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PING G430 MAX 10K vs TaylorMade Qi10 MAX | 10K MOI Drivers Comparison

This PING G430 Max 10K vs TaylorMade Qi10 Max driver comparison features two new drivers in 2024 that boast over 10,000 MOI, a first for both PING and TaylorMade. The PING G430 Max 10K is designed to offer superb forgiveness and high ball speeds thanks to a 28-gram fixed back weight and CarbonFly Wrap technology. Meanwhile, the TaylorMade Qi10 Max offers added forgiveness through a new Infinity Carbon Crown that is much lighter than in the past, allowing for saved weight to be repositioned.

0:00 Intro
2:13 Testing (Qi10 Max)
8:20 Testing (G430 Max 10K)
13:58 Data & Conclusions

In this video, 2nd Swing’s Drew Mahowald is joined by University of Minnesota golfer Bella McCauley to test and review the PING G430 Max 10K driver and the TaylorMade Qi10 Max driver using Trackman technology.

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Hey golfers Drew mold here with second Swing Golf joined by Bella mcau here in the tour van for the 10K versus 10K comparison it is the Ping g430 Max 10K driver versus the tailor made qi1 Max um Bella as we talked about a little bit before the video just the the push for

These companies to get more and more Moi into drivers and so now Taylor Made and ping both kind of pushing this sort of 10,000 Moi message out there so of course we had to do in a head-to-head test and so um but first Belle I just want to get your

First impression just on how these these clubs look um and then we’ll kind of also dive into maybe sort of what you’re looking for out of a driver as well yeah they look really good so for me personally my driver’s uh Titleist and it has a little bit more of like a

Smaller head normally that’s kind of how I like drivers these ones like initially from my opinion look a little bit um bigger a little wider on the face um which probably adds to the Forgiveness but we’ll see we’ll see if it’s like for me or not but I’ll I’ll definitely I’ll

Try to give a good comparison Yeah Yeah it’s you’re definitely right I mean these they are designed to look bigger at at a dress because more of that weight is behind the golf ball versus I believe you have a TSI 3 which is a little bit more Compact and a little bit

More I guess workable for you um but that’s that’s kind of the push nowadays is to provide golfers with as much forgiveness as possible right so when you hit the ball off the toe or the heel that ball still performs in a similar manner SOA um for Ping they’re able to

Do it by taking uh removing some weight adding more in this back fixed weight it’s not adjustable anymore Taylor Made is able to do it saving some weight as well um stabilizing the crown as well the the crown here is a little bit shinier and newer on the tailor made so

Some advancements made um but Bella of course I know uh it’s all about the testing and how that goes so and I also will say this I know you’re a very good ball Striker um so if you do miss the center of the face a few times that

Might be actually okay for this video we’re to test test the Forgiveness of these drivers so um maybe swing a little bit harder than you normally do and try to get it out there and we’ll do a really good test here so um you ready to hit some bombs absolutely let’s do

It okay there you go my normal draw yeah I know you you play that draw um I also so I tried I know there’s these are stock shafts with each model um I tried to match up kind of with what you’re using used to so they’re both you know

5ish G uh regular Flex we’ll say the smash Factor was good there yes so I’m curious about is going to be really how I guess tight the dispersion patterns are with both yeah that’ll be interesting I mean consistent the ball is it does feel really good off the face

Yeah yeah Taylor Made did stick with the carbon face with the qi1 series and you know pretty much every other you know manufacturer out there has some sort of titanium for the or even a steel face um but carbon’s different where tailor May kind of is different than the rest

Yeah so one thing about me is normally we’ve talked about in the past is I normally have that like right um setting to it oh yeah because of my draw whereas this I don’t think that’s a good point probably we could have right now they’re right now they’re just a

Standard 10 and a half degrees um and we probably could have made that adjustment but that’s okay also this driver is a kind of a draw bias driver so this probably you know it’s different than what you’re used to yeah I can kind of tell a little bit also just it being

Like I think that one was good tried to compensate for for it but I also just think like being the bigger head yeah um and the draw biased kind of makes it a little bit more likely to go left but yeah totally and that’s you know again that’s going to be completely natural

That’s how these I will say the best thing about it is just off the face it feels really good mhm yeah I can tell you’re getting starting to get a little more comfortable with that I know it’s yeah an adjustment from what you’re used to

But I mean right there you can’t ask for much more than than that one right there yeah that one was good that one was good yeah look at that I think I mean those your your good swings are kind of the same golf shot every time you know it’s a about a 240

Yard total kind of a a mini draw with kind of spin right around the mid 2000s there 2500 yeah the last couple I’ve been able to like kind of compensate for the left yeah setting yeah I mean that was not well hit that was like my one bad one that was not

Well hit you said no was it off like the toe or something yeah I just did not hit that one super good okay yeah a little bit high and toey I could see just had the club face super open yeah and the face angle is a little open

Too good contact there too yep yeah that’s like seems to be the normal yeah let me see how many we got nine let’s go let’s hit one more here okay we’ll go 10 total with each club and then we’ll maybe grab let’s say the best eight out of 10

Perfect that one stayed out right too but just a little bit um all right so we’ve got all these numbers those are fun I would probably take out eight and 10 maybe I don’t know let’s actually go like this and then like this okay so distance is is super consistent the

Distance is very consistent I like that um let’s see what we can do here because I kind of wanted to go sort of the I guess your most efficient swings okay so this one and maybe this one are the kind of the ones that I don’t know

That one’s up there too I kind of just like removing these two since those are definitely the two early ones that you’re kind of hadn’t compensated quite yet um for that sort of drw byas Club speed you can tell too let’s go with these see yeah okay so here’s eight the

Best eight out of 10 um perfect that’s a pretty good dispersion pattern right there and you’re hitting the ball I kind of want to see what the total distances are every single time here because let’s see we’ve got 237 242 239 240 239 237 and look at the carry on all

Of them so similar basically your last six swings here were carry distance was all within yard and a half two yards yep um so now you’ve hit you’ve hit 10 Swings with that driver I mean what what’s kind of your feedback on we already talked about it a little bit as

You were hitting but the feel um how that looks you know uh maybe talk about some of that forgiveness too and maybe the swings that weren’t so perfect as well yeah absolutely so like we talked about a little bit in the video This Club definitely feels like has a left

Bias the head’s a bit bigger so for people who kind of like that look that’s pretty much all personal preference um it definitely would be something for you and then I think from a consistent standpoint I just really liked the smash Factor on there even some of the shots I

Thought like I didn’t hit super well but to have super consistent smash factor of like right around even 1.46 when I didn’t hit it well yeah that’s super solid and super nice to see um and you can even tell by the dispersion there of just the distance to have a shot where

You feel like oh you don’t hit it well hit a little Healy hit a little toey and for it to still be right around that same carry same tot is really good to see yeah yeah I think I mean ultimately that’s kind of what drivers are aimed at is consistency

Regardless of strike location on the face um so right now what I want to do is hand you this driver so you can kind of get you know the the perspective of looking both at sort of address you kind of compare the two of them okay um so

You got the that’s the g430 max 10K so talk to me about what you see with that one here this one has ridges on the on the top of CL whichs kind of Co I would say it’s similar in the sense that it’s a bigger head a little bit wider um looks good

From a dress though it also doesn’t seem to have as much left sway left balance as much right away but I I could be wrong we’ll see yeah so that one is not I guess designed to be draw bias like the tailor you no that right away I can tell kind of just

By the setup on it so yeah because this driver is um Ping’s kind of mission with this one was to basically deliver the straightest ball flight possible yeah you know um whereas the qi1 max is a little bit more designed to maybe also fight some slice

That golfers might have so there’s a bit of a difference there I imagine we’ll see a a straighter ball flight here yeah for me personally when I hit clubs that I’ve left by it does not go well yeah and I I know that it’s you

Know what I maybe could have done is is adjusted these drivers a little bit to where it’s closer to your setting to I also noticed right away a different sound to absolutely the Ping but I will say it’s a much better the the previous generation of ping

Drivers was known for having great loud and BR crash sound this is definitely a little bit better than that yeah the sounds I remember hitting even in some of our other testing videos hitting some ping clubs and the the sound off of them was pretty loud and M yeah a little

Obnoxious but it sounds way better yep there’s some extra speed that one stayed out right but I think the overall weight of the Ping driver that build there is a little bit heavier so might see that club speed dip a tiny bit there was a good

Ball how about the feel of the Ping driver here compared to the tailor Maiden you know I’ve always thought this a little bit about ping it’s it’s harder for me to feel like it’s super good off the face like a smash factor with the tailor man I could really tell like I’m

Hitting it well has a really good sweet spot Ping’s always like kind of been that way for me um um maybe a little firmer feel you think a little bit firmer and also just with the sound it’s a little like even though it’s not as

Loud it just isn’t the same feel I guess as soft as the tailor made sure but I still I probably like this club personally better for myself just without the yeah yeah yeah left bias but it also looks a little better to me like from setup but that’s just like a personal

Preference oh yeah that one was really good that’s a really good drive that was my best Drive yeah I don’t think you hit the tailor made I don’t know if you got to 243 total yards with that one that one was really good trying to swing harder yeah you can

Tell just my Miss is here a little bit smaller it seems like you’re cuz we can we’ll pull up the tailor made sort of Misses so to speak it seems like those were a little bit farther left yes for sure that one was good too it felt good oh

Yeah let’s see we’ve got two more two more to hit here we’ll have our our sample built out but I quick look at the Ping numbers they look pretty darn good right now like how consistent that spin is everything’s everything’s consistent oh my goodness keeps falling off the tea

It’s probably the te been T that T’s been hit off of a few times before just a couple look at the ball speed on this one wow 2 45.9 I like this driver yeah yes that is the Hazardous red shaft too so it’s I mean somewhat similar to the one that

You’re you’re playing in your driver yeah wow all right perfect I think we’re this is going to be fun to look at these numbers here so um we talked a little bit about the feel kind of you kind of thought the Ping was a little bit fmer

Right um now we get to bring up the dispersion here we can pick a couple of shots I I mean I think these are the two really right to sort of yep remove so we’ll go there and we’ll go here so we’ve got our best eight of 10

Now with the Ping and I’ll show all we side total too that’s yeah that’s pretty small so here we go we’ve got the QI 10 this is actually the 10K or the qi1 max I should probably label that correctly um here I’ll make sure that that’s correct before I get any questions in

The comments saying oh you got the wrong Club you know why my cursor here okay so qi1 Max and 430 Max 10K um we want to talk dispersion first or do we want to talk the numbers first let’s talk numbers let’s talk numbers let’s do it the spin

Pretty similar I and so they’re the same Loft and they’re both U built to be you know square like I didn’t make any hle adjustments they’re both standard um I like that our club speeds are so similar um I love that because it gives us a pretty good test here um slightly more

Efficient I mean very slightly we’re talking .3 miles hour difference in ball speed with the qi1 max so a slightly faster there um and however a little bit uh more carry distance with the 10K because if I find it here your launch angle was slightly higher but this is nitpicking

Um pretty much what we’re seeing here is a I mean 2115 on the carry about 240 on the total average for both right so I think we’re seeing how consistent they both are and if I bring up all of the shots the consistency of the carry distance is what stands out from both

Clubs yep I mean within a couple yards on average with the q1 max g430 max 10K is about 2.7 yards um is there any numbers here but as you look at this massive chart of numbers that stands out to you here I think one thing to knowe I

Just wanted to go to numbers first is just to point out how similar they were yeah from a club head speed standpoint from Smash Factor like identical so just seeing how similar the numbers were but then in terms of comparing it to the dispersion I think that just shows you

Like how important um a club is for you and like finding a specific one catered to you because as of here like all of the numbers are the same it’s just the dispersion was definitely considerably different as we’ll see and I think that just that just goes to show that having

That that bias that’s for you depending on how you swing is really important for me with the clubs the Ping definitely works a lot better better um I just felt like it it was a little bit harder off the face not as soft of a feel but

Besides that um it I really liked the look of it and how how it felt the tailor made one was really great too I think the main difference was just that that left bias if you’re you know a cut or if you’re a slice hitter or you know

Kind of had that tendency to hit it right maybe the tailor made would be perfect for you to kind of even that out so everyone’s different but for me I I definitely preferred the pink yeah I think that’s I think you’re your your spot on I think is very they’re they’re

Both going to give you a lot of consistency um if you you know M hit the center of the face you’re going to get a lot of that retention in the performance we saw I mean these are all I mean you could lay a blanket over like all these

T- shots almost you know yeah um it just you could just tell what the tailor made you’re maybe kind of trying to sort of uh manipulate it a little bit bit more and then versus the Ping is kind of just like I had talked about and you know

When we were down at ping we found this out too they’re just trying to give you a straight ball flight and so what we have here is a pretty darn straight ball flight you know out of the we here’s seven of the shots out of the 10 and

They’re all kind of right by that Center Line and and something to note too just for those watching is this is about the five yard line so everything right around here is like really good and some of the big misses were definitely more with the tailor maid so yeah I mean here

I this is I mean the map so to speak that I’m using here I don’t I didn’t the traditional trackman range that we use is that gigantic wide Fairway this is actually a probably a standard Fairway that you would find on a golf course in terms of how wide this range is and

Every one of these golf balls is in the Fairway comfortably so um there is I think a lot of good things coming from both of these drivers I think players should be excited about them I think we have a good test here as well um g430

Max 10K it’s going to be very forgiving very straight the qi1 max as we saw today if you do need a little bit of slice correction um I think you saw that today but Bella was able to curve that ball a little bit hit that draw and but either way very consistent very

Forgiving um the they live up to the their name so to speak of 10K or qy10 as the 10,000 Moi so Bella thanks for swinging today hitting the shots some really really good t- shots here I mean again that dispersion is kind of ridiculous so really good stuff here thank You N


  1. I got fitted for and bought the Qi10 Max coming from a G430 Max (Not 10k). I knew Ping was marginally better but the only reason I switched was because I got tired of the metal sound and looks of the Ping G430 series. The Qi's look and sound better to me, I'm pretty happy.

  2. I recently had a fitting here in the UK. Not too dissimilar swing speed to Bella. Went in thinking QI10Max. Came out with the G430Max 10k. Sweet (like Bella) 😉

  3. I can say for myself from a fitting and from the content I've seen that these two drivers, aside from the 10k MOI claim/brand, are not actually direct competitors.

    In the Qi10 Max, Taylormade have maxed out forgiveness across the face in the traditional way we've seen: weight back, stretched out, low CG, super high MOI. But for speedy players, super high spin. In many ways, they're claiming to have maxed out the max approach to the modern 460cc driver.

    Ping are up to something different. They've also maxed forgiveness across the face, also moved the weight back, also stretched it out, also v low CG. But the other thing Ping have done, and you'll see in results…they've managed to reduce spin from their Max driver while doing so. G430 10k is super forgiving, launches high, but spins low relative to G430Max, and mid relative to G430 LST. Low on the face, the G430 Max 10k kills the excess spin with additional loft, and doesn't twist. High on the face, the spin kicks up, and doesn't twist. So your low spinny misses spin less and stay on line, and the high toe-y long left ball spins a bit more and holds its line longer.

    I hit the 10k all over the face and my spin was between 1900-2800. And the dispersion circle was tight. I hit the taylormade to the moon on shots in the middle of the face, and low on the face. The TM high on the face ball kicks down the spin and goes a mile.

    I think a good fitter can turn the LST or the Max into a high launch mid-spin monster. But the 10k can achieve the closest thing to these launch conditions out of the box.

  4. Interested to do a fitting session btw these two heads. Thinking I'm willing so give up distance with TD paradym for some consistency

  5. They are very similar for her at her ball speed. At 160+ ball speed these are two totally different drivers.

  6. Thanks for posting this, more people fit into this swing ball speed demographic than shows up on WRX.
    Have a great collegiate career Bella, great looking swing too.

  7. This woman is an absolute efficient machine. So good. Wait a second? Is she from the future? A robot? A golf Terminator?

  8. Great to have Bella out here to be super consistent to show differences between clubs. She's so consistent you can show the club differences not attributable to strike differences.

  9. Taylormade would be tight if they can figure out their naming style. The Qi10 is so different from stealth2 and sim2 max that are in my bag. And wish that was better. I did like my sim2 max colors. And wish I can have that on the ne qi10. But yeah, just not feeling the name.

  10. Really like seeing the comparison of these 2 drivers by someone with a similar swing speed to my own. I gain a much clearer understanding of what their potential cold be more me.

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