Golf Players

Jumbo Set Podcast, Episode 26: 2024 Ravens Offseason Preview

The Jumbo Set is back after a week off, and Jake and Spenny are back in the saddle to talk some Ravens as the offseason fast approaches. The guys open the show with some discussion on the recent suspension of the investigation of an alleged domestic incident centered on Zay Flowers, and give some thoughts on difficulty of the subject matter and how they feel about it. Moving into some lighter subject matter, the guys open the books on Baltimore’s roster and do a full deep dive into what they expect to happen, as well as what they want to see. Thanks as always for listening, and we’ll be back at you very soon.

Hosts: Jake Louque, Spencer Schultz
Producer: Jake Louque

Thanks to our presenting sponsors, Jimmy’s Seafood, Fed Thrill Sunglasses, Black Eyed Susan Spices

Follow the show on social:
Twitter: @Exit52Podcast, @JumboSetPodcast
IG: exit52podcast
TikTok: exit52podcast

Music: “Soul Strut” by Taylor Fields (@EDCBurner)

Play really really hard and they execute the system and that’s what it’s all about yes sir trust big trust big trust yes sir right on Q hey right on Q hey let me it is Tuesday night February 20th uh you listening to this on Wednesday my dudes February

21st my name is Jake Luke and I’m joined on my screen at long last by gentle Spen crankshaw fresh off a sojourn across the country out to the desert uh this episode before we get to him is brought to you as always by Jimmy’s Famous Seafood uh and specifically by their

Tail goat event going to be taking place on opening day March 28th uh you can check out the tail goat website or Jimmy Famous Seafood get yourself some tickets they’re going to come out hot they’re going to be uh running hot here uh we actually did a little fun

Little episode me Eric and Mike of jimmies uh discussing the event uh so you can check that out on the podcast feed or on the YouTube as well give you some more information hosted by one Nick marus mced by one DJ poly D and the XF

52 podcast crew will be there as well trying to get a live show going so it’s going to be a ton of fun just wanted to open with that spth how we feeling very excited about that that’s going to be a lot of fun we’ve been talking with Jimmy

How we can make the tail goat better and do some more live stuff so definitely come check out the tail goat and see more information for that like you said Jake I personally how am I doing we had our first Miss of the jumbo set all year

All season I think we went straight clean through if I’m not mistaken did we did you do one when I was in Mexico that might have been the only time but I think I still had it release on Wednesday okay I’m not mistaken so I

Think we had a clean sheet of jumbo set through the season so took a little break there I did head out to the desert went to Waste Management Open that place is a vortex it sucks you in the desert is wild I was in an Uber with a buddy going

To go meet up with one of my college friends who lives out there and has been out there for like a year and a half now and we’re just like chatting with the Uber driver normal pleasantries pretty you know chill dude and the guy goes so

Like conversation comes to a la he says so are you guys going to go in the desert and we were like what what do you mean by that and he was like well I don’t know what are your plans and we’re like well we’re supposed to golf tomorrow and we’re

Supposed to go on a hike on Saturday he goes yeah I guess that counts so we’re like well what did what did you have in mind when you said in in the desert are we supposed to like Nomad our way out there like and he was like oh I don’t

Know I’m like okay and then he dropped us off right after that conversation so I met up with my buddy who I haven’t seen in a couple years and was like hey what do this guy mean by in the desert he’s like I don’t know what the hell

He’s talking about that makes no sense so that threw me for a loop the desert is sick it is very cool there it’s fun that you can feel like you’re in a completely different I’ve I’ve been that Arizona that was my first time there but

It’s fun that you can take a it’s not a short plane ride it’s not a long plane ride it’s a a medium plus plane ride and feel like you’re just in a completely different world like I felt I was in Mars there you’ve been to Vegas right I

Actually have not been to Vegas not Vegas yeah that’s that’s the my one time being out there and I guess I kind of I kind of was in Mexico um this past year uh but yeah it’s it’s wild it’s it’s truly the the bad lands some harsh

Country out that way but Vegas is funny because you got this just this you know Oasis of just sin and vice in the middle of just absolutely nowhere You Can See For Miles did the helicopter tours loved it yeah so the desert lot of fun took me until a couple

Days ago to get homeostasis back I ended up stranded at the airport I had wondering why we skipped the podcast like I just knew that when he and you can you’ll you you’ll tell the story here but I just knew that you were not

Going to be not g to be up for it so I I decided you know Super Bowl is over we can we can kind of Punt on this week I was physically incapable I get to the airport at 10: am on Monday last Monday and I had a connecting flight from to

Logan and Boston and there was a nor Easter that hit Boston so Jet Blue was like hey your flight’s canceled at like once I got the by by like noon they’re like hey your flight’s canceled I was like worse than a connector that flies over your destination I hate

That it just turned into a fiasco to to summarize I was at the airport for 22 hours including a flight to Detroit I ended up getting into a huge fight with JetBlue and they tried to not refund me and then I end up complaining about it on Twitter then the Twitter account

Account refunds me after the live rep was like we can’t refund you the flight hasn’t been canceled they basically just kept rescheduling me in two-hour increments and making new flights and I just knew they were gonna [ __ ] me and I was like that’s that’s what happened

When I got trained in Mexico that night they they just they they rescheduled all day all day all day all day all day then 5:00 P PM cancel on you and you’re stuck in another country that was sick fantastic just love that so I end up in

The airport for 22 hours I came home I had a sore throat I was exhausted I had some work to do during the day and then I just slept from like 400 p.m. to like midnight on the couch and I was not well until probably honestly probably yesterday so I’m

Recovered I’m back got around to golf in hit the gym hit the sauna can’t keep me down for too long or back maybe that’s always a weird wake up like the the kind of hung over like you know fall asleep before you you really were planning to

Wake up in the middle of the night just dry mouth General sense of just where the [ __ ] am I I I yeah I I’ve been there a time or two the worst part about it arguably too is this guy I was there for a bachelor party this guy Josh I was

Sharing a room with him at the Airbnb and the morning of the flight I was sleeping it was like 5:00 am. I didn’t go to bed until like 3: 5 am I just hear him rustling around the room he had an early flight and he’s rustling

I hear him say something like oh [ __ ] like oh oh and then Taps me on my ass hey hey hey Spence have you seen my wallet I was like have you checked the cliner downstairs you were sitting in yesterday goes downstairs finds his wallet and he just woke me up and I

Couldn’t fall back asleep so I got like two hours of sleep the night before so shout out to you Josh thanks thanks for waking me up for the easiest reason ever also and like not to keep belaboring this point we we’ll get to the uh the

Show proper but like of course you were in attendance for the waste management where they finally jump the shark and just complete and utter chaos I think the weather had a lot to do with it but like you’ve got Zach Johnson snapping back at these people it’s just like the

Thunderbirds Are just losing contain absolute Insanity out there it sounds like they’re they’re maybe making some plans to rain it in next year one of my friends may or may not have yelled at Scotty Sheffer hit it to the green you fword p u blank blank y uh we were half

The guys there didn’t gol had no idea they thought it was like it it felt like pness I would say it’s very similar to a pness Vibe and we were at the Grand stands and stuff but then my one buddy was wearing a blue Payton Manning jersey I don’t know why

He’s not a Colts fan he’s a commies fan and he just ended up someone made the mistake of saying to him while he was like ripping and roaring a little bit they’re like oh we were on the course they go oh yeah Scott Stallings is like

The strongest guy on tour he can bench 315 he is a beast and my buddy was like oh three plates three plates that’s so strong three plates is so we’re with like a bunch of big dudes he’s like three plates oh Scott you can bench three plates three plates Scott yeah

You’re so strong and Scott Stallings also primary sponsor is no bll so the guy just kept going no bull no bull Scott no bull and was he just ended up haunting Scott Stallings and we just so happened to perfectly be walking the course at the same Pace he’s playing

This is like a movie dude this is like this is like Happy Gilmore we get to 18 Scott Stallings like catches us as we’re just chilling on 18 and my buddy is standing right next to him as he is he basically needed to I think he needed to

Par to make the cut he was one over the cut line or no he was birdie to make the cut he was like four feet out and my buddy he sees pton Manning at the top of the hill he literally looks at him looks back down as he’s on the green and my

Buddy was just like yeah Scott three plates you’re gonna push that Putt in Scott and he just missed like a four- foot putt to miss the cut I think Scott Stallings probably permanently hates pton Manning it was it was bad disgusting your Frank should be ashamed

Of himself by the way we need to shrink the game we need less people in attendance at these things I’m team big cat here big cat says you have all year to prepare for this you know what’s about to happen you know you know what this event is that’s true like Zach

Johnson went out there like after his tie raate and he was like this event is cross the line every single year I’ve been on tour and I’ve been coming do it for 21 years it’s like all right Zach like maybe just don’t go to it anymore

Like what are we doing here Rory I mean Rory didn’t play in it maybe Rory doesn’t like it like he’s not a bit Yeah Rory’s not a huge West Coast Swing guy he’ll skip some of those events so it makes sense but it’s you know it’s it’s

Water under the bridge now and it sounds like they’re they’re gonna try to rain it in next year we’ll see Scottdale is a crazy Place highly recommend it’s it’s crazy kind of has a little bit of Nashville Vibes in a way little little little wild west there for you

Absolutely okay is that all we got for your trip oh yeah that’s all we got okay well we can uh we can jump into some Ravens talk then 10 minutes in how about that uh opening with some interesting news here we did want to touch on this I

Didn’t want to stay totally silent about it on the podcast but I did kind of want to wait for facts to come out there’s just nothing you can really gain from actively commenting on something like this I think as we saw uh on Twitter with the way that this all unfolded with

Z flowers with the investigation opened into him uh about a domestic incident uh there was a as the facts as I understand them is there was a cell phone call placed to 911 uh and then I don’t know if an official report but some kind of inquiry

Was made with the act in Massachusetts police department about a domestic incident uh the 911 call was pinged geolocated next to Z flower’s house the girl making the call said she was frightened uh and that the person perpetrating the incident was an n player and that he hit her in the arms I

Think is the uh exactly what happened and then his brother waved a gun at I think it was that there was marks on her arms yeah right and then his brother waved a gun at her or something to that effect um yeah and so the investigation opens into Z flowers because it’s

Geolocated next to his house I think It ultimately was identified that the call was made by the girl that he was dating um the knowledge came out in dribs and drabs I think you and I heard about it a little bit before it kind of made that

Initial leak so we were kind of just sitting there trying to piece together what was going on with it what how to make sense of it all and I think yeah our approach is pretty much we can speculate all we want we’ll do that privately but as far as like commenting

On it on Twitter and on the podcast like we’ll wait so today it comes out that the and it’s a press release from uh I think Baltimore city or might have been Baltimore County Police Department they state that the investigation is closed on the press release but then the

Language in the documentation this is for Jeff’s rebeck says that it’s suspended so in so far as like what actually happened or whatever I I don’t know it all just seems kind of moot because it is suspended for the time being I guess my initial take on it is

That I have my suspicions that some bad [ __ ] might have taken place here it’s really unfortunate Z flowers um seems like a good young dude outside of things like this or you know this thing taking place and obviously there there’s just not a whole lot more to say I don’t want

To totally burch’s character because the investigation is suspended obviously but that you know I I don’t know is this the last we hear of this I’m not totally sure yeah number one I’d say let this serve not that it is I mean the county says they close it I’m not

A law enforcement expert by any means so the county says that they are suspending the investigation some people are saying the word closed I don’t know I didn’t read all of it so go find that out for yourself but let this at least serve as

A lesson to the rest of the team and to Z flowers himself that regardless of what did or did not transpire you [ __ ] around you find out so stop [ __ ] around stop putting yourself in precarious situations if you are and if you are not continue not to do so

Because it is a you know I I don’t even know I have not experienced the lifestyle of a pro athlete so I can’t really put myself in those shoes but seems like it is something that happens far too often with these situations I believe as young people

Are flowered pun intended with money and loaded to the gills sometimes people will come after that money sometimes that money can put you in those aforementioned precarious situations so do your best to avoid them and evaluate how to live a calm and quiet life as

Best as you can off of the field while still finding it satisfying to the best of your ability so a tough line to toe but also in the event that these things have some truth to them don’t be a piece of [ __ ] that’s an easy rule to follow as well so uh the

Ravens definitely are on the heavy find out side of what happens if you are to involve yourself in these matters especially domestically for good reason we don’t have to belabor that point but to digress like you said it’s been floating around seems like it happened a couple days before the AFC Championship

Game which is unfortunate to hear and yeah avoid those situations at all costs if this does end up going away then don’t double down don’t Press Your Luck don’t spin the roulette wheel again stay away from it go on go forward try to be a good person best best you can yeah

Pretty much just gota gota gotta grow up gotta mature gotta understand how to regulate your emotions gotta understand you know who you keep around you and everything like that and I don’t know it’s hard to really pass a ton of judgment like we said with the investigation suspended like I said I

Have my suspicions they’re not they’re not particularly great uh but I’m not going to B smirch you guys character as long as this is suspended it is not the last we’ve heard of it I guarantee you that they’re gonna come back he’s gonna have to face the media at some point and

Someone’s gonna ask him about it it it it feels a lot like a cold sore that you know a ticking time bombit could emerge at any time so at the very least he’s gonna have to answer for the fact that an investigation was opened like he the

Media is somebody’s gonna ask him about that so we’re we’re not this is not the last we’ve heard of it at the very I mean at the very least maybe that will be it but this is where as an athlete being in a mid- market or small Market is to your

Benefit because uh not not exactly going to get grilled the way you would in New York or somewhere else if this situation occurred so it’s been pretty quiet I think it just finally trickled out into kind of the national wave today as it was announced and then like Dove kimman puts it out

And he does have a huge reach so then we see some accounts saying it was closed Jameson Hensley tweets about it so yeah take this move forward it’s unfortunate that these kinds of things happen uh whether it was true or not what these situations the situations athletes are put in or put

Themselves in so I’m sure the Ravens do not have any shortage of presentations and activities and speeches and speakers talking to the team about what happens when you participate in some sort of nefarious activ that ends up in in this kind of situation and Ray Rice the living breathing example that has just

Now reemerged into kind of the Raven’s Shield again and being a part of the Raven’s identity so as George Bush once said fool me fool me two times don’t Don’t Get Fooled Again exactly yeah that’s you took the words right out of my mouth um and yeah

I mean like I would say as a fan too like and we we’ll close loop on this it’s not a fun topic but as a fan on Twitter like don’t take this personally against you like you know if you’re I don’t know like don’t be offended by the idea that these are out

There like you didn’t hurt anyone you don’t have to take this personally you don’t have to defend him you don’t have to you know you also don’t have to like go super hard at him either like just try to I wouldn’t say even remain unemotional because it’s an emotionally

Charged topic and if you do feel emotional about these kind of allegations well with thing you’re right feel that way but like I I would just say like don’t like try to turn this into cloud or turn this into points or get clearly clearly it’s gone to the higher

Powers it be in terms of law enforcement and let those play out themselves yeah it’s just you know nothing you can do there’s nothing that you can do yeah exactly and we’ve like I said if you’re of a certain age you’ve had this happen before as a Ravens fan

It’s even crazier now in the social media era it’s just it’s it’s not a not a fun thing so just you know like I said just just keep an even Keel and just let it continue to play out I guess uh anything else on that stay clean stay out of stay out of

Those areas absolutely okay you ready to uh jump into our offseason preview a more fun let’s do it okay this is brought to you by our friends over at blackeyed Susan spices love our guys over there uh with their products available on the shelves at your participating Ace Hardware locations in

The Baltimore uh some of the Baltimore neighborhoods in fed Hill Canton things of that nature in the DC suburbs check them out black promo code XF 52 for a nice 10% rebate there great stuff they got going on gotta gotta hit them up see if they got anything new

Coming down the pipeline but uh always fun to work with those guys love their hot sauce love their products good people good smalltimore uh smalltimore Vibes there uh and it’s always nice to help out a small shop so check them out and uh now we head into our off seon

Preview so I’ve got this a little bit structured we put together a little bit of a rung sheet here uh and I guess I would just start out with total cap space as of this recording for the Baltimore Ravens I don’t know if this factors in nelli agular the uh his

Contract just came out we’ll talk about that it was a $ 3.125 million figure I don’t know what the cap hit is exactly but as of this recording Baltimore Ravens cap space 5,138 1828 your first reaction to that I don’t care I don’t care like it’s

F I like Nelson agore we’ve talked about him all year it’s good and fine glad to have him it’s a fine move I don’t have a ton on it um he’s a nice veteran receiver who did some nice things worked in some tough areas and has some juice

After the catch for you uh I think of him and Demarcus Robinson as very similar kind of impact players that have quietly done some nice things both playing for the Ravens so yeah glad to have him wouldn’t be the end of the world if not but should be I think in a

World of value probably a very small plus and someone that stays healthy and has been there that in many degrees but yeah it’s not you know not really a needle mover one way or the other but you’re you’re glad to have him probably yeah I think so and the fact that like

They actively seem to just avoid having players like this they you know they wouldn’t even try to get needle movers they wouldn’t even try to get needles they would just ignore the gauge altogether and you that’s how you wind up with James prochet taking important snaps for you down the stretch of a

Season so I really like the move I think you know good rotational receiver solid hands you’re not done yet though it’s pretty much exactly where they were at this time last year when they signed him right you know they signed him and then spot track guy is having fun stay the

Course Baltimore that tweet that I’ll never forget for some reason just really irked me um but yeah you’re I think you’re gonna have to double down and we’ll get into that but I don’t know I just think like this is the type of move that they’ve needed to make like

Throughout their entire tenure as a franchise and they’ve just actively avoided doing so so it’s nice to see them be active in that process Shore it up a little bit got to make some more upgrades there like we’ll talk about but interestingly enough they did that to

Avoid him hitting free agency and to avoid a dead cap charge with him as far as other people they could have done that with it was Right Guard Kevin zitler running back Gus Edwards safety goo Stone were kind of the big three that I looked at there your your your

Thoughts on that they can still get these guys back they but they would have to hit free agency I believe yeah Gus Edward someone that we know through the grape vine the Ravens were very cautious regarding his Medicals and were weary coming off of his knee injury in that Fell Swoop of

2022 one 2021 Marcus Peters and him back toback plays and then JK Dobbins as well gos or excuse me Justice Hill as well so Gus Edwards coming off a 13 touchdown year second most touchdowns in Ravens history right and know nice player Kevin zeitler it kind of got out with last

Year that the Ravens didn’t extend him and he was not happy with that and he seemed to really struggle early in the year and I like he was playing through some injuries my take on that would be that I don’t think the Ravens trust his tread and mileage while he did end up

Playing really well this year down the stretch being pretty consistent and uh kind of locking down that that right side uh the Ravens seem to really want to move on I would think Ben Cleveland in a Ben Powers like contract year situation will probably get a really

Solid shot to start on that right side um Stone we’ll see I mean curious it it sounds like from people that we’ve talked to and and guys like Brad Spielberger we when we had a conversation with him I think mid-season he was like yeah these he’s the exact

Category of safety that like doesn’t get paid as much as everyone thinks they should he has no valuation on OTC either which I found interesting I was doing that for this exercise where you go through and they have the valuation for the big names he didn’t even have one

Which you know I get that he’s not a bigname guy but he’s he’s coming off a productive season so very interesting and I just clicked on Kyle Hamilton to see his but yeah that is weird very interesting maybe because he’s a free agent I don’t know maybe they’re messing

With those yeah maybe but like they had it for some of these other guys are they just like I feel like you would want to be plugged in on a guy like this but that maybe I think that kind of reflects the weird market value that he’s gonna

Have because like productive guy like not the most Uber athletic like I think when he was on that kind of run and he’s like on Marlin’s Instagram live and they’re talking about who’s leading the league in interceptions and stuff like The Vibes are high you’re like man this

Guy maybe could make some real money but I don’t know I kind of get the vibe that he might uh he might not be like Breaking the Bank in the way he would have hoped which is you know unfortunate for him yeah I think he’ll get some sort

Of contract somewhere unless it’s a one-year deal but I could see him getting you know a 10520 million two threeyear deal something like that um interestingly enough too just clicking around just Baseline stuff pro football reference he had seven interceptions he had nine pass breakups he started 11

Games he had 66 tackles his AV was only a six while having seven interceptions last year he had zero interceptions and one pass break up and one force fumble his AV was four so seems like he is a very strange valuation evaluation on the open market but man I mean a player that

Has I I think he’s a starting safety somewhere in the NFL I think he should be paid like a starting middle of the road safety and deserves to be and is a player that we liked coming out we’re happy the Ravens ended up with happy that they brought him back but yeah very

Strange situation with him and curious to see what he ends up getting on the open market as he is set to become um unrestricted free agent notable names Justin matab tag is available there I’m kind of curious about him I think I saw somebody said today I think it was Jonah

Schaefer talking about non-exclusive tag could be a good route for him OTC values him at 15 uh essentially 15 and a half million a year I think he’s probably going to get more than that on the open market should he get there Raven probably as well I mean we’re best

Friends with his agent obviously so we know what’s going on how would you couch this in a way that makes it sound like that we don’t know what’s going on what would you speculate is going to happen here my speculation would be that the Ravens tag him and then sign him to an

Extension shortly thereafter if I had to guess I think that that would allow them to maneuver numbers to be compliant to meet certain dates without his tag impacting them greatly the whisperings we’ve kind of heard or that he’s not going anywhere so if he does you can yell at us all you

Want uh but that’s what we’ve heard is that he’s he’s remaining in Baltimore yeah and if you want to do that it’s at barol Banks make sure to go to that Twitter account and direct all complaints there please and thank you so yeah I think Justin matab deserves

Everything in the world developed really nicely has been probably just had the best pass rushing season honestly of a defensive lineman I think somebody maybe Jonas someone like that was tweeting out some kind of numbers but one of the best if not the best interior pass rushing seasons and really

Probably one of the three best pass rushing seasons of any Raven ever You’ probably throw a suggs’s year in there doville year there’s who else Peter bware at some point notada not probably have the sack numbers but similar type of n was a force at one point but matab was was

Doing it in a way that was really you know impactful in terms of actually being able to finish and pressures and win rate and uh being a consistent Force so and and doing it in different ways too being able able to do it on stunts being able to do it straight up being

Able to do it on passing Downs alignments he was kicking out as an end at times on third down later in the season able to have success there so you feel outstanding about his development and that is encouraging with guys like Chuck Smith remaining with all the brain

Drain that has gone on with the Ravens coaching staff it seems like the doctor will stay and continue to keep keep these pass rushers under his wing and man I mean what a year has anyone ever percentage wise made more money in season like this was one of the all-time

Non-quarterback contract years you can really think of especially in team history I was going to say I think Joe Flaco might have done it in four weeks but that’s a little bit of a different story um Odell Beckham Jr agalar just resigned I mean I don’t I wouldn’t hate it but just like

The health stuff and you kind of you kind of soured me on him a little bit too with your kind of review of the end of the season for it’s just a weird ending of the Season it kind of felt like he got banks for baitman a little

Bit bit uh I really liked him I like The Vibes I like the big play potential it just felt like he maybe wasn’t there necessarily enough and I I I don’t know I think he could probably get some similar similar impact on the market maybe for similar money because like

He’s not gonna make 15 mil again but I think he probably still wants to make somewhere close to like six to seven so we’ll see what happens with him over the cap evu valuation at 3.7 million uh kind of felt like the True Detective ending

From this Sunday you know a lot of hype a lot of potential you liked where they were going and then like that was it catch up on that yeah very very very mixed reviews largely negative from what I saw good good season I’ll say it was a

Good season and I think it was an okay season for Modell Beckham himself so I think it’s I think it’s move on from that I don’t think that you can rely on him to stay healthy I think if he wants to sign and that benefits you in terms of void years and

All the ho there sure he can come back and pay him a small amount of dollars and if he wants to stay in Baltimore and hang out for another year and you know catch 30 40 balls sure it’s again if it’s yeah like literally if it’s the Nelly contract

Like I’m fine with it but like I I do think he’s probably gonna want a little more just because his name brand will command it like if he goes to the market someone’s gonna pay him like six or seven at least um I guess I don’t know I I just

Don’t think it really the Chiefs are going to do it and he’s going to win a ring with them I don’t think it really just impact again I don’t think these are like impact things I think matab of the of everything we’ve discussed so far matab B is the only

Thing that is impactful one way or the other well let’s go to let’s go to Patrick Queen OTC 13235 million what do you think I think he’s gonna get paid a lot somewhere else I think he’s gonna get paid 16 17 18 I go look at taine Edmund’s contract in

Chicago with the final teams the final four teams the conference championships and then what you saw guys like Leo chano and Fred Warner do in the Super Bowl and the impact they made and how much attention linebackers have gotten I think some of these new GMS are going to

Go pay someone that was on a historically good defense I’m not GNA say they were historically great but they were historically good right and want to steal some of that flavor he’s so young he also doesn’t have a he doesn’t have a lot of mileage for being

A linebacker he hasn’t had and I’ll knock on wood for him because I love him hasn’t had a significant injury he didn’t play that much in college he is very young and has been able to stay on the field so I think he gets paid handsomely elsewhere uh people will make

The McDonald connection to Seattle I don’t know they already have Jordan Brooks there who they seem to like a lot um I don’t know Texans have been rumored for whatever reason for some time I don’t know how that even started but it’s been a thing for like a full year

Now so I think PQ gets a big bag somewhere else I think that the Ravens unfortunately you know I don’t want to say they couldn’t sign him and I think there’s I see the trickling on Twitter of oh the the quarterback contract you can you can bend it’s it’s malleable you

Can bend it if you need to I they’ll know I think they’re gonna 8020 Trenton Simpson and Patrick Queen I think can go somewhere else and has had such a such a sure experience that I think he’ll be a good player somewhere else and be able to be a pro bowl caliber guy

For another defense and be able to hold guys to a standard and after playing aside from ran Smith can kind of assimilate into a somewhat similar role on a team that needs that maybe like the Raiders I don’t know Antonio Pierce yeah that’d be a good fit um yeah I yeah I

Think he’s definitely going too I think he’ll get a bag and it’s well deserved uh I’ll roof him wherever you go go uh we can move on couple more impact guys here before we can get to a yay or nay uh gaven Clowney OTC 15 million he’s not gonna get that I don’t

Think um certainly due for a raise though he was not making nearly as much as I think he will this year you know Hometown discount possibility I wrote that down like that could be in play that could also be in play for Kyle vanoi OTC 6.2 million valuation it’s

Interesting that they’re so far apart there it might be sack production but I think they were kind of close in that so so I think it I think that has to do with SNAP so over the Caps valuations take into consideration playing time in terms of snap percentage of total snaps

Plus PFF grade and then they weigh things like sacks interceptions touchdowns yards things like that yeah and vanoi obviously signed a couple weeks in so that would make more sense there but yeah I mean Clowney valued at 15 million I think he’ll probably get somewhere I’m not I’m

No Brad Spielberger who predicted that Nelly contract to a t by the way I think we’ll probably get somewhere in that you know six to eight million range and then vanoi maybe a couple less million than that you know maybe four to five vanoi actually made some comments to friends

Of the program uh Bobby and Sarah where it was something the effect of like not wanting to take a HomeTown discount is what Sarah tweeted out and then uh vanoi came back on Twitter and said well I didn’t say it exactly to that fact he sounded maybe a little more amendable to

It uh but yeah I mean he wants a raise understandably so what do you think of what do you make of these two guys jaavan Clowney was meant to be a raven a long long time ago I think that the Raven should keep him I think they I

Think that he as someone that has made one metric Boku of bucks should like Baltimore I don’t think the Ravens would be remiss to say you’re old you have an injury history we don’t want to pay you that much he might be able to get more dollars elsewhere I don’t think players

Really take Hometown discounts anymore because of the globalization of the sport and technology in general but just stay here it feels right it just feels right it looked right it felt right it was right the porridge was just warm enough just it’s supposed to happen so I think

Jevi and Clowny should stay pal vanoi conversely we’ll see um I don’t know a lot of it has to do with Zack or’s defense and I anticipate it’s probably going to be pretty similar to Mike McDonald’s in terms of overall skill sets you want and position lists and of those kinds of things

So I don’t know it’s at the same time you can really get into a can of worms here because who else is going to come available is the next Kyle vanoi gonna come available and it’s vano felt like the perfect guy for like a legit like Super Bowl contending team I don’t know

If the Ravens are totally going to be there this year I expect them to win double digit games just you know right right off the glance but you know are they going to be pushing for 13 wins I don’t know if it’s going to happen quite

Like that again it’s just the natural es and flows of the NFL so you know maybe he’s just that cherry on top piece and you kind of do let him walk with the you know veteran leadership he was great I loved having him uh but yeah between the

Two I would probably pick Clowny as well definitely would pick Clowney uh not sure exactly what goes on there but there should be some interesting names on the free agent Market The Edge rushers are always kind of coming and going and feels like there’s I mean they

Had Houston a couple years before they keep him around he’s productive you get a little bit of impact from him so I think that the Ravens have done a great job being I mean really just throughout the hisory their franchise they’ve been able to go find these third contract

Fourth contract Edge rushers and have them be productive players and kind of bad above their career high at times so see who comes available things of that nature keep Clowny though I think it feels right looks right like it I’m with you all right quick yay or nay through

The rest of these and we’ll move on uh John Simpson yay or nay nay I agree I agree and it’s it’s complicated that hurt you that hurt you to say that hurt you to say it did it did it did it did and it’s complicated with zitler too because it’s like if

He’s going to leave you’re down two guards and I know you got Vorhees in the mix and everything and you know hopefully you got a plan there but this offensive Line’s gonna look a lot different uh Arthur mullet yay I’m a yay there too I’m a yay

I think I think that’s a cheap I think that’s a cheap yay and I don’t if that again looked right felt right was right yeah he’s gonna know Zack or you know pretty well too that’s a that’s a good thing about hiring from both end a lot

Of these guys already know uh the dude uh Ronald Derby indifferent sure yay nay nay yay yeah I’ll just go nay I mean you could probably just find another guy like that hopefully Brent Urban this is a weird one he’s kind of getting up there a little bit espe the

Mileage that he’s had some of those injuries you know yeah he stayed healthy I mean he he’s very cheap I go yay sure yeah there’s not that many spoiler alert not many yays left I’ll go yay de new reene nay nay JK Dobbins nay nay I have was Jersey

I’m yeah but it’s just like I can kind of I like JK as a guy I think he’s got great passion for the game but it’s just like some of the Social Media stuff and like the wanted to get paid and let him go let him go be quiet some he needs to

Just quietly go somewhere you got to stay you got to stay 70% healthy through a year and have some good production then we can do all that stuff like it just was wearing me out at the end there and I I like him he’s he’s a good player

Seems like ailles is very tough to come back from considering the knees as well yeah the knees too I mean it’s just it’s brutal uh and feel terrible for the guy I mean yeah he got [ __ ] I thought he was gonna be a borderline All Pro I

Thought he could have been an all pro running back two years ago he yeah he he arguably was in 2020 um well down the stretch uh Malik Harrison yay I’m he he is very interesting to me I could see him quite getting I was GNA say I think he he

Could Challenge on the open market a little bit he’s not goingon to get he’s not going to break the bank but like somebody could see something in him I could see a two M twoyear 1010 million do contract somewhere for him he he lowkey yeah he lowkey like changed

Positions didn’t he I mean yeah I think there’s wasn’t snaps for him to be having and they wanted to get him on the field at the same time and he has the frame of an edge and was a nice again someone we’ve talked about I think he he was like a true bait

40 43 if you want to call it Sam linebacker from the 2000s that is kind of like he would have been really good in 2004 right in that kind of 4-3 world and little little crossed up but I think he’s a nice player I think he’s an outstanding special teams player and uh

Just a very calm presence defensively nice role player to have and could see someone talking them not even talking I just see someone just loving him and loving his skill set and he’s not going to be expensive so I would like to have him back

And you know I mean if you’re if you’re getting rid of Queen you have Trenton Simpson it’d be nice to have another veteran there too that has kind of been around been in the system for a while is a a kind of double insurance policy absolutely or Darius Washington

Is our last one I’ll go yay I don’t care I nay I’m gonna go nay okay hating on ardarius Washington there I hate that I’m not hating on him I just you know there’s another ardarius Washington okay all right so we can get into just general question what will your offseason strategy be

Here man I’ve been thinking about this and I just it’s such a I feel like it’s such a complicated matter when you look at the big picture every time Lamar Jackson’s been healthy you’ve gotten to the divisional round at least you have won no less than 11 games you still haven’t given

Him that crazy offensive presence but I don’t think they ever are I don’t think that is their plan unless they draft it and man I’ve Z flowers you know it was it was definitely probably terrifying for ER dasta and Chad and you know the entire Ravens organization is

That situation occurs because holy [ __ ] that kid played at Boston College which is a power five school but one of the dirt programs in terms of program success you take him in the first round where he was not really thought to be up until kind of like the the pre-draft

Buzz and he looked like [ __ ] Antonio Brown like I I’ll be I’ve tweeted it I’ll say it I got ripped on for the Justin matab BK ER and D stuff I’m wrong all the time but that kid can be spectacular I was the one making that comparison you’re the one who Compares

Him to Hollywood Brown I think but I think he’s Hollywood Brown who ate his ate his oatmeal like he’s what they thought he’s what they wanted Hollywood Brown to be right he’s sturdier he’s more sturdy physical all those things blocks likes to block lot more balance

It’s not like c one and then just go right down the spider chart of whatever if you want to make a spider chart of his skill set it’s not like a sharp angle and everything it’s more balanced and fills a similar role in ways and he’s versatile and you can feed him

Touches all those things likely very good player and really I mean this is the perfect time we talked about Daniel Jeremiah loves to talk about blue chips and what you need to be a Super Bowl contending team and if you’re watching on YouTube I’ll be able to pull that up

Here where’s private chat um I am going to present here and Daniel Jeremiah there we go Daniel Jeremiah and Bucky Brooks love to talk about Blue Chips and where you need Blue Chips and what makes a championship team and I think anybody who’s super into the NFL

Draft ends up going through move the sticks at some point and really loving it so to share this tweet Daniel Jeremiah says we discussed the championship foundation for the AFC North on today’s move the sticks podcast so definitely go check that out here’s a look at the Ravens courtesy of NFL

Research so they categorize players as either Blue Chip good blue green yellow was age injury or contract concern pink was unproven or young and they categorized it as this this is a nice outside perspective and you can you can rip on DJ and Bucky for being

Kind of basic or whatever you want to say but I like their content I always have I don’t really follow it anymore but I like their a lot though I mean yeah so Lamar Jackson is a blue chip Mark Andrews is a blue chip Tyler Linder

Bol was a blue chip matab Hamilton and ran Smith all blue chip players which was by far the most of any AFC North team I think they had two more than any other team maybe three I think the Bengals had Jamar Chase Joe burrow and

One other one um so when you look at this I mean Keaton Mitchell listed counting on Keaton Mitchell I mean he got hurt late in the year I’m not counting on Kei Mitchell to do a damn thing in 2024 I goe with Isaiah likely as young unproven that guy is looking

[ __ ] good i’ put him in green i’ put him in green oh yeah so you know you Mark Andrews hopefully the fact that you know the he came back and played a little definitely probably rushed back sooner than he needed to and hopefully that ends up somehow being a good thing um Tyler

Linder Bal there people want to talk about the offensive line but in terms of what does Lamar Jackson need to be successful I just can’t the offensive line we can go on and on and on and throughout this offseason we’re gonna go on and on and on about it we’re gonna

Talk about it for a hundred hours I just know it but I still can’t get out of the mindset that they need a big physical stud receiver they need a big intimidating force that can take over a football game Z flowers could end up being an All Pro Caliber receiver he is

Very good receiver I think already he is a pro bowl kind if you want to they put him with that green tag I like that I think he’s capable of being a blue if you want to go in that world but man oh man at some point you have to

Get a stud there has to be a stud that is there for three years that is Lamar Jackson’s Workhorse beast and I think Mark Andrews is was has served as that in ways but it needs to be a receiver it has to be a receiver at some point and

And it’s tough to say I hate that I’m saying it I hate myself for saying it I just can’t get it out of my mind we talk about receiver every single year and now they kind of there’s some whole polarizing thing I saw kind of Cordell of 1057 being like the Ravens receivers

Are still just average by the way that’s fine but it’s way better than it has been so that’s why I’m pissed that I still think this and still feel this way the offensive line sure we can go down that Wormhole Ronnie Stanley’s contract more Moses is under contract you got

Tyler Linder Bal your what’s going to happen at guard draft a guard Vorhees Salah Cleveland blah blah blah we can play that whole Rat Race SL I mean it’s a sliding scale of positional value like average in 2024 at wide receiver arguably one of the most important positions shout out to our guy

Voss been saying this for a long time it’s you know it’s more important now and it’s the same thing it’s the same [ __ ] that would and I [ __ ] I love Aussie Newsome I love him to death he’s you know one of my favorite figures in football literally of all time

But it was just always like hey we’re just going to stick with our board we’re just going to stick with our board and we’re just going to take the the best the best player available and it’s like hey man that’s fine but like you’ve got

Joe Flaco now with a bad back and you’ve got Joe Flaco who’s paid and you’re not building around him you’re not checking your priors you’re not adjusting to this modern game you’re not doing enough in the draft in particular on offense they just would never do it and like now

They’ve started to do it a little bit but even they’re still kind of still behind the curve to cordell’s point like you’re still relatively average at a position where you probably should be at least and I think they’re you could make an argument they’re going to be good like I

Think Z flowers could take another step I think agalar is fine I think you’re pretty pretty solid there but you could be a lot better and I this is an absolute pipe dream it’s crazy Mike Evans is listed as the top unrestricted free agent right now I

Don’t see a world where he hits the market but my God if he does like I need Eric to Costa to never leave a cell phone like try to find a way to make that happen because like that that’s the guy you’re talking about and yeah he’s

31 he’s getting up there he might not be there for three years but like this is like that’s the move to me if if it were to be possible it’s it’s gonna be difficult the glazers like to retain their talent the glazing is crazy you

Know we know how all that goes but I don’t know that’s it just seems like the stars are aligning in a weird way so if he does hit the market I’m putting all my chips in I might even AO a move at at the offensive line go a little bit uh a

Little bit more young and improving there and try to make this thing work because then you don’t have to worry about drafting anyone either wide receiver you just focus offensive line there you know yeah offensive line is weird because I you can’t have like two rookies on an

Offensive line unless you somehow like the Chiefs ended up having drafting Trey Smith in like the sixth round and he turns into an all Pros like all pro C maybe you graft one guy and then to your point there’s there’s going to be another ex player here there you can

Probably just find another John Simpson right if not just I mean yeah you can probably find something close to a Kevin zitler I mean one of the craziest moves I’m going to keep coming back to this I’m still in shock that the Steelers traded Kevin dots in a way that

Was Insanity to me I thought he was their best offensive lineman over the last couple years he goes to the Rams and turns in a stellar dominant year and look who’s the unrestricted free agent this year Kevin that and who is athletic and who sets the tone so that is a prime

Free agent I’m looking at but there is a premium paid on offense on Prime look at Joe toney’s contract when he became a free that’s where the Chiefs ended up going in L of Tyreek Hill they sign tun and end up winning two Super Bowls that

Way he doesn’t even play in the Super Bowl so whatever but uh offensive line is a deep nuanced conversation I don’t want to go into these conversations because they’re so endless but I mean it’s like Brandon auk a lot of rumors there Justin Jefferson’s just you’re never neither of these you’re ever going

To count on happening Justin Jefferson you know what’s going on with his situation I don’t know but that’s the guy that’s it’s like never going to become available like I kind of like with the Evans thing like he’s getting a little bit older maybe he’s ready to

He’s won a ring like maybe maybe he’s ready to move on like if he is like that’s that’s the move I don’t know the Vikings traded Randy Moss and Stefan digs so I don’t know who knows any I mean anything can happen sure we’re just in Justin Jefferson way better than

Stefan dicks but yes yes definitely definitely and listen he’s not that big but and a little bit of a Mal it would appear again somebody’s going to go somewhere I look at DJ Moore who was traded last year these kinds of things um but then even just and and so it’s

What’s your plan headed to this offseason is the original question and we’ve kind of worked our way down the Maze of that and I want to come back up to the top of it and back up to the funnel of it what is the grand question

And what is everybody ho huming about on Twitter how do you win the Super Bowl a lot of variables involved there a lot of luck but there need needs to continue to be an improvement in terms of Lamar Jackson’s growth as a game manager at the line of scrimmage he needs to

Continue to be more empowered he needs to be able to comprehensively have all of the answers regardless of what the play call is he needs to be able to check in and out of every possible thing this is gonna be year seven yeah yeah year seven that is

Mental and physical prime for a quarterback that is where you are still spry he’s in quote to quote you is upper to late 20s and also in year two of an offense where he is empowered he is in a Josh Allen type of offense where he can

Call the shots and that is the again I don’t think the Ravens live said it every time their end of year presser what do they say John Harbaugh says we want Lamar Jackson to be you know he was the driver of the car now he needs to be

Involved in the building of the car he needs to be involved in the construction of the offense from both a schematic standpoint Personnel standpoint all of those kinds of things that is what this quarter post quarterback contract means and to your point Jake you said they did

Not build around Joe flacko they just kind of grabbed pieces value value value value it was there was no clear Direction and they ended up being a mediocre football team that was hunting ten six you know 11 and five feel felt like a far cry for a couple years there and

You know they if Flaco was healthy they’d be at least seven and nine eight and eight so it’s just perfectly avoidable like it was just like hey let’s just build a sick defense and just see what happens and Joe just gonna be Joe and he’ll have you know Dennis PA

Hopefully and like that’ll that’ll be enough it’s like they’re not then to be to their credit like they you know they have improved since then but you gota you got to keep doubling down you know you need to have a direction and again I’ve said this quot a thousand times but

I really feel like it is so impactful in football that a quick decision is way better than indecision the wrong decision is better than indecision you have to have a direction Buy in buying in is 90% of the battle it feels like having a common message a

Core goal having that clear cut and everybody can be sympatico in that same direction organizationally in terms of what you’re doing schematically in terms of the expectation on day-to-day in terms of what type of Team you are what type of people you are all of those

Things and that is what I do think John Harbaugh is outstanding at at year-to year finding the vertical finding the column finding the Mantra the vision and brainwashing you that is what a good football coach does in the middle of the war in November when seven games in you

Need to be brainwashed you know you need to be and that’s why he loves military and all of those things you need to be rowing the boat together but my boy Shawn McVey from what I’ve heard you know the year the Rams won the Super Bowl it was

Uh Five Alarm [ __ ] show in that locker room Jaylen Ramsey just wasn’t coming to meetings and then guys like Von Miller weren’t going to meetings and then the the lower paid players were like what the hell is this and guess what they just that’s why I think the playoffs in

The Super Bowl are stupid and then we have these conversations what do you do to win the Super Bowl I don’t know you get [ __ ] lucky or you have Tom Brady or Patrick mes you just got to get close and then just hope it falls your way you

Got to get to the conference Championship and just try to do it and like it sounds like I’m copping out making excuses for what they did this past year you know what they didn’t show up I I totally accept that and I’m as pissed off as anyone but they got

Themselves in position and they can do it again but to your point they got to find a plan and they gotta they they have to have the right plan too like Bill bich do your job the implied part of that is do your job well Ravens find

A plan stick to it but make sure it’s a good plan too like all this smoke about and I don’t know how you feel about this actually all this smoke about the Ravens is the betting favorite to land Derk Henry like I’m good you know like I’m

Good if they want to go get a starting running back I’m fine with that you can probably find a guy for presumably less money than Derrick is gonna get and you know he’s he’s racked up some mileage and it’s just I I don’t know like like I

Said on Twitter like I’m good with it but like after a couple waves of free agency have taken place and I’m satisfied by then then go for it but it’s just I don’t know I don’t love that I don’t know about you I mean I know you want a game changing running

Back I I of course I think everybody should want a gamechanging running back I think if you could choose to have one versus not have one that’s not even a discussion but it’s the cost and that is what the big debate comes into I just think it’d be nice to have

Somebody who can play three Downs consistent back there I think that does help I think that does allow Lamar Jackson to to give him a true Workhorse would that you can trust in pass Pro they can do pass Pro on their own they can make changes on the Fly things like

That I look at Josh Jacobs I mean yeah that was yeah he’s got a lot of mileage a lot of mileage he had very little in college and they have run him to death in Las Vegas and Oakland but I look at him maybe more so as a player that I

Would love and we had our whole Whirlwind of you know whatever went on with him at the trade deadline and him wanting to come here and all those kinds of things that’d be cool sure I just think that it the longer the more removed I am from it the the more I just

Feel like like guys like John Harbaugh and Mike McCarthy just aren’t going to win another Super Bowl like I don’t know I feel like the change whatever it is that needs to be changed cannot happen I don’t I really don’t think it’ll happen sha McDermot maybe is in that

Category he’s not nearly as long tenure but it just feels like they are not capable of getting all the way there we have the sample size now the playoff games you know even in the two wins that the the Ravens have had in this Lamar Jackson era the Titans and the Texans

Those games were not clean games they were not you know it’s playoff football rarely it is but I mean it’s it just feels I don’t know it’s it’s obscure to try to analyze overall but in terms of roster construction I still genuinely think the offense just has to be the

Point of emphasis in terms of personnel It Feels Like The Scouting Department the GM the coaching staff which there is turnover but I think you’re kind of I think Harbaugh does a great job developing defensive Talent think about a guy like Brandon Stevens who even really should have been on in

My opinion should be on Daniel Jeremiah’s Blue Chip chart with a green at least think about a guy like that they have developed so well defensively you have to feel good about your ability to find Value and develop and Drafting and developing are just as important as

Each other at any position so I think the Ravens can develop defensively their efforts need to be hounding to find the right guy in terms of a receiver that is still that goldilock they still need that goldilock receiver it sickens me to say I’m so tired of talking about I’m so

Tired of talking about that I’m not tired of talking about it I’m actually excited to go look at guys like a Don GNA be there’s gonna be a less angry tenor around it though this like this time around because like I think people are rational and are going to recognize

Like look you know what they they really did go for it and try to fix this thing last year and they really did to an extent I mean Beckham you know we didn’t love the way that it ended overall but good it was a it was a huge move it got

Attention and part of that is because of who he is more than who like than how good he is at this point whatever but right and it was also a Reaching Across the aisle to Lamar and getting him to resign you know the the big deal so that

They they drafted one in the first round again the third one they signed a nice veteran in aalor and then they made a flashy signing that they overpaid for they went they pushed in as much as they could considering what was available on the market they drafted with their first

Pick they overpaid and they grabbed just another just got another normal player in there that you can kind of just be like okay that’s an NFL player that’s an NFL wide receiver in El agar so and there was an angry tenor around it this time last year because when agalar

Signed he was the best wide receiver on the roster now he’s probably and I mean baitman obviously I’m forgetting about him a little bit but he you know health and all that stuff but you know it’s it’s flowers it’s baitman it’s him D Rene is probably going to be gone so you

Know that’s that’s a you can work with that that’s a good starting point you know they do have to make some moves draft is gonna be interesting I didn’t want to talk draft too much on this episode because we’ll obviously get to it but I mean you’re talking about this

Guy with size I mean Oden’s got size Keon Coleman has some size like there gonna be options there too I think there there are a ton of options this is the continuance more so than last year really of your grand theory of you know seven on seven football and the the wide

Receiver bubble uh somebody in this draft could fall and be in Striking range and you could find a Suitor who knows that the speculation of that is always wasable Evergreen content there hypothetical trades and mock drafts so definitely a possibility but man they still need that dude they need that jump

Ball I don’t care dude that is an alpha that is the best football player on the field all of those things and I think they need a B I think everything they do should be offensive really I think they should retain metab you should go get some value free agents uh probably you

Know whatever defensively go look at your second keep the cup as full as you can considering value there you’ve got ran Smith you’ve got Kyle Hamilton you’ve got Michael Pierce you’ve got Justin matab if you keep him you’ve got Travis Jones you got bradrick Washington outside linebackers we talked about you

Know see if you can bring Clowney back you’ve got o uh you can find those in the draft you can do tavius Robinson could be a nice player there that we don’t talk about think about forget about he started to look like he had a nice role so defensively

Cheap system ran Smith Kyle Hamilton and what you have inside with your defensive line that’s that’s what this needs to be and then keep building a monster what took down the Chiefs the only thing that has taken down the Chiefs was Jamar Chase and T Higgins the

Fact that the Bengals had a singular I’m gonna really just gonna say Jamar Chase alone who I feel like in this season and Burrow’s injury has forgotten of the impact that he has on the football field I don’t know that that exists in the draft I don’t know that that’s

Available and it probably won’t be available because why would someone like that be available when you pick a 30 you know what could be available though is the T Higgins which they’re they would love to have something like that let me tell you that I think is

The I would compare I don’t even know the right word I was gonna call him like Corbin Burns that and that was gonna be disrespecting Corbin Burns but what about Corbin burnson I was I don’t want to disrespect Corbin Burns here he’s not like quite Garrick

Cole like it’s not Jamar Chase and that is like the lowest tier of Superstar like T Higgins is a star player and that is like the minimum threshold that I’m talking about if you get T Higgins in this offense for example that level of impact and that kind of skill set that

Is feel strong and has an alpha to it and a impact that can take over games and win over you know the average Corner time and time again that is the minimum that I’m I’m looking looking at DJ Moore kind of around there that kind of impact

That I think still now takes this offense to the stratosphere it has to be someone who can win contested it has to be someone who is high IQ against Zone and it has to be someone who can have be a brute after the catch who can just be

A son of a [ __ ] after the catch um I’ll get I’m gonna get into the weeds I’ve been watching some draft stuff I’m I’m colle I basically am like an aggregate of all of the accounts I’ve liked over the last five years I have guys I like and respect at certain positions I

Bookmark all of their content I find games I ask them questions and DMS and that’s how I start to compile my board and those things but again I feel like receiver man just again it’s like I feel like I’m on in Groundhog Day every offseason it’s

Okay I mean like I said it’s not like it was right we’re buil we’re starting on a good foundation here this isn’t we’re not in the [ __ ] Dark Ages you know smacking sticks together trying to figure something out we’re trying to you know trying to build the house now you

Know 100 % there’s there’s electricity it was a little bit of uh fire and cave dwellings and things of that nature now the lights are on there’s there’s electricity in the house so it’s time to you know put a nice marble countertop in and have this thing be real luxury and

Fancy for Lamar Jackson um if we were talking about cars like we don’t want this to be a Tesla that has the crappy kind of interior that pops off we’re we’re looking for the Maserati here we’re looking for the true luxury the Porsche so does probably might be my favorite song

Of all time great song 10 out of truly a 10 out of 10 in every way so in this you know continuation offensive line we can kind of get into I mean this is my thinking of these two players you look at the biggest cap hits

For 2024 is think 2024 2025 you look at Lamar Jackson sure whatever you can re restructure whatever then you got Ronnie Stanley Marlon Humphrey Marcus Williams and Mark Andrews a few of those things are not like the others well I mean really let’s look at all four of them injured injured injured

Injured Andrews I can forgive a little bit lot of miles on Andrews a lot of miles on Stanley a lot of miles on Humphrey and Williams I don’t want to hate on him at all he just has had downright bad luck yeah downright bad luck um and maybe some of the the

Movement experts on Twitter can get into it of how his chest should have been trained in a way to react and respond and mahomes’s knee is coordinated to twist that way because so on and so forth but that is an issue and as you open up over the cap and and I honestly

Am no better at this than anyone else who can click their Mouse on the internet if you can get to over the cap and have a basic understanding of Madden I feel like you’re pretty close to me but when you go look at the Ravens and go look at

2024 let me pull up all the way you can go check out my favorite thing to look at is always number one restructure the restructure ability of Ronnie Stanley is $7 million you can increase your cap total seven million Marlon Humphrey is up to eight million Marcus Williams is 7

Million and Mark Andrews is five million so it’s kind of like an fmk here I feel like with these guys it’s like fmk or F mmkk or some combination I’m personally if I’m putting on my Madden hat I’m calling up on Ronnie Stanley and Marcus Williams

I’m saying look boys I [ __ ] love you to death I need some help here and restructure I’m this is and this is what gets like Dan re and Brian mfin this not I’m not talking about the same thing I’m not talking about you don’t need their consent to restructure that’s your money

You can move it around as you please it’s basically a liability that you’re able to extend but I’m looking at Ronnie Stanley Marcus will I’m saying boys hat in hand what is your what is your value on the open market today what would you get

Today I’ve paid you a lot in cash very quickly the Ravens are the an opposite team they pay out big fast cash that’s what Brad Spielberg always talks about right big fast cash so they have flexibility the players paid Ravens have not really messed with Ronnie Stanley’s

Contract he’s been injured it’s not his fault but it also sucked let’s reduce these contracts please let’s come to an agreement on it let’s let’s tear a little bit of this up I think Ronnie what what is Ronnie Stanley’s career earnings this point I’m I’m counting another man’s cash Ronnie Stanley to this

Point has made $63 million on just his new deal let’s see I believe uh I got to look at history okay he has earned $97 million in his eight years so far solid that’s a lot of money what I mean I’m not gonna count another man’s money but what’s the difference

Between 97 and 110 do you want to play football do you wanna you know can can we can we renegotiate something here that helps the boys out that’s what I’m looking for in my Madden oversimplification of a idiot talking about this stuff Marcus Williams I love you you have

Made $48 million as a safety in the NFL to this point I love you you’re a good player we’re happy to have you here we want to win a Super Bowl can you help us out can we talk about your current market value consider that today what it would

Be can you help me out here um so those two guys I’m really looking at uh Marlon Humphrey to oversimplify as I’ve been doing all episode and and pretend like I’m the smartest man alive I talk about mileage the dude was a hitter as a 200 pound corner he hit

Like Mike Tyson when he was early in his rookie contract the miles seem to be wearing on him he was very physical it is very hard to maintain the to track athlete mechanics with mileage it’s tough I don’t know how to approach this you you kind of pray that he can stay healthy

There but we’re looking at $22 million cap hit in 2024 $25 million cap hit in 2025 I mean I don’t even know how to talk about Marlon Humphrey I mean dead money 23 this year I mean he can’t really do anything right now unless he just

Straight up agrees to a pay cut which you know they’re not gonna I don’t think they’re I don’t think doing anything is you can’t do anything I mean I think he’s the one you don’t even touch I think you don’t even touch Humphrey unless there is a monster available the

I’m talking about the monster Alpha receiver or something unless a deal becomes available and you’re like all right we’ll restructure Marlon Humphrey then because you’re going to push that money down the road then if he does suffer a bad injury if he does Miss time

If he is undesirable at his cap hit you you know have to pay the piper eventually in that that category there so he’s the one I would maybe not want to touch uh Mark Andrews you’re probably happy to restructure right he’s probably going to be a nice player still even if

This injury doesn’t somehow recover well for him I think he’s still an effective player his cap hits are not in the same Stratosphere as Marlon Humphrey so 16 yeah 16.9 that’s really pretty good for his production absolutely absolutely it is um nothing crazy there so I’m looking really at

Stanley Humphrey and Williams out of this lot Stanley I mean Stanley and Williams like 26.1 for Stanley 18.7 for Williams I mean that is like that’s that’s $40 million in cap space over that that you know is just you know and they’re they’re decent players Ronnie Stanley

Had a decent season I think overall on balance he you know didn’t end great obviously and Williams actually a pretty good player when he’s able to stay healthy but it’s just they you’re to your point they have to find something to do here and also to your point we’re

Not the people that has to figure out how to do that like time to get a little little creative here Eric because we’re entering into the the next phase of Lamar Jackson’s career little more expensive got to get more creative with the uh the cap stuff $19 million if

Ronnie Stanley is cut after with a post June one designation meaning that he can be cut at any point with a designation that it becomes effective on June 1st uh that would incur $6 million in dead money but there’s $19 million in savings beyond that so

Uh that’s quite a bit of coin there um Stanley could go play somewhere else you know I don’t know what he gets on the open market maybe I feel like the Medicals are not good there it’s it’s it’s hard to imagine the Medicals being good so the

Other side of the coin is that what happens if you cut him well you have McCary who has probably played borderline Ronnie Stanley replacement but also has his own medical concerns and you need another left tackle so then you say all right well let’s draft one well then you’re picking

At 30 most of the good tackles that can play right away are picked in the teens at the latest so layers upon layers upon layers of maneuvering the offensive line is going to be the big talking point it feels like um otherwise guys you’re looking at tus Bowser cut with a post

June 1 designation 5.5 million in savings there’s a name I haven’t heard in a while I’m just going to consider that done I feel like like I think they do just cut him like what the one of the weirdest things ever um Pat rard $4 million in

Savings I mean I love you sure um you know wouldn’t be the craziest thing in the world felt like you know he’s they’ve been so good whatever I’ve had they’re better with him on the field than when he’s off of it he also has a lot of mileage so off defensively let’s

Look at let’s look at this lens who are the young players on the Ravens offense Z flowers Isaiah likely the two z um I guess baitman still kind of young I mean this is his fifth year his fourth year he’s in a contract year so I’m not

Even gonna count him yeah so you said you said Isaiah likely you said Z flowers Keaton Mitchell I’m not even going to count him he’s injured there’s one more player that is very good Tyler Linder ball sure those are kind of your three young players that you know we gonna see into

This Lamar Jackson second contract you need more than that yeah and what do I always say I like having in every room I like to have a third contract player someone in their Prime and a rookie developing emerging player so that means it tackle that means it interior offensive line that means it

Receiver you know that’s your ideal running back room things like that so Z baitman aalor is kind of like the minimum threshold there the tight ends are great you have no running backs I don’t know um I don’t know they have some shuffling to do offensively I think the worst thing they

Could do they have to handle Mitchell’s rehab correctly he can be a good player but it was a nasty injury but if they handle that correct you have a player there I’ll stick up for Keaton Mitchell I will take him as a bonus and I’m going to consider him an afterthought until

He’s healthy again I’m not I’m not counting on him as a structural player and this is the well yeah he’s probably not even coming back until midseason 202 Keon Mitchell is Keaton Mitchell’s Own Worst Enemy because then the theory is I can find another Keat

And Mitchell as a udfa right gez I can relate to that so then you can ke and Mitchell Keat and Mitchell then you can get into that whole argument sure but I think I mean at the end of the day what do we always say the worst thing you can

Do is give a good quarterback a dog [ __ ] offensive line so my guess as to what happens I guess to kind of sum up a stream of Consciousness is that the Ravens work on Ronnie sandley MoneyWise I don’t think they cut him I think they’re too scared to be

Without him I think that the fear of the unknown is a little too great there and then they draft in the first two rounds and athletic tackle that maybe needs a touch of development uh Mims out of Georgia I look at yeah another Mims just keep popping up This Is Why I’m

Hot this is why this is why we hot uh arm Marius Mims who you know played for Todd monin so brother Denzel famously played for the Ravens Ravens Legend so there you go so I I mean that’s the E I think that’s the easiest thing to say right they draft a

Tackle I think that’s the easiest thing to look at the entire scope of all of this and say the Ravens draft a tackle um I don’t know man it’s just you gotta go find a [ __ ] dog somewhere that touches the football and that could be a second round pick it

Always could just be if we could just hit on that second rounder look at all these guys that have been drafted in the second round over the last couple years where he second we could we could just get coper cup DK second round if we could just get AJ Brown in the second

Round AJ Brown second round you can find these guys Deo shuel the the bubble is bursting how about that how about hit on a second round pick how about that for the homework of the Ravens knock that second round pick out of the [ __ ] Park somehow some way

Famously when the bubble burst that is when Ryan Gosling said that he was jacked to the tits things are coming full circle here it’s time to grab our lifeboats and get out I feel like I’m financially inside of you or something Michael Pitman I’ll take Michael Pitman might

Actually be even lower than T Higgins just a just a little hair or two on that totem pole I was talking about yeah they they’ll be on the I mean he’ll maybe be on the market I don’t expect T Higgins to hit it but you know could be

Him probably both franchise tagged if I had to guess um so how about that how about nail a second round pick how about maybe Finagle a uh a little higher second round pick let’s see here Christian Watson was a second round pick actually been kind of bare George

Pickins who had a thousand yards this year notably very very notorious second round pick that’s a good player so how about how about you go find an offensive impact player in the second round there how about you go find yourself a nice uh H there’s really actually it’s not

Even that great 2021 there was no one 2020 was kind of had Higgins and Pitman come off the board yeah I was gonna say 2020 was but the Ravens are all the way down at what 60 that’s where um Denzel Mims was 59 how about that big trade down year potentially we we’re

We’re overdue for them trading out of the first round and with them picking at 30 like that this could be the time is that Eric dasta’s Mo maybe not but he also loves those second round picks even though he never has them somehow he’s like you know I love my second round

Picks feeling really antsy without them uh and then for some reason he just never has one so funny how that work I wonder if that’s just like a running joke that he actually like they actually despise second round picks and have find no value in them and could be it’s

Worked out you know pretty well for him you get a quarter back out of it and then ran Smith I mean my mom just texted me about Z flowers I want to read the text so bad but I can’t oh boy it might even be podcast inappropriate I think Lisa is

Gonna have some takes it honestly is like not it’s not inappropriate but it’s just funny um if I see you in person I’ll tell you how about that if you’re a listener Orioles game Raven game something I’ll ask ask me what my mom said about Z flowers she makes me laugh

Um so I don’t know man I mean to to to recap us kind of [ __ ] footing around a bunch of stuff in some ways was got to find a dog I’m not [ __ ] foot around go [ __ ] get Mike Evans If he if he’s available go get T Higgins if he

Hits the market go get Michael Pitman if he hits the market like just [ __ ] just close the loop we’ve been waiting long enough and like guess what you know what’s gonna happen the Chiefs are going to go get better at wide receiver this offseason they’re gonna find a way and

They’ll just be right back there in the AFC Championship and you’re going to have to get through them and you’re just going to have to win a track meet so yes offensive line going to have to figure that out get creative it’s not my job

It’s your job to figure it out and guess what Eric D Costa I got faith in you you’ve done a great job thus far so let’s just keep building on what we’ve done you know trust the system trust the development in the system defensively also defense you know it’s

2024 we’re just gonna have to figure it out and we the Baltimore Ravens and we draft and develop well on defense and we got Zack or and he’s going to figure out a way to get the most of these guys just like you got double digit sacks out of

The combination of Kyle vanoy and jaav and Clowney when they were sitting on their couch in August you know and just like you get solid play out of Arthur mullet and Ronald Darby a corner it’s F I mean and thus is life and that’s why buil up the spine you you

Built up the spine you got the shield [ __ ] ready to rock for the next several years just figure it out at the margins and get Lamar that badass that you’ve mentioned I just like when now the season’s over it’s just like so many players like my current

Thought process is like so many players don’t matter like they all serve their purpose a lot of guys are role players they’re all within the same margin so many of them are and it’s just like you know it’s the impact players that end up mattering and that’s why teams are able

To sustain going the playoffs year after year it’s not like different sets of random guys going to the playoffs and winning their division five times in a row and that’s why it is the quarterback they have designed it that way so I mean these are the kinds of discussions that

You have a martini or an oldfashioned and you sit in Jupiter Florida at Steve bash’s house and you know try and flesh out what do you like what do you not like uh I feel like it’s it’s you know how do you how do you ascend

And I mean really the only the only answer I have right now is that you know you look at what’s past Johnny Harbaugh and if it’s not that then it’s is there a stud available is there an AJ brown type deal to be made you have a first

Round pick and it is a garbage first round pick throw it at a player that’s not breaking the bank and and really if you were to sign an extenstion on a Brandon iuk just hypothetically let’s just throw around some [ __ ] 2025 would be him probably having a bigger cap

Number you are pretty much Scott free on Ronnie Stanley if you are to bring him back let’s see cut Ronnie Stanley next year yeah you save $20 million Marlon humpher you can get out from Marcus Williams you can get out from Mark Andrews you can get out from ran Smith

You can get out from all of those are substantial savings if you wanted to get out so go to 2026 there’s nothing it’s Humphrey Williams Smith and Lamar and that’s it so you have room in my opinion if the right player presents themselves Brandon iuk if the right

Player presents themselves I don’t know Justin Jefferson whoever it might be to stick them into the core over the next couple years and do a deal that is flexible and long and I think you can make that work right and I think you have the system now in

Place and the success you got to the AFC Championship game don’t be the bills though don’t go [ __ ] sign Von Miller to a $100 million deal at 34 years old I don’t want Mike Evans for that reason because I don’t think you can count on him two years from now three years from

Now when’s he gonna decline maybe he doesn’t but it’s a question mark and I think you can trade the 30th overall pick to go get an impact player today I’m I’m doing that 10 out of tenen times okay I’m with you I’m not opposed to that Mike Evans would be I love Mike

Evans he’s a unbelievable stud I’m just a little worried depending on the numbers if it’s like a deal where he kind of just wants to win sure I I think the Bucks would be idiots let him go I don’t think you let Ring of Honor players go just to save a couple pennies

When you’re not even that like the Bucks did make it to the second round but they’re not that good and like what is getting rid of Mike Evans the move you make to get better is that next year is that the move don’t get rid of alltime great players that’s lame that’s you

Know Ray Lewis going to the Cowboys it’s lame keep Mike Evans bucks don’t keep him bucks let him let him go right in in my clutches well I mean so what the Ravens are keeping Justin matab keeping jevi and Clowney keeping Arthur Mallet yep letting a lot of guys go we

Want them to go get a dog offensively we want them to trust their development defensively trusted on the offensive line a little bit tooo you’re going to have to like you’re just going to have to so if you’re not going to resign zitler like you’re going to have some

Question question marks and you you already got one with Stanley and you know Moses will still be there he’s going to be another year older he’s had some mileag to your point about that trust it there too I mean you have to I accidentally did like a Q&A thing on

Twitter and then forgot to and we got like 20 20 things there going for hour whenever we do that we always tend to answer those anyway just by that’s true that’s true we’ll probably come back to some of these I think we answered most of them so um I think the worst again

The worst thing you can do is leave Lamar Jackson out to dry off line wise the best thing you can do is find someone that takes the pressure off of him aside from Z flowers and keep Justin matab and I think you’re in a good place right those are kind of the

Big the things that matter to me matab stays find another dog offensively if it’s a draft you can take your shot and I won’t be mad at you and then go up to Marlon Humphrey Marcus Williams Ronnie Stanley and say boys we need to we’re up

Here we need to be down here here’s we we need to take it down a notch or two can we can you can you help us win a Super Bowl here come on I would like to hear Odun in the Dum do accent oh my God

Romeo dun dude that guy’s a dog did you see him in the Natty yeah yeah that that’s that’s a stavby video just waiting to happen oh Romo dun oh my God he might be the prince that was promised he could be listen and that brings me to I haven’t said Rashad

Batman’s name once yeah it’s curious if not now when Rashad you want to get paid you want to start a fashion label you wanna do it do it take take anabolic steroids rot bitman put a put a six game suspension up for possibility I’m not mad at you

Put on a little weight put on a little strength no ‘s going to remember those first six games anyway just you know keep yourself healthy come off the shelf fresh Lamar will get you to three and three four and two five and one yeah go through training camp do your suspension

Be 21 pounds of Twisted steel develop some skeletal muscle get get paid baby so anything you get I mean I think you go into it saying Rashad baitman is going to do what he did this year you don’t count on him to do anything more and then you give him every opportunity

To do more right so healthy offseason healthy training camp he’s in that Purgatory him and O curious to see what happens there OA could very well if there’s a player that could have a monster monster Monster 2024 on this roster I think the two guys I would look

At would be Travis Jones and adaf O I’m into it I think o has come on really strong he just need that sack production that’s really all that’s missing and hopefully he starts falling into a few of those next year and then also get some more uh just as far as production

Goes so I like that there we go so we’ll come back we’ll we’ll get into the draft combine coming hot down the pipes here draft coming hop down the pipes free agency just a couple weeks away um I don’t know I’m at a weird point where

It’s like you know you don’t expect him to make big moves so it’s kind of a lot of Jag moves probably so I guess that that about does it yeah and listen those Jag moves you make enough of them you could you could build yourself a nice

Little roster like we saw this year so we shall see what happens when the combine rolls around but uh until then thank you guys as always for listening to this jam-packed episode we ow you A big one after skipping last week and uh we hope it delivered uh you can find us

On social media in the meantime at XF 52 podcast on Twitter Instagram Tik Tok I am at Jake Luke that’s Lou qu Spenny at Ravens for dummies that is the number four in the middle there you can find Brian at barol Banks Taylor at Taylor my 10 Eric cranking up that Oriol uh

Coverage check out our interviews with Matt wrick Brett holl things of that nature talk to Mike from Jimmy Famous Seafood about the tail goat event check that out as well just content pumping baseball’s right around the corner so that’s great too thanks to our presenting sponsor Jimmy’s Famous

Seafood as well as our other sponsors in blackout sus and spices and fed thrill sunglasses uh we appreciate you all we appreciate all you listeners and we’ll talk to you guys again very very soon see you every next play really really hard and they execute the system and that’s what it’s all

About yes sir trust big trust big he yes sir right on Q hey right on Q hey let me


  1. Great episode…great ideas all around. Agree 100% on swapping OBJ spot for big physical stud (like Anquan Boldin, Derrick Mason type).
    Also Isiah Likely can be big part of this offense.
    Let's see if Bateman can have a season that gets him paid (somewhere else)

  2. If Mahomes won Super Bowl with that average team, we can compete with Lamar and our current pieces, plus or minus some guys

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