Inside the Bag of a Content Creator
Discs are now available!

Thank you guys all for this opportunity! Big things coming this year!

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Prodigy Discs –

What is up everybody this is my sixth year of disc golf second year of content creating and this is everything that is in my bag if you watch the channel religiously you already know everything that’s in my bag but if you’re new to the channel and or can’t read this is

For you starting with Putters the putting Putters that I’m rocking this season are some 300 firm p3s nothing special other than the fact that I normally putt with 350g but 300 firm is the new 350g so this is what we’re rocking I’ve been putting with these for

Probably 5 years now very comfortable in the hand a little bit of a micro bead but they’re Putters you know nothing special throwing Putters I have three five if you count approach discs but the shortest one off the te you could say is my 350g pa3 this used to be my putting

Putter it’s just turned into my throwing Putter and I only use it for like 200 ft in in this is typically just a standstill approach discs that I’ll throw right at the basket I’ll also bust it out for the occasional forehand it’s the only putter that I can actually

Forehand cuz for whatever reason it just feels very comfortable in the hand might have something to do with me putting with it all the time I never really throw this off the tea if I am throwing off the tea I’ve got a proxy and an Envy feel like these compliment each other

Pretty well the proxy is now straight to understable whereas the Envy is straight to overstable anything from that 250 to 300 ft this is what I’m going to if it gets a little windy out there that’s when I bust out my a2s I have a 500 vinyl maala A2 this thing is absolutely

Overstable the beefiest thing ever perfect for crazy windy situations just a little less overstable we have my 750 A2 but regardless of wind anything inside 250 that I need a forehand with these are my go-to I feel very confident approaching with these especially with the forehand cuz I can look right at the

Target throw it out wide I know it’s going to finish and then for me the beefier the better sometimes I have a problem where I’ll roll over my wrist this vinyl Maola is so overstable that it will hide that mistake because it’s just going to dump but those are my

Approach discs and the a2s are some of the longest lasting approach discs I’ve had I think they’re actually the only approach discs that I’ve Rock moving on to the mid-ranges I’m not a big mid-range thrower guy because I typically throw mid-ranges anywhere from like 280 to like 320 but then at that

Point I kind of find myself like discing down on a fairway driver and just throwing that but sometimes when you’re in the woods you do need a fairway just to eliminate some of that skip that you get but starting with my most flippy disc we have the midnight prow 2 this is

Kyle Klein Signature Series meta origin that you can just hit out wide this thing will slowly drift right the entire way this is a fantastic disc for the woods if you want to hit a straight shot just hit this dude on some Hiser flips up flat I love throwing this thing a

Little less FY just more dead straight we have the Horizon md1 I’m rocking two right now because I like to beat one in keep one a little fresh you’ll kind of notice that throughout the bag but I absolutely love throwing this thing just nice and straight right at the basket

Glides for days then has that slow finish at the end I’ll even throw these things up to about 350 depending on OB or water behind the basket or something like that if I’m worried about my Fairway going too far these two are neck and neck for my favorite mid-ranges

There’s something nice about just a Heiser flip to flat and then also something just throwing an arrow right at the basket but the most overstable Fairway I have in the bag is my pyro this dude is board flat very overstable but not too overstable where you can’t

Throw it I feel bad cuz I always throw the deflector on the bus but if you’ve thrown one of those they’re crazy overstable they’re perfect for 40 mph winds but if you don’t have a 40 mph wind there’s basically no reason to throw it in my opinion but this thing

You can throw in the wind or if it’s not windy it’s just a perfect overstable mid I’ll even forehand approach this as well if I need something that goes just a little bit farther than my A2 I’m for handing this thing I just recently started forand mid-ranges and this is

The only overstable mid that I’m very comfortable at throwing on forehand so that’s my mids now we get into the Fairway Department lots of Fairways and by the way I build my bag up to where I can play any course I like very flippy discs to very overstable discs I keep

About two of each in there that way I don’t constantly have to switch things in and out I can just take my bag pull up anywhere and play and feel very comfortable starting with the most understable we have my rhythms the Rhythm is a perfect disc for me for

Those 350 ft slow turnover shots just kind of hit it out wide left it’s it’s just going to hold the turn the entire way it’s the Fairway version of that origin I was talking about earlier especially in the woods if I need a straight shot that goes really far hit

This guy on some Hiser flips to Flat for whatever reason I just feel so comfortable hitting gaps on Hiser so anytime I’m in the woods I’m busting these guys out with these two there’s not one that’s more flipp than the other I just keep going back and forth between

Them cuz they’re both sick looking but I need to start beating one in and keeping one fresh because it’s going to get very flippy especially with how I play in the woods you boy be hitting some trees now for my dead straight flying Fairway like

The Horizon md1 we have the fds I have a dline FD and then a meta FD just one in the premium one in the Baseline this thing is getting pretty flippy I can just hit it out flat it’s going to have a slow drift to the right and then

Finishes back flat same with my chroma FD except it has a little bit of fight at the end these are anywhere from like 350 to 370 just a notch above that and stability I’ve got the Royal Rage 2 and then your boy Vlog drop Neo origin this one’s brand new this one’s getting

Season in a little bit anywhere from 350 to 370 I’m hitting this dude flat and out wide it’s going to stay straight for a while and then have that nice finish at the end this one does the same thing but this is going to be my one that I

Beat in where this one’s going to stay a little bit new the Instinct by the way is my favorite Fairway driver that’s why I put the Vlog drop stamp on one of these I love them anytime anybody asks me what’s the Fairway that I get I always Point them towards the Instinct

It’s also very beginner friendly if you’re a beginner this is going to be your overstable Fairway driver you don’t need to be throwing distance drivers trust me I don’t need to be throwing distance drivers and then last but not least you got to have some Beefcake Fairway drivers and that’s where we have

The fd3 I have a metal flake fd3 and an xout Doom bird 4 beefy as hell this thing is so overstable I love it I can trust it if it’s windy out that’s when I’m using it other than that this is my Workhorse in the forehand Department I

Am for handing this thing all over the place I can hit it hard flat it’s just going to cook straight dump at the end the dber 4 does basically the same thing it just dumps at the end if you know what I mean very overstable if there’s

Any flexing involved in a line I’m flexing with this one cuz I know it’s going to be able to fight out of it this will tend to hold that line a little bit more before flexing out but absolutely love this thing I fear the day that I

Lose it cuz it has this sick little PE sign stamp on there it’s always my outro piece love it absolutely love it then last but not least everybody’s favorite we have the distance drivers on the slower end of the distance drivers I have two PDS a dark Maul 2 and then this

Huck laab sea line PD as you’ve always seen this is my Workhorse the stamp is starting to fade I like these for whenever there’s OB involved I don’t want to go distance driver whether there’s OB long or something like that right at 375 380 is where I feel most

Comfortable throwing these this one is very straight then finishes at the end this one is straight for about 3 and 1/2 seconds and then it just dumps in very windy situations is when I’ll throw this or if I’m just throwing huge Spike heisers I love throwing it because it’s

Just going to knife down into the ground exactly where I want I’ll do that with this one occasionally too if I need something to really move left but because it’s just a tad flippy when I throw it on Hiser it starts to flip up and then that’s what’s carrying me off

To the left I don’t typically throw these that often though um it’s certain holes I can think of off the top of my head but it’s very dependent on if I really need distance control if distance control isn’t involved then I’m smashing on some time lapses I’ve got three time

Lapses all different stabilities the most overstable is the Proto very overstable this is my max distance overstable driver so if I need to get as much distance as I can but let’s just say there’s OB right the entire way then I’m throwing this because I know it’s

Going to be able to go far but then dump at the left I’ll have no fear of this thing turning over if I want to flirt with it just a little bit then I’ll go with this one this is the lab second time lapse the issue with it is I can

Get an extra 20 30 ft out of it but it starts to turn a little bit so in case I’m feeling Juiced one day just Fresh Off The Tea I might end up turning this into that OB so that’s what I worry about but I do get a little bit of extra

Distance out of it but when max distance is available you’re out on a golf course there’s no OB in sight then I’m reaching for this stock time lapse this thing has a lot of turn out of it but then still finishes at the end these two I’m

Getting to about 420 430 easily hitting 450 with this but like I said only if OB is not in sight because it does turn so in case I hold the turn a little bit longer than I’m wanting it to I don’t risk this one with out of bounds when

You’ve got the tailwind and you need something a little bit more flippy OB is still not in sight than I’ve got my Enigma I had a color glow dd3 in the bag that was ridiculously understable I loved it for Tailwind shots but it just became way too flippy so now I’m

Throwing in an enigma for this year this is my first time ever bagging the Enigma it too has the Vlog drop stamp on it but this one is just a bomber it’s going to hold that turn for as long as possible before finding out of it I can get this

Up to like 460 470 even 480 but at that point I’m losing like accuracy I’m just kind of nuking one out there but I just love that this holds the turn for forever and then fights out at the end especially for Tailwinds you know Tailwind makes your disc a little bit

Too overstable so this time lapse ends up starting to fly like this time lapse and so on and so forth down the ladder but this guy bomb easily my farthest flying distance driver in the bag and then to wrap that off I like to keep my forehand discs separate from my backhand

Discs fd3s for example forand and forehand only if I need a backhand that’s when I’ll throw the PDS but for forehand in the distance driver compartment we have some Seine dd3 they’re not too beefy they’re not too understable I can just nuke these anywhere from like 370 to 425 that’s why

I’m going with these d3s very comfortable in the hand the dd3 is a disc that I’ve bagged for a very long time probably coming up on 3 years now just recently popped them out for these time lapses though but they are staying in the bag for forehands but yeah that’s

All of my discs for the in the bag if you want to support me in any way other than subscribing or liking the video i’ now have an online store where we can get some back n snack time merch along with some of these discs more discs to

Come thank you guys very much for watching and I will see youall tomorrow Peace


  1. Did anybody else see the title and start to think of joke bags that could be put together? If you reuse this title April 1st, i won't be upset.

  2. I have 2 envy’s one that is straight to slightly stable and the other one is straight to understable it’s amazing

  3. Dope bag. I'll be interested to see if your Eagle Envy can retire your bagged Envy. I'm scheduled for time off tomorrow to throw my B9ST/OG discs and one of my Eagles. It'll be 50 tomorrow, but 28 on Saturday… gotta get it when the getting is good. Your weather is looking pleasant.

  4. Blue mako3, glow DD3… All these gems from flight to look are gone…😢 if you want to get rid of the cg dd3, let me cook (asking for a friend😅)

  5. Always love seeing our discs in your bag and on the channel. Great video as always and thanks for repping the Shield out there! 🔥

  6. I bought a Nate Perkins Enigma 3 years ago but it was just to pretty. In the vault waiting for the call. Super money

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