Golf Babe

How low can we go in our first video ever?

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This video contains the first 9 holes that Ben and Milton played at South Hills Country Club, as a 2-man scramble, trying to just go low. Not scratch golfers — how low can they go? 😄


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That’s a great shot. Good ball. I think… did you dunk it? I didn’t see it land. I know, I think you went in the hole! Bro, I don’t see a ball. I’m telling you, I don’t see a ball. Hey, keep the camera on. Wait, turn it on.

No one is going to believe this shit. Hello, guys. Welcome to the first ever Golf Game video. Golf Game! This is a first step in a thousand-mile journey. Today, we are at the beautiful South Hills Country Club where Ben and I will be playing a two-man scramble,

Trying to break 80 and getting as close as possible to par. And now, let’s get started! Right down the middle. Ben: It’s Okay. Milton: Where did it go? Ben: Fading to the right. I hit it ok, a little thin, but it should be fine. Back! Just right off

Just right off the green On the back. [Milton] Oh my God!! [Ben] It’s ok. [Milton] Bro! [Ben] The play is, you’re going to go like… up this hill is uphill and then, once it… once it starts to… once you are on top of the hill, it’s going to break downhill to the right.

You don’t have to hit it hard, but you just got to… That’d be just fine. [Milton] Alright. Let’s see if I can help Ben over here. He’s playing by himself right now. [Ben] Pretty good. [Milton] Nope. Too much. [Ben] That’s alright.

[Milton] I’m freaking murdering the bAlright now [Ben] was just a little off that, though. And that was… That was the right shot. Ugh! 360 out the hole. Nice and easy. It’s downhill. Nope! [Ben] Left fairway, put a draw on it… [Milton] I didn’t see it. [Ben] I’ll be in the left fairway.

We’ll have a shot. [Milton] Okay. It’s a Par 4, it is a dogleg right and we got to go straight down the middle, hopefully, so that we can have a better chance at this [Ben] Nice and smooth. [Milton] So, a little bit on the left.

On the left side of the fairway, [Ben] I think you’re fine. [Milton] So, we got 89 to the flag. [Ben] So, think 75 to 85 max because you’re a little downhill. I don’t know. For me, it adds up quite a bit to my shot. [Ben] That’s a good looking shot!

[Ben] Go! [Milton] It’s short. It’s going to be short. [Ben] Alright. That’s okay. Wow…just… Just short. [Milton] That’s a great shot. That’s going to make it there. [Ben] Boom! [Milton] Yeah, Birdie. See guys, when you have a guy like Ben next to you, you know,

You know you’re going to get those birdie… birdie looks. So, this is the second hole and this is where where Ben landed. I mean, that was a freaking majestic shot from about 89 yards, you can see it landed right there and it just bounced just a little forward. [Ben] Milton!

[Milton] and we try to… [Ben] I found your ball. [Milton] Alright. Thanks, brah. [Milton] Always fix your markers (pitch marks) take care of the course, and and the course will take care of you. [Ben] That part isn’t true. [Milton] Alright, that’s it! We’re in for birdie.

From a great Drive, to a great freaking shot off the green. And this guy is landing it right there. [Milton] What do you think about that? [Ben] Well, you know, even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally. We got 148 on the next hole [Milton] 148 [Ben] pins in the middle, left.

Take your 145 if you hit it, if you carry it like 145. [Ben] Right. [Milton] That went right. [Ben] Terrible. [Milton] It’s okay. [Ben] Good ball. Right at the pin. [Ben] Ooh. Good shot, [Milton] Birdie shot! [Milton] Birdie putt! So, this is a Par 3. It’s a beautiful course, guys.

I mean, South Hills Country Club. They just do an amazing job with this course, with the greens. And this is what we have for a putt so we’ll we’re hoping to get at least par. It’s a very hard Par 3. [Ben] It’s a tough putt.

[Milton] We just want to get a Par here, as you can see, look at the flag, [Milton] I mean, the wind over here is going to blow it to the left a little more. So we definitely want to see and give it a little more to the right of the hole.

And I’m sorry, guys, you know, I forgot the wind protector on this mic. So, if you hear any wind, that’s my fault. We’re rookies. This is our first time doing this and it’s going to just get better. [Ben] Good pace. Really good. [Milton] Get in the hole!

[Ben] That’s a great putt. [Milton] Okay, so we got Par in the books. [Ben] Tap it in! [Milton] Tap it in. Everything goes in. [Ben] I’m going to go a little more aggressive at it because, there’s no point in me missing… [Milton] Yeah, it’s a little low. That’s good, though.

Alright, Par 5 pretty long got traps on both sides, that are both easily within driving range for me. I typically just aim right at that right trap. If I draw it, I miss it, there’s a great shot. If I fade it, I mean, not even any worse for wear.

That’s just how I do my course management here. But yeah, let’s see how it goes. Oh, in the shit. [Milton] It’s alright. I think I saw land on the left. [Ben] I’ll be left of that trap on the left. [Milton] Left of the trap. Which is fine.

It’s a par five. Just like Ben said. It’s a Par five, guys. Oh, I went too far right! [Ben] It’s okay. [Ben] There’s two traps over there. [Milton] Jesus. [Milton] Alright, we’ll see what we can, uh… what we end up choosing. So, here we are guys… So, we came to Ben’s course today.

We had a lot of technical difficulties. It’s my fault. How do you forget a CF Express memory card for a camera that needs it? How do you do that? Right? Or, my birthday. [Milton] Yes, (laughs) that’s another thing that I’ve got to keep an eye on. But yeah, so we’re over here.

[Ben] Your ball is going to… oh see… that’s me right there. [Ben] Left of the bunker. [Milton] He’s left… [Milton] He’s beautiful. Mine is over here somewhere. If we find it, [Ben] We will. we might not. [Ben] We will. [Milton] So, guys, as you can uh…, as you guys

Saw in the shot tracer, my shot went straight right. But luckily, at this course, we got trees. [Ben] It’s better to be lucky than good. [Milton] And well… What do you know? What do you know? … The ball… is right there. Milton, you’ll go first, because I’m going to decide whether or not

I want to take a rip at it or play a little more conservative. [Milton] Yeah. [Milton] Alright, so… Titleist 5, guys. My bAlright here. We’re not placing balls anywhere. We’re freaking playing golf as it is. (Hits ball) [Ben] Okay. [Milton] Ugh, that’s goint to go about 210, 200, 240? [Milton] I don’t know.

[Milton] It was really fat, as you can tell. (Ben hits his ball) [Milton] Alright, that’s okay. [Milton] We got one out there. Alright, guys. So this is our third shot on this Par 5. [Ben] You want to putt uphill, more than downhill.

[Milton] So, according to Ben, we got to go a little left on this green. We have 109 to the middle, 96 to the front. I need to stop racing my body when I swing, because this is the club I bladed last time. [Ben] Pretty good. [Milton] No, it’s going to be too far.

I went over. [Ben] You’re right here; you’re right on the hill, [Ben] we can get up and down from there. [Milton] Yeah. Another great shot from Ben. You’re right at the flag, brother. [Milton] I think… did you dunk it? [Ben] I didn’t see it land.

[Milton] I know, I think you went in the hole. We’ll see right now. [Milton] Alright, take care of the course, guys. Take care of the course. Okay, look, somebody else came before us, they didn’t take care of the course, they probably got a double bogey right here.

And because we’re taking care of the course, I think Ben just freaking, uh [Ben] Well, that’d be an eagle. [Milton] Just dunk that one! Alright, guys. So, we just hit our third shot, and Ben, his ball didn’t bounce didn’t freaking do anything, but he was going right at the flag,

So, we’re heading out there right now, see what happens. What do you think? I don’t think I took enough club for me to hit it over the hole green, and it’s not on the green, so… [Milton] Do you think you might be short? [Ben] …that’d be a pretty sick eagle.

[Milton] I mean, let’s see what happened. Bro, I don’t see a ball. I’m telling you, I don’t see a ball. Hey, keep the camera on. Wait, turn it on wait, so… turn the camera on and then just walk over because, no one… no one is going to believe this shit. [Ben] Alright, guys,

We’re walking up here just for video evidence. [Milton] This is crazy, man. [Ben] No, I see it. [Milton] Oh, you see it? [Ben] I guess I hit it too hot. [Milton] Don’t tell me that! [Milton] And this is, uh, I don’t know if you guys know about South Hills

Country Club, but the kikuyu here is unforgiving. [Ben] You just can’t decelerate. Not go quick, but just can’t decelerate. [Milton] Oh, my God. The next bunker. [Milton] That’s beautiful. [Ben] A little too much. [Milton] What a touch. What a touch. [Ben] I got to put it about a

Cup and a half, two cups Right. Nice and soft, a little, just drizzle in. [Ben] I hate these putts. [Milton] Uh! [Milton] So, we ended up with a bogey. What do you think about that? [Ben] Well, I mean, we gave ourselves a chance, but we had like a side hill slider…

Tough but know perfect line, perfect touch for those one so it’s not uncommon for me to miss them. But in my opinion, this is just my opinion, guys. We should have brought our range finder to a middle of the fairway, even though it’s cart path only today. Sometimes you forget your things…

Just go back and get it, because I bet you we shoot that flag it’s probably like a… it would have been like an 80, 80-yard flag. And we were, I was going for like 110, thinking that was the middle of the green.

But obviously both of us hit the same distance and we ended up past the green. So, just always, always, guys, give yourself a chance… get that rangefinder. Alright, we got about 175 to the front, 187 to the middle, 195 to the back. Wind is left to right, a little uphill. Taking my 5-iron

Which is like my 185 to, if I crush it, 200. The play on this hole is that if you’re… if you’re short you’re okay because it’s an uphill chip. So, I’m going to give ourselves like the chance at the green. If not, I’m just short, which is okay. [Ben] Faded it… Hard!

[Milton] Alright [Ben] I can chip it from there, but not a good shot. [Ben] Good looking shot! [Milton] Come on. [Ben] Oh, the wind dies! [Milton] Get over the bunker! [Milton] It landed in the bunker, right at the tip. [Milton] I just needed, like… [Ben] The wind stopped. [Milton] …one more yard.

[Ben] The second you hit that, the wind stopped. That would have carried that one right to the middle of the green. [Milton] Yeah. [Milton] So, I just shot my… I was aiming left, guys, on this Par 3 because the wind was blowing left to right.

And, as soon as I hit my ball, the wind just died, so it just kept on going left. And, I really think I hit the top…yeah, I’m right there. If there had been a little wind, I would have been right next to flag. Alright. Got a little, uh…

I don’t know, 20 footer? Downhill, breaking right. I’m gonig to try to pop it up over here and catch this rough and hopefully that slows down a little bit. I’m not that good of a player, so, I just… really I’m just trying to get out of the sand. [Ben] Not bad!

[Milton] Okay, guys, I’m not going to lie. I’ve been struggling with bunkers, and that wasn’t always the case. Actually, a lot of people in the past have known me to play bunkers well, and I’ve been blading a lot of balls. So… Yep. Okay. We’re on with your ball. Fuck!

You’ve got to be kidding me. Well, we got to give it a chance, guys. He had a great putt and was just a little short. Let’s see if we can get some magic early in this round. We got a lot of golf left. [Ben] Pulled it.

[Ben] Oh, you made it!! [Milton] Oh hu-huy! [Ben] I thought you pulled that! [Milton] That’s right. [Milton] That’s a Par! [Milton] That is a par, brother! [Ben] Oh, I thought you pulled it. [Milton] That’s a great Par! [Ben] That’s down the center. [Milton] Are you going to reach the water?

[Ben] No, I typically hit my 2… if I hit it clean, like 225, 230. [Milton] Yeah. Alright, guys. So, there’s water on the right, and there is a street on the left. So, anyone comes out to a tee like this, you’re immediately thinking,

I don’t want to go O.B., I don’t want to go O.B., I don’t want to be too long, …whatever. My advice, and this is just for me, my advice to myself, is just, just swing freely. Just fricking finish your swing.

Because a lot of people, when they start getting nervous, they go like this… and they stop right here… versus the whole follow through. Which, I just hit the ground right now. But that’s okay. I just wanted to show that. Always follow through, guys, when you’re on your swings, with your driver especially.

That’s my advice. I don’t know, if you guys have another idea, tell us in the comments, put it in the comments and let us know. [Ben] It’s a good ball, Milton. [Ben] Perfect draw. [Milton] So, not the best contact, but it went straight and it was a little draw, so that was good.

[Milton] That’s another great shot! [Ben] A little fady, but it will work. [Milton] A little bit on the right. [Milton] So, we got 278 to the front. What I have in my hand is my 3-wood again. And you guys saw me two holes ago, I chunked it.

Never, ever, ever, put the club away because you chunked it once, or twice, or three times, or for the whole round. That’s the only way to get better, I think. Never shy away from your clubs, no matter how much you struggle with them. [Milton] Like that. That would have been a terrible hit.

But it’s not going to happen again. [Ben] That’s a good ball! [Milton] Now, that’s the ball you want because it’s going to run to the right. [Ben] We got some decisions to make. [Milton] See that guy right there?

[Milton] Freaking taking care of the course, guys, taking care of the course! That’s how we get the birdies, guys, or the pars. [Milton] Left of it. [Ben] That’s okay. [Ben] Alright, I’m going with a 53 degree, and I’m going to go a little more conservative

Just to make sure we get there. [Ben] It’s about 75. [Ben] Nice and smooth. [Milton] Great shot. [Milton] Short… [Ben] little short. [Milton] a little short. [Milton] But, that’s okay. [Ben] Not good. [Milton] It’s okay. [Milton] This kikuyu is very tricky. [Milton] So, about the same result, just a little further up.

[Ben] Right to left, uphill. I’m just going to go right edge, or just outside of there. Good pace, and hopefully I can put us in. [Milton] Alright! [Milton] Nice par! [Ben] Thank you! [Milton] So, on this hole there’s water on the right and it’s a dogleg left. We are debating

Whether we go with a driver or a 3-wood. I didn’t come here to lay up, so… probably going to go…going to try to go with my with my 3-wood. [Milton] Right? You think 3-wood is good? [Ben] 3-wood is good. [Ben] You just have to keep your direction in mind. [Ben] Great shot!

[Ben] Alright, well… [Milton] I did carry that tree guys. Carried the left side (right side) of the tree, but I did carry the tree. [Ben] Alright, well, he did that, and now I get to go big with my driver, and I got a long tee here,

So it’ll help me get a little more height on the ball. [Ben] Didn’t get it high enough. [Ben] That’s okay. [Milton] Left? [Ben] Yeah. I just went right in, right into like that tree area. [Ben] Alright, we got 92 to the pin. Little uphill.

I’m taking my 53, which… I need it full, I just don’t want to… I don’t want to go long, because on the back end there is rough, and that’s on the back pin, so… I got a lot of room in the front, [Ben] A little fade… [Ben] Not good.

[Milton] Okay. [Ben] So, it’s a really, …really fucking good shot! [Milton] I went more left than right, because I was afraid of the wind. [Milton] but, we’re on the green and we’re putting. [Ben] Long putt… left to right I’m going to mark Milton’s ball here.

I don’t want that in my sight. [Ben] I just got to get it. Get it up there. [Ben] That’s a good putt. [Milton] Oh, my God, I killed it. [Milton] That’s going… [Ben] That’s a… [Milton] Hit a house!! [Milton] Hit something!! [Ben] Par 5… longer… there’s water in the front.

I’m a longer hitter, if I pump one out there like really good I can get on in two. I’ve only done it like, probably like eight times since I’ve been a member here – a couple of years. There’s some guys who are much more consistent long hitters than me.

They do it a little more, more often. They’re better with like their 3-woods and stuff. But… this is kind of a grip and rip, because it doesn’t really matter, thge second shot is going to be a layup if you don’t get a hold of it. So, I swing hard on this one.

[Ben] And that won’t work. It’s a fade. I’ll be just to the right of the sand trap there. I got… I hit it good. [Ben] I just cut it a little bit. [Milton] Yeah. [Milton] Okay, guys, my turn. Let’s see what I can do. [Milton] Same direction

That Ben just went, and I’m sure he out-drove me. [Ben] Yeah, we’ll have some decisions to make. We just found out that This thing has been recording for about 24 minutes. It’s a good thing we weren’t talking about our spouses, and yeah, stuff… you know? [Milton] Hey. So, Ben…

So, we’ve been wanting to do this for a while. [Milton] We’re finally here, brother. [Ben] Yeap! [Milton] So, what do you think? We’re going to… we’re going to get to 100 videos… between now and the end of 2024? Oh, yeah! [Milton] We’ll do it. [Ben] Shoot, just your family alone is 100!

[Milton] Alright, guys. [Ben] …Hispanics. You’re going to see a lot more content from us. From a lot of different kinds of people, different walks of life. A lot of Okay Golfers, Great Golfers. We got some Plus handicaps joining us soon! [Ben] Yeah, one of my buddies wants to play with us,

[Ben] and he’s like a… he’s trying out for the tour, he’s like a +6 handicap. [Milton] So, there’s a ball right here, and there’s another one back there. [Ben] Yeap, I’m going to guess yours is this one. [Milton] This is mine.

[Milton] Yeap, this is mine. [Ben] I’ll take a look, [Ben] because you know… [Milton] This is my ball, guys. It’s a 5. [Ben] That’s mine. [Milton] Yeah, yours is better. He’s about… about 25 yards, about nah… 10 yards, 10 yards further up than me and, yeah. [Ben] Okay, that’s perfect.

[Milton] Oh!! That was going to the green, but I hit a little branch. [Ben] Hit a lot of branch. [Milton] Ok guys, so, this is Ben’s lay up. I hit that tree on the right, so that was no good. [Ben] I got 103 to the front. [Milton] 110 to the flag.

[Ben] Yeah. [Milton] And 101… [Milton] to clear that… to clear the water. [Milton] So, it’s a tricky shot. [Milton] Some of those distances that a lot of us don’t like because [Milton] it’s in between clubs [Ben] Yeap. [Milton] but we got to play every distance, guys.

[Milton] That’s the only way to score [Milton] Get there! [Ben] That’s good. [Milton] Oh, somewhere on the green – we’re putting. [Ben] I can’t see, because of that shadow. [Milton] We’re putting. [Milton] Let’s see if I can help Ben. My short game has been shit today,

But we got to work on that. [Ben] Should be good! [Milton] Okay, so we’re both on the green. [Ben] I’m on the… I’m on the short rough, I saw. [Milton] Yeah. Oh, you are? [Milton] Did you go too far? [Ben] …a little bit.

[Ben] I just didn’t want to risk the water there. Usually, there’s a head wind there… [Milton] Yeah. [Ben] So, I went with a strong 115 to 120 club. [Milton] Did I go past it too, Ben? [Ben] No, you’re, you’re on the green, you got like a 12, 15 footer.

[Milton] Okay. [Ben] I’m just on the fringe, so we’ll probably go with yours because you’re definitely on the green. [Ben] Alright, I got the ball mark for Milton, for his great approach shot. Got about a… 20 footer, right to left, downhill It’s not crazy Fast downhill.

And so, I’m just trying to like get a I’m playing the conservative shot because my partner is going to put it in, but I want to give him a chance so he can just go for it. So again, I’m going to give this about three cups to the right a little more.

I’m just trying to like lay it on the hill, and let the hill take the rest. [Ben] Too much. [Milton] Break! [Ben] Not terrible. [Milton] So yeah, I’m not seeing it so much that way. [Milton] Just a little less…see what happens. [Ben] Yeah. [Ben] I was playing the conservative shot

[Milton] This is a Par 5, right? [Ben] Yeah. [Milton] Okay. We’re in for par already. [Ben] It’s outside my marker. [ben] Alright, you guys… this is pretty much a little tap-in We just wanted to keep it, uh… Keep it honest. [Milton] Ok, guys So, currently we are +1

On the front, and we’re going to hole number nine. To finish off that first nine holes. [Milton] I hope you guys are liking this content. You know, we’re going to bring you a lot more. We’re going to keep on doing this every week, every weekend, whenever we can.

[Milton] But yeah, we started +1 We got a birdie on 2. Then, from there we went up again on hole number 4 So, another plus one. Now we are here on Hole number 9. [Ben] Alright, we’re on the ninth hole. Number one handicap on this course. Dogleg left. As you can see,

They got the tee box as far back as you can. Got to put it out probably like 220, to have another 180 yard in. And it’s… It’s a real tough hole, greens, everything. [Ben] We’ll see how it goes. [Ben] Draw. [Ben] We’ll see. I might be okay, but it’s not great.

[Milton] Alright, guys, I’m going to… I got my 3-wood and my driver, but… [Ben] Whichever… [Milton] We came here, to… to shoot low. S, let’s see what happens. I just got to go right over the left side of this fairway. [Milton] Try to do that real quick. [Milton] Just like that.

Just like that. [Milton] That’s a beautiful shot. Fairway finder. [Ben] There you go, baby. [Milton] It was drawing… going right into the green. [Ben] Great shot. [Milton] Alright, guys, here we go. Hole number 9! We’re one over, Can we birdie this hole? That’s the question. [Ben] It’s a tough hole to birdie.

It is tough, but is it doable? [Ben] Yeah, I’ve done it. If we land on the green and we putt once, [Milton] What do you think that is? [Ben] It’s birdie. [Milton] Alright, we have to walk to our ball… Where is it? [Milton] Mine’s right there. That’s you, and then…

I’m either back there, or I’m going to be… [Milton] Oh, you’re over here on this side… [Milton] …that’s not good, brother. [Ben] Yeah, your shot looks better. Alright, guys, this is where my ball ended up. Hey, this is your ball it’s a Titleist 1. Mine is up there. [Ben] Oh!

[Milton] Yeah, you hit a good shot, brother. [Ben] Well, I must have gotten lucky because I came over here. [Milton] Yeah. [Milton] We got to go a little further forward. [Milton] Okay. [Ben] Well, we both hit fairways. [Milton] What happened? [Ben] We both hit fairways? [Milton] Yeah. [Ben] Mine, though…

Took the path less traveled. [Milton] Exactly. [Milton] I got 182 to the flag, and we need 164 to clear the bunker on the left, the front I have it at 162 and the back I have it at 187. So, the flag is in the back. [Ben] Not good, but

It’s a… it’s a chip. [Milton] Let’s try to grab this one clean. [Milton] Ahhh, I drew it too much. [Ben] Hold on. [Milton] I drew it too much. [Ben] Yours is going to be flat, but it’s hard to keep it on and not have it roll down. It’s kind of like…

But yours is… [Milton] So, what Ben is saying… I might be left of the green. He’s a little shorter, but he… his lie is like a fairway lie, versus like hte kikuyu over here at South Hills, which is very unforgiving. [Milton] Yeah, exactly. So I see my ball right there.

[Ben] We’ll see what we got going on. [Milton] Yeah, I mean, that would have to be a flop, bro… [Milton] I don’t like doing those… [Ben] …let’s go with yours, because we could hit it even if we hit on that rough, though, on the top tier

And then we 2-putt for a bogey. [Milton] Oh, man. [Ben] I don’t like mine. [Milton] Alright, we’re picking my ball, but [Ben] Mine is a long shot… [Milton] yeah, you’re a little further back. I see it. [Milton] But… [Ben] We’ll get it. [Milton] Alright. [Ben] That’s good. [Ben] Oh, almost perfect!

[Milton] A little too much. [Ben] Tap in Par, but… [Milton] That’s not a Par… [Milton] That’s a bogey. [Ben] A bogey… tap-in bogey. My bad. [Milton] It’s okay. [Ben] So, you can be a little more aggressive if you want. [Ben] I just wanted to get that up there.

[Milton] I’m thinking a little left of the flag. [Milton]…of the cup. About a cup left. [Ben] Yeah, that’s kind of what I was seeing. [Ben] Don’t have to hit that hard. [Ben] That’st good speed. [Ben] Good speed!! [Music] Golf Game! [Ben] Great putt! [Milton] Oh, man!

[Ben] Go ahead, pick your ball up… Par man. [Milton] Alright, guys! [Milton] That was it for the first 9 holes at South Hills Country Club, between me, ben and myself. [Milton] What are we at? [Ben] I think we’re one over.

[Ben] Maybe… I think we’re one oer. [Milton] One over. Yeah, I think it’s one over because we just had that par. so it’s a great, great course guys, come check it out! And please, try to watch the next nine holes, which are dropping soon. Like and Subscribe! We are Golf Game!

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