Golf Babe

Female pro golfer films MANSPLAINER at driving range – ‘You shouldn’t be doing that!’

🗞 ‘You shouldn’t be doing that’: Female pro golfer films mansplainer at driving range 🗞

Nick Dixon, Francis Foster and Leo Kearse discuss an article in The Guardian.

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Let’s get straight into it with Saturday’s guardian and a random bloke has tried to explain to a pro female golfer how to play golf who is this absolute Legend Leo yeah so this is a female pro golfer golfer who is filming herself at a driving range who’s trying

Out these sort of new techniques so she was going through the swing slowly and this guy uh this guy saw her doing it and said excuse me what are you doing there you shouldn’t be doing that you should be swinging and following through

Oh we’ve got a clip we got a C yeah we can talk about it is it’s basically you see this Shear young lady who’s very good at golf and there’s a Scout guy basically saying here’s what you want to do L you want to swing like this I’ve

Been playing 20 years sorry for the acccident but that is roughly how it went down yeah so she and for anybody on radio she’s wearing trousers that are like flesh like yoga pants that are flesh colored that you know that double take that’s a the show Leo describes

Trousers this is why the man came up to try and talk of course it is why he talk to it he’s just trying to be friendly he’s just trying to talk to a woman let’s be honest he’s gone with the golf angle he’s misplay it cuz she’s really

Good at golf he’s no way near as good at golf almost certainly but there’s there’s so much of this stuff there’s like women shaming men at the gym and all this kind of but was this an example cuz in this case to be fair he was being

Quite annoying and she was a pro golfer what do you think well he was he was just trying to help her and she didn’t appreciate you she all right she’s a pro golfer this guy’s probably very good at golf probably got some really good tips he’s been playing 20 years my favorite

Bit was when he goes goes here’s what you want to do then she goes back and then she deliberately does like an ultra amazing swing just to really and he goes see how much better that one was he’s done it the confidence look that could be two people

Meeting and falling in love and then we’d be like that’s that’s a wonderful story imagine that was the start of something beautiful might be a bit of an age Gap if he’s been playing 20 years unless he started at like age one yeah she seemed quite young so it’s like an

Old bloke at the driving range that’s what women like these exactly they’re all looking for a father figure thank God for l r she planted that seed in all wom exactly where would we be without her


  1. Such nonsense. There are always others who don't know their area from their elbow that are intent on telling others how things are. It's not mansplaining no more than it's c*ntsplaining when the penisily challenged do the same. Pity GB News hadn't become another lackey to the powers that be.

  2. Yes she is pro. But her main focus is instagram simps that watch her for her skinny back side in very tight leggings and short skirts. This video is more then likely staged aslo. Shes more interested in social media fame then golf. Fact.

  3. There are some opinionated weirdos in the world – and sports has more than its fair share. I'm not even sure sports would exist without them.

  4. I was thinking why women have got to wear trousers that go that far round and up their arse that it draws unwanted attention if a bloke rolled up practicing his swing in a mankini he’d be escorted out the place

  5. How dare a man voice an opinion in this day and age! Does he think that he lives in a democracy? He should be away mining coal, cleaning sewers, fighting fires, building everything, or best of all being used as cannon fodder ia a war to impose feminism on Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran…..

  6. This is why men should never help women again, poor man was only trying to help and gets ridicule for it. Id never help one again.

  7. No, he wasn't trying to help. He was angry that he would never get a woman like her, and that she played better than him. His ego couldn't take it. He didn't listen to her and cut her off. He even ordered her to play a shot and took credit for her great shot!
    A man who wants to help asks if she'd like some advice. And the tone is not dictatorial.
    Every woman who has played golf has had something similar happen to her.

  8. Obviously, he didn't know who she was, most likely cause he didn't watch female golf. He was just being nice. This is why people dont try and help other people cause they get shamed for it! It's called advice. If you want to listen, then do so. If not, then dont, but dont take the piss out of people for only being nice. If women keep doing this sort of thing, then it will get to the point where men won't help with anything. Women stuck with a flat tyre on the roadside….. figure it out for yourselves or heavy objects struggling to get it, move it. Your problem not a kind man offering help. Ect

  9. Can you imagine having a woman explain something to you as a man and then you putting it online to cry victimhood? These people are beyond pathetic. She deserves to get herself into a real pickle only to be ignored by every man around her.

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