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The Blue Lady of Coffin Hall by Carolyn Keene (Nancy Drew Diaries #24) – Audiobook

The Blue Lady of Coffin Hall by Carolyn Keene (Nancy Drew Diaries #24) – Audiobook

Nancy Drew Diaries Series

Ned and Nancy track down a ghostly saboteur in the twenty-third book in the Nancy Drew Diaries series, a fresh approach to a classic series.
Nancy and Ned are visiting Coffin Hall, an estate turned rare books library, doing research on the library’s rumored ghost for an episode of the NedTalks podcast when a fire breaks out in the records room. One of the library’s security guards accuses Ned of arson—after all, he was the only one in the room when the fire started—but Ned swears it wasn’t him. He was trying to stop the fire. He tells Nancy he saw a lady in blue right before the incident, and thinks it was Henrietta Coffin, the ghost of Coffin Hall!
Nancy is confident her boyfriend is innocent, and she’s determined to identify the real culprit, though she’s pretty sure it wasn’t of the paranormal sort. When she investigates further, she learns that the fire was just the latest in a string of recent strange and inexplicable incidents plaguing Coffin Hall.
It’s increasingly apparent that someone has more than a passing interest in shutting down the library. But who—or what—is responsible? And why?

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#CarolynKeene #audiobook #audiolibrary

Chapter 1 the Spectre in the stacks turn right here Nance that’s the driveway said Ned pointing and bouncing like a kid on his way to the zoo I think it’s cute when he nerds out about a bit of historical trivia or one of my dad’s

Cases and I was excited to work with him on his investigation I put on my turn signal even though there wasn’t a single car in sight and my car rolled through the imposing Iron Gate onto a long long Gravel Drive lined with two rows of overgrown cypress trees Ned went into

Tour guide mode the guy who owned this place was a ruthless water Baron the farmers and the town’s people hated him he made most of his money by charging such high prices for water that family farmers were eventually forced to sell their land to him at a steep

Discount is that coffin Hall I asked looking at the ivy covered brick building ahead of us it looked more like a witch’s Cottage than a haunted Library no that’s the guard house the coffins made a lot of enemies back in the day the driveway snaked past the guardhouse

And along the iron fence that marked the edge of the property up and around a large grassy Hill as we drove I caught glimpses of a many roofed Mansion at the top with its trees and mossy statues the coffin estate could almost be a park except the grass had grown long and

There were no picnickers no gardeners no couples strolling no bird watchers not even Birds the estate was completely deserted this place is huge Ned continued the land belongs to the city now it’s a public park the library is public too but almost nobody knows about it because it’s so far from the center

Of town well who wouldn’t want to hang out on the grounds of a haunted Library I know right it’s the ideal date spot Ned said and laughed anyway after heronimus coffin died he left his entire estate to his daughter Harriet then she disappeared leaving behind a cryptic

Will that said she wanted coffin Hall to be converted into a library for rare books now it has the largest Archive of historical documents in the whole state in other words heaven for a bookworm like Ned I interrupted I’m having trouble getting past the last name

Coffin it just seems too spooky to be real but I’m also hungry did you pack sandwiches turkey and cheese heronimus was not a nice guy but he must have been proud of himself because he named his daughter heronimus Jr I furrowed my brow I thought her name was Harriet that was

The name she went by Ned explained would you want to be called heronimus coffin Jr Harriet coffin is better I agreed not a bad name for a sleuth actually I wonder what happened to her her before she became a ghost I mean nobody knows Ned Shrugged in

1925 a few days after she turned 30 and came into her full inheritance she just disappeared she didn’t leave a note all her belongings were still in the house and there was no sign that she’d packed or made travel plans her relatives her father’s lawyer his business partners

None of them heard anything Harriet had vanished and so had the fortune she just inherited how did you learn all this Wikipedia there’s not much about the coffins online and coffin Hall has a pretty basic website I actually heard the story on a podcast no offense Ned but podcasts aren’t always reliable historical

Sources that’s exactly why we’re going to coffin Hall to dig up some primary sources for my own podcast look that must be the coffin Family Cemetery Ned pointed I stopped the car and looked over at the cluster of graves arranged around a three- tiered Fountain made of

White marble the Basin was dry and the cemetery was surrounded by a tall chain link fence I noticed something yellow moving on the other side of the fence it looked like there was some kind of excavation going on complete with dump trucks and an earth mover Ned punched my

Arm lightly eyes on the road Drew you sound just like my dad we’re not even moving I pretended to be disgusted but couldn’t contain my Giggles then I put my foot on the accelerator and we made the final Ascent to the hilltop as the Mansion came into view I

Almost stopped the car again there are a lot of grand old buildings and River Heights in the surrounding areas but coffin Hall might take the cake actually it kind of looked like a cake the two-story Mansion was built of pattern pink and white brick that accentuated

The rows of tall narrow windows and the roof line complete with a tower that looks straight out of a storybook Castle Ned had described the architecture as Victorian Gothic which made me think of vampires wearing frilly shirts in the lot adjacent to the mansion I parked next to a golf cart

Decorated with a crow perched inside an ornate letter C for coffin I said grinning Ned grabbed his messenger bag from the back seat before climbing out and we stood in the parking lot for a minute taking it all in I’m going up to the tower room first

Ned said that was Harriet’s study the Librarians and patrons say she still haunts it I stared him down you can’t scare me Ned Nickerson ghosts aren’t real whatever those people saw was a product of their overactive imaginations what do you expect to find that will explain Harriet’s disappearance the podcast mentions

Harriet’s diary it’s written in some kind of code I think I can crack it a code okay now I’m really interested but Ned there has to be a reason no one has cracked it after almost a century I’m going to be the exception I’m Ned Nickerson super researcher

That’s what Ned talks is all about oh all right don’t get too full of yourself yet let’s go inside and see what Stories the coffins have to offer unless you’re chicken no way last one inside is a rotten egg Ned and I took off running up the stone steps to the library’s front

Door we were both out of breath by the time we got to the top while I waited for my pulse to slow down I looked around and spotted two Stone crows perched over the doorway looking down at us there was a crow car D on the front

Door too just above a sign that read coffin Hall Library a public resource Ned took my arm before I could go inside we’ll have to keep our voices down in there so let’s go over the plan now I’m going up to the tower room to look through Harriet’s papers meanwhile maybe

You can ask around about coffin Hall’s history see if any of the library staff would agree to an interview I just need a couple of good sound bites go sightings levitating books eerie music that kind of stuff you want me to encourage people to make up scary

Stories that’s not my kind of thing Ned you know that no Ned talks isn’t a horror podcast I want to tell the real story of Harriet coffin we’ll just use the spooky hook to get people interested okay as long as we’re on the same page here I said watching him

Closely ha good pun Ned said pointing to the library sign with a grin the library Lobby the mansion’s former entryway was a round High ceilinged room with a skylight above a marble topped circulation desk where a silver-haired librarian sat in front of a computer the walls were lined with glass cases

Displaying old maps and documents and I spotted another Stone Crow perched on the archway that led to the main reading room the quiet in the building was was stifling interrupted only by the occasional beep of the book scanner and the snuffling of a board looking security guard at the entrance to the

Reading room Ned and I approached the circulation desk I said hello to the librarian but she didn’t look up she was Tiny no more than 5T tall but with her Strong Nose serious brown eyes and silver hair swept up in a perfectly smooth Shan she gave off the

Unmistakable air of being in charge a name plate on the desk read Irene wio librarian M wio my name is Nancy Drew and I’m a resident of rver heights how do my boyfriend and I sign up for library cards you may call me Miss Irene the librarian said primly I could tell she

Was the kind of woman who always spoke in complete sentences who crossed every te and dotted every eye precisely Miss Irene removed two forms from a file in her desk drawer and slid them across the desk I wrote in my full name date of birth address and phone

Number and Ned did the same usually I would think twice before giving a strange woman my personal details but I was pretty sure that if anyone could be trusted to keep sensitive information safe it was a librarian while I wrote I tried to get the librarian to come out of her

Shell my boyfriend friend Ned and I are researching the history of coffin hall for his podcast I said keeping my voice friendly and open I decided not to mention the ghost right away the real story of coffin Hall is written in Harriet’s papers if you have the wherewithal to actually read them

I’m just here to preserve the collection Miss Irene answered her face Stony but surely you know a lot about the coffins I prodded her Miss Irene wouldn’t budge coffin Hall is a public institution she said primly its collection belongs to the people Harriet coffin willed the house and everything

In it to the city you can read all about it on the library website yes we did read that thank you Ned replied but the episode is actually about Harriet specifically what happened to her and the coffin family fortune we were hoping to interview someone who

Knows her story on the record I don’t indulge in speculation or sensationalism when it comes to Harriet coffin as I’ve said the history of the coffin family is all public record all I can do is show you the relevant documents in my experience the truth isn’t always written down I said

Watching her face carefully and people usually know more than they let on I noticed a lanyard decorated with enamel pins and the shapes of different birds looped around Miss Irene’s neck cool pens is that one a crow I asked the librarian seemed to warm up a little a

Raven they’re very bright I keep one as a pet I find his intelligence refreshing I didn’t know Ravens were so smart Ned said birds are smarter than we think I replied and the librarian nodded corvids like ravens and crows keep stashes of food in many different places she said science has shown that

They can remember up to 200 locations what’s buried in them and how quickly the food is decaying they sound smarter than a lot of humans I know I said the librarian’s lips twitched slightly in something like a smile she took the forms from us looked them over and then

Filed each carefully away in the file cabinet behind her then she took two cream colored cards from another dwar and wrote each of our names in blocky capital letters followed by the date and handed them to us the front of each card was printed with a line drawing of

Coffin Hall and the letters CH hpl thank you for your help Miss Irene I said and she nodded I help those who help themselves she replied the librarian turned her back to us picked up her desk phone and dialed a three-digit number Rosie are you in the

Tower come down and cover me won’t you I’m showing some patrons to the tower room and then I’ll be taking my much deserved break please don’t dodle miss Irene hung up the phone she waited patiently while we passed through the metal detector underwent a bag check and

Signed our names in a register before we could go into the stacks which seemed like a lot of security for a public line Library the guard who scanned us seemed really checked out like his mind was somewhere else he was a handsome stocky Asian man in his late 20s with a top

Knot and beefy forearms hi I said and he looked up startled I’m doing some research on the history of coffin hall for my boyfriend’s podcast would you like to talk to me on record about coffin Hall it would only take a few minutes I’m new here kid he said in a

Bored voice and I’m working at a double shift so I’m not really in the mood to chat do you mind my asking why you’re working double shifts can’t the library afford other guards just the two of us and the regular guy went on vacation there’s not usually supposed to be a guard here

During the day but after yesterday’s incident Miss Irene called me in at least the other guy is coming back tonight so I’ll finally get a break Victor answered wearily what happened yesterday Victor Miss Irene chided no chatting sorry boss the guard grumbled you can’t be distracted and do this job the kid was

Asking me questions you want me to be rude I’m not even supposed to be working right now man he grumbled I heard him and tried to give a sympathetic smile I knew better than to interrogate Miss Irene about the incident maybe I would get Victor to say more when his boss

Wasn’t breathing down his neck Ned and I followed Miss Irene across the empty reading room which was full of long wooden tables topped by rows of brass reading lamps and went down a hallway lined with plush carpets and oil paintings of peaceful farms and Orchards the hall ended at a spiral

Staircase at the base of which hung a large oil portrait that depicted a young woman with a serious expression dressed in a light blue evening dress with a 1920 style dropped waist and a tassled skirt made of long strings of silver beads the portrait sitter wore an elegant

Silver Tiara in her dark hair and diamonds sparkled on her neck and ears but the beauty of her attire couldn’t hide the sadness in her eyes the blue lady herself Miss Irene said her father had this portrait commissioned to try to entice a husband for Harriet but she rejected every

Suitor this is the way to her Tower from here on I’ll have to escort you nanc are you coming with Ned asked I’d like some fresh air is it all right if I take a stroll through the grounds certainly it’s public property but a word of warning watch where you

Step I glanced at Victor to see if he’d noticed the librarian’s ominous tone but he had his earbuds in and was humming to himself some security guard let’s meet back in the lobby in an hour for an update I said promise me you’ll try not to anger any Spirits living or dead

I’ll do my best Ned laughed I watched him climb the stairs and disappear into the darkness feeling uneasy without quite knowing why I wandered from room to room without seeing anyone what was the point of a Public Library without patrons who was I supposed to interview the librarian and

The security guard weren’t exactly open books and I hadn’t signed on for ghost hunting maybe the grounds would be livelier outside the sun was high in the sky and the coffin Hall estate appeared Serene but up close the lack of upkeep was more obvious the ground was muddy and the

Grass was patchy I had to hop from one spot to the next to keep from getting stuck soon I came to the chainlink fence that surrounded the coffin family graveyard I’m not a morbid person but the dry Fountain gave me the chells a plaque at its base read devoted daughter

HZ Harriet coffin Jr 1895 to 19xx let her find rest I stared hard at the two x’s and couldn’t help but imagine how I’d feel if I disappeared and no one ever found out what happened to me the sound of heavy machinery startled me on the other side of the cemetery

Fence the earth mover had shuddered to life construction workers shouted directions over the beeping of trucks I walked up to the fence and looked out over a huge rectangular hole not far from where I stood a tall blonde woman in a sharp white suit snakeskin ankle boots and a long Golden Braid was

Hissing into a walkie-talkie her back to me I don’t want to hear excuses Jeffrey I won’t apologize for being Hands-On it’s my vision don’t you believe in that good because it’s your job to execute it so stop wasting time talking to me and get to work the woman switched off her

Walkie-talkie and threw it to the ground I’m working so hard I deserve a new purse two new purses and a tennis bracelet I could be in the Cayman Islands right now instead I’m here in this hole up to my Wast in mud excuse me I couldn’t help

Overhearing the woman’s head shot up and she took me in she obviously ly didn’t like what she saw putting her hands on her hips she stared down her nose her perfect red lip curling can I help you this is private property where I’m standing is public

Property why are you watching me are you some kind of Cub reporter I didn’t mean to startle you I’m just a naturally curious person my name is Nancy Drew I’m helping my boyfriend research his podcast it’s called Ned talks because his name is Ned and he talks maybe you’ve heard of it I

Definitely have not do I look like someone who listens to podcasts you don’t you’re right you look like a boss a girl boss you mean I always dress for the roll she answered tossing her braid over one shoulder we’re making an episode about the history of coffin Hall you must know

Something about that seeing as you’re Excavating right next to it would you like to to speak on the record yes actually she answered quickly I have a lot to say about that isore thanks I’ll start my recorder do you mind introducing yourself I asked holding my phone up to the fence

Certainly I’m yvon Coughlin CEO of Coughlin Capital Coughlin coffen any relation Ivonne continued speaking as though she hadn’t heard me I have an MBA from Harvard Business School last year I was named one of the top 10 women in real estate under 30 by the developers Association and now I have turned my

Talents to creating the greatest investment opportunity River Heights has ever seen wow here’s my card do you have a card no too bad do you know what I love about swans Miss Coughlin said her eyes sparkling swans weren’t we just talking about an invest M opportunity I examined her business card

Which was printed on heavy paper in fine gold ink Ivon had spent a lot of money on the printing the office address was right in the heart of downtown River Heights in a Swanky new building Coughlin Capital must have been turning a profit patience Nelly it’s all connected

As I was saying what I love about swans is how Serene and beautiful they look on the surface meanwhile underneath they’re paddling like crazy that same thing is true of all fashionable women I don’t really like swans they’re mean and my name is Nancy not Nelly see

If you had a business card I would have remembered that what I’m trying to tell you is I’m a swan a Visionary I’m building a pond for other swans a comfortable home for people like me who know how to make a real impact what kind of people are those movers and shakers

App inventors designers content creators influencers entrepreneurs celebutant model lebes so you’re building fancy Condominiums M coughlin’s face contorted with disgust we don’t use that word I can’t stand when people shorten it to condo GH no this project is called the Coughlin Cooperative it’s all about about building a community that is

Creative but also luxurious than high-end Bohemian artist Studios with indoor jacuzzi my real dream is to create an all-inclusive resort with hot yoga studios gelato shops luxury boutiques The Works that sounds fancy I said but what did you want to tell me about coffin Hall that building is a safety hazard I

Wish they’d condemn it before someone gets hurt it’s only a matter of time with those people in charge the city refuses to sell the estate to someone who can make real use of it someone like me for example it’s the perfect location for my Resort concept what do you know about the

Building’s history who cares what happened a hundred years ago I’ve spent too much time stuck in the past now I want to live for the future that’s what Coughlin Cooperative is all about ion’s walkie-talkie crackled from where it was still lying on the ground Miss Coughlin someone yelled Ivonne rolled her eyes

Then picked it up and answered I couldn’t make out what the foreman said to her but whatever it was M Coughlin did not want to hear it she gave an angry shriek I cannot believe this you’re all a bunch of claws don’t do anything until I get

There it looked like our interview was finished Miss Coughlin turned and sacheted Away along a PL I would walkway as though she’d forgotten I existed okay nice talking with you I called after her watching through the fence a minute longer to see if I could figure out what had happened to make her

So upset but my view was blocked by the row of dump trucks I carefully made my way back to coffin Hall mulling over my interview with yvon Ned and I were due to meet in the lobby in 5 minutes as I approached the library I heard a faint wailing like

A siren or an alarm that grew louder as I got closer I smelled smoke and up ahead a black cloud billowed from the window of the tower room where Ned was supposed to be doing his research I hurried ahead no longer worried about the mud if Ned was in danger if he’d

Gotten hurt while I was wandering around I’d never forgive myself I took the front stairs three at a time and just as I was about to fling open the main doors and run inside to rescue my boyfriend from from the Flames Ned barreled through the doorway and ran smack into

Me we both tumbled to the ground and Ned’s messenger bag went flying he scrambled after it as though he hadn’t even seen me hey I yelled sorry he said his eyes were wide and he was out of breath you look scared is everything okay she’s after me we have to go now

Ned said who’s after you miss Irene I asked Ned shook his head then grabbed the bag and raced toward the car what’s going on Ned small fire it’s out not my fault I’ll explain later just come on I hit the remote unlock button Ned threw open the passenger door tossed his bag

Inside and dove into the front seat still a little stunned I tried to get up to follow him but my ankle had Twisted under me when I fell and was already swelling up help I called Ned came running back up the stairs he basically threw me over his shoulder and carried

Me down as as fast as he could before we reached the car I heard a man’s voice shouting after us Victor the security guard followed by a furious Miss Irene her face was smudged with soot and her hair had escaped its tidy twist the librarian raised a trembling finger and

Pointed it straight at Ned stop Vandal chapter 2 wrongfully accused Miss Irene and Victor refused to answer my questions right away instead they hustled us into a conference room and locked us in while the librarian sat on one side of the table blocking the door Victor instructed Ned and me where to

Sit then let himself out he said he was going to guard the door but I could clearly hear the sound of the phone game he’d been playing earlier the library worker Miss Irene had called earlier Rosie must have been dealing with the aftermath of Ned’s small fire upstairs the librarian sat silently

Peering at us as though she could see right into our brains aren’t you going to tell us what Ned’s being accused of I asked he knows what he did I don’t think he does I countered if either of you want to explain what happened that would be a start

What was all that smoke there was a fire NAD answered some books were involved you’re using the passive voice Mr Nickerson scolded Miss Irene fires don’t set themselves especially not in a building full of very flammable objects lucky for you nothing of value was seriously damaged lucky Ned protested

You should be thanking me I triggered the alarm and I saw who really set the fire Ned went pink and looked down never mind you won’t believe me of course I’ll believe you I said after all we’ve been through you think I wouldn’t trust you

To be honest with me it’s not that it’s just I leave you alone in Harriet’s inner sanctum for 15 minutes and the whole place nearly Goes Up in Flames how do you explain that speak up Mr Nickerson Miss Irene drummed her fingers against the table impatiently I’m telling you I didn’t

Start that fire the blue lady did Ned insisted I’d never seen such a wild look in his eyes tell us what happened I encouraged him she was tall maybe 5’1 6 feet she was wearing old fashioned clothes a dress with a beaded skirt just like the dress in her portrait only this

Dress was uh glowing glowing yeah there was this weird blue light around her and she didn’t walk like a normal person I think she was floating I couldn’t see her feet under the skirt just a weird misted where did she come from I don’t know she just appeared next thing I knew

Books started flying off the shelves there was a puff of smoke and some of the books caught fire I pulled the alarm and used my messenger bag and jacket to stop the fire from spreading I looked into Ned’s eyes he winced but held my gaze I believed him but I didn’t believe

That what he’d seen was Supernatural I’ll tell you what I think Miss Irene said narrowing her eyes and wagging her finger at us I think this is some sort of prank for the internet you wanted to use the Story of Harriet coffin to get attention for your little

Podcast but your prank went too far and you got caught Ned and I exchanged confused glances Miss Irene went to the door and opened at a crack Victor will you come in here please she called the security guard shuffled in yes boss did you see anyone in the library today

Apart from Mr Nickerson and Miss Drew they were our only visitors today he replied so you didn’t see a very tall woman floating around wearing a glowing blue gown uh no ma’am Victor answered scratching his head have you ever seen anyone matching that description in your time

Here can’t say I have I would definitely remember something like that thank you Victor please go and watch the lobby and if you do see any glowing women call me immediately Miss Irene turned her piercing gaze back to Ned who was sweating I couldn’t blame him this tiny librarian was

Intimidating well then Mr Nickerson I think we both know it would be best for everyone if you’d just confess Ned shook his head I’m not going to confess to something I didn’t do I don’t think you should say anything else until we get a second opinion I

Said I’ll let you make your call this isn’t over Miss Irene said with a sniff then she rose and left the room the door closed with a click followed by the thk of a deadbolt Miss Irene had locked us in when I need advice there’s only one

Person I call my father Carson Drew he picked up on the first ring dad dad and I are being detained at coffin Hall The Librarian claims that Ned started to fire in the tower room but he says he saw someone else do it can you come down

Here right away of course tell Ned to keep his chin up I’ll be there as soon as I can just as the call ended someone knocked it didn’t sound like Victor’s meaty paw or Miss Irene’s sharp little Fist and my father couldn’t possibly be here already I put my head against the

Door to listen who’s there a friend a woman’s voice replied I’m Rosie Gomez a library volunteer I’m the library volunteer Miss Irene thinks she runs this place but she couldn’t make it one day without me nice to meet you Rosie I’m Nancy and I’m in here with my boyfriend Ned Nickerson he’s been

Falsely accused that’s why we’re locked in here that’s terrible I don’t like talking through the store if you promise not to run out I’ll open it Ned and I exchanged a glance why would we run away I asked our names phone numbers and addresses are in your library Patron

System and more importantly we’re innocent I believe you Rosie replied hang on I heard the scraping of a key in the lock my boss is really upset she gets like this sometimes it comes from a good place she loves this Library so much too much if you ask me voila the

Door swung open and I stood face to face with Rosie Gomez she was short and curvy with cat eye glasses and wore her black hair and a Shaggy cut with bangs that framed her coal lined brown eyes Rosie looked to be just a few years older than

Ned I noticed her earrings were little silver daggers each with a dangling Red Jewel like a drop of blood and her black T-shirt had a screen printed graphic of a bat with its wings outstretched despite her goth style Rosie’s round face was friendly and open she smiled

Broadly at us and how that a basket of shiny red apples individually wrapped cheese and crackers and two bottles of water Ned took the basket gratefully while Rosie flopped down in Miss Irene’s chair woo it’s good to sit down I thought you guys might be hungry or

Thirsty and we had some snacks left over from the last historical Story Time actually we had all the snacks left over nobody came nobody ever comes kids just don’t get excited about old surveyor Maps or water table reports s but that’s all right more for us right now that you

Mention it I’m starving said Ned tearing into two cheese and cracker packages thanks for these I guess seeing a ghost really works up the appetite we brought sandwiches remember I said Ned ignored me and kept happily munching away Rosie’s eyebrows shot up wait a second you saw the blue

Lady I saw someone in in the tower room just before the fire whoever she was I’m pretty sure she started it Ned said before taking a big Swig of water Rosie groaned oh no not again this has happened before I asked the blue lady causing Mischief yes but

Starting fires that’s new I frowned you really believe the blue lady is Harriet coffins Spirit returning to her home nearly a hundred years after she disappeared she was the last person to live in this house and she left it with unfinished business that’s a good recipe

For haunting but I don’t know I just can’t believe that the spirit you saw was Harriet Rosie said turning to Ned why do you say that Ned asked the blue lady used to be harmless sort of helpful even sometimes I’d spend all day looking

For a book and then it would appear on a shelf I’d already checked twice or I’d find all my files rearranged alphabetically some mornings I could hear her whistling in the tower she was nice I wasn’t the least bit afraid of her but now you are I asked Rosie

Covered her mouth with her hands before Whispering yes when did she change asked Ned oh a little over a year ago the first incident was right around Valentine’s Day we discovered red ink spilled in our antique map collection horrible Rosie shuddered then strange things started to happen more and more

Often like what I pressed we found puddles all over the lobby floor and on the tower stairs one morning another time all the portraits of heronimus coffin and his ancestors had been taken down off the walls Miss Irene dismissed the incidents at first she only got serious about figuring out who was

Causing the trouble when books started going missing the ghost is stealing books I asked anything in particular well someone’s stealing them and so far what they’ve taken is pretty boring it’s mostly volumes of regional interest it happened again yesterday someone cleaned out a shelf of coffin family genealogies

And left water all over the shelves yesterday we had zero visitors so the only people who could have done it either work here or they never left so you think the blue lady is responsible I don’t believe the blue lady would ever harm A Book Like I said

She always tried to help me find what I was looking for that’s how I know the blue lady really was Harriet coffin she cares about what happens in her home why do you think Miss Irene dragged her feet about the break-ins I asked she told me it’s her responsibility to

Protect the collection Rosie sigh she’s afraid that coffin Hall will shut down when I brought up security cameras she told me we didn’t have the money somehow the board found the money for round thee clock security guards though no offense but your security guard was playing games on his phone all

Morning said Ned Rosie Shrugged Victor’s okay I like him a lot better than the older guard Terry he thinks he’s some kind of Big Time Ghost Hunter my phone rang making us all jump Dad I’m here just parked how do I find you there’s a security guard named Victor in the main

Lobby he can bring you to us don’t worry I’ll be there in a minute we’ll sort this all out I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding standing thanks Dad love you as I hung up Rosie stood to leave I better go before Miss Irene comes back

And I should take the rest of the snacks with me don’t need her knowing I was frat andiz With the Enemy it was nice to meet you Rosie I said I have a feeling this won’t be my last visit to coffin Hall my friends and I will do our best

To figure out who is causing Mayhem in the library I hope you do Rosie replied to be honest I just want our old Harriet back I miss her whistling nobody I know can whistle like that must be an old timey thing anyway good luck you two we

Waved goodbye and Rosie locked us in again 2 minutes later I heard my dad’s voice and the sound of the door being unlocked again before Victor escorted him inside please wait here Mr Drew I’ll get the librarian that won’t be necessary we’ll go to her we followed Victor out of the

Conference room to the end of the hallway when we came to the last door on the right he knocked and announced boss Carson Drew is here he wants to speak with you miss Irene replied enter Miss Irene’s office was surprisingly cozy several comfortable reading chairs were arranged around the

Room and two Teakwood filing cabinet sat under the curtained window their contents arranged according to numbers and letters written in a precise hand on small white labels the only thing out of place was the stack of scorched books piled on one corner of a large antique looking

Desk Miss Irene sat stuck still behind her desk watching us my dad settled himself into one of the reading chairs and Ned and I did the same though it was impossible to get comfortable under Miss Irene’s bright crowlike stare well she said brisk rly I don’t have time for soab stories these

Children are vandals they’ve been sneaking in here defacing books stealing hang on now yesterday was the first time I’d ever heard of coffin Hall I objected we came here to do research I told you that when we got here my dad however was able to remain a lot

Calmer would you kindly show us your evidence that Ned and Nancy committed arson these two were our only visitors all day this one she jabbed her finger in Ned’s direction is there in the room when the fire starts and he says a ghost is responsible Meanwhile your daughter

Is snooping around the grounds doing goodness knows what I’m Sorry Miss Irene but that argument wouldn’t hold up in court I can vouch for both Ned and Nancy they’re good kids if you don’t have any hard evidence Ence you’ll have to let them go and on a more personal note I hope this

Is the end of the trouble at coffin Hall this building is so beautiful I used to come here back when I was studying for the bar it was always so quiet quieter still these days Miss Irene sigh and the troubles never cease all right you may go but if anything like

This happens again I will report you to the authorities we left Miss Irene’s office and passed back down the hallway through the reading room and into the main lobby where Victor was once again lost in his phone game back in the parking lot Ned heaved a sigh of

Relief I owe you one Mr Drew don’t mention it do you really believe you saw a ghost Ned blushed well I saw someone who looked like a ghost she was glowing my dad made the harumph sound that means he’s considering the evidence and building an argument against it in

His head we Drews have a rational streak that can’t be ignored I knew my dad was adding up all the facts on Ned’s side of the equation and all the facts against it Ned why don’t you ride with me we have some things to discuss see you at home Nancy okay fine

I replied a little frustrated I had plenty of my own questions for Ned but they’d have to wait ghost or no ghost there was definitely something weird going on at coffin Hall and I was going to get to the bottom of it I typed a text to George and bus

Before I hit the road even though they’re my best friends somehow I didn’t want to tell them how big a mess Ned had gotten himself into weird day meet at my house in 1 hour we’ll explain there they both texted back right away uh yeah sure

George said are you okay asked bass yes don’t worry see you soon I tapped out before hitting send then started the car checked my mirrors and rolled down my windows for some fresh air in my rear view coffin Hall sat huge silent and ominous the window of the tower room was

Open the sound of a high clear Melody drifted down so I leaned out my window to hear better someone was whistling from way up high whoever they were they were talented I didn’t recognize the song but as it seemed to reach a crescendo The Whistler fell silent I

Turned off the car and listened for a few more minutes but didn’t hear anything more than the construction equipment next door Chapter 3 The Secret Diary when I got home I grabbed my jacket from the back seat and remembered that Ned had thrown his messenger bag into my car before Victor hauled him

Away when I shouldered it I realized the bag was heavy heavier than the notebook laptop pencil case and sandwiches that Ned had brought with him I’m not in habit of snooping on my boyfriend but this time my curiosity got the better of me inside his bag I found an oversized

Hard cover volume Bound in worn red leather and tied shut with a red leather string the back cover had Scorch marks along two edges the ornate spine was embossed with the letters h z c under that was a laminated label with the book’s Dewy Decimal number I tried to review the situation

With a cool head Ned had taken this book from Coffin Hall but he definitely hadn’t checked it out which meant he’d stolen it why would Ned steal a book he could borrow Ned had never stolen anything in his life once he found a wallet in the park with cash inside

Instead of pocketing the money he ran literally ran to the owner’s home to return it finding the book in Ned’s bag didn’t necessarily mean he’d done something wrong maybe Ned had meant to check it out but forgotten all the chaos I guess someone could have planted the

Book in his bag but I couldn’t think who would want to frame sweet Ned or why I tried untying the cord to see inside the book but the knot was too tight I was interrupted by two voices calling my name George and bass arrived together with a hurricane of questions and wild

Theories what’s going on and Drew George asked that was some cryptic text you sent yeah tell us what’s up I’m dying to know Bess added I paused trying to think how best to explain the pickle we were in well Ned had an incident at coffin Hall what kind of incident George’s smile had

Vanished there was a fire I’m not exactly sure what happened yikes said bass was anyone hurt only a few books The Librarian accused Ned of vandalism which I thought was ridiculous I replied but that was before I found this in his bag I held up the scorched volume

Oh bass cried what kind of a person would do that book burning is awful so 16th century recently Bess had taken to carrying poetry books with her everywhere and reading her favorite lines out loud to us wait George said why would the library let Ned take a

Damaged book away with him if they thought he started the fire don’t you see Ned snuck it out of the library I explained and then he made me his accomplice by hiding the book in my car so I would take it off the premises no way George shook her head not arned

You’re right I shouldn’t jump to conclusions I’m sure Ned will explain I said but I couldn’t help feeling worried all the same and my friends noticed Nancy stop yanking on that string bass ordered we don’t need to add damaging Library property to our list of problems I can’t get it untied and I

Just want to know what’s written inside the letters on the spine are hzc like heronimus and Harriet cof it can’t be a coincidence who said George Harriet coffin is a missing arys her father built coffin Hall a volunteer told me her spirit haunts the library now they

Call her the blue lady give me the book I’ll open it Bess said waggling her fingers long nails come in handy sometimes once I handed it over Bess gave the book’s case a thorough INSP rection whatever the reason Ned took this you have to bring it back to coffin

Hall it could be an important historical document one of a kind and it’s damaged The Librarians are probably worried sick they’ll need to like call a book doctor you’re right of course we’ll take it back I just want to hear Ned’s side of the story First the full story he

Told the librarian he saw someone in the room with him just before the fire a woman but Ned and I were the only visitors all day Ned said this woman was dressed in old-fashioned clothes and she was uh glowing like she wasn’t of this world like George burst out

Laughing let me get this straight Ned said a ghost started the fire those True Crime podcasts have really gone to his head he didn’t exactly say it was a ghost he said it was a woman whose clothes gave off a blue light but he seemed sincere honestly I don’t even

Think Ned knows how to lie he’s not a golden retriever Nancy George replied he might lie if he has a good reason I sigh even if he was exaggerating for the librarian I don’t think he’d lie to me if I asked him directly he’s probably in dad’s office explaining the whole thing right

Now best George and I went inside and sat down in the dining room only then did I realize how hungry I was my mind had been racing so fast I’d forgotten to eat the sandwiches Ned had packed Hannah read my mind and brought out some hummus and Peter bread with vegetables to snack

On thanks Hannah you’re a lifesaver I said crunching down on a carrot stick returned from the Land of the Dead have you she said I heard you went to coffin Hall today did you see the ghost as a matter of fact Nancy I untied the knot bass exclaimed holding the book

Open I dropped my carrot and leaned in the pages were covered with cursive handwriting in pencil tiny neat letters crammed into countless rows that were divided into three columns I had to squint to read The Faded writing even with my nose practically touching the page I still

Couldn’t make heads or tails of it the letter were unfamiliar more like symbols than an alphabet and I couldn’t follow the logic of the page were these sentences or mathematical equations and how did one column relate to the next Once George got her eyes on the

Page she could barely stay in her seat what is this secret code maybe I flipped to the front of the book where there was an inscription written in ink in the same hand and more importantly in English The Diary Of harro Z coffin 1918 to 1925 under the inscription was a stamp

In red ink property of the coffin Hall rare books collection not to be removed from the premises oh my gosh said George did old man Nickerson steal a ghost diary A Book Like This was probably kept in a special case and maybe even locked up how had Ned

Gotten a hold of it without Miss Irene’s help and why on Earth didn’t he put it back where it belonged that’s it I’m not going to wait another minute I said standing up from the table I’m going to find out why this book ended up in Ned’s bag I burst into

My dad’s office without knocking Bess and George were hot on my heels girls dad said in a cautionary tone sorry to Jen I turned to Ned holding out Harriet’s diary I found this in your bag and I don’t think Miss Irene knows it’s missing can you please tell me what

You’re doing with it how did you even get your hands on Harriet’s actual diary in the first place the case was unlocked I thought Miss Irene had left it open for me before she took her break so she wouldn’t have to come back upstairs Ned explained hello did we meet the same

Librarian because I didn’t get the sense that Miss Irene would be thrilled to let us paw through Harriet’s diary unsupervised Ned dropped his head into his hands and groaned yeah you’re right it doesn’t make any sense but I couldn’t do much pawing anyway I couldn’t even get the

Darn string untied when the alarm went off I panicked the room was filled with smoke so I just grabbed everything on the table and got out of there as fast as I could so you knew you had the diary the whole time we were being interrogated by Miss Irene why didn’t

You come clean you heard Miss Irene she’d never believe that I accidentally stole the diary and she probably would have called the police so I kept my mouth shut Ned this isn’t just any old book I told him as kindly as possible it’s one of the library’s prized

Possessions you have to return it it won’t be long before Miss Irene notices it’s missing Ned nodded I know I will and I’m sorry but first I really want to look inside he took the book and laid it open on my dad’s desk the five of us crowded

Around scanning the tables of cryptic symbols I heard about Harriet’s diary on a ghost podcast Ned told us no one has ever cracked her code so no one knows what it says maybe I’m foolish for thinking this but when I heard about her I was sure I could find out what

Happened to her finding her missing family fortune would be a sweet bonus fortunately I know this really smart girl with a lot of experience in solving Mysteries secret codes are so romantic bass sighed dreamily I’d love for someone to write me a letter in code a love letter but

Our secret love is forbidden and there are spies everywhere trying to tear us apart these symbols do look a little familiar said George elbowing her cousin in the side look this one repeats the most so that must be e George and Beth started coming up with possible translations I noticed something

Sticking out between the last page and the back cover gently grabbing the edge I drew out an old photograph in a black cardboard frame a portrait of a frowning young woman with large transfixing eyes her hair pinned up around her head like a cloud she was posed beside a small

Table one hand resting on an open B Ned gasped when he saw the picture that’s her that’s the woman I saw in the tower room same hair same outfit you said she was very tall right I asked I guess it’s hard to tell from this photo whoa don’t

You think she looks a little like Bess George exclaimed Bess wrinkled her nose I can’t really picture myself wearing something so distinguished Ned grabbed my arm and held my gaze I really think I saw Harriet’s ghost but Nancy maybe she’s the one who unlocked the

Case I think she wanted me to take the diary now how could you know that asked my dad he’d been uncharacteristically silent the past few minutes but I could tell he was listening carefully just a feeling I think Harriet knew there was going to be a fire and

She thought I would keep it safe dad sighed I wish it were that easy to communicate with the Dead really I do but it’s impossible and legally speaking it’s irrelevant no matter what you think a dead woman may or may not have wanted you still took something that wasn’t yours

What is happening to me Ned cried in my experience the simplest answer is usually the right one and right now a ghost did it is not a simple answer said dad right now you’re the most obvious suspect I added Ned groaned I’m getting a stomach ache all right you Drews there’s no need

To grill the poor kid be said he obviously feels Terri oh you’re fine son just hungry dad shoved away from his desk come with me we’ll get Hannah to make us something more substantial after we eat Nancy can drive you back to coffin Hall so you can

Return the book and apologize to miss Irene again the longer you hold on to it the guiltier you’ll look understand Ned nodded mutely and Dad escorted him out of the office leaving Bess George and me with Harriet’s diary I took another look but the letters had a funny way of

Crawling out from under my eyes Turning Page after page only revealed more of the same we can totally crack this George said I think it’s some kind of substitution Cipher remember that secret decoder ring I used to have how could I forget the only piece of jewelry you

Ever liked Bess said or that I was the one who lost it right I added with a small smile that was the time we were cracking the smugglers in the storm drain George had been really upset she’d love that ring anyway the ring showed you how to

Swap one letter for another so AAL G Bal H C equals I Etc we just have to find the key to this code to figure out which letters to swap to decode the message you act like it’s so easy best complained don’t you think the Librarians have already tried to crack

This along with lots of other people way smarter than us she’s right I said this code is not going to be solved with a ring from a cereal box George frowned but didn’t say anything I do want to know what happened to Harriet I continued and I want to

Know where the coffin family fortune went maybe that’s all written down right here still before we get caught up in secret codes we have to focus on something more important clearing Ned’s name I left my friends to their decoding and returned to the dining room where Ned and dad were drinking iced tea

Having already demolished half a ham and asparagus kiche usually Ned cheers up after he’s eaten something but he still looked miserable I served myself a slice and took a seat next to him and put an arm around his shoulders but he wouldn’t look at me taking the hint dad Rose from

The table muttering something about a conference call are you okay I asked once Ned and I were alone I didn’t like hearing you call me a suspect that hurt but you’re right my story sounds totally made up I don’t think you made it up you saw someone in

That room I just don’t believe it was the Ghost of Harriet coffin why not lots of other people have seen her like Rosie I still wasn’t sure how reliable Rosy’s story was but she did know a lot about coffin Hall and she’d been kind to us let’s say the spirit of Harriet

Coffin does haunt her former home Rosie said the blue lady used to be friendly and some things changed recently suddenly this Spirit who always took care of her home is trying to destroy it what changed what are you saying it’s possible this new nasty version of the blue lady is isn’t har it

At all what if it’s someone else someone living who wants people to think they’re seeing a ghost Ned considered my theory while I picked up my slice of kiche I guess it wouldn’t be the first time you discovered someone pretending to be a ghost she really looked otherworldly though what I don’t

Understand is why anyone would spend so much time in that rundown old building I mean anyone besides you Ned hey you saw it yourself the place was deserted they don’t have any fun reads or cool picture books for kids just row after row of books and historical documents nope the

Only people who still want to spend time in coffin Hall are history nerds and academic researchers I’d argue that history is valuable Ned countered if you lose the firsthand account of an event it’s easy to forget what really happened then someone else can swoop in and sell you a

New story most Petty criminals aren’t in the business of rewriting history they just want money or Goods they can sell or Revenge maybe someone has a grudge against Miss Irene we know she isn’t easy to get along with it could be a disgruntled ex librarian someone she

Fired come on help me clear the table and then grab your jacket in Harriet’s diary we’re going back to coffin Hall Ned grimaced can’t it wait till tomorrow I’ve had enough of that place for one day I’m the last person Miss Irene wants to see right now and what if the ghost does

Something else while we’re there and I get blamed for it I’ll be locked up for sure I’m sorry Ned but my dad’s right you may not have started this mess but you do have to help clean it up fine but I’ll need you to distract Miss Irene and the guard while I go

Upstairs I don’t want to be caught with the diary and I don’t don’t think Miss Irene would accept I’m trying to return it as an explanation if you want my help to clear your name you have to help me clear the table first and do the dishes too fair

Enough Ned said before he balanced two plates on his arms took a cup in each hand and walked gingerly to the kitchen he moved like a clown or a very old man which made me laugh there was no way this silly boy would ever harm a book I

Had to find the evidence to prove he had set that fire if the library didn’t have the money for a security camera or attentive guards maybe I could offer my services for free lucky for me I happened to know someone with a large collection of electronics Ned caught me as I was about

To leave the dining room thanks Nancy I mean it don’t mention it I said with a small smile while Ned took care of the dishes I checked on George and bass they were still in my dad’s office deep in discussion about possible translations of a particular section in the middle of

The Diary Bess was carefully photographing page after page with the camera on her cell phone well did you crack it yet I asked startling Bess not yet George replied it’s a little trickier than I thought it would be huh no kidding I picked up the diary and

Flipped through it again noting that the weird scratchy letters were just as illegible as before then snapped the book shut and tucked it under my arm hey I’m not done with that Bess protested if we’re going to crack this we’ll need digital backups of all the pages George added George this is

Exactly what Librarians are for we have to return the diary to its caretakers Ned and I are going back to coffin Hall and I want you two to come with us now said bass George and I were excited to work on this code sorry guys but that’s

Not the a priority right now I need to find some evidence that supports Ned’s story and soon if this so-called ghost strikes again I want to be prepared besides I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to hang on to stolen property I guess you’re right George

Said best took enough photos for us to work with but how do you expect us to help you catch a ghost I’m glad you asked George do you still have your webcam from the animation class you took last summer that class ruled I’m making

Gifts now and yeah I think I have a few webcams in my closet somewhere can you go dig those out and we’ll need some tools to install them I’ll pick you up in 15 minutes I’ll grab my dad’s toolbox see you soon George put on her jacket gave us a little wave and

Left Nancy do you really believe Ned’s innocent Bess asked once the front door closed he could have started that fire by accident maybe he just panicked and told the ghost story to cover his tracks Ned wouldn’t lie to me he just wouldn’t if believing him means I have to

Investigate a ghost for arson then that’s what I’ll do chapter 4 the language of the Dead George Bess Ned and I took the winding road back to coffin Hall best put on her favorite boy band at top volume when we turned onto the long driveway and followed the line of

Cypress trees toward the library the sugary lyrics and sunshiny vocals suddenly sounded Eerie even the normally bubbly best was quiet across the chain link fence the construction site was silent the Machinery deserted even though it was only 4:00 in the afternoon I wondered where Ivon Coughlin the Hands-On CEO had gone I doubted

Someone one like her would want to live so far from The Glitz and glamour of the city so how did she plan to convince people to spend big bucks on a condo in the middle of nowhere next to a crumbling old building everyone said was haunted this time when we pulled into

The visitors lot we weren’t alone a fir truck and a River Heights police car were parked near the entrance Ned slumped down in his seat so his face wasn’t visible in the window I’ll wait to go in until the coast is clear as I climbed out of the car someone

Zoomed past on a longboard it took me a moment to realize it was Victor the security guard his long black hair flew free from its top knot and he had a big grin plastered on his face hi Victor I called remember me he jumped off the

Board and popped it into his hand how could I forget you made a pretty big scene here today back so soon and who are these two I laughed that’s right back again this is Bess and that’s George they’re my best friends we’re going to catch the real culprit and

Clear my boyfriend’s name hi said bass sick Wheels George added thanks Victor grinned I’ve been using my brakes to practice power sliding he jumped back on the board and tried to demonstrate but hit a rock and went flying off Bess ran over to help him up but Victor dusted

Himself off and Shrugged I’m okay it’s about the journey you know I’m off the clock now tell me about your plan to catch the ghost it’s simple I said cameras you’ve got special ghost cameras just regular web cameras I’m pretty sure the person breaking into the library is

Alive they’re just pretending to be a ghost for some reason hey I hope you catch them I thought this job would be a piece of cake but boy I was wrong this Place creeps me out especially at night I’ve heard weird sounds coming from under the floor sometimes it’s running

Water other times I swear I’ve heard someone splashing around down there just then the library doors opened and Miss Irene came out with a firefighter what an ordeal she groaned Rosie’s about to go home for the day and I still have to take inventory of all the books that were damaged Victor can

You do a couple more hours of overtime to help me out respectfully no thanks boss Victor replied I’ve had enough for today isn’t Terry going to be here soon he’ll be more helped than I am anyway he’s the coffin Hall expert after all Miss Irene sighed dramatically then noticed us

Standing off to the side Miss Drew she called her tone unmistakably chilly I’d hoped I’d seen the last of you hi Miss Irene after today I know you must be exhausted but my friends and I are here to help this is George Fain and her cousin before I could finish

Introducing her Bess interrupted with a high-pitched squeal Miss Irene is that you Elizabeth Marvin it’s been too long how are you to my great surprise the chil librarian opened her arms and embraced Bess like a long lost friend how’s Mr pretty feathers does he still steal your jewelry yes he’s an awful

Thief Miss Irene said laughing who’s Mr pretty feathers asked George he’s my pet Raven Miss Irene explained he had quite a crush on your friend most males do said George Bess how do you know this lady’s bird Miss Irene taught the Poetry seminar I took at the Arts Center Last

Summer She introduced me to Emily Dickinson and the Bronte sisters and so many other great women writers yes Miss Marvin is quite a promising young poet Miss Irene said I still remember that line you wrote about the sunflowers bass blushed I had no idea you wrote poems I said why haven’t you

Shown them to us I would have if you asked you and George aren’t exactly into that sort of thing that’s not true I protested I like riddles riddles are not poetry Miss Irene replied with a sniff they are logic puzzles I grinned that’s why I like them what about lims those

Are fun George said Bess gave her cousin an annoyed look lims are just bad jokes poetry is powerful it moves you makes you see the world differently I taught you well Elizabeth said Miss Irene smiling now may I ask why you associate with these two suspicious characters Bess raised her

Eyebrows do you mean Ned and Nancy you don’t need to worry about them Nancy’s the best crime solver in River Heights and Ned is one of the good guys miss Irene rolled her eyes to say Ned and I had made a bad first impression on her might have been an

Understatement how was I going to distract the librarian long enough for Ned to return the diary coffin Hall needed better security but the library didn’t have the budget I decided to offer my services pro bono Miss Irene please I feel terrible about what happened today and I know Ned

Didn’t set the fire so I thought maybe I could help you find out who did let’s go inside and I can tell you more with bess’s encouraging hand on her arm Miss Irene nodded and led us up the stairs Victor ran up ahead to hold the

Front door for for her behind us I heard the faint click of my car door shutting but I didn’t look over my shoulder worried I’d give Ned away we returned to miss Irene’s office Bess and George settled into the armchairs facing the desk but I was too

Nervous to sit still as Miss Irene was settled in her chair I unzip my backpack took out George’s cameras and placed them on the desktop we’d like to set up these webcams in the locations where the ghostly activities seems most common one in the lobby one on the stairs to the

Tower and one in the room itself Miss Irene picked up one of the cameras and eyed the lens suspiciously your generation thinks technology can solve everything I’ve had security guards on duty every night and they haven’t been able to put a stop to these incidents was Coffin Hall even wired for

Internet the building looked like it was stuck in another time if we can connect these cameras to your Wi-Fi they’ll stream to George’s laptop so we’ll be able to see if anyone sneaks in after hours and will be able to record any evidence to share with the police it

Shouldn’t take us long to spot the perpetrator as I spoke I tried to catch bess’s eye I needed her to help convince Miss Irene Bess gave me a small nod before picking up where I’d left off this library is such a special place we just want to help you you protect it

Miss Irene gave a sad smile and her eyes filled with tears but she didn’t cry this institution weighs on me girls I feel responsible for keeping it afloat but there are fewer patrons every year the empty rooms the unloved books the deserted grounds this is not what Harriet coffen

Envisioned when she gave her home as a gift to the people of River Heights to enjoy boy Miss Irene stood and went to the cabinet closest to the door pulled open one of the drawers took out a folded piece of paper and handed it to me the

Paper was thick and yellow the creases worn deep I opened it carefully and was surprised to see that the document in my hands was Harriet coffin’s last will and testament I recognized the handwriting of the signature from her diary I feel like I should be wearing gloves or something

I said with a nervous laugh it’s only a copy Miss Irene said don’t worry I read the first line of the document out loud I heronimus Zenus coffen II called Harriet of verver heights being of sound mind and body and considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitory life do hereby make

Ordain publish and declare this to be my last will and testament if you are reading this you may assume I am dead it’s a beautiful document Miss Irene murmured Harriet was a bit of a poet her father hired all the best private tutors for her but he wouldn’t

Allow her to leave River Heights or take a paying job heronimus said his daughter was only fit to be the wife of a rich man how did you get interested in Harriet’s story Miss Irene bass asked so somehow my friend’s sweet face and talent for compliments managed to charm

Even the toughest customers Miss Irene was no exception when I took this position after completing Library school I intended to stay only a few years but as I spent more time with Harriet’s collection I stopped thinking about my next move Harriet wrote several books mostly local histories transcriptions of

Interviews with farmers and other crafts people that that sort of thing she cared deeply about life in this town and she made me care about it too I’ve spent over half my life here River Heights is full of surprises I said thinking of all the interesting

People I’d met and all the Mysteries I’d solved right here in my own backyard what does Harriet will say Bess asked Miss Drew will you kindly give me the will to read the relevant selection Miss Irene asked when I did miss Irene pointed to a sentence in the second

Paragraph coffin Hall and its contents shall be donated to the people of River Heights and converted into a public library there you have it in her handwriting she was so generous Bess exclaimed is there anything about the family fortune George asked just one line Miss Irene said reading again again

From the document the coffin coffers are closed to all coffins living and coffins not yet born whoa cryptic George mused she really was a poet said bass what do you think happened to the money I asked Miss Irene Point Blank she blinked owlishly at me the city pays my salary

But everything else is run on donations and those funds are drying up do you know I used nearly the entire Year’s budget to hire those security guards and lease that metal detector and what has it gotten me I’d offer you tea girls but there isn’t enough to go around now miss

Irene was crying covering her face with her hands Bess got up and patted her back when Miss Irene had calmed down again George Gently asked again what happened to the coffin Fortune no one knows the librarian said miserably the accounts were all cleaned out the day before Harriet went missing she

Cashed out every last scent some people thought it was Harriet’s revenge against her greedy relatives who tried to force her to leave coffin Hall after her father’s death others believed the relatives did away with her to take the fortune for themselves did away with do you mean they think she was murdered

George’s eyes were wide I sincerely hope not miss Irene replied folding her hands now that she seemed to be more open it felt like the perfect moment to try to get some answers for Ned you’ve spent a lot of time with Harriet’s writing what do you think happened to

Her Miss Irene gave that same sad smile I’m a romantic I like to believe she found love somewhere you know there was a man who courted her when she was young William brat he was a piano tuner but Harriet’s father forbade them from marrying William was conscripted into

The army and never returned to River Heights he may have died in the war after a moment Miss Irene stood again and went to the other filing cabinet this time she pulled out a stack of letters tied together with ribbon Harriet and William wrote In Secret for 5 years before he went away

To war Harriet saved every letter he sent her everyone who knew Harriet knew she was devoted to him when the letters were discovered in the tower room two weeks after her disappearance the caretakers of the coffin estate were finally convinced that Harriet was dead and at that time the property passed into public

Trust I’ve kept Williams letters in my Personal Collection even though I know I should have them out on display I tell myself no one would be able to read them so what’s the point I suppose I feel protective of this love that was never to be Miss Irene untied the ribbon and

Held out the letters to us George Bess and I each took an envelope and carefully removed its letter as I looked at the sheet it became clear to me why no one would be able to read it the letters were written in code and it looked like the same code we’d seen in

Harriet’s diary George yelped but I pinched her leg and gave her a warning look oh wow it’s a secret code Beth said what does it say she was doing a much better job of pretending Miss Irene sigh another mystery Harriet’s diary is part of our collection and it’s written

The same way but even after years of research I haven’t been able to decode a word and neither have any volunteers or researchers I can go get the diary it’s page after page of this no need I said quickly we’re not here to solve this particular mystery at least not at the

Moment right George we just want to find out who’s been breaking into the library and how I guess George muttered but you have to admit this is pretty cool Nancy and romantic bass chimed in poor Harriet poor William I can see her locked away in her Tower writing letters in a

Language only she and her beloved could read oh that gives me a good idea for a poem George chuckled she takes one creative writing class and suddenly she’s William Shakespeare more like I’m Elizabeth Barrett Browning don’t get it twisted someone knocked on the office door and we all jumped who is it Miss

Irene called it’s me Rosie I forgot my phone again come in Rosie opened the door just popping in to say good night oh Nancy Drew not in trouble this time I hope no not this time I said with a smile these are my friends George and Bess it’s actually thanks to you that

We’re here remember how you wanted to get security cameras but miss Irene said the library didn’t have the money for it I held up the cameras well here they are free of charge oh thank you Nancy that’s fantastic Rosie exclaimed I know you’ll find something to prove these terrible incidents aren’t Harriet’s

Fault I think you might be right about that we were hoping to get the cameras up before dark in case the culprit tries again tonight I turned back to miss Irene would that be okay she sighed yes I suppose as long as I don’t have to do anything technical we’ll need

The Wi-Fi password George said Rosie knows all that she’s the tech wizard around here actually my partner and I had plans to work on some art together and I wasn’t planning on staying late can you find the ladder and show the girls where to put the camera

Cameras up I don’t want them to ruin the antique beams thanks Rosie you’re my super volunteer Rosie knows this Rosie does that Rosie grumbled but miss Irene ignored her oh what am I going to tell the library board if I tell them these ghost incidents have posed a danger to patrons

They’ll have my head on a plate speaking of which is anyone hungry I’ll order us some pizza maybe that will convince Victor to stick around for a few hours of overtime I can’t believe I put up with this drama for free Rosie muttered just loud enough for me to hear she took a

Deep breath no anchovies this time Miss Irene please I’m begging you it stinks up the whole Library all right Nancy George bass follow me leave the letters here if you don’t mind said Miss Irene George blushed Crimson caught in the act of slipping the envelope into the pocket of her denim jacket

Shamefaced she slid it across the desk sorry I was just curious I know the idea of cracking that code is enticing Miss Irene replied coolly but I can’t allow the letters to leave my office I need to keep them safe George gathered up her cameras and

We followed Rosie out of the office and down the hall into the reading room the late afternoon sun filtered through the tall stained glass windows and colorful Shadows stretched out along the aisles of books coffin Hall had some charm left after all it was too bad more people

Didn’t know about this place I wouldn’t have minded curling up in an armchair with a mystery novel a mug of tea and a purring cat but abandoned like this the library was undeniably spooky every small sound put me on high alert it would be hard to relax here knowing a

Phantom was lurking in some corner waiting for her next opportunity to strike chapter five the blue L’s Revenge George began installing the first camera in the lobby Rosie stood below to steady the ladder as Bess connected the cameras to Wi-Fi on George’s laptop I started worrying that

We might cross paths with Ned as he snuck down from the tower after 10es minutes with no sign of him my thoughts morphed into worry that something had happened to him I sent him a quick text status update no reply we’re installing the first cam in

The lobby stairs next then Tower I hoped I’d given Ned enough warning Miss Irene seemed busy enough shut up in her office and Bess had turned on the classic Marvin charm to keep Rosie occupied with the conversation about eyin ER techniques but then Rosie excused herself to use the restroom worried she

Might run into Ned on her way I said I had to go too and tailed her through the main reading room and into the hallway following the signs that pointed toward the water fountains and restrooms after she went in I realized I had a few minutes to check on Ned I

Sprinted down the hallway in the opposite direction but before I reached the staircase my foot hit a slippery patch and my legs went out from under me I’d managed not to hit my head and as far as I could tell none of my bones were broken where had the water come

From I looked for a fire sprinkler or a knocked over water bottle but there was no sign of its source and this wasn’t the only wet patch in fact the puddles seemed to lead straight to the staircase I hauled myself up and carefully tested my ankle which twinged

But could take enough weight to walk on still those stairs would be a challenge I was slowly making my way across the floor when I heard a sound that made me stop short a woman screaming for Help The Voice didn’t sound like George or Bess Miss Irene Rosie I hesitated at the

Foot of the stairs but didn’t hear anything coming from the tower not even a whistle whatever Ned was up to it could wait I turned and hobbled as fast as I could toward the restrooms this time keeping an eye on the floor for wet spots thoughts Rosie was pushing hard

Against the women’s restroom door as if trying to keep something inside but after a few seconds the door burst open releasing a wave of muddy water all over the library’s carpets and marble floors the men’s restroom was flooding too along with both water fountains I watched in horror as the streams joined

Together rushing down the hall toward the offices and conference rooms soaking carpets wallpaper and the books on the lowest shelves Rosie when she turned her face was pale Miss Irene is going to kill me what happened I tried to Wade closer to her without getting swept away

I don’t know when I went into the bathroom Water started shooting out of the toilets and sinks how do we stop it someone will have to go down to the basement and turn off the water why did Terry have to pick this weak to go on

Vacation he’s the only one who goes down there Terry’s the more experienced security guard I take it he’s been coming to coffin Hall since he was a kid knows the place inside and out I’ll call him Rosie climbed onto a chair to get out of the current then dialed a number

On her cell phone I watched her face fall hi Terry it’s Rosie I know you’re not due until 6 but it’s an emergency something’s wrong with the plumbing the bathrooms are flooding everything’s flooding can you call me back as soon as you get this or better yet come help hurry

Please where’s the basement entrance I asked when she hung up I’m not sure we can wait for Terry if we’re lucky we can shut off the water before it reaches Miss Irene’s office Rosie nodded and led me back into the reading room stopping to grab a toolbox and a flashlight from

A Supply Closet on the way we continued past more shelves to a small wooden door labeled not an emergency exit Rosie extracted a ring of keys from her jacket and selected one but when she went to inserted in the lock the door swung open well now we know a ghost didn’t cause

This flood I said a spirit would just pass through the door I guess you’re right Rosie reached for the light switch I heard a click but the basement stairs stayed dark the bulb must have burned out do you mind going down first I’m not great with high pressure situations

That’s why I wanted to work in a library in the first place I thought this would be a good way to get out of my shell and meet people Rosie shown her flashlight down but the beam wasn’t strong enough to reach the bottom more stairs great oh

Well I told myself I can wrap and Ice my ankle the minute I get home sure I don’t mind going first I assured Rosie I’ve been in plenty of spooky basements no big deal I turned on the flashlight app on my phone and began my slow descent

Hanging on to the handrail to keep the weight off my still smarting ankle Rosie chattered nervously behind me I live with my grandma help her around the house and stuff but I get bored if I don’t have enough to do so I started volunteering a couple hours a

Week here then I just got sucked in now I come here 30 sometimes 40 hours a week if Miss Irene is really overwhelmed she used to have a real assistant librarian but he got laid off last year when the board cutter operations budget the basement stairs were old and

Creaky it seemed like they hadn’t been updated since Harriet herself lived here but somehow the stairs held and Rosie and I made it to the bottom in one piece I cast my light around the room the low ceilinged room was filled with a tangle of copper and silver Plumbing running

Through the walls and ceiling the air hummed with the sound of water rushing through pipes a few had sprung leaks leaving puddles on the floor I spotted valves at different intersections of pipe but no sign of where the master controls might be I got down on my knees

And crawled under the pipes to check on the other side of the tangle when the light from my phone hit the back wall instead of a control panel or a big red button I saw the outline of a metal plate painted to match the wall it was almost invisible except for hinges on

One side and a small latch on the other that seemed to be stuck fast a door but where did it lead Rosie I called what’s with this weird door why doesn’t it open a door I don’t think so it’s probably just an old control panel or something huh maybe

Terry would know I tried working my fingers into the crack but it was no use the door was shut tight I crawled out from under the pipes and rejoined Rosie there it is she called pointing ing her flashlight at a small metal sign that read back flow prevent her the valve

Above it was in the off position she tried turning it with her fingers but the mechanism was stuck Rosie took a long handled wrench from her toolbox and fitted it around the valve then threw her weight against the wrench the valve didn’t budge Nancy help me she said I

Obliged and wrapped both hands around the wrench on the count of three we pushed together as hard as we could could slowly the stuck valve gave way and creaked into the on position the pipes around us began to shake and shudder as the stream of water slowed to

A trickle once the flow stopped completely we laughed with relief and exchanged a high five Rosie do you have any duct tape in that toolbox I asked I do she replied and tossed me a roll I tore off a length and held my flashlight up to the pipe’s

Closest to the toggle switch looking for anything unusual after a few seconds I spotted a white smudge on the underside of one of the pipes I snapped the photo with my cell camera and carefully laid the strip over the area when I removed the tape the smudge came off with it I sniffed

The powder and immediately sneezed definitely not ectoplasm it reminded me of sidewalk chalk folding the tape into a neat Square I stashed it in my pocket I’d have George look at it later Rosie took her own strip of duct tape and secured the valve then we made our

Way out of the basement to survey the damage upstairs though the rugs were soaked and a few books were water logged we’d managed to cut off the flood before it reached the offices Miss Irene’s door was still closed so we were going to have to break the news to her as gently as

Possible Rosie sighed honestly I’m grateful it wasn’t worse I just wish I knew a quicker way to dry out books don’t worry my friends and I will help maybe Victor will too you could still make it home in time for dinner that’s sweet Nancy but books take

Days to dry out and I’m soaking wet not great for date night said Rosie sadly you look good actually your eye makeup looks even cooler now I’m the one who’s a mass I can’t leave Miss Irene to deal with this alone she’s barely hanging on as head librarian if the board hears

About it they’ll fire her and maybe even put the property up for sale some of the trustees have wanted to sell for years but miss Irene always manages to convince the majority that the library should belong to the public she’s very persuasive when she wants to be but then so is Yvonne

Coughlin I followed Rosie to the Supply Closet where she took out a mop and bucket she’s developing the property next door right Rosie handed me a roll of paper towels and I dried off as best I could yeah rich people think everything is for sale

I applied to a job with her company a couple of years ago but Ivonne ended the interview as soon as I stepped through the door not pretty or Rich enough for her I guess well then it’s her loss but hey Rosie are you okay to break the news

About the flood to miss Irene without me I need to check on my friends that be fine don’t worry it won’t be the first time I’ve given her bad news she gave me a sad smile you better finish getting your cameras online while you have the chance

I’m really grateful you and your friends want to help it’s just been one thing after another this year and apart from Miss Irene and me nobody seems to care what happens to this Dusty old library but now we have you thanks for caring don’t thank me yet

My friends and I are just starting our investigation I can’t wait to see what you can do Rosie said you’re a force before you go do you have something to write on of course I always have pencil and paper handy it’s part of the librarian’s code she took a pencil

From the pocket of her jacket and passed it to me along with a scrap from a small notebook she kept in the back pocket of her jeans I’m giving you my cell number I said as I I wrote it on the paper would you call me if anything else

Happens even with the cameras it’s good to have someone on the ground keeping an eye on things Rosie took back the scrap and her pencil you’ve got it gumu I watched her approach Miss Irene’s door knock and enter before I limped back to the tower staircase avoiding the

Wet spots which on Second Glance looked like Footprints I slowly climbed the stairs giving myself plenty of time to think that flood would have been a perfect diversion if someone wanted to sneak into the tower room or out of it what was the ghost or someone pretending to

Be the ghost trying to find Harriet’s diary if so Ned was in big trouble much worse than a scolding from a Stern librarian I struggled to the top of the stairs trying not to picture the worst but when I entered the tower room I was relieved to see Ned was safe and sound

He seemed to be frozen hugging himself presumably holding tight to Harriet’s diary under his sweater his surroundings were another matter the room around him looked like it had been hit by a hurricane I let out a low whistle and I’m not usually a Whistler under other circumstances I would have been Amazed

By the ornate ceiling and the stained glass scenes of crows in Flight which filtered the sunlight into a silver blue haze the bookshelves were stocked with coffin Hall’s oldest and most precious volumes and the low light made the gold lettering on their spines gleam and glimmer but instead my eyes were drawn

To a flurry of torn crumpled Pages covering the floor books had been tossed from their shelves the curtains had been ripped down and someone had shattered the glass in several display cases I also noticed a dusting of fine white powder on the ransacked cases and shelves it looked just like the

Substance I’d found on the pipes in the basement that meant the culprit who started the flood was probably the same one who trashed the tower room Ned’s eyes were wide and I could see he was breathing rapidly are you okay I asked I limped over and wrapped my arms around

Him but Ned just clutched himself tighter his gaze fixed over my shoulder I could feel the hard cover of the Diary against his chest and how badly Ned wanted to keep it safe after few seconds he stopped shaking and then to my surprise he began to laugh wow you stink Nancy end your

Limping I’m fine it’s just a sprain there was a small incident with the plumbing what happened you first Ned sighed you’re not going to believe me try me I saw her again her face was scary pale she really looked dead the blue lady NAD nodded is she still here I asked looking around

For any flickers of movement she’s gone I’m pretty sure she’s gone what’s that stuff I asked gesturing to the white dusted shelves ectoplasm I think Ned replied it’s a sort of residue ghosts leave behind hm I ran my finger through the dust it felt more like regular old

Powdered chalk than evidence of a ghost Ned cleared off one of the wooden chairs and helped me sit still holding tight to the diary then pulled up a chair across from me I heard noises as I was coming up the stairs so when I reached the top

I hid behind the door and peaked inside the place was already trashed so she must have been at it for a while I don’t get it why is she so bent on destroying this room Ned continued ignoring my question she gave this all awful scream it was so lad I thought the

Windows would shatter I pressed myself up against the wall and tried to make myself invisible it must have worked because she flew past me and down the stairs but I was too scared to follow her oh Ned I know how bad this looks but she really was here she did all this and

Nancy I think she was looking for something I don’t think Harriet’s diary is safe at coffin Hall I’d have to agree with you there I said Ned clutched the diary tighter okay now you he said there was a flood downstairs that’s why you heard yelling Rosie and I

Had to go down to the basement to fix it it looked like someone had tampered with the pipes and I found this I pulled out the tape with the white powder and placed it on the table this chalk dust was in the basement it looks just like

The stuff on the those shelves I found it on a pipe right where someone might grab on for leverage while they switched the valves do you see what I’m getting at not quite you said the ghost was deathly pale you know what might make someone look that pale

Chalk oh he exclaimed holding up a torn page smudged with a chalky fingerprint here’s what I’m wondering I continued how did our ghost start the flood destroy the tower room and then Escape all without being seen by anyone but you normal laws of physics don’t apply to ghosts they move in mysterious ways

Ned answered only half joking maybe but a ghost doesn’t leave wet Footprints all along the hallway leading to the tower stairs that’s no mystery all right so let’s say it’s a person pretending to be Harriet’s ghost it’s not easy to get in and outright under Miss Irene’s nose Ned said exactly

The Intruder would have to have help on the inside knowledge of the security guard’s schedule and which valves to turn to cause that flood I heard voices drifting up the stairs a disgusted squeal that was best discovering the puddles and then others Miss Irene Rosie and an unknown male with a deeper voice

Than Victor’s I heard George call my name we had about 10 seconds before before the others would make it up here and see the disaster hide the diary I whisper shouted to Ned we’ll smuggle it out again Ned looked at me calmly it’s okay he said I’m going to come clean all

I can do is tell the truth it’s Miss Irene’s job to keep the diary safe are you sure that’s a good idea I really hope you know what you’re doing I whispered just as George entered the room followed by Bess and Rosie Nancy there you are George said waving her

Hammer at me two cameras down one to go oh oh no Rosie groaned more work for me chapter six a trap is set I’m so sorry Rosie the blue lady came back and this time she meant business I said at least I managed to save this Ned said holding out Harriet’s

Diary Rosie took it shaking her head her round face was hard to read but she stroked the book’s cover like she was holding a kitten to tell you the truth I stole the diary the first time we were here after the fire Ned confessed that was wrong and I shouldn’t have done it

This afternoon I came back to return it to its rightful place but the ghost was already here I think she was looking for the diary to destroy it Nancy did you know about this Rosie asked I nodded ashamed Ned took the diary by accident

And when I found out I told him to bring it back right away I explained hoping Rosie would understand it’s true Bess chimed in I’m telling you Ned didn’t make this mess I said Rosie frowned thinking it over silly me I thought a volunteer gig at a

Library would be easy and stress free I’m devastated that we haven’t been able to keep our collection safe from whoever she is we heard voices from the stairwell Miss Irene’s and the male voice I didn’t recognize in a few seconds the librarian would see the destroyed books and the stolen diary and

Probably ban us from Coffin hall for life okay here’s what we’ll do hide the diary Rosie told Ned you’re right it isn’t safe here take it home with you and keep it somewhere out of out of sight until we can figure out what’s going on I’ll cover for you with Miss

Irene and Terry as best I can Ned tucked the diary into the waistband of his pants and covered it with his shirt then zipped his jacket over it just in time because at that moment Miss Irene entered the tower room closely followed by a thin long-faced man with a gray

Ponytail and a soulle patch he wore a security uniform that looked several sizes too large for him and a belt with a heavy black flashlight a walkie-talkie and a huge ring of keys this must be Terry the senior security guard fresh from his vacation what a scene to come back

To there was a moment of stunned silence as they took the mess in then miss Irene spoke and though her voice sounded calm I could tell she was barely holding back her anger don’t tell me another visit from the blue lady and once again Nancy Drew

And Ned Nickerson are at at the center of it would you like me to call the police ma’am asked Terry his deep rich voice didn’t match his ill-fitting uniform or his aging hippie hairstyle it was the voice of a newscaster or a train conductor someone with authority someone people

Trusted absolutely not she said if I call the police the board will be notified and they’ll shut us down tomorrow no we’ll have to handle this internally Rosie please tell me Harriet’s diary is safe yes it’s fine I have it Rosie said innocently I decided to get out ahead of

Any accusations Miss Irene might make Miss Irene I believe someone may be impersonating Harriet coffin to damage the library’s collection I don’t know why they’re doing it but it’s the only explanation that makes sense hm Miss Irene said clearly unimpressed how about instead of sitting around coming up with wild theories you

All help me clean up this mess Mr Nickerson you can start by gathering up all the pages I checked my phone it was after 6:00 this room had been through a lot in one day Rosie brought over a cart for reshelving and George and Bess began retrieving books from the floor the

Security guard approached me Miss Drew I’m ter V it’s a pleasure I’ve heard all about you you are a legend in my community Terry annunciated every word carefully as though he were on stage I heard Ned make a strangled noise like he wanted to say something but had stopped

Himself Terry held out his hand for me to shake I took it he had a limp handshake and I could tell he didn’t enjoy touching people oh what community is that Ghost Hunter we admired your work at grey fox in the haunted hotel in Charleston I’m from New

Orleans myself and let me tell you some ghosts are as real as you and me the blue lady is one of them really I said raising an eyebrow I might have to disagree with you there yes in fact I saw her tonight just as I was driving up the hill she was

Floating across the grounds by the cemet Terry lit up like a Christmas tree no you didn’t Terry Miss Irene scolded him stop making up stories this isn’t your podcast oh my gosh Terry it is you Ned cut in I thought I recognized your voice right away but wasn’t sure sorry I’m Ned

I’m a big fan Tales From The Haunted Library inspired me to come to coffin Hall to look at Harriet’s diary I had no idea you worked here Terry I I told you that publicity would do us no favors Miss Irene said looking annoyed you know there’s no such thing

Is bad publicity Miss Irene Terry replied as I say on Tales From The Haunted Library energy attracts energy it’s the strongest force in the universe thanks for listening young man it means the world to this old ghost Chaser Ned blushed I like how you present the facts about each ghost

Sighting you get such good stories from your sources too you know how to ask the right questions I admire that I’ve been working on a podcast of my own called Ned talks might want to rethink that name Terry said chuckling but Ned continued as if he hadn’t heard I guess I was

Trying to pick up the investigation where you left off I thought I could find out what happened to Harriet and her family’s Fortune I had had no idea what I was getting myself into Miss Irene sighed as she smoothed out page after crumpled page on the tabletop it takes years to build

Something as valuable as this library and only a few minutes to tear it down please don’t tell me we have to take the cameras down now George said tastily it took forever to get them online no we need them more than ever I replied and anyway I think I know how to attract

Some attention into the library’s problems without bringing the board into it ask for forgiveness not permission I always say Terry chimed in Miss Irene frowned what’s your plan Nancy Ned asked the blue lady still hasn’t found whatever it is she was looking for I’ll bet she comes back to search again in

The next couple of days all we have to do is wait right if we take shifts we can keep an eye on the cameras 24/7 I don’t know about you guys but I have other things to do besides ghost watching Bess objected what if we crowdsource the hunt

Ned suggested make the Streams Public and let people online help us spot the blue lady if we get enough viewers it’ll be like having an automatic ghost alert system we can add notifications so the minute she’s spotted we’ll know and can alert Victor or Terry great idea I said

Flashing Ned a grin ooh yes George rubbed her hands together I can add a screenshot feature so viewers can submit their evidence we can call the live stream coffin online or the Spectre in the stacks Miss Irene shook her head I don’t see how making our problems public

Will help you don’t know who’s out there or what their intentions might be I may not be a tech expert but I’ve heard of Photoshop and deep fakes this whole effort could easily spiral out of control leave that to me Terry answered smoothly I know the ins and outs of the internet

Almost as well as I know coffin Hall I didn’t totally trust the guy but I appreciated him supporting our plan especially because Miss Irene knew and trusted him I’m plugged in to the online ghost hunting Community Terry went on if I post about the live stream on my accounts we’ll have no trouble

Attracting experienced viewers folks who’ve spent their whole lives searching for Spirits catching the fake blue lady if she is fake should be easy for them Miss Irene surveyed us carefully considering her options I met her gaze and spoke calmly making my case Miss Irene as you’ve said

Coffin Hall is full of history and information and it’s beautiful here too but nobody knows this place exists if we live stream the feed more people will be invested in what happens to the library that means more patrons and more patrons mean the board might stop trying to shut

You down the blue lady could actually help you protect coffin Hall just as Harriet intended Miss Irene buried her face in her hands how did it come to this relying on social media to save us she murmured mostly to herself Rosie rubbed her back it’ll be all right Miss Irene

And it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to bring coffin Hall into the 21st century fine she said after a long moment I suppose I’m desperate enough to try this I’ve actually been working to digitize some of Williams letters in my spare time Rosie confessed they’re on a

Thumb drive in my desk you’ve been sneaking into my office Miss Irene said horrified where did you get the key to my cabinet Rosie bit her lip before answering I had a copy made one day when you were out to lunch I was going to surprise you with the collection when it

Was complete imagine how much easier it’ll be to study Harriet and Williams code and make connections we couldn’t see before Miss Irene huffed I don’t know whether to be angry with you for breaking into my office and horning in on my research or proud of you for taking the

Initiative Rosie what did I do to deserve you Rosie smiled angelically I don’t know but you’re stuck with me now you couldn’t pay me to go away I don’t pay you to stay either I can’t help it Rosie said I love this spooky place and I know you love it too

But miss Irene it’s not wrong to ask for help sometimes Miss Irene blinked back a tear Rosie’s words had touched her even so she spoke briskly the mess is cleaned up enough for now let’s go home for the night and let Terry and the cameras take it from

Here that sounds good said Rosie I can’t wait to get home and start painting will you bring us the thumb drive before you go I asked sure I’ll be right back Terry would you follow me back on social media Ned asked sheepishly then I can DM you the link for the ghost cams

Terry nodded what’s your handle I rolled my eyes podcast Bros uh I’m Ned talks pod 77 Ned talks pod 76 was taken George quipped seven just so happens to be my favorite number and two sevens are better than one sound reasoning Terry said tapping at his phone there

Followed promise you won’t let Fame change you I said teasing Ned laughed then took my hand and looked deep into my eyes I promise I’ll always be your Ned no matter what I know you will I said giving him a quick pack on the cheek a CED Bess George rolled her eyes

You mean ew Rosie raced back up the stairs and handed me a thumb drive decorated with little skulls and bright colors the first batch of letters is on here I’ve been working on an index of symbol combinations so you can see every time a combination is used I thought it might

Be helpful for identifying commonly used words I put that on the drive for you too thanks Rosie it seems like you’ve thought of everything I turned to face Miss Irene we’ll do everything we can to catch this Vandal please call me the moment you find anything Miss Irene said of course

All right gang it’s time for the blue lady to get her 15 minutes of Internet Fame chapter 7 on Shaky Ground my friends and I didn’t talk much as we made our way down the stone steps of coffin Hall and entered the parking lot I was worried that Miss Irene or

Terry would discover that we had the diary and send the police after us Ned George Bess and I all piled into my car and pulled away from Coffin Hall just as the sun sank below the Horizon George had her laptop open and was already downloading Rosie’s scans of

The letters Bess was texting with Rosie in the rearview mirror I saw Terry join Rosie and Miss Irene on the front steps to see us off I was uneasy about leaving him in charge of the next stage of our plan but miss Irene seemed to trust him

So I tried to ignore my doubts which was near impossible after all a detective is supposed to trust her intuition the blue lady had been roaming coffin Hall a long time before she became destructive but it seemed like Terry hadn’t done much more than used the recent incidents as material for his

Podcast for a moderately famous Ghost Hunter he didn’t seem like a very good investigator I wanted to hear that episode of Tales From The Haunted library for myself hey Ned can you put on Terry’s episode about Harriet yeah hang on he said searching his phone he shifted in

His seat checking the mirrors every few seconds as if he expected to find the blue lady tailing us I like how you called her Harriet like she’s our friend be said from the back seat I’d like to think we would get along if we’d ever

Had the chance to meet I replied she and I both love secrets and Intrigue here it is said said Ned hitting play I drove along the stately driveway passing through the grounds of the coffin estate as Shadows raced across the grass I couldn’t help thinking they looked like ghostly

Fingers spending all day more or less at coffin Hall had done weird things to my mind Terry’s molasses slow voice filtered through the speakers welcome to the fire Wanderers it’s quiet out there tonight too quiet have a seat and listen but don’t ever let your guard down you don’t know what might come

Through the static this is Tales From The Haunted Library I’m Terry V your voice in the darkness broadcasting from my secret underground lair GE G snorted a secret underground layer more like his mom’s basement do people actually take this guy seriously his research is solid Ned protested Terry’s Voice droned on

Tonight I’ll introduce you to someone very close to my heart Harriet coffen was tall beautiful witty and most importantly rich she was the sole heir of heronimus Zenus coffen a noted water Baron landlord and Commercial developer who transformed the Hamlet of River Heights into a bustling Agricultural Center in just a few

Decades Harriet was River heights’ most eligible Bachelorette you could say she lit up the room but her Sinister surname sealed her fate her family’s blood Feud may have been the reason for her mysterious disappearance and untimely unknown death there was some ominous music and the sound of a knife slicing through the

Air followed by a woman screaming and then a large Splash like something heavy falling into fast moving water a bit much for a History Podcast don’t you think beess said the dramatizations are kind of cringeworthy Ned admitted Terry continued his story Harriet’s Spirit now haunts the tower room of coffin

Hall the identity of the person who may have killed her is a mystery as is the cause of her death and the location of her family fortune Harriet’s Secret Diary may be the key to the whole mystery but it’s written in an impenetrable code my headlights passed over the

Coffin family graveyard and I couldn’t help pulling over for one last look at Harriet’s Monument something was different there was still no water running into its Basin but now the fountain appeared to be leaning slightly to the right as though the ground beneath was sinking other gravestones nearby were tilting

Too and a few had even toppled over what was happening under the coffin estate why are we stopping George asked don’t tell me you forgot something at the library seriously Nancy Ned said I’d really like to get off the coffin property as soon as possible this won’t

Take more than a minute I promise I said putting the car in park and turning off the engine I climbed out of the car and waved for Ned to join me but he shook his head I’d rather wait in the car if that’s okay with you he replied George

However jumped out and eagerly bounded after me we started across the grounds picking through the brambly overgrown field toward the graveyard fence using my phone flashlight to light the way maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me but Harriet’s Fountain seemed to tilt over more and more as I approached as

Though the Earth was in the process of swallowing it up on the other side of the cemetery the chain link construction fence had also begun to sck in the middle I should have taken these details as a warning instead I walked faster not paying much attention to where I stepped

Suddenly I felt the ground underneath me give way my legs plunged knee deep into mud George let out a yell of surprise and Ned and Bess came running the more I struggled the deeper I sank coffin Hall wasn’t ready to let me go yet not by a

Long shot a few moments later Ned and George had grabbed hold of my arms and were hauling me out of the muck Bess backed them up with an old beach towel ready to wrap it around me Ned you saved me I exclaimed when I’d managed to catch my breath usually I was

The one rescuing him from kidnappers or Smugglers excuse me George protested I helped too okay George you’re also my hero she crossed her arms thank you between the library dust the sewer water and now this mud my clothes were done for but where had the mud come from when

I’d walked to the cemetery earlier the ground had been solid it hadn’t rained since then and I didn’t see any sign of a sprinkler system or anything like that how could the ground become so unstable so quickly maybe it was connected to the flood in the

Library I still wanted to get a closer look at that construction site’s wonky fence which was now sagging so much it would be easy to hop over I stood brushed myself off and ignoring my friend’s protests cautiously made my way toward the chain link Ned urged me to be

Careful as he followed on my heels when I reached the fence I spotted some sort of flat white object trampled into the mud several sets of footprints crossed it more than one person had passed over the fence from the construction site to the coffin Hall grounds recently Terry had said he’d seen the

Blue lady near the cemetery but ghosts don’t leave Footprints who had he really seen I knelt and freed a corner of the object which was pierced with metal grommets I realized it was a sign that must have once been attached to the chain lank after wiping at the mud

Coating the board with the sleeve of my already filthy sweater I could make out large red letters forming the words Coughlin capital for the people I’ll give me a break I must uttered snapping a flash photo with my phone nothing I’d learned about Coughlin Capital so far

Made me think they were developing this project to help people the sign was little more than a marketing campaign to convince someone that Ivon coughlin’s business Empire served a higher cause I then noticed a scrap of fabric sticking out from beneath the sign pulling it out I saw that it was a once

White cotton bag with a strap I wrinkled my nose as I felt round inside empty but when I pulled my hand out it was covered in white powder more chalk what do you think this is for I asked my friends no idea Nance George said it looks like

Trash to me is that the same chalk we found in the tower room Ned asked that chalk bag looks just like the ones we used to use for gymnastics class bass chimed in you put the chalk on your hands to help you grip better mountain climbers use it too interesting and

There’s a logo on here I said as I cleared some of the mud from the fabric I’d better hang on to this I wonder if the chalk explains the blue lady’s pale appearance it can’t be a coincidence that we found this on Ivon coughlin’s construction site you’re not thinking of jumping that

Fence are you Nancy Ned asked sounding anxious am I that easy to read I asked flashing him a bright smile I want to know what’s going on beneath coffin Hall if I climb down into the area they were Excavating this morning maybe I can find some Clues yeah but it’s dark Nancy Ned

Said you just fell into a sinkhole what if they have security or Ivon Coughlin drops by all I want to do now is go home have a hot chocolate and go to bed early you’re here said George a pair of headlights coming from Coffin Hall cut through the darkness the beat up station

Wagon slowed as it Drew up beside my hybrid then the passenger side window rolled down and I heard Rosie call my name I thought you’d be halfway home by now what are you doing out here in the dark are you covered in mud curiosity got the best of me I replied with a

Small shrug look at Harriet’s fountain in the fence everything’s sinking when I tried to get a better look suddenly I was sinking too oh my gosh it’s good your friends were here to pull you out and now you know why the coffin Hall grounds aren’t a popular picnic

Spot do these fields flood often anytime it rains or snows or it’s even a bit Misty in the morning personally I think the plumbing is to blame there used to be a huge Orchard here heronimus coffin grew almonds but the trees aren’t native to the Midwest so the really high

Maintenance and super thirsty heronimus had his gardeners build Special tents for the trees to keep them warm in the winter and in the summer he had to keep them really well watered it takes like 2,000 gallons of water to produce a pound of almonds some people think

Heronimus found a way to pump water straight from the river so he didn’t have to pay taxes to the county but I’ve never seen any evidence of that in the library’s records that guy sounds like he was a piece of work Ned said all the money in

The world and he couldn’t be bothered to give even a little bit of it back to his community Rosie chuckled rich people are cheap how else do you think they got rich in the first place they negotiate sweet deals for themselves then turn around and charge everyone else an arm

And a leg the cycle continues I said pointing toward the Fallen Coughlin Capital sign for the people Rosie R then hooted with laughter that’s a good one oh Ivonne never change I saw Ivonne at the construction site earlier today I said she wants to buy coffin Hall but so far the city

Won’t go for it do you think Ivonne would take drastic measures to get what she wants Rosie considered the question for a moment maybe but Ivon is a Smart Cookie she knows how to keep her hands clean I don’t think she’d do anything that extreme on her own good to know

Thanks anytime now I really do have to go my partner’s been painting for hours he’s probably covered the whole canvas by now keep me posted on the ghost cams though you’ve got my number yes we’ll do good night she flashed us a rock on sign

And drove off into the night I gave the Coughlin construction site one last glance but in the dark I couldn’t see much worth investigating resolving to return tomorrow I took bess’s towel and laid it over my driver’s seat and then we all climbed back into the car car I can’t

Wait to get back on Wi-Fi George said for all we know the blue lady could be Waltzing around coffin Hall arm in-arm with Terry right now also if we don’t leave now I’m pretty sure our souls will be trapped at coffin hall for all eternity Ned added with a nervous laugh

All right all right but first thing tomorrow I’m coming back I said we zoomed past the guardhouse and through coffin Hall’s iron gate as if a ghost was chasing us and who knows maybe she was chapter8 biblo Ghost back at my house Hannah was already setting out a delicious late

Dinner and fortunately she’d made more than enough for everyone I urged my friends to start eating and excused myself to wash off the day’s Grime and Ice my throbbing ankle I also did a quick internet search of the logo on the chalk bag and found it

Was made by a company that sold high-end mountain climbing gear interesting when I returned to the dining room Hannah handed me a plate of pot roast she’d been keeping warm for me everyone else had finished eating and Ned had already filled my dad in on the

Day’s events dad was shaking his head in disbelief ghosts fires vandalism flash floods sink holes and secret codes sounds like coffin Hall pulled out all the stops for you kids you must be exhausted other than getting Ned out of trouble with that librarian all I’ve done today is organize some files and

Make a couple of phone calls just another day in the life of a young detective I said bringing my Fork to my mouth I can’t help it if my life is more exciting than yours George had her laptop out on the screen I could see three grainy shots of a darkened coffin

Hall so far nothing no blue lady and no sign of Terry either she said I sent him the link to the streams Ned said he hasn’t posted on the haunted Library accounts yet but I’m sure he will soon they’re up on my account but I only have

14 followers so they haven’t gotten many views yet I decided on a name for the stream George said biblo ghost that’s not bad I replied pretty catchy thank you George grinned I’m working on a graphic for the website now she turned her screen to face me the word biblo

Ghost was made out of books with a little cartoon Spirit escaping through the second o that’s so cool Ned said except that ghost doesn’t look anything like the blue lady George raised an eyebrow artistic license but how will the viewers know what to look for I’m no Ghost Hunter dad

Interjected but in a Manhunt it’s actually better if the public doesn’t know every detail about the suspect if police tell people too much about what to expect they can get carried away and Report things they didn’t actually see if you keep some details in reserve it’s

Easier to sort out the real reports from the fake ones dessert Hannah announced carrying a lemon pound cake with royal icing to the table she cut us each a slice and passed the plates around ooh Hannah this looks delicious thank you I said Ned devoured his slice in two bites Bess ate slowly

And daintily savoring every crumb George barely touched hers which was not like her at all usually George inhaled her dessert even faster than Ned we’re up to 11 viewers now George said eyes fixed on her laptop 12 13 14 15 20 did Terry post something on his podcast account let me

Check Ned said scrolling through his phone hm not yet all organic growth cool George said what if we go viral we could become ghost influencers ghost fluenc I’m all in on ghost wordplay now and I’m not going to apologize can you explain to me how this webcam idea is supposed to work dad

Asked in order to debunk the ghost story The Suspect is playing into we have to find evidence that she’s not actually a ghost I replied this footage might give us clues about how she’s breaking in I understand that part I guess I’m less comfortable that you’re turning the investigation over to random strangers

On the internet the public can’t always be trusted you sound just like Miss Irene George pouted by the way we’re up to 30 viewers now I gave my dad a shrug I guess I believe in the power of the internet to do good sometimes I’m not a technophobe I just

Want you to be careful make sure you examine all the angles before you believe something you read online my dad is a great lawyer and sometimes he turns his interrogation skills on me pointing out holes in my logic or problems with my evidence I don’t always appreciate

The critique but I’m a much better detective for it oh look look there’s Terry George turned her screen so the rest of us could see it and pointed to the main lobby camera feed a pixelated figure crossed the screen from left to right I recognized Terry’s uniform and

Flashlight beam he came across the screen again running his light along the Lobby’s curved walls at least we know he’s really on duty and not just sitting around I said Mr Drew do you mind if I use your scanner best asked she was gently holding Harriet’s diary in her arms of

Course but may I ask why one of the library volunteers digitized some of Williams letters they’re written in the same code AS Harriet’s diary best open the diary to show Dad a few of the pages if we scan in the diary we can search for phrases and words that repeat it

Might help us break the code oh right the famous diary dad chuckled h a lot of time and effort has been wasted trying to read that young lady’s diary a waste of time Bess sputtered is it a waste of time to tell Harriet’s true story all

Her life her father tried to tell her who she was and how to live this diary might have been the only place where she could be herself I’m sorry bass I didn’t mean to sound callous dad replied it would be amazing if you girls were the ones to

Cracker code but decoding the diary won’t help you you catch the person who’s been attacking coffin Hall that may be true I said but I’m starting to think the historical details might be key to solving this case whoever is breaking into coffin Hall has been searching for something and I’m pretty

Sure they want Harriet’s diary my dad seemed satisfied with my explanation because he gave best the okay to use his office best thanked him and dragged George out of the room to start the painstaking process of scanning Harriet’s spidery handwriting 42 viewers George yelled on her way out

The door we’re blowing up Ned and I were left alone with Dad I pulled up the photo of the Coughlin Capital sign on my phone and showed it to him what do you make of this ha notice the sign doesn’t say which people with the cofins there

Are always the right and wrong sorts of people you know Ivon Coughlin I’ve tussled with her lawyers on behalf of more than a few clients her development company has a habit of overstepping property lines but her lawyers are just as ruthless as they are expensive I haven’t managed to beat them

In court once in my experience you do not say no to Ivonne Coughlin that’s what I’ve been hearing I said George burst back into the room with her laptop balanced in one hand and her phone in the other Bess was right behind her six 100 viewers biblo ghost is a hit George

Shouted a few minutes ago you were at 42 Ned exclaimed nearly jumping out of his seat what happened is this because Terry posted to his podcast accounts George was banging away at the keyboard jumping between Windows at lightning speed I haven’t had time to confirm it but it

Must be Bess and I were in the middle of scanning I glanced over to check the feed and saw this huge Spike I’m getting reports from viewers every minute nothing worthwhile yet but if we have this many people watching it won’t be long before they spot something here

George take my seat dad said I’m heading up to bed Nancy you can fill me in over breakfast tomorrow actually make it brunch I’m sleeping in I kissed my dad good night good luck with the Ghost Hunt he said pausing in the doorway promise me you won’t stay up all night watching

The feed I promise I said knowing I probably would I heard him climbing the stairs Hannah had left the light on in the kitchen but the rest of the house was already dark George and Bess pulled up chairs and we all huddled around the laptop

George took a sip of my dad’s old coffee then pulled the face let me pull up Terry’s account and see what he said I opened my phone and found the Tales From The Haunted Library Twitter account sure enough Terry had posted a link to the biblo ghost stream a few minutes before

But I gasped when I saw what else he’d posted instead of boosting the page he’d written a long thread claiming biblo ghost as his own investigation some of you may remember the Story of Harriet coffin the blue lady from way back in season 1 I read aloud now I am leading the investigation

Into the strange occurrences at coffin Hall with my viral live stream biblo Ghost what George was outraged why is he trying to take credit for our investigation this was 100% our idea and I did all the work of installing the cameras come on George it’s not the end

Of the world Beth said trying to calm her down you know I think you’re a genius I read his next tweet in the thread the blue lady’s energy is dark threatening who knows what she’s capable of stay tuned to biblo Ghost and beware George grabbed my my phone and

Let out an angry Yelp the post already has 300 likes Ned tried his best to calm her down I mean at least Terry’s getting the information out there and none of us asked to be credited the important thing is collecting evidence I guess George pouted but I built this streaming page

From scratch and I designed the logo I don’t like that he’s trying to take credit for my work I totally hear you I replied what Terry did was wrong but Ned is right the evidence is the most important thing right now as long as we get what we need to catch the ghost

Impostor clear Ned’s name and protect coffin hall for more hauntings it doesn’t really matter who gets the credit Terry may be self-centered but he’s one of the good guys Ned added you’re just a fanboy best teased admit it okay maybe unbiased but I really think he’s on our side Ned

Replied I wasn’t as certain I hope that’s the case some people like solving mysteries for the fame and the attention that’s not why I do this I just want to find the truth Terry had already lied once to impress his followers what else could he lie about

Please give him a chance Ned insisted I’ve listened to all his episodes he’s smart he always tells the whole story maybe he thought taking credit for biblo ghost was the best way to make sure people paid attention what’s the viewer count now George I asked we’re at 3,31

3150 the number keeps going up I think we actually are going viral George replied her eyes wide how do you want to go through all these incoming ghost reports should we take it in shifts Bess asked yeah good idea I replied George you take First Watch Bess you take

Second I’ll take third and if nothing happens overnight we can get NED up at 6:00 to take over Ned grumbled a little about getting the early shift but he agreed Bess and I can stay up together George said I don’t think I could fall asleep tonight anyway we were going to keep scanning

The diary to check the code against Rosie’s symbol database George said I could crash at her place is it okay if we hang on to the diary to finish scanning it I don’t see why not I replied Ned any objections no I think George and Bess can keep it safe for one

Night Bess started Gathering her things I’ll call you before we go to bed Nance thanks guys we’ve got this George said hey don’t get too confident I cautioned after the day she’s had who knows when the blue lady will show herself again chapter nine late night visitors as George had predicted it was

Impossible to fall asleep I couldn’t stop replaying everything that had happened at coffin Hall that day hoping I might remember some detail that could help identify the blue lady impersonator as I opened my window to let in some fresh air I wondered if Ned was still lying awake

Too I resisted the urge to check the biblo ghost page or my phone for updates from Bess and gge I’d turned up the ringer so my phone would wake me if they called anyway after a while I must have dozed off because I found myself standing in

Front of the mysterious door in the coffin Hall basement in my dream light Shone through the crack around the door and I could hear the faint sound of someone whistling an old-fashioned tune a waltz the whistling grew louder then stopped only to be followed by the click

Of the lock opening the door swung open on well oiled hinges and a woman stepped through Gathering up her tassled skirt to keep it from getting wet which was completely unnecessary since she was floating several inches off the ground her face was very pale and her eyes dark

And sunken like those of a skull the metal door swung shut with a clang trapping me in the basement with The Apparition I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out the blue lady mouth didn’t move but somehow I heard her Whispering as though she were speaking directly into my ear

Her voice was scratchy as if it hadn’t been used in a hundred years where is my diary she said the Ghost came closer and I felt the wave of intense cold pass through my entire body even though I knew I was dreaming the voice and the chill felt real I was too

Petrified to respond respond I tried to tell my brain to wake up but the cold only grew more intense the blue lady repeated her question growing angry where have you hidden it little girl what gives you the right to keep it from me the diary is mine give it here

Quickly or I swear I will ruin you no matter which way I turned the tangle of pipes blocked my Escape I searched for a gap but the web only grew denser then suddenly the pipes all sprang a leak and the basement quickly filled with water it didn’t seem to

Affect the ghost she loomed over me as I splashed and struggled her ghastly grin growing and growing until it was wide enough to swallow me whole a high-pitched electronic jingle cut through the roar of Rushing Water my phone I opened my eyes and the nightmare

Dissolved it took me a second to get my bearings I was in my bedroom safe and warm under the covers and there was no ghost the only blue glow was coming from my phone screen which displayed bess’s number and the time 4:30 a.m. though I desperately wanted to answer something

Told me to stay still a moment longer I sensed movement near my window realizing with a rush of horror that I really wasn’t alone there was a swishing sound like the rustle of skirts was the blue lady here after all maybe I was still dreaming I rubbed my eyes hard and

Blinked to clear my vision in the dark I could make out a person trying to climb out over my window sill The Intruders gowns seemed to be caught on the frame they were kicking frantically trying to free the fabric and in the Moonlight I saw they were wearing a pair of sensible

Clogs very UNG ghostlike I grabbed my phone and hit record as I jumped out of bed ready to grab for the in ruder’s ankles if I had to stop right there I yelled I’ve got you on camera Dad Dad come quick there’s someone in my room in

Their rush to get away the Intruder tore their skirt free and swung their feet over the sill leaving a long strip of fabric behind an engine revved a car door slammed and tires squealed all I saw was the glow of tail lights as the getaway car peeled out of our street and

Turned onto the main road I hadn’t gotten a good look at the intruder’s face and all my camera had captured was a blur moving across the screen did this person want me to believe they were a ghost too if so they’d spoiled their own illusion ghosts don’t need a getaway car

Or a driver this Intruder was alive and they weren’t acting alone I inspected the window cell and the ground below my window with my phone flashlight but there was no sign of the chalky substance I’d found at the scene of other blue lady apparitions wait until bass and George heard about my

Surprise visitor best picked up on the first ring Nancy you’ll never believe this we have the blue lady live on camera in the library Lobby right now she’s um she’s posing for us but bass she was just here I dreamed she was here searching for a diary you two still have

It right what wait hang on I’m putting you on speaker okay say that again I was having a nightmare about the blue lady then I woke up and someone dressed as the blue lady was actually here in my bedroom I tried to stop them but they

Escaped out the window oh my gosh are you okay Bess asked I’m fine but I’m worried about Ned if that midnight Intruder could find my address they could just as easily find Ned’s and George’s too there could be more blue ladies climbing through your windows right this moment George groaned I can

Barely handle one ghost we tried to get through to Terry but our calls have been going straight to voicemail Bess added I think he has his phone on do not disturb a security guard who doesn’t want to be disturbed nothing Shady about that said George sarcastically it doesn’t look great for

Terry I agreed but what’s going on with biblo ghost it’s unreal said George I can see the blue lady perfectly everything but her face she’s wearing some kind of veil she’s there n and she’s really glowing or the dress is anyway it could be fiber optics Bess

Mused the dress I mean Charlie Ms wore a fiber optic dress to the Oscars last year it’s made with this special fabric that lights up and can even change color that dress is really expensive obviously otherwise I’d totally buy one put me on hold and check the link yourself George

Said here I’m texting it to you I pulled up the biblio ghost page on my phone sure enough the main lobby feed showed a grainy shimmering figure moving around the space this blue lady was putting on a show striking poses and playing to the camera as the blue lady passed under the

Light from the emergency exit sign I spotted something that proved she wasn’t Supernatural she cast a shadow against the wall that’s no ghost I said yeah no kidding said George how did this person know about the cameras we just installed them the only ones who saw us do it were

Miss Irene Rosie and Terry Terry who isn’t answering his phone that fact alone had put him at the top of my suspect list along with yvon Coughlin the biblo ghost viewers are angry said George they’re saying biblio ghost is a setup one guy thinks we’re doing a viral marketing campaign someone else claims

We’re filming a reality show they’re hardcore Ghost Hunters and they think we are trying to make them look stupid George I hate to see this but you have to shut down the feeds with the Ghost Hunters against us we can’t keep biblo ghost going now George wailed I work so

Hard we won’t get any useful evidence now it’s over I said I’m sorry George so it’s a conspiracy George asked if it is it’s not a very good one all these different ghosts seem to want different things this blue lady is mugging for the camera but the blue lady who set the

Fire in the tower room didn’t want to be seen I can’t tell whether the blue lady wants to protect Harriet’s diary or destroy it where’s the diary right now Bess has it under her pillow that’s not a good enough hiding place can you meet me at Neds if Terry isn’t going to

Protect coffin Hall we’ll have to go up there ourselves can do as long as you don’t mind us showing up in pajamas I laughed but I was a little shaken from my own surprise encounter Bess must have picked up on my distress I’m sure Ned’s perfectly fine she said kindly yeah he’s

Probably snoring away right now totally clueless George added I’d rather not take any chances I replied if the shadowy forces behind the blue lady have gotten desperate enough to break into people’s houses they’re not going to leave any Stones unturned we hung up and I tried calling

Ned his phone rang and rang before finally going to voicemail I sent him a text in case he woke up and checked his phone but I didn’t wait for a call back I quickly changed out of my pajamas and threw on a jacket and sneakers I took my

Phone my car keys and the chalk bag I’d found left the note on the breakfast bar for Hannah and my dad then ran out to my car in the early morning Darkness the streets were quiet and I arrived at Ned’s in record time Bess and George Weren’t There Yet Ned’s house was dark

And I noticed his car car wasn’t parked in the driveway as usual but that wasn’t necessarily cause for alarm it could have parked in the garage while I couldn’t see into his room from where I’d parked I’d be able to spot anyone approaching the window or

Climbing out of it I waited in my car with the lights off keeping my eyes peeled after a few minutes I texted George where are you sorry she replied got caught up with biblo ghost shut down leaving now knowing George that meant they’d be another 15 minutes at least I turned on

The radio at a low volume to keep myself from nodding off and it wasn’t long before I realized I recognized the voice speaking it was Terry V in the middle of another rambling Tales From The Haunted Library monologue I didn’t realize his show was broadcast on the radio but then I’m

Usually not listening to the radio at this hour you’ve been listening to Tales from the the haunted Library broadcasting live on air for the first time that’s right listeners this old bat left his underground lair and made the leap from podcasts to the big time with a special 6-hour Marathon show Welcome

To our cursed Carnival prepare yourselves for the Unholy truth that explained why Terry wasn’t around to capture the Intruder currently treating coff and Hall like her own personal catwalk the time is 5:27 a.m. we’ll bring on our next special guest soon remember it’s still the witching hour so

Keep your wits about you and now a word from our sponsors a silky female voice came over the speakers Coughlin Capital welcomes you to schedule a tour of our brand new luxury development opening next year the fabulous Coughlin Cooperative will feature two bedroom Condominiums complete with top-of-the-line fixtures

On Suite jacuzzi home gems a fabulous rooftop lounge and onsite Boutique shopping sign up today to be placed on the waiting list Coughlin Cooperative modern homes for modern people I shook my head in disbelief Terry was trying to play Both Sides collecting his paycheck from Coffin Hall while raking in sponsorship money from

The woman who wanted to destroy the library and everything it stood for he probably had only shared our biblio ghost stream so he could make himself look like a big time Ghost Hunter I now had proof that the blue lady was a fake and that Terry V was on yvon coughlin’s

Payroll which meant he had a reason to look the other way in his second job protecting the library Ned would be so disappointed just then Bess and George pulled up in George’s mom’s station wagon I got out of the car and Bess held up Harriet’s

Diary do you want to hang on to this Nancy yes I think it’s safer to leave the diary in the car I said I can lock it in my trunk Bess agreed and I noticed that her eyes were blood thought I’ve been pouring over the symbols all night

And I haven’t managed to decode a single word she said dejectedly if you ask me this diary is a lot more trouble than it’s worth I said why do you want to translate it so badly Bess answered right away I feel for Harriet she just wanted to be with the

One she loved but her father was too greedy to Let Her Go the whole thing is too sad I can’t let her story end that way way I could understand bess’s point of view but discovering who was behind all these break-ins seemed a lot more urgent right now unfortunately the most

Surefire way to wake Ned up was also the most obnoxious I marched up to the entryway my friends right behind me and rang the nickerson’s doorbell Mrs Nickerson came to the door in a robe after my third ring yawning her hair a bird’s nest Nancy what on Earth are you

Doing here at this hour and is that George and bass girls is everything okay I’m sorry Mrs Nickerson normally I would never bother you so late or so early but we think Ned might be in danger someone broke into my room tonight and I’m worried the same person or one of their

Accomplice is going to come after Ned too can we just check on him someone broke into your room Nancy you should be talking to the police right now not driving all over town waking up your friends I know but if I try to explain everything they won’t believe me please

Will you let me peek into Ned’s room it would make me feel so much better then we’ll get out of your hair I promise go ahead but I don’t think there’s anything to worry about I haven’t heard a peep out of him all night I can’t promise his room is

Presentable I’m going back to bed so you girls can let yourselves out when you’re satisfied that my son is Alive and Well after that I hope you’ll go straight to the police station okay thanks Mrs Nickerson and sorry again to wake you I said meekly she just grunted and

Shuffled back to her bedroom I tiptoed down the hall toward Ned’s room followed by Bess and George I knocked then listened at the door for a second and when I didn’t hear anything I went in the room was dark and chilly and to my dismay Ned’s window was wide open his

Bed was empty the covers thrown back back as if he’d jumped out in a hurry and his phone had been left behind on the nightstand the lock screen was filled with notifications about my texts and voicemails oh no Bess murmured George said Ned whatever prank you think you’re

Pulling right now is not funny come out come out wherever you are she ducked under his bed and checked the closet but the room was empty instead of bursting into tears and calling for Ned’s parents I went to the open window and examined the frame and

Window sell I didn’t find any scraps of fabric or smears of paint and the ground under the window was undisturbed Ned wasn’t a sleepwalker and as far as I knew he didn’t have any reason to leave his home in the middle of the night especially not without his phone had he

Gone of his own free will or had someone taken him I left Ned’s room and found the door to the garage inside was only his dad’s tool bench the washer and dryer and the family SUV so Ned could have driven himself but where was he going Bess

Asked what I wanted to do I didn’t know I felt more lost than ever and now Ned was missing I needed a minute alone so I told my friends I was going outside to think best kindly offered to wake up Ned’s parents and break the news outside

An early morning chill had set in so I got into my car to warm up when I turned the key in the ignition the radio came on again and I realized I recognized the voice of the man who was speaking to Terry vea it was Ned I didn’t have anything to do with

The biblio ghost hoax and I did not steal Harriet coffin’s diary Ned objected that’s not what my sources say Terry replied smoothly that’s pretty rich Terry considering it’s your actual job to protect coffin Hall from Intruders I shouted at my r radio forgetting that Terry was in a studio

Somewhere and couldn’t hear me I wasn’t going to let Terry have the last word I was going to find his new broadcast studio and I had one good guess where it was taking ivonne’s classy business card from my wallet I typed the address into the maps app on my phone it was a

20-minute drive from Ned’s house over my speakers Terry was explaining that he personally had checked the tower room for Harriet’s diary after the fire and wouldn’t you know it I found the case empty who was the last person seen in the tower room that’s right it was you Ned Nickerson you stole Harriet’s

Diary I could tell Ned was blindsided instantly he lost all his usual cool no that’s not what happened he stuttered I I was saving it I wasn’t going to leave Ned to defend him himself alone I had to get to Terry’s radio studio and fast I burst back into the

Nickerson house and found Bess and George sitting with Ned’s parents at the kitchen table Ned’s okay I told them he’s giving an interview on a radio show there’s not really time to explain but everything is fine I’ll pick them up and bring him home to you in time for

Breakfast well better make that brunch we have some debunking to do Ned’s mom gave me a puzzled look but didn’t ask any questions okay I trust you Nancy as long as you’re around I know my son will be safe I’ll make French toast she said and gave me a pack on the

Cheek chapter 10 the missing boyfriend Bess and George agreed to carpool with me and the three of us piled into my hybrid best conked out a few minutes into the drive followed by George they had been up all night pouring over that dingy old book and those camera feeds they deserved a

Little rest even so I kept Terry’s show on at a low volume he had started taking calls from his listeners not a single caller came to Ned’s defense they all agreed that Ned had been behind the blue lady hoax all along and said he’d obviously stolen Harriet’s diary the

Callers offered theories about where he could be hiding it and what his possible motives might be NE could barely get a word in to defend himself my mind was racing I had to find a way to turn Terry’s interrogation around on him and prove that Ivon Coughlin was the real Mastermind Behind

These fake ghost sightings luring Terry away from his security post at coffin Hall with money and a brand new studio certainly looked suspicious but it wasn’t exactly evidence of any wrongdoing we parked directly in front of the Coughlin Capital offices a glass and Chrome building with an ugly

Abstract sculpture out front that looked like a dollar sign made of knives downtown River IES was just waking up Baristas and Bakers and grocery store cashiers and news clerks were chaining up their bikes and turning on lights receiving deliveries and getting ready for the day a few early risers were out

Walking dogs or jogging as the sun peaked over the horizon George found a way to connect her laptop to the Coughlin capital Wi-Fi network don’t ask me how she showed me the handful of useful reports that had come through before the viewers turned on us a few screenshots where the blue

Lady’s Shadow was clearly visible one where I could see the tip of her shoe poking out from under her glowing skirt and one where I could make out the imprint of a face under the veil George also pulled up another shot from later in the night more than an hour after the

Decoy blue lady made her appearance in the library’s Lobby in it an odd bluish blur could be seen at the entrance to the tower stairs George pointed out a small patch of light over the railing that she thought might be the blue lady’s hand the real blue lady

I told her it was probably photoshopped or some webcam glitch regardless I told her to send me the best evidence before I went into the studio I’d need every bit of proof I could get a bright blue smart car pulled into the Coughlin Capital employee lot and

Parked near the side entrance the driver was a tired looking young woman with blonde hair tied up in a complicated twist I told George to stay in the car with a sleeping B while I scoped out the situation closing the door quietly I slowly approached the stranger’s car

Giving a little wave and smiling widely as I wrapped on her window the young woman rolled it down a couple of inches and looked at me with wide frightened eyes hey sorry I said are you the new intern yes hi my name’s carianne sorry were you expecting me did I keep you waiting

Lucky guest Dre I thought I’m sorry I’m late she continued I know Miss Coughlin said to be here at 6:00 a.m. sharp but I slept through my alarm and then my boyfriend’s lizard got sick I’m sorry nice to meet you kianne I’m Nancy Drew I said extending my hand through her open

Window I hope your boyfriend’s lizard is okay and you have nothing to be sorry about I don’t work for yon I’m actually supposed to be a guest on the radio show this morning could you show me the entrance to the broadcast studioo honestly I’m just glad I’m not

In trouble I started here a couple of months ago and I can’t seem to stop making mistakes I’ve never had an internship like this one miss coughlin’s a pretty uh unusual boss she expects a lot from her employees kianne opened her door and climbed out unfolding her long

Legs and standing to her full height which had to be at least 6 ft I couldn’t help but notice the resemblance to her boss sorry did you say you’re here about the radio show she asked I can’t believe anyone’s listening to that I’m not exactly a fan I answered but I need to

Make an appearance could you let me in technically the offices don’t open until 6:30 car Anne said I’m just supposed to be here before everyone else to make the coffee I won’t be any trouble I’d ask Terry to let me in but he’s not answering his phone Kenne Shrugged sure

Why not she opened her trunk to remove a large black garment bag which was only partially zipped part of the Garment inside slipped out and I could see it was a 1920 style flapper dress with the same dropped waist and beaded Fringe I’d seen on the dress in Harriet coffin’s

Portrait but this Fringe looked weirdly shiny like plastic and this dress was white not blue that’s pretty I said what’s it made of I think it’s called fiber optics the dress actually lights up but it also itches like crazy this is one dress I don’t mind returning

Honestly I don’t know how much longer I want to keep doing this internship it’s all a bit too much for me I wanted to ask her to say more but I was a little dumbstruck by the Coughlin offices we stepped through the smoked glass doors into a long white hallway decorated with

More gudy abstract sculptures and black and white photo photographs of Ivon Coughlin posing in hot Couture with expensive cars lavish pools saunas and other luxury features of the company’s development projects she looked different in every photograph transforming her face with Dramatic Makeup and hairstyles to complement each

Setting the hallway ended in a large open plan office done in pinks and Golds with lots of giant potted plants that on closer inspection turned out to be fake I noticed that none of of the desks had chairs they were all set high off the ground so employees would have to stand

To get anything done Kenne led me to a seating area at the far end of the room across from an imposing set of double doors that I assumed led to the Executive offices can I get you coffee tea Seltzer kombucha cold pressed juice bee pollen nutmilk a shot of turmeric or a bottle

Of imported Icelandic lava water car Anne asked uh no thanks I’m good where’s Terry’s Studio Carri Anne frowned I’ll show you where to find him though I don’t exactly recommend it that guy never stops talking she flung open the double doors and pointed down the carpeted softly lit

Hallway he’s at the end third door on your left there was a flashing red light above the door frame Bingo radio Studios used lights to signal that they were on the air and shouldn’t be disturbed at the door I peaked through the double painted glass at Terry’s new

Lair Ned and Terry sat on opposite sides of a large silver microphone on a desk in the middle of a large windowless room both wore large black headphones with curly wires attached to a sound panel on Terry side of the desk the walls and ceiling were covered in squares of

Nubbly black foam and there was a bank of computer monitors to Terry’s right showing the live feed of Terry and Ned’s audio levels I knocked on the window and tried the handle but the door didn’t budge don’t bother Carrie Anne called to me down the hallway it locks

Automatically when he’s on the air and it’s soundproof so they won’t hear you oh rats when do you think I can get in there there will be a commercial break soon I’m sure Terry’s contract says he has to plug Coughlin Capital every so often good luck with that car Anne gave

Me a half-hearted weight W and shuffled off to the coffee station the studio lock was digital so I wouldn’t be able to pick it I’d have to wait for the commercial break pressing my ear against the door I could just make out Ned speaking quickly and

Passionately the way he did when he was arguing with my dad over some case detail frustrated I paced to the end of the hallway past the sitting area with its empty receptionist’s desk and stopped in front of the door marked with a gold plaque that read Ivon Coughlin

Sheo underneath the words was an elegant engraving of a swan on a whim I tried the door locked fortunately I always carry a bobby pin or two and this door had a much simpler mechanism than the studio one after a little jiggling and a pop the door swung open and I was inside

Ivon coughlin’s inner sanctum the office was carpeted in pale pink plush carpet and all the furniture was curved and comfortable looking done in soothing pastel Shades ivonne’s desk was made of clear loose site and instead of an office chair she had a huge Throne upholstered in White Satin she had her

Own onsite bathroom too and what looked like a walk-in closet but I wasn’t here to Marvel over ivonne’s luxurious lifestyle there was a report open in the middle of her desk of course I peaked two columns labeled ad verse possession and hostile possession were followed by dense legal language that I couldn’t

Make heads or tals of there was a pink posted attached to the top page with the words CH strategy written in spiky letters I snapped a picture with my phone and texted it to my dad followed by the message could you please translate this into plain English for me

There was only one photograph on ivonne’s desk what looked like a party scene two women in Tiara’s had their arms wrapped around each other their faces lit up the woman on the right was tall blonde and elegant Ivonne 10 years younger decked out in a mini dress vinyl

Boots fake lashes and sparkly eyes Shadow the woman on the left was her opposite athletic with not a trace of makeup with close cropped blue hair dressed in jeans and a black motorcycle jacket despite their differences the women were the same height blue-eyed and had similar noses they looked very

Comfortable together in fact they could have been sisters as I snapped a picture of the photo I heard sounds on the other side of the door employees greeting one another I couldn’t risk being caught snooping in the boss’s office I tiptoed to the door and opened at a crack the

Hallway was still empty so I slipped out locking the door from the other side before I closed it and returned to the sitting area in time to watch the parade of Coughlin Capital employees coming into work the first thing I noticed was that they were all women every employee

Was at least 6 ft tall and not one of them would have been out of place at a fashion show in Paris or Milan each woman had expensively dyed blonde hair and came dressed in the latest fashions tailored pants suits and sheath dresses with killer heels and coordinated colors

They Carried designer purses that probably cost more than my car a tall muscular woman parted the crowd of Chatty employees and came toward the sitting area she was notably less made up than the rest and seemed to be wearing a fluffy blonde wig not her natural color if I could judge by the

Wisps of dark hair at her neckline she was dressed simply in a navy blue pants suit I said hello as she approached but she ignored me and brushed past to the receptionist’s desk just outside yvon’s office doors a name played on the desk read Bridget rickets executive assistant to the

CEO hi Miss rickets I said I’m Nancy Drew yes I know who you are she said still smiling Ivonne told me you’d be stopping by uh she did did she tell you why she told me you’re a snoop is that true M Rickett’s bright blue eyes bored

Into me I like getting to the bottom of things but I really didn’t come here to Snoop I didn’t have enough evidence to accuse Ivonne of anything yet I actually came here as a guest of Tales From The Haunted Library my boyfriend Ned is in the studio with Terry right

Now then I don’t see what you would be doing in ivonne’s office I saw you come out I blushed I’m sorry I’ve been waiting a while for the show to go off the air I guess curiosity got the better of me I just really admire ivonne’s um

Unique Style I said making a vague gesture at the glitzy office Decor when you’re trying to get information out of someone a little flattery never hurts you don’t have to lie to me Nancy M rickets replied with a knowing smile she leaned forward you suspect Ivonne of

Something of course not I said quickly worried that M rickets would have me ejected from the building before I could get a chance to rescue Ned from Terry’s questions I’m sure there’s a perfectly good explanation for yesterday’s events at coffin Hall that doesn’t involve Miss Coughlin or her business

We have nothing to hide here said M rickets with a shrug that struck me as a little too casual people think Eevee is a villain just because she’s rich and successful but they don’t see her heart do you know what she’s been through these past few years what do you mean

She lost her older sister Isabella Izzy was a talented actress athlete and poet she spoke six languages she died suddenly last year in a mountain climbing accident in Alaska her body was never found that’s terrible I’m really sorry for the loss it must be so hard not to have any

Closure I replied but M riets waved away my condolences she seemed more interested in dishing than grieving eie always looked up to Izzy but Izzy never took her sister seriously when Eevee went into real estate Izzy called her greedy and evil and then she left for Alaska and never returned

I don’t think Eevee has gotten over it this secretary knew an awful lot about the Coughlin family’s personal lives and I couldn’t help but notice how comfortable she seemed to be using their nicknames why was she telling me all this it felt like a play for sympathy M rickets you’re here someone

Shouted excitedly I looked up to see kianne the front of her dress now covered in coffee stains coming over to the secretary’s askk I have some questions for you about the special project you know from last night oh Kenne uh this isn’t a good time M Ricket

Said it’ll just take a second I swear car Anne protested fine follow me into yvon’s office so we can speak freely M rickets replied huffily I waited for the door to close behind them before peeking over M Rickett’s desk at the black leather planner she’d left open to today’s date

I carefully turned the page and examined yvon’s schedule for the previous 48 hours I went over the timeline of ghost sightings in my mind ivonne’s schedule showed that she had caught a flight to New York immediately after I’d seen her at the construction site and that she

Wasn’t due back until 8 this morning despite the schedule evidence I wasn’t convinced Ivonne had a reason to cause chaos at coffin Hall I looked looked up from the planner just in time to see the light above Terry’s Studio suddenly blink out they were off the air now I’d

Have a chance to defend my boyfriend in the court of public opinion chapter 11 the podcaster layer I stepped into the broadcast studio and Ned let out a shout of surprise he tore off his headphones ran over and flung his arms around me Nancy

I’m sure glad to see you I feel like a prize jerk for not telling you where I was going and for leaving my phone at home he said into my hair it’s okay I know you were just Star Struck I replied patting his back we’ll find a way to

Talk you out of this mess Terry interrupted our reunion with a raspy hello he sounded tired and annoyed he must have been talking for hours at this point even though I don’t remember issuing an invitation it’s an honor to welcome you to my temple of sound Miss

Drew our commercial break is nearly over why don’t you pull up a chair and join us on air for the last few minutes it’s nearly time for the morning news I gulped but nodded I’d never been on the radio before and even if there weren’t many listeners it was still a little

Intimidating I sat down and put on a pair of big black headphones which blocked out the sound of the room so all I could hear was my own pulse Terry held up a hand and counted down from five welcome back weary Wanderers he said into the microphone the blue lady as I’ve been

Saying is a hoax we proved as much last night thanks to my ingenious bibliog ghost web camera security system Ned Nickerson and his gang of frauders thought they fooled us with that ghost act in the main lobby but many smart viewers pointed out that ghosts don’t cast a shadow thanks to every listener

Who tuned in and sent us ghost reports wait a second I said but Terry spoke over me we’ve already heard about our friend Ned Nickerson and all the evidence that puts him at the scene of two blue lady sightings during which prous volumes were destroyed and the historic rooms of coffin Hall suffered

Considerable water and smoke damage we also proved that Ned stole Harriet coffin’s diary from the library early yesterday afternoon what we don’t know is where he’s hidden it and so far he refuses to tell us Terry was talking so quickly it was impossible to get a word

In edgewise every time NAD or I tried to interrupt he just talked louder and faster and now l loyal listeners it’s my pleasure to introduce a surprise guest Ned’s girlfriend Nancy Drew an amateur sleuth is here live in the studio to tell us all about her role in The

Hoax I felt my phone buzz in my pocket glanced down at the screen and saw a message from my dad responding to my question about the document I’d seen in ivonne’s office adverse possession equals squatter’s rights it’s a way to claim a property without buying it reviewing the photo I’d sent I noticed

How similar the handwriting on the Post-it note was to the handwriting in Bridget Rickett’s day planner could CH strategy refer to a plan to take possession of coffin Hall why would yvon’s assistant be advising her to steal land I didn’t have time to think more about it because Terry was already

Firing off his questions in Rapid succession and where is the diary now Harriet’s diary was currently hidden in the trunk of my car protected only by an unconscious Bess and George but I wasn’t going to let Terry know that of course I was going to speak up and

Defend myself and Ned but I had to get the facts straight first hi Terry I’m happy to be here thanks for that dramatic introduction can you hang on a second though I’ve just gotten some information that may help unmask the real criminals behind this hoax oh by all means take your time answering

It’s not like we’re live or anything Terry said with a sneer you know the longer you hesitate the guiltier you look unfazed by Terry’s radio host Bluster I gave him my most charming smile then I took a deep breath and spoke clearly into the microphone meeting Terry’s gaze I’m not the blue

Lady but I think you know who’s behind all this and it isn’t Ned is that so Terry said arching one eyebrow that’s right I said I’d like to address your listeners if I may be my guest since you Ghost Hunters supposedly value the truth

So much let me ask you did you know that this man Terry V has betrayed everything he believes in Terry spent over a year of his life working security at cofin Hall he made his name in the podcast business telling stories about Harriet coffin the blue lady of coffin Hall And

Now when coffin Hall needs him most he’s abandoning the library and all its history he was supposed to be on duty all night but I guess he’d rather spend his time spreading conspiracy theories and spending Ivon coughlin’s money Ned jumped in Terry your response how do you justify leaving your

Post seeing me go on the offensive must have brought back his confidence we do make a great investigative team I wasn’t going to pass up this broadcast Terry said weaving away our questions opportunities in radio don’t come along every day you know with the webcams I could keep an eye out for any

Funny business at coffin Hall no harm came to the library last night so what’s the problem yesterday the library nearly caught fire and flooded I countered and the blue lady made another appearance at 4:30 a.m. how did you know that she wouldn’t do any damage this time the

Answer is you didn’t unless you knew who was behind the ghost sightings that’s an interesting Theory you have Miss Nancy Terry said he was trying to play it cool but I could tell he was shaken by the accusation but as you may know on this

Show we rely on the facts do you happen to have any evidence that ties me to the blue lady hoax your listeners want a grand finale and I’m going to give it to them Ned shot me a concerned look he was right to worry I’d barely slept and my theory was still

Developing well where is it Terry pressed I didn’t have physical evidence tying yon to the crimes at coffin Hall all I had were grainy screenshots a disgruntled intern a suspiciously powerful assistant and a hunch my dad always says hunches are a shortcut but there’s no such thing as a

Shortcut when it comes to the truth truth comes with hard work and time I didn’t have time Terry’s show was already on the air I’d have to go with my hunch she’s not an it she’s a person but oops it looks like it’s time for your next commercial Terry groaned she’s

Right folks it’s time for another word from our generous sponsor we’ll be back after the break with more developments in the case of the blue lady of coffin Hall Terry held up one hand and counted down from five and we’re clear 90 seconds until we’re back on I nodded and ran out of

The studio nearly bumping into kianne who was passing through the hallway just the girl I was looking for I told her I’d love to get a few sound bites from you on air about your EXP experience working here Ivonne told me that was okay she said you should feel free to

Speak truthfully car Anne’s face lit up at the invitation oh yes thank you for asking nobody ever asks what I think one more thing I said could you get that gown you showed me earlier sure car Anne agreed happily she skipped down the hallway and disappeared through a door

Then returned with the garment bag in hand I led her into the studio sat her down next to Ned and handed her a a pair of headphones who are you Terry asked annoyed that he’d lost control of his show you don’t recognize me terryanne said I’ve been working here for 6 weeks

That’s longer than you Terry’s screens flashed red and began counting down and then we were back on air thanks for joining us for the radio premiere of Tales From The Haunted Library where we’re debunking the ghost sightings of coffin Hall’s famous blue lady I announced before Terry had a chance to

Grabb the mic Nancy Drew here in defense of my boyfriend Ned Nickerson and the case of the biblio ghost hoax I’d like to bring on a very special guest can you please introduce yourself okay um hi everyone my name is Carrie Anne Bonner I’m an intern at

Coughlin Capital but maybe not for long she said more quietly welcome carianne I’m glad you’re here I said giving her a reassuring smile to start would you tell the listeners how you came to work for Ivonne Coughlin when I moved back to River Heights last year I wanted to volunteer

At coffin Hall but after hearing all these spooky stories I ended up applying for the internship at Coughlin Capital instead my college counselor said I was lucky to get it that Ivon Coughlin had very high standards but here I am I must have something special right I know you

Do Carrie Anne I replied I bet you’d be a great librarian though don’t give up on that dream I’ve learned a lot about the business world what have you learned so far I asked Terry crossed his arms and rolled his eyes as if to say what does this have to do with

Anything honestly it’s mostly spreadsheets which aren’t so bad kianne answered earnestly but I’ve also learned that being the boss means you can pay people to stand in for you when you don’t feel like doing something I raised an eyebrow has yvon ever asked you to stand in for her yes

All the time can you give us some examples oh walking her dogs picking up prescriptions or dry cleaning sometimes meeting with clients she doesn’t like even a blind date once I guess she got used to switching when her sister was alive and she just hasn’t stopped doing

It that’s um not not shady Ned said Kenne are you sure you want to say all this on air yeah I do she replied I think I’ve had enough of being bossed around by Ivon Coughlin and her assistant last night was the last straw what happened I asked Ivonne asked

Me to do something really weird she said it was for work but I’m not so sure you can tell us I said giving her arm a little Pat of encouragement Carrie Anne nodded her fingernail nervously and when she spoke the words came out all in one breath ivonne’s assistant called me in

The middle of the night and told me to be ready outside my house in 15 minutes she said I was going to be the face of ivonne’s new marketing campaign and then she drove me to the new construction site is that the site just outside coffin Hall Ned asked

Yes you said ivonne’s assistant brought you do you mean Bridget rickets I asked remembering how much the assistant had known about her boss’s personal history yes car Anne confirmed Ivonne is the brains and M rickets is the muscle even though she hasn’t been at the company

For long Terry leaned in toward his mic getting ready to take over I’d have to keep my questions coming and not let him get a word in when did M rickets start working at Coughlin capital I asked a month ago but she and Yvonne act like

Old friends last night what time did M rickets call you I asked across the table I could see Ned putting two and two together and I found I was smiling to myself I do love to impress him with my investigative skills Terry seemed intrigued too despite himself around

3:15 a.m. Carri Anne replied confident now we got out and M rickets led me down into the excavation and behind a tarp into some sort of tunnel I remember the ground was muddy at first and we climbed a set of stairs and came up into a basement room with lots of pipes M

Rickets had me change into this gown the one you saw me carrying this morning Nancy She also asked me to put chalk on my face and hands but I said that would ruin my skin so she gave me a veil to wear instead that could explain the chalk

Marks I found I exclaimed pleased that I’d remembered to bring the bag into the studio with me it’s hard to be the face of some something when your face is covered Ned observed good point I agreed Kenne tell them about the Gown I’m getting to that I know it’s radio but

Can I show you guys something cool kianne asked and held up the white gown she reached deep into its skirt and must have flipped some kind of switch because suddenly the plastic threads in the fabric lit up with a shimmering blue glow Ned leaned into the mic to speak to

The listeners for those of you at home Kenne has produced an electrified evening gown that produces blue light much like the one worn by the blue lady seen on our biblio ghost live stream early this morning fiber optics just like best said I exclaimed I was so excited to get to

Wear something of yvon’s it’s by a famous designer You Know M riets led me up some stairs and pushed me into a pitch black room with a high ceiling she told me to pose and and wave like I was in front of an audience so I did after a

While she came back and we left I was hoping Ivon would come in today and explain it all to me but after this whole experience maybe I should quit instead I’m starting to think that this internship isn’t worth it Ivonne really must think everyone lives to serve her

Said Ned you might be right about that carianne said dejectedly Nancy do you think I was part of this hoax you mentioned it seems likely in fact we have you on camera hang on I’ll show you I pulled up the ghost reports on my phone swiping through one photo after

Another George had even sent me a clip of the blue lady swaying back and forth to music no one else could hear that’s me that’s definitely me Kenne said her large eyes well welling with tears oh no oh no oh no I’m in so much trouble as

Kianne was sharing her story Terry had been fidgeting in his seat growing increasingly Restless his eyes darted between us and the monitors as though he was calculating the number of people who had just heard his new boss exposed you’re not in trouble don’t worry I assured Kenne you didn’t even know what

Ivonne was up to and you’re not the only Coughlin capital employee involved in this hoax kianne buried her face in her hands Ned patted her back and offered her a tissue still I wasn’t finished with Terry Terry you must have known Ivonne would use kianne as a decoy that’s why

You talked up the biblo ghost stream on your social media and it’s why you tried to blame Ned when the hoax was exposed what was Ivon trying to distract us from Terry Whirled around to the bank of computers and started typing frantically the screens went dark and I heard the

Crackly sound of dead air coming through my headphones he’d ended the broadcast rather than fess up kianne took the opportunity to excuse herself if anyone sees me in here instead of out there working Ivon might actually bite my head off hope I don’t get fired today although maybe that wouldn’t be the

Worst thing anyway good luck Nancy Ned and I hugged her and told her to keep her chin up and then carry in and left the studio I turned back to Terry who was cowering in his chair as if he thought he could make himself invisible

Well what do you have to sa for yourself I asked under the table I took out my phone opened the voice recorder app and hit the red button making sure to turn the phone so the microphone would capture Terry’s voice if he wouldn’t broadcast his own confession we could

Always release it as a special episode of Ned talks I was trying to tell you earlier he said it’s impossible to make an honest living as a podcaster I was in a tough Place financially and Eevee offered me a Lifeline Terry had used the same pet name for Ivonne that M rickets

Had could they be more than just business partners you didn’t have to double cross Miss Irene like this I said why didn’t you tell her you were taking another job don’t you think coffin Hall deserves a little more respect all right all right don’t yell at me I’m sorry Terry cried

Holding up his hands off the air he was just a Meek little man with a lot of madeup stories but it wasn’t just about the money was it I ventured feeling bold why are you protecting Ivonne you shouldn’t meddle in family Affairs Terry replied his once booming voice now weak and

Wobbly I’ve been coming to coffin Hall nearly all my life I care what happens to that place but I care about the Coughlin family too wait hey Ned said are the cofins related to the coffins they’re Harriet coffins first cousins twice removed Terry replied I knew the names were too

Similar to be a coincidence I said when you say it out loud it’s obvious Terry went on when we were growing up visiting the blue lady was something yvon and is and I did for fun sometimes one of them would dress up in an old costume gown

And hide in the stacks to frighten visitors it was their way of connecting with their family history is that how this all started okay so I might have let Eevee into the library once or twice after Izzy passed away when I was on duty but

I always kept an eye on her I believed it was her way of mourning Terry confessed miserably and I just can’t say no to yvon her sister was the first friend I had here in town it was the least I could do did eie Ivonne start the fire in the tower room yesterday

Ivonne didn’t have anything to do with that Terry snapped maybe she borrowed a few books and papers without Miss Irene’s knowledge her methods are unusual but she’s writing her own destiny is that a crime it is actually said Ned you said it yourself history can’t be Rewritten the coffin Hall collection belongs to

The people of River Heights Ivon stole public property that’s what you accused me of on your show Terry sighed wearily as if he knew we would never understand after Izzy died Eevee was the last Living member of the coffin family she became obsessed with coffin Hall she

Says it’s where she feels closest to her sister if y Von loves coffin Hall that much why has the blue lady become so destructive Terry’s shoulders slumped and his face fell as though somebody had let all the air out of him I I don’t know after the funny business

With heronimus portraits and the time we found red ink splashed all over the map room I confronted Yvonne and told her she had gone too far she refused to apologize she said the entire building and everything in it rightfully belonged to her and she could do whatever she

Wanted I told her that was the end of her late night visits and I kept the doors locked from that point on but unbeknown to me there was another way in the tunnel Ned said is that how heronimus coffin got water for his alond Orchard yes Terry answered I’d read some cryptic mentions

About a tunnel in heronimus letters but never knew where the entrance was after the flood yesterday I went down to the basement and saw it for myself behind the pipes right I interjected let me guess it was was the weird metal door that Rosie said didn’t lead anywhere Miss Irene doesn’t even know

About it heronimus planned the tunnel to double as an escape route in case the town’s people ever turned against him Terry went on where does that tunnel let out Ned asked Terry pursed his lips refusing to respond which was fine because I already knew the answer the Coughlin

Construction site isn’t that right the same site where I found this bag with the same chalk residue that was in the tower room and the coffin Hall basement the chalk and kian’s dress both lead us straight back to Ivonne Coughlin plus she has a history of property damage in

This very building do you still want to tell us Ivonne is innocent like I said the scary stuff fires floods none of that is Ivonne Terry wouldn’t meet my eyes I looked at Ned trying to figure out the best approach let’s say I believe you Terry let’s say Ivon Coughlin wasn’t the one

Who set the fire or started the flood who else would do something like that who would wish harm on the library besides Ivonne I don’t know you don’t know or you don’t want to tell me I fired back is there someone else pretending to be the blue lady Terry

Hesitated I can’t say why don’t you want to answer my question fortunately for Terry my phone rang it was Rosie OU supposed to keep it on silent in the studio Terry muttered don’t worry we’ll leave you to deal with your angry listeners I said standing up the library needs

Us as Ned and I left the broadcast studio I heard the studio phone ringing off the hook then the door slammed shut behind us the digital lock beeped and the red light came on looks like Terry V talked himself into trouble Ned said Riley a theory was coming together in my

Mind all the evidence pointed to Ivonne the chalk the dress her obsession with coffin family history but my instincts told me that Terry was actually telling the truth she was innocent there was one other person who’d have the ability to pull off this hoax the mountain climbing disguised loving free spirit of the

Family Izzy Coughlin according to everyone I’d spoken to though Izzy was dead could a ghost impersonate another [Applause] Ghost oh chapter 12 the ghost unmasked Nancy I’m so sorry were Rosie’s first words when I returned her call she sounded like she’d been crying you’re sorry what for I didn’t want to do it but she was so angry with me she made me promise to do whatever it took to get it

Back slow down Rosie who was angry what’s going on Miss Irene Terry called her last night to let her know he was quitting and to make matters worse he told her Harriet’s diary was missing and that he was convinced you and Ned had stolen it Miss Irene showed up at my

House in the middle of the night and said I had to help her find it or else the library would be shut down and the coffin estate auctioned off to the highest bidder none of that is going to happen the diary is safe we’ve been taking good care of it and we were

Always going to give it back I know that but miss Irene wouldn’t listen to anything I said she drove me to your house and told me to climb through your window I knew it was wrong but I felt like I didn’t have a choice please don’t

Hate me oh Rosie I don’t hate you in fact I like you a lot I assured her and I can forgive Miss Irene for overreacting so that was you in my bedroom and the fancy night gown and the clogs I like to dress up for bed like a

Vampire Rosie replied regining a bit of her dramatic flare where are you right now I’ve learned some things about the blue lady that might change Miss Irene’s outlook on this whole situation I’m at the library of course mopping up the rest of the mess from yesterday Miss

Irene’s hold up in her office she won’t speak to me we’re on our way now Harriet’s diary will be safe in Miss Irene’s hands in 30 minutes thank you Nancy I’m sorry again a thousand times I owe you for life I laughed no problem I

Forgive you in a weird way I’m glad you were the Intruder and not some stranger or Worse Ivon Coughlin but Rosie could you do me a favor anything she said next time you want to come over text me first we’ll do Nancy Drew Rosie said before hanging

Up Ned and I left Coughlin capital and got into my car with Bess and George Bess woke up and demanded to stop for iced coffee but I told her if she could hold out until we returned Harriet’s diary Ned’s mom was making french toast with extra whipped

Cream Ned caught my friend up on what had happened in the studio while I focused on the road even though I’d made the journey to coffin Hall three times in less than 24 hours this time the drive felt twice as long I ran through the whole case out loud it always helps

Me to bounce ideas off George Bess and Ned where would a detective be without her Squad okay so Rosie’s confession solves the mystery of my midnight Intruder but the motives behind this blue lady hoax are still murky and I know Ivon Coughlin is involved somehow but so far I haven’t

Been able to pin her at the scene of any crime we know Ivonne isn’t above hiring people to stand in for her Ned reminded me keran obviously didn’t start the fire or cause the flood who could have done it Terry is partly to blame he may not have been directly involved in any

Criminal activity but he’s an accomplice and too close to Ivon Coughlin for his own good I answered making Ned wz I could simp sympathize it’s not easy to see your idol sell out Nancy do we have to return Harriet’s diary to that mean librarian right now George pleaded we

Haven’t cracked the code yet but I know we will soon miss Irene isn’t mean she’s just stressed out Bess insisted put yourself in her position would you want to be the person responsible for a whole building full of precious books no thanks George replied with a chuckle I

Can’t even keep a plant alive except exactly and we already scanned the entire diary so we don’t really need the original anymore bass reasoned if we give it back to miss Irene I’ll have an easier time convincing her to let us study the rest of William’s letters to

Harriet there’s got to be a key written down somewhere love the can do attitude Bess I said but I went to point out that Miss Irene did order her volunteer to break into my house in the middle of the night which is a little bit mean and a little

Bit suspect could miss Irene be in on the hoax Rosie did say that she didn’t want to do anything about the ghost at first and that she only hired security after the board found out about all the break-ins in my rear view I saw Bess shake her head no more than anyone Miss

Irene has dedicated her life to that place but what if Miss Irene has had enough of the responsibility I suggested she could be persuaded to team up with her Nemesis if they had a shared goal I don’t know Nancy Ned said I don’t see Miss Mar getting involved with Ivonne

Coughlin for any reason Rosie said she fought against yvon’s offers to buy the estate why would they secretly be in cahoots I couldn’t think of a good reason and I was still uncertain that Ivonne had actually caused the Mayhem at coffin Hall from what Terry had told us

She had a genuine interest in her family history why would she suddenly decide to destroy her ancestral home it didn’t make any sense up ahead I saw the corn corner of the rot iron fence that marked the entrance to the estate and beyond that the yellow metal arm of an earth mover

Protruding from the Coughlin Capital Construction Site as we turned onto the driveway I noticed a beat up truck parked near the chain link fence beside the truck was a brand new spotless white convertible with leather seats parked at an odd angle as though the driver had

Pulled up in a hurry I rolled down my window to get a better look and caught the scent of something burning on the Wind a column of gray smoke curled Skyward from the dirt pit where Ivonne planned to build a parking garage hang on I’m pulling over I told my passengers

There’s a fire at the construction site we climbed out of my hybrid and approached the site slowly Ned took my hand and B took George’s as we got closer I saw light Blaze from under a tarp at the far side of the excavation a wave of intense Heat hit me and I

Realized whatever was behind the tarp was on fire nearby two tall Figures were in the middle of a heated argument the figure on the left was Ivon Coughlin wearing a lime green jumpsuit with a shiny sun visor flipped up over her forehead the figure on the right was a dark-haired

Woman who looked familiar and she was waving something over her head is that Bridget rickets what could she be up to I wondered out loud suddenly Bridget grabbed the tarp and pulled it down exposing the mouth of a large tunnel leaking smoke a snaky line of smoldering

Material at the bottom of the tunnel led the Flames away from the entrance Into Darkness Yvonne screamed yanked the tarp away from Bridget and attempted to rehang the sheet to cover the tunnel entrance but it was no use that tunnel must be the tunnel Terry and Kenne were

Talking about I exclaimed so that’s Yvonne she looks scary Ned said sounding terrified are you kidding she looks Fierce what if Fab jumps suit Bess replied I think it’s Versace guys let’s not get distracted by fashion while something is on fire George reminded us that’s a lot of smoke

I tried hollering and waving my arms over my head to get Ivonne and Bridget’s attention but they didn’t seem to notice us meanwhile the clouds of smoke grew thicker and Blacker as the fire smoldered deeper into the tunnel that’s it I’m going down there I announced I

Slipped along the gravel drive into the excavation pit followed by George and Ned with fess reluctantly bringing up the rear as we got closer I noticed a wheelbarrow behind Bridget filled with straw and a pile of rectangular red canisters they had long black nozzles like gasoline cans and suddenly I

Understood why neither woman seemed to be trying to put out the fire they’d started it fueling The Blaze with straw and gasoline they seemed to be using the tunnel as a fuse letting the fire Rage underground straight toward coffin Hall Ivonne Coughlin spotted us first and the

Blood drained right out of her face as if we were the ghosts Ivonne Miss rickets what have you done I demanded nothing we aren’t entitled to do M Rickett snapped nah this isn’t the best time Ivonne called we’re having a family discussion if you hadn’t noticed it’s rude to interrupt the name’s Nancy

I shot back and if you hadn’t noticed there’s a fire happening right beside you maybe we should do something about that first I’ll call the fire department Ned offered that won’t be necessary M rickets replied cooly there’s nothing worth saving here what do you mean I asked more than a little distressed by

The Flames I could see licking the roof of the tunnel I’m going to call them anyway Ned said quietly sneaking away to dial as the true inheritors of the coffin Hall estate we’ve decided it’s more trouble than it’s worth said M rickets we haven’t decided anything Ivonne snapped the smoke was

Making my eyes water and my throat feels scratchy why don’t you come over here away from the smoke and tell me more I suggested the blaze in the tunnel burned brighter as Yvonne and M rickets picked their way across the site we didn’t have much time hang on did you just say

You’re one of the inheritors of coffin hall George interjected I thought you were a secretary M rickets let out her barking laugh she wasn’t acting like yvon’s employee at all she’s not an assistant I said ready to test my theory she’s ivonne’s sister Isabella Coughlin AKA Izzy everyone thought she died but

You’re not dead are you you’ve got it Nancy I’m alive and well said izzy triumphantly wow twist welcome back to the land of the living Ned quipped I know I know your family history is complicated but neither of you have a right to commit arson just because you

Feel like it I said crossing my arms it’s more than that Izzy declared after my mountaineering accident I was discovered by two Buddhist monks and nursed back to health in their Community the monks gave me a fresh start and a new outlook on life I realized I

Couldn’t stay tied to the Past anymore I gave myself a new name and a new haircut and came back to try and convince my sister to let go of her ties to the material world when she showed up at my office a few months ago Ivonne said I thought I’d

Seen a ghost I can’t believe you let me think you were dead for so long sometimes radical change comes with a cost Izzy replied Unapologetic to be free from our family history we have to make a sacrifice and it’s a big one we have to put an end to

Coffin Hall that’s what I was trying to show you with my raids of the tower room and yesterday’s little fire I never did find Harriet’s diary by the way this right now is the grand finale then we’ll rebuild From the Ashes and people think I’m the dramatic one you always take

Things too far is Yvonne chided when I care about something I give 110 % Izzy argued if I have to become an angry ghost to get your attention then I will I really missed you you know Ivonne said and I’m so glad you’re not dead but you can’t just destroy our family estate

I’m sick of talking about that stupid building Izzy shouted we’ve spent too much time fighting over it it’s time to give my sister and me a clean slate that’s why it has to burn Ned rejoined us and whispered to me that the River Heights Fire department would be here in

5 minutes I wasn’t sure we could wait that long your sister is right I said arson won’t solve your problems also and this is important it’s a crime you might think you’re above the law but I guarantee the courts won’t agree I just wanted to have a successful business and

Learn more about my family Ivonne lamented she’s the criminal master Mastermind I came here to try and stop her but she just won’t listen maybe you’re not quite as bad as your sister but you shouldn’t try to profit from your family’s Legacy either Harriet coffin disinherited your

Ancestors for a reason if you succeed in buying coffin Hall and turning it into condos you’re disrespecting her wishes said Ned you know George said if I were Harriet I’d definitely haunt anyone who bought one of those stupid condos Izzy can’t you see that this history is important to people besides your family

People like Miss Irene Rosie Gomez and Terry V Bess chimed in at the sound of Terry’s name Ivonne rolled her eyes that loser has had a crush on Izzy for years she said when he figured out that Izzy was back and that she hadn’t died I had

To give him his own radio show to keep him quiet why can’t you be nicer to Terry said izzy angry he’s been a good friend to both of us even when we weren’t good friends to him while the sisters went on arguing I decided to take the opportunity to

Address the fire in the tunnel which was getting closer to coffin Hall every second I pulled out my phone and caught Ned’s eye he understood that I needed a distraction and he and George and Bess started egging the sisters on first taking ivonne’s side then taking Izzy meanwhile I dialed Rosie’s number she

Picked up right away Nancy was what’s going on where are you I’ve been smelling smoke but I can’t figure out where it’s coming from everything’s going to be okay I said keeping my voice low so as not to distract the Coughlin sisters I just need you to do exactly as

I say okay don’t let Miss Irene stop you she’s in such a bad mood I don’t think she’d come out of her office even if coffin Hall was burning down let’s hope it doesn’t here’s what I need you to do grab your toolbox and go back down to

The basement where all the pipes are find the backflow preventor valve we turned on yesterday and switch it off but Nancy if I do that the basement will flood again exactly once the water’s Rising pry open that weird metal door behind the pipes and let the water flow

Through if you do that you’ll save coffin Hall save coffin Hall what’s going on Nancy you’re scaring me I’ll explain later right now I need you to do everything I told you and hurry come on it here goes nothing I heard the whale of sirens and a brigade of fire trucks

Appeared at the crest of the Hill Ned and George ran up the incline to wave them down looks like the show is over Coughlin sisters I said as firefighters swarmed the construction site I heard a rushing sound and a few seconds later water flooded out of the tunnel mouth extinguishing the

Flames Ned bass George and I gathered at the edge of the construction site watching the Coughlin sisters being being led Away by two police officers for further questioning Rosie had saved the library and the hoaxers were finally in custody now there was only one thing left to do return Harriet’s diary to its

Place of honor in coffin Hall Rosie and Miss Irene were waiting anxiously on the steps when we pulled into the parking lot I held up The Diary with an apologetic grin Miss Irene let out a cheer then self-consciously smoothed her hair if I forgive you for breaking into my house will you forgive

Us for borrowing Harriet’s diary for one day I asked I think that’s a fair exchange Miss Irene agreed girls and Mr Nickerson why don’t you come to my house for tea and apology scones Rosie you too at the very least I owe you that and the morning off before we clean up from

Another flood that sounds awesome exclaimed George too excited by the mention of food to wait for the rest of us to answer I can’t wait to see Mr pretty feathers again said beess happily will you tell us more about Williams letters to Harriet yeah there’s got to

Be something in the letters that can help us crack Harriet’s code George said I know I haven’t been very good at accepting other people’s help said Miss Irene solemnly but I want to change that what do you say we work together Rosie can tell me what you’ve learned so far

And I’ll share all my research with you Rosie beamed that’s just what I’ve been waiting to hear she said all right it’s settled I said Ned you can tell your mom to stand down from breakfast Duty she’ll be happy to sleep in Ned chuckled while

Ned called his mom Rosie and I went up to the tower room together to put the diary back where it belonged I settled the journal into its display case Rosie closed the case and locked it then went to the door and started turning off the lights before heading down the

Stairs I lingered behind to take one last look at the Grand room where Harriet coffen had spent her childhood and young adulthood surrounded by her books and Williams letters I hoped she found a way to make a life of her own in the outside world somewhere though I knew there was no one

Else in the room with me just then I thought I saw a glimmer of blue light among the dark stacks but when I looked again all was still Rosie is that you I called but no one answered too much ghost talk I thought laughing at myself but as I slipped out

Of the room I swear I heard someone whistling a jaunty tune somewhere in the stacks dear diary Rosie Bess and George worked together to crack Harriet’s code and successfully translated her entire diary two weeks after Izzy and Ivon Coughlin were arrested for attempted arson Ned interviewed the code breakers for his

Podcast episode which was a surprising Smash Hit in her diary Harriet laid out her plan to elope with her fiance William brat and start a new life in California Harriet had uncovered a plot by two two of her cousins to declare Harriet incompetent and commit her to an

Institution so they could seize the coffin Fortune for themselves Harriet vowed she’d never speak to her greedy family ever again and she donated most of her Fortune to charity after our runin with the cofins I understand when the events at coffin Hall made the news the library got a flood of new visitors

Biblo ghost helped too the city council decided to invest in turning the coffin Hall grounds into a real public park with swing sets picnic tables public restrooms and walking paths now the library is busier than ever Miss Irene finally hired Rosie as a full-time employee and Rosie was able to hire

Kenne as her assistant kerianne leads a weekly ghost tour through the old reinforced tunnel she’s great at doing spooky voices Ivonne was let go with the fine and community service Serv but Izzy had to spend a year on house arrest in River Heights where she’s rebuilding her relationship with her sister and her

Friendship with Terry V I’m glad Ned’s name was cleared and coffin Hall is a safe welcoming place for readers again I’m still skeptical about ghosts but I guess I’m a little more open to the possibility sometimes I even find myself whistling Harriet’s tune after all you never know


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