I REVEAL the Best Golf Tips from my Hall of Fame Golf Coaches Toward BREAKING 85

I reveal the Best Golf Tips from my Hall of Fame Golf Coaches to BREAK 85. I talk about the top golf drills and golf tips that has helped my golf swing the most.

golf tips, golf swing, golf drills, how to break 85, how to break 90, how to break 100, how to play golf, golf tips,how to break 80 in golf,how to break par,how to lower your handicap,how to break 100 in golf, golf course vlog

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Today I share with you exclusive secrets and tips that my hall of fame golf coaches have passed down to me to improve my golf game they have Coach Pros like brys and dambo Colin marawa Xander schafle and many more I share fixes that’s helping me with my over-the-top problem how I’m adding

Ground Force to help with rotation and how to organically get forward shffl in my golf swing not only that but by the end of all this you are truly going to believe in the golf Gods because I may have experienced the luckiest and and the unluckiest shots of my entire

Golfing career so let’s get into this episode of Breaking 85 and another day on this road to scratch let’s go oh one here let’s see what we can do here okay slly open let’s go got a got a soup and a a little bit better but you know oh one one

[ __ ] back in Mission Trails ladies and gentlemen of YouTube you know we’re trying to break 85 again today honestly last time I felt really good I think the short game wasn’t you know wasn’t even play at all and so we lost like 16 Strokes there so but you know it’s going

To be a good time just like last time I’m going to do this new thing where I’m kind of calling it you know Jerome’s scratch Pad Jerome secret scratch Pad where kind of just tell you guys things that happen with my coach like off camera like tips they give me and things

That are also like not even released yet and so the first one is essentially if you have an over the top problem especially with a driver just kind of getting your elbow more externally rotated and basically it’s weird it’s called external rotation but it’s kind of closer to your body that’ll kind of

Avoid you kind of going over the top and so you’ll see me throughout today doing that so let’s find our ball here let’s find our ball is that mine we got 250 to the pin we’re going to hit a five iron I feel like every time we come out here

We’re like in the midst of a swing change because we’re perfecting pretty much all the fundamentals of this golf swing with Dana but we’ll see how the long irons play today it’s kind of like all over the place but I have confidence if I don’t swing out of my shoes we’ll

Be fine and I kind of tweaked my back so we can’t do that or I’ll literally break it on camera pretty good shot let’s go so the swing thought that I have today and in my practice basically the main thing I’m working on right now is like my lower

Body kind of trying to use round Force which I’ll talk more about later in the in the course but kind of getting that situated to rotate rather than using a lot of my uh arms we’ll see how it all kind of plays out here that was a pretty

Good second shot probably send that 210 yards with the five iron no the test of time ladies and gentlemen the test of time oh there’s a coyote we’re going to hit to 56 degree 48 48 yards here I’m going to try to hit it to the right side sit sit don’t go

There okay a all right we got like 20 ft for birdie let’s go let’s go that one um I think I uh I kind of slightly pulled it um but it’s fine like it’s it’s not it’s playable 20 ft let’s just like L it up there um put for par let’s not get

Too crazy today all right let’s just play smart smart shots smart shots oh you’re right it was straight I was like what are you reading he’s like straight easy I was like I don’t think so left or right completely straight off by two Ines uh it’s my fault it’s my fault move

It on move it on hold two good part though good part hole two guys you know I obviously I love you guys and I I work so much but a lot of the credit goes to a lot of the people behind the scenes like our videographers new on the team John here

Everyone give a shout out comment down below thank thank you John and everyone else in s to that help keep this dream alive let’s have a good day today ladies and gentlemen got to hit the big stick ladies and gentlemen it’s a short uh par 4 I think it’s like 350 yards

3 oh stay man super Nation thing super Nation thing we’ll figure it out though we got we got a long we got a long day today if you’re already past the firsto still watching before you continue you know let’s make let’s make some bets uh write down in the comment below what you

Actually think I’m going to end up with today like I said we’re trying to break 85 for the first time I have a good feeling about it you know my swing in my mind feels a lot better my short game feels a little more dialed and uh I

Think I mentioned in the previous uh episode I’m little little sneak peek somebody’s joining to become the the full-time short game coach for this channel which is going to be crazy he’s played on the tour he’s done a lot of amazing things and he’s going to get me

Even more dial on short game yeah comment down below what you guys think estimation wise what score I’m going to get I don’t know what the prize is there’s probably no prize but we’ll see all right boom let’s go we got about 97 yards here uh

Um we the hero move obviously draw 56 degree not doing that we’re going to hit a five iron low here we got to hit the 70 yard so it trickles up on the green right left of the bunker honestly even if it lands the bunker I like my

Bunker play right now with than my chip game which is a lot to say oh my God I think for everyone who’s watched this Channel I think my biggest not my biggest uh problem but I would say number two is like the punch out shots like getting it 70 yards I just don’t

Know how to properly do it 60 is 63 all right this is 60 oh I chunked it that’s what I needed the first time we’re not blowing up we’re not blowing up ladies and gentlemen all right let’s get this up come on come on not the worst not the worst we need softer

Mitts but let’s put this oh God Dam it come on okay I got humbled we got humbled on the second hole it’s okay was that triple B Jesus Christ oh man we could have we should have played that a little smarter to be honest a little course management we probably

Should have just hidden oh hit like oh like a five iron straight down the middle and then chipped it we did not need to hit the driver on a 340 yard toll but got to like the big dog eat sometimes not today though okay we got

143 to the pin wind’s behind us we’re going to hit a nine iron wow I mean it chunked it a slightly but I don’t know it’s was going to be that short probably should have taken eight iron so every time I play this hole it’s usually like a eight irons to move but

Thought they moved it up at like seven yards I didn’t know me I didn’t I didn’t know it was going to be that bad but you know we got relatively easy chip here knock on wood and then get it from far that triple bogey that’s that’s that’s atrocious that was probably the worst

Hole I’ve played on this channel except for probably day one when I had like plus 11 on the hole all these holes we have to drive all the way to the top I’m out of shape man man they got to let me drive right next to the place eyes in my

Vein I felt good about that I keep like reading it a little like these are just straight I felt it in my shoes that it was straight but I kind of second guess myself when I kind of saw this optical illusion but we’ll just start trusting

More in our feet um but I’m feeling good I’m feeling good about the swing I’m feeling good about the the putting I just need to stop accelerating on on like the that I guess the down swing of the Putt and we should be fine whole

Three let’s go baby I got to just like exit that triple bogey and just keep playing our game I think we’re going to like I said I’m feeling pretty good today I think this is going to be punch it up this is course management ladies and gentlemen we’re going to hit

A seven iron and then we’re going to chip it up there I could regret this and go for it now he’s just shaking his yeah probably good idea to play smart the second thing on the scratch pad that I want to share with you guys

That I’ve talked to my coach a lot about and this was like mindblowing because like I think I think you know there’s a lot of like YouTube tutorials out there that kind of just say do this do this kind of like quick fixes and that doesn’t really exist in golf like I

Think throughout this journey learning the kinematics of a golf swing is like number one the most important thing because like when people say get your arm here there’s like a lot of things that your body needs to do to naturally actually get there I think if I were

Starting new versus trying to correct things piece by piece and like just like batch processing your swing I would just kind of like learn about how the body should rotate and move from the kinematic perspective because that’s naturally how you’re going to H really good shots long term yeah I’ll talk more

About that and show some actual movements later and before I share all the other tips that the greatest golf coaches in the world have passed down to me please kindly subscribe to the channel and smash that like button right below before this bomb right here blows

Up in the next 5 seconds if you do your next shot will be a bomb like Rory mckoy’s drives but if you do not your next round will start with the biggest blow up hole of your life so start the timer 5 4 3 2 one did you do it time

Will tell time will tell now let’s get back to the show to see how far I S that t-shot we got 55 we got to get a little higher we’ll hit 56 degree uh and anchor ourselves in the canal go dang it a little more it’s okay that was

Actually a good line I just need a little more strength but little things on the golf course that you can’t really train four on the on the Range but you know it’s fun it’s great that I missed the green don’t look at me don’t look at me

Roll these uphill shots I think oh my God I keep falling back on them we got to get more stable both of those I could have had pretty good lines but I felt B back and like lost about 5 Ys of distance or at least 10 ft of

Distance it’s not the worst shot though it’s like fine I aimed there but I felt my feet was going left that for sure should broke left like what that should have everyone else everyone else’s ball in this group broke like left to right right to left and mine go straight highly suspect highly

Suspect should have been a little bit better but can’t complain we’re doing fine we’re doing fine we’re doing fine ladies and gentlemen you got to just relax everyone just relax in the comments a golf laugh playy golf FL it’s going to be a long day let’s go 220 we get

It I think we hit a six iron here probably six iron thinking there’s like people right there I hit it right before okay yeah I’m thinking six iron hit about 190 200 maybe H well we’ll be in the Fairway and then we hit a nice a wedge onto the

Green two putt par one putt birdie or we go for it hold one I don’t know you know sometimes you got to just do it for the channel now we’ll hit 6 hard too much too much left I think it overdrew I was trying to draw it I might

Have overdrew it it’s okay we we changed our grip obviously we’re basically completely changed my entire grip from uh a normal uh a super super strong to slightly strong on both hands and so I’m still getting adjusted to it but sometimes my my grip reverts back just because it’s comfortable for like super

Strong and so when I came through through that I think I just kind of over closed it and it drew but it like went far left let see the guy in a group said it should be fine and he saw it land pretty much in the green like Fairway

Area but we’ll see if we have to take Rel Lea or anything oh that went to the moon okay we drew it perfectly look at this lie oh we got some wind behind us so we’ll hit this how much is this wind oh Jesus okay we’ll this like 70% oh

Man I uh that was the distance right when uh right when it came down the club went like like this it opened up real bad we’ll find though okay so John here just told me I was aiming exactly there and as you guys have you been watching this I have have

A horrible tendency to aim at the wrong place so John’s going to even if I’m even if I’m midswing I give him access I give him permission to stop me what do you think like 10 ft to the right aim yeah okay oh that might have been perfect pound it

Let’s go John’s killing as Gaddy right now if I get a break if I break even five today it’s kind of kind of an aster cuz he’s Elin all right so I told myself there’s no more gimmies but that was uh that was like one foot away so don’t kill me and

They said I’ll give it to you there you go but we got to practice everything two even two feers two Footers three Footers we’re all we got to putt it out let’s go all right we five over five not bad still got to forget about the triple but

Whatever okay six hole here this was an interesting one cuz there’s a lot of space like we could let the big dog eat I could also play this smart we’re going to n we’re we’re going to send this we’re going to send this okay we’re

Going to let the big dog eat so this dog leg left I’m thinking we just draw it draw it left Aim a little bit left um and then just and then send it we can’t hit this bunker but I think I think we’ll be good shouldn’t have ever swung there so

We’re going to go for one more hero shot just a provisional just we’ll see if the first one went alive I for s reason I have like a I have inkling that it went straight through it perfectly and landed somewhere on the now but we’ll see if it’s alive all

Right we are going to first find see if we um found the can find the first ball in from the Wilderness and this is a live view of us trying to find this CU I felt like I sent that per my man don’t you dare please to God

Okay this is live feed what are you playing Callaway with a stripe no way dude don’t ever doubt the magic okay so luckily we found it in these Woods it’s it had no distance so what we’re going to do is pretty much lay it up with a seven iron here and then we’re

Like behind the other tea of the next box but we’ll hit us seven iron just try to approach it over there oh no thank God I hit a seven iron little open face all right it reads 342 yards h no it’s about 80 yards the wind is heavy with this

One um kind of want to keep it low I’m going to hit a pitching wedge keep running the wind’s strong and it’s against us so yeah I’m going to try to keep it low here relatively oh not relatively but you know bounce higher higher up higher up more back

Swing that felt good though that felt good what dang that really just stopped on a dime I thought it was going to trickle up more I was aiming like pretty much there I thought it was going to get like three bounces probably shouldn’t have hit it so high let’s put that oh

Damn where’s it t boy all right we’re literally playing bogey golf again 6 over six this is how I started the last episode of Breaking 85 like I said we’re feeling good today we got like the luckiest break of all time I’m not usually a lucky golfer so

So I’ll I’ll take what I can you know we’re the golf Gods I appreciate it we got a part three here 144 I think we hit a nine potentially we’ll check it out we’ll check it out we got to take three clothes we got to bring the whole bag

With us sometimes we don’t they always move these but I don’t really know how far this is we got wind behind us we’re going to hit a smooth eight iron oh no no no no no no no no no that was smooth went right though that thing with you know the suating where

It’s like this I still not used to that and so whenever ever I forget it it’ll just go right all right so little right of the green again it’s kind of like with this new grip change but the third thing on the scratch had list and I kind of

Alluded to it in the beginning of this episode is like a force production of the ground ground force production right now like in order to rotate I’ve always kind of just tried to like get my hip out of the way but actually we’re using your left foot to kind of push forward

To go back I’ll kind of demonstrate that a little bit let’s hit the shot let’s get a 56° maybe pitching wge actually get under this tree dang it I thought it was going to get over that Ridge I really thought I really thought guys okay we got to get Scrappy let’s go

Bring 56° out but basically what I’m saying with Force production when you’re landing on your left foot you’re basically pushing that way with your toe to go back on your on your uh left hip it’s pretty nifty we’ll have an episode about that we going to h a pitching wedge here

We got some green to run oh not bad not bad guys we got it up and down yeah pretty good up and down though man those are those uh putts I like the most to see because it’s like on an incline and you have to hit like you’re like oh

It’s only 3et you’re going to just hit a straight butt you got to yeah oh I’m scared of going right again so we pulled that we’ll see how it goes hopefully just hit a tree it’s got we got like 30 feet oh thank you dude without the tree here dude it’s

Okay 17 plain 170 so we’ll head us fix that around here just cuz I don’t want to kill it oh I stood up go up sit sit sit sit sit sit these longer irons I still have a little bit of anxiety of like hitting

Them so when I get up I go go like that and then I top it so just going to stay in my posture we got back nine to correct all of that so stay tuned man come on but it is always this hole that

Things kind of blow up two and two and n two and nine right it is what it is man Gatorade DJ Kell I think we did okay we’re did to go over that was perfect let’s go okay and that is why Don’s the caddy today I was about to get a pitching

Wedge maybe done a flop shot but the seven iron was the move I think we got it up I think we get up and down hopefully for par that would be great if not oh let’s go we have a chance yeah part of this up here oh my God oh my God that

Was I like I knew it was going to go crazy after his butt but like I like T that okay I pulled it I pulled that one oh man I should have honestly this should have been at least a bogey if not a par I I went so

Downhill okay go let’s go okay first front nine first nine who put that there damn that should have just been an easy at least two putt is what it is it is what it is honestly I think we’re going to be good here whole 10 I said

This at the beginning no hero shots no hero shots ladies and gentlemen no hear shots let’s go let’s go all right we got to stay in our posture we’re hitting six iron again that straight did they see land I don’t know we’ll see either went in the

Bunker and went over the green or we hit the best shot so far on this channel okay there’s one on the green and off the green let’s see what we got here that’s a key guys stay in your posture I didn’t know what that meant for like the longest

Time oh it’s so bad it’s horrible I like hesitated there frustrating just frustrating I slightly pulled it I felt like that was the line I should have been a par we’re going to practice putting after this episode damn damn damn damn honestly there I like hesitated on that the lag putt I

Like felt it where I how far I needed to go and then and this is kind of like a bad oh God it’s it’s it’s getting a little annoying I’m getting just like intrusive H hesitant thoughts in my brain about like what to change but I do it like

Right as I’ve been putting starting off the bogey the worst that should have been a par felt really good about that one but it’s okay okay we got a par 4 354 yards the main thing right now is we have to have to on this back nine really focus

On getting that club face a little more square at impact right now it’s pretty open on the driver and so it’s going it’s it’s pretty much fading out a lot we’re in a tunnel so that’s for our driver for our putts we got to stop accelerating so quickly

On the on the fall through if you guys watched the seek episode when I went in Nebraska I just got to get more Tempo on that thing if we just do that kind of dial it in I think we’ll end up this back n a lot better than the front nine yeah we’re

Good this our first straight ball thank god let’s send it I’m trying I’m taking off like 30% off the swing right now because um if you right now I’ve been uh swinging at my shoes trying to send it trying to hit no more hero shots you know we’re chipping with a driver so

Right now that was like a fade and I know a lot of people in the comments kind of ask like do I naturally do a fade no the coaches and I were just trying to intend to get a draw path I always like internally rotate this so it comes out

Like uh on the fall through and so it end up coming a little over thep like slightly over at the top the newest thing we’re working on is kind of just keeping this more tucked in but using side Bend to do it if you do that it’s

Gonna allow you go to in and out a lot better but I ain’t complaining about a fade then straight down the middle let’s go and if you guys are new to this channel his first video watch after this video definitely check out like the the moments I’m with the coaches man they

Hall of Fame coaches the greatest of the greats and just picking their brains and understanding is insane I chunked it a little bit that would have been it that would have been the line I was debating how far it was going to go left CU I’m on a slope but that was

90 usually I hit this about 102 trying to take a little bit off but I slightly chunked it I thought that was the right distance and and it was short but we got a long putt let’s two put it for a par wow it closed the face that oh my

God I keep accelarating so hard a classic four putt so roast me right now roast me please please roast me God yeah I really should I need to practice my short game it’s it’s it’s the worst because like I think the the the the distance back is good but I just

Keep like what is it called not Jitter it’s uh get The Yips I don’t want to say I have The Yips but like I’m accelerating them like every single time rather than just keeping the tempo it’s just like it’s it’s causing it to go so far so

That could have been avoided but a four putt is is not is not a I would say it’s an outlier case so that’s good but we’re going to we’re going a grind putting eventually more but until then let’s just get into it you know people could break people could

Break which I have on this channel as you’ve seen but you know part five 456 yards we’re going to send it big dogs got to eat Big Dog’s got to eat come on ladies and gentlemen come on we had a baby pade baby draw what else do you want straight

I’ll do it I’ll do it next time I’ll do it okay we got 176 here we’re going to hit a six iron um usually hit seven iron full here but I think if we just kind of be a little nicer to the swing here and just do it uh smoothly we’ll get

There oh I keep standing up dude every time I said this on whole like what was that whole line every time I have that every every time I have the six Iron Man keep standing up run that tape back and see how I did that but like last minute

I’ll I’ll just stand up top it get out of my posture but it’s it’s a tricky thing because with h using like Ground Force you’re pushing back but if you do it incorrectly then you accidentally push up and if you push up at the wrong time you’re going to get out of your

Posture which will cause me to kind of open the face top it that’s what happened you know from what I think happened I’ll run back we’ll uh we’ll watch the film get better but man felt like that was an easy on The Fairway line on the green where did it go

Oh no wait actually I stood up on my shot again right when I say stop standing up I top it and stand up we’re in the bunker oh no this one’s going to be a good shot yeah it’s better than this one was just a tough bunker shot it’s a lot thank

You be honest but that was a that was a tricky hole all this could be avoided easily but being a better player we’re assessing the film in game and realized biggest things work on the club face for driver classic long irons don’t get out of the shot stop rushing it

Classic and uh be better at putting yeah that that’ll be good it opens up massive over there I think again super Nation super Nation that’s what we need to work on I never practice punch shots and I realized I lose so many strokes off it so we’ll just put that in the checklist

Of things to check okay come on come on okay we got did exactly what we wanted here punch shot was successful we have 20 ft and we just need not to PO putut it and we’ll be fine God like how did that happen on these three holes oh

It’s fine it’s progress though it’s progress the one thing that’s uh the good thing about all this is I didn’t really put a lot of effort in short game I don’t want to make excuses but the things that I have put work on has improved so n positive let’s let’s let’s

Try to get this for birdie oh I hit the ground oh that was it too I hit the ground where’s the oh there it is okay this is this is uh not advisable but after kind of stiffened up my left arm more in these putts kind of like

Bryson just cuz I’ve like I’ve been so flimsy and it’s kind of uh not being hit not hitting the uh center of the face so slight modification but it feels better to putt I’m not going to lie shout out to Bryson if we get like okay all right I

Don’t know to say anything okay we have five holes left five holes left this is part 71 I think we’re at 80 6 right now if we get like two birdies and all pars I don’t want to say it John we can break 85 let’s go okay the next thing which is

Has been a revelation to me because uh thank you Dana if you’re watching this shout out to my coach but um this entire time I’m just like hitting balls soind the air it’s like going to the Moon because I have like no Forge shling or

You know any of that and like for the first couple months I I was trying to just try to like not organically get it I was just like trying to do this but again back to the kinematics thing this another thing for the scratch Pad all all of that happens naturally when

You’re doing the right motions with your body and so when you get pressure on your left foot and then getting it out of the way using Force ground force and then using a side bend that will naturally give you a forward shaftan and so for everyone just trying to get forward

Shaing try to figure your body out real quick before trying to do that because it’s better it’s better for you I suppose I don’t know big dog got to eat again let’s go oh low Riser get over that now we’re nowhere I like went ahead

In my body like this and I like one like that but it went straight it’s all you could ask for nowadays it’s a part five we’ll figure that out this is not like trying to complain or anything but I also like cut open my thumb a little bit

Before today and so every time I hit any club the cut just keeps getting bigger and bigger it’s bleeding right now so you know just trying to be a regular golfer making excuses so if I play bad we got one excuse on the on the list but

Yeah what do we have here that was like a low Riser that happens because I think maybe two episodes ago three episodes ago when you’re getting your weight to your left side you should be doing that organically based off of your chest Turn versus you trying to manufacture that by

Going going forward and I did that and so my whole body went forward and so I topped it and I also like heed it up so low but let’s go find this ball now where did it go today’s been the test of the punch out shots and we needed in the

Bag cuz we’re always under trees actually I’m never under trees first time ever guys first time ever but H I think yeah we just hit this this is going to be hopefully it doesn’t hit this so stand back if it does I knew oh God I thought I was going to

Get enough enough air this is like literally two inches the air that was that was my fault I should have 7 IR probably damn okay well it is in the Fairway which is always a positive but now we have like 250 yards oh I pulled it oh my God that was a definition

Of being bad just just a bad shot okay I don’t even want to explain it man that was um so that was like me trying to me try to rotate before landing on my left side and then that just pulls let’s do this nice this time

Long irons are tough I feel like this new motion with the ground force stuff just makes so much sense as I kind of go down till seven and then just the longer the clubs iron driver it just doesn’t it doesn’t feel like fluid we really got to

Dial that in I think we still could get this up and down for was that a third shot fourth shot up down for bogy or get it in for chip it in chip it in right here let’s go go pull I slightly pulled it but let’s just chip this in from

There oh I should have puted it oh my God it didn’t go anywhere really should have put it that D and I chipped it I was like it’s not needed not needed let’s go okay in order to break 85 we need four birdies and the last four

Holes stay tuned and also subscribe and also like we’re getting so close I just I can feel it in my bones I just feel it in my freaking bones man little honestly unfortunate we had I think three double Bogies and one triple bogey that’s like that’s not that’s you

Can’t we can’t have that let’s just get into it big dog get to eat 344 I could play Five Iron or we could let the big dog eat I’m literally just topping the crap out of these balls just standing up I’m just getting out of my posture is it called The Yips

No but I wonder I think wonder if that was the same distance as my five iron so we still have a nice like approach shot so thank God kind took the driver that went um 140 yards the driver big little dog got to eat little dog got to eat um I do want

To still hit my five iron just to kind of practice it this is downhill aiming a little left oh my God I think it’s going to roll down I think the five Iron’s not in play today sadly but we need to practice it it’s just it’s just frustrating you know you know your

Life you got to play golf God is the worst oh man do I have a story for you guys so before today before this episode I got my first ever speeding ticket yeah I think it’s like a couple days ago and it was for the stupidest reason of all

Time so basically what happened was I’m speeding you know it’s fair enough police C me red-handed whatever the reason I was speeding was because the previous night I had like a revelation in my mind I was like this is this is it this is how my golf swing’s going to get

Fixed and so I was like I got to test this out as soon as possible so I’m driving so fast to get to the golf course this cop pulls me over and I kid you not I tell him that it’s because i’ I’ve had a revelation like oh I need to

Find out and he was not having it I don’t think he’s ever ever uh felt What compression feels like so uh you know it is what it is try to connect with him didn’t pan out now a ticket to figure out now have to find my ball all right

Let’s find it okay so I think it’s in here we saw it jump in here but we don’t want to waste people’s time we’re going to go take a drop right over there take a little penalty this is this is literally the worst I hate punch more than anything in life

Okay okay let’s go let’s go get it let’s go grab it chunked it I’m oh interesting interesting interesting sequence of events here ladies and gentlemen I think that was a triple bogey maybe even a quadruple bogey how okay oh oh Jesus Christ I have a mental

Breakdown let’s let’s see I lost track I think I just jumped to like a 100 oh my God we went from like mid 80s to like we’re scoring 120 today guys wow wow that was like tough that’s a tough hole that was like a quantile boogi I like mentally broke down there

For a second I’m not going to lie I started blacking out like halfway through that hole like like I didn’t even know that hole existed I have nowh I I have no idea where I am right now everyone okay big dog got to eat I’m literally having a mental breakdown right

Now big dog can’t eat big dog can’t eat I was aiming there probably too God okay well don’t look at me let’s go get that bow this is a test if you’re a real man we got three holes left and um I need to mentally reset right now this is

Crazy where is it where is it man oh there it is oh under trees again dude come on oh man this one’s a tough shot that’s rough this is a rough shot this is a tough shot we’re going to play the smart we just need need to we

Need to get out of here we need to get out of here safe so we’re going to hit five iron but we’re going to just head to the Fairway over there and then just try to get an approach shot and that I I mean this looks like this looks good but I think

The move is just to get it over there get in the Fairway yeah let’s just get in the Fairway close I chunk that oh man Jesus the cut of my thumb is opened it’s bleeding again okay 180 would hit a six iron but we’re mentally resetting we’re

Just going to hit like the smarter comfortable shots we’re going hit seven iron get that like right in front of the green and then just chip it up there oh my God that was insane that was like the that was a crazy shot just hey ladies and gentlemen

If you’re not feeling the best uh just hit just hit your hit just God I can’t even speak anymore hit the clubs that you’re comfortable with that mean I thought that was going get I don’t know let’s get let’s go makes up for that’s I think that that

Is the definition of golf like going from I think that was like a quantile bogey or quadruple bogey I don’t even know what it was we’ll see the tape to hitting like striped seven iron that’s that went 179 and a couple feet left that was a grind to get

Aart oh my god let’s go let’s go man it’s kind of wild man I’m just like looking at this scorecard three holes combined gave me 11 more Strokes 11 more Strokes that’s and those were like fairly easy holes like we scored better on the harder holes in this course but

That’s like a wild thing to even say 11 Strokes what do what are we doing here honestly if I hold these can we break 85 no not even we have a lot to learn we got I mean we got a lot to review I think I think we I was like I’m thinking

About it like if we played just with the seven iron this entire 18 we probably would have broken 85 but we’re training for the the Long Haul here so it is what it is uh let’s just finish strong here and then you know get back to the Grind

All right we got 224 here 224 we about 222 playing we going to hit a five iron all right I keep standing up noted noted noted okay we slightly topped that one but had a little baby draw if you saw that in the camera shot Trace will show you

Um I mean these are all avoidable things and I know I didn’t break 85 and probably unlikely obviously with two holes left whatever you got commented I’ll watch you guys who edit it don’t don’t even but um like it to me it’s kind of a win like

My shot’s feeling a little bit better and you know if two holes three holes amount to 11 Strokes like I think I think we just I think we just kind of that’s like course management playing a lot more nothing like too crazy about technique I mean we did have some crazy pulls there

But um we got two this second last hole wait till the end I think there’s like one more tip from that scratch pad that I want to talk about but I’m going to just get this running up there with a pitch and wedge um and then yeah dang this is

Far dang that was a speed slightly face I liked it though I liked it a lot dude the speed is so bad little bogey action not the greatest oh my goodness man I feel like that was a makeable putt too you know like uh I know it’s farther

But it’s the tempo we need to work on Tempo like the distance control is is like not great so we got to dial that in we like lost a lot of Strokes just like within 20 ft like that shouldn’t even be a problem like that should just be two putt within 20 ft

Like no doubt um if we get that under control if we get that 5 under under control and then we just get um the driver just be a little less then I think we should be fine I mean if we limit those three holes to just bogeys

Which is very realistic On a par five we just get a bogey on that like we shave 11 Strokes down to four strokes that’s seven that’s that’s a big difference that’s basically an 86 87 and then just like iron up the other stuff last hole come on all right

254 five iron we’re GNA do nice and slow just basically do this entire thing nice and slow think we should be fine we got to Bend It Like Beckham think I topped it again but it’s in the it’s in the Fairway okay we’re on The Fairway here good set

Up for an approach shot here man I don’t know if you guys are like me but man throughout this 18 it it is a strenous sport dude I mean mentally it’s just like you’re feeling good that your swing and then you kind of start like in you have any inclination of like negativity

You start like kind of rushing in a sense of like even your pre-shot routine for your putting I kind of sometimes throw out the window just I’m like I just need to get this over with and then it kind of like compounds and then like pre routine for your full swing and so

Honestly if we can just stay levelheaded and locked in regardless of any of this you know bad shots which you’ll end up having then I think we could break 85 for sure next time believe me all right let’s get it last hole baby last hole regardless

Of the score it’s been a good day a lot of learnings oh we again stood up go go damn Mark that on the checklist oh no no no no no no oh well let’s not go back we’re going to use the same Club unbelievable oh my God

Jesus okay 67 we’re going to use our a wedge because we don’t want to run back and get a 56 degre so I’m going to choke down on this go up do not no no that’s so funny all right redo we got to just get it up the hill let’s

Go wow yeah insult to injury Jesus what a what a way to end it oh my God okay all right I’m we’re not no no gimmies no gimmies there we go well guys it’s been a fun round we had four blowup holes that basically cost us 15

Strokes but when they beat the Giants that’s all I all I can say thank you for everyone’s supporting it’s still a long ways away till we’re scratch but we’re only 11 months in oh nope 10 months in and so you know thanks for all the support like I mentioned shout out to all

Us2 like Please Subscribe stay tuned and I’ll see you guys in the next one peace you made it to the end Just Like Me O what a round I am exhausted and I’m currently sitting here in my car still thinking about that quantile bogey very sad but you know what’s not s and

Awesome that next video in that thumbnail YouTube guarantees you will like it cure my Sadness by clicking that next video and seeing me next one later


  1. Hole #18 was an appropriate ending to a lousy round. You have made improvements on your driver and occasional longer irons, but then you seem to be going backwards (or down the hill) on the rest of your game. In summary I think your head is full of way to many thoughts (due to overabundance of lessons) and with little time to practice and INGRAIN your swing thoughts and changes. I hated seeing you hang on your right side on all your short chip shots. That should be a simple fix – put at least 60% pressure on your left side and keep it there.

  2. Salt in the wound for you. You were OB at 45:28. White stakes, you gotta learn the differences between OB and the hazard. Watch a youtube video on it. OB is penalty of stroke and distance unless there is a local rule in play where you can take a 2 stroke penalty

  3. Yo..I played this afternoon, and shot a legit 99. I understand the frustration 100%. I’ve been playing fun scrambles for the last few years, but finally decided to start being more serious about playing this year. I’ve been putting in a lot of time and still go out to the course and I’m lucky to break 100. The mental side of this game is HUGE. I understand better on the pros that say just take it shot by shot. You can’t let negativity creep in your head because it will own you for the rest of the time out there.

  4. Love the content, one big thing I’m seeing with your putting is that you’re hesitating as in your back swing. I don’t know if it’s intentional but makes speed control very difficult

  5. There's no reason for you to be playing the blue tees and making it harder on yourself. Golf is already really freaking hard. No shame in playing the white tees.

  6. Don't worry. It's a very difficult game for the inexperienced. You will eventually learn how to scramble on an off day. Great swing. Keep going

  7. As one of your first 20 subscribers, I’m happy to see the big improvement in your game. Keep up the good work!

  8. “8 months”? 😂 It’s about a year since the fist video, and he already played for a few weeks then (without lessons though). 96 (~ 24 hcp) is somewhere between bogey and double bogey golf. I think this is pretty standard for a beginner who plays 1-2/week after a year. Not good, not bad. Yes, every golfer ever is like “if, if, if … I’d broken xxx”, but that’s not how golf works. And as other pointed out — he still hasn’t registered his hcp anywhere — so take these “breaking xx” claims with a pinch of salt, also considering he takes quite some liberty with the golf rules (OB).

  9. Jerome brother please go get your sight checked, you aim wrong and people are reading putts right all the time for you but you "see" it differently

  10. Probably should do some academic work and learn a few rules. You're not the first golfer to hit next to a "canal".

  11. You need to stop with the lessons for the remainder of the year and just play. Playing golf and hitting shots is a completely different game than wacking balls into a field willy nilly. Also, i would suggest you keep most of the dialog internal and add your thoughts in post round as voice-over. I have never played with anyone good who babbled like they were in an episode of The Office. It does make a difference.

  12. You are lifting and turning your head on the follow thru on your putts, causing putts that are weak feeling mishits or pulls.
    You should get your teachers to watch some of your videos.

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