Golf Players

Full Swing KIT vs Trackman | PGA Orlando Demo Day

Today we had the opportunity to test the Full Swing KIT against the Trackman outdoors at the PGA Show in Orlando! This £5000 unit stands up to the mighty Trackman with apparent ease and gives you amazing data at a fraction of the price!

Shop the Full Swing KIT here:

Right guys we’re down here at the full swing stand at PGA show in Orlando and we’re going to do a quick test aren’t we from trackman Against full swing and we even got quad here as well and the the results we’re expecting to see are really really similar aren’t they so how

Are you guys achieving such good accuracy from you know a comparatively budget model I like the way you said comparatively budet it’s still an expensive piece of kit but it’s a compare you compar TR you’ve got something that’s you know no quarter of the price and we’re we’re giving people

Chance to put our money where our mouth is everyone always asks us how are you guys able to how lack year can it be for that price so we’re giving people a chance whether they want to test against a quad or a track man uh full swing kit

You know we have the the latest radar that we develop we’ developed it for Tiger yeah uh you know you’re getting 16 points of radar power data club and ball you don’t need stickers no alignment tools just ready and go uh we also have our high resolution camera so it’s going

To feed you video after every I love that the the camera on this thing is so far ahead of anything else in the market it’s a 4k camera isn’t it 4k camera 1080p output so that you can share it straight from your phone to your instructor your buddies whatever

You want it’s unbelievable it’s so good so we’re going to do the test against track man I think we’re going to go radar versus radar we’ll see how close the day to is yeah yeah and you know we got a little breeze going today so we’re

Going to see some variant for sure but I think you’re going to be pretty impressed our spin for the most part today has been under 50 rpm for the most part it’s been closer to within 15 RPM on spin club and ball speed have been

Within a mile Hour 2 mph Max and then carry distance has been really really close all day sometimes dead on sometimes within a couple yards 200 point4 under two mph difference on Club speed and then launch angle within a within a degree the one on the r is a truck one y one

Dri and who’s right this spin you’re within 40 RPM speed within a mile hour right guys so we’ hit some seven some drivers and those numbers were I mean they they delivered as you said they were within you know 10 15 20 RPM on spin carry numbers are basically the

Same Club speed I mean that’s that’s why we did it we want you to be able to walk away and believe in believe in the kit we wanted people who’ have been saying to us it’s too too good of a price to be true this is why we’re here we’re giving

People away to test it out for themselves and to see you know what tiger sees when he shows up to a major I’m impressed fantastic yeah

1 Comment

  1. Outdoors you would expect any radar based unit even the garmin r10 will be very accurate. It can see the long flight of the ball. Indoors on a screen or into a net with short ball flight would be a better test to show its accuracy.

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