davis Ken herck Dan gladen we had a mix of like you know rag tag guys and stuff whatever but just

Really good veteran guys though man like Jack Morris took me and Scott Erikson and a couple of the young pitchers under his wing and and and Jack Jack wasn’t a real vocal guy but I’ll tell you what Frank that guy led by example though man

You know for I don’t remember how old he was at the time I was if I was to guess I would say Jack was probably you can look it up Ryan but in 91 I would say he was 35 36 years old that time if not

Even older yeah that’s when they won the series yeah right you know but but a guy who at that point Frank you know yeah he been through the ringers you know and stuff pits in a World Series you know had done about everything you can do in

The game and then some and and I mean you know he like I said he led by example that guy was just working his tail off on the back fields you never you never saw him take like you know a playoff he just he just was a conate

Professional as far as how hard he worked and then Chile Davis was my guy love chilly Davis yeah I loved him when he played man he was he was awesome he was a good dude he was great dude man you know Chile was the guy that uh took

Us under his wing and showed us the Ala field etiquette you know now are you allowed to talk about any of that is there anything you can tell us about some of the things Chile Davis taught you we had some good team meetings and some um and some bars down out and about

In Fort Meyers um let’s just say we definitely got to know the Hooters waitresses on on a personal first game bases oh God that just makes me think of the Michael Scott that The Office episode when he he takes Jim to for lunch he takes them to Hooters and he’s

Like why don’t you order why don’t you order the breasts um uh so anyway so spring training now you talk about you said Fort Meers now you were there with pit with the Pirates I didn’t say the full by the way Denny I have to alert you the

Reason I was laughing before I’m not allowed to say the word the the town uh where the Pirates play yeah I gave it up for L well you can say it as much as you want so as you can see Ryan’s holding up $45 that’s it’s $5 so I’ve mentioned it

Nine times since Len started last Wednesday so uh in a little over a week nine mentions eight days eight days yeah so anyway I I keep saying it so I I I already said it once Frank you and I you and I met in Atlanta right no don’t say

It no no no you’re trying to get me to say it you son of a you’re trying to bait me you know we met at kangaroos on mcnight road uh which was a bar okay so anyway um so like Bradington very sleepy town when I was there for uh my birthday

Few years ago the town kind of rolls up at night all right but I guess that’s good or I mean what do you do because I remember like nine o’clock it was like everyone’s like going home I can’t I can share a funny story if you I mean it’s

It’s pretty funny and it’s you know it’s relatively uh TG that’s fine let’s just say that uh there was an establishment called the peekaboo loue down in Bradon Florida okay and um it was of the dance variety will and um so my my my dad who you know Frank

One of the guys so pops would come down and Pops partake would partake in the peekaboo lounge and he wanted to see what that was all about and everything too but my first spring training that first year with the Pirates so now my my dad and and our good buddy Dave who used

To come down every year to spring training um they were down there earlier and we we had visited the peekaboo Lounge a few times and so the so my mom came later and now the last the last game of spring training 1992 a bunch of the young ladies from the p L attended

The last spring training game right so they’re going nuts basically for everybody that they knew on a more you know intimate level as you would say and uh you know who who who would partake in their dances let’s just say and so anyways long story short you know you

Could tell they would just kind of like give a little clap if somebody came up who never went there and stuff and then you know anybody that they knew a little bit more they would you know yeah come on Roger you know whoever and so my mom

Is sitting there and kind of like you know a little disgusted going oh my God this is awful like that you know and all I got to say you know Denny senior is that they better not be cheering for our son like that so sure enough I come into

Pitch like in the seventh in and and not only did they cheer loud I think I got the loudest Ovation that day come on D like you know and my mom just looks right at my dad and goes and you wouldn’t know anything about this now would

You like I know nothing I know nothing they’re all like yeah he paid for this outfit yay he bought all our beers oh my God that’s priceless um yeah and you know so I sent you that article about the Pirates and how they you know the

Ownership I don’t know if you got a chance to read it it’s been kind of brutal but today they at least opened up their wallets and they paid Mitch Keller five years $77 million so for the PIR yeah they just it was just announced this morning so Keller’s getting 77

Million which is huge for the Pirates and uh look I’m looking at I have the win totals here of all the teams you played for you want to take a guess with the win total here at the South Point sports book where you can come down and

Get your sheet see all the win totals what do you have the Pirates Reds Rockies and Braves at the teams you played and the Yankees Pirates what do you think they over under for wins is for for this year for this year no for two years ago Jesus yes this

Season I thought we were talking about 2016 no no no for this year what do we have it posted here at the South Point I’m I’m going to go out in the limb and say 60 oh Jesus not that bad they have it at 75 come on I’m

Joking oh did you hear me I don’t know if you heard me I just said it I swear to God though Frank I swear to God I was going to say like 71 they have it at 75 right now so it’s still not 500 uh it’s

75 but uh the number you just said uh fits your Colorado Rockies they have the Rockies I think that’s the lowest at 60 what’s going on in Colorado man I swear to God I was going to say I that my next line was going to be that number could

Could come to FR for another team we will give you full credit they have him at 60 I mean what’s going on down there I mean I you know uh you’re there you’re in Colorado right yeah you know Frank I’ll tell you it’s another situation I

Think where a lot like the Pirates are in in that you know the the monford brothers dick and Charlie monford own have owned that team since since its Inception and you know dick is pretty much the the day-to-day operations guy and it’s I feel like it’s almost become

Of like you know for them it’s like a badge of honor you know hey it’s a cool thing we own this team you know come check it out and they bring their friends down and everything you know and stuff and and you know they get the

Great seats and and it’s the the perks and all that stuff you know but are they really in it to win it you know and that’s that’s that to me is what this game should be all about whether you’re a player you’re an owner a GM a coach

You know I mean isn’t the ultimate goal to try to put together a championship team and and make a run for a championship but it just seems like teams like the Pirates and the Rockies and you know I mean not that long ago you know even the Orioles you know with

Way Angeles ran that team and stuff at least they’ve kind of turned it around but I think that’s the problem I think I think dick monford needs to just sell that team and sell it to a guy that’s going to put some money in that organization and try to win yeah and and

They and they also blew a lot of money uh flying in the peek-aboo girls I know that they come to a lot of the games uh in Colorado because the atmosphere that was the Gold Club out of at oh oh i’ I spent many a night New

York knck outside yeah and Jose cono we know all about those stories of the golf club um so all right what do you think the Cincinnati Red so it’s a team on the rise they got Ellie De La Cruz what do you think their number is total wins

Here at the South good young Talent I’m gonna say 80 they have him at 82 and a half so pretty close on that so they think little over 500 and and in that Division and in the National League you’re probably competing for a wild card yeah honestly Frank the only reason

Why I said 80 was because I just don’t know what what their pitching is going to look like right yeah and uh then La okay then we have the Yankees and Braves so Yankees and Braves what do you think uh the Braves are knowing that last year

How stacked they were yeah I’m going to go with um 104 they are 101 and a half so pretty close they’re the second highest because they have the Dodgers at 103 and a half um with the the Dodgers loaded up man they’re opening the season in Korea I

Think about a month from now yep in sou Korea yeah uh but and then the Yankees the Yankees who made some some big moves right they got SoDo and what do you think the Yanks are too strowman Marcus strowman who I I was hoping strowman yeah um you know I think he’s

One of those good solid guys that could be a good solid number three or four I don’t think he’s a top-of-the-line rotation guy I think he’s you know I think he gets in uh gets in his own way sometimes let’s put it that way yeah I

Understand that but uh but but I’m gonna say you know but just as a betting man I’m going to say they put them at 100 okay 100 100 to 100 wins 92 and a half 100 on the nose what they have mat under 92 and a

Half 92 and oh 92 and a half okay so I was giving them more credit okay oh hey Denny uh the the yanes is 92 and a half sorry um well you heard him move over okay do we have stills of Denny’s last appearance oh okay because last year I sick you were

Sick you were sick and we were on a break we were on a break I know you were sick and they they’re like I didn’t realize so last time you on you had the iPad you had you were nice enough to do the show under the weather and they kept

Going like this like i’ like to move and I kept going like this on my chair and back me up didn’t I even text you right after we shot that one I said hey I’m sorry man I know I was all over you did in between the other random text

That you send me that I can’t check um so uh let’s see if anyone has a question for Denny let us know you’re good he look good now am I good yeah yeah there there’s two in the chat he’s voguing there’s two in the chat that’s

What I thought go ahead Ryan take that uh so the first one was what Florida what town in Florida for the grapefruit league did Denny least like during spring training oh o that’s a good one um gosh the the ones without a peekaboo probably I’m I’m assum although in

Florida that’s pretty much everywhere yeah yeah it’s like a golf course down there you’re gonna run into a strip club in a golf course um I would say like God way back in the day the Melbourne Florida was it was just kind of just nothing to do there and I remember God

Who plays in Melbourne Florida what team is I’m trying to remember who used to be there uh I want to say the twins even might have been there way back in the day God I you know what’s funny I don’t remember who was there but like it was

Just a ghost town and and the facilities were just horrible you know nowadays man we were talking about this I was talking about my physical therapist today how saying how like some of these young guys don’t know how good they have it now with just the spring the spring training

Facilities that they have now these brand new complexes even just for spring training you know the Braves had that cool day park were now oh the Nationals are in Melbourne currently but I don’t know back when Denny played but yeah before that man it was it was horrible I that like everything

Was just so there was nothing to do there the facilities were horrible now the national is same thing they had that brand new complex it’s beautiful now so they they built it up but back in the day I would say mbour was definitely up there I just remember a bunch of guys

When I first got when I first got the big you know the bigly camp and stuff I remember even the older guys are saying man you don’t even want to know what it looked like even 10 15 years ago wow uh so spring training I mean uh opening day

What do you do for opening day are you are you going to be anywhere watching games or or do you go are you g to be going to Colorado Atlanta games what’s what’s your schedule this year for games I was you know now that my son’s

Way to college uh you know that I won’t do that anymore but it what it became like that was one of my Christmas gifts to him every year was he loved going to open a day so I threw that in like the stocking would be like you know this

This uh this affords you two tickets to with your dad you know whenever to goes the opening day for the Rockies so we did that for like three or four years in a row which so it’s pretty fun now nowadays honestly Frank I like sitting on the couch dude and putting a picture

In a picture and watching all you know as many games like you still have a TV with Pip capabilities because I thought they stopped making the the picture and picture because I nowadays it seems like you see on the internet everyone just has four TVs because you know what I

Mean but I Paul Reno Paul I like a picture in picture too yes picture and picture is always great but now yeah you’re right though too but the the uh you know the NFL ticket also they had those like the have like I don’t does baseball have

That I don’t even know I don’t think baseball does the quad box no it’s just they have the uh not yet no I looked at Jeff parl for ansers giving me this he’s giving me the wait what happened YouTube TV allows with my with my small bladder

Though dude I need to be close to my my bathroom oh it sucks getting older so uh listen um I want to show you these jerseys do I have the jerseys so I had mentioned yesterday when we talked on the phone they have these jerseys and

Did you look at the pictures at all or did you see did you look okay can you throw up an whatever one we have okay so look at the lettering on give me a break that barely is wider than the number Fanatics is okay so customer service

Team is even responding that looks wrong okay yes and then this one that’s I mean first of all this guy’s name is awful I don’t know what’s going on there and then uh he looks like he’s wearing costume looks like and then their see-through right there so then their

See-through and what did Fanatics do to the F the pants uh now they they said for the players the players say you know supposed to be lighter and and wet wicking or sweat wit whatever but the players have filed a grievance if I’m not mistaken with the Union going these

Are a joke so you know how superstitious baseball players can do what do you think’s going to happen with these unies well first of all all I have to say is thank God they didn’t have that back in the day for Manny s and Parker see oh the Cobra

Yeah and then uh so I mean but the players are just saying these are a joke I mean what are they I mean you don’t super if you’re not comfortable like you know what I mean at the plate or on the mound and you’re like worried about your

Shirt you know yeah because I guess apparently I was talking to my son about it today as a matter of fact and I guess Nolan arado did give one compliment saying that it was really breathable and like you know kind of lightweight felt like you know as far as the Jersey top

But I I agree with I think my Michaelis was the one that said it that look you know you’re in the big leagues when you’re in the big leagues you’re accustomed to like you know kind of certain not a certain way of life but you know the way the way they go about

Things and the way they you know the the professionalism you know and I think he’s right that the jerseys should should emulate that you know the stitching the lettering the way they fit and everything and that’s like that Falls Way short I I mean I mean Frank

Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t didn’t somebody make a joke about it and then um the the Fanatics like employee or whatever you know said oh hey you know what sorry about that we’re gonna get right on that but then they were like oh my God wait a minute that really

Is our jerseys that person’s no longer working on the customer service line in fanatics but yeah I don’t know it’s going to be interesting I’m watching a spring okay we have the Dodger Padre G someone just went deep who is that uh it’s eight nothing in the first it’s

Eight nothing in the first no way yeah they hit yeah the Dodgers hit two ground roll doubles to start the game ground rule doubles and then uh padow homered two Homer all right I’m glad Ryan paying attention to a spring training game and not the show but anyway

Um as you were just you could do both all right anyway they already pulled the guy uh yeah they pulled they pulled Musgrove when he gave up four oh oh was Joe Musgrove the ex pirate oh my gosh and now they’ve given up another otani’s not playing today right correct yeah

He’s and he only wants 50 at bats he says he only needs 50 at bats so Homer 30 times he’s gonna yeah and by the way we’re going to have to get to some player overs we’ll look at those laters but all right so uh I’m going to run to

The window right now the as the Dodgers lead eight nothing in the first uh 103 and a half win sounds pretty good looks pretty good for them eight nothing one out and there’s only one out and the guy who’s coming in for the Padres is going

To give up more runs and then he’ll be working at Midas Muffler next week so all right Danny listen I I created a game for you before we talk about your appearance coming out here next month I uh I have a game that I made up this

Week I played it with Ryan it’s sweeping the nation everyone’s clamoring for more of it uh so we’re going to play it and it’s a game I called triple day instead of Triple Play he was a baseball player did you ever did you ever pitch and have

A triple play behind you I never did no I was at a pirate game when they were playing the Phillies and Mickey morandini had an unassisted triple play there’s only been like a handful of major league history and no one realized it at the time he caught a line drive at

Second with runners in motion he stepped on play and tagged the guy triple point but you have but Frank you have to say it Mickey Mor Mickey Mor yeah that’s yeah I just love that Mickey Morini is one of the great baseball names all right so this is how the game works

Denny there are three famous athletes celebrating birthdays today so I’m going to show you a picture of them and it starts scrambled because Ann’s a wizard with Graphics thank you Ann for doing this it’ll unscramble you’ll have 5 Seconds to name that athlete and then

I’m going to put up Three Ages and one of them is how old they’re turning today okay okay they’re pretty I think they’re up your alley uh here we go triple day here we go look we even have a Graphic for triple day it’s a fun little game

We’ve created we got a cop cyes here we go who is this number one Dr J that is Dr J Julius Irving celebrating a birthday how old is he today 70 74 or 76er see what I did there I’m gonna have to go with the 76er how old is Dr J he

Is 74 oh you took me over yeah I mean it was too good right the 76 or thing I know it sounded perfect now you’ve been on the show before and we’ve talked about this in January of 2001 we bumped into each other at the Atlantis not even

Knowing each were going to be there and Dr J was in that casino amongst all the other athletes but that was a pretty cool one to see Dr J oh man definitely yeah I mean that was one of my heroes growing up right now you grew up who

Were who was your NBA team did you have an NBA team the Washington Bullets the bullets yeah yeah my God are we allowed to say bullets we were unell Elvin Hayes yeah right that yeah I remember them on the Sports Illustrated cover with those red white and blue uniforms and stuff oh

Yeah they were awesome of course they’re now the Wizards Ryan cuz bullets was too V Kaden cover your ears the washingt I don’t want you to even hear Washington Bullets it it hurts the Youth of America the the Wizards that’s blowing money on big contracts and the commanders and the

Oh my God you want that name changed right you don’t want commanders yes yes former season former season ticket holder you got the new owner coming in so maybe think you got the number two pick right the yes yes y uh who do they

Take I mean dude you I I would love to say Caleb but I’m hearing kind of like mixed reviews on him you know hearing like what’s the the North Carolina kid is supposing like a lot lot of yeah a lot of GMS like him better yeah I know

Ryan what do you think of uh the Bears first pick who should they take uh Ryan gave up no Ryan gave it up for Lent he’s not allowed to talk about the Bears quarterback situation for Len wa what team uh Chicago Bear he can’t even say like trying to get

You did you give anything up for Lent any uh no no okay and what did I did but I did yeah an gave up what did you give up an smoking an gave up smoking she’s never smoked in her life all right here we go triple day here’s the second

Athlete celebrating a birthday here on February 22nd who is this gentleman wow see I know his brother’s a big tennis player Denny’s a brother so Michael changen is Michael changen 48 52 or 54 I want to say that he is pretty close to my age so I’m going to say 54 well

Mean if you’re close to my age you should be 39 then but I’ll go with 54 2 oh he’s 0 for two I know competitive Den is this is killing him uh I remember when this happened in 1989 he is the youngest man to win a singles major he

Was 17 years old and 109 days 17 and 109 it’s a weird thing to read but anyway and and dude could he barely had any velocity on his ground strokes and stuff but he got everything back that wasn’t the tournament where he was hurt and he

Was like underhand serving or was that a different tournament was that the tournament I don’t know if the same one but he definitely did that yeah remember that he was like injured in a tournament Ryan for and he couldn’t overhand serve I and he was underhand serving like

Trying to Quick Serve it was amazing it was like it was unbelievable but anyway Michael Chang now and your brother Doug who uh Doug Nagel his brother is a tennis coach at what school at NSU Nova South Eastern down in Fort Lauderdale port his brother’s awesome we used to

Sneak his brother underage into bars and restaurants and yeah Johnny dramo Turtle he was Turtle but I remember I remember the manager Chris Dr a friend of mine uh when after show his brother comes walking out and he goes damn it did you sneak Nagel’s brother in again I’m like

Yeah and he’s like drunk it was fun all right here’s your last one and this one uh this one’s pretty cool here we go last triple day birthday let’s see if you can identify this gentleman oh is that Sparky that is Sparky Anderson now here this one there’s an there’s an

Asteris to this one that picture is him from The 1975 world champion Cincinnati Reds in that picture Jeff parl is live was he 41 47 or 50 I’m gonna go with 41 the answer is oh wait the answer is he was 41 years old okay look at that look at that picture

Is that crazy though yeah it almost it reminds me of like Steve Martin you know how he was Brave at such a young age I mean my God 41 years old full silver hair uh he won the World Series the next year with the Reds The Big Red Machine

They beat the Yankees in’ 76 they swept them actually and then he won it with and then he won it with Detroit wied and 84 I remember Jack Morris you spoke of that 84 Tigers team was just awesome KK Gibson Whitaker huge trade that happened because of that that changed the faith

Of the Atlanta Braves uh Doyle Alexander is that the Danny Darwin was it it was Alexander right Doyle Alexander for Johnny for John Smoltz John Smoltz y you know it’s so funny because tiger fans were like you know and they go oh how

Did we how do we let him go you know but doy Alexander if you they always forget he went like 12 and0 down yeah he went like 10 And1 11-1 12-0 yeah so absolutely uh by the way spark Anderson did pass away in 2010 at the age of

76 and uh I mean yeah that that picture of you’re telling me people didn’t look older in the 70s and ball players he was 41 in that picture he looked anent when I when I showed the crew and’s like he’s 41 in that it was like yeah he was 41 uh

Now you just men that’s like that’s that’s like the one Frank you know when they showed like the clip of The Golden Girls you know at the height of that show stuff whatever and the real ages though were like in their 40s or whatever wait how about Wilford Brimley

Is younger than you and I when he was in the movie Cocoon Wilford Brimley in cocoon was like 51 years old and he looked like he was 80 because he was eating too much Quaker Oats I don’t know what he was doing wrong and he was in

The and he’s in the greatest baseball movie ever he’s in the natural for God’s sakes I was gonna say he finally gave Roy Hobs job he did and in that movie you’re like oh he’s got to be at least 79 years old he’s like maybe 55 in the

Natural which was in unbelievable so you mentioned the name do you have anything for us Ryan I didn’t know if you were looking something up I was trying to get a picture but it’s not that’s all right so uh all right let’s see here oh okay here David Sanders has a question for

You if Denny was commissioner for a day what is the first thing he would change about the MLB o I would oh man you know I think I I would have to say I do away with the uh the extra in in roll I hate it yes it’s

Stupid yep yep I mean because if it’s such a good thing then why why don’t they continue in the postseason because they know it’s dumb it’s so dumb and because you know like I enjoy you know once in a while you know you’re texting your friends you’re like hey you got to

Put on the MLB package the Oakland games in the 18th inning and it’s exciting you got guys playing out of position you got position players going for a win on the mount I I miss it too I do I really do yep yep you know and and it really you

Know dude it it is some of the best managing you’ll ever see because like you just said Frank I mean you know the truth is pitchers usually pinch hit and pinch run and those games you know like you said a position player ends up having to pitch one or two innings you

Know it’s crazy when that stuff happens so the manager has to think about not just that game but like you know what’s going to happen over the next two or three games too how they’re going to set that up all right Joey B who’s a regular uh live commenter Joey well appre Denny

Is the best we love him here in Colorado uh he also says Denny and Frank do they share a barber some High hair this week I don’t I everyone’s been commenting that I have high hair this week I don’t know if it was the moisture in the air or uh the m

Here you want to see here I can do that here we go let’s just do that yeah yeah there we go let’s get it up my go Tom Tommy Boy all over again there we go I look like wait what did he say it was all over

Again uh and then there was uh let’s see uh who was your hardest out oh so God I mean there was a couple guys that there was a couple guys used to what was that it was from a guy named Tommy green nothing to do with the

Baseball player it’s one of our fans um there there was a couple guys that really wore me out man um Dante bashet used to own me um I remember Reggie Sanders actually oh wow what’s crazy too because he had he had some holes in his swing but for some reason dude he just

Felt comfortable against me because I remember I remember watching a game not that long ago that my son had downloaded on like a hard drive and he was watching a game against the Padres I pitch good but Reggie Sanders went like two for four with a bomb against me and it said

It said go into that atat it said like you know boy but the announcers with the p like Sanders has his number he’s already like you know 10 for 24 with five bombs against him whatever and boom he goes deep the next [ __ ] so and then

And then you know there was a couple pesy guys back in the day used to owe me like Mark lmy and Spike Owen I hated Mark lmy I hated Mark lmy when he was with the Braves and in the p in the playoffs in the early 90s with the

Pirates I don’t want to talk but lmy was always one of those guys who just got on base and just tortured the Pirates yeah all then there was that then there was that Tony Gwyn guy who was like eight for 40 off n that’s right we you love

That well that that plays into the btown dummy question how many Hall of Famers did Denny strike out do you know I mean that’s a hard question that’s really a dumb question btown dummy it’s my friend Christian I can say that who you’ve met actually but anyway um well yeah God I

That would be hard even Tony Gwen did you you strike Gwen out did you got yep I got him twice so I definitely struck him out um I I know I I know I had to at least get well I was going to say PS but

He’s not in yet um he’s in jeez man I’m trying to think like you know I don’t remember if I ever weigh bogs or you know Cal I did but I don’t I think maybe I did get Cal once all right we’ll look it up for when you’re here we’ll look

That up for sure yeah we to look that up well we’re gonna get some more stats we’ll have Ryan on that we’ll get some stats together and me uh Denny listen you’re going to be here March 12 through the 15th that’s a Tuesday through Friday you’re GNA be here to talk baseball and

Speaking of John Smoltz earlier in that trade we’re hoping we might be able to do an interview with John Smoltz and you already have Sean Casey book Sean Casey owed you one I’m thrilled about that yep Sean Casey uh um can can I say another

One yeah please I want you to who who who was it in the studio you were just telling me that it’s K Kaden is our social media one of our social media guys I don’t know if we have the camera on or not Kate do we have the camera

There’s Kaden turn and wave tell him who’s coming what’s up Ken kayen very excited we’re gonna have John Silver in the star weekend and burn we burn he’s so excited about he’s like I saw this movie I’ve been wa it’s one of what did you say it’s one of your

Current favorite movies right now he’s been watching it a lot so Weekend at Bernie’s we will have Jonathan Silverman on the show to please Kaden so kayen you got to make sure you’re here that day but uh Denny I know it’s it’s going to be fantastic the Coronado Cafe is

Ordering extra grilled cheese with short rib for your stay and uh that’s our favorite sandwich by far and listen we’re gonna see you in about three weeks I guess can’t wait buddy and I believe there’s a peekaboo here or two in town so we’ll have to maybe uh because it’s

Spring training spr clubs in Vegas H I don’t I don’t know I’ll do some research let me said did I don’t know who to ask all right uh Denny Nagel ladies and gentlemen marched off to the 15th be here Denny as always thank you brother appreciate you being on the show we’ll

See you in a couple weeks oh I love it he’s the best oh let’s just bring Jeff parls right in we got Jeff I can take these headphones off there he is Denny was the best that’s awesome you moved the Denny action oh he’s holding the Denny action fa that’s the shot

We’re used to seeing from Denny Nagle right there off center now his keyboard that looks like a car accident this is this is actually a really cool action figure cuz he arm moves too yeah I that’s pretty awesome there you go that’s that’s the old

But by the way je I I by the way that’s it’s fine you if you want to go JP that’s fine okay um there were that was one of them uh the one that stuck through like growing up was Pals Pals yeah just like shortening the last name

Oh oh pars yeah yeah but what I was gonna say though before I uh I uh interrupted myself um I am stunned that Kaden knows what weeken and Bernie is I I think he recently yeah what’s that he had never seen it so he started watching it

Recently now I don’t I can’t even remember the last time I saw that movie been a while I I haven’t se in a while too but I I don’t want to I don’t want to excite him too much but I believe there’s a Weekend at Bernie’s 2 as well

Is there not a sequel if there is it’s a hard I haven’t seen it because it probably Terri believe it’s the same I’m almost positive I think you’re right how can you how can you replicate that movie I I think it was just like he was still

Dead and they wanted to part there is a there is a yeah we Bernie’s two who’s in it is it the same is it McCarthy and Silverman or is it two different guys Silverman’s in it McCarthy’s in it yeah they probably paid him a b load of money

I mean it has a Hardy 133% on Rotten Tomatoes there you go I go by IMDb which probably 4.8 that’s 4.8 is pretty bad on IMDb that’s my favorite IMDb uh well yeah kayen you have a whole sequel to watch you know what we’re gonna do we’re gonna make when Jonathan Silverman on

We’re gonna have kayen do a review of weekend of Bernie’s 2 oh I’m sure that’ll go over well maybe you know maybe just first one yeah we won’t talk about the second one he was also in Jonathan Silverman was in catty Shack 2 he was the lead in catty Shack 2 so

Couple sequ on B I’ve been to games I’ve been out with uh dannyan Silverman uh he’s a good dude so he’ll be on that’ll be fun uh Jeff so uh what else is going on with you man we have a lot of that’s a great question I mean it’s well the

NBA’s back now here’s what it’s Thursday it’s I want to talk to you about the California parlay we’re thinking about doing because today is National California day that’s why we’re thinking about it you know how this National just making up days as we no I’m just saying

People are just making the by the way we never celebrated National Popcorn day correctly well you know it’s cuz I was on the keto I didn’t want to have a big bucket here eting it throughout the show it’s all on you is a popcor you’re a big popcorn guy look popcorn movies yeah

There’s no better snack for honestly just even just sitting behind us again they have the value up the value upstairs at the bowling alley have to bring it up I mean look look we’re look where our studio is have to promote the best value in Vegas which is the large

Popcorn upstairs at the bowling alley for under $4 and a hot dog for do I actually prefer the large thing of popcorn over the hot dog no offense to Hot Dog card which is obviously legendary but but the popcorn upstairs at the bowling alley the big bucket

Spectacular how much is it under four bucks under four bucks Jeff knows the price so anyway oh that was that was a common Sunday snack in here yeah yeah well all right well [ __ ] oh shoot oh five in the in the jar no there’s no swear jar uh I

Have a couple why don’t we talk about Adrien Peterson can we do the Adrian let’s do post with punch lines do want to roll the graphic or do we skip the graphic today and it’s all right we’re rolling it skipping it all right it’s post time I don’t know if you saw Adrien

Peterson so go ahead Adrien Peterson and Texas hold him up hold him up because he feels like he’s being robbed anyway uh Adrien Peterson who’s had some money problems after playing in the NFL okay didn’t know that but okay yeah he’s had some money problems well there’s reasons

Why maybe that’s because this was his 30th birthday party back in he spent Millions on flying everyone to Houston first class putting him up at a first class Hotel he hired snakes he had uh ice sculptures that were like 100,000 each and he came in on a on a camel yeah

So apparently there’s a company in in Houston that’s auctioning all his stuff off right so this was announced yesterday all his trophies uh does he have an MVP I think he even has an MVP right rookie of the year off of the Year even man so AP it’s everyone’s like oh

Cool maybe I can buy a little piece of AP stuff but then what happens AP comes out 2 hours later and says whoa whoa whoa yeah they were not supposed to put that stuff up for the they were not supposed to yeah so now there’s a controversy whether or not that that’s

Even going to happen so uh TMZ posted a video of him saying uh that his rookie of the year and all that and he didn’t want that put up for auction and you know how much money he made in his playing career had to made six figures

Right a100 million is what it says made sense 100 more than Mitch Keller will make with the he needed he needed he needed to win Dancing with the Stars he couldn’t do it couldn’t do it well that he would have the crystal ball trophy up for auction probably too which is the

Prize on Dancing With the Stars and I know that which is very scary because I used to work on that show uh did you I I did warm up a bunch for it uh on and off and uh Florence Henderson Mrs Brady was there one day and I pointed her out and

I said oh Mrs Brady like a second mom then she passed away a week later felt very bad but I got to say thank you to her Mrs Brady we Brady Bunch name one other Brady Ryan go uh Tom Brady Cindy Cindy Cindy’s correct thank you uh what were the other

Posts we had the two we added late what was it well we had that video uh the Adrien Peterson posted the video and then we also had uh the Detroit wings yeah do you want uh do you know about this Wings than God read this one out

The Pistons every time they win you’re supposed to get five you get five Wings when theyve not won a lot this year yeah so when they went on their record losing streak of 28 games it it went viral that they no no one had been able to claim

Wings right and then they finally won and so everybody flooded to Wing Stop and they made like 19 million yeah and in that quarter a 46% jump yeah yeah right so the Piston so you think oh well granted it is foot that quarter obviously that last quarter of the year

Is football season exact but that’s still still outrageous Jeff crunching the numbers that is a very good point but isn’t that amazing but by the way so you think oh my God they’re going to lose their money cuz they’re going to give it away no once you come in there

You’re not just going to get five Wings you’re going to get some more Wings you’re G to get a drink I am a big fan of the lemon pepper big F that was that was the one that Giannis was a big fan of too and there was a picture of

Giannis yeah scanning the QR code at sanning a QR code and their sales went up no I look that’s not that’s not the most famous lemon Peppers we know of course Lou will uh in Atlanta uh back in the day right knows exactly yeah no what

Huh is that a place so what okay now now now you’re going to actually make me have to look it up real quick while you’re doing that while you’re looking that up we we’ll do the last post that we had uh EA Sports college football

It’s been on yeah I got oh you got okay so Magic City which is uh adult entertainment okay well we’ve already talked about it for for regardless regard regardless they are famous for their chicken wings really yes and there were what was it with L what was the

Exact story with he legitimately who’s Lou Lou Williams swe L William basketball player oh it was with the bubble that’s right it was he he he had to end up missing a game in the bubble because he went to Magic City to get the wings just totally ridiculous that’s

Right he snuck out or something of uh the totally totally ridiculous in way of the Clippers blowing a 31 lead the Doc Rivers probably saw coming as that’s one of the best memes of all time now what’s going on the last few days it is I

Forgot I had the heat meiser hair going on your hair looks great by the way don’t don’t listen don’t listen to the haters the hair looks great thank you Jeff you’re welcome uh the heizer shout out btown dummy uh we have Joey B has a couple of Jeff parl messages what’s the

Story on the devil’s Jersey from bman we need to hear that story that I Joey I’ve told that story like three times oh okay should we skip it no I’ll be very quick when uh when I was so Gary Bond’s daughter actually went to my high school

Oh okay uh she was a few years older than me so there was an there was a you remember they they called failed a couple coures no no you know what the you know what the have you ever heard the tricky treay auction no so basically

Like it’s more like a raffle more so than anything but for whatever reason they stuff is what was it that it’s where Adrien Peterson stuff is right now yeah very very good so basically there there was an auction where you got there was a day where where one of the things

Up for auction was that you got to spend a day at the NHL offices quote unquote shadowing Gary bner oh okay all right it was me and uh uh someone I went to high school with we were the two that ended up getting it oh wow and spent the day

At the NHL offices uh met uh Brenan Shanahan of course Red Wings player um we met Keith Primo who might be the big I I can’t believe Keith you remember Keith Primo he was huge you no you of course remember Keith Primo was a defenseman for the flyers for for a long

Long time fight with him yeah but the fact that that man could skate as well as he did after seeing him in person is amazing he’s like 6’8 um and then at the end of the day bedman was very kind was very kind to us the

Whole day he’s great to us and gave us a personalized Jersey who we told him at the beginning of the day hey what he asked us hey what are your favorite teams at the time it was for me obviously the knights were well seven eight years from existence at

That point uh but grew up in northern New Jersey and he gave me a personalized parles jersey with the number 10 on it because it happened in 2010 it is still in my closet in New Jersey did the St it’s a good song Glad Joey brought that

Up it’s a good story yeah but I have told that story multiple times though it’s heard that one yeah not on this show though parl exactly parl and Magic City laughing my a off Frank is big on the Pod stickers at the orchids of Asia I don’t know what that means right what

Is orchids of Asia do we wanted do we want to know what that is that’s by one of my besties there which by the way a man my age should never say besties but anyway um what are you talk I don’t know what he’s talking about there but uh oh

I I okay I just uh I just uh I just did it in the uh incognito search oh uh let’s just say it’s a a fan favorite of Robert Craft uh and Bob Dell if you’re still watching uh the rice that was available at uh I can’t remember name of the pl I

Can’t remember the he knows the joke I’m trying to think of um what was it the cricket all right anyway uh let’s see wings and parls uh oh I Joey B has a weird line how many wings can parl eat in one sitting over under 14 and a half

Over easy easy over wow easily yeah it depends on it depends how hungry I am obviously but 14 and a half again we’ve Joey we’ve talked about this don’t make bad lines we’re just gonna Hammer them and destroy your book all right speaking of pics uh we’re do the California

Parlay tonight oh yeah please yeah there’s a lot of NBA action all in California since it’s National California day before we digress Lakers at Warriors is around six points because LeBron is out correct Clippers at Thunder Oklahoma at homes around one and a half or two and then the Kings hosting

The Spurs minus around nine and a half so so wait a second here you have one big problem right now well there’s two California if the Lakers playing the Warriors well we’re not counting it with since LeBron’s out there now the lake you’re not you’re make you’re you’re

Throwing them back to the George mik days back to Minneapolis which is why they’re called the I’m surprised you’re just not going to bet the three overs oh surprised you’re just not going to do that well no here’s the reason Ryan brings up if you bet the money line on

The three winners it’s plus 222 and today’s date is 221 according to you early in today’s episode oh no it’s 222 don’t mess me up on days uh leap year is going to totally screw me up um so we’re thinking maybe doing that parlay money lines of all the

Home teams money lines of all the home teams so so it’s the three favorites yes yeah and that pays that good yes surprised it pays that good it’s because it’s 222 that’s the twos are deuces are why oh cuz the uh oh wait hold on the Thunder are now favored yes so you’re

Betting the thunder right all the home teams so you’re bet I didn’t I the Thunder R home you’re betting against okay so you’re betting against two California teams on Nation that’s bad Mo that’s bad mojo well you’re gonna have to bet against one at least yeah I don’t know that’s bad mojo

Guys what yeah there you go two and two on 222 220 okay too many twos too many TW no you can’t have enough twos on this date you can’t it’s 222 I don’t know just get a pocket pair of pocket get get a pair of deuces in in your poker game

Frank you’ll be in great shape then do that’s that’s what that’s what Brian’s telling me and how we coming along on the uh the uh South Point Studios softball team we have the registration yet Matt never and I were talking about we got to get a team together we should

All play together it’d be fun you managed the team player manager you’re right yeah yeah oh there you go what what happened next post oh next post last post do it quickly Ryan we’ll wrap up the show college football EA Sports coming out with their first version in

Years yes since 2013 is they’re offer to players explain what this is yeah so players in college football can opt in to being in the game and if they do decide to opt in they’ll get paid $600 each and a copy of the game and get a

Copy of the game um and so yeah they what player won’t do that right every college players going do that of course military is not allowed servies are not allowed service cies won’t be able to there’s going to be able there’s I would not be surprised if there are some

Players that don’t say that’s enough money even though yeah even though if well there are players that are able to become like game ambassadors and then they get extra money on top so uh the kid from Ohio State I already saw did that today with the corner Ward um but

Uh I look don’t be surprised if that uh if that happens uh more so than not that that you end up with look if I were a first off if I were a colge if I were a college kid and we’re playing college football first off I’d be dead second

Off second off uh you’d be able to run an eight and a half minute mile no be done be done on that done on that anyway Ryan uh but uh no I I think this is no-brainer because if you’re getting paid for free promotion here yeah and to

Have your name in the first college football game that’s happened in 11 years yeah I think that’s well worth it and I believe Livy Dunn will also be in that game she’s taking the 600 bucks she takes every and Caitlin Clark Caitlin Clark and liby Dunn both have agreed to

Be part of that game because they taken the money smart girls take Frank’s uh that was a fun show uh Jeff thank you what do you have today on two hours from now Jimmy FICO came actually came by the studio I like hey if you need me to need

Me today heck yeah absolutely so Jimmy’s going to open the show okay uh then we’ll have Kai mcken of three man weave then we’ll have you I come Clos I’m coming in you’re the closer you’re Mariano Rivera today I’m Rivera I’m throwing the splitter I’m doing it the

Cutter I’m doing it I’m closing the show it’s about 3:40 or so yeah 3:30 340 whenever you want to come up whenever you want to show up you we’ll put you on you know all right I’ll do it uh by the way ladies so that’s in two hours if

You’re looking for something to watch right now I would switch over to uh this thing landing on the moon there’s some sort of uh shuttle I tweeted about it go to my Twitter there’s a link there Frank Niko there’s an unmanned vehicle landing on the moon right about now might be pretty

Cool it’s the im1 mission the im1 mission yeah the im1 of course everyone knows about that but anyway they’re landing on the moon and then today right after uh Sports by the book stunt trivia we got to play we got to play trivia oh that’s right we’re last week we somehow

Met we would have there was one person who won and we had the right answer we were already eliminated we were eliminated James Harden it’s all your fault James Harden screwed you up damn it uh so anyway we really appreciate you guys watching the show this again very

Very active live comments we appreciate it guys make sure you share the shows come back for Jeff’s show plus we have two other shows you know we have RAC Las Vegas with Ralph srao and our newest show gone racing with Brendan gone air Thursday’s uh live 10 a.m. was this

Morning yes and Brandon gone you can watch that show on our YouTube page so we appreciate it uh Sean and Kaden Ryan any final thoughts um next week’s gone racing will be on Wednesday we’ll be on Wednesday yeah next week we’ll be on Wednesday and then our episode tomorrow for the first

Time we’ll have Vinnie malulo yes Vinnie ah Vinnie Vinnie’s on our show for the first time Chris Andrews is on vacation Vinnie was kind enough to come in next Wednesday uh when Alex is here we have comedian lunell who you’ve seen in a million movies she confirmed today and

My buddy Chris Newberg is coming in next week who told the story about Oasis and John Cougar map and he’s bring his guitar he’s hysterical so uh again thank you please share the show we appreciate you guys watching punchlines live in Nevada every Show

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