Golf Babe

MANSPLAINER Gives Professional Female Golfer Tips #TYT

Professional golfer Georgia Ball was mansplained on how to swing a golf club by a stranger. John Iadarola, Yasmin Khan and Wosny Lambre discuss on The Young Turks.

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“A PGA player was subjected to several minutes of unwanted advice from a man at a golf range in an awkward clip that became a viral hit overnight.

On Tuesday, professional golfer Georgia Ball posted a video online of the strange encounter. As she took a swing at the range, a man out of frame got her attention.”


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Excuse me you what you’re doing there you shouldn’t be doing that you should be right through follow through not you’re do too slow on the way up back okay I’m I’m going through um I’m going through a swing change at the minute so everything what you’re doing there is is you’re

Coming back to so so that is a video uploaded to to TiK ToK by as you can see uh Georgia ball who who is uh trying to work on her swing that’s why she’s recording in the first place and the guy says you’re doing it wrong and uh she

Says well no I’m actually I’m like intentionally doing something and he says no no no no no no you’re doing it wrong and what you should know if it’s not clear is that George ofal is a professional golfer and in fact an instructor of golf she knows what she’s

Doing but she’s also a woman like out there in public so he probably knows better look obviously this is the sort of experience that I think a lot of people have had maybe not professional golfers generally but this guy just felt like it was his job it’s not like she

Was asking for help that she saw his swing and thought he’s nailing it how can I do that she’s just living her life by herself and he has to weigh in we might have millions of people watching this show but you can be the Difference Maker because we just need 1% of our

Audience to be paid members and then this show can be around forever so you can make that difference click join now yes what do you think you know I feel like when people see Clips like this they say oh that’s like that’s a thing that happens sometimes it happens all

The time for no reason just for no reason at all and it’s like a constant reminder that you can be doing something at such a high level but just some mediocre man will just come up to you and be like hey maybe try this next time

Okay whatever dude so it happens all the time that’s my only point that I want to make with this guys I guess I got to stop every time I see Anna telling her how to be a pundit right I’ve I’ve always got pointers for Anna about being

A better pundit I’m telling Kate how to produce the show I gotta stop doing this man I gotta stop running my Yap and telling these professional women how to do their job John wait wait no but that’s but that’s helpful to them when Anna’s making a point I like I interrupt

Her I don’t know that makes her better why wouldn’t she want that and look I’m being sarcastic but I’m already imagining it is one thing if you’re if you’re the random guy come on man why are you doing that you just like taking these spaces and I know that you don’t

Know that you’re doing this but you’re making people feel uncomfortable being there which is why back when I used to work out at public gyms when I saw a guy approach a woman in there I just thought it’s already intimidating enough in this space back the hell off and just let her

Live but as bad as that is I’m already getting ready for the guys in the comments who are going to defend what that guy was doing and explain why you should go through your life just looking for some woman who desperately needs your assistance just like when you when

You leave the house don’t talk to anyone that is my advice in every instance and it would have served this guy well any final thoughts yeah if we want your advice we’ll ask for it that’s it yeah I think it’s okay if you see somebody at the gym and you don’t like

Their form fellas just just let it go it’ll be all right I promise you yeah if you see someone who’s like got bad form why is feeling a temporary sense of superiority not enough anymore it’s always been enough for me just keep it to yourself and feel

Superior Anyway by the way some of you um some people were responding to her and I’ll close with this uh well why doesn’t she just say she’s a pro first of all why does she have to go into her biography to be left alone but she says

Uh I wouldn’t interrupt and say that I suppose it’s just the humble side of me it for her I I trust her it’s the humble side for some people in that situation it might be well I don’t know what I might say that might set this person off

They’re already interfering with my life and a person who feels like they can tell you what to do that doesn’t always not lead to more harassment or violence so I understand but then John if if she would have told him that she was a professional it would have went 180 he

Would have been asking her for free swing advice okay so either way you damned if you do damn if you don’t cuz then when she goes yeah I actually know what the hell I’m doing I’m actually probably 1 million times better than you are you be like oh okay so now you can

Coach me for free 100% yeah see like my response whenever things like that happens is I tend to just be like I would have said hey I’m a professional just because I want that guy to be like oh I don’t actually know what I’m what I’m talking about maybe I’ll Think Twice

Next time but I realize that that’s you know uh helpful on my part


  1. divide the genders so the females will always vote democrat, nice strategy, but the society will collapse so in the end no one wins.

  2. Even if she told him she's a professional, many a dude would still think she sucks because she's female. Some just get their rocks off by feeling superior to the other sex.

  3. What an idiot…

    Btw, YAZZZZZK if I was a mediapro with fine hair like that I wouldn't use a background of the same colour for my performance.

  4. What will be lost on non-golfers is how very difficult and nuanced the golf swing is. I took the game up about forty years ago. I can count the number of non-professionals with "good" golf swings on two hands. Somehow that doesn't stop lousy golfers from "offering" unrequested "assistance".

  5. I had an ex who was a professional singer get advice (from a woman) after she left the stage doing karaoke. Lol.. People always have an opinion or want to give advice.. want to hate.. want to help. If you want to make a vid crying about it that's on you.

  6. The gym analogy is so ass backwards. If you have messed up form you can hurt yourself, especially when dealing with what is heavy weight for you. I see people all the time slinging weight they have no business lifting based on their form

    But because of our society I just turn away. They'll learn one way or the other.

  7. Man, she handled that so well. I would have told him to F OFF, and then takes credit for it. These men, please society, keep shaming these chauvinists douchebags.

  8. My reaction would be the opposite..watching her crush her shots I would be trying too hard and be all over the place lol

  9. Look, let me mansplain something to you?
    If you're going to wear pants that look like they're painted on your naked body then you're going to get a lot of attention from a lot of men who will look for any excuse to interact with you.

  10. Imagine a guy at the golf range wearing equally tight leggings.
    Some guys would keep their distance from the tight leggings golfer.
    Other guys would feel the urge to mansplain to him how to swing better.
    But no women would do either.

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