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2023 Barrie Wrestling Awards

Barrie Wrestling celebrates 2023 with our year-end awards show, hosted by Mike Jeffries and Diamond Jim Lowe.

Most Hated
Most Popular
Pure Diamond Award
OMG Moment
Match of the Year
Wrestler of the Year

Fans welcome and thank you for joining us this is Barry wrestling’s Year End Awards for 2023 I’m Mike Jeff alongside me as always is Diamond Jim low and Diamond what an incredible year this was for Barry wrestling the highest of highs the greatest of greats 20123 was amazing

Mike uh you know whether it was our pack downtown Barry shows a career defining match between clutch Jessie V and Josh Alexander absolutely turmoil with all of our titles you know I think we had more title changes in 2023 than in the past five years combined what a wild ride

2023 was it wasn’t incredible year as you mentioned twice the bar wrestling Heavyweight Championship had to be relinquished due to injury we had the longest riging three pistols Championship run ended the longest raining Tag Team Championship run ended in just an incredible year and speaking of the highest of highs let’s open with

The most hat hold on is it 5:00 it’s like 11 in the morning this is on YouTube right yeah I guarantee someone is watching and it’s 5:00 for them so let’s get a beer I know you’re not a big drinker so you know I got you looked after Cheers

Cheers got one in my size all right good let’s get this Rodeo started you didn’t really have much no no it’s percentage wise I had I had a fair bit so we’re going to start off with most hated for 2023 let show you the nominees nominees are clay

Wilson Kyle Boon and Shiloh collectively known as kylo John Atlas Rajan husher and stratosphere well this one seems like a pretty easy one Kay Wilson the last two years has dominated this category every time that man walks into the flcc it’s a chorus of booze um what more can you say

He hates Barry wrestling fans and they hate him well yeah but with kylo it’s it’s a two for one you got the hate of both the so-called king and queen of Barry and I mean they were all over the Barry wrestling map in 2020 3 they had a

Wedding they won titles and they’re just they’re they’re bad people fair enough someone who’s not a bad person I think gets a bad rap from Barry wrestling fans is the franchise player John Atlas John has elevated the expectations of what a Barry wrestling athlete is and does he

Have an ego absolutely but all the great winners in sport Michael Jordan LeBron James Mar Lemieux Conor McDavid they have egos and and I don’t think you should hate on a guy for being the best well I mean you you might like him better he likes you as a ring announcer

Let you know we could ask Tyler uh what he think don’t hate on the best and then Rajan husher a a newcomer both to Barry wrestling and to this Awards category that the tortured artist The Man Who corrupted Von vertigo or maybe vice versa and who has been just he tormented

Van Landon he’s tormented so many people in Barry wrestling I think that’s actually where it comes that we know how popular van Landon is and Rajan husher arrived in Barry wrestling and he made it his mission to make van Landon’s life miserable and well we can see the fans

Certainly took exception to that and the final nominee Stratosphere I mean what can you say about that terrifying individual well I can say you Run for Cover anytime he comes near our broadcast Booth you know Stratos he doesn’t respect anyone he doesn’t like anyone he shows up he gets the job done

And uh you know he’s never afraid to tell the fans or you what he thinks of so five very good Arguments for these five or I guess six wrestlers but the winner for most hated Barry wrestling wrestler in 2023 Diamond Jim the king and queen of Barry wrestling the Barry wrestling

Women’s champion and the 400 North Tag Team Champions your most hated wrestlers for 2023 Kyle Boon and Shiloh let’s hear from our our winners well the votes are in and it seems the Barry wrestling fans and their fat disgusting Domino’s Pizza fingers accidentally voted sh and Kyle the king

And queen of Barry wrestling the Barry wrestling women’s champion and the 400 North Tag Team Champions bar wrestling’s most hated now where I’m from a win is a win and there’s no such thing as bad publicity so Kyle and I think it’s fitting that we celebrate oops we lost the

Cat well uh I guess a toast to the most hated power couple in Barry wrestling cheers it it it’s happening so so Diamond Jim our next award is is most popular now why don’t you just Define the people like what does it mean to be a popular wrestler well you know you

Feel the energy when these wrestlers step in into the flcc you see the reaction at our summer shows where you know people who never seen a berry wrestling show immediately gravitate to these wrestlers because they just got that magnetism and and our fans really invest in what they’re doing you they

They’re so excited to see them and you know the the energy I just get goosebumps with some of the reactions that these wrestlers get you can feel it’s palpable yeah and you know last year’s winner van Landon was a great example of that and we’re going to show

You the nominees these These are the nominees for Barry wrestling’s most popular wrestler in 2023 Gabriel fza last year’s winner van Landon Bobby Orlando the tag team of puff and Pretty Ricky Wy known better now as triple triple thank you and The Bionic Woman Alexia Nicole so the first nominee there

Gabriel fza Jim one of the most popular wrestlers for the history of Barry wrestling he has done it allenberry wrestling and the fans truly love and appreciate him yeah and I mean it’s an interesting relationship because you know that fza respects the fans and respects his his relationship with them

But but I bet it actually kind of bothers him to appear on this list and uh he he would definitely be a reluctant winner absolutely and then our second nominee tell the people about van Landon van Landon I mean this kid came out of nowhere uh and immediately just took

Over the hearts of the BW faithful it’s it’s just wild and uh you know when I think of some of his matches early in the year where there were fans who were so worried for his life they were on the edge of their seats because they didn’t

Want anything to happen to their boy van Landon he is the high octane Hometown hero the barn burer absolutely and our next nominee is is my favorite Bobby Orlando he comes to us from you know creative Pro instant love from the bar wrestling faithful for both Bobby and

Jun did you bring your little Bobby junr Jr or whatever the hell you call him he is not with me today he is safely resting at home but Bobby Orlando one of our nominees and I just I love him Jim but okay you yeah we know anyone who’s watched Barry wrestling on

Iwtv and if you haven’t sign up use Barry 400 as your code you’re going to see some of the best matches ever including great matches with Bobby Orlando and my impatience with your ongoing unprofessionalism your lack of professionalism is no slight against Bobby because this is a man who our fans

Love he puts on incredible matches you want to watch him but for God’s sakes you’re a grown man speaking of professionalism let’s talk about the next nominee triple Dragon where do you start with triple Dragon you know the these are you know two incredible individuals who have been amongst berries most popular wrestlers

For years not a year not two years five six seven years um their journey through 2023 was kind of Epic absolutely um they took us through some of the most memorable matches in in Barry wrestling history and um you it honestly it sucked to see them forced

To break up at the end of the year um but it doesn’t change the fans love for puff and Pretty Ricky they are absolutely loved and then our final nominee The Bionic Woman Alexia Nicole Banger after Banger after Banger with her matches with Trent 7 with Leo

Sparrow the four-way match for the bar wrestling championship where she was scre rude out of winning the title Alexia Nicole is number one in the hearts of so many of Barry wrestling fans and whereas other people on this list their connection with fans came from you know talking on the microphone

Signing autographs at intermission and things like that the love that Barry wrestling fans have for Alexi and Nicole is because what she does in the ring month in and month out they’ve seen an absolute Warrior someone who never leaves anything on on the match she comes out and she fights and the fans

Love her forward absolutely well so five very worthy nominees but the winner of 2023 Barry wrestling’s most popular [Applause] wrestler he didn’t win he won last year he didn’t win this year are you sure yeah I I’ve got the winner here oh that’s my bad guys uh I apologize for

That Jim you got any of those beard in the back there there bear crap in the woods I’m just going to go help myself dude you guys keep going there great job guys ladies and gentlemen TCO T Tyler win Tyler our ring announcer um so so as I was saying the

Winner the goest of all time my favorite and evidently yours Bobby Orlando let’s hear from our winner it’s me Bobby Orlando and I’m here to thank you the Barry wrestling fans who have voted me the most popular wrestler of 2023 I sincerely thank you from the

Bottom of my heart and Bobby Jr would like to thank you people too because you know we always love coming up to Canada land and Performing for you awesome fans thank you so much and happy 2024 okay bye well Jim that was the goatest acceptance speech of all time

Are you okay now I’m I my heart rate has come back down but Bobby Orlando you’re still a little sweaty the most popular wrestler in Barry wrestling well well Jim let’s why is your handshake let’s move on to an award that’s very let’s toast toast to the P to the pure diamond

I’m not going to say no to that to the pure diamond M that’s that’s good so Diamond JY tell us about the pure diamond award and who the winner is for 2023 really tough choice this year there were so many wrestlers who really you know became indispensable who you

Couldn’t imagine Barry wrestling without but at the end of the day I had to go with the man who elevated Barry wrestling in terms of what a champion is what a champion looks like what a champion accomplishes and what the athleticism of a champion is and that is

The only Berry wrestling champion who’s been in all Canadian High School who’s played ciau at the highest level W of cup won a gray cup a star in rugby a star in football but more than anything an absolute star in professional wrestling the 2023 pure diamond Award winner the fr

Franchise player himself John Atlas now I know last year we we didn’t you you ordered to Alexi Nicole last year but it was a new award and we didn’t have an acceptance video but I’ve been told that we did you know there was an acceptance video no but that’s great

I I haven’t seen JN since his injury so this is exciting yeah so so let’s go let’s let’s hear from the pure diamond Award winner thank you very much dollar Jim and I want to thank you for awarding this to members of top tier Talent like Cass Jordan and Julian Ward ATO the

Foundation of top tier talent and nobody else so thank you for graciously giving this award to top tier Talent Now to celebrate I’m going to go watch my favorite team Manchester City take care losers what Klay Wilson didn’t win the award top to tier Talent as a group didn’t win

The award the 2023 pure diamond Award winner is John Atlas and why did you even let that happen I I I didn’t know wrestling management just told me we had the winners video You’re producing this show I’m just here I’m that stop worrying about stuffed goats and do your

Job well maybe bar wrestling management wasn’t he didn’t win most hated but he had to find it you know what we’re not well he’s the most hated in this room we’re not talking about Klay Wilson anymore good we’ve got to move on to our next award which is the OMG moment of

The year and Jim I’ll let you talk about OMG games for a moment OMG games is this incredible event and gaming facility at 130 belf Farm Road in Barry they host Magic the Gathering role playing games if you go in there on a Thursday Friday Saturday night it is packed with all

Kinds of different events they’ve been a longtime supporter of Barry wrestling we so grateful for all their support over the years and this is always one of the most exciting and memorable Awards just like any trip to OMG last year’s winner was jod threat winning the Barry wrestling championship incredible

Amazing moment and we had a year full of incredible spectacular moments that made you say the most and i’ I’ve been doing this for almost 10 years there have never been more OMG moments in a single calendar year than in 2023 and they moments that made you say

OMG here are the nominees Von vertigo turning his back on the Barry wrestling fan attacking van Landon reverso incredible moonsault off the top of the cage Jessie V wins the Barry wrestling championship in eight seconds the attempted wedding of Kyle Boon and Shiloh van Landon’s spect spacular dive off the

Ladder and Mark wheeler Embraces the Barry wrestling fans and the winner of [Applause] 20203 he didn’t win are you guys kidding me I took I took for this guys he didn’t win i i t Sean Gibson this ridiculous I’m I’m sorry he didn’t win win this one

Can I at least say Landon no no go you got to go B go have another beer can I join him oh I mean he didn’t win sorry I forget where we were yeah it was really good thank you the winner of OMG moment of the year

And it means we need to hear from them again is kylo for their attempted wedding um let’s let’s hear from our winners so um turns out we won another award um so not only did we uh get most hated of the ward most hated of the ward the most hated of the

World the most hated award we also got OMG moment of the year for a wedding you know why we did do you want to know why we did because everything that kylo does is impressive and we didn’t even have to get married then everybody says that oh my God that’s amazing because you’re

You’re amazing because we’re amazing okay don’t forget that Cheers Cheers what do you want to cheer what do you want to cheers to I’m not cheersing the be wrestling to Lucas Del Lucas Hey where’s my tag t um thank thank you to Kyle and Shiloh for that video Jim those videos were

Recorded only five minutes apart well I mean if you’ve ever been out drinking with Shiloh it kind of checks out so I guess that’s that’s fair and I again congratulations for winning OMG moment of the year for your wedding being destroyed Kyle kind of looks right now

The way I feel when I have to call a Bobby Orlando match with you like that’s a low blow Jim that’s not that’s you don’t need to be that mean now now speaking of matches though we are on to one of the Marquee awards for any wrestling organization to give away this

Is the very wrestling match of the year for 2023 and Jim for as long as I’ve been with fa wrestling and you’ve been here a lot longer a lot lot longer because you’re old but one of the hardest years ever for choosing even a top five for Barry

Wrestling matches and and Jim let’s go let’s go through the nominees I’ll put them up on screen right now quickly and the nominees are Josh Alexander versus Jessie V from our March show a Long Way to the Top Gabriel fza versus reverso in a cage at our may show

Cage ruled everything around me the six-man wild robers match also from a Long Way to the Top Alexia Nicole versus Trent 7 from our October show Karma this is why we can’t have nice things Brad’s version and Young Jay Lee versus Brent Banks from September’s back to school

Nine Diamond Jim in a year full of terrific matches these five really stood out talk to us first about Josh Alexander versus Jessie V well I mean it was really it was a career defining match for Jessie V uh you know for years he had been this big dude the baddest

Dude in the locker room you no one cross Jessie V but it was always about his potential we would talk about him as being a star one day on that day he became more than just a big bad dude he became someone who could hang with man

Who in my opinion is the best wrestler on the planet Josh Alexander not just hang with Josh Alexander but take him to the Limit and he didn’t just impress you and I he didn’t just impress the fans he impressed the walking weapon to the point that Josh Alexander talked about it after

Afterwards and what did he say Mike he told Jesse to go get that gold and just a few months later Jessie did just that with the Barry wrestling championship and fans I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that all of these matches are free on the Barry wrestling YouTube

Channel so if you haven’t seen them yet pause this video go watch the other matches and then come back because you have to see them and after you do so go to iwtv domcom use the code Barry 400 and sign up for internet wrestling television subscription so you can see

All of Jessie V’s matches CU he’s got some bangers yeah independent Wrestling TV or the iwtv app on your phone our second nominee the cage match between Gabriel Forza and reverso two men filled with hatred so that the cage as you mentioned at the time it wasn’t just for

The match it was to protect everybody around it reversal had a sword he stabbed a chair he nearly killed Tyler our re announcer these two men hated each other to the point that the only way it could possibly end was in a cage and not possibly head to end absolutely

Head to end and there is not enough hyper Bowl to talk about this match you have to go out and see it hybo that’s what I said okay talk about the next nominee I know it’s one of your favorite matches the wild Rover’s match a match that’s

Very close to the heart of fa wrestling ownership um he emulates Tony KH and he had to combine his love of wrestling with his love for soccer just like Tony KH did and and that was what birthed the wild Rovers match Barry wrestling is almost 10 years

Old and I can say w without hyperbole that the wild Rovers match is unlike anything we’ve seen before and you know probably unlike anything we will see afterwards I mean you know we had proper English football uh introductions we had the UEFA match of the day music playing we even went to

Replay V it was Unreal you know so my son-in-law is Portuguese and that is his favorite professional wrestling match of all time that’s awesome well wrestling soccer hybrid correct and then our next nominee is the complete opposite of that it was Alexi Nicole versus Trent 7 a matth that

Came together at the last minute supposed to be Gabriel Forza Forza was injured and could not compete and they tore the house down it is the match I have watched the most this year I can’t you have to go and watch it unbelievable and a a star making performance well I

Mean I disagree she was the pure diamond Award winner in 2022 I think Alexia Nicole was already a star but Trent 7 you know one of the founding fathers of British Strong Style he came in and he didn’t hold anything back he didn’t look across the room and see an undersized

Female competitor he saw someone who he knew had a reputation in Barry someone who was respected by everyone else in the locker room and he brought it and so did Alexi and Nicole you know I can say this now because the votes are in I’m not going to bias anything this was my

Favorite match of the year it might be you know one of my favorite matches in Barry wrestling history uh two professional wrestlers at the peak of their game absolutely tearing the house down go and watch this match right now and at the end of the match you can actually pinpoint where my my

Brain breaks yeah it’s unbelievable and then our final Nom you kind of need a brain to break in the first place that is fair you have a stuffed goat our final Nom stuffed goat be professional our final Nomine Brent Banks versus y Jay Lee a match I called the dream match

A match I didn’t think we were going to see Brent fanks who I have playfully termed as like Haley’s Comet shows up once every 77 years but he’s always spectacular yeah they again a dream matchup that we actually got to see live and in person and it was a pleasure to

Call that match yeah it’s uh it’s one of those matches that you see on paper and you say go like this will be great and a lot of times we know you know those matches disappoint like think of you whether it’s WWE aew any of these other organizations you get these dream

Matches AJ versus Nakamura and they kind of fizzle well let me tell you Brent Banks and young J Lee did not fizzle what a match that was absolutely so five very very deserving nominees but the winner and I and I know you won’t disagree either Alexia Nia versus Trent

7 from Karma this is why we can’t have nice things unfortunately we were not able to get a video from Trent 7 but let’s hear from Alexia Nicole hello Berry wrestling fans it’s your bionic woman Alex ni um I want to say thank you so much for picking me in

T s as match of the year um definitely the hardest match I’ve ever had uh the most nervous have been for a match um thank you very wring for the opportunity thank you Gabriel fla for choosing me to take your spot it means a lot and thank

You Trent um again for the opportunity I had a lot of fun it means a lot that you guys thought that was match the year thank you so much congratulations again to the winners you can see all five of the nominees again on the Barry wrestling YouTube channel you can see

All of our action on iwtv but Diamond Jim there is nothing quite like seeing Barry wrestling live and in person absolutely and for those of you who haven’t been to one of our shows Barry wrestling runs monthly shows usually the first Saturday of the month at the Ferris Lane Community Church in Barry

Onario you can follow us on social media Facebook Instagram and Twitter to find out about upcoming events but we have one of the biggest events in BW history just days away BW 100 our 100th show runs Saturday March 2nd doors open at 4:30 p.m. Bells at 5 pm. if you’ve never

Been to a Barry wrestling show make BW 100 your first you can be part of the next 100 shows with us absolutely and as mentioned be sure to follow bar wrestling on social media reach out if you’re looking for tickets we’re recording this week up front row is

Already gone totally second row prob so the day one day so by the time you’re watching this if it’s not March 2nd yet and you want tickets reach out right now because it’s going to be an amazing show and speaking of amazing now we get to the highlight of the night we’re going

To award the wrestler of the Year wa hold up I still have my award your award yeah you got the the pure diamond award and obviously yeah and so I have the Mike Jeff breakthrough award you gave this guy an award what the hell man hey

Anyways so what so you award you you award the MVP jesz I’m working with children now and and I being much younger than you I appreciate the stars on the com the the Breakthrough Stars one that’s you know maybe not necessarily a rookie but that really

Made their name in the past year and Jim you’re old school so you go by feel whereas I I’m a stats guy so I took all of Barry wrestling’s matches in our histories I made an algorithm I went into the statistics the analytics the cryogenics I dug deep to find the

Perfect objective winner of 2023 is breakthrough stars all right I’m kind of actually interested you know what did all your magic math AI stuff spit out who is the the what do you going to say master statistically most perfect very wrestling wrestler it was it was Shiloh what Shiloh Shiloh Shiloh

One are youing kidding me no but uh but Shiloh Shiloh sucks so instead I am giving manager of the year to Bobby Jr Bobby is the Godus Bobby is your mom this is the Bobby Orlando song Bobby is the Godus Bobby is your mom this is the

Bobby Orlando song Bobby is Bobby is the Godus Bobby is your mom this is Bobby Orlando song are you thirsty Bobby junor Jr oh going have a drink of the beer yes get that flee ridden stuffed thing away from my beer be nice to Bobby junr Jr

He’s just happy his dad won an award it’s the it’s a stuffed animal I’m working with children I’m just going to put them over there for for now but as you mentioned Jim one the the ultimate award to give to any of our talent the 2023 Barry wrestling wrestler of the Year let’s

Stuffed goat’s not nominated is it no he he is not all right let’s put the nominees up on the screen and they are mang Jay Lee triple dragon John Atlas Alexia Nicole Jessie V Gabriel fza and Von vertigo Diamond seven very worthy nominees start with M Jay Lee the

Longest reing three pistol Champion ever his Reign did end in December but he was not pinned in that matchup as Von vertigo pinned van Landon to win the title he had five-star match after five-star match incredible Year from Young Jay Lee very worthy of this nomination

Absolutely I you know he is the total package he’s got speed strength grappling ability submission skills you can’t go wrong with Y Jay Lee is your best wrestler and then the tag team for wrestler of the year yeah kind of a unique circumstance here but the fans demanded it triple Dragon the

Combination of puff and Pretty Ricky jointly voted as a nominee for wrester of the year and I actually I really like that because the two of them have been in Inseparable they’re you know the absolute best friends in the universe they thrive on each other you know when

One is down the other one’s down when one is up the other one is up and uh you know I don’t think there are two wrestlers more associated with Barry wrestling than triple Dragon that’s fair to say third nominee John Atlas the franchise player won the Barry wrestling heavyweight championship for the first

Time this year and then forced to relinquish it due to injury was not pinned did not submit it’s hard to make an argument against John Atlas for wrestler of the year the one thing I would say is I hope he didn’t win because I don’t know who we’re going to

Get the acceptance speech from fair enough and then one of the people he beat in that four-way match to win the title also nominated Alexia Nicole Alexia Nicole 2022 pure diamond Award winner co-winner of match of the Year this year uh she does it all and we’ve

Talked a lot about Nicole today uh she’s just incredible in all aspects of professional wrestling and uh you know you got to think a lot of fans checked beside Alexi Nicole on that ballot absolutely and then on the other side physically from one of our smallest competitors to probably our biggest is

Clutch Jessie V who does things in the ring that I’m pretty sure are physically impossible and he is the current reigning barrier wrestling champion winning the title in just eight seconds the most dominant Force we have maybe ever seen in a Barry wrestling ring yeah all your like weird algorithms and stuff

Like that came up with Shiloh but if you were going to build a perfect professional wrestler the mold is right there clutch Jessie V just he’s he’s like a superhero come to life un unbelievable athleticism and then Gabriel Forza what what can be said about Gabriel Forza El Diablo you

Know the very first match in Barry wrestling history very first competitor to come to the ring was Gabriel fza and somehow nine years later he just keeps on delivering match after match after match we talked about his epic rivalry with with reverso but you know he’s the

One guy the one constant in Barry wrestling is that Gabriel ferza is TE he’s the top yeah he is absolute top been the Pinnacle of Barry wrestling for years and our final nominee was also in the first every bear resting match Von vertigo and then Von formed a vision and

I mean he’s talented but kind of a jerk so here’s and I know and I totally understand why you and the fans are upset with Von vertigo because he hasn’t been very nice to be around this year but Von vertigo is a man who starting from humble beginnings wearing a hoodie

To the ring in his first Barry wrestling match he’s now an international Superstar he’s in demand across Canada the United States Europe and he’s seeing what wrestling can be he has a vision for Barry wrestling and he just wants Barry wrestling to get to that level and

You can’t hate on a man for that especially when he delivers in the ring like Von vertigo I can and will hate on that man but I will say seven worthy nominees only one winner the very wrestl Ling wrestler of the year for 2023 Diamond Jim the longest riging three pistols

Champion in Barry wrestling history the second longest reigning Champion period in Barry wrestling history and the 2023 wrestler of the Year y J Lee let’s hear from our winner Barry wrestling thank you for voting me wrestler of the year I feel like I did deserve it this year

Because of my three pistols run but unfortunately I no longer have the three pistols championship and I still haven’t gotten my revenge on Van Landon but it’s coming a very subdued and serious wrestler of the Year mang Jay Lee featuring his cat pipa he Peppa Peppa Jim obviously very upset about losing

The three pistols Championship he blames van Landon and can you blame him no you know for months every time Young Jay Lee stepped into a Barry wrestling ring he was making history he was building a legacy and now through no fault of his own because van Landon got pinned and I

Love van land he is a great kid absolutely but you know Young Jay Lee’s got a legitimate reason to feel the way he does and you know as talented as van Landon is I would not want a man like y Jay Lee targeting me absolutely not and

You know at some point in 2024 Young Jay Le and Van Landon will stand across the ring from each other be good and you will not want to miss that match again all of our matches are on iwtv sign up use the code Barry 400 let them know we

Sent you there’s nothing quite like seeing Barry wrestling live and Diamond Jim our next show BW 100 March second it’s going to be awesome it will be a mindblowing experience erence 100 episodes of Barry wrestling dating all the way back to November 2014 I’ve been there from the start you

Were probably wearing diapers around that time but we’re glad to have you around here you need to get to this show contact Barry wrestling the do open 4:30 p.m. bell times 5 it’s sure to be an epic part of history and I bet we’re going to be talking about some of those

Matches a year from now in next year’s show that’s BW 100 Saturday March 2nd 5:00 p.m. Ferris Lane Community Church don’t you a miss it fans thank you so much for joining us this has been the Barry wrestling award show for 2023 I am Mike Jeff and for Jim

Low and for the entire team here at Barry wrestling thank you so much looking forward to a terrific 2024 and hold on I got one more message from Diamond Jim thank you so much we’ll see you soon fans thank you so so much for joining us for the Barry wrestling award

Show what an incredible night we had I can’t wait to see you at bw100 that’s Saturday March 2nd 5:00 pm at the Ferris Lane Community Church only limited tickets are available so make sure you pick some up but I don’t know about you but after dealing with Mike Jeff and his

Stupid flee infested stuffed goat I need a beer so I’ve come down to the wheel brew craft Bottle Shop I’ve got a back lands whoa whoa whoa did you just say van no no Landon I said Badlands oh why are you here I just I’m on the payroll B land

Payroll he needs me to finish he can I give you a beer oh I would love a cosmo w

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