Golf Players

미국에서 부르는 부산갈매기ㅣ전지훈련 in LA PART.05 로이스터 감독님

퍼가실 때 본문에 출처와 링크를 꼭 기입해주세요

구독 좋아요 알림설정 감사합니다
비지니스 문의 :

For [Laughter] Spee foree [Laughter] Speee Foree you [Applause] is SHO fore spee fore fore what M oh journy oh hey oh jell good to see you good to see you all right good long time yeah too long too very you look good yeah everything’s great yeah good okay let’s go your family okay good oh yeah yeah good power

Yeah Deo you never cooked for me when I was there for three years man you never cooked for me one time never okay remember me of course I remember a lot of our guys that were Major League minor league I did but I mean but I knew all

My minor Leaguers I knew everybody down there he cried a [Laughter] lot doing very well very good yes my youngest one Cara the actor she was an actress she um the youngest one just got married last November the oldest one is now the mother of twins seven-year-old I’m a [Applause] grandfather

Wed good not bad everything looks familiar my favorite my favorite yeah nothing playing golf every day shing shing yeah very good I just saw him I didn’t want them to be afraid to make mistakes since they weren’t afraid then they they they played Freer which was better you know

I would call them into the office I’d call them into my office and I remember I remember de Ho’s in the office and I would call them in there sometimes it wasn’t even about baseball it might have been about music or anything and they’re so they’re sitting in my office and they

And I remember Deo saying managers never do that they never they never sit with the players they never they don’t have the players and and uh interact with them in that way but we did and I did it with all the players because I was teaching them to be

Aggressive no fear no fear don’t be afraid to hit you know take advantage of uh of of the of the best opportunities I was trying to teach that so they never saw me get angry unless they were doing something that I knew they were capable of doing

If they were teaching what they used to teach yes I would yes I would because the coaches in the beginning before I was able to get them to understand what I was trying to do they would still try to do the same things that they’ve been doing for years

And they’ve been losing for years they were losing every year that’s the only thing I knew about the team and they would discipline the players to the point where if they made a mistake if they missed a ground ball or if they struck out they would take him out of

The game and I wouldn’t let him do that and so when the coaches would go over and start talking to them I’d make sure Curtis was over there saying what are they talking about you know I wanted to know because if it was something negative no we’re

Not doing that anymore no we’re going to show them how to do what they were doing wrong we’re going to show them how to do it better that’s right I’m getting getting better they focused they I made them practice the things that they were good at we

Didn’t have time spring training is only I mean it’s short it was short for me because first of all I didn’t speak the language and it was hard for me to get everything in before the season started so in spring training like Deo was a was a power hitter same way he was

He they they hit with they had they had strength they had some power so we made sure I made sure that they were you know go ahead and do that right he was also bad High batting average right he did everything everything good but he needed to focus

On his power does he remember me telling him telling them that RBI is the most important thing there is When he got here right he was he knew he was I knew he was tired but they were trying to push him harder push him harder no he doesn’t need that no i’ call him over and we talk about something I anything but remember in in h in sipan

Yesan we used to run mountains players are what good would it have done for him to run up and down the mountain two more times it wasn’t going to make him a better player so I don’t I didn’t like to do anything I didn’t let the coaches do

Anything anything that wasn’t going to make them better 400 ground 400 ground balls no that’s not making them better it’s just tired what was our shortstop’s name uh K kak Mar kak right he’s about this big the management and the coaches did not like him so much but I saw that he

Can do what we needed to do he can play next to joean at second base right uh uh they hope for one year or two years at third base one two years two years two years at third base I know he’s not a third baseman but that’s where he was

Comfortable and that’s where he was going to hit you’d still be able to hit home runs oh move him the first move him the first nope Kim duan’s going to play first our team Garcia and right once we got our team set cuz I didn’t know once I saw

What everybody could do all we did was work on getting better every single player individually I take him into the batting cages one-on-one what’s it what’s the left Fielder’s name young guy he was young now he’s just signed for four more years he just signed four years with

L yeah he was you know he was hitting like this no he the fall out of the ballpark so we go in the cage and I give him drills to make him hit home runs all of a sudden he’s a home run hitter of Course he had some key some key games for us some some he played very well a few times he saying s second nor me Swing Swing Swing Out hey who [ __ ] cont white boom yeah when he struck out I I hit the board again I got mad at all these guys

When they weren’t aggressive when you play what position did you play the most so whose’s place so who so who when you were playing who wasn’t playing our our our captain our our best hitter he was the captain of the team so he got to play sometimes but I would sit

When he played I had to sit down cuz I knew that he had some he he did good you did good you didn’t get the lot of opportunities great story um a owner I think he asked another Major League manager Bobby Valentine was his manager in Chiba in Chiba lote in in Japan

So Mr Shin asked Bobby does he know anyone that could come to Korea and do what Bobby’s doing in Japan they wanted somebody to to come and do the same thing in Korea so Bobby says Jerry Royer in the same breath Jerry Royer Korea had never

Had a foreign manager before no they I was the first right so they they they didn’t didn’t have one so Mr Shin flies me to Japan he couldn’t fly me to Korea because they’re going to be wondering you know the front office is going like what we got a foreign manager

He calls me in and he and you know he we talk about everything and uh he told me the importance of what I was getting ready to do and what what lot what the company was getting ready to do the company was changing everything by bringing in a foreign manager and he

Wanted me to make sure that I knew the import importance of it so we finally came to an agreement and we were going to fly to we were flying the soul from from uh from uh from Japan we’re flying to soou and I was going to meet his

Father so and his father says to me in English we are getting ready to change the way baseball is played in Korea that was so important to me that you know that that they chose me to be that be the person that did this it was a big

Deal there was always Korea and they followed Japan but now Korea just opened up that was 2008 I didn’t I did not want to go I did I I wanted to come back when I signed with Mr Shen he says how long do you think it will take to change the way the

Team plays I said that’s hard to say I know nothing about the league I don’t know anything about the players I didn’t know who was who but but after my first year after 2008 and after the Olympics and all the and the million people showed up

And now the fans have I mean they were singing songs and you know they got my picture all over the place everything was good everything was really high after my first year I said give me three more years and we’ll win a championship they didn’t give me three

More years they said they said now we’ll we’ll give you two years and you know which couldn’t believe I’m going like wait a minute we just did what you know we just did everything everybody we were the talk of the league right we the whole league was talking about the lotay

Giants all of Korea was talking about the lot Giants yeah I was I was doing commercials they were doing commercials I made them go out into as a team remember we went uh we would go into restaurants and bars and you know say hello to all the people I made the whole

Team do it right oh yeah she was with me yeah yeah yeah I mean she was she was famous I mean she was you know and all the all the all the single guys on our on our team roer roer help me introduce us we did the same thing with uh with the

Singing group Cara remember Cara they were Cara yeah they were their first year yeah two of them were from Los Angeles two of the members so they they came after they were really famous they came back and they had me up on stage here in Los Angeles

Why you call why did you call him so my daughter’s name is Cara also and they’re spilled the same way so when she when my family came over to Korea to see us um she took a lot of photos with with the singing group and they all became very

Good friends cuz my daughter was was uh a Disney actress yeah but I did not I I definitely wanted to come back I wanted to come back and negotiations didn’t go well and uh other teams in our league I mean a lot of teams four teams all wanted me to come

In and man their team but I wasn’t going to do that not after by that time I had connected with a few Korean Powerhouse companies that I that I that I’m still with today that uh that’s who I came back over I’ve only been back to Korea one time since and

That was 2015 which was five years after I manag and we landed and I don’t know how they knew but the Korean media knew that I was in town and boy it was quite the scene at the airport well hopefully I’m not breaking anything but I’m coming I’m coming soon soon very

Soon and uh the Dodgers and the Padres are opening up in Soul m Otani yeah Yamamoto yeah I’ll be there best ever no one no one close no one close thank God remarkable so I went to see him several times because Bobby Valentine does some stuff for the Angels

So the day he was pitching he was the day I went he was pitching against the Houston Astros and Dusty Baker is one of my close friends so I’m at the stadium at 1:00 right for a seven 7:00 game nothing going on sprinklers just water right Otani and his

Interpreter are out in left field doing exercises to get ready for the game so at 1:00 he’s getting ready to pitch at 7 right so he he starts the game right so I’m with Dusty I’m sitting right over Dusty I’m like from me from and he’s managing the game and he’s he’s telling

Me he goes like have you ever seen anything like this guy so I’ve been in this game for 50 years I’ve never seen anything close to Otani Barry Bonds and uh 2010 201 201 yes yes we had that all over American every Everybody asked me about

That cuz he was hitting he was going after doing the same thing that King griffy Jr was doing right our home runs eight eight straight eight straight games but when he was breaking the record I mean r r I’m on the telephone I’m say yeah for real

Man I was very proud of him I let me tell you I was extremely proud of him he said you cried I did cry really yeah and I told everybody in America I told King Griffey Jr yeah yeah sh I told him they want to know what you

Thought of um his hitting it it was he was remarkable he just needed a little more help a little more help uh to get over the top and I mean he caught on to everything we did I I gave him we did new drills we did a lot

Of new stuff he just had a concentrate he he needed to use his power more his goal when I first got there I asked every single one of them what do you want to do and he always said I want to play in the major leagues I want to play

In the major leagues and he came over and again I I was so proud I was so proud of him when he finally made it well let me tell you I was one of my proudest moments was in that first year we went in uh what’s the team in inchang

SK SK was I mean powerful powerful and lot never ever won I was we were in we were in uh we were in enchan and I went to see see our minor league team but I remember Joe hone Jo hone okay joone Joe hone says says don’t worry he says we never

We never beat we never beat SK I said I promise you we will beat SK but I promise you that that you know there’s no team that’s that good that you know that we can’t be but I remember we won we won the game against SK and the players are like

We never beat these guys we never we we we never beat them and uh I remember that that gave that gave the team a lot of confidence too hey how about when we uh the end of the season we finally clinched the playoffs we we hadn’t done

It in I guess eight or nine years we had not clinched the playoffs I planned a champagne party we were going to celebrate making it to the playoffs no one did that nobody no one in the league did that so we win and we’re having a party I mean

The media was all over the place right they’re going like you know what you know you’re celebr I said yeah you got to celebrate every small you know celebrate that’s how you become closer so we did we so we I I remember the manager for SK very quiet and solemn you

Know solemn guy but he was a good guy and I remember after the celebration he comes over and he says thank you you for bringing that to to the uh to Korea he says you know we have a tendency not to celebrate things that we should be celebrating but all the managers were

Very friendly to me they were all good and they were all happy I remember the ducon manager was the Olympic manager and um uh we were very close we were we were very close I mean I that’s a picture of you oh yeah he still now how old eight oh that’s 8

Years ago he was here eight years ago I know you made you cry but the only thing I was dis disappointed in in in the ceremony was when you know I had a lot to say but when they put my when they put my face up there the people started going crazy

I couldn’t even hear it I couldn’t hear what I I know the people were going nice I love it I loved it I loved it that was great I was good singer he good singer with the mayor I sung I sung the the uh the city song with the with the

Mayor buang Kami yeah everybody I wanted everybody in Busan to be part of it uh he was wondering who was the most popular of all the people um on the team in your opinion me [Laughter] hey it was very good it was my my three years there was ridiculous how good it

Was do you remember Mino gang Gango oh yeah of course see everybody thought that Kong ho was my favorite he’s pretty close he was probably my favorite yeah we had the most fun together he felt the most comfortable around me oh really Kong man ho for the three years yeah hey hey

Hey ch outstanding miss you miss you too you look sleepy hey me Guy baby three babies three kids God three babies yeah you us to be you used to be afraid of girls when I was there they were all so young that was so long ago 13 years ago oh hey nice [Laughter] guy do you remember I love

You you got to tell me yeah I do remember his song guy I remember Jo onean song Jo Hey sing your song for me yeah no no hey yeah Sam Sam he left yeah it’s so good to see you thank you when I come to Korea you have to come see me For perfect I miss you I miss you okay bye oh good yeah my guys are my guys um I hear from Joe San all the time two times a month What’s um kiman do oh yeah come back this year this he’s going to be the coach um how about oh our number one

Pitcher left-hander June yes one June one June now now what last year retired last year Kore St okay I have my that looks like on my uniform H they I’m too old no no power no power check all right I got to do it mhm okay good

Good ah very special very special thank you uh for new luck to bring you to bring you luck to bring you um Health Prosperity thank you I wish you help moving forward you still watch your players not much no why why 13 years ago all right not like Kong manho he left went to Samsung I didn’t go to Samsung and where’s he though he’s not there yeah last finish good player maybe maybe more

Power thank you I’ll give it to her and we’ll send you a message message I told her that I was coming to see you and she was she remembers all the songs I’m happy to see you again can’t wait to see you soon I’ve been saying it for 15 years

Now I don’t know very much but I know some but seriously thank you thank you like I said those three years were my best three years and uh you were a big part of that me too and I’m just glad I was able to be part of your of your ceremony your

Retirement was U that was pretty special that was that was a special I know it was a special day for you but I could see all how special it was for all the the players and and the entire country I I saw how they rallied around around

Your ceremony and U again thank you for uh letting me be part of that okay thank you love you brother thank you love You that’s see okay one two three nice I’m doing oh woo then you need to [Applause] BAC


  1. 로이스터는 지금 한국 와서 프로감독해도 되겠네요 리더십이 정말 훌러넘치네요

  2. All Lotte Ginats fans are waiting for coming back to Lotte again. We are looking forward to seeing you in Busan someday ! All busan citizens love you Royster !

  3. 저 감독 발음들어보니 백인사회에서 자라신 분이네..교육을 잘 받으신 분인게 발음에서 느껴집니다. 덴젤 워싱턴하고 말투가 비슷하네요.

  4. 노피어 정신이 야구뿐아니라 제인생에서도 엄청난영향을 끼쳤고 그로인해 가난의 굴레에서 벗어날수있었습니다.감사합니다. 로이스터감독님ㅠㅠ영원한 롯팬의 히어로이십니다

  5. 자잘한 스몰볼 야구는 거의 안해서 포스트 시즌에선 성적을 못냈지만 정규시즌은 잘해서 재임기간 중 매년 가을야구는 했고 로이스터 시절 롯데야구는 재미있었음. 본인은 엘팬이지만 그땐 엘지가 비밀번호 찍던 시절이라 가을야구에선 로이스터 감독이 이끌던 롯데 응원했었음. 하필이면 두산한테 업셋내지는 리버스 스윕을 가을야구에서 매번 당했던 기억이 나네요. 로이스터 재임시 우승 내지는 코시 진출 한번 정도는 했어야 하는데 아쉽…

  6. 로이스터 감독님 시절의 야구는 지고 있어도 선수들이 절대 포기하지 않는 투혼을 보여줬었기에 그 시절 no fear 야구를 한 롯데가 여전히 그립다

  7. "No Fear"야구~ 재미있는 야구~ 를 부산과 자이언츠에 심어주셨던 진짜 추억의 감독님이시지….. ㅠㅠ 다시 한 번 자이언츠에서 보고싶었는데 많이 아쉽습니다….
    건강하신 모습 오랜만에 뵈니 반갑고… 모쪼록 가끔씩이라도 팬들에게 안부전해주셨으면 좋겠습니다^^ 그리운 로이스터~😂

  8. 중학교때 로이스터 감독님이 롯데에 오셨을때가 기억 나네요 한국야구가 성장하는데 큰 도움을 주신 것 같가요! 시간이 정말 빠르다는 것 을 한번더 체감 하게 됩니다 과거의 추억이 떠올라서 울컥 하네요 감독님 항상 건강하세요!

  9. 제 추억들이 하나씩 다 떠오르는 좋은 영상이였습니다 .
    특히 2007년부터 야구를 보기 시작해 롯데를 좋아하기 시작했던걸 지금까지 이어오고 있는데 살면서 잘한일 중에 손 꼽히는 것 같습니다 ㅎㅎ
    로이스터 감독님 잊지 못할 겁니다

  10. 정훈선수는 무슨 말하는지 다 알아 듣는 "음." 맛있네"표정이고 춥다 어서 온나.부산 날라가것다.

  11. 추억이란 게 진짜 신기하다 십년이 넘게 흘렀는데 그 때 이야기 하면서 같이 있으니까 2008년 때처럼 보여ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  12. 롯데라는 팀을 사랑하신 분이시네요.여러팀에서 오퍼가 왔는데 그것을 거절하신거보고 오직 롯데만 사랑하시는걸 알았습니다.

  13. 김성근감독과 철학이 정반대네 이대호 선수가 겉치레가 아닌 진심으로 존경하는게 느껴진다

  14. 여러 롯데 감독들 중에 정말로 팬의 사랑을 많이 받았고, 기억에 남는 감독님이었죠

  15. 참 나도 부산사람이긴 한가봅니다. 김포공항에서 이대호선수 사진 찍자니까 표정 안좋던데(남자임) 여성팬분들하고 찍을땐 웃으면서 찍으시더라구요.
    그래서 이대호 선수 한테 편견있었는데 롯데가 머시라고 보게되네요. 은퇴후 인생도 응원합니다. 영상 자주 올려주세요!!

  16. 롯데팬으로서 21세기 통틀어 가장 재미있게 야구를 봤던 때는 로감독님 시절이었던 것 같습니다. 09년 막판 6연승으로 가을야구 결정지었던 것, 10년 조성환과 홍성흔의 연이은 부상에도 불구하고 SK, 두산 상대로 6연승하며 올라간건 아직도 기억나네요. 생각해보면 로감독님 시절에는 예상 밖 선수들이 활약하는 경우가 많았어서 더 재미있었던 것 같습니다.

  17. 82년부터 평생을 삼성 팬으로 있다가 롯데팬이 되었던 시기가 로이 감독님이 롯데 있을 때였고, 미국으로 돌아가신 다음 열받아서 다시 삼성으로 귀환하였지….. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 반가워요. 로이 감독님

  18. 한명의 팬들도 즐겁게 하기 위해서 너희들이 연봉을 받고 야구한다 명장 로이스터 진짜 멋지다 인정안할 수 가 없음 프로마인드 인성까지 재미까지..깔게 없다 그 명장을 롯데프론트는 왜…

  19. 로이스터감독 재임시절은 롯데 최고의 경기력과 보는재미가 있었죠^^

  20. 난 롯데가 항상 강팀인 줄 알았음. 그냥 로이스터 감독이라서 가을야구 했던거였음ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  21. 지금도 항상 그리운 그 시절 낭만 롯데.. 6점차로 지고 있어도 도저히 질 것 같지가 않았던..! 부산갈매기를 부르시던 로이스터 감독님 모습이 정말 엊그제 같이 생생한데 벌써 14년이나 지났네요 ㅠ 시간이 참 빠릅니다 핵심 멤버들이 하나둘 팀을 떠나고 또 은퇴를 하셨지만, 그 시절 뜨거웠던 자이언츠는 여전히 떠올리기만 해도 행복입니다 그런 소중한 추억을 만들어주셔서 로이스터 감독님과 선수분들께 항상 감사합니다!

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