I interviewed the adidas golf footwear designer and she gave us all the latest upgrades and insights into the new Tour 360 Golf shoe

Okay so I’m here with Valerie kgal Adidas golf Footwear designer she’s going to be telling us a little bit about the latest T 360 obviously there’s been quite a few tall 360s that have been released throughout the years what is the latest improvements and what makes this shoe special so without

Getting like too technical in the weeds with it but we we brought in some new technologies so we have our jet boost in the heel we have um light strike in the forefoot we brought back the torsion tunnel um and then really went to just like an all like a leather three stripe

All leather leather upper so it has a more premium Rich feel you mentioned torsion tunnel y explain Bridge yeah that’s the um I guess the green part of the shoe right now it’s um we have a top plate that’s really cradles your foot for stability um and then the bottom

Plate which is a little bit more flexible so that you can go over uneven terrains um and just kind of gives you that like tuned performance so I guess obviously being Adidas go Footwear designer there’s so much that goes into the process of Designing a Footwear shoe

Especially when it’s specific to a sport like golf talk to us a little bit about the process of it do you have kind of like a point where you always start is it always a similar process it’s a pretty similar process I mean the way we go about it maybe a little bit

Differently like model by model um but for something like the tour 360 you know we’re we’re Gathering insights from our consumers from our athletes um um getting feedback on previous models you know and then combining all of that with new Innovations um design inspiration I

Like to like get out and see the world and be inspired by what’s happening in art and culture and Automobiles and then we have a great Adidas creative Direction team as well so trying to F like fit in the seasonal Narrative of of what Adidas is um the theme for That

Season so kind of it’s a balance of combining all of these things right yeah that must be difficult I mean especially when fashion is becoming such a big thing in golf as well I guess it must be tricky at times to balance the fashion and look side of things versus the

Performance yeah and especially on a model with like tour 360 that’s such a high performance shoe you know a lot of the a lot of the design is actually led by the performance Insight so it kind of leads the actual design of the shoe um

And kind of in a model like this what would you say are the main things that differentiate a normal shoe and train to a golf shoe because I think you see a lot in the market now a lot of brands are kind of releasing trainer type shoes

And a lot of the time I find that they fit exactly the same as my everyday lifestyle shoe so what what makes a golf shoe a golf shoe yeah so we really want to have that performance infused into our golf shoes so that you feel really confident when you’re out there on the

Course um so we add things like stability traction um waterproofing um we want it to be a little bit easier to clean because you’re out there in the on the course um so just kind of infusing all of the all of those things so that that you feel

Really good when you’re out there so what are the three main factors of a good golf Sho for this shoe we really wanted to focus in on the fit um so to make sure that it it fits your foot like a glove um and making sure that’s really

The everything the heel the forefoot that it’s really fits really well really comfortable we want it to focus on performance of course which we talked a little bit about um and then the durability we wanted to make sure that this one really is made to last um and

Can last you a long time okay so this shoe also comes in a boa so when you’re designing a boa shoe is it usually just like a normal standard lace shoe that you’ve designed first and then you bring in the boa technology no we actually you know because boa is um quite different

Than the Lac um and we have a lot of different configurations with the boas a lot of different options that we avenues that we could go so I do like like to start with the boa design around the same time as the lace and and um and

Make sure that the the design kind of works for both that they can family up together nicely and last but not least describe the tour 360 in three words premium performance an innovation wow that is good I like that thank you very much for joining us Valerie and um an amazing

Shoe I played golf in it yesterday and aw it was nothing but comfort and I played pretty well as well so good so it helped you out we knocked a few couple shots off of the scorecard so yeah really good

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