Golf Babe

TITLEIST 913 D3 vs TITLEIST TSi3 | Titleist Drivers Comparison

This Titleist Drivers Comparison features a Titleist 913 D3 driver, released over 10 years ago, and a Titleist TSi3 driver, which was released a few years ago. Over the last decade, Titleist has made significant strides with their driver development. How much better is the Titleist TSi3 driver compared to the Titleist 913 D3 driver?

0:00 Intro
1:51 Testing (Gamer – Titleist TSi3)
4:46 Testing (Titleist 913 D3)
7:40 Data & Conclusions

In this video, 2nd Swing’s Drew Mahowald is joined by University of Minnesota golfer Bella McCauley for a head to head Titleist Drivers Comparison using Trackman technology. Bella tests her Titleist TSi3 driver against a Titleist 913 D3 driver from over 10 years ago.

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Hey golfers I’m drew mahol the second Swing Golf back here at the minetonka store for second swing golf in the tour van I am joined by Bella mcau she plays for the University of Minnesota she won a college event this past fall uh the boiler maker Invitational we had to give

A shout out we did not do that in the last video so I had to bring it up here um but today we’re doing a head-to-head comparison so um we kind of like to explore older clubs versus newer clubs um because we do both he at second swing um so

Today we’re going to compare an older driver which I’ve got in my hand here versus the what you currently play Bella so um what I’m going to do is I’m going to start by introducing the driver that I have in my hand right here so this is the Titus 9913

D3 this would have been released I believe at the end of 2012 um and then carried over in 2013 as Titleist primary driver um the D3 model means it is a little bit more of the kind of more compacted shape um similar to yours as we’ll find out so that’s that’s what I

Have uh today that to compare what do you play in your bag now yeah so I play the tidalist uh TSI 3 driver like you said it’s similar to actually that and the fact that it’s like a pretty compact head and um yeah I I just like I have a

Regular Flex I actually have a pretty longer like a longer than regular normal shaft um just to like maximize distance but it’s overall like a pretty classic Model for a driver yeah it is it it’s pretty the shape of it and also the look on the crown is just a classic black

Nothing really there for you to get distracted by right so um yeah we’re going to hit a few shots with each and we’re going to see the difference here Titus has made some pretty significant strides with driver over the years so um I think we’ll see that on the test here

What do you want to start with uh let’s do mine again like we did for the irons and kind of see the big difference I like it let’s do it all right we’ve got the gamer the TSI 3 um and we’ve got also your I did look

At your shaft just see um KL kagi 50 g regular Flex you said it’s also Tad longer than standard so y couple things to note for the for the viewers on that it’s a pretty darn good first ball there yeah that one was good and I remember in in previous sessions we’ve

Had you kind of play like a almost like a baby draw most of the time yeah that’s my go-to um it’s like so trusty that like I don’t I just always play in on the draw I don’t even like have to think about it you probably there’s probably

Rarely you ever have to not play a draw off of T right pretty much oh yeah yeah that does the job that one might that might have ended up right on the uh on that Center Line got to be darn close yeah I mean that one’s pretty straight it’s

Pretty uh about as consistent as it gets right there hit the 250 Mark with that one yep I think that’s one I think we got one more right yeah we got one more but 1 15 Z smash Factor dang it’s funny I don’t even think I felt like I hit it that good

Wow so that’s pretty good um not a lot has to be said about that there’s our total uh this is a pretty darn zoomed in look at this aspersion map this is about so this right here yard right yeah we got this five yards and uh this is also

If we if we were to zoom out I can’t actually zoom out right now I wish I could but this is like the skinniest part of the this sort of Fairway here and you’re just that one was very close by the way I did say it was right on the

Line yeah we’re like an inch away from it so uh and then the numbers wise I mean you’re super consistent there too your ball speeds over 130 at 132.0 149 smash Factor 24 on the carry 2 47.4 on the total um that’s pretty darn good that’s all I

Mean that’s that’s I don’t really have anything else to add I don’t know I I can’t imagine this thing it gets it any hits any better than that so let’s see it this is going to be interesting so what I might try to do I’m just going to try it here before you

Say anything on camera I’m going to try to build it with her shaft so that’s the 913 D3 it’s your actual driver shaft we just switched so um what is your first thought on how that club looks at a dress I mean it’s just different than what I’m using used

To but it’s actually like in all reality fairly similar to my actual driver now like very simple classic compact um head just like a lot of driver heads will get like really wide this one’s still pretty compact so yeah definitely so your driver with your setting at C4 that’s

What your gamer setting is was playing it was a 9 degree head but it was playing at 9.75 we’ve got that at 9.5 so okay so very there will be a slight difference there I’m going to throw a tag on here so that it says 913 D3 and then we’re

Being very specific yeah we’re not going to get things mixed up here we would never do that on my watch oh my loud did you hear that Ian that was loud it like sounded really it was like a it was very high pitched but I mean you hit it straight

Imagine after to listening to that like all day on the Range you like might go like lose hearing it’s like so high pitched right that’s why good thing golf is outside cuz the person hitting this this club indoors like this they would lose their hearing oh my goodness if we need to get

Some earplugs we can probably do that the ball is going it’s looking it’s going pretty far and straight so it’s like the ball speed’s definitely less yeah it is there you go that one was a little faster do you feel anything different at contact or does it feel pretty similar

It feels really similar I would say it’s just like a a weird like it doesn’t feel as like Smooth off the face okay you kind of you feel a little bit more in your hands yeah at impact okay yep yeah that makes sense it’s probably cuz it’s definitely a different face

Material that’s just kind of titanium and um your driver has has a new material so that one might be a little that’s a little a little bit out there okay yep I think we got one more but I mean this has been uh just by the sound it’s crazy different Golf Club

Yeah it it honestly like are they made of something different cuz they sound the face the club face is a different material yours is yeah yeah your Club face is a different material something a little bit more modern sounds like a pop can like kidding it does that that’s a great way

To describe it actually uh so it’s funny I think you I think you did you just go 10 for 10 Fairways oh you had the one that’s right the one over here one um otherwise you had nine out of 10 Fairways um you’ll have to dig out the sand on this one but

Other than that pretty good um let’s see if I can collapse this and get the numbers just like that so here’s our overall look um I’m actually surprised at how close the spin rates were in general because I think the the whole story with Titus drivers

Is that their older ones were too spinny um but clearly for you this this one was working and obviously you have an impeccable golf swing so that might be part of it but um you gain some distance um both carry and total here um and then part of the speed difference

That also could have been you were swinging the TSI 3 a tad faster I wonder I did not measure I wonder if the club head that one the old one is a little bit heavier might be I’m not sure that could be it did you probably didn’t you

Didn’t feel a difference in weight at all I did not hear feel too much of a difference um it might there might be a slight difference there but I do want to just point out the dispersion here being um pretty they’re pretty good for both but obviously the white oval being a

Little bit better little further that’s what you’re playing also a little bit further up the Fairway so um I but I think to your I mean you could you would I mean you would probably advocate for that club for a lot somebody out there that might want to save a little money

On a new driver I mean that right now that thing’s barely over 100 bucks and uh you hit the ball pretty pretty straight with it it’s it’s not bad honestly it kind of surprised me I wasn’t sure what to expect like with something that’s not crazy different in

Technology but still like a good 10 years and you know it’s it’s not terrible so if you’re looking to save some money it’s it’s very like it’s comparable there’s definitely a difference but it’s comparable yeah there’s a difference there’s defin a difference in the sound yeah might need

To bring some earplugs if you’re going to actually play this but that was I I am also very surprised I thought there’d be a bigger difference between the two and really if you take out this swing here where you had the face open a little bit it does get a lot better on

The dispersion map um but both both drivers were very consistent for you had that draw working with both of them for the most part um but I also also can see why the TSI 3 is in your bag the way it is so um good stuff though I think it

Kind of shows a you can get fit and find something that works for it you’re going to gain some performance and then B um it also shows an older driver could still give you some solid performance yeah absolutely so um any do you have any other comments on this test this was

A fun one I mean we got this is basically 10 years I guess in your case the TSI 3 is a little bit older driver than present day so probably about an 8year difference in technology yeah you know this is different than I feel like previous tests we’ve done most of them

We’ve seen like dramatic differences especially with like the big age difference between clubs even the irons we saw more of a bit of a disparity here but to see like pretty similar um distances and like dispersion with the driver it’s like it’s actually cool to see how like people you know how Titus

Has like tried to make it small minimum minimal changes but it’s like it’s hard cuz it’s like the technology is still super good so yeah yeah things are there’s been advancements I would say with you’ll notice that with metal woods is that the changes are a little more

Subtle with metal woods over the last many years compared to irons especially what you saw how consistent those irons became for you um and we saw the consistency improve a littleit with your driver here as well so um good stuff though hey golfers if you’re looking for

Something used and uh want to save a buck or two on a driver there’s a ton of options 913 D3 is one of them but of course you can get fit for something that works exactly for your swing with the latest technology as Bella has and

Get a titlist driver for your game so Bella thank you for joining hitting the shots today you hit nine out of 10 Fairways that’s pretty darn good it’s pretty darn good so hopefully that’ll transfer over to the spring yes yes uh we will be rooting for the Gophers this

Spring so thank you again Bella yeah thank you he


  1. The critical part here, is that they used the same shaft in both new and old heads. That’s great to compare heads because it takes out any highly likely variation between shafts.

    However, the older driver with its associated older shaft remains unlikely to perform as well as the old head with a current shaft. They needed to compare the old head and old shaft with the new head and new shaft. I suspect there would have been very big differences in performance that probably warrant the difference in price between new and old.

  2. Driver manufacturers: we have gained 7 yards this year over last years
    Actual comparison with club 12 years old: you gained 3 yards maximum though and bar 1 wayward shot your dispersion left to right was the same lol

  3. 913 D3 was a driver that my dad's for a long time during his peak time, when he really played golf like a beast. A driver I would never forget.
    He is playing TSi3 right now and he is still good. Dad and I are having a really good time during weekends by playing golf.
    Love to see both driver here. Thanks ya'll!!

  4. 910 and 913 D3 (along with the 2016 M2) are the old drivers that always stick out to me as keeping up way better with current models than most.

  5. I game the 913 D3 still. And when I first hit it the noise shocked me! Now I don’t even notice it.

  6. 2mph of ball speed difference over all those years? Don’t let Titleist marketing see this video! Lol

  7. I gamed the 913D3 befor switching to TS3 and there was no huge difference. The TSi3 was certainlh a step ip but nothing compared to the TSR3. She should try the TSR3 and she will likely go 270yards. Impressive consistency

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