Golf Players

Exploiting Hype and Recency Bias to Make Money in Sports Cards | Paul Hickey | SCL #216

We sit down with Paul Hickey, passionate sports cards flipper and host of the Sports Card Stategy Show podcast to talk about making money flipping cards, how he helps people build collections that will increase in value, his guidelines and framework, has it gotten more difficult to identify opportunities while the hobby has been correcting, what happens if his advice results in people losing money, the importance of leaving money on the bone for the next owner and more so join us live and bring your questions and comments as they will be in play.

Saturday February 10 @ 7:00pm PST / 8:00pm MST / 9:00pm CST / 10:00pm EST

#sportscards #thehobby #flippingsportscards

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Micha Sports CS is a lifestyle Sports Cs and we live now Jeremy Lee in the building and every guest that you ever needed sports cards after hours keep the hobby heated updates hobby talk like you never seen it sports cards live and could ever beat it sports cards is a

Lifestyle sports cards and we live now welcome to another episode of sports cards live with your host Jeremy Lee all right everybody Welcome to episode number 216 of sports cards live it is Saturday Night February the 10th 2024 my name is Jeremy Lee I would like to thank everyone who tuned in last week for our episode with Mike Summer of the wax pack hero podcast we had a great

Show you can check that out along with all past episodes of sports cards live on the YouTube channel next Saturday Our Guest is Coach Co and that will be the very first episode in the new digs this is the last episode in this room over 500 live streams and

This will be the last one tomorrow night is Super Bowl no pwcc hockey show I will be watching the Super Bowl excited for that and be sure to check out MC Monday’s showcase Edition $5,000 plus items we’ll be covering on Monday February the 19th a couple Mondays from

Now that will be their first showcase auction and I’d like to ask you to join over half a million people who have downloaded the centerstage app across both IOS and Android for quick comps an accurate card identification the center stage Marketplace featuring super easy listings and reasonable transparent fees

Is coming soon so please join me in supporting the great team they have the Innovation they are undertaking and let’s help make Center Stage a great place to buy and sell sing also use protection practice safe swaps Vera swap is an app in middleman service that lets you securely trade cards through the

Mail every transaction up to a million dollars is fully insured by their guarantee check them out on IOS and Android and join me and veras swap founder Raymond Lee for our bi-weekly Vera swap trade desk on Instagram live those are tons of fun also please join me in welcoming new sports cards live

Sponsor filth bomb breaks the team at filth bomb offers live case and box breaks as we learned a couple weeks ago we had founder Stephen abondolo on the show they do break with integrity and responsibility if you enjoy group breaks and are looking for a company to break

With please check out filth bomb breaks they are streaming on four different channels on Fanatics live seven days a week I’d like to shout out hobby newws daily check out hobby newws for your daily dose of hobby information articles a great collaboration of hobby content creators and also Laton Sheldon

Just collect vintage breaks will be joining us for the Vintage Spotlight a little bit later tonight and finally you can now buy and sell tag rated cards on comc tags new tagx grading service is a game changer Pokemon lorana and other rounded Corner tcgs are now eligible for

Grading visit Tagg grading tocom if you value transparency and consistency in grading as always thanks all Partners sponsors and of course loyal viewers and listeners for your ongoing support if you’re not yet subscribed please take a moment and do so and as always tonight your comments your questions are in play

Let’s get to it let’s get to it tonight’s guest started in the Hobby in 1989 when his grandmother would take him to local card shops so he could buy Pro Set football and NBA Hoops basketball cards at the end of 2020 or so at the end of 2020 after a 30-year Hiatus he

Found his old collection and was fascinated with card values and how card grading had become so important he married the fantasy sports element with the modern Card Market and started his podcast the sports card strategy show in September 2021 his favorite players of all time are Magic Johnson and Barry Sanders and

His favorite teams of all time the Detroit Pistons the Detroit Tigers the Detroit Lions and the Nashville Predators he’s originally from Rochester Hills Michigan currently hailing out of Nashville Tennessee let’s bring him out Paul hickey welcome to sports cards live how are you doing tonight my friend

Let’s go Jeremy Lee I’m pumped to be here with you man how you doing I’m good man you can tell I’m a little I’m a little amped up tonight first of all I’m excited to have you on we we go back already a couple years and it’s a it’s a

Bit of an interesting time for me I’m I’m moving literally moving into a new house on Wednesday and I’ve been in this house for almost eight years and this is where sports cards live was born my content was born and so I’m a little bit uh you know it’s it’ll be it’ll be

Interesting to move into the new place so it’s fun for me that this is the last episode that I’ll be broadcasting from this room I’m honored to be on your last episode from this room and we’re going to send you out in style man I hope so I’m

Excited man it’s uh it’s good times good times life is good so well let’s uh let’s jump in let’s hear a little bit about you your hobby history I mentioned that you know your grandmother was helping you find packs of Hoops and pro

Set back in ‘ 89 and 90 I mean man I remember those days I remember busting those plastic wrapper cards for the first time you could see through the Hoops wrappers and see see who was on top if you remember that but tell us a little bit more just kind of take us

Through your history from maybe then right through till now uh if you don’t mind absolutely absolutely well before I do that I just want to give a shout out to the sports cards live audience thank you all for for having me on the show

This is all about you guys and uh so so thanks for the opportunity and thanks to you Jeremy so yeah man you know I love the hobby I love the hobby like you know ever since I was you know probably five or six years old just in love with

Sports my dad was a high school basketball coach so I was in the gym with him all the time as a little kid I was a gym rat so I was just constantly wanting more and more sports right whether it was sports cards or watching sports on TV or Sports video games or

Whatever it was but the thing I like most about sports cards is a sports information right like you could learn everything you need to know at the time about the athletes and all the information on the back building sets building those you know now we we call

Them junk wax but those Pro Set 1989 1990 football and the Hoops 1989 and 1990 basketball those were my my my jam back in the day so I loved building those sets I probably put together two or three each of those those different years of those brands that you mentioned

There and uh you know it was fun it’s like it’s fun learning about all the players it was fun um the challenge of building the set and you know buddies of mine like their their grandparents would just buy them the sealed box sets and I thought that you know that’s good for

Them everything’s allowed right but for me it was more you know I wanted to put things together and so you mentioned earlier know that’s kind of how I got started and today I’m in a little bit of a different spot so I’m looking forward to getting into that a little bit more

With you today right well let let’s let’s do that but first I have to I have to ask so in my intro I mentioned who your favorite teams were all the Detroit teams except for the Detroit Red Wings instead you’re a Nashville Predators fan which I think is great because you live

In Nashville now so you’re cheering for your home team I do the same thing but why aren’t you a Detroit Red Wings fan I have to ask the question because they’ve had some great teams and some great players over the years absolutely they have and it’s kind of an interesting

Story I mean my first job out of college was with the Detroit Pistons I was fortunate enough to get an internship there when I was in college at Michigan State I fell in love with it I worked in media relations and public relations for the Pistons and the Detroit shock that a

WNBA team but the reason why I realized the Red Wings didn’t come out of my mouth when when I was talking about my favorite teams is because there’s this interesting rivalry between the owners at the time uh Bill Davidson was the owner of the Pistons and Mike illich was

The owner of the Red Wings and uh they just didn’t really like each other that much and so the Pistons actually own the Tampa Bay Lightning and so I was kind of groomed I guess to not really love the Red Wings as much as I love the other

Detroit sports teams and and uh then when we moved to Nashville my family and I moved to Nashville in 2007 um and our kids were born here and you know this is where you know I took my kids to their first hockey games you know the PRS

Games so that’s the reason kind of weird but that is what it is right yeah that’s that’s it’s it’s a a corporate rivalry that caused you to uh to not be a Red Wings fan it’s kind of funny but hey that that it is what it is I mean some

Great teams back in the day with Eiserman and feder and Lidstrom and etc etc so good times for sure so you and I let’s just let everybody understand sort of how we met and I’m gonna I’m gonna let I’ll say where but I’ll let you tell

The story uh we met almost two years ago at the very first mint collective in Las Vegas uh you you approached me and um I’ll let you tell the story I thought it was a great event and I was admiring the job that you were doing in you know some of the panel

Discussions and the way that you were kind of maneuvering topics in those discussions and you were a moderator and then I noticed um you know I was taking my notes right and I was thinking okay I’m I’m new to this I’m new to the business of the hobby at the time and I

Was looking of course I think I think as we all do the network a little bit at these events I think I think it’s about you know not just looking at cards but also um meeting people meeting other people in the Hobby and I was I was

Alone I was traveling alone so I didn’t I didn’t uh you know I needed to challenge myself to meet some new people and I you know I admired you I thought I thought you did a great job I thought you you know what you were doing what

You were asked to do wasn’t necessarily easy you got to bring value to people um you have to ask the right questions and you have to keep things moving and so I admired that about you and I thought you know you honestly that’s something I

Would like to do one day I’d like to be involved in maybe doing something like that at an event in the Hobby and so um then I noticed you you were at the tag Booth as well and so I thought man what great branding what great Concept in

Terms of the different value proposition that tag brings to grading sports cards and I’m just kind of admiring um innovators in the space to be honest with you and different companies that want to bring different value I think competition is good I think it’s healthy so

Um I said you know what let me let me go approach Jeremy let me just go introduce myself it’s something that I think a lot of us don’t do from time to time because it’s not comfortable to do that right it’s not comfortable it’s it can be a

Little bit awkward to approach someone that you’ve never met before and introduce yourself and try to build a relationship but I thought let’s give it a shot and it went well we went I think you know that’s how it all started and uh that’s what I did I just you got I

Think you got to be honest about who you are where you are in your journey and share facts about yourself and ask questions from the other person and so uh genuinely wanted to get to know you and and I think it’s gone well yeah I mean I remember I do remember that

Moment and you were just super friendly and uh and you seem passionate about the Hobby and yeah you you’re easy to talk to so I was I was I was appreciative that you did stop by it was it was a fun event and uh and yeah I’m grateful for

That so we’re going to get into what you do you have a website noof you’ve got podcast sports card strategy Show YouTube show as well we we’ll get into that I want to say hello to to the crowd so let’s just let’s just see who

We got Chris C my strategy this year is to focus on my two PC guys and avoid buying new wax Chrissy welcome to the show Jacob doll is here as always good to see you Jacob Bill Betts welcome to the show Bill baseball card keragen what’s up with you Daniel a says anyone

Else memorize Jeremy’s theme song too funny I I do Daniel I’ve memorized it uh the professor is here good evening Professor nice to see you as always hobby Champs what’s going on says can’t wait to see the new setup yeah and I hope it’s I hope I’m gonna have

Everything kind of behind me in time for next Saturday we’ll see I gotta get like a professional hanger of things on the wall person because I will otherwise I’ll just put a bunch of Nails in until I find the right spot for sure what’s going on Craig’s cards get to see you 86

Collectibles good evening Todd McDonald Justin Bode Tim lson in the house Tim what’s going on good to see you baseball card kudin says I enjoy Paul’s show as well sports card strategy there you go very nice Lauren Florio is here hello Lauren I I I’ve known who Lauren is for

A long time back great collector great collector good evening perk cardboard Hobbits sorry cardboard profit says investors ruin the hobby upside down smile I know he’s just fooling around what’s going on Ryan Bob Boozle says Paul hickey is the best sports cards Live guest ever but this is probably

Recency bias Bob Boozle welcome to the show Eric Stefano stoes Justin bod says we’re gonna miss this place yeah me too Justin hobby says I would like to see Naughty Pine in the background moving forward not going to happen but thanks for the request Seven Levels what’s going on welcome to the

Show Jake dolls welcoming Paul very nice Jake very nice Chris C says recency bias is ignoring Russell 11 titles in 13 years amazing even as a Lakers F he makes a good point doesn’t he Paul we forget about the goats and a lot of the current players sell for a lot more

We’ll get into that in a little bit I just want to get through and say hello to every I’m excited tonight Chad shipper what’s going on Orlando happy to see you here Mark santui hope you enjoyed your party Chad wants to know how we make Paula Red Wings Jersey for

Old Time sake what’s going on foul fball is here he is here Colin Murray is here as well Jeff McMahon y’all are here Here Andrew happy Saturday to you mikee petty I like Kaboom and Paul too yeah I watch his Kaboom episode Jeff’s Car Journey

Happy Super Bowl Eve to you and Laura is here what an evening Kings Oilers on TV sports cards live all right guys welcome everybody to the show Paul hickey of noof in the sportscard strategy show Paul no off tell us it’s a website tell us what it

Is okay it’s a place where people can go for advice from me on how to make money flipping sports cards and I try to make it entertaining fun I try to make it not obvious and so I would say it’s my goal is to always be making it like

Half I want people to binge content and half I really want people to learn and what I mean by learn specifically is like I believe that we’re all going to enjoy the hobby more if we make decisions with our money that result in either immediate cash with

Flips if that’s your goal or if your goal is to PC more long term build a collection that increases in value you know there’s nothing wrong with that and because I think what I’ve experienced from my audience in our show in our our noof family I call it is is

It really is a family to me is that many many people are re-entering the hobby after like 20 30 years like I did and so they have this culture shock of many more releases than what they were used to and many more rookie cards for each

Player than they were used to I mean Joe burrow has what like 5,000 plus rookie cards and when when I was growing up when many of us were growing up that wasn’t even close to the case so you can make the right you can make the you can

Make mistakes you can make the wrong decision very easy easily so we try to help people buy the right card for the right player at the right time no off is a place where you can get some free content you can get a free 30-day trial and then much of our

Content is behind that paid wall after that free trial so you can you can taste for 30 days you get you get everything in that free 30-day trial to give you the the decision is whether or not you want to stay and we hope you stay and the sports card strategy show obviously

Is free we go live uh Mondays and Wednesdays and on all the podcast apps so love doing what I’m doing there and that’s kind of how the whole ecosystem works so tell us about a component of of the noof website is what you call sportscard school and that’s

Interesting I mean we’ve I’ve seen over the past several years courses and you see some Instagram or Facebook ads here and there people trying to sell their plays or sell their their program how do you differentiate like what is sports cards school and how do you differentiate it from some of the other

Offerers of services that we see sometimes yeah great question sportscard school is something we started at no off in November of 2023 and it came about based on a couple different factors number one I felt like we needed something other than premium articles and we have

The Overflow show which is a premium membersonly podcast and essentially the format of the Overflow show is to ask to allow all of our members to ask unlimited amount of questions throughout the year some people ask three four questions per show you know I’ll get like flurries from certain people at at

One time of the year and then they’ll kind of go dark and then they’ll come back but they get unlimited advice throughout the year and the format of that is in a premium members podcast on Fridays so that still exists I I felt like we needed something other than

Those two elements to provide maximum value to the premium members and I felt like there was a gap in content that needed to be filled for people that needed to understand a what’s going on in the hobby with all the different releases coming out all the

Time B if I really want to make money flipping sports cards how do you actually do it instead of just asking questions how do you actually do it so I wanted to challenge myself to do that and then see like we kept getting the same questions over and over again so I

Thought okay well if we’re gonna get the same questions over and over again I need to create a course that just answers those questions because clearly there’s a need for that so I think it was like partially me just wanting to provide more value to our paid members

Because you don’t pay more for sports card School sports card school was an add-on nobody got charged anything extra it’s just a a value at I like to add additional value wherever I can but also it was like okay if we can make Evergreen content that’s relatable

To everybody all at the same time that makes the most sense from a business standpoint so we’ve gotten positive feedback I think everything’s a work in progress I always want to try to make everything better I’m never done you know what I mean so there’s more to come

With sports card School we’re making it better and better but so far we’ve got a lot of positive feedback from the community so I’m I’m happy with it yeah okay cool um my I guess one of my immediate questions is there is a lot of content out there lots of lots of free

Content other myself and hundreds of other content creators how has the response been to your to your paid service I mean I I feel like there is there are so many people sharing their experiences without charging for it how have you eak out a market where you can actually have have

These this fee Revenue coming coming in there is a lot of great content out there for free I’m not going to lie and I think um I’m okay with that because I think that what I’ve tried to do since I started creating content for the Hobby in early 2021 as you mentioned

I started the sports card strategy show in September 2021 so it took me about eight months of of trying to figure out what the heck I was going to do and really that that process was me trying to figure out how I how can I come in and actually provide value to people

That know way more than I do about this right like I can’t come in and provide any kind of value or act like any kind of an expert to people that have collected longer than I have to people that know all the intricacies about how the sets are put together the designs

You know so what I realized is that I also personally don’t love collecting I I I it’s not something that I’m passionate about what I’m more passionate about is the challenge of trying to be like a like a a big league GM really you know can I challenge

Myself to predict who the next big player is going to be or at least can I challenge myself to predict if a player’s card Market stock is going to rise from one time to another and so what I found is that there’s so much content that I could be creating that I

I found a formula that I thought I could bring to the Hobby where I can give away 9 % of my best advice for free which is the sports card strategy show and I could hold back the 10% that I felt like the true Geeks would pay for like the

True Geeks would would come and pay for like happily pay for and so I feel like the no off family is like the true you know just salivating people to really try to try to understand how How We Do It Like H how do we mitigate risk how do we maximize fun

And how do we put ourselves in a position where we can actually make money doing it and it’s hard so that’s why I charge for it um and and uh you know I can’t say really how people outside of the noof family feel about what I’m doing I can only

Really say that I really just do focus on what we’re doing um right or wrong so I might be kind of ignorant to some of the criticism but uh I’m pretty happy about where we are so I’m having a good time stay ignorant man it’s it’s h life

Life’s kind of uh better when you don’t if you’re just sort of ignoring some of that stuff um you said that you know what you’re trying to do is help people either make money from flipping cards or help them build the collection that will increase in value now for me you know

I’m not a I don’t flip cards to for sport like you do not that there’s anything wrong with that I do I however I am interested in building a collection that will go up in value I’ve done that successfully for 35 40 years now uh with

With the track record to prove it not that I’m out there to prove it to anybody but I’ve actually I’ve I’ve done that based on pure just experience and going through the going through the processes over over the years and um but that’s something that I think is

Interesting that you’re doing you know that if now I don’t know that I would personally like I wouldn’t pay for that now I don’t need to I’ve got the life experience in the hobby experience but people do make mistakes when they come into the hobby they do spend money on things that they

You know six 12 months later wish they didn’t but it’s almost like tuition it’s like it’s like the poker table you get someone new to the table I’m not GNA take it easy on you this is you pay you gotta pay to learn you got right and so

The hobby is I think the hobby is different I would love to help hobbyists not make mistakes I I think I do help hobbyists not make mistakes over over you know four years of doing content and I think you are doing it as well uh just

With a different model in place and I’m not here to criticize or judge I like you as a person I’m not a customer of yours but you obviously have customers and that’s great if you’re if you’re helping people out that’s great are do you two things I want to know number one

Are you helping people out and number two give us a tip give give the audience a taste of what you of of a piece of advice maybe that you gave say nine or 12 months ago that helped people out just to let them know what your advice

Is all about yeah absolutely okay so I mean first of all I was one of those people that made mistakes I mean I I I say this all the time on my show like in 2021 and and most of 2022 I I I won’t say I lost a lot of

Money but I’ll say that I made a lot of mistakes I bought a lot of the wrong cards I I I did it really because I wanted to learn from experience and I knew that I couldn’t stand up and help people if I didn’t go through those trials and

Tribulations trial and error myself because I need I’m one of those people that need to like touch it and feel it that’s how I learn and so a lot of my confidence in 2023 and 2024 and Beyond is because of like what you said the School of Hard Knocks like I believe I

Don’t know that we all need that I know I need that and that’s what got me to the point where I can honestly stand stand up and give people advice so do we actually help people yes we do but we do it I personally do it from the

Standpoint of I’m not perfect I make mistakes all the time one of the segments on our show uh that we still are carrying through to this day in a different way we used to call it l of the week every week we have L of the

Week and we LED off the show with L of the week what’s your L of the week because the reality is we all make L’s you know that’s part of the game we don’t bat a thousand um so it’s it’s with humility you know it’s with humility and I also

Learn a lot from our audience like I I do consider myself an expert I would be lying if I if I you know like because how could I not say I’m an expert if I’m charging people for my advice right like that’d be a little a little backwards so

I do consider myself an expert but I’m only an expert because I allow myself to learn from our community so to your point about you not being a customer I think that’s great I have other supporters and family members um and good friends of mine that are just as

Good of flippers as I am I know they are I still try to lift them up and learn and also learn from them and I don’t it doesn’t bother me that they don’t pay me for that you know number two uh I’ll give you a little bit of I’ll I’ll give

You a little taste right because you ask for a little taste so one thing that I say all the time is don’t buy a card without a selling marker in mind if you can’t tell me or tell yourself when is a point in the future that that

Card’s r that that card’s value will rise due to some sort of increased media attention or hype or recency bias like we’ve we’ve talked about in for the title of the show don’t buy the card because you don’t know and and because that’s probably the biggest mistake I

Repeated over and over again for almost two years is I just thought oh I’m gonna buy this card because I think it’s going to go up why do you think that you have to know that there’s a selling marker for that person so let me give you an

Example I’ll give you two examples one is Victor wanyama I went out in Jan in late January earlier February and I saw an opportunity to buy his Sports Illustrated for Kids card I talk about the right card for the right player at the right time what that

Means is when a player has 5,000 rookie cards like Joe burrow you’re competing against yourself really if you’re buying Joe burrow because if you’re going to buy a Joe burrow card it’s it’s going to be hard to find the right Joe burrow card but with this Victor wanyama Sports

Illustrated for Kids card it was the first and only truly investable card of his because he had basically homemade cards on the market before that SI for kids card came out well all I also had learned from the previous couple years of trying to make money flipping that

There were going to be more Victor womman Yama cards coming out so that one was going to become pretty obsolete pretty quickly so I had to identify a Runway right so I knew that the runway was going to be short I didn’t know when the next victor wanyama card was going

To come out but I knew that when it did it was going to plummet the value of the SI for kids card so I went out and I said okay I’ve got a little bit of a formula here but I need to know something else I need to know the

Selling marker what’s the selling marker I said okay if by chance there’s no other Victor wanyama cards that have hit the market before the 2023 NBA draft I know that in June the the entire Sports world is going to be focused around late June Victor wanyama being the number one

Pick so that’s my selling marker long story short I was right but I learned another lesson I learned that even when you have the selling marker in mind you have to be prepared to sell earlier than your selling marker if the value starts to go

Up and if you start to catch wind of those releases that are about to come out right so I ended up selling all of my Victor Wom cards total I was all in about $500 on the cards themselves including the grading fee at PSA I ended up with a

Total net profit of around $2,500 I sold all but one card during the NBA draft lottery announcement that the Spurs had gotten the number one overall pick so I sold them about six weeks before I thought I was going to sell him and then something clicked in me like this is repeatable

This is is repeatable and so now we’re just continuing to repeat the process and we’ve built these guidelines that are similar to that throughout all the sports we take guidelines and we marry them together to form strategies and then strategies can be repeated into plays and so I’ll reference that as a

Victor wanyama play but there’s dozens and dozens more that we talk about for free on the sports card strategy show and behind the paid wall at noof all right oh yeah good I appreciate the taste that with a nice specific answer I want to go through a

Few comments then we’re going to get into the Vintage Spotlight segment with Leon you you came with a question for Leighton didn’t you I did yeah good good okay we’re gonna do that uh Leon’s back there leton give me two seconds I want to go through a few comments here put a

Bow on what we just talked about then we’ll start the Vintage Spotlight segment Mike Petty says I need free content my name is crime and crime don’t pay uh Mike Petty love it that’s that’s great Michael H what’s going on Mike Robel says an episode about exploitation

All pass Mike I just want to thank you for dropping in and uh and just thank thanks for saying hello Mike Petty says I’m worn out too many releases Chase cards hits hangers and breaks and the 63 parallels that came out from Panini they they were just announced makes me

Nauseous I need to go back to baseball card School uh JH good luck selling any high-end cards to a dealer at a card show seems 70% not 80 85% recent comps are unusual and this is what I want I want to I want to convert this into a

Question for you but first of all if you are selling cards to dealers at a card show you are in the wholesaling business you’re not retailing why would you expect to sell to a retailer at at at retail cost they’re not there to buy retail unless they’re buying for their

PC I’ll do that often when I’m set up buy cards for my PC I’ll pay more than if I’m looking to just put in my showcase that just makes sense to me but if you expect to go to a show and get retail well you’re on the wrong side of

The table get your own table which brings me me to and JH thanks for the comment which brings me to my question for you Paul which is where did you sell your webas and where do you recommend that your your your your paid subscribers and your audience where do

You recommend that they sell their cards and let’s try and keep this Quicks we got to start the segment with with Leon eBay because eBay has the most competition it has the most searches and what I mean by competition is I use 7 to 10 day auctions 99% of the time because

I’ve found that when you can pit bids up against each other um that’s when you can in that vacuum that’s when you can maximize your return so I agree with everything you said but eBay uh seven to 10 day auctions all right good stuff thank you all right guys we’re gonna

Start the Vintage Spotlight segment with my friend Mr Leighton Sheldon there he is Leighton how are you doing tonight oh great thanks for having me on Jeremy how are you today Paul good Laden nice to meet you man good to connect yeah great to connect as well you Paul you

Mentioned at the top of the show when we talk about how we know each other that you saw me moderating a panel the mint Collective Leighton happened to be sitting on one of those panels you probably saw him there he was a great guest a great panel member and we had a

Great discussion already two years ago but we’re g Let’s uh let’s Jump Right In and Paul why don’t you present your question or topic that you’re coming with uh for Leighton absolutely so I love vintage I don’t dabble in it much mainly because I can’t ever identify a

Selling marker for vintage cards like I’m I’m unable to crack the formula of when a retired athlete is going to rise in value but I know like I I respect vintage and the Vintage collecting and everything like that so I have a question for you about making money on I

Guess flipping vintage cards right right so I want to know if if this is actually possible but somebody told me recently Leighton that you can actually build a set of 1951 Bowman baseball for cheaper than what you can sell the entire set for thus possibly a vintage sports card strategy for

Flipping is that something you’re familiar with can you can you confirm that for me uh I’d love to be able to but unfortunately uh it’s not what I practice okay and I and I don’t want to mislead anyone but if I had to say the best way to go about

That I would recommend to whether it be your audience or to Jeremy’s audience or really just anyone out there who’s listening to this if you want to get into vintage set collecting at a cheap price buy lots and hope that when you tell them you want to buy low

Grade as a true set collector and as a set builder it actually takes a lot of time for example to go through a thousand 2,000 5,000 cards so what happens is if for example you’re working on 1960s sets and you tell someone listen I want to buy you know Port of VG

You might get some XC cards in there so there’s a lot of different ways to go about it meaning you could strip that big lot out of those X cards now all of a sudden you’re on your way to building a mid-grade set flipping out the rest of

It whether it be by lot or individually but I know for a fact that a lot of folks who’ve been collecting for maybe even longer than myself they’ll simply go out they’ll buy either starter sets or Big Lots but not for a particular year because what happens Paul is that

If you target a specific year you’re really pigeon hoing yourself and your cost might go up a lot per card so in other words if you’re targeting in the 50s I want to do a 1951 Bowman set forgetting about the mantle and the Maze for a long time you’re going to have a

Hard pressed time unless you get a little bit lucky but if you said to yourself you know I’m willing to buy any 1950s Bowman baseball Lots in low to mid-grade all of a sudden you might be well on your way to a 55 Bowman set or 54 Bowman set but absolutely I would

Start with lots dividing them up and then piecing them out from there whether it be individually or in smaller lots and I think that’s the way to maybe Garner some profits putting those profits back into your set I love that thank you so much I this is actually something I’m I I’m I’m

Going to try to challenge myself to do some more vintage in 2024 so I appreciate the advice that’s that’s outstanding well maybe you could be the first customer of my vintage baseball card school I’m in count me in i’ like to be the first L are you looking are you

Looking for a professorship somewhere maybe you could uh join the team yeah you know absolutely maybe I’m looking to teach at the college or something joking aside I think I went on your website earlier Paul I think it’s really cool um and I caught some of the conversation

You were had with Jeremy earlier and you know I love what you were saying you know at the end of the day you’re providing a lot of great free information and if folks kind of want that cherry on top maybe throw you a few shekels whatever the case is but uh I

Think it’s at least worth checking out I think it’s really cool thank you so much I appreciate it Leighton do you have any questions topics comments uh to throw Paul’s way at all uh the question that I have for you Paul is I’m curious if you could share with the audience a success

Story from someone from your school whether it be paid or unpaid that you feel comfortable enough to share here and it doesn’t have to necessarily be the biggest amount of money but I enjoyed your wemy story and I’m curious if someone from your training school things they’ve learned from you uh what

You’d like to share here in terms of success story yeah thanks for asking one comes to mind right off the top is in 2022 on one of the sports card strategy shows I mentioned shadur Sanders and he w he had an onyx card at the time that

Was his only card that he was on he had signed I think 400 blue autos and then uh maybe a hundred or less greens and like I think five black ink and that’s really the only card that shadur Sanders had and so I said I was I was talking to

My co-host Kendall mcke who’s a good friend of mine we actually met doing the show together and we were talking about it I’m like you know what I think shadur I think if people go get the shadur card I think it was like 20 to 40 bucks at

The time raw the the AO 400 one like people go get the shador card like there’s selling markers for this dude like I think I think there’s selling markers I don’t know if he’s going to be a first round draft pick in the NFL I don’t know if he’s gonna transfer

Because he was at Jackson State with with his dad and so uh one of our audience members I’ll I’ll shout him out his name is Matt esterman because we’ve we’ve talked publicly about this on our show and he’s submitted a show Intel video for it Matt uh I want to say made

Some are between two and $5,000 because he went all in on my advice on the shadur Sanders Onyx and I think he owned a good bit of the out of of of the green autos and and even some of the black out of fives and a lot of the 400 blues and

So um that that kind of stuff like I had only bought one I had only bought one of them and I bought in much higher than Matt did because I didn’t follow my own advice until months later um but but uh I love that Matt and other people are

Sometimes making a lot more money than I’m making I’m okay with that that’s that’s part of why I love doing it so that’s the one that that sticks out appreciate you sharing absolutely right on yeah good question Leon thanks for asking Paul good I I like that you uh

You have a specific person in mind it came to right away really cool Leighton uh I do want to ask you before we wrap up the Vintage Spotlight segment here tonight I want to ask you about the Bronco nersi National chickle card that you showed on your Instagram today I

Think it was a a PSA one and a half maybe it had what one it was a one yeah a one it had a crease going down it but not right on his face just to the left maybe through his ear thought it was a beautiful copy uh tell us the a quick

Story about how you stumbled into what is the football vintage Grail uh sure I appreciate asking so we have the Good Fortune to be contacted by a gentleman and not only did this individual collect his father collected and his great-grandfather collected and so when he brought me the collection to

Our offices and our store uh he found us through our website at just you know after sending us some initial scans decided to set up an appointment with us I came in and was very careful to tell me you know this is kind of this was granddad’s collection this was my

Dad’s collection and this was mine he was kind of like embarrassed with his a little bit because he’s like you know I don’t think my collection is very good he would hold his head low you know I like you know it’s okay we’re not judging you no matter what uh so anyway

We started going through the collection and of course you know I started with the earliest which was from the 30s uh he had he had a few uh tobacco cards but mainly the the bigger portion of the collection I would say started in the 30s and I mean I’m going through like

Nine pocket sheets and I hit the chickles and I literally Stow because he didn’t mention anything about nersi I’m like oh wouldn’t that be a hoop you know because I see high numbers wouldn’t that be a hoot if you had nersi and I like

You know turn a few more p and the guy like you know there’s like 53 chickles which you know for those watching this you might be like wait what’s the big deal well the big deal is first of all there’s only 36 cards in the entire 1935

National chck Football set there’s a lot of different rumors as to the 12 High numbers and why they’re tougher I’m not going to spend Jeremy’s valuable time here in the show talking about it you can Google it you know for yourself um but anyway at the very least uh if I was

Going to offer someone some advice out there whether it be you’re an amateur treasure hunter or whether it be you’re a professional or anywhere in between if you go and have the Good Fortune to take a look at some fresh vintage cards and you know that in that set there’s only

36 and yet you’re staring at more cards in that little group that are in the entire set I already know I’m getting Goosebumps now I already know you’re going to find something special it’s guarant now I didn’t know there’d be a nersi there also having to be a Rockne a bunch

Of high numbers in like very reasonably good condition so I’ll let everyone know about the grades but anyway I get to the nersi I’m like get the F out of here you have a nersi in your album you didn’t tell me he’s like oh yeah well you know

It’s part of granddad’s collection I’m like I know but you told me you had like a 73 tops Thurman mson it’s not even his rookie he’s like yeah but that was one of my most valuable cards and so it’s just so interesting what we do whether

It be as collectors or like when we inherit things and you know you just get this distorted like hey it’s from my perspective my perspective only so anyway fast forward thankfully we did reach a deal for that collection but it was a little bit unusual in that you

Know he wanted to have the different components of his collection appraised and that’s what I did so I think it was like the 30s and 40s and 50s maybe the 60s and 70s there might have been some Modern anyway like anything from the 70s on he’s like L you’re telling me you’re

Going to pay X for all this and you’re only going to pay a little bit more with everything else thrown in I’m like uhhuh he’s like I’ll just keep everything else I’m like I think you made the wise choice so anyway uh we reached a deal

The full story will be coming soon to our blog at blog. where we have hundreds of stories uh not only on you know chickle nersy because this is fairly uncommon um but a lot of fun stories from all the major sports including non-port card so check it out

If you get a chance right on yeah man what what a what an amazing find I mean the nersi is that that’s a like for people that don’t know you know in football that is the football card it’s that is the that is the that’s the Honus Wagner of football

Cards it’s it’s like the George vzna is that for hockey and uh and the George mikin for basketball uh that’s the that’s the nersi it’s a really cool looking card nice find for you guys you can follow Leighton Sheldon check out the on leonore Sheldon and justor collect and

Check out his podcast episode 53 just dropped yesterday or today Trading Card therapy Leighton thanks as always thanks for having me guys it was great meeting you Paul you too Leon take it easy all right Paul I want to pick up where we left off I want to go through a few more

Comments that came in and then we’ll continue Dan’s vintage says good evening guys nice to see you Dan welcome to the show Chris C says if you’re not going to be able to sell at retail to vendors at a card show then hold the cards sellers

Hold the power you don’t have to sell for less than comp which is why I asked you Paul where do you recommend people selling you said eBay is a great place and of course it certainly is Mark sanui says I made a ton of mistakes along the

Way it happens of course we all do and that’s what we all have in common for sure Joe perau what’s going on buddy happy Super Bowl Eve everybody Mike Petty says I’d like Paul better if I gave him 300 a and a shopping list he came back with all my cards centered and

Untrimmed with high eye appeal in three to six months I would have paid 5 to 10% for that service very good uh JH says yeah you never have to sell obviously but it is tough to get fair value from a dealer well it is that’s they’re not

There to pay recent comps I don’t understand why people don’t understand that like you have to know that if they’re paying to be behind the table that they’re not it’s like Colin Murray here says selling to a dealer is always an option for Less than the value to get

Some quick cash but you can always set set up at a show and pay thousands of dollars that the dealers pay you can do that setup travel showcase rental all that as well you don’t you don’t have to do that but if you do these guys are

Incurring expenses to sell stook says if you buy low enough and sell the card and the card is in high demand you can sell to a dealer or anyone else buy the card before it gets hot yeah you can sell to a dealer but you might get more by

Selling at retail versus wh whenever you’re selling to a dealer you have to be in the mindset that you are wholesaling and when you wholesale you are one of the things you sacrificing is some of the money you’re also doing less work and you’re getting it done quicker

And Paul I want you to take mental notes I want you to respond to these when I’m done going through them Mike Petty says a vwm nickname nickname school for Victor weam if the guy doesn’t have a catchy nickname don’t buy it the professor says the sports card strategy

YouTube has a great valuable content without needing to subscribe for the paid content plus Paul makes his unpaid content entertaining he sure does it’s a great you’re you do great production value man you you really do uh Chris C says some collectors like myself who’ve been in this for over 30 years don’t

Really care about the overemphasis on grading and I’d rather focus on value proven over hype all day t. Jones what’s up with you welcome to the show and Dan’s vintage I love this says the selling marker which is what he means selling marker for vintage is when you

Die and your family sells your PC right Paul I went through a lot right there anything you’d like to respond to before we move on yeah I think the general theme that I want to comment on in terms of of selling to vendors I mean what comes to my mind

Is think about your audience right like the chances that you’re G to take your cards to one person or like maybe two or three people standing behind one table and that they’re going to be they’re going to happen to be the people that want to pay the most amount for the

Cards that you happen to have is just a very unlikely scenario in life so while you are in a qualified place you are taking it to a vendor at a card show it’s counterintuitive to think that you’re going to maximize the amount of return on that and that’s why I said

EBay earlier because what eBay and it doesn’t have to be eBay but any kind of auction format on an on a platform that protects the buyer and also has a lot of eyeballs on it you’re just going to maximize your chances because you’re pitting people up against each other

That are interested in that particular card and so when you’re taking it’s like it’s like if I were to just DM one person on Instagram and say are you interested in this card I mean the chances are no unless it’s just a ridiculously outstanding card you know

So I think part of it is you have to look at what cards you have and part of it you have to look at what’s your audience if your audience is one to three people you’re just drastically limiting the chances to maximize the profit if your audience is 20 million

People like on eBay you’re going to make more money that’s a really really good piece of information for anyone who just doesn’t get that you know but the the difference between selling to a dealer at a card show and selling on eBay or pwcc or any other platform is the timing

At the card show you’re going to get that cash right then and there or they’ll transfer you the money whatever that that is immediate in most in 99 % of the cases whereas if you’re selling on eBay or pwcc or wherever you have to wait for their buyer to pay and then

They’ve got to send you the money there’s a little bit a little bit more friction there but it’s still I mean these things still happen pretty quickly overall and you’re right it’s a tradeoff right it’s like neither one’s perfect because I know you gotta you you know especially if you’re selling on eBay

They take the fees out and so so sometimes you know weird stuff happens with with how cards are priced and stuff like that but I think that um everything is allowed there’s no wrong answer but I think the more that you play the game the more reps you have the more you kind

Of see what works for you and you know to me it’s not you know because again we’re talking about where I’m coming from I’m coming from only buying with a selling marker in mind right so part of my whole process is to think about selling on eBay at the selling marker I

Might not be at a card show during the selling marker so I totally understand all of you in the audience might not be thinking that way and maybe maybe the card show is the way to go for reason that Jeremy said get that cash now and there’s nothing wrong with that yeah I

Mean the the the eBay sort of option does have other issues but you are like you said what I think was really astute that you said is you’re pitting all the people that want that that want that card against each other and a bidding war may break out often times they do

And whe whether you like it or not eBay has the most eyeballs in this in our hobby industry I think that that’s just the way it is and it’s uh so if you know that’s where you’re going to get a lot of exposure uh and you are you know

Versus just taking it to a couple of dealers at a card show and do they even want what you have I mean you have to right so you might you might someone might say well I don’t really want this so I’m only willing to pay you 60% of

What I think they’re worth because I don’t really want it but if you sell to me at 60 I’ll take it well don’t take that as this guy insulting you the guy doesn’t want your cards all he wants to pay you he’s in just as much as you’re

Entitled to ask for the for comps he’s entitled to offer you whatever he or she wants there’s no like you said there really are no rules there uh Mark s Tui wants to know is Bronco nersi more valuable than Samy B yeah I I think I

Think as far as their first cards go he certainly is Mark and the cardboard Corner welcome to the show cardboard Corner says hello uh love and follow both shows great content guys thank you thank you cardboard corner for letting us know that you uh you’re enjoying this

Colin Murray says dealers have a list of customers looking for cards so eBay isn’t always the answer taxfree at a show and having the card in front of you is always a premium one thing I just want to say about taxfree at a show is that it’s not really taxfree it’s

Taxfree because someone’s breaking the law someone is breaking the the code or the the the the code the IRS code or the income tax in Canada or wherever someone somebody is not being on the total up and up so yeah you should probably be reg you should probably be declaring all

Your income you probably should be declaring all your all your now if you are selling at a card show and that and that in in a jurisdiction that has sales tax and you’re not collecting it well you are collecting it it’s coming off

The top of your if I sell you a card for 100 bucks and I’m going to be on the up and up I’m going to only really get whatever I 92 93 but the rest is going to the government for tax so uh you got

To keep that in mind and you know uh most Bob Boozled says I follow most laws yeah I mean but some some are some have more serious repercussions if you get caught and um I guess you gotta you got to consider that so uh but it’s worth

Mentioning that this is a hobby that is kind of I think the the participants Paul have very often like you mentioned earlier that yeah you can sell on eBay but you’re going to pay the fees well yeah you are that’s the fee for using their platform that they’ve built that’s

Their business of course you’re going to pay their fees because you’re not paying rent to your landlord you’re not paying for utilities all you’re paying are the eBay fees which is kind of the The Substitute there but at the same time you also are many I don’t know who

Because I don’t ask every dealer at card shows or I don’t even ask anybody but a lot of people are paying taxes on the cards that they’re selling and um or the profit you it’s not on the gross revenue it’s profit Minus cost that’s your net income that’s what you need to be

Declaring and if you’re not um just be careful because they can’t you might get that letter and even if you don’t get a 1099 in the US or or whatever income form up here in Canada just because they don’t send it to you because they don’t

Have to because it’s under 600 bucks or whatever doesn’t mean it’s not taxable to you anyway this is not a show on tax advice but I’m just letting you know uh you know you might need to some of you guys might need to be looking over your

Shoulders out there what do you think of all that Paul I think you’re absolutely right I mean I think it’s it’s part of the overall play when we talk about how much we take away profit-wise from each individual play but really at the end of the year it’s it’s supposed to be your

Your total revenue minus your expenses and and then your net income and you’re supposed to pay taxes on on all that so um you know we we take that into consideration even if we’re selling at card shows which I want to add like what you said about get on the other side of

The table it’s brilliant too because I was on the other side of the table at culture Collision a couple weeks ago for the first time ever as a vendor and it was awesome I loved it I loved uh the deals that I got I loved the you know I

Felt like I got more action as a vendor than I did walking around uh but it was a great show and we’re going to set up at the the national uh it’s actually I call it the Nash dashal because it’s in Nashville um not the na we’re we’ll be

At the national in Cleveland but I won’t as of now I don’t have a way to get a booth there but I’m looking to set up as a vendor at as many card shows as I can moving forward because I just enjoyed it so much in Atlanta yeah oh congrats on

Your first show as a end it is fun I mean it’s it’s it’s a ton of fun couple more comments here vintage Card Collector says for the most part I feel selling to a dealer is for those who don’t want to put in the work Bingo like that’s exactly right because if you’re

Gonna sell online you’re putting the work the the compromise there and there’s a question from the professor that ties into this Paul so we’re going to get your thoughts on this but the compromise is to use a consignment seller like a pwcc or an MC sports cars

Or slab sharks up here in Canada that’s I use those guys because I don’t want to put in the work but I also don’t want to take 60 70% of comps I want to get as much as I can so I don’t I don’t sell to

Deal sometimes I listen I go to card shows Paul and I will sell cards in many different ways trade whatever it is but when I this past six months I sold a lot of cards and it was almost it was all either at a card show as I was the

Vendor or it was through Consignment sellers but I agree with vintage card’s comment which is why you which is why they’re doing the work their time is worth money and if you don’t recognize that and you think you’re entitled to full value because you’re at a card show

Give your head of shake you you’re just not and if you are you’re in the wrong place I don’t know that’s just just from from experience and trying to think about it do you have any response before I we get to the professor’s question 100% I mean I think it’s very personal

To everyone because you can you can feel entitled to a certain amount for your card and that feeling could come from any any number of reasons in your personal situation but you nailed it in terms of just it’s it’s all just going to come down to if you want to put in

The work you can get more money for it and if you want to do a middle ground like a consigning service because of your own person situation with how many cards you might have or if you need if you need the money at that particular

Time and you need to use that service gr um but yeah if you just want to walk up and expect somebody to pay you something for it I think you’re you’re mistaken because you know you have to look at this like this we’re we’re in a hobby

That is unique to the fact that we can get money back for our enjoyment you can’t go golfing and then and enjoy that round of golf and then also get the money back for the round of golf six months later you know so the money and then some in many cases right

Plus a return yeah y yep here let’s get to the professor’s question does Paul ever use Consignment services or will sports card strategy provide this service in the future as more vertical integration offering to the sports card strategy family he’s giving you a business idea here Paul the Professor I

Love it um so I mentioned a minute ago it’s a little bit personal for everybody so like if you need a if you need money and you need to move cards at a particular time for a personal reason consigning Services could be the way to go for you I never use consigning

Services I think the number one reason is because it doesn’t fit with my strategy I want to sell at the selling marker my understanding of using consignment Services is that they get hit up with at least the reputable ones get hit up with so many cards that

They’ve built a process to manage that to intake those cards and to list those cards at a particular time that takes the control completely out of my hands as the seller who needs to sell at the selling marker I don’t know when they’re going to sell my cards so it

Totally like crushes my entire strategy to maximize my profits that’s why I don’t use them not because I don’t think they’re not reputable not because you shouldn’t use them I won’t won’t tell you things like that but if you’re looking to do what I’m doing which is to

Sell at a selling marker essentially that I’ve already outlined then that totally crushes that strategy so I don’t do it now in terms of would the sportscard strategy show in noof provide that as a service moving forward I don’t think I’ll ever I’m the type of entrepreneur that won’t

Rule out anything that would potentially be valuable to the customer the audience if if there’s a need for it if I feel like I can provide utmost value in something and deliver for people and make them make them feel good and coming back build relationships I’ll consider

Offering a service I think that would be one that would be like very hard for me to manage other people’s cards is not something that I’ve gotten into yet because I don’t know that I could handle it at this point in time based on what I’m trying to do with creating content

And and flipping myself yeah no well said I do have a I do have a rebuttal for the consignment thing but first I’ll read Bob’s Big Boy comment because it ties into what you said he says Consignment kills the timing part of the strategy on the other hand shill bidding

Can create record sales with total anonymity tough choice for some shouldn’t be a tough choice if if one option is Shilling your auction I mean that should not be a choice uh if that is please please leave our audience right now I’m not interested in in

Having you here if you bid on your own auctions um but uh but there my rebuttal is that a good Consignment company that has the system in place will allow you to list it when you want so you can send them your cards and then say hey hold these until I’m ready to

List them and now I’m going to let you know when I want you to list them for me I think some of them have that ability maybe the smaller ones do maybe the bigger ones are more process oriented like you said they have their workflow and they stick to it and that’s it

That’s their service but maybe here’s another opportunity a business idea a for somebody I know some people that are doing things like this where they will really give you that white glove Consignment service so the option is there I don’t think it kills it all together but your point is well taken

Paul I I think you you have a point that in many cases you don’t have that option and to be fair I’ve never used Consignment services so I’m really just going on secondhand information so I’m glad you said that because that’s just what I’ve heard and and I believe what

You said is true and that there there should be really good ones out there they can give you more white glove and and sell at the time that you want to sell and I I do recall um using pwcc a couple years ago um when they weren’t

Kicked off eBay yet um you were allowed to go ahead they had a feature on the website where you could go ahead and and and list you know through their eBay integration so I guess technically that’s a consignment service that was offering that yeah yeah okay couple well

Lots of great comments i’ I’ve topic still for you I’ve got some good questions for you uh but let’s just go to to uh Chris C says some of us don’t have local card shows wish we did yeah that’s that sucks Chris that that that

Sucks it’s all I can say you got to travel to them hopefully you’re able to do that sometimes Colin Murray still has that 1976 basketball set that I sold them a couple of Expos ago glad to hear it uh well I actually I would expected

You to to you know sell it flip it make some money on that but I’m glad GL you you’re still sitting on it hopefully it works out for you uh Colin definitely uh I like this comment here I haven’t read it all yet so I’m going to read it on

The fly but the beginning I really like from stooks baseball cards and Curiosities he says part of selling to dealers is networking I’ve known certain dealers for 40 plus years it’s knowing the right people then you can sell to anyone for good profit and in my case

Support my collection I think that’s a great point it because we’re not we’re kind of just glossing over some of the intangible benefits of being at a car show but however you know some dealers will be creative in how they will take in your collection maybe they’ll they’ll

Buy may maybe they’ll pay you a certain amount of money maybe they’ll split their profit with you maybe they’ll give you 5,000 but if they make over eight they’ll split the difference with they’ll split the incremental amount with you people can get creative out there uh fow fball has a very simple

Question for you Paul do you collect cards I’m so happy you asked this file five live ball I do not collect cards it’s not because I don’t love the idea of collecting cards it’s just a personal choice I’ve made it just doesn’t do it for me it doesn’t resonate with me to

Know that I would have that card for longer than the selling marker I just enjoy so much the Chase and the challenge of can I make this card make money for me that I’m just more fascinated by that than am by holding the card long term this is something

Jeremy knows I’ve talked with Iowa Dave about and I admire collectors who build collections but it’s just not authentic to me so I don’t do it I love your I love your transparent honesty like Paul does not pretend to be anything that he is not and you know uh some of some of

My audience some hobby members some people that saw my promo for this episode on on Instagram or X or YouTube or face Facebook might thought what’s Jeremy doing having a card Flipper on listen I’m I like I like Paul I like Paul and he’s a nice guy and do I

Approach the hobby the way Paul does absolutely not no I do not have selling markers for my cards I but I find it interesting and I also believe that that you and people like you flippers your your audience are part of the ecosystem just like Breakers I don’t break but I

Like that people do because that’s how cards get into the ecosystem I like the people flip because they are bringing cards from the culture Collision show in Atlanta to the Burbank show in California to the Expo in Toronto and they’re finding they’re finding hopefully either another flipper or eventually ultimately a collector you’re

Taking the cards to where they need to go and I I like that so I want to shout you out on that um comment here from cardboard Prof he says Paul curious how you pay the bills for your family are you full-time on cards plus your paid

Content or do you also have a day job or something else yeah I’m glad you took this one because I saw it come in and I love to answer this so I am full-time on cards but only very recently it took me as I mentioned it took me about four

Years to kind of build this business right because it’s not easy to build an audience first of all it’s not easy to get good at something I mean that it’s hard to figure out how do I provide value how do I get good at this and so

It took me two years to learn how to actually make money flipping cards myself it took me all through today the last four years and into the future at at continuing to try to get good at creating content and building an audience for my show and and bringing

People into the website so I’m fortunate enough cardboard profit to have made the decision at the beginning of 2024 end of 2023 that I’m going to quit my other job as a web developer uh digital marketer and go full-time into flipping C cards and noof so right now it is I

Am full-time and my entire ecosystem is flipping for myself that’s I have multiple revenue streams within this right flipping for myself uh some sponsorships of the sportscard strategy show and the noof sports card Network and the paid subscribers so I’m very fortunate to have over the last four years

Basically be able to put this together and it was part of my plan like I didn’t want to build websites forever I didn’t want to do digital marketing Consulting for other people’s businesses forever I wanted to take all those services and put it into my own business the only

Thing is I had to get actually good at flipping cards first so it took me a while but I’m here and I’m really excited to be doing it full-time now there you go thank you for the question cardboard profit Ryan uh more we lots of comments Paul so we’re GNA

Keep on going through them EJ farer is enjoying the episode love talking shop especially when it’s about strategic efforts to growth in the Hobby and I got a shout out to EJ he was a a co- Co creator of the Burbank card show he since left and has now joined Fanatics

Events as a director of dealer uh dealer relationship something like that EJ if you’re still there I’m not sure exactly that’s what I thought I read but congratulations to EJ on his career move uh and you know we I just said the Burbank card show and there’s EJ who was

The co-creator along with the card father Rob varis of Burbank sports cards okay Bob’s Big Boy offers the opport the option of selling your cards to repack companies he says they do pay upwards of 90% at bigger shows not a bad liquidation opportunity if you need cash

Fast no fees no shipping make up the 10% discount generally Paul have you thought about in your content recommending to your audience your paid subscribers free subscribers then maybe that’s an option for them as well to get out of some cards at certain times I haven’t thought

Of that but this is why I love doing this because I learn every show I do and every time I talk to anybody in the hobby I learn more potential sports card strategies so I think that this is something I need to look into because I

Do actually get the question a lot in term because what’ll happen is people will be like okay I I made all the wrong decisions before I found the sports card strategy show so now what do I do with all these cards and so if repack companies are interested in you know

Let’s say they’re not really the right card for the right player but they’re still like somewhat desirable and and you know if if repack companies are willing to buy those um I do need to learn more about that so I can determine if that’s a way for people to

Liquidate there you have it all right good stuff appreciate that Chris C makes a a followup to the repacking he says repacks have zero accountability and honesty unfortunately so I disagree with that Chris um first of all I dis the reason I disagree with it is because

You’re being absolute in this comment I do believe and I do agree with Chris that there are repackers who have zero accountability and honesty but I think there is a a contingent of them who are above board and try to do it right a full checklist and make sure everybody

Gets what they get and they’re not they’re not doubling their their their you know their investment which I think is is a bit egregious but I don’t think it’s zero at this point I think maybe there’s nobody overseeing it but I think there are some who are trying to do it

Right and to those people I commend them people who are trying to do it without you know trying to get one over trying to be dishonest uh deliberately yeah no time for them at all uh okay uh a couple more comments here and then here hobby champ says if collectors

Don’t sell then who the hell are collectors supposed to get cards from The Flipper hate is absurd and comes from a place of ignorance not gonna sugarcoat I I agree I mean that’s that’s kind of funny because a lot of people do like to talk down about flippers but there’s no car without

Flippers there’s no C card show vendors any LCS you walk into that you have a ton of respect for they’re card flippers but they’re but we can we call them dealers because because the word flipper has the negative connotation we’ve talked about this on the show several times before Paul flippers dealers same

Thing for the most part I believe one has overhead and maybe one doesn’t but still they’re all part of the ecosystem and um I’m I’m okay with it personally so okay here this is a really good question because I was going to ask you the same one it’s from Tim Larsson he

Says could you give an example or two of markers he says for college athletes I’m gonna tweak the question a bit and I’m I I so no offense to Paul but I I want you to answer it this way sorry no offense to Tim Paul I want you you to answer it

This way instead give example of markers across anything and everything because I’ve kind of been wondering what are some examples of of markers that you speak to because it’s a key part of your strategy yeah so I’ll that’s great I love it okay so baseball prospects so a

Lot of people think baseball prospecting is risky it’s not it’s actually one of the least risky sports card strategies because one of our guidelines at noof and this is behind the paid wall but I talk about it all the time for free on on the show it’s buying top three

Prospects that with an expected call update of within the next 6 to 12 months and buying their Bowman Chrome first Prospect Autos or variations of that it can be graded it doesn’t have to be graded and selling at the callup so the marker is to sell at the callup we see

Historical data pattern recognition mitigating risk is selling at the callup so we’ll call we’ll call the callup a marker and we’ll also specifically within a marker we’ll call it a sell by date so it’s like an expiration date on milk or or meat or something like that

Whereas there there are so for example we’re looking at there’s also the MLB Spring Showcase that’s going to be this mid-march so this is an example of a pre- sell by date marker that could happen for people like uh Jackson holiday Jackson Chio James Wood I think Ethan Solace is a prospect that’s

Playing in this so so the point of what I’m saying is the selling marker is the callup that’s the sell by date but there could be earlier markers that could move the needle for other guys based on the hype around them and the Spring Showcase MLB showcase this year is an example of

Get your cards ready to sell potentially at a selling marker that could happen earlier than the selling marker that we thought um football is a very easy one as well you know we figured out football there’s a hype cycle in late August early September so you want to

Essentially this is a blanket statement so it’s not applicable to every single player but for the sake of time I’ll say that generally you can buy football cards between nove uh between Thanksgiving and Christmas or Thanksgiving and New Year so late November and early January and then you

Can buy again not the guys that are in the playoffs the guys that are in the playoffs don’t go down but for people that are not necessarily in the playoffs uh that’s a good time to buy them and then also June because no one’s really paying attention if the June is a pocket

Generally for football it’s after the draft hype cycle and the free agency hype cycle and then before the training camp and then what happens on social media in August is a bunch of hype starts happening with people making plays in training camp and then what happens after week four week three or

Week four is injuries perform unexpected performance issues that go the other way what you thought you weren’t right about certain guys and then the mid-season dip so you want to sell the selling marker for NFL guys is late August early September um I’ll go to college next I

Love i’ I’ve gone into college cards Big Time number one because of what Bowman’s done with the Bowman U Chrome sets they’re outstanding now they’re they’re licensed so you have the team branding you have great photos and you have Chrome cards with Autos you have low serial numbered Autos there’s very

Investable cards they also come out before the player significantly before the player will get drafted potentially the selling marker is the draft whether it’s the NBA draft or whether it’s the NFL draft so that’s the selling marker finally Jeremy I have to say while basketball is my favorite sport it is

The hardest one for me to figure out a selling marker the only selling marker that I can really come up with is when a top player on a top team wins the NBA championship and because I am absolutely horrible at predicting that i’ I’ve found it really really hard to make

Money flipping basketball cards unless it’s a college card and we know they’re going to get drafted or like the wanyama example that’s an exception because there was a clear selling marker for that so there may be selling markers for individual guys but once you get into the pros and you’re established like a

Giannis or a Jason Tatum they got to win the NBA they gota they got to be the finals MVP and that’s really hard to pinpoint that selling marker awesome awesome information I have a follow-up question would a would a selling marker also be and I I I believe it is so I’ll

Just state that but so you’ve talked about prospects You’ even talked about some veterans like Giannis and Tatum you just mentioned but what about retired players what about a player who is maybe gonna get into the Hall of Fame and I’ve always thought that you know the a

General a a general theory out there is that when a player is inducted into the Hall of Fame there’s going to be more interest in their cards so the Hall of Fame ceremony that’s when the interest happens and I’ve been saying for I’ve said it on this show for years when when

It comes up no that’s not the selling marker the selling marker is when they announced 6 months earlier that who’s going into the Hall of Fame at the ceremony six months later that’s the selling marker because they just announced it now people are going to start to clue in people aren’t going to

Wait for him to get inducted into the Hall of Fame they’re going to want to know that he is going to be and then sometimes it’s like people just recognize that a player is too good not to be so there really is no selling marker because they’re they’ve always

Had that priced in so there and then there’s the players when they die that’s another one that now that’s that is a selling marker because you have a very short window of interest but you have to act fast because otherwise it takes no time for that for those markets to come

Back down same thing goes with Hall of Fame induction or announcement I should say those are those are little blips on the graph on the chart you’re right they are and we just did a little analysis on this a couple episodes ago where we looked at because the Baseball Hall of

Fame announcement just happened a couple weeks ago and so we did a little analysis on like okay does this announcement move the needle more than the induction ceremony and of course we kind of knew the answer like you’re saying but we did the we did the

Breakdown on the show and what we found is that yes it does but it still has to be it does specifically for the announcement like you’re right um not necessarily the induction ceremony but it still has to be for the right player like the player otherwise it’s marginal

Right like if it’s if it’s a because baseball a lot of it for collectors I believe um is a is they you know collector baseball collectors want to collect guys who are in the Hall of Fame and that’s awesome I love that people do that I think that makes sense to

Me but it’s if it’s not a widely known big name Hall of Famer it’s only going to be like a marginal maybe maybe 15 to 20% move in the market a guy that I’m looking at though is icho for next year so you know I think I think if you know

I I believe icho is is this will be the first ballot that he’s eligible on next year and he’s a big name I mean he’s you know International he’s got more than 3,000 hits in the MLB I think who knows how many hits he has in his professional

Career uh worldwide and so I think you know icho is a guy that is an example of someone who will definitely move move the needle big time I think when he gets the Hall of Fame announcement however you could argue with me that you know maybe some of that’s already baked in

But I think if you could get uh good deals on icho cards for the next maybe uh three to four months before you know before baseball starts to get in full swing this year um you could make some money on some ero cards potentially when when he gets that press of the first

Ballot Hall of Fame announcement next year yeah yeah that I like your International call it on Ichiro for sure I mean he’s a spe special Player No Doubt with with a lot of appeal but as I mentioned that is a that’s a small window it’s a very short window same

With when a player passes away you know isn’t nice to talk about but it’s a it’s reality happens everybody those are short windows and uh keep that in mind just keep that in mind umh Chris C Falls up he says uh name a repacker who’s honest I believe I believe The Arena

Club repackers are on I believe uh Dave and Adams um uh Hit Parade I believe they’re honest with their repack products and leaf leaf has done repacks for well they’re honest with their I i’ have no problem purchasing into any of those companies repack and I’m sure

There’s more Chris uh Chris C also says the flippers I most despise are the ones who buy huge amounts of new wax and then make money while clearing shelves at Target so this is something that I’d honestly like this is not even on my radar I you

Know maybe it should be but I don’t don’t buy retail wax ever I don’t think I ever have so when I talk about flippers just so this audience knows when I in my head when I’m talking about flippers I am not talking about wax flippers that is that’s something

Totally different alter well has joined us what’s going on Allan good to see you as always Jamie Croft joins us live for the first time Jamie welcome to the show glad you’re here the professor says I have a PSA 10 Rob Anthony on my comc account courtesy Paul strategy and I’m

Waiting for the cell marker the professor always learning on the job for sure uh okay all right I have I’ve have I’m gonna go to some of my questions now lots lots of uh lots of great comments from you guys out there thanks everybody for being here hey I’m gonna ask you if

You’re not yet subscribed to the sports cards live YouTube channel take a moment please and do so greatly appreciate it for sure just handles says it right those are not flippers they are scalpers thank you just handles that gives me a framework that I can separate them from

And say yeah those aren’t flippers those are those are wax scalpers that’s different so I’m with you just handles thank you comment of the night right there so far in my opinion because I really I feel I feel uh just like I I can add that to my vernacular now thank

You so much with that just handles a good way to separate that in my head Paul any other comments before I asked you my next question only that I think our guy the professor means Roman Anthony not Rob Anthony because Roman Anthony is a prospect for the Boston Red

Sox hopefully you got a good deal on that card and there definitely be a cell marker uh Professor I would look at the spring the Spring Showcase potentially to move to move Roman Anthony but check and see if his Market moves otherwise hold till the call up Bob’s Big Boy says

Keep in mind that multiple people using the same strategy can backfire for instance when Jim Brown passed away it was obvious that many had hordes and stacks of Autos the market flooded prices dropped and that’s why I said it’s a short window because a lot of people are thinking that same thing so

You got to be like right there first or else just don’t or or else just wait and let the Natural Market take place here’s my question that I want to ask you Paul the mark okay so the market we use the term corrected but let’s just face it

The market has been going down overall in value like generally speaking since the peak in 2021 has it been harder for you to find Opportunities to share with your audience since we’ve seen that happen yeah it’s always hard to find Opportunities I mean I spend at least

Two or three hours a day just strictly researching opportunities you know because then I can bring them to the audience audience first at the sportscard strategy show of course at no off but it it’s not easy I mean it’s it takes a lot of a lot of

Research a lot of adding things to the watch list it sometimes it takes you know buying cards that you wouldn’t normally buy just to kind of taste it and see if it’s going to work um sometimes it takes selling things in a different way than you’re used to

Selling things to see if that works better right so I’m still doing a lot of trial and error and trying new things like the other day I just decided to you know other thing too is like don’t get too tunnel vision with it like don’t think that what you

Have working or what has worked for you over the last several months is going to continue to work because if you get to tunnel vision you might miss other opportunities that are in front of you so that’s the other thing is that the

Other day I was at Target and I I saw a box of dawn Russ football 2023 uh it was a sealed set and it was it was 50 bucks and I thought okay um there’s like 13 good rookies in here that I could grade at PSA and PSA had a

$15 special at the time and so I did the math right there with my daughter did the math and I’m like I think if these get tens you know they could be if I submit 13 tens out of this box and that’s something I never would have done

But but because it is it is hard to come up with what’s next what’s next what’s next um you got to keep trying things and so um I’m not I’m not the type of person that’s out there buying wax at Target by the way that was that was a

One-off but uh but again you know you gotta stay you got to stay open you got to do that at card shows too at card shows you can’t go in thinking I’m gonna buy this one player because you’re gonna miss all the other things that you could

You could find at that card show so yeah it’s not easy man but that’s what I love about it I I love that it’s not easy that’s why so that’s why some people love the collect and they love the chase of adding things to their collection I

Love the chase of trying to figure out how I can make money and how I can find something that’s repeatable to help other people make money as well okay fair Alan Turell wants to know do you use your indicators your markers for sealed wax as well and the reason

Why I think this is a really good question and I’m not much of a sealed wax guy but the reason I think it’s a good question is because sealed wax does have player like classes inside where those players will have markers do you ever apply your strategy to sealed wax

I’ve tried it and I stopped it because what I found is it’s not as reliable and consistent as singles singles are so much more reliable and consistent because the buyer can see what it is so when you when you’re selling sealed wax I look at I look I reverse engineer

The entire play so I look at what’s going to happen when I sell it and what I found is that when you are selling something where the buyer knows exactly what it is you’re going to be able to execute that play and maximize the amount of Revenue total gross revenue that you

Would get from that thus your profit is going to be bigger then if you’re selling something where the buyer doesn’t know exactly what it is and so sealed wax while we know it’s like 20 20 prism football and it could have Joe burrow and Tua and jayen Herz in it and

Jordan love and because Jordan Love Now played well at the end of this season maybe that now increases the value it’s still in my mind it’s kind of like the equivalent of buying like a a dual patch with two players on it like like if if if your potential buyer doesn’t like the

Second player on the card the value goes down so I kind of see sealed wax in that way and that’s from my own experience trying to do what Allen’s asking if I do or not it just it just doesn’t work as well because you have to kind of explain

To the buyer there could be a Joe burrow in here you know a lot of buyers don’t know that but if the buyer sees it’s a Joe burrow card that’s gonna sell better yeah okay no very fair um next question I have for you is so you’re giving

Advice for people to make money what happens if the advice you give results in people losing money maybe lots of money how do you personally feel about that how do you respond to that what’s your Pol do you have a policy on it how do you have has it ever happened have

You ever had to kind of say oh I’m so sorry like how how do you handle that it’s for sure happened I handle it I think I like to think I handle it the same way that I handle everything else which is just full transparency I made a bad call I was

Wrong you know is there anything that I can really do to make up for it I think that’s a slippery slope I think that I’ve been fortunate enough to have built solid relationships with the people that are taking my advice to where it hasn’t backfired yet and hopefully it won’t

Because I’m certainly not going to bat a thousand but I think that what I’m banking on from my end and from the audience’s end from from the family’s end the noof family that listens to me is that we all understand the context that if you look at things in the

Macro you’re going to win more than you lose because our our guidelines strategies and plays are built they are built to mitigate risk and we wouldn’t be doing this unless we truly figured it out for ourselves we will get criticism we get more criticism from time to time

On like it’s kind of it’s kind of ironic because we get more criticism for not being risky enough with what we say and I think flipping is already risky so I’m trying to mitigate risk um I certainly would do whatever I possibly could to help somebody out if they were truly in

A bad spot because of advice I gave but I can’t promise what that would look like and I just have to do the best I can and hope people take it in context we don’t have a policy I mean I think a policy is a little not ingenuous you know not but

But I but I think if I came out and I said on the sports card strategy show I’m going to help you make money flipping sports cards but I can’t be held responsible for the advice that I give you I don’t think that’s right to do because that like I am responsible

For the advice that I give you that’s why I those they’re like two conflicting sentences so I’m gonna say I’m gonna help you make money flipping sports cards and we’re going to be in this together and we’re going to we’re going to have some wins and have some losses

But in the macro we’re going to win more than we lose and you know I think I’m your best option so let’s get in it together yeah I it’s it’s an interesting place that you’re in because you do you do have that risk like the car that and

And I wonder does it ever weigh on you at all yeah I do take it very seriously I do take it very seriously I I want you know I I see it similar to how like somebody might place a bet on a on a sporting event and and

Be anxious about it I see it similar to that but I think it’s less risky than that because at the end of the day like you still have the card so if what I say doesn’t materialize and you still have the card then there’s still another chance that

You could profit from that card and that and that is part of our recommendations we do think through okay well if if this selling marker doesn’t pan out or if the person misses the true selling marker you know what happens if they’re keeping the card and that’s why we that’s why

We’re very diligent about trying to underscore what the right cards are um and we are fading I would say like 95% of cards out there um we’re we’re focused probably on like 5% of the total Market of cards that people could be buying because they’re not going to the

Ones that truly decrease in value and that’s just part of mitigating the risk so I do I go through the thought process of like yeah this is risky yes I I do feel a responsibility for it but wait a minute like this isn’t the same thing as

Betting in a high stakes fantasy league or betting in a high stakes uh sports book or something like that this is really like you’re still holding the asset and so there’s still an opportunity for a win even after what looks like it could be a loss

Okay no I appreciate that for sure now follow-up question then we have some good comments do you offer a disclaimer ahead of time to your to your paid subscribers to your free audience listeners something saying you know just to to to mitigate your liability or anything like that to uh to just let

Them know that you know you’re a big boy if you’re going to follow this advice you know it’s on you do you do you any disclaimers yes we do we have a disclaimer when you do sign up for our premium membership that goes a little bit like

We will not be held responsible for any repercussions resulting in your decisions Financial or otherwise I don’t know how legally binding that is to be honest with you um but it it’s also it’s also a free 30-day trial you know I think I think that this is a

Layered approach on my from my part right like this is a this is a layered approach because at the end of the day if somebody wants to try and hold me legally responsible for their financial situation they have that prerogative and and I would have to deal with that with

That I understand that but I’m trying to implement first of all a process before the person ever pays me anything for my advice to vet me and for me to vet them and then I’m trying to also mitigate risk along the way with my recommendations and create content we

Don’t do set it and forget it stuff I think sports card school is the closest thing that we have to Evergreen content but we update that every week and so we’re constantly coming out with content we do sell alerts so we’re going to Tech we text you I’m not going to throw the

Number out on your show but if you watch my show there’s a number that we throw out where you can text sports cards to a number to get sell alerts so that’s my way of basically saying like we’re trying as hard as we Poss possibly can to help people not miss the selling

Marker okay okay all right let’s change it up for a moment uh we’re going to talk about the the 7980 opii case the the big fine because there’s a lot of talk in the chat Laura introduced the topic said what’s the sealed wax strategy to the 1979 OPI

Heritage auction item uh yeah it’s a it’s a good it’s a good question I’m just going to read some of the some of the responses from the chat and I’ll comment on them Mike Petty says if they pull 30 Gretzky which I think it’s 27 or

Likely in there they will only lose $1.8 million that’s the strategy it’s called the bigger fool Theory my two cents because Paul doesn’t know I do Jeremy might have a thought I do have a thought I’m consistent with what Mike Petty said this is not something that you open you

Open it you lose 75 80% of the amount you spent on that thing it is what it is so valuable because it is in its original uh form now it isn’t because to to in order to authenticate they had to open it and make sure it is what it was

Which is good now we know for sure that it that it does have 7980 OPI cards in there and it does not have gi. Joe cards or something else funny how we all go to GI Joe now but I’ve done the math you know a pack of that a pack is like about

A thousand bucks there’s 700 and something packs in there that’s only 700 and something thousand this thing’s going to go for well over two million so right there you’re going to lose at least $1.3 million if you were to open it and sell the packs off one at a time

If you open the cards and you get 27 Gretzky there’s going to be no tens or Nines in there I’m I’m convinced of that zero tens or nines you’ll be very lucky to get any eights you’re probably getting sevens what’s a seven worth seven Grand probably around seven Grand

Right now what’s seven time 27 about $200,000 right so now now you’re losing 2 million so it makes no sense to buy buy this thing and open it that’s that is money down the toilet this is a this is a case of the sum is worth a lot more

Than its parts its parts are going to kill the value so this is a showpiece it’s a big boring box that is a showpiece that’s what it is it is an investment and the value comes because it is unopened it is a sealed it is an authenticated it is a sealed case that’s

Been authenticated resealed and I think that that that that that’s great but I think that at the end of the day what’s in there is also important and to me it’s a cool item is it worth three million two to three million no not for

Me because I’m going to look with now if the market says it’s worth it then that’s worth it who might argue but I think that um that that whoever ends up opening that thing one day whether that’s you know this year or 100 years down the road uh they’re going to lose a

Ton of money on that thing so this is a it’s great for headlines it’s good lot I’ve got people texting me Paul they’re texting me these articles like three times a day it’s it’s over now but I was getting it so from everybody it’s like I

Know guys I know about this you know pretty funny but um vintage Card Collector says the play is it’s the only one ever found and years down the road someone wants it more and will pay up it’s not about opening anything exactly that’s exactly right he goes on to tell

Laura the values in the full case being intact not selling one box at a time because sealed boxes are out there already they are but that’s probably the best way is to sell the boxes but even then I think you’re going to lose the what’s a box with 150 Grand and there’s

16 boxes in there well that’s not terrible what’s that 2.4 million not bad no yeah I think that’s right not bad but I think there’s still uh risk there as well Paul anything you’d like to say about this uh this this box yeah for sure I mean it’s it’s not a sports card

Strategy really to open wax you you nailed it earlier when you said like you’re glad that there are people who open wax in the hobby because that’s how we get the singles circulated that we really want to try to Target but it’s not a sports card strategy to open wax

And I do I think my only other thought is that like the point that you made about I know about this guys like that happens to me too I’ll have friends and family that are not in the hobby at all they’ll be texting me about these big

Sales at auctions and stuff and I think I sort of look at what we do at the sports card strategy show it’s almost a completely different vertical than than what we’re talking about with stuff like the 1979 OPG sealed auction and stuff I mean it’s almost like like it’s just not

Even really in the same Stratosphere the only the only similarity is that they’re both sports cards but that’s it like there’s there’s nothing relatable to what I would talk about on my show to to this other than the fact that like ripping whack it does apply down to

Really any wax I mean it’s not it’s not as risky to open uh a, box of 2023 prism football because it’s only $1,000 but when you do the math the percentages kind of break down the same way you know you can get screwed over on a much

Cheaper hobby box of Ultra Modern stuff the same way that you could opening the 1979 sealed OPI case or boxes of that product yeah yeah all right we’re going to do more comments and then I have a uh then I have another good question for you so first of all Chris C says

Nowadays everyone wants to blame someone else for their own decisions few take personal responsibility yeah that’s got to be a a a newer generation thing because that people I I don’t know if I see that in in my generation and older but but I I I do see it more and more

Out there Bob Boozle wants to know if I will conduct a self audit tonight and launch sports cards live plus the paid version paid content after tonight I don’t think I can handle any more content that I’m already doing Bob Boozle but thanks for the vote of

Confidence chrisy says you don’t open it the the grety box it would be like opening an 86 fler case exactly right I actually think whoever buys this should be someone who already owns an 86 Fleer basketball case because those two pieces together on a pedestal under under glass

With light would be the would be the coolest two boring Brown boxes I think the fleer’s white of all all time hockey cards Gong Show podcast by Good Buddies say the 790 pachy case will be the most valuable Brown cardboard box of all time one of no doubt about it cardboard

Casino says the value is in the unknown and knowing is half the battle yeah it is mysterious what’s in there stooks wants to know how many OPI Gretzky buyers are even out there like a hundred a day stoes Gretzky it’s it’s probably the most liquid one of the most liquid

Cards out there they are easy to sell people always are buying them Mark santui says if the 1979 boxes are not opened now we have a supply why can’t they be a nine if somebody open them why mark because 95% of the of the grety cards are off-centered or have poor

Registration or are offcut all sorts of reasons why um those are those are the main reasons I should say you know the the corners and edges are likely good but everything else is you have a very slim chance of getting even an eight uh maybe you get maybe out of your 27

Gresky maybe you get five eights and the rest are sevens and a six maybe you do get a nine but a Nine’s only worth not even worth 150 Grand not even close to 2 point to two million something and you’re definitely not getting 279 and then you got to consider population

Control and all those all those sort of uh intangible factors as well F fball says I have a sealed box of gi. joe Chris C has a sealed box of Al I love that guys fun stuff to have for sure uh this professor says here’s my merger of content Jeremy’s sports cards live

Teaches us how to judge ey appeal of OPI Gretzky rookie and Paul teaches us how to flip this card perfect except that I okay I’ll leave it at that maybe Paul does teach us how to flip gret skis uh we will see about that in time I guess

Okay Bob’s Big Boy we’ll get your question shortly I see it for the second time thank you for reminding me here’s my next question for you though Paul it is my question is and this is this is the first question I had when I thought about having on the

Show how is it that you no off sportscard strategy show ha have for what I see my perception what I what and I all the content I consume I’ve never seen anybody come after you for selling advice and I see other people getting attacked act for doing similar to what

You do how is it now I listen I think the to me the answer is you’re just a likable guy like for me you’re a likable guy you’re transparent maybe I’m stealing your answer I’ll let you answer so just to to put a ball on my question how have you

Avoided criticism and attack from Hobby People I’m glad that you gave your your answer um I think that that hopefully that’s part of it I think part of it could be that we’re not on people’s radar yet you know I think I think like we’re up and coming um there could be

Criticism in in my future for that uh I think part of it is that I really do put a lot of work into not only my craft but also also expectations management if you will I think I think managing people’s expectations so that they understand what they’re getting and what they’re

Not getting and why they’re paying what they’re paying and things like that I think that’s critical to any business I think it’s critical to keeping a a good rapport with your customer base and so I think I can only really speak to why we haven’t really had any negative feedback from our

Customer base but I can’t really speak to why other people out there haven’t criticized us enough I can only um guess that maybe we’re just not on their radar yet but I think that if we do get on their radar I would like to think that

We would be able to handle it or win them over so to speak uh in a similar fashion to to how we’ve been able to navigate things so far yeah I don’t think you’re going to be able to if you do get it I just say that because there’s not a lot there’s

There’s not a lot of uh freeth thinking that goes on for in in from some of the the uh the contingent of attackers or or you know critics I would say so I my my advice to you Paul is you know um and you know you don’t consume a lot of

Content I don’t think and maybe that’s a good maybe that’s something you should consider doing because you know being after being on here tonight and I think I mentioned this to you the other day when we were chatting that there’s risk that this could lead to some of that and

You know I hope it doesn’t because I genu I genuinely think you’re a nice guy you mean well you’re but but you are offering a service that could cost people money if if you don’t if you make them you know you’re not batting a thousand the professor has put some

Really nice comments in here um about sort of how you do do it and I think it’s nice that you do have a him in here kind of providing a bit of a testimonial for you that’s a good thing um but yeah just you know you never know what what

Could come I believe you I think that it’s probably inevitable that there are some critics out there that have yet that have yet to provide their opinion on me to to Their audience and and so I do think what you said is probably best for me

Which is to uh try to stay focused on what I’m doing and and be the best at what I what I consider myself to be my focus area try to be the best at that and not really worry about what other people are saying but I but I can’t

Pretend like that wouldn’t be hard right I mean that like it’s everybody wants to be loved everybody wants to be appreciated and no one really wants to be criticized or or hated in any way and so um I think that you know talking to you has helped me sort of mentally

Prepare for um for things to come and and uh we’ll see what happens but um I’m glad you asked the question and um I don’t know if that’s a good answer or not but that’s my honest answer I I just really don’t know I just really don’t

Know why we haven’t been drugged through the mud yet but uh we’ll see what happens yeah it’s it’s likely you know it’s likely inevitable but um but the other thing I like what you said is you know who like who cares what other people think if you’re if you are if you

Feel what you’re doing is with good intention and you are mitigating risk as best as you can and you do have somewhat of a disclaimer out there for people so they know what they’re getting into I think I think those are all the measures that you should be taking and hopefully

Uh you you stay out of trouble that way uh vintage Card Collector says have a lock disclaimer policy reviewed by a lawyer probably not bad advice but leave that to you Mike Petty says no free thinking when the outcome is predetermined he even said it’s like gambling like the guys picking football

Games stick to free content and save yourself a jail sentence that’s my advice I don’t know if anyone’s afraid of going to jail but uh you know maybe getting a knee knocked out is is something else to be concerned about uh Jeff’s card Journey says I don’t understand all this gambling on cards

Why don’t you just go into the bookmaking advice business Sports gambling is all legal now well you said it earlier Paul that at the end of the day you still have your cards um and cards are fun I mean but I’ll let you answer uh Jeff’s question a little bit

Yeah I mean I’m just doing what I love to do I’m like there’s a there’s a bunch of different things that I could be doing related to cards and that’s what I love about the hobby is like the hobby is an industry we were talking about

This off air it’s like it’s it’s an industry that happens to be a very very popular hobby has been for obviously decades and I’m just doing what I love to do so I appreciate people saying like hey this might be less risky this might be better I get it but like all those

Things are not what I love to do what I what I love to do is to try to figure out what cards are going to go up in value why they’re going to go up in value when to buy them when to sell them how best to buy them and how best to

Sell them that’s really what drives me so I’m not trying to make money off of people I’m not trying to trick people there’s a million other things I could be doing to make money in the hobby I would rather just do what I love to do and so creating content around this is

Is really what what drives me and trying to figure out how to do it myself as well so okay good okay couple I got two comments sort of on on how you handle things and then two specific questions on strategy so the professor here says Paul mitigates backlash because of his

Continued transparency of how much paid for cards in his dialogue with his audience he gives opinion and also follows his opinion personally so that’s one of the reasons why uh you you’ve avoided some cardboard profit says people still need to think for themselves even the best investors still

Get it wrong sometimes assuming you’re following someone who knows what they’re doing it’s helpful data but not a crystal ball I think that’s a very astute comment people should follow that now two strategy questions first one Bob’s Big Boy says so uh do you do you follow the calendar strategy for

Instance you buy quarterbacks in March and sell in July August 30% profit like clockwork you buy baseball in November sell in February March at 30% profit on a ba on a schedule basically timing the seasons um I think that I actually think that’s a good strategy I’ve seen it work

In the past what about you Paul pretty close to that Bob’s Big Boy I mean I think we we do our own version of exactly what you’re saying I think we’re also tweaking that constantly because that while you’re correct it also changes year to year slightly and then

What I like about it is that like new releases will come out and new players will have cards that they didn’t have before and so the I I would say the base I think Bob’s Big Boy nailed the Baseline that’s the Baseline and then we’re we’re layering things over that um

That may have higher upside and and not a whole lot of risk and we’re trying different things within that that might be a little bit more fun like with some flyers and things that are like penny stocks right so uh but yeah I think Bob’s Big Boy pretty much

Nailed it not gonna lie good good good to hear and then t. Jones says do you factor in injury proness in your prospecting yeah that’s a factor I think part of picking the right player has to do with injury history it has to do with off the playing surface reputation has

To do with the organization that they play for and so there’s many factors it also has to do with like hobby hype like you know there’s such a thing as a hobby darling right it’s hard to kind of Define what makes a hobby darling other than the fact that just everybody in the

Hobby happens to gravitate to somebody and some of that could be social media some of that could be like you know bronny James’s dad is LeBron James so you you can’t and that’s he’s a polarizing figure right now because he’s not playing well right so we’ve talked

About brownie James a lot on the sports card strategy show but because he’s his name technically is LeBron James Jr you can’t ignore him so sometimes it has to do with like a family member um H having had a good career having a reputation so um but injury proness yeah definitely

Factoring that in along with all those other things what about Migra Zion Bob Boozle makes a good comment Migra is this week lots of food I hope you all sold your Zion cards do you now I mean this is a it’s a you know it’s a funny

Coment but it actually makes a good point there are other things that go like one thing I always say it doesn’t matter what data you follow what stat what Advanced statistics you are following those are not they are not the they are not 100% guarantee to to tell

You what future performance is going to be like because there are so many intangibles we do not know what is going on in the dressing room we do not know what’s going on in people’s indiv in their personal lives lives we do not know if they just if they’re about to

Break up with their with their girlfriend they’re about to get dumped if their girlfriend just cheated on them if they’re about to be I mean with Canadian junior hockey right now there’s a whole mess with uh these guys are in trouble we didn’t know that until we

Know it so do you have any sort of safety net or thought towards some of these other things going on that we don’t have that are not statistics driven there’s no marker for them because we don’t know we don’t know number one if they’re going to happen

And if they do sometimes we don’t even know that they did happen yeah the first one would be like the buyin price so I mean a good example I mentioned shadur Sanders earlier I’ll comment on Zion here in a second but I mentioned shadur Sanders earlier I’m buying a lot of

Shador Sanders right now he’s just underpriced for what he is going to be not not even as an NFL player but just simply as a projected top five overall pick in the NFL draft 2025 and so this just has his buyin price like I don’t know shadur Sanders

Personally I don’t know what he’s got going on like I I don’t know how much he really cares about football I mean he might be the most dedicated football player of all time or he might be like Johnny Manzel like we don’t know yet but

I think to mitigate some of that is the buyin price like ask yourself can I afford the 200 300400 that I might put into this card could I afford for that to go to zero because the upside of this card could be a thousand or it could be

1500 so so I think that that’s really one of the only things that we can do we can ask ourselves can I afford for this to go to zero right um Zion’s interesting though because his his 2019 silver prism PSA 10 is down it’s at its alltime floor and so

It’s actually not a great time to sell that card even though it is marra but uh that was a funny comment okay so we’re we’re out of time here we got we got three minutes left I’m gonna ask you one more question it comes from Chris C and

Then we’re going to wrap up he wants to know Paul do you ever plan on giving any longer term hold advice versus short-term flips yeah I do I like that because I think like what I mentioned earlier about you still have the card well I want that to be a card that’s

Still a card that you want to hold long term so I think like a a a Giannis you know PSA 10 2013 prism uh Anthony Edwards 2020 silver prism PSA 10 you know these are guys that you know Anthony Edwards could get injured he could do something silly we we don’t

Know that like we just talked about but like that card is is still going to be a card that you could hold long term so while sometimes it irks me and makes me anxious to hold a card long term and that’s kind of where I come from with

All of my advice I do think that uh I do love to factor in into every card that we recommend that somebody buys for the most part well let me say this for any pro rookie card Pro uniform rookie card we are making all of our recommendations based on what Chris C’s

Saying these all are cards that you could hold long term the only cards that we’re making recommendations on that aren’t cards that we want you to hold long term are college or pre-rookie cards because we know that Pro uniform cards are going to come out and they’re

Going to make those not obsolete but they’re going to make him basically less desirable yeah I agree with that last comment for sure Eric Stefano says I’ve really cut down a lot of my hobby content except for you guys thanks Eric love to hear that very nice Mark Sano

Says five out of five stars Jeremy congrats on the new house thank you very much Mark santui really appreciate that I okay well listen I gotta say uh To You Paul thanks for coming on thanks for facing some of the fire here and uh you know always a pleasure chatting with you

Like I said you’re you’re just an easy guy to talk to nice guy you got a great attitude and um so I want to thank you for taking the time it’s been pleasure hanging out with you for a few hours this week as I got to know you even

Better Bob’s Big Boy says great shows all thanks Bob’s Big Boy gotta say I as I said at the beginning guys this is the last show in this room in this room this is the last show the movers are coming on Wednesday and I’ll be in a new room

I’m gonna show you guys something I’ve never shown before there we go that is that’s the safe that’s that’s the safe that’s where the collection has been living for a long time uh and I I am not taking the safe with me to the new place because

It’s too heavy they can’t get it out no mover is willing to risk taking it up my stairs luckily the new homeowners have uh have agreed to let me leave it here and they’re going to keep it I just got to give him the combination so H yeah

I’m not moving it Mike Petty I don’t have to move it gonna have to get something new but um yeah that’s uh I thought on the last show I’ll show you guys the safe where I keep my my cards um yeah but Paul you are the you are the

Last guest over five listen this is episode 26 of sports cards live but I’ve done over 500 live streams most out of here a few while I’ve been on the road on travel but uh there you go man that’s a a bit of a I don’t know it’s something

That you’re the guest on this last show next week’s guest Coach Co will be the first guest in the new in my new house where I have a a studio kind of ready to go in there get good Dad I’m certainly not leaving them my cards uh I am not

Leaving them my cards those will be transported at an undetermined time uh in in big secret big secret for sure for sure uh Chris C says the 790 beachy safe there you go Bob Boozle happy yes I will be moving on Valentine’s Day Wednesday is Valentine’s Day that’s the day that

The uh that the movers are coming but I can tell you I’ve had possession in the new house since Jan 31 so I’ve actually been moving we’ve been uh moving a lot of stuff over the time so it’s going to be pretty smooth we’re already kind of

Moved in except for the furniture Paul the beds and everything along with a few other things Laura thank you for your time and joining us appreciate the comment thank you Brett s appreciate that Bob Boozle says shows always jump the shark after a new set don’t let

Happen Jeremy I’ll try not to Bob I will try thanks for the warning as well Mike Petty says hope you trust the next guy that delivers your safe congrat thank you Mike Petty we’ll see how that’ll go I’m sure appreciate that Laura has a guard dog good stuff

All right guys again thank you for joining us please if you’re not yet subscribed subscribe check out no off sportscard strategy Channel on YouTube where you can subscribe to Paul if you are interested please do that as well Paul before you chat get your final comments in right now Paul

Final words to You and then we’re gonna be done thank you so much to you Jeremy this has been so much fun hopefully it is just uh the latest of many more to come uh between us creating content together thank you to the entire sports cards live audience love all you guys

You’re all more than welcome to join us in the noof hickey sportscard strategy show thank you so much everybody Jeremy you’re the man appreciate that Paul thanks for coming on Michael H gives two thumbs up we appreciate that Michael H all right guys that’s gonna be it for

The week I won’t be back on live stream until next Saturday with Coach Co you might know that’s his that’s his call sign that’s how he starts his episodes thank you to the professor we appreciate that and all your information on a constant basis guys we’ll see you next

Time from the new location and with that this episode of sportscards Live is now over have a great week everybody


  1. Great conversation and excellent insights. I applaud the Collector / Investor discussion.
    I love the insight on "selling event / trigger"
    I love Paul has no PC. I have a similar mindset. I like the chase and experience more than the cards.

    I was critical of Paul early on and made a video on his program. I also investigated more and followed his public content. I have watched for a long time and recently reached out to chat. Paul is transparent. Of all the business men, he is one of the most honest and transparent.
    I applaud his LIVE conversations. The guys that hide from LIVE is one of the red flags. One of the best reasons I watch Sports Cards Live.

  2. Thanks so much to the entire Sports Cards Live Audience and to Jeremy for having me on. I realize I'm not a collector, and that my passion for the hobby comes out in a way that is different than a lot of subscribers to this channel, but I had so much fun and appreciate everyone being open minded about my passion for the hobby from a flipping perspective. I believe there's a place for everyone as long as they're honest, respectful, transparent and wanting to have fun and not take advantage of others. I'm still learning, and that's what compels me to continue the grind! This is just the beginning!

  3. Thanks for this episode with Paul and your recent episode with Stephen A. I have not tried breaking or flipping (I’m more of a slow dance kind of guy), but I appreciate the role of both in the hobby ecosystem and always enjoy learning about different aspects of the hobby and how they play an important role in keeping the wheels turning.

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