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Something just exploded something just exploded did you guys hear that what’s go oh my God he just going on over there oh they got the stretcher out oh no even their RV is tagged up with game tager man it’s Crazy all right folks how we doing welcome back to the channel a beautiful Thursday afternoon out here in Los Angeles we’re right on the corner of figuroa back on the suron and we’re going to be exploring today on a huge route probably the biggest ride I’ve done in months We’re Going the Distance

Today so stay tuned lock it in only thing I want to say thank you to everyone who supported and who also entered to win this suron Ultra be I want to point out right now as of the time I’m making this there are less than 250 people entered to win the biggest

Giveaway I’ve ever done in the history of my YouTube channel period so the odds are still very good for just about anyone I’m surprised it let that not that many people are interested to get this bike honestly every $1 spent will enter you to win your a

Automatically entered the second you buy anything uh each dollar is one entry still thank you to everyone who’s entered so far it’s not too late April 15th is the deadline so don’t miss out that’s all I’m going to say about that anyways long journey ahead of us today beautiful afternoon hours of sunshine

Left let’s hit the road all right folks let’s get after it a beautiful afternoon out here in South Central California there the wind be to our backs and uh lucky on our side we’re getting started right here on the side of the freeway this just got cleaned up pretty recently

There still a bunch of trash and glass here not out of the ordinary but as of recent there is a homeless Camp right here he’s ready to tow somebody It’s like got to do one thing before we start any ride of course PSI check we’re looking good today in the front wheels a

Little wobbly we need to tr these folks ASAP front wheel is still low that was low last time too though so I think we’re okay all right off we go I don’t know why I just took that route that was the worst route I could have taken it’s been a minute

Since I’ve even been on my siron uh it was a busy week to say the least so I haven’t had any time to work on content honestly like none uh that is about to change as of today we’re back in Action uh so I immediately already am

Sidetracked I had a route in my brain that I wanted to take today and I think I still may take it it’s a pretty lengthy route it’s going to take us to a few places we’ve been before and a few new places we’ll see what the Day brings

You guys know uh actually maybe you don’t know I don’t know how many people don’t know this or maybe do I don’t script anything that happens in my videos at all I don’t script any part of it I just throw my bike in the car I

Drive to a location I get out and start riding that’s pretty much how I’ve been creating content the last few years and uh that’s still how I do it to this day and that’s how I’m doing it today as well I have zero plan about what I’m

Doing where I’m going and kind of loosely a plan today more than usual I’ll say so uh that’s an improvement we got to start doing a little bit better on the planet side uh this year for the videos because we have uh we’ kind of done it all at this point there there’s

Uh still so much ground that I have not covered out here in La so there’s infinite places to explore on the suron especially because you can just get around this thing with such ease so you know we always have places to ride and check out but anyways everything started in the same

Plaza we usually do it looks like this place is getting tagged up pretty dramatically as it lately last time I came here there’s almost no taging except on one wall now there’s a little bit right there a little bit over here all the taging we see today when we’re

Riding towards the city a lot of it is more artistic it’s not so much artistic out here oh my God there’s the car okay last time I was out here I called this an Impala I can’t even count the amount of comments that roasted me about that

Okay it’s a Thunderbird I get it yeah it looks like an Impala though doesn’t it because I swear it looked similar I guess I was completely wrong but that’s what I thought little bit of gang graffiti right here this was here last time I don’t know if it’s the exact same

One the second they paint over this wall it always immediately gets covered right back up it’s kind of wild but it’s far the course out here honestly anyways so the route that I had in mind for today was to go all the way down to Alam street from where we’re at

Now which would be honestly a hell of a journey it’d be uh it’d be quite a distance to cover on the suron I think we could possibly do it it’s um now that I’m actually out and about it’s a lot longer of around than I thought but I

Think uh it’d be fun because it’ll be a lot of uh a lot of route that we have not covered before like usually when I go this way I kind of stop around Broadway which is already this Main Street right in front of us and um and I

Start going right and then I go southbound towards like Imperial and then I make another ride and I come back up big and that’s kind of my route when I’m around here but you know every time I get out here I try to take at least a

Little bit of a different route you know there’s only so many ways you can take on the grid because cuz you know LA’s neighborhoods are all grd arranged so we can’t take that many different routes we’re going to do our best as we play it

By ear today though so I got these new gloves these are very Orange right they’re very orange and uh orange is not really a color that you want to wear in South Central for a multitude of reasons one is that they are somewhat you know I will don’t think I need to

Explain further you can either catch my drift or maybe someone the comments could explain but um I don’t think the fact that I’m wearing green gloves is very egregious I also have a fully green I mean sorry orange gloves I have a oh look at that o uh yep attention span

Already shrinking I got my green backpack I think it’s obvious that I’m just trying to be high vased but I already ordered green gloves these feel incredible though I really like the other ones that I have though I do want to make them work longterm um but that’s going to be uh

I’m going to have to figure out how to get those broken in one way or another as we start alley surfing out here in the neighborhoods of South Central out here in trenches what is going on here last time I came here they had food now

It looks like they have a little swap meat that’s cool they got hats for saleet uh dog sculptures multiple dog sculptures can someone explain the significance of the dog sculpture and a couple other things they got that copyright bumping over there so I would like to keep it moving today one

Thing that I want to draw some attention to is the fact that it’s kind of it’s getting a little bit crazier out here in um in La as the temperature starts to heat it’s almost like clockwork out here right it’s like once it starts to get

Warm uh things start to get a little they start to heat up in a sense right a little bit more gang taging just all over the place right here A bunch of flies a bunch of flies we’re going to go ahead and pop right back off of this

We’re just uh freestyling like we’re on a bicycle which is what this thing uh is closer to in my eyes a motorized bicycle than a oh got anything else up get away from that copyright as well off we go we got uh I think we’re going

To take this way all right so there’s a ton of ways we could take if we we just need to go eastbound right now that’s the main prerogative um so we’re going to go eastbound to about Alam I don’t know if we’re going to make it all the way there

I did some math I was like dang we could just end up in Watts if we just go straight for a while got CRA SC right here how you doing more than that so here we are at this street this is the uh the diagonal as you can see

It’s a popular takeover spot doing donuts right here uh we are in race car homies got a race car race car there’s all types of stuff I’m riding over right here there’s a pillow must be the source of the the uh feathers anyhoo uh you know what we got right

Here I’m just on I’m on Max sightseeing mode for a bit right now before we start really venturing off we got the limousine almost got one of them old school motorcycle or old school cop looking motorcycles Honda something I don’t know anyone know the Honda model

That this is leave it in the comments they also have a limo looks like it’s my oh there’s another motorcycle right there almost looks like an ornament looks like decoration for the uh storefront this is a BMW correct me if I’m wrong but that is the old school cop

Motorcycle model right I got the old school Corvette too nice little slice of time right there that style of cop motorcycles all right off we go so we got to be careful around here a because uh you know it’s dangerous and B Because if we get lost in the neighborhoods a

Little too hard it gets really boring and uh you guys know me I’m always looking for a little bit more excitement than the average person because I have almost no brain cells left I’m a complete idiot and and um also this is just the only thing that brings me joy

And excitement to my life is riding my suron and uh these neighborhoods that I used to ride around on my BMX in I don’t know I don’t know what else I can do for fun anymore this is the only thing that makes me happy so okay so here’s a point I was trying

To get to La is kind of turning up again right so here’s one thing I saw on the news I’m sure some of you may have seen it as well uh some guy drove around after dark the other night and just shot and killed four people apparently I

Don’t know if they all were deceased but I think three of them or two of them were announced to cease immediately and then uh actually don’t know the full detail so I’m I’m going to refrain from saying too much about details right now you guys can check it out in uh in the

News if you Google it it should come right up yeah it’s getting around that time of year again so here’s I don’t know if they were all Gang Related but it appears to be in some sense r random acts of violence from someone involved in a gang but the people who were killed

Were not all necessarily gang members so I have a couple thoughts about that one is that you are in the the mercy of wor that’s a beautiful corette by the way oh mobbing on the road that’s right uh it okay let me rephrase it gets crazy

In La after dark I personally make a note to never even be outside for any reason let alone if I’m filming if I’m riding my bike after 9:00 p.m. I am just not outside ever I live way far away from laa first place even out there I’m in the house at

Nine I already lived my party life I had fun time oh we got palm tree row we got to always check out palm tree row uh I already did all the fun stuff you could do as a teenager in La I did the parties I came to plenty of streets like this

And took pictures and uh you know I already did the night life I did it all I did the LA warehouse parties I everything everything you can think of I did it I’m not trying to do it anymore I’m done I survived I made it out of the cringes we’re good right

So my first off the first thing that I kind of live by is be in the house after 10: at the very latest 10 is is a hard cut off for me but it’s 10:00 I’m already like up I am out past my bedtime let alone I there’s an alley we could go

Down I don’t know if it is or not kind of looks more like a dead end go ahead and pass on that um in the house by 10 that’s number one number two is even though it’s like it’s almost restrictive there are definitely places you just can’t really

Go in La unless you really know what to getting yourself into like you can’t just ride especially okay first off the places where I ride I I think it goes without saying I don’t recommend anyone to ever come and explore the places that I do I know where I’m going any given

Time I that guy just fell I was going to try and get over there and help him but looks like we’re stuck by traffic right now uh it looks like he’s okay or she who she or they I honestly can’t tell um you know so you also you have to just be

Aware of where you’re at at any given time there’s a lot of neighborhoods you just can’t really ever go unless you know exactly where you’re going and how to get in and out quickly and and uh a lot of other things so there’s there’s those two things one just be in the

House at a reasonable time if you live in LA two avoid areas where you feel uncomfortable or unsafe or you just don’t know what you get yourself into or it looks like this maybe uh don’t go there you know that’s uh it’s a pretty good idea we actually can take this out

Here behind this cat just are you okay yeah I’m fine baby okay no worries a little bit of graffi right there good thing she’s all right um yeah last time I came through here was on the BMX for those who do remember we’re going way out of the way once

Again I’m just getting lost on tangents we’re talking and chatting and whatnot so just enjoy the ride for now let’s go ahead and cut this alley couple of cats just chilling uh these are the alleys where I am always afraid that a Pit Bull is going to pop

Out and start chasing me but uh so far my luck has not had that happen to me yet and I do attribute it all the luck cuz that could change based off of an unlucky day straight up I can just get Unlucky One Day and then a pitol slips

Out of the gate cuz they see the bike and they want to chase it and I won’t even hear it and than so you know Tak is out of commission but we don’t want that then you guys are going to get a whole lot more 1 hour sir on

Reruns which uh you know that’s just what it is sometimes anyways we just cut back and wasted a bunch of uh our route we’re going have to turn back and hit this right on 43rd it’s just so I try to keep a coherent thought and statement in

Track of of what I’m saying going but when I’m out filming these videos there’s I’m still also out here actively filming right so there’s so many things I have to keep track of at any given moment I’m always kind of looking around to see if I recognize the cat just kind

Of standing on the curve right there hopefully they bring that thing inside um you know there’s a lot for me to pay attention to when I’m out just doing my thing right so when I’m also trying to talk to you guys about certain things it’s uh it’s difficult but anyways we’re

On Avalon so we’re actually halfway towards where we were originally going to go so we’re just going to go ahead and keep on going this way for now we got more beautiful palm trees name more La thing than this it’s a nice day out it’s uh about 65 de rocking the hick

Famam hoodie got me nice and toasty another big thing that happened today was this this morning there’s a huge explosion I don’t know that I think that was on the news I don’t watch the news personally I just have uh KTLA on Twitter so anything that I see that’s

News related in La I get from there so I saw that there’s a huge explosion and there was a bunch of you know a huge like presence of uh bom response and police firefighters Etc and there are some injured firefighters I really pray that they are okay it’s said somewhat

More in critical condition but if you see the the clip you can Google it look up Wilmington explosion on Google you can see it there’s multiple angles of it it looked wild dude it looked like a bomb went off out here in the city of La

We were going to go down there today but from what I heard that area is completely sealed off you cannot access it whatsoever so we’re going to wait till like tomorrow and then maybe check it out then hopefully it’s a little bit more lowkey but um I was curious about

What that actually looked like because uh yeah it looked like a full-blown Bomb It exploded let’s go ah hit this right on this alley we’re getting towards thege into the neighborhoods kind of where to where it starts to blend into the industrial area so that’s a idea how

Far we’re going hold on let’s take a look at this car right here whoa that’s a big dog you see how big that dog is wow it’s a big beautiful dog I was looking at this car I think’s crazy they’re crying cute little pups dude that dog’s

Huge that that bark I was like what the is that sound like any animal I knew first I thought it was a great D but it’s a domination I didn’t know dominations could get that big maybe it was like a a mix of both anyhoo we are now on Vernon and

Central we started on Vernon so this would be the way that we would be on if we had just gone straight from where I started if I was if I actually had a a brain that was able to uh stay on One path this would be where we were so we

Also would have been you know I guess you could say we wouldn’t have seen nearly as much as we just saw doing the route that we did uh and we’re about to take another detour and go south on uh on right here homies off a good one I

Don’t even know what he was about but uh let’s go ahead and the goal would be to get across the street right now we may just keep going south for a bit it’s starting to approach traffic hour and we don’t want to be out during traffic hour

In any case uh so we’ll just keep taking it nice and easy easy until then circling back to my first thought though I do want to say that uh La is a crazy place it always has been I think ultimately the statistics say that it is safer nowadays than it has ever been

Historically so there’s that you know take that with a grand assault but I I actually feel that way for someone who like I know a lot of these neighborhoods very well and I’ve been riding through them for over a decade uh I think that they are less hostile than they used to

Be as far as just getting around I mean there’s never also been something like a suron to get around in them though like a nearly silent extremely fast electric bike is a pretty new invention for uh traversing places that are you know somewhat hostile territory if uh you

Could consider it that or just even a place that you need to get in and out of quick there’s never been a way to do it like on this bike like now that I’m that I’ve been introduced to doing things on a suron I don’t think I’d ever go back

To ride a BMX in some of these neighborhoods you’re just too you’re too slow like in the in the situation where you are being tracked or watched or someone’s trying to keep up with you or keep tabs on you or watch what you’re doing you’re just at such a disadvantage

On the BMX although it is fun I’ve already done that I already did that I lived it I did the BMX riding in you know these neighborhoods where it’s somewhat treacherous to even be around and it’s like I don’t really have much desire to do that anymore you know so it

Is thrilling to ride these fun neighborhoods where can do a little bit of free riding and see a bunch of unique things uh on this bike and that’s kind of why I’m here doing it and that’s why we’re out here on Compton Avenue with this huge huge tag look at this they

Just took up the whole wall they say you know what our wall now but I know I’m not riding through this grass it is absolutely littered with dog poop all right so we’re on Compton Avenue uh if you go south you end up in Compton so that’s uh that’s where we’re at we’re

Pretty far east compared to where we we usually go and we’re on the brink of kind of leaving civilization if we keep going further east which sort of was the plan but I think we’re just going to head south on Compton out for a bit because I never really checked this

Route out at all this would be a new territory entirely how you doing player what’s going on so we’re uh you know we’re out here somewhere totally different than where we usually go nice people okay so we got Compton Avenue all these alleys will be new to me

We got this one we can check out why not right might as well they’re all new as far as I’m concerned cuz I don’t ever really come out here we just rode it right past a huge syringe we’re going to try and keep going Southbound even though that one going westbound did look

More interesting we’re just going to keep going south for the time being and uh see what’s going on another thing you see out here in South Central is cars parked in the middle of the street all day that’s a very common side out here very clean alleys I got to say and this

Little pocket of uh South Central that we’re in we’re kind of south of historical South Central I could say that that’s a a pretty good guesstimation of where we’re at but we’re just we’re somewhere like uh I don’t really know exactly how to describe this area it’s it’s chill but

It’s also turned up look at this alley right here we will be taking this one big stand body of water and a free couch free couch with all the cushions interesting go and Shred down this we got the hanging barb wire that’s usually a sign that uh not a place you want to

Be if I got to if I got to elaborate on that it’s just means that uh they’re trying to keep people out people like who well just about everybody okay now we’re on 51st in Ascot I mean we’re like we’re just in a neighborhood now let’s

Uh let’s go ahead and get lost for a second there’s more alleys all up and down here but I think we’re going to cut back to Compton AB because this is not really there’s not much to see in these neighborhoods these are just kind of like your typical

La you know South Central neighborhoods we might see some cool cars or something but other than that uh nothing too out of the ordinary other than people looking to be like what the heck is that guy doing what does that thing he’s on Etc still most people out here have

Probably never seen a suron in their life they’ve never heard one when I shred past and I’m almost silent they’re like what the heck is that I know my suron sounds loud for me being on it but uh in the grand scheme of of riding it is quiet it’s significantly quieter than

Uh just about anything else I could be on okay so we’re cruising down Compton out we’re going to ultimately oh we got a skinny alley right here yeah why not we got to take them all these are ones I don’t think I’ll ever come back down anytime soon at

Least these ones you just got to watch out for your head on the right cuz there could be barb wire would not be a good day just clipping barb wire casually at 35 mph on a on that would be uh the opposite of a good day one could

Say man there is just a there’s a therapeutic quality to get out and riding this thing around it is just a lot of fun it doesn’t matter where you’re at but it’s always a lot of fun we got some sidewalk curb Cuts right here once again going off

Track oo kind of hit those perfectly it’s like a little Rhythm Section for the suron that was fun and we’re going to double back I do have to be a little bit more aware of the way I’m riding when I’m out here because everyone is kind of giving me

That bandit look I ride this saying like uh like a bandit like I’m doing a getaway so people are looking at me like I’m doing a getaway be straight up ever so often I’m just checking my back in case you are wondering why I’m randomly stopping and kind of looking around I

Think I see a dog on the street I do I think he’s chill he is Chill that a beautiful dog okay that means I will be probably checking out a few less alleys cuz uh you see one straight dog there is usually more but I think we’re at a dead

End right here so we’re going to have to pick going have to go through something I don’t think either of these no we’re at a full dead end with a fence nothing we can do over here these are nice Apartments I don’t really trust that I don’t trust that alley right there it

Looked very dead Endy all right so we’re on sloon if we keep going south that’s uh that’s starting to cover some ground but we’re still not to where we want to be which is much further south than slon so we didn’t get as far east or South as

We plan on going on this ride currently so uh stay tuned I don’t know if we’re going to go any further east than this cuz I just know how it’s going to become dreadfully boring once we get past this point and there’s so much traffic right

Now look at how far it’s backed up also because of the construction interesting gang graffiti right here it’s almost uh artistic and how spaced out it is I know what it says but this is a strange little cut we’re in this is a uh I don’t

Know what this is this almost looks like a like a park is this a par oh this is that Farmland area I think we can’t get in here we have to go all the way around here I’m pretty sure this is a park I don’t want to be completely wrong but I

I think it is we’re about to find out it’s like shut every single way maybe it’s closed I don’t know got some RV camps right here and people [ __ ] up in RVs that’s uh common there nothing out of the ordinary there see what they got out here setting up chop bunch of random

Items I don’t know why that Park is closed I think I’m at a dead end okay I’m sensing dog senses I see a trip wire too y see that going go and pop off are we at a dead end nah yeah it is a dead end there’s a

Cut in the fence right there we could theoretically get through but yeah nothing Rel going on here working on a truck looks like this is the edge of society folks this is the uh the last Bastion of existence in LA and we’re we got the dog senses they’re tingling a

Little bit you know they’re they’re kind of they’re kind of they’re tingling that’s the best way I can put it the dog senses are tingling look at that thing left for dead a little bit of uh just random stuff strewn about we can get through

Right here this is why I need to start wearing boots on these rides I don’t need to wear boots because I’m not offroading but might as well be off-roading in some of the places in South Central that I ride through man it’s uh it gets hectic okay we’re going down sloon

Through the bridge we’re going to cross over this is an inactive train track as far as I know and we’re going to check out this route this is kind of what I had in mind for today is is this area right here coming up the train tracks right

Here so this is this goes south all the way down to Compton and it goes even further south than that all the way pretty much down to um the bay the LA Bay but uh you know we’re not going to go all the way up here now we’re kind of

Doubling back against where we were going in the first place so it’s just uh we’re just uh you know we’re freestyling it folks stay tuned stay tuned for what goes down that’s all I can say kind of interesting part of town though lots of uh auto shops and body work shops we got

Some projects right here we will be checking out right here on Long Beach uh this is an active train actually I was mistaken this is the blue line I don’t know how I got that wrong but we are in the blue line and we do have projects right here that we’re

Going to rip through very briefly and just uh oh there’s no stoplight here am I am I correct in think of that no there’s not it’s just kind of like you go and when you go yeah you just go when you go okay well now we know about

That okay if there’s ever a thing that you should not do on uh my videos is ride through the projects like I’m doing right now this is where uh especially cuz I don’t know these ones if these were like the caritos back where I grew up it’d be

A little bit more chill but the thing about the projects is the way that they’re all designed you can get cornered very very very quickly and trapped and then uh it’s very difficult to get out once I got you cornered that’s why I don’t really ride through that many

Projects that one was chill though I don’t even know the name of this housing project we were just riding through but pretty relaxed I’d say for the most part so we have already got a healthy ride in now we’re going to go this way and we’re going to go west for a little

While we’ve pretty much been going east and south this entire time we covered quite a bit of ground honestly we did a decent ride checking out some new areas just goes to show you there’s still so much ground out here in La that I haven’t covered I know a lot of you guys

Love uh when I do other rides in other areas but there’s just so there’s so much that I haven’t seen out here folks you have no idea you really have no idea I have not even really scratch the surface of what there is to do out here

In South Central um and the key is just to keep it moving you know keep it moving I have really not even stopped once this entire ride and it’s uh that’s kind of the key to to making it happen out here you got to keep it moving and jump stuff every so

Often to keep the muscles warm anyways we’re about to get involved in this traffic for a hot second there is so much traffic there’s so much traffic it’s uh it’s because of this construction on sloon that’s been going on for a really long time like a really

Long time they blocked off a big chunk of the street as you can see right here on the left we shred oh my God we’re just cooking right there okay we’re going to hit it right on slon and then go up here for a bit up to the next

Street wow I would love to get right here and ride this I think that every time I come out here but it’s never been accessible it’s always been it’s been closed up I don’t know what the plan is to make right here I think eventually it’s going to be another railroad line

Or something but as far as I can remember for the last couple years it’s just been fenced off inaccessible and nothing there but dirt and still like that anyways we’re going to chill up here on Hooper and then try and cross go a little bit further south before we cut

Back up to Fig and ultimately make our route back coming up fig traffic is outrageous right now I’m not really trying to be involved in it but uh I am I’m getting involved in it either way okay so we’re on 58th place and Hooper how many times have I pointed out

Hooper in these videos folks if you know about Hooper you know about Hooper if not well get on Google Maps and take a look we’re out here that’s all I can say this is an RV Street I think a viewer was telling me to come down here they’re

Like yo come down this street there’s tons of RVs it’s kind of crazy and uh they were not wrong it is pretty crazy right here there anything to see though I mean it’s kind of just overall kind of Nuts huh I got the power line right there that’s probably running into some sorts of power somewhere to power a generator there’s a building back there that is uh it looks like it’s open oh man what is going on back there hold on can we see this it’s it’s been it’s entirely shut

Off even the RV is tagged up with game taging man it’s crazy I would love to hop off the bike and see what’s going on back there here I can show you guys a little I probably look crazy I probably look like I’m trying to buy drugs that’s

Probably anyone’s St is right here where I’m hovering around these RVs but do you see what I see right here maybe I a punch in this is a facade and it’s like exposed behind that wall but uh it’s just so treacherous to get back there

I’m good there’s no way for us to go through there without getting trapped and the amount of gang tag in here is just uh it’s a clear signal when it’s like you know you’re not it’s just just don’t test your luck today right that’s kind of the that’s the uh that’s the

Emotion that I’m feeling currently don’t test the luck let’s go ahead and just keep on observing what we got going on here there’s more structures more RV living more more these streets running towards generators just damn you know just living on the streets life out here

I can’t believe I’ve never been down the street this is kind of crazy you know there’s a lot going on right here how you doing yeah you know the South Central I grew up in was not really like this either or maybe I just didn’t notice it

I don’t know if it’s something that once you get out and explore you see things that were always hidden in plain sight so to speak cuz uh I mean I know the homeless problem in La has just been exploding year over year like every single year but uh I mean like streets

Like that that’s just I just don’t remember seeing like that when I was growing up man it be 100% blunt I don’t know anyways wow up here on Central a big Main Street so Central is going to be very chill in comparison uh pretty much everything we just done over the

Last uh you know hour yeah over the last hour we’ve been out for about hour already folks time flies time flies kind of chilling we want to get across this street right now it’s actually perfect time right now boom it is Rush Hour we’re doing everything we can to get out

Of Harm’s Way and uh off of these main streets this is a I I swear I never really come over here this is a very interesting area we found like an industrial part of South Central that I’ve never been through this is uh if I

Had to guess I think I’m by the Food Truck Rental spot there’s a place where you can rent rent a food truck uh to use for a day or week or something like that I think we’re close to that if I had to guess otherwise like I feel like I’m in

Downtown of Lake kind of but we’re nowhere new there it’s like a it’s like a Deja Vu experience all right look at the size of this ramp this a BMX ramp oh don’t go off of that that would end tragically yep I don’t want any problems

With you either buddy don’t worry I’m go ahead keep on mobing with Mom I am good I don’t not want no problems with you sir he’s still looking like hey you want to play uh cuz I’ll play with you yeah I’m good don’t worry about me I’m getting out of

Here all right that was interesting totally new areas explored today new area unlocked we um we found a part of the Great out map we went to a great out part of the map and we uh revealed it we’re coming up I I’m pretty sure fig is

Next I don’t really know exactly what’s coming up next honestly this would be one you could jump off of these are for loading stuff and uh not for riding suround on let’s go get right off of it f my tire is digging in in the grooves I need more tire pressure like

ASAP my front tire is is extremely low and it could be a problem soon so right the exploration continues we’re on Avalon so since we’re not on fig yet we’re going to go a little bit further south and uh figure it out from there ultimately we’ll just shoot straight

Back fig and that’s going to take us right back to our start point but I’m pretty intrigued on seeing all these new areas today man it’s it’s uh that was kind of the goal for today anyway was see a bunch of new stuff but we are definitely doing that we are definitely

Doing that and we’re going to cross right here on 59th place before we start hitting into the 60s once you get down to the 60s you’re getting pretty deep you’re getting you’re getting down there deep down and dirty deep inside uh what that’s cool also if you guys have any

Locations uh if you’re from LA or not just drop them in the comments that you want me to check out around La I’m going to do a little bit more viewer tours this uh these upcoming months if you got any good ideas for me to check out then

I probably will check them out to be honest you got some uh got some interesting locations I’m just might get mature on southbound a little bit further we still got a ways to go as always I have the uh 110 freeway is our North Star so if you can see it it’s

Down there just a little bit further that’s kind of once you cross that you’re back on fig and then you’re back in the realm of uh quote unquote I don’t know I don’t even know I would say safety but ain’t nothing safe out here nothing safe nothing nice uh get it get

In where you fit in that’s that’s way I can put it oh just something just I don’t know what that was I think it was a high speeded bug just punched me in the mouth po me here on Wall Street car behind me a big pink pink building and

Another pink house to match they pink apartment so last time I asked you guys what’s the deal with the pink Apartments I’ve always heard my own theories back in the day was that they’re done in an an attempt to increase the value of the homes I don’t know if that’s true oh we

Got an alley right there I’m good I’m kind of I think I’m Allied out for today I kind I sat there I considered it for a second I think I’m good so we’re going to go ahead and uh avoid alleys for a hot second even though they are fun I’m just good right

Now yeah the loud colored houses I never really got a clear-cut explanation on that if any of you guys have any uh inside or knowledge let me know this is the other side of the alley so maybe we will cut it in the reverse Direction I

Think it’ll be good this way it’s gated off that way as you can tell a lot of the alleys out here are gated off we got a just more random old gang graffiti looks like it’s just been there forever even here too it’s just kind of

Everywhere out here he man we’re in gang zones that is that is a fact hat I don’t know what else to tell yall about what I do don’t come to these places where I film I don’t think that needs repeating in case you don’t know now you know so

We’re going down to 63rd from here or sry gaug let’s see yeah there’s not many other alleys from here we’re going to see a lot more uh gang graffiti as we keep going south right here because the further south you go the more hectic it gets it justes get Wilder and Wilder the

Further you get from the city the city ain’t nice on its own either Gage and is where we’re at right now we’re going to pop up on the sidewalk and creep up towards fig that is where we’re going next we’re going to make a right on fig

Back in my favorite place church is chicken you only find them in the hood folks best chicken spot anywhere that I know of as far as uh anyone who’s had churches they can probably confirm as well there’s an ambulance right here looks like it’s pulled over for something they’re going inside of the

House out here in South Central we’re actually going to turn around we TR to be more of a fire situation looks like just somebody who needs help all’s right there Bob wire right here and another ambulance coming from that direction something just exploded or something just exploded did you guys hear

That what is going on oh he just going to assist these gentlemen oh they got the stretcher out all right we’re going to keep going we’re just going to avoid that area yeah we’re going to keep going this way we going to make a right right here on

Gagee and keep going back up gauge go ahead sweetheart Hercules Burgers I’ve seen this place so many times never once stopped to try it I’m not I’ve been eating chicken and rice almost every day for like 3 months and I feel amazing so I’m going to go ahead and continue that

Trend but one day we’re going to come and stop and check out Hercules burgers hden one more alley where we got some big 62nd Street taging and some beautiful artwork actually right next to it luckily the artwork is untouched that’s very respectful you got to love

Seeing that we’re going to go ahead and cut we’re now next to the freeway this is an area where I tend to stay on the sidewalk as much as possible because the roads out here are just um Warfare pretty much they’re full-blown Warfare it’s uh it’s just like it’s uh

You know at your own risk is the best way I’d put it if you are you know if you’re brave get out and ride on the streets it’s very sketch it is very very very sketch is it deadly yes is it safe no do most people do it anyway yes do I stay

On the sidewalk yes are we going to Pig and make a right yes that is goal right now gauge is usually not even the halfway point for me most AG but we took such a radically different route today that uh I’m kind of feeling you know

Maybe we’ll surf down just for a hot second let’s check out fig right once you’re on fig it’s very straightforward you just go up and down there’s uh you know it’s not that risky once you’re actually out here and uh it’s a Thursday afternoon so you know

What that means now it’s another day on fig oh that did not sound good you’re going to see all these fig things that you usually see on fig and today is no different all right I think we can turn around and cut it back from here we keep going down fig uh you

Know wow um yeah let’s go ahead let’s go ahead and turn around let’s go ahead and slice it back cuz that’s uh that’s yep big activities you know when I was growing up I didn’t even know know that fig was famous for the thing that it’s famous for I thought it was just

Popular because it’s a street that runs all the way down to South Central and then through to LA and you know fig is the street that the Staple Center is on and the convention center and all this other stuff I didn’t know they had a reputation it does for the reason it

Does right when I grew up I grew up in North Long Beach right which is like it’s right next to Compton like you could walk across this bridge and then you’re in Southside Compton right so that’s where I grew up and it was always known that if you go to Long Beach

Boulevard which is a little bit West of where I lived is where you see the things you see on fig right so I didn’t even know the Fig was ever like this until like one day I did a BMX cruise and I started going to South down fig

Right I parked it the Staple Center back this is how long ago this was it was still Staple Center this is before crypto was even popular like that and I started going south on fig and I was like what is going down so that’s the day I learned and now

Uh yeah it’s just kind of uh it’s just it’s just uh yeah I don’t even know what the point is I’m trying to make never a dull moment I think though and it’s fun pumping the S on oh that s suspension is is very decent I give it that it’s not

Exceptional but it is decent it’s good enough to get you through all grass got a little arm pump right there dude she standing up on a car like she was about to start chanting something oh man folks what a journey we went on today never a dull moment on the suron

In South Central all right cooking up big we’re on 54 holy I think I’m going to get off of this road right now we’re at least going to start by popping on the Sidewalk this is a perfect time to get in and out of South Central right before it starts feeling a little hectic once like 5 6:00 rolls around it starts to uh start to heat up a little bit you know what I’m saying so it’s always a pretty

Good idea to to get up on out of here before that time and uh oh we’re still doing Valentine’s Day today’s the 15th so that’s for like the dudes who completely forgot to tell their wife happy Valentine’s day yesterday and they’re going to do it today I guess I don’t

Know yeah buddy you’re already screwed give it up hands up you’re toast it’s over nothing you can do now also folks if you haven’t checked out my second Channel I will be posting there a lot this week I I’ve had the BMX h I will not be posting BMX on this channel

Anymore I need you guys to understand that it’s all Sur on ebikes I still do BMX videos though you just have to go to my other channel to see them that’s just how it works that’s how that’s how the game is played YouTube Hey this this

Channel just loves the Sur on stuff I don’t know what to say it’s just been performing but I do love my BMX I still like making those videos so if you want to see that got to hop on the second Channel HX we’re just doing our best to avoid uh

All the elements here sidewalk traffic and cars hello she was like what the hell is this guy doing holy crap oh dude I just straight up sidewalk surfed right there that was fun that was fun I probably rode through an ungodly amount of poop right there but it was

Worth it oh running the red jeez right in front of a woman in her baby bro that was ruthless what’s go oh my God he just flew through the gutter Lane Jesus dude this is that’s that is my queue to leave all right there wasn’t a

Sign to get off of the roads I think that’s it yeah we’ll take it well that was a good one folks that’s a good way to cap off this week uh again if you want to support you want to get your chance to win the best electric

Bike on the market The Sur on Ultra B the step up from this one that I’m riding every $1 spent one entry to win that bike you buy something you’re automatically in you don’t have to do anything else um so that’s it as far as today goes I am done folks

As always thanks again for watching stay safe out there I’ll see you guys very very soon peace out


  1. Ok I’ll ask….whats wrong with orange gloves? If you explain is it like mentioning Valdermort in Harry Potter?

  2. Well wait I’m so sorry brutha but have ya ever ridin a dirtbike?? Cuz I mean I have n…well that was a one time thing… so instead I became a flagger…idk if I’ve already told u but yea I died from a dirtbike cuz I was helping someone else on a dirtbike and another one decided to go about 60+ mph n hit me…

  3. Where am from just owning or being on a surron makes you a target like everyone one wants to take you off it and rob it so Compton don’t seem to bad

  4. As an American this is a great video to show why not to move to LA and vote for this kind of hell 😂😂 Trump 2024

  5. I live in riverside county and los Angeles is somewhere I never would go unless I absolutely need to especially at night hell no. This guy goes to south central on purpose 🤦🏻‍♂️

  6. I recently watched a televised piece on trees and LA and how even that separates the classes, wherein more affluent communities have more trees and shade as opposed to lower socio-economic neighborhoods are somewhat barren. Kinda what I see in this video. Really sad.

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