LSU Baseball Brady Neal Swing Breakdown

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Brady Neal had a HUGE opening weekend for LSU. The sophomore catcher took over the Tigers second game of the year, going 3-3 with two doubles and a grand slam. Mikie and Jared take a deep dive into that grand slam swing and what helped Neal start 2024 strong.

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Got Brady Neil up next or we can go Tommy or Monster surprise you there’s Brady okay left handed bat tell me when just roll it through for us and then now we go back and do it again that’s also great it is that’s also great now he falls back on his back

That’s okay he pulled it say and we’ll find out why too we can go ahead yeah so stop ooh great now see this upper hand to me but but to me like this is what I mean by maximizing in a way or not even maximizing because I could I could still

Point something out here if you want to point it out but my point is upper half wise this is where I would love to see every hitter getting I I since I you know quote unquote give lessons I always tell hitters this and I really do mean

This I don’t give a damn if you want to bring the a chair out of the Dugout with you and put it in the box that’s fine do whatever you want style stance is is a style to me and that is whatever you’re comfortable with but if I can’t see you

Consistently get to these spots on time now we need to talk about tinkering how you start because I’m just trying to get you to this spot as on time all the time as much as possible right and so what he’s able to do upper half to me is

Great now what I see a little bit lower half is just a hair like and I’m talking like not bad honestly a hair bit of lower have leakage and I think that’s why you end up getting the quote unquote like you said lean back at the end of

The Swing is because I kind of leaked a little bit and now that makes me have to come off of that a little more than I want but that’s just youth as well that’s something that he’ll learn to actually use a little more as he goes

But this upper half if I could get any and every hitter in that spot we cooking right there yeah and so I know you said like the leak and I’m not disagree no it’s not bad it’s not bad because what I see is I still see I see the the this

Load right with his upper body which we talked about which we love I also see a little bit of still I still see the connection with his back hips there cuz he’s still he’s still kind of loaded into it now he could probably get a

Little bit more in there but he’s not to where see like so he starts here and then he gets back and he’s so he kind of has now right there that’s when he’s about to offer a swing forward so that’s a little different but there’s a little

Bit of leakage I see it right there on that’s that’s the next slide not ton like minimal which don’t even worry about it I got I want to like say leakage cuz like I don’t want you to think I’ll tell you where I get leakage

From when I when I see it this is going to be super technical so you see if I drew a rod if I stuck a rod right in between his big toe and his middle toe on his back foot and I literally was it was poting like a flag straight up out

Of the sky right I think the guys that are really really really special at holding their backside are really really really special at holding that knee over that back toe for as long as possible and now some guys that are not good at it’s the it’s the weirdest move ever I

Don’t think it was something I was ever able to do but you also will see some guys who once they start to load that back knee will shoot backwards and find its way over that knee the guys that are able to do that are the ones that are

Really able to hold that backside and if we went back to trinsky swing you’ll see what I mean because look at where Brady’s foot is and look at where that back knee is that’s what I mean by leakage is understanding how to keep that back before you’re actually ready

To launch and that’s a difference when he’s he’s launching at this point you get what I’m saying like he’s already launching so for me those are the guys that I see that are able to quote unquote hold that spot a little so his his initial move is a lot simpler like

It’s not as big like convin you to have a big move but like it’s not as it was a little bit simpler of a of a load and of a move he does a really good job with his upper body body I’m okay with the lower half I know you’re okay with the

Ler I’m not okay with it and so cuz on this in this situation he’s back and he’s strided and he’s still in a position where he can he’s behind it and he can unload on it right now go to the next frame couple frames right so look

At that St go back go back go back one more so right before he gets to contact like when he starts to when he starts to bring that right there that it’s pretty good mhm right so now you talk about the connection you talk about the bat lag you if you have

If we could get this in super slowmo from this moment you see that that elbow coming through and that bat is connected and it’s lagging and it’s lagging and then when he makes contact it’s through and this is a grand slam this is his Grand Slam to a right field so like you

Understand too like you’re watching stay closed on the front side course you’re watching two dudes be I mean I’m talking super technical about us swing right now right and not every swing is going to be perfect so that’s kind of what we’re getting on this thing and there’s no oh

He needs to go back in the lab this is not good enough that’s not at all what I’m saying he is so in the fight it’s not even funny right here but if I’m going to break it down and get super technical to me that’s when I see when I

When I see hitters that are like really really really unbelievable at using their lower half it almost seems like when they start their load if I freeze framed them in a spot it almost seems like they could hold that spot for day and a half if they wanted to it almost

Seems to me and look he can get away with it a little bit because he’s got a wider start but it almost seems to me as soon as that load starts it’s almost a little bit of a a leakage right but he starts at a wider spot so it allows him

To do it because it’s not a big move and he starts at a wider spot get what I’m saying so like that’s what I see in those in those two things and this was I mean this is a great that’s unbelievable look at how stacked he is at that swing

Right there this is a uh this is a grand S I think it’s ex is like can you can you get the contact Point again so that ball probably is at let’s be fair and say at his letters when he gets the contact go ahead shoot it

Again right let’s be fair say out of his letters when he gets to contact you think he’s still thumb up I mean uh bottom hand up top hand down right now he on top of that you think he got on top do do you think he tried to chop

Down to get to that baseball or do you think he still let that same thing do you think his hands are above the baseball still mhm okay I think that matters right mhm so there you go great swing another good one home run and and then go ahead back it up

Just AIT just a hair for me I think he falls back a little bit he does but watch how far that back shoulder goes towards the pitcher right keep going look at that yep and I think it’s a little bit cuz that pitch is in a little bit right so but I mean

That’s that’s a firm base right there love that love Grand Slams yeah great swing that’s two really good


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