Professional golfer told how to swing by random man

Golf coach and PGA professional Georgia Ball, who goes by @georgiagolfcoach on social media, was recording a video of herself at the driving range when she was given unsolicited advice.

The clip has since gone viral, with the uncomfortable encounter highlighting just how important it is to mind your own business.

Georgia, who has 173,000 followers on Instagram, was recording herself working on her game and striking the ball down the range when an unseen man to her left felt the need to try and fix her swing.

Georgia calmly turned to the man after he said “excuse me”, and showed incredible patience after he told her what she was doing was completely wrong.

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Excuse me what you’re doing there you shouldn’t be doing okay I’m I’m going through um I’m going through a swing change at the minute so everything to yeah so I mean I’m going through a swing change the minut so with that I’m just making everything okay that

Was yeah thank you I don’t think that was yeah no I’m actually going do a S change the Min slow um in order to get I don’t know whether you see you watch golf the best players in the world when they are making a a practice swing or they’re going through a

Change thank for your advice


  1. I try and help people and I’ve been helped at the golf range and honestly never thought anything negative about it. Am I missing something he didn’t seem aggressive or intimidating or anything.

  2. I'm curious if there are any videos on TikTok that aren't of attention seeking women making it "totally not" all about their arse?

  3. I think the absolute best part of this entire encounter is the amount of comments it's elicited about her leggings. Talk about a textbook example of what women have been dealing with since the dawn of humanity.
    'Here's a video of a man being super patronizing to me about my golf swing'

  4. Ok, she’s clearly way too patient and nice, and good for her. So cringeworthy. By the way, beautiful swing!

  5. Why do girls / women wear that sort of 'nude' style gear ,it leaves little to the imagination and most of the time looks awful.P.s Nice last shot Georgia ,but only thanks to Mr know it all !

  6. This seems staged, but even if it isnt, what is she trying to accomplish by posting the video. Will her male pro golfer counterparts think she is a victim and should be treated with kid gloves? She didn't do herself any favors with this one.

  7. This dude is exactly the kind of man women should avoid in every aspect of life. I’m sure he would never have interrupted a man’s practice like this. Total mysogynist!

  8. She needs to be less worried about the mansplaining and dress more modestly – she has some kind of yoga pants on with nothing on underneath – very embarrassing video to me

  9. That's all well and good but there's a far wider issue at play here that goes beyond someone offering unsolicited advice.

    The fact is, there's some poor bloke, at home, starving no less, waiting for his tea whilst she's arsing about pretending she can play a man's game. How she had the nerve to post this video is beyond me.
    Have people no shame these days?

  10. At least now that she has sent out a viral video deriding mansplaining and men, she might be well known, and hopefully nobody ever tries to help in such a way again.

  11. I think this is the same fella that taught George Best how to do keepie uppies. Then he had a word with Federer about his backhand swing.

  12. People are crazy with their narratives. 30 yrs ago he would have been viewed as a very sweet man just giving friendly advice.

    Not today in our wacky narcissistic societies

  13. Geepers i like to think this type of thing doesn't happen anymore.

    At least before you give the advice ask, asking for permission to give the advice makes you look like like a bellend.

    Start off "Do you mind if i give you a little tip"in your best scouse accent.

  14. I remember a bloke in the gym trying to tell me where to put my feet on the exercise bike. I ignored him and then I could see he was looking over at my screen, and trying to out-ride me. I was fresh from Lands End to John O Groats so I casually put the hills on, sped up a bit, and proceeded to make him almost have a self-induced heart attack.

  15. Ha ha, so funny, how has he looked at that swing I thought, I can improve this with my knowledge. The swing looked a million dollars anyway and her striking was fantastic…what a berk

  16. Bit presumptuous to say its a man it could be a trans women giving advice to a fellow sister. Can't believe the Independent would show something so transphobic.

  17. I hate the term mansplaining – puts us all under one generic umbrella like this is something all men do… it isn’t. This guy is just a dick. You can tell because he plays golf.

  18. I love two things about this – first, she doesn't hit him with the club and second, her look at the camera that has, condensed into a millisecond, an eye roll and 'wanker'. Also my first time of experiencing mansplaining so thank you for posting.

  19. Considering he didn't listen to a word SHE was saying Georgia was enviably cool. Respect to her. Though to his credit he has been playing for 20 years so definitely knows best and she should flipping well listen! Immediate improvement. 😊

  20. I hope he sees this video. He automatically assumed he was better than her for whatever reason.

  21. Following his advice did you see how much better she was at hitting the ball? He should charge for his advise 🤓

  22. Cue all the comments from men saying he was only trying to help. If only I had a quid for every time I'd been mansplained. Best one was the man at the petrol station who kindly took the time to walk over to me to explain how to put petrol in the car.

  23. I'm a humble person and wouldn't think of interrupting my YouTube/Twitter/news outlets glory. Hopefully, I have shamed, embarrassed, and hurt this well-meaning man. I let it go on and on because my camera was recording! I'm so proud!

  24. Why is it at pro golf tournaments these people need total absolute silence to concentrate, but professional quarterbacks have to make a split second decision with absolute accuracy with what sounds like WW3 going on in the background just before 1,000 to 2,000 lbs. of weight comes crashing down on top of them.

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