Golf Players

Nelly Korda Played Us In A Match Lefty

We are back with another lefty challenge and this time it’s with one of, if not the BEST female golfer in the world, Nelly Korda. We get to know her while she shows off her left handed swing and tries to take us down.

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We got Nelly Corda one of the best players on planet Earth one of the sweetest swings in the world righty how good is your swing left-handed TBD I guess we’ll see no way oh that was beer just send it here Frankie I feel like you should go righty I actually agree with

That there shouldn’t be two lefties in the group that’s insane all right All right everybody we’re back welcome back to the channel thank you subscribe we got Nelly Corda do you ever play left-handed I used to have one club and that was a nine iron that I would like hit after practice just to even out I mean golf is such a one-sided sport so I

Would just hit a few but not a driver so there was like a reason behind you hitting it yes there’s a reason interesting are you going to grip it left-handed or you going to go cross-and I’m just going to go full sun wow all

Right so you you get to you have to play Lefty this whole hole we play our normal pathetic selves okay with our whole bag and we see how many people you beat perfect you’ve never played a hole left-handed well I’ve teed off from like

A tea box okay but with an iron but I haven’t put it in okay all right all right amazing so this is a mystery Yes you kidding me I mean just with a bunker right in front you go around it way past it that was good like that one that was good did you surprise yourself a little bit there a little I was like please don’t hit Into the Bunker unreal that was a tight little

All right I mean that’s that’s going to be better than what you’re about to see for sure wow I mean little pat on the back actually yeah I think deserving deserving all right that look that you had after you’re just like oh my gosh I cannot believe that just avoided that Bunger the

Draw oh a qi1 guy I like this club a lot yep a piercing penetrating ball FL I like that’ be too much the penetrator they call that is I like this nice little fade yeah I like it oh I just crack your knuckle yeah I’ll charge you

Later all right let’s try not to hit a snap hook that’s what you want it’s a good come on no more Snapper yeah I think that’s going to be unbelievable I think that’s just amazing must be nice finally got through one finally didn’t snap one no I

Must yeah you did your routine Alex we’ve been giving Danny some [ __ ] ever since the Tommy Fleetwood video which I don’t know when that came out in relation to this but Tommy did not like his pre-shot routine he finally did it again so it’s that easy to get inside

Your head yeah it’s pretty [Laughter] easy yeah huge carry it yeah carry it got to carry it has to yeah perfect Nice Nice Shot yeah I never do that I never do you think that’s past yours probably think so unless I got like a runner how fun is

That okay I feel like you should go righty I with that there shouldn’t be two lefties in the group that’s insane what a call out have you ever hit a ball righty um never on like an actual hole just when you go to the driver and okay

I’ll you just have to hit the T ball right driver te the ball that thing going to fall fall fall other side no last one was good dude he’s all disoriented no I’ll play it full ready we’ll see yeah I feel ridiculous this little like what you know it’s insane what that that

Caboose is get that Caboose is getting low my friend I don’t know why I want to say I just want to go what all right let me get a real one to the window why are you dipping into your no you know yeah I need a grunt I need a grunt here

Nice dude y That’s greatway yep all right we’re off we’re off we’re off come nice that was Unreal what a quality oh that was good I like that I don’t need my bag you honestly you can actually you can hit the you can play the rest of the whole left challeng

Okay okay like Frankie looks pretty good on the other side mine would not look that good nice still pretty damn good I’m impressed with myself you should as you should be I was like oh this bunker is like right in my way the landing Zone yeah hey do you feel bad about getting

Out driven by Me by this much yeah yeah well I mean you’re a superior athlete you want to use mine yeah I have to right yeah you challenged me I just have to do it oh yeah this could be it but if I end up oh yeah I end up that

You can down come through that end up in a bunker though but all right oh heads up four oh dude that’s good you’re over the that’s fine it’s still in the Fairway fway Fairway you’re not bad right dud you’re not bad right I’m like I’m kind of like

Getting my body into it I’m just kind of like forcing it down the Fairway good I look a little that’s how I play every shot only one Lefty per group one Lefty per group ma she smoked that thing I mean I hit that as good as I can I’m

Barely past her I think she hit that left [ __ ] drove trimp by a mile dude this girl is unbelievable she is a sick athlete what a drive Nelly yeah let’s go Nelly that was insane where’ you go I’m way I’m up there like I’m like way up there yeah another

Another few yards I hit that one really nice that was awesome yeah just look alive you never know just look alive you never know never know okay okay want me to laser you yes please I mean I probably won’t get there it’s like 200 isn’t it yeah it’s it’s in

The Fairway okay great what club you got Nelly well I just have a five iron so our off so not only am I playing Lefty but I’m playing Lefty with like four clubs and you’ve got the glove on the opposite hand did you want a glove on the front

Hand hand just all about Comfort I guess true no way dude what oh my gosh that was pure I feel like you were lying to us about not like playing Lefty that’s just short that’s amazing bullet all right what is wrong with you what she’s a machine are you serious right now that’s

Insane that was on the stick the whole way just only I just had the just like the sound the strike was so nice that was awesome those P 770s baby there you go oh man get over it okay ugly all right third shot righty righty no get

Out righty out of the bunker let’s go damn it this would be this would be tough here for Frank Relli sit a little sit sit a little bit oh that’s probably putting yeah all right someone like I said someone’s got to defend the brand here someone’s got to do it I’m going to go cross-handed are you really the waggle going the wrong way too it’s like he’s Lefty

Waggling what I’m saying he’s going like looked like he was hitting it that you didn’t you didn’t oh so it didn’t work so you got go a good greens side bunker that way yeah that had a nice sound that was a nice I can’t freaking live up to it

Can’t step up to the moment it’s not easy easiest thing in the world all right that is not easy this is a nice little look at to how good she is Lefty when you you change clubs you become like the most Inc I’m the most incompetent person of all time right now

I know what he wanted to say that’s what I I know exactly what he wanted to say there but it’s good thing you did yeah oh yeah we’re all feeling it a little pause before he said that get a vis visual representation instead you know everyone’s laughing you know I’m a lefty

I I’m glad I didn’t it’s going to come out eventually this isn’t how I usually play you’re really giving it a beating right now seriously all right I’m going to go Crossing I’m getting this thing up there everyone heads up imagine having that confidence I said

I was going to hit that on the green gaining on it it’s hard it’s really hard yeah she’s making it look really easy she’s making it look extremely easy he’s getting upset oh no I’m usually [Laughter] Lefty I don’t have a 58 but I have a 54 I

Guess I’ll have to feel this in there since I don’t have we don’t know how far it is get up get up there all right B oh where’d that go get left get left I mean you’re putting yeah it’s fine okay all things considered PR good

I guess I like the full shots More Than The Feelers I feel you on that to not where you want to be all right this is a big one here come on rigsy there you go it is onehanded he that’s awesome it’s about am I going to make on this hole

I think you’re fting for 10 for 10 yeah it was I’m so happy with that so happy with that also two yards for being horrible hit the ball okay it’s good by me good four thank you that’s not going to lose very good four actually Four show me the

Way okay go in made it nice great pot okay I’m in for five oh it’s perfect speed oh my gosh perfect speed go in great par awesome so that’s a par Lefty with five clubs yeah five clubs what I’m going for 10 right-handed good putt what a PT track nice thanks it’s good

Dog uh-oh we’re going to see a number here what is this for this is for 11 I believe hard game hard game oh all right you try you going to try and chip that I’m going to try chipping it let’s see it oh go in a just an athlete man really good Nelly

Thank you we we uh challenged you today yeah you did really did I liked it that was awesome impressive good really good play it was proven that it’s hard to switch right she made a part you made a 12 not the easiest thing in the world these are

The only Club she had too she had that in a driver she only clipped You by seven by seven I had a five iron a 50° a 54 and a putter yeah yep it was tough she tied me and I played like I always play thank you to

Um thank you to may make sure you subscribe this has been the Lefty challenge only one when we do Lefty challenges now only one Lefty in the group we have to do that play that’s a really good thing I like it our quote is one Lefty one Lefty all right nice one

Real thank you thank you guys


  1. I imagine dan rap is one of the most annoying playing partners.. guy just seems like a loser

  2. im not great by any means, but other than Danny how can these guys suck so badly when their job is quite literally everything golf? they get paid to talk about, watch, and play golf, yet they're basically all terrible.

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