the most in demand golf club in 2024

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Now Putters are not the most exciting product and although I can already predict cries of it’s the most huged Club in the bag we still tend to get less excited by them compared with a new driver well that’s about to change because the new profile of the lab golf

Df3 is going to persuade the minds of the weak amongst us to convert our religion and lead you to putting Utopia you see the original lab golf DF 2.1 was like putting with a spaceship on the end of a flag pole and as effective as it

Might have been most of us are not able ble to stand so far away from the crowd let’s be honest most golfers are more liken to sheep than Shepherds as many of you will know I am personally sold on the concept of Liang un balanc Putters

And for those of you who’ve been living under a rock here’s a quick reminder of how this technology works this is tow hang and this is face balance each needs some form of manipulation to return to squared impact with li angle balanced it stays Square by itself and to be honest

Until you try them for yourself this review is meaningless and probably hard to believe that it might actually work now will this put a whole every put because some of you will inevitably misinterpret what I have just said to mean exactly that so to be clear no it

Won’t you see as golf as we need to read a p and be able to control pace so what does it do it sets the ball off on your intended target line by keeping the club head square with zero torque Now by talk I mean twisting and that’s why they call

This thing fully automatic you simply have to learn to let the putter do its thing and that’s not easy either you see we want to get all handsy and manipulated it’s what we’ve had to do with this less is more if you like let the balance of the Potter Face work its

Magic now many of you all want to know how this compares to the Mez and I will tell you within this video a quick note on prices is £459 in the UK and is exactly the same price point as the Mez I just want to give some immediate feedback before we

Go too far into the video These are literally the first roles I’ve had with this p are on the screen and I’ve got to say the one thing that is so surprising is just how nice this sits at a dress it sets you up almost in a perfect putting

Position in my opinion and that’s a lot to do with the way the uh the actual head itself sits on the ground the way the sort of shaft lean is automatically adopted thanks to the way that that shaft is set into this club head and it just gives you a very comfortable

Position before you’ve even started so you’re not messing around like I’ve done many times in the past trying to find where my hand should be and how that head should sit at a dress that’s got to be the most difficult put imaginable to uh test out the sort of feel and uh well

Control of pace really and that’s again something that’s very different in this putter than the Mez putter that I’ve tried and you’ve seen uh for the last year or so in my hands I’ve got an Acro shaft in this which is supposedly ly um presents a much softer feel and again

Whether or not it’s the putter face cuz as I understand that’s not changed so the shaft has made a bit of a difference but it certainly got a softer feel than the original Mez that I tried couple of things on the comparison note as well what was very strange I’ve already

Mentioned that they’ shrunk down the size of the df3 considerably from what DF 2.1 but when you put it next to the mes that I had then um yeah it’s still quite a b putter but there’s no way I would have thought there were any difference in sort of size and stature

Um without putting them side by side but as you can see it’s a considerable difference the one thing I like and prefer about the df3 is the alignment Aid that I chose which I mentioned that sort of very simple t- bar it’s it’s right at the front of the club face and

It’s a very simplistic but very effective alignment a and just seems to I again you know you give me your opinion they’re side by side when I’m looking down what I’m seeing is a is a much squarer that front line gives me a much squarer sort of setup and address in terms of

That alignment so yeah I really like all the tweaks that I’ve made to this Putter and their choices that perhaps I just learned from the setup in the Mez that I’ve adopted into the df3 and you’ll notice again the grip is different I wasn’t overly keen and considered changing whilst I love the

Forward press concept the rounded feel of this shaft I’ve got on the mees is far different than the pistol grip and again this is much more preferable from my personal idea of what is nice and comfortable at a dress but like I said one thing I like is there are so many

Options for you to choose from whether that be grip or whether that be alignment Aid and see the interesting thing for me is that as much as this video will hopefully try and explain what it’s like to use a Liang Le balance putter I think unless you give it a go

For yourself you just can’t grasp the concept at all because it’s so so different when I’m swinging this club head now and we’ve been through this sort of concept how it all works you can’t grasp it until you get it in your hands it is so so different but in my

Opinion so effective at the same time I just want to switch between the two the first notable difference I don’t know the head weight of either but um it seems considerably heavier in uh in the df3 and again that’s something that is a preference for me personally I’ve always

Gone for um a fairly heavy 400 G almost in a lot of the mallets that I’ve used 400 G Plus so I like to feel that weight at the bottom I wouldn’t take anything from the alignment or where they both finished I simply just learned a little bit from

The first one but there is a noticeable difference with that feel element and uh I have no idea whether that’s down to the shaft or down to any changes in the head but that is like I said from the previous uh discussion big big difference and the one new addition to

The df3 is for the lazy amongst us it picks up your ball really easy today’s video is sponsored by our friends Hot golf the online golf retailer for all major brands and if you want new golf gear then please support us by supporting them two things to mention

About quality is the quality of these greens at Wy Golf Club it’s big shout out to John and the team I can’t believe just how good these are and that’s why we’re doing putter videos in the UK on this golf course the other point to mention about quality is the head covers

That lab golf produce if I’ve always said if you’re paying big money whether that being a driver or a putter then it needs to be quality from start to finish now what I had in the mees was a nice tan leather but I’ve got to admit

They’ve ramped it up even more in the df3 and it just ooes quality you what I don’t think there’s a great deal more I can do uh other than like I said you’ve got to try these things for yourself to fully understand the concept and just

How good these lab Golf Putters are I’ve already said that I think they will very much move the needle in the uh putter genre and I think more and more professionals professionals will put these in the bag I think that’s going to inspire amateur golfers to give them a

Try because like I’ve already said we’re very much more like sheep than Shepherds when it comes to choosing our product line and we need some guidance and we need to follow somebody this stuff has been incredible I sort of suggested back in I think it was November of 2022 when

I first tried the Mez that this would revolutionize the Putin game I think that maybe that’s a big word to use is revolutionized but I think you’re going to see more and more of these clubs creeping into the bags of tall players and therefore see more and more of them

At resil and in our bags at the amateur level it’s just a really really good product it’s expensive but you’ve got to go and try these out for yourself to fully understand and appreciate just what the concept is and whether it works for you because just because I say it’s

A positive idea it works in my hands it might not NE necessarily for you so where you can get one of these in your hands and give it a go right that’s me done thanks for watching thanks to wall ofy golf clubs for allowing us to use

These greens and uh thank you for watching I’ll see you all soon


  1. Considering the human touch-time that goes into building LAB Golf putters, the price isn't really ridiculous. As a mechanical engineer, the concept makes sense so I took the plunge a few years ago and haven't been disappointed. I also don't feel like I wasted my money. I actually own a few LAB putters now. It is the only equipment change I have ever made that made an immediate, positive impact on my index. I just splurged on a TPT shafted broomstick, which puts a crazy-good roll on the ball. I don't think a DF3 is in my future but if they start making broomstick DF3's…

  2. In the unlikely event that I buy another Putter, I would undoubtedly go for the LAB DF3, that T-bar alignment aid and forward shaft lean would be exactly what I would need👍👍

  3. Been using the 2:1 for nearly a year now Andy and have completely bought into the whole idea of Lie Angle Balance thanks to you
    I now average less putts per round and have recently started dabbling with taking my thumbs out of my set up and it’s been a game changer as you get a true feel of what these clubs actually do and let the club do the work and get that ball rolling out and hopefully straight in the hole ⛳️

  4. "There's no bloody way I'm spending £459 on a golf stick". Jeff Bezos

    Okay I made it up (this is the internet, after all); at the end of the day it's a hunk of metal at the end of a stick. You may have a preference to the metal or the stick. Time & practise will yield better results than equipment changes. I'm not submersed in golf enough to blame my £10 implement.

  5. Great video, especially starting with explaining that if you are lousy at reading the putt, the LAB will not help you improve. Since my biggest putting weakness was face control of the putter, I took a leap of faith last year on a Mezz.Max (can't physically try one here in NL), and haven't looked back at any of the high MOI putters I used over the years, swearing at yet another ball rolling in a direction I didn't want it to go. Those days are gone.

    Yes, they are very expensive, but so are drivers these days (arguably more ridiculously so) and I rather spend the money on a scoring club.

  6. Agree with the pistol grip being very nice. Did you experiment with changing your grip too Andy? (i.e. thumbs off)

  7. My putting is the weakest part of my game so I tried the LAB putters and felt they were much more stable than my two ball. I almost pulled the trigger on a mezz max but still didn’t love the fang look so I chose the DF3 at the last minute in red. Arrived yesterday and I love it. Thanks for the great content.

  8. I’m currently using the Odyssey 7, looking at trying the Mezz. Besides face balance, what’s the big difference?

  9. Another vote for the LAB putters. I got a DF a year ago, and it’s by far the best club in my bag. As they say drive for show, putting for dough.

  10. What happens if you change the grip? If they are all hand balanced does the balance "go off" if you replace the grip? I presume if you have gone for a press grip it's not going to work as well if you change to a non-press grip too. The putters I've seen coming for sale second hand suggest the black and white grips wear quite badly (certainly the white discolours).

  11. I have the mezz2 and love it. I don’t plan of changing putters for a long time so amortized over time the cost will work itself out IMO.

  12. I’m gaming a mezz.1 with the Accra shaft and pistol 2.0 grip, and so far, it’s been working out good. I’m just having serious FOMO on the DF3.😅

  13. I really like most of your videos and evaluations. But as for putters, I think they have gone overboard. I personally would never pay more than US$150 for a putter. I have used an Odyssey two ball for years and don't really see anything better. I prefer face balanced to toe balanced. I putt one handed with my wrist and either look at the hole and ignore the ball and putter or look at the ball. I look at only one tiny spot, either a paint chip or a single blade of grass at side of the hole I want to aim at, or a single letter, spot or dimple on the ball, and let my eye rest steady but easy. Letting the eye wander, even just from one side of the ball to the other or one side of the hole to the other, destroys the neurological signals your brain gets that enable it to know how hard to stroke the ball. I never use an alignment stripe on the ball, trying to make all those adjustments is a waste of time and slows the game, and usually don't mark and pick up the ball, just let it sit the way it stopped. Come one, we're not pros playing for big money and a card. I make a very calm and easy stroke feeling the weight of the head as a pendulum with the same distance back as forward. I think all the hype for putters that cost $500-800 is just that, marketing hype. Heck, I can even still put with my ancient Acushnet Reuter Bulls Eye. I'm poor and cheap, so I can't wager more than a dollar, but I would bet a dollar against anyone with any putter on a given surface, indoor putting surface or outdoors on a real green. I know, this is all just personal preference, just me. I certainly don't begrudge anyone for feeling like they putt better with one of the fancy super pricey big name putters if they can afford it. But pros get putters for free, and most average recreational golfers have to mind the budget, and as long as it feels good in your hands a cheap putter will do the job. I'd recommend buying one from the pre-owned rack at your local pro shop or one of the big golf stores.

  14. Thanks but no thanks…$460 🤣🤣🤣 I will keep my 30 year old Ping Anser 3 and putt just as good as your fancy putter does… either you can putt or you can’t…$460 for a putter stop it…😂😂😂

  15. The hype on these putters is real guys. I have just came away from my first putting session after purchasing a LAB putter. Even after that I can’t see myself ever going back to something else

  16. Andy whilst I do enjoy your reviews I cant help but feel that the pushing of all these new iterations of putters can get a little bit how can I say it, expensive. As you are aware golfers are always looking for the next best thing that will propel their ability to score better and thus lower. This plays right into the hands of the manufacturers who are always claiming to do just that. I change my putter more times that I change my underpants and you know what it it does not make one iota of a difference. If i play good greens and feeling confident i will have a good day on the dance floor and normally record 28 to 31 putts. If i play poor greens and just not getting it I will shoot 34 to 38 putts. This runs much the same through the bag. Good days and bad days. But i get back to my point, last year you where waxing lyrical about the Mezz 1, now that attention has moved onto the latest thing, all this is doing is encouraging people to part with more money more money when really the ultimate aim does not change very much. Now I appreciate that people wish to try new things I don't buy into the idea that we should be changing every five minutes in our pursuit in golfing happiness. Simply put these putters are expensive irrespective of the quality of the headcover.

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