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The Net Report: Breaking Down Every NBA Trade Deadline Move 2024 Edition!

Chris and Jakob return to discuss all the moves happening throughout the league during the 2024 NBA trade deadline.

Hello and welcome to the net Report podcast my name is Jacob I am welcome today with my co-host and Creator Christopher and we are going to kind of cover the last two days of what was kind of a crazy trade deadline uh no major players traded I will say that those all

Happened in the past few months but uh a lot of role players moved around um I want to say it was a total about 18 different trades and there’s some there’s some interesting one here that I’d really like to uh break into Chris let’s just start chronologically with yesterday the Boston Celtics acquir

Xavier Tilman from the Memphis Grizzlies just second round picks really in some matching salary this is I mean just big depth for them but much needed big depth uh he’s excellent on the defensive end um and I just think that for a team like Boston who has in my opinion my biased

Opinion has the best top to bottom um front six I don’t really think it’s even close to be very honest with you um and this just solidifies that the the back back end of that of that depth but just a really good depth move I think from

The Celtics here any definitely more one of the more underrated centers over the past few years definitely has that impact defensively you guys could use Off the Bench and you really got him for seconds and matching salary I mean I know a lot of people on Twitter were complaining about his efficiency this

Year look you’re not using Tillman to score you’re using him for defense and off the bench in in spare quantity so I love this trade for the Celtics when I saw I was like wow that’s the perfect trade for them given what they were going to be able to do because there

Wasn’t much wiggle room for trading we talk about uh usage of change of pace running backs in the NFL Tillman’s a change of pace center for the Celtics when Horford needs a night off or porzingis needs a night off or when we’re not grabbing those rebounds or

When cornette just looks like ass out there thr Tillman in for some quick burst of energy grabs some boards get some blocks it’ll really help solidify the health of the team heading into the off season or to the playoffs rather and yesterday we also got a pretty good

Trade for a uh role player Monte Morris heading over to the Minnesota Timberwolves uh Shake Milton Troy Brown in a second heading back to Detroit um this is going to be a common theme that we’re going to talk about today as far as it relates to the Pistons uh second

Round pick and matching salary for Monte Morris not that I think Monte should have gotten a first but just keep that at the top of your mind um but more specifically for the Timberwolves I love it um he’s a great backup uh point guard to to kind of like secure the the bench

When Mike Connelly has to kind of sit or his out or anything of the sorts it’s just for a team that needs some good veterans he’s there for them and we saw him we saw him excel in Denver a few years ago one of the best backup point

Guards in the league really and then he’s kind of bounced around a little bit he’s been good some places hasn’t been good other places but I think that I think with this Timberwolves team he’ll really shine and I just I think he’s a great pickup for them I think he turns

I’m not going to say turn around because it’s not like he was bad in Detroit and these other stops but really he’s finally on a contender again and I’m I think it’s a great move for the Timberwolves definitely agree it was Timberwolves only move to the trade deadline but they solidified they didn’t

Really need anything major on the front uh front end they got some good depth pieces in him so good on the Timberwolves um just very quickly going to run uh run over this Simon fonio got traded to the Pistons from Utah Utah got matching salary when Kevin Knox and a

Second round pick it is going to be a very good second round pick um because it’s going to be the most favorable of Memphis in Washington so more than likely a top five second round pick in there going to Utah so Detroit clearly has interest in fonio um but it’s

Nothing to lose your mind over small trade nothing crazy but you know Utah gets a potentially good second round pick so that’s something for them for sure Danny loves those picks yes he does and we started off our our trade deadline morning this morning by getting a probably the second piest trade today

Buddy heel is traded from the Indiana Pacers to the Philadelphia 76ers uh Marcus Morris and Fen corkos as matching salary plus three second round picks go back to Indiana I mean this is really really good for the Sixers he he’s a great scoring guard uh to come off the

Bench for them um the only thing is it doesn’t matter if embiid’s not healthy the qualifier he’s an expiring contract I wonder I feel like probably they are going to resign him but we’ll see what that looks like in the off season but just from a fit standpoint and from a

Scoring standpoint perfect and like like you said too I mean this this matters if embiid’s healthy I mean of course they’ll have the bird rights they can resign him so this can be in play more of a play for for next year but really and we’ll talk about some other moves

They made later you you saw this trade at like 10:00 a.m. or whenever it happened and you like oh my goodness okay they’re still gunning for a playoff run I like this and then you’re were like uh we’ll get more into those later but fitwise I like it I feel like buddy

Heal’s kind of been shunned off a little bit especially like Pacers fans really like were gunning to trade him he didn’t want to stay in Indiana so it kind of made a lot of sense to move on but I think he’s gonna help this team a ton especially just just spacing wise and

Really knockdown shooter I mean he’s a guy who can drop 25 on any given night if he shoots like seven for nine from three so I mean definitely a guy who can really help you in the playoffs just with one explosive game 100% uh this particular trade did get turned into a

Three team trade involving the uh San Antonio Spurs uh the Pacers rerouted Marcus Morris in a second to the Spurs and ended up getting Doug mcdermit back um in response who has obviously played for the Pacers before it will essentially be their buddy heeld replacement he’ll he’ll be their primary

Score outside of n Smith Off the Bench um and I mean he knows the system he’s been there before so I quite like this it’s a little like you said weird that the Pacers were getting off of healed but from everything that I’ve heard he obviously requested a trade before the

Season so expiring contract probably wasn’t going to stay youed three second round picks and Got U mcdermit okay I mean the big the big draw here is what going to happen here with the 76ers but 3 second round picks nothing to scoff at it’s a lot of seconds and then we lead

Into a very very very frustrating trade Toronto Raptors and the Utah Jazz Chris take it away on this one because I’m just too frustrated with this so Toronto acquires Kelly and oai oaji for Kyra Lewis Auto Porter Jr and they end up given a first round pick and to for me

Toronto here it just they obviously ly earlier before the deadline they gave up Pascal sakam they ended up trading ogn and Obi so it really felt like they were taking the direction of hey we’re going to rebuild we’re gonna kind of sell our assets and you know just get younger and

Now you trade for kyol linic which is like okay that’s cool and whatnot but you’re giving up a pick in the process of course it’s in a draft that’s not very deep and a lot of people are looking at this draft as one of the weaker drafts in recent memory but it to

Me it just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to be like okay yeah Kelly this guy let’s give up this first round pick unless they really like aaji that much to where you’re able to give up that pick and it’s just I don’t know to me

It’s a mystery I feel like the Raptors just are kind of lost somewhere in the middle they’re not really picking a direction and this trade kind of just is the personification of that if we’re being honest this is what we’ve seen for years now from the Raptors they like to

Eat their cake and have it too um and and are just very confusing we saw this last year when they traded a first right just one first for yaka purle yes yeah I’m pretty sure it was just one first for yaka perto they ended up resigning

Him to a very fair value contract maybe we see them do that this year again with Kelly o linck um I mean I like Kelly oen he’s having one of his better seasons aai agbaji is an interesting player and to be fair the first round pick they

Gave up is the least favorable um between Houston Utah Clippers and OK so very likely it’s going to be between 25 and 30 in a draft for it’s a 20 24 pick in a draft that’s considered to be relatively weak so maybe I mean and

Aashi was a lottery top 15 I believe or he was maybe even Lottery I’d have to double check but he no he was he’s he was a lottery pick so I mean Toronto must really like him they must really like oen it’s until I see the grand scheme of it

Toronto is just very confusing I I I just don’t love them using first round picks like this but I mean aut Porter whatever I like Kyro Lewis actually he’s decent um it’s just frustrating and if we’re being very honest I thought Utah kind of should have gotten more value

Here as well especially seeing what of what how many players ended up going for second round picks it was a little interesting to see okay this is what you got for first round pick you know what I mean so we’ll talk about Toronto didn’t get good value here like I like the players

They got it’s just puzzling to send to trade draft Capital when you’re kind of rebuilding but yeah Utah really didn’t get enough back in this deal for being very honest but we will continue and digress into other less exciting things uh 76ers sent out uh denil house in a

Second round pick this is pretty much just a pure salary dump for the 76ers um like Chris was saying earlier after we saw the Buddy heel trade we like oh okay what are they going to do maybe we see another big move out of them um but they

Just kind of salary dump Den Neil house um for a second and get a top 55 protected second so a nothing pick back from the Pistons and the Pistons have already waved denel house so basically just got they they got paid to get to take on uh denil house with a second

Round pick and correct me if I’m wrong too we obviously haven’t seen who’s been bought out yet but this is more than likely a move just to get under certain threshold to access the buyout Market the more than likely sign Kyle Lowry if we’re being if we’re all being very

Honest with one another so I mean factor that into these trades you’ll hear for them but that’s more than likely the case going forward for that yeah 100% And then we kind of lead into one of my more favorite trades of the day Dallas gets uh Daniel Gafford um by just

Matching to at ran Holmes and giving up uh OKC’s first round pick this year so again it won’t be a very good first round pick and get Daniel Gafford who is a very very serviceable center which Dallas has needed for years yeah obviously is playing great for Dallas

But I I think Daniel Gafford gives him some great great um size up front he’s a great pick and roller so that’s a plus for both Kyrie and Luca and he’s an exponentially great lob threat and that’s that’s a big thing too like we’ve seen Dallas over the last few years kind

Of struggle at that Center position you have Derrick livley who looks very promising but he’s still young you don’t want to run him into the ground have him play Heavy minutes especially when you’re trying to you you’re trying to have this team go deep into the playoffs

I think Daniel gafford’s perfect to kind of you know 24 25 minutes you have them each play half the game and that’s a really good Center rotation both can be lob threats um both pretty good rebounders I mean I really like this for Dallas and honestly this is one of the

More underrated trades throughout the day oh 100% agree I’m just going to follow this right up into the other big trade Dallas ended up making they acquired PJ Washington who we saw his name thrown around a lot a lot out there I thought he was going to end up going

To the clippers but he ends up going to Dallas uh they match salaries with Seth Curry and Grant Williams who one year into his contract um coming off the Celtics gets traded from Dallas he just didn’t shoot it very well um defensively he was great but that his shot could not

Fall also ended up giving Charlotte a top two protected first round pick in 2027 I will say that’s interesting for a lot of different reasons in the short term I love love love the additions of Daniel Gafford and PJ Washington for the front Court of Dallas getting rid of a

2027 first round pick that’s only top two protected don’t love that as much for a team that doesn’t really have a lot of long-term commitments from Luca in the sense that we’ve already had a couple frustrating years yes this year I love the pieces they’re putting around

Him him and Kyrie work well off each other but we’re talking about 2027 three four years from now have another disappointing playoff run or two in a very stacked West right now that pick could really come back to haunt them and that’s but if we’re talking about the

Immediate huge huge pickups for Dallas in PJ Washington and gel Gafford and that’s been the biggest push back I’ve seen too uh that 2027 pick especially for someone like PJ Washington who he’s not going to defend a whole lot and that’s kind of the thing with this

Dallas team they don’t have a ton of Defense you definitely improve the front Court 100% over what they had before PJ Washington Daniel Gafford total Improvement a lot of people pushing back on the defense and the fact that you gave up a first round pick for PJ Washington that’s only top two protected

In 20127 but I mean the way they’re probably looking at it is hey we need to build around Luca right now because this is our franchise player and if we keep him unhappy if we’re scared to use this ammunition he’s going to leave anyway so I mean I get it from that aspect

Definitely a little scary giving up that pick but I mean this front Court will be much improved especially offensively it’s just going to come down to that defense and I I 100% understand the push back especially like with wash PJ Washington some people feel they gave up

Too much with the pick but definitely Improvement at least player for player we’ll see how it goes towards the playoffs that defense is going to be a little bit suspect though I will say that I like the moves but that’s my biggest concern I mean yes they maybe

Didn’t answer it as much as I would have liked them to but we’ll see Luca and Kyrie if they can score enough it doesn’t matter sometimes sometimes but I mean four out of seven games that’s tough man that’s a tough ask I will agree with you in a very tough West

Speaking of the West Okay C jumped into the conversation and what was probably the most surprising player traded today just because I thought his salary was too much uh Gordon Hayward traded to OKC old Celtics Legend Gordon Hayward going to the Oklahoma City Thunder uh they

Gave up Trey man Davis Berton and uh CI mikit uh and two second round picks pretty much just match matching salary I mean Berton I will imagine gets bought out um I Tre man’s fine and mkit is a very serviceable uh point guard the big thing here for Oklahoma City

And Gordon Hayward say healthy I think the fit’s perfect for them he can defend he can shoot he can pretty much facilitate any way he needs to and a team that for the most part can do everything great top to bottom he gives them a great veteran um presence who’s

Been in the playoffs before I mean he’s an expiring deal I love this this is probably my favorite individual trade of the entire day yeah definitely I mean Gordon Hayward just going to be an absolutely great veteran presence for this team that really hasn’t seen the

Playoffs this is a team that’s kind of taken that huge leap they’re going to be a top seed and it’s great to really have that veteran who’s been there he’s been there he’s done that and especially for a team you don’t want to be like I’m not

Trying to throw shade at them but the Grizzlies of last year who got bounced in the first round this is a team that has the talent to win a playoff series or two and adding someone like a Gordon Hayward who also like you said plays really well with like he fits into this

Lineup very well like I I really like this move and I think this will be one of the moves we look back in May and say wow adding Gordon Hayward really helped in this playoff series so I like it I didn’t even realize really thinking about it the Thunder really had that

Much extra salary and Berton and Trey man and everyone else in in the trade so this was something not really on my radar but I definitely like it looking especially because they really only had to match salary I mean salary and two second round picks who cares OKC has

Like 50 picks so definitely a w got better at the trade deadline and still did not give up a single first round pick that’s the that’s the insane part not a single first strong pick so they’re so so irritating um we’re gonna go into another probably monster trade on on the

Grand scheme of things Detroit ends up offloading Alec BS and bullan bogdanovich to the New York Knicks who if we remember already acquired OG and anubi um they end up getting back Maliki Flynn Evan fornier Quinton Grimes and Ryan archo and two second round picks um

I’m gonna let you take the lead on this one because we both have some pretty intense thoughts on this yeah so I mean obviously for the Knicks it’s pretty obvious boan bonovich obviously helps his team offensively right away and honestly even having Alec Burks he’ll be a good

Rotation player for them bonovich just another Wing who can come in shoot score he can facilitate a little bit he really can do it all and especially like I’m jumping ahead a little bit here but OG and and Obi was just announced he’s going to be out for I think what three

To four weeks or something along those lines this is two to three yeah this is really gonna help that like cover for that stretch and then in the playoffs obviously I mean bonovich is one of those players you really want on your team I mean I I love this move for the

Knicks and you know they went from they gave up on they gave up Quinton Grimes in the deal and you know I really like Quinton Grimes he struggled over the last year or so uh he really came out out two years ago and was balling for

This team one of the best 3 and D players but you know in the grand scheme of things bojan bonovich and Alec Burks are a lot more valuable than Clinton Grimes obviously they gave up Malik Kai Flynn and Ryan Archie diako I mean not really much and fornier but fornier it

Was all just to match salary so nothing crazy and the second round picks you know they’re just kind of there it’s definitely disa appointing Detroit did not get a first round pick out of Buon bonovich especially after last year where they had declined multiple offers with first round picks I really like

Quinton Grimes and I’m a lot higher on him than I feel like a lot of people are especially after the down year this year I just I I think they could have gotten more value out of boan and I’m I’m a little disappointed in that sense yeah

100% this is a New York Nick steel they absolutely swindled the Pistons if we’re being perfectly honest one another um Alex Burks and Boon are going to solidify their bench unit um it’s just truly insane to me that they basically just had to match salaries two seconds

And quit and Grim like that’s it Alec BS is a slightly a slight improvement over quiton Grimes for sure um at the guard position and then Boon is going to be a perfect addition at the Wing Spot um behind Oobi and like you said with him being out a couple weeks obviously maybe

Something they didn’t 100% know but they had to had some kind of inclination either way though this Nick’s team if healthy and what I mean healthy if Mell Robinson comes back and before the playoffs or even into the playoffs healthy watch out they’re gonna be scary

This team could be this team could be sneaky good um I’m not gonna lie I I have the um 10-man rotation pulled up right now this niick team with the healthy Mitchell Robinson is going to have a 10-man rotation of Jaylen Brunson Dante D venzo ogan anobi Julius Mitchell

Robinson bojan bogdanovich Josh Hart Alec Burks preia sucha and Isaiah hardenstein that’s one hell of a rotation and if you told me they’re in the Eastern Conference Finals come may I wouldn’t call you crazy I really would not they’ve been playing that well and that’s one heck of a lineup yeah I I

There’s a lot of greedy guys in there that I really like I mean bibs is going to coach them hard play them hard they play great defense as it is and now they added a bunch more scoring I New York Knicks man good for them speaking of New York the New York

Nets or Brooklyn Nets as some of us losers are going to call them traded away Spencer dimwitty to the Toronto Raptors and ended up netting denner shuder and that young I don’t really care for this trade on either side it’s a little puzzling why Toronto did this

To begin with but they did it um and Toronto is going to buy out Spencer diwy from everything I’ve heard that’ll be the more interesting part of this too to see who gets diwy because he’ll definitely be a coveted player on the buyout Market I could see there’s like

20 teams I could look on and say yeah they can use Spencer Dey so I mean off top of my head I think of the Lakers I think of the magic I think of really any team that can use some sort of combo guard he’s had a down year but let’s be

Honest you can fit him into almost any team and I know there’s going to be restrictions on who can sign him but he’ll help out the majority of these teams that are able to fight for him in the buyout Market 100% um I he’ll probably be a top

Option on the buyout Market um I mean I guess Toronto saves some salary long term for next year but still a little weird um then we head into another very puzzling one from the 76er standpoint uh trading off Patrick Beverly to the Milwaukee Bucks uh netting campaign and

A second round pick from them quite like campaign but I don’t really understand why you are helping out the Bucks defensively by giving them Pat Bev it’s puzzling if you don’t think about them as being conference Rivals it’s even more puzzling when you think about them being conference

Rivals I like this trade a lot for the bucks for being very honest I think he is going to be great uh defensive coverage for um that guard rotation because they don’t really have much going on there right now outside of Dame now they trade campaign um but sure I

Mean I’m 76ers are are doing things yeah this is a team that definitely struggled like with back court defense all year especially with Adrien Griffin I mean obviously they’ve struggled with Doc right out the gate but Patrick Beverly is gonna come in and fix a lot of things

There I mean obviously he’s not gonna light the world on fire let’s keep it realistic but I just I don’t like you said I don’t understand them trading him to a rival let alone getting rid of Patrick Beverly who I mean he wasn’t knocking anyone’s socks off but he was

Fine on Philadelphia I mean I don’t necessarily agree with trading him for campaign straight up I don’t know the exact cap implications and if that extra million they saved completely helps them on the buyout Market but I just I feel like there probably would have been

Better ways to get to that if that’s the main reason for the trade it maybe it’s just a little puzzling um another veteran that ended up getting traded away from the Nets uh Royce O’Neal ends up um Landing with the Phoenix Suns I really like that fit for him on the Suns

They ended they ended up just trading a bunch of their uh veteran minimum guys uh wat Nai matu uh Jordan Goodwin and Bates deop um some breaking news while we’re recording this by the way Danilo galinari is going to be waved by the Pistons um oh so that’s interesting um

Please sign with the Celtics please please please please please Celtics Legend returning galinari absolutely um Brooklyn also Nets three second round picks in this um but Fenix has Royce O’Neal who I thought was out of their price range but they just piled together for minimum guys and they got him um but

I I mean Roy is gonna give it I think he’s a great role player for the Suns I think they actually needed some good depth and he provides that for them yeah definitely much needed depth especially for a team that you know needed extra Wing help I mean he’s going

To typical three role player he’s going to shoot the ball he’s going to play great defense he can do a little bit of it all off the bench I this is a move that if you were a Suns fan this is probably what you were hoping for at the

Deadline and definitely love this move for them and yeah it’s not the sexiest name in the world I get it but Royce O’Neal honestly was probably the best player you’re gonna get and he’s a veteran like he’s a veteran who actually knows how to play playoff series wonders for this

Team yeah definitely um I think to be very honest with you Chris that’s the last real major trade that’s worth bringing up there’s a couple minor ones salary dumps Robin Lopez traded away Celtics sire Jaden Springer Cory Joseph trade away from the Golden State Warriors but these are all salary dumps

Be very honest with you um nothing real eye catching or popping um the only other thing I really want to bring up is Detroit wave killan Haynes um top seven pick um two years ago three years ago now believe it was 202 not too long ago

Okay so about three years ago now uh they ended up waving him um just really could not play very well at all in Detroit and if you can’t play well in Detroit well you’re in trouble great for you yeah but I mean still what uh 22 year 22 years old very young obviously

Um I’m sure someone will take a take a stab at him but pretty big in the idea of um oh another 2021 uh drafty James book Knight also got cut by the Charlotte Hornets Charlotte Hornets so that was just not a not a great draft for guards apparently because nobody is

Sticking um number seven and 11 both got cut within two years that’s it’s pretty bad guys draft better but real quick um we’ve gone through all the major trades I just really quickly want to highlight I I mean I loved and I think I made it apparent what the Knicks and the

Mavericks did they are clear clear winners for me you and I I think have already talked this off a air and we both agree there are two pretty big name omissions big markets that we have not spoken about yet one of them being the Los Angeles Lakers and the other being

The Warriors Chris what are your what are your thoughts on Lakers being omitted today from trade deadline it’s definitely disappointing I definitely expected the Lakers to make some sort of move and we talked about a little off air like you said too I guess it really

Came down to the asking price for a lot of these players was too high you mentioned d and fny Smith they wanted more than a first round pick for him that just wasn’t going to happen dejonte was kind of taken off the market which I mean for the Hawks might have been the

Smarter move the off season they can probably gauge more interest get a little bit more value and really they’re the Lakers have been playing better and I feel like that was probably some of the thought process for them to stand put but like you said we’ve seen this with D’Angelo Russell

Before I he’ll play good for five games he’ll play bad for 10 games games he’s streaky he’s as streaky as they come and really I guess what it comes down to is this Lakers team no move they were going to make at the deadline was going to put

Them over the top to be title contenders so I guess it’s not worth mortgaging your future but it it is disappointing like you couldn’t get one quality role player that you’re just like okay yeah that’s I really like that even even if it’s like I don’t know someone at the

Bottom of your rotation I mean we’ll probably see them in the buyout market and I like I said I could see a Spencer Dey going over there but it’s definitely disappointing as for the Warriors The Warriors are just at a really weird place right now I don’t anticipate them

To even make the play in at this rate as of right now they are sitting at 23 and 25 they’re 10 and a half games out of first but realistically they’ve been playing better over the last few games but it’s been against Bad teams I I also

Same as the Lakers don’t think any any trade they would have made would have actually propelled them to being title contenders so now it’s kind of this weird they’re in this weird area where they kind of have to resign clay they have to retool the roster and it’s going

To be really weird transition for the Warriors it’s definitely disappointing both of these teams didn’t buy in but I understand it to a degree but it’s definitely disappointing and if I’m a if I was a fan of these teams I’d definitely be upset too I get the frustration 100% understand the

Frustration outside of those two teams I mean Detroit I mean no like you trade Alec Burks buam bogdanovich uh who else did I say Monte Morris um they traded uh Marvin baggley as well like and you net zero zero first round picks zero first round picks if

You had told me all four of them if you had told me all four of them and Killian Hayes wouldn’t be on the team by the trade deadline and you got zero first round picks I would have looked at you like were crazy I would have asked what

Are they doing so in the grand scheme of things that’s very disappointing too if you’re a Detroit fan it’s just horrible honestly so horrible um but I and I also want to shout out the uh Thunder as being a very good winner they only really made the

One trade but hayward’s gonna do healthy healthy Hayward will do tremendous things for them uh there are obviously some other teams that didn’t make any trades but for the most part I think all the teams that should and need needed to and had the ability to cuz we need to

Remember the luxury tax provides a lot of interesting restrictions but that was our trade deadline um why the Chicago Bulls didn’t participate we’ll never know yep but we thank you for listening what trades you wish happen uh what players do you love that your team acquired please let us know in the

Comments below my name is Jacob this is my co-host Christopher thank you for tuning in thank you for watching hit that like And subscribe button and like Jacob said let us know whether you hated what your favorite team did or whether you loved it thank you for tuning in and have a good


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