Golf Babe

The LET Golf Podcast | Shannon Tan

The 2024 Ladies European Tour (LET) season is officially underway as the Tour heads to the second event of the season, the Aramco Saudi Ladies International Presented by PIF.

After a magical week in Kenya with giraffes and zebras roaming the fairways, who better to join us than the winner of the opening event, Singapore’s Shannon Tan.

The rookie talks us through her golf journey, how she decided to go to college, and then the decision to turn professional after securing status at Lalla Aicha Q-School.

Shannon also tells us what it was like growing up in Singapore and also living in Australia, the reaction back home to her win, and being starstruck on the putting green in Riyadh.

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Amazing shot it’s a competition clinching shot how about that the L golf podcast the official podcast of the ladies European talk from Riyad Saudi Arabia week two of the season and joining us is the champ from week one Singapore’s shanon tan who made history last week at the magical Kenya ladies open

Shanon what week it’s been how are you feeling thanks um it definitely does feel great winning last week but I feel like now I just you kind of normal yeah it’s crazy it feels like you’ve now like been on tour forever you’ve only been there one week and you’re already a

Winner it’s like you’re part of the fure but yeah just talk us through the week I mean obviously your first uh event on the n as a professional we know you played in Singapore in the amateur event but your first your pro debut on the L

Coming into the week like how were the emotions and how did that change as as the event played out oh I mean it I was like yeah this week just stick the game plan just play bow and golf do your best control you can and that’s all I kind of

Looked at doing last week yeah but 19 years old like did you come in into it being like I could win this or I could like would you just have been happy to make the cut like how was it I mean I think like winning would definitely be

Great but I wasn’t really focusing on winning I was just focusing on just playing my best cuz I was like I can’t really control how everyone else place like if someone shoots like the wrong of their life I can’t control it or like I can’t control like the win factors and

Stuff cuz it’s like I just can’t control it so like I was like if I just do my best and then that’s all I can control I do my best I’ll be happy of it so yeah did you get like nervous at all like we see so many players especially rookies

If they’re in contention and N we see it all the time obviously it’s which is understandable but like you’d think you know we were looking at the leader board and we thought oh maybe she’ll she might fall lot of might get nervous and it seemed like you were just like cool and

Controll the whole four days but was that the case like did the nerves get worse or how was it I don’t think I got nervous at all like be nice I think I think I was just focused like I wouldn’t say nervous I’ll would just say focused

Or like just concentrated kind of or like I just took each shot like how how I take every other shot so yeah cuz you never really had a wobble I don’t think throughout the whole week and not really no it wasn’t really it was just Fairway

It so you said so come on talk us through this boring golf cuz we know we saw it firstand in Kenya it’s like Fairways green Fairways green except r one yeah but was that is that how you like to play or you you’re not that I

Mean cuz when you hit it on the te and if you haven’t seen sh shanon swing yet getting on the L socials and have a look cuz she absolutely rips it off the tea but I wouldn’t say maybe if you play boring golf as you call it you’re not

Necessarily aggressive so how is your like approach to gol like just try to find a fair way try to find the like that did like you’re making it sound so easy it’s a it’s crazy so NCA you’re obviously there with me in Kenya I mean what did you make of

Young shon’s performance I mean to be honest you’ve made me look very good because in last week’s podcast here we go took it took two minutes for you to I listen to it so yeah uh I I was asked by the commentators who might be rookie of

The year I said she had him and you know 7 days later she’s quite the quite the prediction that was um don’t worry guys I I only get predictions right about twice a year so um I’ve got the first one out of the way

Yeah that was good guy um but yeah no it was just more obviously I saw you in the pre-qualifier at Q School um as well as the final qualifier at Q school and just saw how solid you were as a player and as you you say this boring Golf and then

I realized actually how many Fairways and greens you do hit um and last week particularly the difference was even as you said you said to me in round one you had your dgame yeah was was bit yeah because you only hit 12 right yeah Fairways 12 Fairways 13 greens and in

Like 11 Fairways yeah right whereas I spoke to a couple of players who like had way worse first days and they hit like three Fairways compared to so like the the difference between someone having a bad day and only hitting 11 compared to the rest of the field when

They’re overpower and they’re hitting like three or four like that that’s I think that was the main difference um but yeah as George said you didn’t seem to get nervous and also the cameras as well like sometimes rookies see the cameras they freeze they go oh my gosh

They’re following me that means I’m doing well whereas you didn’t do that it was like you didn’t even know the cameras were on you is that sort right you just I mean I just like just hit the shot like just yeah that’s it making it

Sound so easy like listen to this and be like but but no let’s uh well we’ll stay with the event for now but like how’s it been we spoke just after about all the messages you were getting while we were waiting for the presentation on your

Phone I was going to say I’ve never I had her phone for for a few minutes while she was doing her speech and I’ve never seen so many no been the past week and I’m still getting notifications how many messages do you think you’ve had on that phone

Just too many like hundreds 200 300 wow that’s like a lot yeah and you’re still going through replying to them if I’m free yeah I’ve be kind of busy though like traveling practice practice type thing so well we’ll get to that travel in a minute but and I mean just has it been

Like I say you made history the first I mean you were the first player from Singapore as a full member to tea up on the L you already made history and we’d already made a point of saying that you’re a history maker and your own

Right for doing that and then you go on and win and you become the first winner on the L first female winner on a on a major golf tour um as it was highlighted on TV so what’s it been like the reception from Singapore like cuz cuz it

Seemed we we’ve been getting requests from Singapore just type your name into Google and there’s loads of Articles already about the significance of the win like how’s it been I think there’s been a lot of attention and like probably a lot of people watching the live on YouTube and stuff like that and

I think kind of a good thing cuz then I kind of want golf to be like a bigger sport back in Singapore cuz right now it’s not really like one of the bigger Sports and it it’d be good to see like one of the sports you love kind of just

Grow and get bigger in like your home country yeah abely yeah I mean I was doing the live stream from YouTube and actually just got the stats today and we had 29% of our audience was from Singapore on the final day so it’s broadcast obviously around the world and

We had that many people tuning in just to watch you win so like that that must have been and your so we’ll get to your college days in a minute but you had your I saw your college team were watching it on the phone yeah how’s it

Been the day were they like messaging you straight away yeah like right right after my coach messaged me teammates messaged me so they all following yeah nice well should we go back to go back I say go back to the beginning only 19 Shannon but so watch know let’s go to Q

School because obviously you teed up at Q School you still how how how long were into college were you oh year and a half year and a half out where are you at Texas tap okay so you’ve decided to come to C just tell us about the whole

Decision to come to Q school and then like talk us through it because obviously then you then you got your card and you had another big decision to make so just tell us about Q school I guess I kind of went for like the experience or like to see how I Fair

Against the other players and then I kind of won pre-qualifier I kind of tied so I guess I did well then I finished like tight eight at final stage and I was like maybe I might be ready for this kind of and I spoke to my coach about it

And she just supported my decision so that’s basically how it went yeah she just got better and better didn’t she out there I mean I actually didn’t see too much of you at the beginning of the Q School you were telling me there’s a Singapore player who’s like really good

Okay yeah because you did the same thing in preq that you did in fq like you just crept up the leaderboard continually like throughout the week and so that’s thing I pre I pre-worn Geo that as this player from Singapore she and then like the first two days you you

W the top 20 I’m like like she’s just there she’s there she’ll climb at some point and then you did and you did you had a good what was it like short 5 400 500 really bit for like completely lost it and then I 400 last exactly but like

The consistency cuz final queue was two very different courses so you wer like if you were on the wrong not the wrong side of the draw but if because obviously one player shot 11 under on the first day on one course it meant that the leader border was a little

Skewed so it wasn’t until the end of the second day that kind of once the scores had leveled out that obviously you and I under total and then it was a bit more like okay there you are and then yeah you were one of the people to watch yeah

Um but like how was Q School generally for you CU um as an experience obviously it’s a long two weeks and you were there for the full two weeks yeah it was like 13 days of golf and R like two practice rounds for pre-qualifier three extra rounds and then three practice rounds

For final stage and then five exra round so that’s like a lot of golf yeah but I think that we all kind of like just focused on like recovery and like getting ready for the next day cuz 13 days of golf in a r is not

Easy but yeah yeah but how was it obviously going never been to Morocco before no that was my first time yeah still a teenager going away like how is it is there anyone that like helped you with the experience when you were there or is there anyone that like any of the

Other like Q school players that helped you um how was that week cuz it must have been pretty like daunting and intimidating you traveling to this new country you’re trying to obviously get your cards like how how was that I mean I felt fine like she’s so cool what is

This I’m me just going somewhere to play golf so yeah I guess it was fine just fine yeah everything’s just fine this is this is like the the best and worst advert for like get L card is making it sound easy so this was easy got my cards wi my first event on

Tour now I’m in Saudi Arabia $5 million event so good but obviously you get your card and we know you then had a tough decision to make so tell us about obviously talking with your family and and making the decision to turn pro how difficult was that and what were the

Steps that you you took um there a lot of like factors to decide like one of it would be like leaving my team in college and like there was kind of like a big factor but like at the same I’ve got this like opportunity of play on the LED

So it’s like I kind of want to take that up as well so I mean I spoke to my parents coaches and they were like just do what you think is best for you and I kind of think like play on the would be a lot better in terms of like the experience

And everything you get here so I’m kind of glad I made I made that decision so oh yeah I mean definitely Vindicated already with a win in your first event um but let’s go back then because I’m interested and you mentioned it about Singapore is not the biggest golfing

Country yeah um I used to live in Singapore so this is why we had this connection um and I was actually saying to you how difficult it was for us when we were there to like get on the course or get play there’s I think there’s about 13 golf courses there aren’t there

Most of them obviously 13 but one is shutting down this year one is shutting so losing one so 12 we really lost and we’re going to lose one more this year if I’m not wrong oh no why are they losing a course just like I think residential ah okay makes sense most

Likely yeah but so tell me then with such a small country not that many golf courses how do you possibly get into golf and how do you get so good at golf oh some my D used to play golf and he just brought me to the range I kind of

Like hitting balls I just felt satisfying yeah so I just kept playing golf and then like playing on the course so and then that’s I just like playing golf to be honest so that’s basically see how it all happened yeah you did play any other

Sports or uh I did running like 800 M ah nice but I mean I’m not good at running now but I wasn’t as a kid but I prefer golfing than running so yeah y I like doing both George is like I prefer running no I prefer golf but I’m

Rish at go and then I he’s good at running good at running I was like if I could do some sort of switch but that’s awesome then so then what age did it get like serious would you say for you uh probably when I was eight I start

Watching like events like on TV and live and I was like I kind of want to be up there so that’s kind of where like the whole thing started like I was just more driven kind of yeah and then yeah when I got to like I think 13 14 I started

Playing more like international events and in just getting more experience so let’s y I mean that was only like five years I was about to say she said when you were eight so the you’re 19 now 11 11 years like 2013 2013 2012 brilliant yeah so when you were watching on TV who

Did you like to watch on TV like who was it that you were looking up to um lots of like Stacy Lewis Paula Creo and then a bit after was like Lydia Cole and like Michelle we yeah good you know what I think she’s the first person in

This podcast who who’s gone all femal full female tiger or Rory which is fine we know I kind of prefer like watching females I like it yeah awesome and what was it like about someone like lyia Co that you that you admire just how well she plays yeah she’s pretty solid as

Well to be fair I would say she’s kind of boring when it comes to golf that’s what I mean yeah I can see the similarities yeah that makes sense oh nice and then what was the first International competition that you did so what was the first place that you

Were able to outside of Singapore that you play go maybe Malaysia it’s just besides Singapore yeah but I just a little little drive just like a little Drive yeah I I think it’s if I’m not wrong it’s Malaysia it has to be but yeah so long ago I can’t remember so

Long ago so long ago but so but last year you had obviously a big win already didn’t you you won the Singapore is it the Singapore ladies Masters as an amateur so you were the top place you were the winner the top Place sing aore

And the top Place Amer one them all um how was that for you and like again did you go thinking you were going to win or what was what was that tournament like oh it was like kind of hom ground for me so I guess I had kind of like an

Advantage and I kind of knew like I kind of thought like if I just know the hit and stuff that whole week I probably win but I mean when you got home call Advantage it’s like I don’t know it kind of helps but yeah well I guess you are now the

Top you’re the top player in Singapore obviously so going in with that attitude is fair Justified be honest yeah but so you studied at Texas Texas Texas Tech uh tell us about that process did you have like loads of uh offers from other colleges why did you end up picking

Texas so um it was like covid time when I was looking at colleges so I couldn’t visit they couldn’t visit me and it was kind of like a really awkward period for recruiting cuz you just can’t visit and like got no idea what to expect so like

Um but like at that point Texas Tech was like ranked I think 20 low 20s so they’re pretty good and like like they’re not too good at like academics which is kind of what I want cuz I’m not really book smart okay and I’m more really focused to golf so I’m like yeah

I want to go and just golf not get too caught up in like school so that was like probably the best option I had yeah and so you go there what was it like First Impressions everything I guess is M like any everything’s bigger in Texas obviously so but the colleges are crazy

In the college sports right that’s big like football uh school so how was that um oh like like everything needed was there like facilities um like a really big gym and nutrition stuff and like where I stayed at like the dorms is like about a 5 minute drive from the golf course so

That’s really convenient and you can just like go to the course whenever you want to it’s like not crowded and just like short be like I want to play right now and they let you on so it’s convenient it’s a dream right there yeah nice uh nich you said what was it

In terms of like did you watch any other sports when you were there or you were like fully focused on golf um also football really big there but I don’t really watch football like it’s just 4 hours off a lot of stop st yeah yeah but I kind of prefer watching like

Volleyball and like basketball where it’s like just faster moving yeah it like more intense kind of so I I kind of watch those two sports in college but okay yep nice and then yeah are there any um friends that you made obviously whilst you were at college that but you

Said they were all watching you the other day and calling you afterwards so yeah what was it like making friendships and kind of going there did you meet new people so I’m actually kind of like an introvert to start with but they were all like welcoming and like they got me

To open up and like so that was great kind of having them like kind of like getting me to open up and like be myself cuz it’s like I guess it’s great to be yourself around people you see every day so that was one thing

I was glad with yep yeah and here we are now after after your win in Sai Arabia um biggest one of the biggest events on the L schedule huge purse how’s it been this past week you say a lot of traveling and you had like a cancelled

Flight what’s what’s the past few days been like for you since the win oh yeah so I had to cancel a flight and then rebrook on a different flight it’s like I guess before turning pro I was like oh like I was expain us to play golf but

Now I’ve got other things to deal with like flights accommodations visas other stuff that I didn’t really think about but now it’s like welcome to the whe kind of things like yeah kind of different cuz I guess like in college it’s like they really do your schedule and book

Stuff for you just show up in golf but yeah now it’s like you got other stuff to kind of deal with yeah absolutely but we we’ve got you here now on tour you’re onetime winner from one event which again is just Badness but what’s like

The plan I know we spoke about it you want to play a whole season on the L right so what’s what’s the plan for the year as simple as that or yeah just play every event and then just do my best every but you’re going to play have you

Like have you worked out like I’m going to play this many events or you just going to just well so like before I won I was kind of seeing what events I could get into and what events I couldn’t get into but now it’s like my category is

Moved up so I’m like I can get into almost everything so it makes planning a lot easier now but I’ll probably play everything that I can get into so side yeah y we obviously got an exciting Year we’re off to South Africa Australia um you’re going to play is it plan to play

All those yeah I’ll probably play all of it yeah just win them all that record so far um but it’s a big week this week as I said for $5 million purse um soim cup stars in the field some of major winners in the field how’s it been like so far right rubbing

Shoulders with some of the best best golfers in the world some of the golfers you said you must have been watching as you were growing up not that long ago so how’s that been so far have you met anyone yet this week have been like w on

The pting green yesterday I saw like Georgia ho like five yards away from me I was so star strong cuz she’s I’ve always looked up to her she’s like really mellow and like she’s not emotional but like she doesn’t really get like emotional so like I kind of look up to like her

Attitude and like what she does so I just really St strong when I saw her yesterday but too scared to make eye contact so I was going say say hello no I was so scared like I just looked the way we can do that I was so Star Struck

Wow that’s amazing we can try and do that for that is awesome and have you had many of the players this week coming up to you and congratulating you on the win what’s it yeah um a lot of people wife said congr and yeah nice that is pretty surreal well obviously how are

You feeling now going into this week with the like the gamees obviously must be feeling as like well you just won so the game must feel like perfect but how are you how are you feeling like confident going into this week a little bit nervous how how are the emotions now

Oh to be honest I just it’s like just just like it’s a new week but like the same stuff that I’ll do so it just feels like a normal week a normal week yeah until you get drawn with Georgia Hall three then it would all change is this

Ice schol Shannon Shannon asking for photos doing yeah who would be like your dream dream parent Reon like Georg GE yeah she’s your favorite pair yeah okay we definitely got to try get to me sh this week wow are you on the same half of the job she’s in the

Morning after make the cup yeah theness wow yeah that is that is awesome and like having one now I know you did like TV interview earlier they might have asked you about like goals for the rest of the year like as you as it changed if you now like you’ve proven

That you can beat the best on the L so you thinking I want to get another win or you just like no just keep you know just I mean it would be great to get as many wins as possible but okay I feel like it’s just it’s kind of like you

Want to win but you can’t control how someone else plays but even if I play my best one can also play their best and their best can be in mind so I can’t really do anything about it but all I can do is just try and do my best and then improve each

Week yep but in terms of those goals obviously now you’ve got that win you’ve got some points on the order of Merit and those things I was going to say but like obviously we know that getting into the majors in the summer comes through the order of am or being a winner so

You’ve took one one of those boxes and so you’re going to play a major most likely um so like how does that feel to potentially be able to you know look at that summer section where sometimes players obviously can’t play because of the co-sanctioned events obviously we

Have a reduced amount of L players cuz we have them with the but you’re already up there on the ranking so it’s most likely that you will be playing in those like how does that feel to be able to do that um I would say great like it feels

Great and like I I saw my coach before coming here so he coaches Hanah green and M Lee so he’s like they’re playing a major so you better make it to one of the majors I’m like yep I’ll try my best but yeah oh wow and especially yeah that

Is and a special one with the open this year being at St Andrews you been to Scotland before you played I’ve played S Andrew but the Eden course in whole 178 of the old course so was like in the junior open 2018 okay so let the only thata Scotland

Yeah so that’ll obviously be a special one is that must obviously is on your radar and well yeah chance should be there now so once we know the criteria then you yes wow that’s yeah and another thing actually which is so we were here today doing Olympic uh we were doing a series

Of Olympic features today speaking to players and players that are from certain countries that can qualify for the Olympics and then actually Shannon could probably have a good chance now potentially moving up the rankings and and playing for Singapore in the Olympics is that something you even

Thought about or is that like a dream of yours like uh I guess it’s only even a few days so you haven’t that much time to think about anything but like tell us about that maybe I mean yeah no Singapore golf War has ever played in

The Olympic so it’ll be nice to be the first one I think I’m ranked like 227 now also so generally so the last Olympic top 300 who would who would get in and obviously without when I’m actually checking but yeah that’s what we were saying like if you obviously

Continue that yeah it there’s a CH you that would be awesome I think I’ve got like four more months three months yeah so end of June so it is on your radar she has she has it yeah oh that would be amazing yeah like this year the Olympics

At the golf National now the r Cup course that’d be very special yeah so exciting exciting times ahead and obviously what about just general like I know it’s sometimes boring but like career goals have you set yourself like a Target or we speak to players they

Want to you know they want to get to the LPGA they want to win Majors they want to be world number one like where do you where do you I think I’m more of like a small goal kind of person like I really struggle figuring out big goals or like

If I I feel like small goals help me work a lot better and get less distracted instead of like a big go where like I get really distracted of like a big picture it’s not really inside or like yeah I feel like with small goals it’s like a lot you to work

With for me personally I guess it’s just like your philosophy on the course isn’t it like one shot at a time just no just like small baby steps yeah yeah oh that is that is good no we enjoyed watching you on Sunday and was quite a jewel in

The end wasn’t it with alisandra um because you played with her Saturday and Sunday right how was that playing alongside her did it you think it helped you like her sort of style or what was what was it like because in the end it was quite a battle you obviously both

What five shots ahead going into the final round so yeah the the r was kind of close it’s like I get a hit by one she get hit by one and then she I was hit by two after 13 she chipped in on 14 yeah so I was a hit off

Her by one and she made like a huge part on 18 yeah she made two long Parts since she on on Saturday she yeah she probably yeah I think 11 10 or 11 she made a really long one chipped in then made that long one yeah might be h n yeah I

Think so yeah before the live came on they just shown it and I was like hot for alexand today but um it was crazy for you because it you won the tournament by four shots like but you didn’t have that many highlights like it was crazy like you say it’s just that

Goal where that of style that you play it wasn’t really like highlight real shots but I think it’s just a testament to how you how you did play um yeah it was an awesome battle but when was the point when you realized are going to win

This or oh there was really a point where I realized it until like maybe maybe on the last two on the green I kind of looked towards walking up with the giraffes we got to get to that haven’t we like you’re in Kenya first event what an event it is like we were

There for Pingo Ridge there’s giraffes everywhere there’s zebras how was how was that that week for you uh it was different like haven’t seen like zeas and JS and stuff in real life so that was my first time seeing them up close so that was different yeah fun

Week yep absolutely I think the the we spoke about it Alexandra Pon 11 that was sort of like the Turning Point wasn’t it she missed she just missed one on nine I think on the turn you were maybe three shots ahead and then the one 11 it was

Like how close was that on TV it looked like it dropped in it could just fall in like any second that was like yeah it’s only 10 second rule right to wait I feel like it would have dropped if it just waited like 10 I feel like I don’t know

It depends on how like just depends if like the wind blows or like yeah but we knew like when that I felt like when that happened it was like it’s going to be Shannon’s day today so yeah it’s quite quite the wi wasn’t it have you have you is it updated right

Um yeah we wanted to get in contact with oh what about it change she’s not on yeah cuz I but it doesn’t it hasn’t updated no it’s updated as of February 12th oh so is it sh’s in at the minute she’s not on the list that’s my point ah

Get you in what’s light the um cut off oh you’re you’re weighing the cut off that’s why I’m confused all it’s only uh no no no no but like this is as of yesterday and yeah like there are for example so you’re world number 227 I just checked

What was she before the win did it say 439 okay yeah I thought it was like some cuz you got obviously the ranking points didn’t you from when you’re in Al yeah from ah it helps that helps whereas some people obviously turn pro and then don’t have

Any r or have like fewer ranking points yeah whereas you actually had a few more I think I’ve played like maybe five six Events maybe yeah that contribute to it y um yes so right now the last player in the Olympic field is 335 yeah so you be in yeah she should be

In yeah better better give our friends the Olympics a call then yeah um just to see what’s going on there but yeah so um right now wow it goes down to 3 another thing this summer then that could be and you never played in the major yet have

You not as an amateur no no so be your first potentially Evan well Evan if you stay in high in the order of mar and then normally AIG is LLY winners from this year so take that wow what exciting year ahead and like who who at the minute of

You is there anyone you’ve like other than us of course like but who have you like befriended on tour any anyone that you so far went too with you become friends with I would say Nicole Garcia okay like I played with her my first and second round and she she’s I don’t know

She’s like she’s really nice and she honestly won’t shut up so yeah cuz I didn’t know cuz you said to me earlier I’m going to have a dinner with Nicole oh yeah and I which oneco well he also asked me he was like does he does she mean you

And but that’s really cool and obviously Nicole’s been on tour quite a while now it’s just good someone to yeah she’s like really comical like really comical person so I was having lunch yesterday and I just felt someone like just coming right I mean she came right behind me

Kissed me on the cheek I was like what ni like she I don’t know she just like she does really stupid things but it’s like she’s a funny person yeah that’s good cuz we well we had for Alex Alexandra forcing on the podcast a couple of weeks ago she said as a rookie

You got to ask questions questions questions questions so is this something that you’ve been doing and I guess someone like Nicole is helpful for that yeah and also like um Moka so I played two events in Australia and she played those as well and then we flew in to

Kenya together so it was kind of nice traveling with someone yeah so yeah I kind of asked her some questions as well but nice any Sound Advice you’ve had yet any anything that stuck with you any Rook advice you you should be the one giving any advice

Now just yeah just I guess just travel stuff isn’t it travel stuff yeah I was going to say the fact that on on Sunday you we were waiting for the presentation and you like asking everyone what their flights are to Saudi and then your on the phone with your dad and just talking

About flights rather than I was like can you book a flight for me like now and like sort out like my accommodation stuff and like the Visa and visa and stuff like that yeah yeah that’s the tricky part yeah but we’re here we made it so and obviously you uh

Played the practice round yesterday yeah yesterday after I arrived yeah yeah what are you making of the the course so far and Saudi Arabia in general uh it’s a it’s really different from last week like yes it’s kind of I would say there’s like no trees but it’s not

Necessarily white like they kind of grew the rough out so if you miss the Fairway it be like a lot tougher yeah they definitely grow it out obviously we were here in October when Allis and Lee broke seemed like every record yeah our books NCA did the record books over Christmas there a

Lot that needed update yeah it’s changed a lot so they have obviously I’m with it being such a big purse they obviously changed it so should be a should be a fun week I think a tough week but yeah big change from last week yeah H like um

Like the greens here this year a lot firmer than last year and like it’s a lot longer than last year as well so like you cently go for par fing too no and is 18 18’s like a driveable Par Four but is that is that playing like that

This week or um there’s two tea boxes so to try and T last time on the final day yeah well everyone seem to be driving it but um that’s that’s cool and what about you as a player for those that don’t know you like what’s what’s the strongest part of your game what

Besides being a boring like what like strongest part maybe just accuracy I’ve also heard like I I’m a good Potter but I’d say pting like watching part you have that um you you know what the commentators they I think Sophie was saying that you have you always you have like Brooks keco that’s

What she said in your mannerisms when you P which I thought was quite and now I can sort of see it the way you sort of line it up I don’t know I can’t see it now I think Sophie mentioned it in the commentary and I was like oh yeah I can

See it so that’s quite the compliment but yeah you you’re I think your pting stroke I think your pting is the best part of your game just from watching like you it’s just like just looks effortless and I could like that I’d also to probably your mental game because as we said like

You clearly don’t get nervous at the cameras and apart from in front of Georgia Hall maybe probably but like um to have such a like strong resilience when you’ll just come out on talk yeah that’s the mental like people don’t necessarily have that so that’s also a bonus and it’s not something you

Probably should have coming straight out of like in your situation one year on tour one year in college like I guess it’s something that you learn over time is to have that sort of mindset and you might have like like up you know times where you

Might not win a tournament or you get a bit nervous and you learn from the experiences but you’ve just come in and that’s not happened to you so I think that’s yeah Fair as well for the rest of the year for sure and just finally then I

Think aside from golf and we like to obviously get to know our players on a personal level tell us about Shannon off the course as a person you said you’re a bit of an introvert but then come out your shell what do you like to do in

Your spare time what what you like as a person for those that don’t know you that like like we do after these four days feels like we don’t know forever but yeah tell us a bit about yourself Shannon um maybe just like hanging out with close friends um watching Netflix maybe or like

Documentaries favorite show we got have you got a series now you’re going to be on the road so much you need a series that you’re going to binge I like if I’m on the road I just listen to music though like I I don’t like I I mean like if I’m

Traveling I just like like close my eyes and just chill but I always see you on the Range when you get your earphones on when you so what I canot have my iPod what do you listen to when you’re on Range yeah um it’s more

Like You Like Jay-Z and like Dr Trey and well not personally but I can get what with but that kind of stuff I just need something kind of like Hype music I need I need to like be hyped up I can’t listen to slow stuff like it and it it’s

Like the same like 30 songs like a play you have like a preo pre-round playlist and it’s the same songs it’s been the same songs for like the past what four years yeah so it’s a routine for sure that’s it’s like my power hour playlist

Yeah if I need to do an hour of work I will like that’s like Taylor Swift no no it’s not Taylor that’s my other playlist watch I’ve seen her live so it’s f um no my 90s pop playlist is my power Baggers yeah exactly all all the upbeat hype if

I need to get to very different genres but I understand where you’re coming from that’s good yeah with it yeah do you like you said you Wen books smart but do you read any books listen to audio books or is that not did Nicole talk about books oh yeah she she asked

Me if I like I I mean I had dinner for her just now and she was like do you read books I’m like what no like why would I she absolutely loves yeah that would change if you keep hanging around with the car she will get you into BS

Even if it’s just audio books and listening to them she she will she will try and tempt you I assure you um in terms of food what’s your favorite type of food Lots like I like seafood lots of Asian food but not spicy I can’t eat spicy food but

I’m Asian so that doesn’t make sense but uh like Italian like pasta pizzas Burgers I love wings as well think like everything that’s not spicy yeah yeah and then if you were well this is interesting cuz Singapore’s an island I was going to say normally I say like beach holiday or Mountain

Holiday but I mean Singapore’s kind of you can singap takes all the boxes you can just go wherever but like when you’re relaxing what do you where would you like to relax more like in what setting I think Beach it’s like I don’t know the waves are kind of like

Therapeutic kind of I feel like mountains just gives me like a really cold V for some reason I mean Fair what about you got like favorite place you visit favorite place favorite country you’ve been to apart from Kenya obviously that’s on top of the list yes maybe Australia like

Okay yeah cuz I lived there for 3 years okay yeah was that just for like parents work or uh I did High School there so like High School in Singapore is basically bet like you start school at seven finish at 4 and then you got homework so you got no time for golf

Yeah yeah yeah Singapore’s really like academic I was about to say yeah that’s probably probably I left but you’re in Australia look like I start school at 9 finish at 2: scho so I like golf before school and after school for it I just get more time so was that

A decision from your parents you went there was it so you had more time for golf or was that just purely for the academic side of it how come why did they why did you choose to go to Australia for three years probably more time for golf and academic so like okay

I don’t like academic in Singapore just you just have to like study 24 it’s insane yeah yeah so where were you in Australia uh on the go Coast so it’s like kind of near Brisbane if yeah yeah I one in the Gold Coast last time we had our tournament very close to was

It like um Kang yeah y Tweed yeah yeah so we went Gold Coast basically was there yeah last time so yeah it’s very very chilled though it is you’ve lived in America in Australia and Singapore yep wow nice mix like you George they like me yeah not Australia like the other

Yeah one of us has a mental game on the golf course and I’m also some some today but so I’m not very good at living abroad basically but apart from that so much in so no it’s also I didn’t know about the Australia and obviously you you were there last last month making

Your pro debut right yep so I played two events there and saw my coach okay yep so whatever he said to you mustard did you like work on anything or was it just like tinkering before the season just like maybe we did some stuff on like

Potting like just a bit of posture stuff that wasn’t really the best yeah and same with long game like my driver kind of like so I’m more of a fake bias person yeah but I just had to try and like learn how to hit draw or like

Control my short shaping a bit better got you so then Canya were you shaping a lot or were you sticking to what you knew um if I had to like shape something then I yeah we saw a lot cuz it was so obviously the wind would just pick up at

Various points in Kenya didn’t it I think the afternoon like once it hits like 12:00 p.m. get up to like maybe 20 mil an hour and then we saw a lot your your caddy Robin who obviously Robin has been around on the L for a while now we

We know he’s like part of the furniture one of the one of the many caddies and a lot of the time we saw you deeper discussion and thinking about what shot to to play so it seemed like it was very strategic needed to be strategic around

Kenya Y and how much how much of a help was he on on the weekend he was great he was like just hit this club this distance hit to this sport yeah and that was it and you did it yeah Dream Team how did that come about cuz

Obviously he helped you at final Q yep he K me at final but not pre how did that happen that he was on your bag for final key uh long story so Amy Taylor who went a Texas Tech she was like do you need a Cy for next week so

That was like like just after pre-qualify fire and I was like um yeah just send me his number and then we worked out well at final stage so I was like yeah we can it’ll be great if you can just K you for me the whole season

This year so that’s how it worked out con good partnership must be a good friend if you just when say D tells me to hit the shot and I hit it yeah that’s all right isn’t it I’m sure that doesn’t happen now with everyone um you mentioned obviously that

Your coach also coaches Mii and Hana green so like have you ever been like seen them or been together coaching at the same uh I haven’t been with them like together as my coach but I’ve seen meni twice U we played in the same event in Korea so that’s where I

Saw her but just like a brief hello andit yeah yeah not getting Star Struck like with Georgia today unfortunately I know Jo is different like I just kind of like how she approaches like everything like she just looks really calm and yeah I guess like we’re kind of similar in

Terms of like emotions so I guess she’s one person I really look up to yeah yeah you remember watching her when she won obviously uh Women’s Open is that like a something you watched on TV and yeah I mean I I probably I I watch a l golf so

Yeah I like that it’s good yeah what’s your favorite event favorite I mean last week that’s a good answer good answer no I think that’s I mean there’s loads that I didn’t even and then watch a coach’s name because Richard will kill us if we

Don’t get the name I’m sure I could look it up he M’s coach but oh Ryan Lamson okay and he’s obviously been a big how long have you been with him for about a year and a half close to two years now yeah nice Richard will be happy that I

Now listening to this um no that’s amazing load of this I didn’t even know Shannon so it’s why we do the podcast is it a bit more any more questions for I guess before we let it go big big week ahead getting close to to

Bedtime for all of us yes yes um trying to think of anymore quick fire ones if they like he said we watch a lot of Netflix what was the last film you watched on Netflix documentary young Sheldon oh that’s SC that that’s a good one yeah

Like the spin-off on big Bank the yeah yeah so that’s like your go-to binge series at the minute is it I already finished it though but they’ve got a new season coming out so I’m just waiting that’s good yeah with this year ahead you’re going to need probably a

Lot of material to watch on planes and stuff so good stuff well Shannon I think we’ll leave it there because uh like I said big week we’re here in Saudi Arabia at the ramco Saudi ladies International $5 million purse as well so big money up for grabs um thanks for joining us yep

Thanks for having me congrats again like what a special week um thank you and good luck for the rest of the season thanks a competition clinching shot how about that the L golf podcast the official podcast of the ladies European tour

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