Golf Players

Major Championships Only | Strategy, Leagues, Rankings, & Tools (Majors Only)

Rick Gehman dives into 2024 Majors Only Leagues & Best Ball on Underdog. He unveils a new tool, discusses strategic, rankings, and tools!

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What’s up guys Rick here with something I’ve never done before and that is to offer up major championship rankings qualifications statistics and more the growth of oneandone leagues has been astronomical in the last couple of years and right on its tail our major championship contest it might be hey

Pick five golfers at each major it might be a best ball draft it might be there’s just a variety of different things uh I could not possibly offer up a tool or a solution for all the variations because you should see the questions I get um you

Know I’ve got to pick three but if he wins but if he finished 10th last year there’s just like all these variations so what I settled on doing is trying to keep and maintain a qualification system who’s in each of the major championships uh relevant stats a scoring system and a

Ranking system and then hoping that you can take that information and use it however you would like so this is on my website rickun it is rickun bestall uh this is going to be free this is not behind the pay wall it’s it’s just going to be a resource go

And use it as you will and I will do my best uh to maintain the qualifications along the way the way that I plan on using this is obviously via um you know major championship uh leagues where you you pick certain number of golfers or through the new Underdog uh drafts the

Best ball drafts that we did for season long best ball they have new season long drafts and they have just major championship drafts which are uh right here so like you know $10 entry $5,000 to First you draft once before uh before the major start and that that’s it it’s

It’s it’s best ball style so it’s very very sick I will do one of those drafts at the end here um and kind of show you my process if you want to get involved use the code Rick there is a link in the description it’ll get you a deposit

Match as well it’ll help me and it’ll help you okay so I think first off the hardest thing to do was to really just find who’s in every major and that seems a lot easier than it actually is each major championship uh has a different qualification system some of them are

Not finalized until I mean the week all of them basically are not finalized until the week before or two weeks before so so it is really going to change if you’re doing something where you’re doing multiple Majors not just a master’s pool understanding who is currently qualified is is going to be

Critical and it’s and it’s weird right like um you know will zor is not currently in the Masters or the PGA Championship I I assume he is going going to be there but because of his official World Golf Ranking at the end of last year he’s not then you get into

Some of the the live guys who might not be qualified for these events um I do think that this format is a lot more interesting on Underdog because the Liv guys are available to you right when we did the season long best ball drafts a lot of the live guys never even got

Chosen John ROM was not even chosen well John R’s critically valuable in this format so um I’ve got the qualifications that again it’ll be a little bit wonky but I’ll do my best to update those as we go then I’ve got you know The Strokes gain stats that’s for uh last 100 rounds

For every single golfer I also did The Strokes gain breakdown for uh major championships and then each major individually so the way to read this is Scotty Sheffer is gaining 2.1 Strokes per round at major championships in his career um and then you can see that

Broken down by the Masters the PGA the US Open and the open I think it’s funny that uh the two best guys obviously these are smaller sample size but the two best guys in major championships will aloris Victor havin have zero major championships uh in in in their career

So you can go through and you can see each one of those broken down the score is a very very simple calculation on my end okay it is not the end all Beall in fact that is why I have a ranking system and you’ll see guys with very low scores ranked quite highly

So you the score only looks at uh you know it looks at a couple things it looks at how many majors are they in more Majors that they are in the more valuable that they are uh what is their current form essentially how how much better Strokes gain total are they than

Everybody else and then what have they done at major championships and how does that compare to their peers it gives you a score um the guys that have done the best at Majors and the guys that are playing well are obviously going to get a big boost here the guys that have not

Played well at Majors or have never played Majors Max Homa ludvic oberg uh are G to get knocked here that is why I included the ranking system so this is me going through and actually ranking these guys one through I think I go to

91 which is kind of a weird number to go to Doug gim but I this just felt like that was where I should cut it off as I was going through this I didn’t have a number in mind I just said like here’s if you have to get down this far you’re

Probably in trouble anyway like let’s just I could have probably gone to 60 and been fine but um 91 is what what I currently have ranked maybe that’ll that’ll change and this will be a pretty fluid document which is why I wanted to do it on on the website so um go with

The ranking system here you know it’s interesting you know I’ve got obviously John ROM number two he’s way more valuable in this format than than other season long uh best balls you’ll see Brooks Kea is number four so like the the live guys are getting um much more

Valuable here so this is the starting point if there’s anything you’d like to see added to this if I can do it I’ll do it I would like to kind of make it where you can adjust the scoring system no promises there um and you can also

Download you can’t see it my heads in the way but you can also download these so I’ll have a a button up here where you can download this mess around with it yourself also if you wanted to um upload them into Underdog for your rankings you can you can do that as well

I’ve actually um when I go to draft here in a in a couple minutes this this best ball draft I’m I’m not going to use uh I’m not going to upload these rankings I I’ll tell you why I kind of like to have the ADP and my rankings separate um and

I can just reference both of those fast enough and be fine so I’ve learned that I actually don’t want to uh upload these into Underdog at least for at least for the moment but you have that option available to you um as we get closer closer to major championship season

There’s obviously going to be a lot more uh content around who’s playing well who’s not maybe you’ll see updated qualifications and stuff like that but wanted to throw this out I know it’s a really popular format and I I I hope you guys enjoy this and also you know help

Me help you right if you see an error on here you know the qualifications are so wonky if you see an error on here let me know right like let’s get it right for everybody uh let’s get this let’s get this fixed up we can do this as a

Community so uh appreciate your help in advance there okay so what I’m going to do now is I’m going to draft a team right I think I think the underdog best ball format is phenomenal the fact that they are doing it for major championships is so sick I it’s it’s

Still the um the schedule where you have to you know you advance if if you advance out of the Masters you get to go to the PGA Championship if you advance out of the PGA Championship you go to the US Open and then the championship

Round is the open this $10 entry is 50k to First and they’re using fantasy scoring I mean it’s so so so good so um I’m going to enter this we will draft a team we’ll talk through my process and maybe that’ll help with some of your uh major championship best balls as well

All right so we are uh we’re locked and loaded here we are going to be in the fifth position I was mentioning you know as this continues the countdown to draft I was mentioning I I like to use keep my ranking separate which it looks like I’m

Higher on Brooks Kea um than than some of the adps when I when I load in my rankings I get very tied to them you know it’s like hey my rankings if the guy’s still there that’s great and I kind of I’ve found myself reaching more than I probably should uh based on

Actual ADP so I’m just going to do the kind of I’m just going to keep them separate and watch along the way so we have the fifth pick in reality you know I’d be pretty happy with with Xander Klay we’ll see we’ll see what Falls to

Me now I suppose if Brooks is there uh that would be very good and he’s going to be in uh he should be in everything right you know he’s got uh the win at the PGA which gets you into like basically everything so I wouldn’t be too worried

About that so we’ll see if we’ll see who’s available to us here and I assume well I maybe I shouldn’t assume you know Scotty uh basically went first in every single season long draft uh maybe John Ram goes first in some of these um the putter for Scotty continues

To be an issue I guess we’ll we’ll see okay Scotty number one Rah should absolutely go too I believe chance it’s Rory wow havland two ROM three so we’re GNA get Rory Xander Brooks our our our pick of it if Rory Falls to us we’ll take Rory no

Problem there I’ve got him uh I’ve got him three and I’ve got I’ve got kept gaur so I’m I’m going to get one of those guys in the fifth spot um stinks not to get Xander stinks not not to get Klay but come on like I I’m I’m gonna

Have to take one of those guys we’ll see what uh Busters boys do buster Busters boys does I suppose uh that’s Rory so we’re gonna take we’re gonna take Brooks yeah okay no no no problem with that whatsoever and we are going to get a Qui quick quick L turnaround here it would

Be nice to get uh either Xander or Klay coming back ludvig goes six a no has never even played a major he’s phenomenal but has ever so we’re gonna get we’re going to start this with either Brooks and Klay or Brooks and Xander which will be pretty cool now KL

And Xander have got to figure out their major championship stuff Xander just went so we’re we’re gonna take uh Klay I wouldn’t have any problem if you wanted to go Justin Thomas here but uh uh I I mean I’ve got I got I have can’t La

Sixth the ADP is a little over seven and I just got him at eight which feels which feels very good I’ll I’ll admit that um now we’ve got some time before our next pick so the one guy’s ADP that hasn’t caught up to him yet is

Is Will zat torus and we saw this in the season long drafts as well and he’s dropped significantly he’s now a 22nd in ADP I have the 17 pick here if he’s still available I might just snatch him up um playing well at Riviera I do not

Know the outcome of that event yet as I watch this he’s been a major championship stunner showed you that earlier I have him eighth overall I’m not g to try to get cute and try to get him at 20 if he’s there at 17 I’m just

Going to take him and he is Fleetwood went right before so we’re going to go zalat Taurus here so we’ve got a I mean maybe all the major championship drafts are going to feel this way but we’ve got Kea Klay zalat torus and I mean Dustin Johnson’s

Lurking out there uh Bryson just went at 18 that’s kind of interesting okay F now off the so we’re we’re back at this we could roll with DJ I’ve got DJ um I have him 20th I have cam cam Smith is gone I believe Fleetwood spe sunj sahith Burns would be interesting I

Might be able to get Burns all right you know we’re going to play the major championship game here we’re going to go DJ right his uh 2020 Masters win is going to is going to get him into get him into everything right might have to play his way into

The Open Championship I don’t know we’ll see it’s it’s kind of wonky but he should be in that with the masters with the Masters win so um we’re GNA go DJ now that might that’s probably going to be our last live guy because I’m not sure there’s someone else that I’d be

Like nean is not in the majors yet so it would be pretty hard to take another live guy that’s not a a major Champion uh already okay so I’m just kind of bookmarking some guys here um minwu Lee Jason day I think would be pretty interesting I would prefer probably

Minwoo uh Adam Scott Sam Burns off the board okay mwo’s gone we got to figure this out here so Keegan is next he’s 23rd I don’t have him until 35th that would be pretty high for me Jason day I have 28th we’re at the 29th pick right

Now that would probably be fine we kind of got snaked there I would have liked minw I think we’re gonna have to settle on uh Jason day however continues to play well ton of major championship experience this is going to come right back to us I I would have preferred Mino

Um because he’s played well in big time events before this is going to get back to us right now and we’ve got to decide this might be the spot to get to Keegan here in everything I have him 35th this is the 32nd pick I think I like him over

Hideki I think I like him over Henley and straa Eric Cole and those guys so yeah we’re going to go Keegan we’re gonna go Keegan okay we’re about to be up that was a those ran through those picks Fowler Connor stri up Poston very very quickly um I have Daniel Berger in

The queue he’s not in anything right he’s just been injured uh so I’m not going to go there I think the I think I think it’s Lowry or sewu Kim um but Lowry who’s got a 37 ADP in the 41st spot um you know has has obviously played major championships well I had

Him at 31 that’s the pick if we get if we can get back to SEIU I’ll take SEIU here just be a high upside okay we’re gonna get SE here so Ben on and Cam Davis go um just be a high upside guy you know he’s I don’t have much more to say

About him right it’s just like a matter I have him 42nd and I just took him at 44th maybe he steals one of these things um I wouldn’t mind Harris English who we’re coming up on here we’ll see if we can get him in our next in our next

Round um he seems to be healthy again he’s he’s playing uh he plays better I think in major championships or harder setup so if we can get Harris English in the next run I think that would be pretty good all right Harris English is off the board Phil Mickelson’s off the

Board Nick Taylor’s off the board um we’re going to get our last two picks here and that’s going to be it so it’s going to be pretty quick uh Reed is lurking I’m not super sure I want to go there uh Pavone just went that’s a good

One cuz he’s basically in everything I’m going to go for somebody who’s also likely to be in just a lot of stuff so that’ll be um that’ll be hadwin right he’s in all the Signature Events should be in everything and then also uh it’s going to be back to us very very quickly

I don’t think I can with good conscience take Daniel Burger unfortunately we could go like Luke Liss Tom hogi Adam shank all right we got to figure this out here Moran and bazay and ho just went dri could be kind of interesting oh boy I hate all of this um we’re just gonna

Go I hate it I don’t know we’re gonna go we’re gonna go I gotta pick somebody we’re gonna go hogi I’m not even sure really what he’s in I got kind of caught under the pressure there yikes 56th I took hogi that might be really bad I

Have him 61st I guess it’s not horrible but um yikes I don’t know if I love that okay so our team started well and then I think went a little bit sideways but we got kka I’m sorry we have uh yeah kka Klay zalatoris DJ Jason day Keegan Lowry

I’m pretty happy through the first seven rounds uh and then it went to let me see if I can get that lineup back then it went to sewo Adam hadwin Tom hogi a little bit of some panic in there but uh fun nonetheless I’ll be drafting obviously a lot more of these and

Interested to hear um what you guys think obviously getting more drafts in and getting access to different um pick slots is is is is fun and kind of shapes up your team for you okay the code is Rick there’s a link in the description to get a deposit bonus go support this

On Underdog because I want more of this stuff so use that report it use the resources I’ll continue to update you can download it I’m wishing you guys all all the best of luck and uh I’ll talk to you soon


  1. Good information and content.smash the like button you filthy animals. On a side note WTF happened with Jock Market 😡😡😡😡 they scorched Earth that site

  2. Hey Rick, our pool is pick 5 golfers per major; you can only pick a golfer once for the year; and the combined OWGR has to be 150+ per team. Points are combined winnings. It's getting much easier with LIV guys not getting OWGR points. Anyways, it forces you to consider some guys that are 125+ in OWGR that are in the tournament.

  3. Hey Rick, JT Poston wasn’t in your ranking for the majors…is he not qualified for anything? Assumed he was but unsure

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