Golf Babe

Married To Medicine Season 10 EP.13|RECAP|REVIEW

The group is still in Hilton Head.

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Hey girl hey welcome back to my channel it’s your girl Misha thank you guys for joining me yet again for another review we are back with a brand new review for mered to Medicine season 10 episode 13 if you are new here then welcome I give lighthearted reviews with a little bit

Of laughter and a little bit of shade and a whole lot of detail if you’re back for a second or third time then welcome back y’all please don’t hesitate to like comment and subscribe to the channel share with a friend hit that notification Bell so that you will be

Updated each and every time I upload a video now child let’s get into it if we going to get into it when the episode first opens up the ladies make it to the golf course and the men get to their cooking class now me personally I would

Have wanted to go with the men cuz it’s AC and it’s food baby I’m there so Simone is telling them that they’re going to play to see who can hit the ball the furthest leave it up to the women to just make up a

Game when I say I loved it I said I know that’s right honey we don’t know how to play golf but let’s see who can hit it the furthest over with the men they’re doing a cooking competition it’s team Eugene versus Team Cecil if they not making drinks Cecil gonna have

A time okay he gonna have a time so here go kimma saying you know it’s Woman’s Work to be doing you know the cooking and Dr G feels like he would much rather be on the golf course than to be in his cooking class now this is something that

I noticed but I see not a lot of people ready to talk about that Dr G is kind of who kimma is he’s just not in your face about it and he ain’t fooling me cuz he didn’t want quad to have a career he didn’t want her to go after her goals

And her dreams he wanted her to have them babies and make that salmon so he could park that mini coopa in the driveway and do absolutely nothing honey he want to take the trash out and don’t think I forgot moving forward now we already know Eugene’s team is winning

Cuz I mean they picked passport bro but they picked him last AKA Curtis he was like I ain’t never been picked last for nothing in my life well baby this ain’t basketball okay we’re cooking it’s things that you got to do with your hands other than

Pick up a ball now you know Eugene takes his cooking very seriously he was really passionate about it I said I know that’s right Eugene over on the golf course Toya tanes people’s putting green up Toya oh Lord her husband is excelling meanwhile Toya over there tearing that

Green up do you hear me Heavenly was like I’m just better at everything than Toya I mean I can do anything ain’t better than to you okay girl Heavenly cuz you were struggling as well Simone is talking about y’all need to be quiet when people are playing golf girl please

You are the last one to talk about silence as loud as you are anyway but sweet te was getting her tiger rest Woods on do you hear me I said baby not you hitting that ball all the way out there so Dr Jackie gets in the confessional she GNA say well I’m too

Busy saving the world I don’t have time for balls I don’t like balls I mean I do like them because you know they help me make money but not golf balls oh Lord her and this savior God complex that she has ma’am there are other doctors on this cast relax we appreciate your

Service but you ain’t got to act like you doing something so great that you cannot do regular shular things so now they get the results right cuz they’ve been playing the golf of it all sweet tea and her for iron they did 110 yards and she won baby the way that sweet tea

B down on them knees I said girl not the yoyo on them she was letting them know honey these needes work child you can take the girl out of Atlanta but you can’t take the Atlanta out of the girl this is a fool moving forward I was happy to see

Them all having fun and getting along though I really was and I feel like it’s a new fun energy I don’t know I liked it I liked it a lot over with the men of course Eugene’s team won uh Cecil’s brown rice was a little undercooked and

He should have listened to Kimel when he said they should have cooked it a little bit longer but listen brown rice can be tricky and you get the wrong brown rice child it be just as crunchy I can’t stand brown rice even though I know it’s

Better for you I just prefer go don’t give me the white rice child just give me the white rice I’mma go either way I have to say this Eugene is really a jack of all trades he is a true renaissance man and in the confessional Dr Heavenly

Looked at Dr Damon and she said was Eugene on your team he said said no she said okay well then you lost then she already knew if y’all didn’t have Eugene y’all lost I feel like the husbands are so necessary on this show they are so necessary this is the only

Franchise of anything on Bravo where the husbands really contribute as much as the women do you know how most shows that are centered around the women we can do without the men we might see them every now and again it’s like child please your woman is the housewife or

Your your wife is the this your wife is the that but this show it really speaks to the title Married to Medicine okay fedra you can go moving forward so after the event everybody meets back up to talk about what they did for the day right so Eugene is asking sweet T how

She felt about being called a baby and Dr G said listen it’s over they’re getting along it’s fine she apologized let it go so now they’re going to go for a yacht ride now I realized that this season I cannot stomach Simone’s loud mouth I can’t take too much loud talking

I really cannot I just can’t take it like back in the day I could kind of go with it but it is just piercing me this season and I do not know what it is it is loud all the time girl take the megaphone out of your th so they get to

The yacht and it was noise I said oh baby this yacht is kind of noise Dr Jackie was showing our baby showing us a little bit of her you know her hips and her waist I said okay baby she going to keep the attention on her

In this Hilton Head do y’all hear me so the men and the women they’re talking the men are in one section of the yacht and the women are in another side of the yacht so sweet te is talking to Toya Dr Jackie is talking to Alicia she said

Listen I know when to be quiet because I would have Amplified things if I would have said what was really on my mind she gets in the confessional and she says you know what I do owe her an apology for not slapping her in her mouth like

Her mama should have oh okay so there’s the real Dr Jackie now paging Dr Jackie hey girl thank you for showing up now I wonder who is going to overlook her basically still acting like this woman is 12 years old and her mama didn’t raise her right I wonder how many people

Are going to overlook that listen I’m not negating the fact that sweet tea was wrong okay but at the same damn time the way that they treat her as if she’s unimportant like y’all don’t see that over with sweet tea she’s telling Toya you know I was just

Hurt and Toya is basically like girl why you apologizing didn’t she provoke you Toya she did not provoke her okay she didn’t she was like yes she told you to get it out so I mean you got it out yes she did tell her to get it out but not

Fly off the handle the way that she did like it didn’t make the right impact if somebody says get it out then yeah get it out but with a woman like Jackie you got to silence her with an intellectual read because she already thinks she’s above you she really does think I fly

Above all the drama she really does think that’s her no it’s not honey you can sit there and clutch your pearls all you want to but she doesn’t think you’re able to articulate a sentence and you proved her right cuz cussing her out is just going to cause her to think that

She’s better than you and you’re low brow you have to know who you’re dealing with you have to know who your opponent is girl so Toya setting sweet tea up for the oky do she sends her over there to talk to Jackie and when she went over

There to talk to her I was like what about personal space y’all be so damn close please bag bag bag bag give me 50 feet I do not like people right in my personal space I don’t like for people to talk too close to me I need you to

Back up I need you to social distance even before that was the thing back up I cannot stand for people to be in my space like even when I go to let’s just say I go to the department store or the grocery store if you stand up on my neck

I’m going to say out loud can you please move back just a little bit my God I didn’t know we came here together like I don’t like for people to be up on me honey and she was right in her face I said oh my God that’s neither here nor

There that’s the side note so sweet te is telling her you know she’s normally not like that but she was just hurt now sweet tea I’m going have to call her spade a spade honey cuz this is the second time that I have seen you get out

Of pocket and just start curing and going off when things don’t go your way you have a very hard time regulating your emotions I’mma keep it real with you but you know I’m with you sweet te but you do have a hard time now first it

Was when you went off on your sister for no reason when she was just trying to help cuz your nerves were bad about that $144,000 honey and now this happened now it may have been edited to seem like you just F you be when all she said was get

It out but the truth Still Remains that you sometimes fly off the handle so this may be you it might not be all you but it’s a part of you so Dr Jackie said you know we were being mean to you okay finally some accountability she’s like

You know and I’m willing to let it go so then she says you know apologies are for you to just get it out that’s what they’re for you know I release you and hopefully you release me child jaie didn’t even apologize to her I release

You what the hell does that mean are you apologizing to me for making me f away are you apologizing oling to me when on the time when I’m supposed to be the happiest which is my bachelorette party you were rude to me are you apologizing

To me cuz I didn’t get I released you what so then she told the woman so be free oh no ma’am honey in a nutshell what she said to you is you are on my list I don’t fool with you cuz I don’t fool with you but for the sake of this

Trip we’re going to be okay but I don’t like you I said what I said and I ain’t changing it that’s basically what she was saying in Jackie speech now you can take it or leave it but I’m telling you what she meant and sweet te is like well

You know she’s such a church lady in Wolf’s clothing but deep down she’s a good person she might be a good person but just know that she don’t mess with you like that okay I’m letting you know she don’t like you like that cuz you know sometimes there are people who will

Sit with you and say no we’re good we’re cool we’re fine but you can never be in their space like that again and this is one of those times in the next seen the women tell the men listen we going to make y’all a plate okay and kimma is

Trolling per usual see I trained Alicia where my food where my food where my food so every time I come home she know to have my food I’m like GH oh my gosh I can’t stand in here I’m talking to y’all hear me fedra was like o everybody

Getting food and everything I am so happy to be single a man want you to do this and a man want you to do that they too much work now this you’re on point with I do like the fact that I can come home and get ugly sometime if I feel

Like it and I can sleep in the middle of my bed and the other half of my bed is for snacks child and for my notepad so I can write down the note for my reviews honey ain’t nobody bothering me in the morning now one thing that I do have to

Figure out still is what I’m going to eat for dinner and what I’m going to cook because I have a child but if it were just me you best believe I’m going have girl dinner every day of the week child I might eat three M&M’s and drink

Of water and go to bed I can’t be bothered moving forward uh badra I side of that you can pack it the hell up I feel like you’re out of place you really do not fit with this group and you’re really not bringing anything like you can’t even give input just a little

Shade in the confessional that ain’t going to work girl you are really phoning it in so then Alicia comes sashing out like the Stepford wife that she is handing Kima his plate I have always fixed my man a plate so I’m not going to shame her for that cuz that’s

What I do but I do that because I don’t know it’s just something that in me when I make the food I make my man a plate as well so it’s not an issue but don’t be treating me like I’m a servant see the difference is he wants her to wait on

Him hand and foot I’m doing this because I’m already in the kitchen and you’re you know I’m going to bring you your food but don’t be treating me like I’m in servitude absolutely not so Toya asked the crewmate to ask the men if it’s anything else that they need so

Eugene tells him to tell Toya that she didn’t give him a kiss so she lost some points he comes back he relays the message so she tells him to tell Eugene that she will kiss him in private on his privates so he goes back and tells

Eugene I was like what in the below deck is going on here why yall got this man relaying messages like that what is going on here I hope that y’all are going to tip him well they take tips why y’all sitting that man back and forth like that this is crazy

So Heavenly is in the confessional life oh child I do not want to think about Eugene’s Biz Snickers honey oh honey hungry why wait I rather not okay I don’t want to think about it I don’t want to know about it okay I don’t want

It I don’t give a damn and then Toya sitting over here telling the women I ain’t going to do it tonight though y’all I’m tired now you done got him all hype and you not going to do it so then F was like you canot do it you already

Got them all excited to yourself well you know I got to be like Alicia and keep my mouth sacred and clean Alicia she said well I’m satisfied with my husband’s member honey she was letting it be known you’re the one that was complaining I’m fine with mine she said

Well that’s all you get so yeah you fine with it so then Heavenly said well do you do it to him she said no he doesn’t want that yeah right look I wouldn’t trust it he doesn’t want that at all okay and I caught in this episode he

Was like I can be American eyes when I need to and I think that’s one of those times he just don’t want you to do it so Toya asked her when she did it did she do it right Alicia said well you know he thinks I’m a queen and he doesn’t want

Me down that low ma’am he just said that he trains you up I I I don’t know if that’s Queen Behavior but he said that he trains you up so Heavenly talking about well if I would do it all the time cuz sweet te said well there are some

Women who don’t like to do it who don’t want that anywhere near their mouths Heavenly G to say well if he could put it in my ear he could if he want to he can baby it don’t get that good I do not want your stuff in my your Canal okay

Please it’s getting disgusting now that’s something I don’t want to think about buddy I don’t want to see I don’t want to think about Dr Damon daddy’s stuff all in your illo oh absolutely not so then fedra was like child just get a rose it’s better than

Any man please don’t come and infiltrate this married woman Circle and start talking about a rose baby that’s not how this works and see y’all were talking about quad quad ain’t never came into the middle of the marriage Circle and told y forget the men and just get a

Rose some advice just needs to be kept to yourself fedra This is a married group this is Married to Medicine not Rose to medicine so then they start asking if kimma allowed her to use toys and she got offended she was like allow what do you mean she said okay well does

He allow you to use toys he the one saying he trained you up and also are you okay with him saying that he trained you Alicia said yeah he was just kidding no ma’am he was very serious he was not kidding at all Alicia said well you know

The women wish that they could have my marriage they wish they could have what I have baby trust okay trust me what I say you’re safe you are safe with your trainer nobody wants him okay nobody but you so then Alicia tells Toya cuz Toya getting on her damn nerves she tells

Toya Eugene need to train you I said Toya leave that woman alone baby she like smiling and being trained up leave alone every marriage has their own formula do what works for you honey good luck and God speed now I know it wouldn’t be me cuz I wouldn’t want no

Kima but that’s just me but if you’re happy in your marriage Toya stop throwing salt in their marriage girl let them be moving forward so the yacht ride is over right and they’re having this slumber party so everything’s all set up down you know downstairs baby Simone was

So proud she’s like it’s so beautiful it’s an amazing set up here comes Dr Jackie what is this it’s set up like Middle School I mean sweet tea feel right at home cuz it’s set up for the Youth now I don’t want to hear nothing coming out of anybody’s mouth down in

These comments cuz y’all stay saying that you know sweet tea likes to age shame them but they’re age shaming this woman now it must be more to it because quad was younger than Dr G as well and she didn’t get the age shaming that sweet tea is getting and I don’t know why

Curtis must like them sweet te age honey something must be going on cuz something just ain’t right where is the vitri all for this woman coming from and if I’m not mistaken she said that you and Heavenly were advocating for her heavily to be a part of the cast so then you get

Over here and you talk about the woman in the hotel room then you say that this is set up for the Youth so it must be for sweet tea you call a baby girl you tell her you should slap her in her face like a mama should have like what is

Going on but see the people don’t want to admit that they just want to skim on past that cuz it’s Dr Jackie baby she is a human just like us all and at the end of the day there are two grown women so if they treated quad like she was a

Grown woman then they need to treat her like she’s a grown woman now she needs to act like a grown woman cuz all that just curing and throwing and having Tantrums that’s not going to work but I mean I’m just saying and as they’re having a little slumber party I was just

Thinking fedra needs to be upstairs cuz what are you doing down here someone talking about every couple in fedra girl what she said every couple in fedra has two cards in front of them so they have to write down their issues so Jackie said that their issue is social media

When she comes home she likes to see what’s happening with the rest of the world she likes to scroll he’s complaining because she doesn’t spend enough time with him when she comes home she has has that phone attached to her Jacqueline he has been complaining about that since season 1 that’s why he

Hanging out down in that Dr ma’am put that phone down scroll when he go to sleep that’s the secret to it you get him good and sleep girl you feed him you get into it as you get into it let him go to sleep and scroll a little bit on

Your phone you know he going to be out by 8:30 like don’t be scrolling on your phone and neglecting your husband so then Eugene was like you know when I come home I like to be by myself cuz I’ve been dealing with patience and people all day sometimes I just want to

Watch TV by myself so Curtis is like well you know you need to show her some attention as well and he said yeah I mean I do whatever she needs me to do I’m never going to deny her I even take her weave out well baby what he say that

For Heavenly is like well my man don’t take my weave out cuz I don’t think that’s something he need to do Dr Davis said I can’t even get the clasp off the necklace honey let alone taking down some weave so then they switch gears because they’re getting off

Track Alicia said there issue is that if they work together they will be further along now she wanted to invest in some properties and he wanted to invest in crypto in the stock market he’s like yeah so what and kimma don’t speak to your queen that way now you see why that

Sounds silly Alicia look at how he speaks to you in front of company Char I wish you would speak to me like that in front of mixed company talking about some so what and oh he just disrespectful moving forward he just be talking crazy and she just be smiling

Girl ain’t no reason to smile honey cuz he is disrespectful he said Alicia is a spin drift and she cannot account for $150,000 oh baby she stashing that for the day that she leaves you trust me she has a secret account and you better make sure it’s somewhere that it cannot be

Revealed in Discovery should you get divorced she knows exactly where that money is nobody just accidentally misplaces $15,000 that is a lump sum of money she probably got a rental somewhere honey getting a check every every month this is crazy so Cecil in the confessional with Simone he said well you know the

Women kind of get off track like when you bought that Maser but I’m just going to go ahead and give you a pass I know you are cuz that’s the season when you weren working really and she bought that for herself and she ain’t fooling me so

The next question is do you feel that sex is enough or you’re having it enough Jackie said no I’m tired to said didn’t you get the old she said yeah I got the element op QRS TUV shot I’m still tired Jackie look over the Curtis’s face look over the Curtis and say

Neighbor look at that man’s face that says something got a shake Jackie you ain’t paying attention Jackie something got a shake now Curtis should know by now that his wife is a busy woman he should know but I feel like he don’t know and I don’t trust him as far as I

Can throw him and I have had my eyes on him since he pulled Toya down in his damn la you know he love him some Toya and baby he ain’t fooling me I’m watching him allegedly Eugene said they having sex more than ever now especially

Since he done lost a little we baby he got a little bit more stamina it’s on so Toya was like yeah the only thing I don’t like is that we have to schedule it oh my God Toya you going to find a way to complain about something he said

Well let me wake you up in the middle of the night then she said well as long as I can go back to sleep he said okay I’mma wake you up she said you better put me out period period I thought that was so cute I said not a little banser back and

Forth Cecil is like n I’ll be down in the Boom Boom Room child I’m making drinks she ain’t giving it up cuz what she’s tired so then sweet te said yeah you know I be having it but sometimes I be cramping because of my endometriosis

I’m just not in the mood so they getting a confessional and he’s like yeah you know I want some of the cooker not the cooker if a man call my whatnots the cooker I would be like no thank you that’s not endearing that’s not cute the cooker ew so then fedra said basically

She’s single and loving it fedra talking about yeah you know I’ve been this what she said in a confessional I’ve been with Apollo since I was a teen I mean I’m just taking a break girl by fedra you need to be one and done and truth be told you gave absolutely nothing this

Season next week is the season finale all fedra gave us was this fake cosplay as a Ry healer or whatever it is she was doing she lied and said she had the man the man wasn’t with her on and the it’s too much okay so fedra you can go okay

You can go and marit to medicine is known for a one and done I just don’t think that fedra has fit in with this group Sweet Tea you might want to re-evaluate as well okay you might want to now I don’t know if quad is coming

Back but we shall see y’all comment down below and tell me exactly what you thought about this episode please don’t hesitate to like comment and subscribe to the channel and as always stay safe safe stay blessed spread love not germs peace


  1. I think Sweet Tea triggers Jackie and reminds her of Curtis’ “type”. I mean she do look like Toya chile and I ain’t forget when Curtis couldn’t HELP himself and his intrusive thoughts, yanking Toya down into his lap!

  2. Measha when I tell you sweet tea needed to back the bleep up made me uncomfortable through the screen I would have forgiven just to get her out my face geez, Heavenly is good tv she definitely is the comic relief

  3. Jackie is so irritating and stuck up. Phaedra definitely needs to go, and Quad needs to never come back. Sweet T is a breath of fresh air at times. There is never room for ageism amongst Black Women… dismiss the divisiveness please.

  4. I was so mad Tea apologized to Jackie. I kept saying, you said what you said! I hate how they continue to son her mainly Jackie & Heavenly. I would get with them every time they came at me like that. I’m a firm believer in, you can’t do something to me, then get at the way I respond.

  5. The reason they have a problem with Sweet Tea is because she’s a girl who slipped in the DM. Remember the time Symone said how the men need to be more careful about those women that stick in the DM when her and Cecil were close to divorce.

  6. Dr. Heavenly seems to be trying to push Toya’s buttons. She has something negative to say towards her every chance she can.

  7. I like the men's when get together, this the first time I like the woman when they got together to play golf it was fun to watch know fussing 😊

  8. because Quad did not act childish that's why they did not age shame her. Sweet tea behaves the way they treat her

  9. Wait one minute! Phaedra catered to Apollo. She was over there cooking and pleasing him while he was playing in the pool with Kenya. In my Measha voice, "Don't think I forgot."

  10. Measha you had me laughing out loud when you were talking about personal space. Like you I never like someone standing too close to me, and this was before social distancing was a thing. If I can feel or smell your breath, you too close. If I can't spread arms without touching you, you too close. LOL!

  11. Phaedra made her debut on tv lying and she's still lying now. I believe that she had first said that she was 6yrs older than Apollo and met him in college ( well, she was the only one in college), now Google says there's a 5yrs age difference, either way, they were not together in high-school nor was SHE a teenager as she said on this episode.

  12. imo they NEVER liked latisha- they just used her to make quad uncomfortable 🤷🏽‍♀️ also, they did age-shame quad esp simone “this little girrrrrrrrl!!!” 😩😞 & dr jackie, before she was friends w heavenly, was condescending toward quad (well & toya, because they were housewives)

    i think latisha is immature, not just YOUNGER. quad is youthful & charismatic but she doesnt come off like a college-student, which is what latisha reminds me of

  13. I hope Phaedra slides back over to the housewives with Porscha .

    See this is why taking a man back who cheated + marrying a man who makes less than me, will never be a thing . I’ll lose all respect . Curtis please. I am the breadwinner , the reason you have this nice home and lifestyle. You cheated on me and still appear uninterested after I took you back. If I want to scroll on my phone after a long, hard day, I will.

  14. Great Recap!!! You are the best at these reviews, no doubt. I agree with you Dr. Jackie is really showing us who she is this season. Phadrea is so "out of place" on this show it's ridiculous. I'd rather she return to Atlanta, since most of them are barely married. I really enjoy Eugene and Toya's relationship. However, I always get a good laugh when Heavenly embarrasses Dr. Damon during those interviews. Thanks for all you do.

  15. Sweet tea wasnt wrong, doctor jackie does a lot of sneaky things then uses heavenly to verbal attack like she did Simone.alicia and kemo are ridiculous,not for this show,do their training somewhere else.eugene is a good hubby,nothing wrong with that ….

  16. I cannot stand Dr. Jackie, that it that’s all !!!! Oh and Phaedra get on over to Traitors, 👋🏽 you are good over there.

  17. I personally thought Sweet Teas confrontation with Dr. Jackie was terribly immature . She was mad Dr. Jackie talked about Greg cheating on Quad which had NOTHING to do with her if anything she watched it on tv just like us 😂 so I don’t get why that was soooo personal . Now Dr. Jackie calling her baby girl is something she could have also played off . Dr Jackie does have her ways but I didn’t think the offense merited the reaction

  18. Please somebody tell Simone to get a HEARING AID ⛑️
    I can't stand Jackie who's interview with VP Kamala Harris to her head, that's why she's over whatever Curtis does. He's dead to her. Jackie is planning on keeping in touch with VP Harris after Bravo gets rid of her boring life.
    She's bitter and angry Curtis refused to adopt a child and she can't have children, Jackie life is empty and lonely

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