Top 100 Golf Balls Tested | 59-50

We have officially reached the 50’s! We are almost halfway there. These golf balls may have some great features or performances, but all will at least come with a few major flaws. Let’s dive in on our quest for the best golf ball ever.


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00:00 Intro
01:16 59
2:12 58
4:21 57
5:34 56
8:50 55
9:46 54
11:13 53
12:45 52
14:09 51
15:06 50

Welcome back my fellow golf ball addicts I am so excited to be here and to be doing a continuation of ranking the 100 golf balls I’ve tested on the channel so far the uh feedback I’ve received has been phenomenal I really appreciate all you guys who are watching and keeping up

With this it’s been a lot of fun and it feels like it has been for you too so I’m really excited to close out our bottom 50 here today uh of course with going 59 through 50 we just cleared up 69 through 60 last time uh now we’re

Kind of getting in that point where these golf balls aren’t necessarily all bad or even mediocre some of these golf balls actually might be pretty good in fact there’s a couple on this list you’ll see that I really like a lot but something happened maybe they’re a terrible value maybe they just didn’t

Have great driver number maybe their driver number was one of the worst and that’s what propelled it down but something kept these golf balls from getting any higher some of them are just mediocre though you’ll notice some of them are just mediocre or so as always if you haven’t seen uh the the

Introductory video I’ve done on this please it’s in the link below it just kind of goes over what I’m basing these reviews on so if you haven’t seen any of these yet if you want to know how I got to these conclusions you can check out

That quick video just to kind of know what I’m basing this on let’s start off with 59 let’s Dive Right In number 59 the Callaway ERC I know this is going to disappoint a lot of you I know a lot of you really like the Callaway ERC when I did the

Review of it I got a lot of hate for you know people saying oh it was such an amazing golf ball I want you to retest it um and I would love to I would love to retest it I actually tested I think it was the 22 model and then I got a

Bunch of feedback that said hey the 23 is better well now they’re getting ready to come out with the 24 so I will be retesting it in 2024 hopefully those numbers are a lot better but essentially what the 22 Model was it was really dead

Feeling off the club I didn’t get a lot of spring to it um the numbers were very subpar across the board um the value is okay the durability is pretty good you know Callaway does a really good job with that most of the time but with those subpar numbers this softball

Really just felt mediocre across the board and there was nothing that really hurt it in a negative way and there was nothing that really propelled it up in a in a positive way excuse me so it just kind of sits there in the middle and ended up at

59 number 58 maxfly tour s another golf ball that I received a ton of hate once I did the review on and mainly the hate it was a little Justified CU at the end of that video I kind of said I wasn’t sure who this golf ball was for uh it

Didn’t make a lot of sense for Max Fly at the time to me to come out with another golf ball they already had a bunch of great ones and then to come out with a random Tores I didn’t quite understand who the market was for now of course realizing this later I realized

That it’s kind of supposed to be an AVX model rival it’s supposed to be a tour golf ball at a cheaper price but launches really low I still have mixed feelings on this my my mixed feelings essentially come from is there a need for a golf ball like that of course

There is there are guys that hit the ball too high in the air maybe you’ve got some older clubs that are really high lofted maybe you just have a tendency to leave the face open and impact a lot maybe you hit Fades maybe you need maybe you’re just a fast

Swinger and you have a tendency to get the ball too high up in the air because of the ball you’re playing or the clubs you’re using whatever it may be there is a market for a golf ball for a golfer like that my problem is all the people

I’ve met who play this type of golf ball none of them have that issue it’s amazing to me how many people are like oh I love the AVX it’s so awesome yeah and I’m like oh you have you have problems hitting the ball up in the air too high and they’re like

No well that’s the point of the golf ball like it’s designed to go low it’s designed to be penetrating and low for guys who hit the golf ball too high in the air and same thing with this one the maxfly tour s did launch low that was my

Testings across the board it launched really low um the numbers weren’t bad there was a couple really good ones as well I got great driver numbers with it um the value is not as good as it could have been I know in past years the Max

Fly value has been amazing now it’s just good um and it continues to go down a little bit every year I hope they stop that Trend in 2024 uh more on that later but overall yes at the time maybe I shouldn’t have said I don’t know who the

Golf ball is for but the other thing is it’s definitely not intended for me I don’t have an issue getting the ball too high up in the air if anything my golf ball launches mid or if anything sometimes low already I don’t need a lower golf ball so it wasn’t designed

For me so the fact that it still got into the 50s isn’t bad if you’re someone who needs a lower flight if you’re someone who does hit a little too high in the air give this one a try because you know the AVX is expensive it’s really really expensive and the maxfly

Could offer you a pretty good value number 57 the Callaway Chrome soft LS another golf ball that I’m really surprised made it as as it did considering it’s not for me I don’t have a problem getting too much spin I don’t need less spin um I don’t need you know

A tour X golf ball to where you know I’m I’m swinging really fast nothing about this golf ball should be for me but Callaway does a phenomenal job with their tour balls I really love them a lot um and the ls is no different I think if you’re someone who swings

Really fast and you need an X model golf ball uh but you also get way too much spin you know your balls just kind of balloon up in the air which is a real problem for a lot of fast swingers some sometimes you just got really too good

Of clubs and you have too good of a swing and you just spin it way too freaking much uh and you’re losing distance you need to get a little extra this golf ball is for you I like what it did a lot I actually got really good

Driver numbers with it um on the short wedg is not so great because again it’s too firm it’s not meant for me but the fact that it ended up where it ended up despite not even close to being for me at all that tells you something so if

You are in a need of a golf ball like that and you are a fast swinger or if you know any fast swingers and you know guys who need a little less spin recommend this golfball I’ve recommended it to a couple of my buddies who swing really fast and they’ve really liked it

A lot number 56 da wings distance golfball so this is an interesting case here so if any of you are my loyal followers and you saw this review you’ll know that I was pretty Head Over Heels about the D Wings golf ball uh essentially this was a golf ball that

Was sent to me by a company um I had no idea who they were they just said hey can you review our golf ball and you know just just give us your honest Shake on it and I said sure of course so they

Sent him to me I I pull them out I have no idea what to expect it it it’s different it’s I mean just look at this golf ball it’s different it’s Unique does it look a little cheap I mean yeah of course it does it’s a two-piece

Distance golf ball but I tested the golf ball and I was super super impressed even around the green it did better than I thought it would um off putts I thought it it did better than I thought it would but then when I got to the performance numbers everything I gained

A little bit of distance on across the board whether it be the short irons mid irons long irons driver everything was consistent and everything was farther than my averages it just had so much pop off the club it had so much Bounce to the Ounce it felt so good coming off the

Club face well you might be asking me well Nick if that’s all the case then why on Earth would this be so low why would it be you know in in the 50s if all that’s true well here’s the thing the design of the golf ball it’s okay I

Mean let’s be honest with you it looks real cheap uh not a lot of people are going to go for this not a lot of people are going to go for for that type of look uh it’s going to turn a lot of people off and I know it has i’ I’ve

Shown people you know you know that I’ve played with and they’re they’re pretty turned off immediately but that’s not it at all so the other thing is is that besides the Titleist tour soft this golf ball has the undisputable curse of being way too expensive this golf ball comes

In at $36 a dozen for a two-piece golf ball and anytime you get in the $25 $30 range for a two-piece you know iometer blend golf ball that’s too expensive getting to 36 just no one’s going to buy and unfortunately that was the feedback I

Got from most of of you most of the viewers I got when I did the review I kind of at the end of it was like hey would you pay for you know is this something you would do every comment was like I would never spend that on a

Two-piece golf ball and and I I don’t blame you why would you you could get a really good quality golf ball that’s more of a three-piece urethane uh what really it opens the door to a lot of stuff but $36 is just way too much and

Just for funsies I I redid the score and I put the golf ball if it was $20 a dozen this is the show you how bad the value hurt it like how much the value impacted the score if this golf ball was $20 a dozen it would be in the mid 20s

That’s how much that score hurt it and you might say well Nick come on really just the value alone hurts it that much yes it does because essentially what you’re doing is you’re taking a golf ball that hey if it was $20 a dozen I bet they’d be selling out like hot cakes

I mean just from my review alone I know that everyone who watched it and saw the saw that review from front to end and saw how excited I was would have at least tried it for $20 a dozen I mean worst case scenario you’re at 20 bucks

Who cares but to try a two-piece golf ball for $37 $36 $37 a dozen no one’s going to do that and so unfortunately it kind of takes the golf ball from hey check this out this is awesome to I don’t know if I’d ever do that which is

Enough to get in the 50s number 55 the Quantic F35 okay yeah I wouldn’t have guessed this I wouldn’t have guessed this at all uh the other quantics ball was pretty low on the list didn’t like it at all the F35 actually is kind of interesting

Cuz it’s one of the longest golf balls ever tested um and I do mean that like it actually was designed to just be really loud really obnoxious but it goes a long way and although I didn’t have much of success with the short irons

Once I got to the mid it was average and then after that I got kind of the same results I got a lot of distance gained um I do like Quantum 6 logo I like how they design it now this is not a urethane golf ball but the value is

Still pretty good too it’s around $30 for a dozen of them you can’t beat that especially for like a a three piece distance golf ball like this um it’s not going to blow anybody away but if you’re someone who’s looking for a lot of distance and you don’t mind that loud

Ping it’s not that bad really the golf ball is just kind of mediocre overall um if it wasn’t for those distance numbers though it would probably be a lot lower so n number 54 the maxfly tour this is another one that I know you guys are

Going to hate me for but the numbers of the numbers look the maxxfly tour you know back in the day had an amazing value when they first came out out I think it was two for you have to excuse me it was two for 50 two dozen for $50

When they first came out I think it was 2020 with Co then the next year I think it was 55 2 for 55 then it was 2 for 60 now we’re at 2 for 70 and I don’t know what they’re going to do for 2024 that

Might go up is that still a good deal at $35 a dozen of course it is that’s a good deal but man it used to be a great deal so value-wise they’re still good but that’s it they’re good they’re not great anymore um the other thing is the

Numbers the numbers are consistent but they’re just mediocre they’re just average I actually lost about a yard or two with every single Club until you get to the driver which I actually gained a little bit of distance on I like how the club comes off the driver I just don’t

Like how it comes off any other club it does feel a little dead I wish they would have a little more bouncy ball effect in there have a little more spring to it maybe I’d get a little more excited when I hit it um but other than

That it is what it is um I do like the fact that they they’ve had alignment tools in the past I like their design I think they’ve actually made a really good Tour ball that does compete maybe not compete head to head but gives people a valuable option to go to if

They don’t want to spend you know 60 bucks on a dozen of Prov ons I don’t blame them so maxfly is moving in the right direction I like what they’re doing I can’t wait to test their 2024 balls maybe it’ll move them up the list a little bit number 53 the strixton Zar

Diamond so interesting enough another golf ball that is in no way intended for me strixton actually made this golf ball for Brooks Capco when he signed on he wanted a specific firmer golf ball which the strix and Z stars have always been more tailored to the public anyway

Opposed to uh you know PGA golfers I know there are some PGA golfers that use them but most of the time they send them a prototype opposed to what they send to us ours are usually a lot squishier and fun and I mean I I get phenomenal

Numbers with them I blast them off the club you’ll see them eventually in this list but they’ll be high up I promise you uh but they decided to essentially release the diamond model it came out with Brooks Capt gun it was a firmer more bendable you know Tour golf ball

Like a guy who can put it down and swings real fast hey I’m going to put a hook I’m going to put a a slice I’m going to put a draw I’m going hit it low I’m going hit it high yeah I can’t do that but professional golfers can and

That’s what they needed now despite that not being for me I got pretty decent numbers not with the short irons mid iron okay but boy once I got into the hybrid and once I got into the driver I had phenomenal numbers with them I loved

How it felt off the club I’ve always had an eviction for stricks and golf balls and it really gave it a lot of that magic I love how it performed around the green it had a lot of greenside spin it had a lot of control with it love how it

Felt off the putter boy it just felt buttery and smooth um there was a lot to like there was a lot to like for sure and again I like I said before if it’s not meant for me and it’s this high on the list being in the 50s if you’re

Someone who swings really fast give it a shot I mean if you can get a sleeve of them and just try them out I definitely recommend them number 52 brunch golf so the brunch golf golf ball um you know this was actually I think like the 99th

Golf ball I tested or 98 or something it’s one of the most recent ones I’ve done um it’s a startup company they’re brand new but I got to say they do a lot of things right uh did I get phenomenal numbers no across the board it was

Pretty okay average uh it’s a firmer golf ball it definitely is it has a great value though you get 16 golf balls opposed to the regular 12 dozen uh for $40 that’s a really great deal for a urethane more firmer traditional golf ball uh but it’s just meant for a faster

Swinger that’s all there is to it it was definitely firm um I used it on the course I liked it on the course I enjoyed it but again just not for me it’s meant for other people but I recommend that if you are looking to support more local business or more you

Know the underdog give this a shot at least go to the website and check it out um I I from what I understand they’re trying to get that price lowered as well so that would be really good uh but again I tested a lot of direct to

Consumer golf balls in 2023 I love the direct to Consumer line because I think it offers a better value but here’s the thing a lot of those companies just don’t seem to understand you know when I get the DI Wings golf ball at $36 a dozen they’re missing the point of

Direct a consumer uh when I do the big Crusher Golf and it’s $35 a dozen they’re missing the point like brunch golf gets the point of direct to Consumer they get the point of why they’re there they understand and in their first year they did a lot of

Things right so I really hope to see them grow number 51 the Kirkland Signature version two so the version three was dooky I mean let’s be honest it was it was at the very bottom if you didn’t see I think it was in the bottom

10 it was not good it was firmer they firmed it up tried to make it more directly like a prov1 but the V2 was not that way that was the one I reviewed really early in the year uh it definitely had a lot more soft a lot

More spin it spun like crazy on the green I mean you can get it to come back at you even the average golfer get it to come back at you which is kind of cool um but there’s a couple things that aren’t great with it the durability was

Just okay uh the driver numbers were abysmal I mean once you got to the driver it was awful everything outside of that though was pretty decent I mean it’s an awesome value you’re not going to find a better value especially for a urethane golf ball on the market uh and

Plus just you know with a short iron good stuff with the hybrid really good stuff with the seven iron good stuff you know it’s really good for the most part and I like how it felt uh unfortunately it’s just not consistent enough to really give it a good enough score and

So it sits just right at the the middle Mark basically number 50 the cut gray so the cut blue was really really low on this list essentially because it had by far the worst durability I’d ever seen on a golf ball and although the cut gray

May not be the best durability or even great durability it’s a lot better than the cut blue and it does a lot of the things again that the cut blue did well it’s extremely inexpensive uh it actually has a pretty good feel to it they’re really accessible you can buy

Them anywhere Target Walmart you know I mean anywhere you can get them eventually anywhere you grocery shop they spin really well and it’s a really good introductory to a three-piece golf ball urethane if someone wants one because you don’t have to spend a bunch

On them they used to be 20 bucks a dozen I think they’re 25 now but that’s still really really inexpensive um but again none of these numbers were so great that it propelled it any higher than just being average it sits right in the middle at 50 because you know the N9

Numbers were average but they’re average uh the seven iron was average but it was average you know what I mean it’s just it’s just average across the board and really the only thing that saves it and propels it even as high as it is is that

Value so not bad definitely give it a try if you’re wanting to take that that leap of faith from a two-piece golf ball to a three to see how you like it just to see if it works for you but if you start noticing that ball curve a little

Too much right on your drives or left or whichever way definitely ring it back in and try that two-piece again all right guys I appreciate we are officially halfway done stick around in a few days we will have 49 through 40 we are getting closer I appreciate it as always

Keep watching and keep saving and keep learning until next time


  1. I think some people get placebo from certain brands due to hype, name or cost. Especially if you have a great round with a certain ball and don’t lose it.

  2. I waited 7 days for a video and in 16 minutes it's all over! Lol. But I can say that, based solely on your recommendation, I did try the Diawings ball. While i did shoot my PB, I also hated the price and design, in addition, I hated the sound and feel. So i won't be getting them again, but it was a fun experiment. I also have V2 Kirklands in the bag as my par 3 over water ball. I also saw that Walmart is clearing out some golf stuff and I got some Cut DC and Taylormade soft response at 17.50 a dozen and some Cut Grey at 14.50 a dozen. But overall, my balls of choice are still alive!

  3. Have you done piper golf balls yet? My daughter piper bought me a dozen😂
    I've never heard of them before, and to be honest, I don't hate hitting them.

  4. Are we buying looks ( Diawing ) or are we buying performance? What if we had a list of balls that perform great, let alone the price?

  5. Have you heard of the Jayllah golf ball? They posted on Facebook and are available here in Thailand and are based in Qatar.

  6. Good job . When we get to the end, think I'll compare your findings with the 2023 complete ball list from MyGolfSpy. Thanks again..

  7. Keep up the great work. Great to see reviews that actually fit the weekend golfer with 90-95 mph swing speed. Im stocked up on snell mtb prime and wilson zip. Both great value. Curious where they finish on your countdown.

  8. Hey Nick, have you thought about doing a contest for guessing 5 of the balls that’ll be in your top 10? Could be fun. 🥇

  9. I'm a little surprised the Maxfli Tour is this low on the list. It's a popular ball with many positive consumer reviews. I was going to try them out this upcoming season but went with a couple others instead. I only buy golf balls when they're on sale, so the price wasn't really a problem for me. You're right though, they keep raising prices on their latest tour offerings. I agree with your assessment of the tour S, and it's certainly not for me either. Thanks for this countdown, I'm really enjoying it.

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