Tiger Woods explains how good of a golfer Buffalo Bills QB Josh Allen is

Tiger Woods explains how good of a golfer Buffalo Bills QB Josh Allen is

Uh Josh’s game is is considering what he you know he does for a living and the the pounding that he he takes on his body the fact that he’s been able to play this game and you can see the enjoyment that he has and the addiction

That he has for for the game of golf and um he asked unbelievable questions today about how he can get better um that only athletes really can you know ask those type of questions um and that’s what’s need about being able to play with with athletes and see how their their brain

Works and we’re we’re we’re very similar across the board uh whether we’re playing you know football or golf or or baseball um how we look at things are very you know consistent


  1. I was hoping Tiger was gonna say he told him to focus on his own sport while he is in his PRIME since he has been sucking ass the last year and half since he has been on the golf circuit every other week.

  2. Golf is so damn expensive for people who don’t know. When you’re a rich athlete you can afford golf annually and it’s the funnest event to do and have beers with the guys

  3. Man tiger is looking tough old and should just put what remaining energy into his sons game of golf

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