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Matt Jones on Kentucky’s loss to LSU at the buzzer

KSR Host Matt Jones breaks down Kentucky’s heartbreaking loss to LSU on Wednesday night.

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What would have been an exciting win end up a very disappointing loss you can give us a shout 85928 2287 um you know what do you say that’s a that’s a brutal loss one that uh that is going to it’s going to hurt Kentucky come the seed line not so

Much because of tonight but because you’ve now lost a number of these kind of games over the course of the season and our dreams of K having a top four seed are are probably if not gone they’re on life support and um you know it looks more and more like kuy’s back

To not having a double Buy in the SEC tournament and maybe just more frustratingly back to losing uh you know I watched the game at KS bar with Ryan and Drew we had a packed house the fan base this fan base wants to in wants this team to be good so bad

This fan base loves this team so much and wants them to be good so bad and that’s why it is so frustrating to watch them lose these games you know you had two really special performances honestly Antonio Reeves had 25 points in like you know 24 minutes and was great scored his

Thousandth point at Kentucky and then the last 10 minutes for Rob Dillingham he had 21 and was just absolutely special I mean he was amazing in the last 10 minutes so you have these two singularly really great performances and yet you still lose and I feel like

That’s sort of been emblematic of this season which is you got these players that everybody Li likes and you got this this talent that is like otherworldly talent in some ways and yet you go lose to a 500 team that probably missed six layups and what six seven free throws

Like they could have beaten Us by more I mean I I was very disappointed when we lost but in some ways we would have stolen it if we had won because we were so bad in the second half defensively that we kind of didn’t deserve to win

Gave up 48 points in the second half to a team that’s not even good and it’s it’s frustrating I’m not going to lie I mean I you know look on social media there’s a lot of chatter about various stuff the the three or four things that I think matter most

First of all the end it’ll get lost in the shuffle but Dillingham was amazing in those last few minutes I mean the way he got to the basket the and one is one of the craziest shots I’ve ever seen the final shot he hit was awesome I

Mean look to be really good you got to have a dude that can do that and he can do it I mean I wanted him I wanted him to take that final shot and he made it I saw some stuff online that people said he went too early I vehemently disagree

With that I mean we were losing okay if the game is tied then you don’t go for it until there’s about five or six seconds left so you either win or the game’s over but when you’re losing you have to go for it earlier because if you

Miss then you you still have another chance because you can foul them and you know Ellis you had missed a lot of free throws but even if they make them you have the ball up three and you’re still in the game if you wait till five

Seconds left and you miss game’s over so you gotta go now he made it but then they did everything I mean the the the LSU shots luck I mean that’s luck now it’s bad luck but it’s luck like ad do block the shot the guy made a great play

If you watch the replay he gets his shot block catches it and while he’s falling out of bounds passes it back in you know I’m not sure there was much UK could do about that but I think the decision to go for it early was the right one

Dillingham made it it just didn’t work out but you lost the game because you had a 15-point lead in the second half and you gave it up in like five minutes of game action that’s why you lost you gave it up in in five minutes of game we

Went from Up to down two from like the 18-minute mark in the second half to like the 12 minute Mark so six minutes that’s why you lost and you know Kentucky is too good to be doing this stuff we’ve lost eight games this year we have led in the second half in

Seven of those eight games this is Kentucky you can’t keep losing like this and you know lot of these other games I’ve had specific disagreements with something Cal did or whatever it tonight my disagreement is just more big picture like we can’t keep losing these games we just can’t I mean

It is they got too many good dudes to not be more successful and Dillingham and Reeves had this had great offensive games a dude played pretty well defensively but we got too many guys out there who I mean just can’t do anything thing during these games and then they play Big

Minutes I mean I I I’m I like DJ Wagner I think he’s gonna he’s had a lot of good games I think he’ll have more good games but he played too much tonight he was not good and they just kept putting him out there and you know he played 21

Minutes he was 0 for five 0 for two from three he got beat defensively just too many minutes right I mean Ugo played 32 minutes and he had two points you’re the top like they have nobody you’re height and you play 32 minutes and you have two points you

Know we’re just it’s just disappointing it’s disappointing to watch LSU is one of the worst teams in the country giving up threes we shoot 40% but we only take 20 Reeves only takes one or two shots in the last 12 minutes of the game there’s just we just make bad decisions and then

When it’s over Cal says well we lost cuz of 50/50 balls I mean no we lost cuz we gave up a 15-point lead on the road to a team that’s not very good and there was a sequence when I was sitting there you all may remember this

I think we were up 11 and LSU shot an airball and one of our guys I’m not sure which one caught it and then dropped it LSU got it kicked it out hit a three and it was eight and I I said to Ryan I was

Like that was a key play in the game that kept them in this game and then I think they scored six or seven points in about a minute and it was close so you know I’m like a lot of Y all I’m just tired of losing these games I mean it’s it’s it’s

It’s it is unfortunate we’re we’re now very likely to be the fifth or sixth seed in the SEC tournament and I’m just kind of tired of watching the team lose these games and then when it’s over this isn’t the biggest deal the world but it is a deal you know Cal takes two

Questions and leaves with according to the reporters there multiple hands up he’s a sore loser now unfortunately he didn’t used to be like that he did not used to be like that but you know when they won Saturday he came in talked a lot of

Trash he came in said say I’m the worst coach in the world he came in talked about all the all stars Etc well I was okay with it I’m all right with that I like that that’s what we like about it but you can’t do that and

Then lose and say hey I can just take a couple questions we got an early game Saturday the game is at 4 pm and to saving those 10 minutes you think that’s going to really show itself against Alabama Saturday that is just not facing the music when things don’t

Go your way and he’s better than that he is better than that he didn’t used to do that and that’s why and I’ve said this multiple times you’ll probably hear me say it again this whole thing comes down to March this team can beat anybody this

They just beat Auburn one of the best teams in the country on their floor and dominated from start to finish and we just lost to a mediocre LSU team that will host someone in the NIT and losing the first round at home to like you know Richmond and we just lost that’s this

Season so it’s going to come down to March and it’s going to come down to these games that are going to be coin flips against teams that we should be a lot better than you may have heard me on the show say right now in the tournament

We play seatan Hall let’s say we played seatan Hall we are going to be infinitely better than seatan Hall and we might beat them by 20 and we might lose by 10 and we have no idea and this team is too good for that and then if they beat Satan Hall we

Might play Duke and we could lose by 20 or win by 15 and we’re too good for that we are too good for the situation we’re in and I think that is ultimately it’s what frustrates me and I’m sure it’s what frustrates a lot of you


  1. Cal is a poor X&O coach. His priority is NBA development. He even said that NBA player development is his priority.

  2. How stupid are Kentucky fans? Cal has ALWAYS said that he is a "Players first" coach. He really DGAF about UK and its legacy. He uses that to recruit these top shelf players and gets them in the NBA so he can go to the Allstar game and pose with them and say "look what I've done."

  3. Kentucky always seems to revert back to their losing ways. Ball watching at critical times in the game. How does a bad team like LSU score 48 points in the second half? The answer is terrible defense.

  4. One complaint I have is the whistle was not equal both ways at all. The whistle heavily favored LSU. In most games it seems to usually favor the opposing teams. But for sure we really lost the game cause we lost the 15 point 2nd half lead.

  5. I don't even really care about the "we should not lose these games anymore" thought process. We lose these games all the time now since Bam/Monk/Fox. It is no secret that Cal is a horrible coach. You know it. I know it. Everybody in the state knows it. Everybody in college basketball knows it. Hell the players probably know it. When they make those stupid journey videos, does he ever talk strategy in the timeouts or in the pre game or in the post game? No! It is all "hoo rah i like my team" bullcrap.

    What really is starting to piss us off is he doesnt want to talk. He doesnt want to talk about how he is going to improve it because he doesnt know. He has no flipping idea what to do or how to do it. All he wants to do is talk trash when a good team has an off night against us.

  6. I find it funny how some fans think we should win all games. KY is not going to. No one is going to. A buzzer beater win against KY is what it is.

  7. This CB loss was hard, but we lost that huge lead and got what we deserved. What irks me is the fans storming the court in a regular season game. Really LSU fans? Act like you’ve won a game before.

  8. Cal was 100% right… got to get loose rebounds and 50/50 balls… he wasn’t perfect and the team wasn’t perfect but you have to do the little things. Rob didn’t box out and Reed just stood there and watched the ball. Freshman mistakes. My hope is that they learn and the film is telling. I still believe in this team. Mark it down

  9. What’s frustrating is DJ getting 21 minutes and Rob getting 22 and Reed getting 26 it’s time for Reed to get 30 minutes plus. And why play Jordan in a close game when he barely even plays. These kids need to be ready to play everyone not just big winning programs. This game only affects the seeding. I’m not worried about this team and there potential to make a real run in March. There’s been 4 games we should have won and gave them away. But you can’t find something that works and then go away from that. I hope Cal sees what Adou does for this team not Trae Mitchell Adou needs 30 minutes plus. He’s getting 11 rebounds and 4 blocks not Adou. Hopefully they take this and realize they can’t do this anymore. I rarely ever blame Cal but DJ dribbling for 25 seconds at the top of the key is frustrating. He said he’s not doing the politics but DJ has started all but 1 game he’s been healthy for. They need Reed and Tone to get more open looks. These games are more frustrating than worrying. This team can easily make a run but they have to play 40 minutes even if there up by 15

  10. Sleazeball Calipari doesn't like the SEC tournament. He said it. Stop the hype about what seed they might get. Stop the hype about the NCAA tournament. Sleazeball Calipari is not at Kentucky to win Championships. Yes, Sleazeball said it. Sleazeball is at Kentucky to put players in the pros. The players only care about NIL money and make the pros. The Kentucky tradition is dead. Sleazeball is wasting public money on these one year players. No education here. How many actually go to class after the first semester? Is the graduation rate above 20%? Quit the hype about the seeding. Sleazeball does not care. Sleazeball is not at Kentucky to win Championships. Fire Barnhart for that ludicrous contract. Pure stupidity.

  11. Ok breathe and bring back Billie gillispie.but adou blocked the ball down not away from the basket or out of bounds…small stuff.

  12. This fanbase including Matt Jones is more focused on finding ways to hate Cal rather than supporting the team. They’ve lost close games, it sucks and I hate it but we have a chance to make a run every year. This fan base so too entitled. We’re not gonna be the best team in the country every year. No team will be. That’s the why it is in modern college basketball. The SEC is music tougher now. Every team is getting beat nowadays

  13. Ha, I (sorta) made dialogue! I agree with everything Matt said and with his reasons UK lost. But when he mentions checking in online, I'm one he had a Xwitter/shitter convo going where I disagreed with the last play. Matt argued there and and in this video that we want multiple shots. He begins saying that if we miss, we foul and put them on the stripe, and they (maybe) go up 3 – but then he stops there. Well, what happens next? Lets play that out. They let UK prance up and take an open 3? Or maybe they do the opposite thing Cal would do, the thing Matt was complaining about at the end of the UF game, they foul putting UK at the line. You could argue that it then turns into a FT game at that point and we were clearly leading in that stat, but that's still a lot of what-ifs.

    Why rely on our spotty D and spotty rebounding at all? We had the ball in the best players hand in their court. Take the clock down to 8 seconds. Drive and crash the boards. IMHO, I'd rather live and die with one last shot, putting it all in on our Offense, rather than some what-if scenarios where it requires our D or rebounding to secure the W. But hindsight is 20/20. I don't think this is the reason we lost. Matt described why we lost perfectly. Love the show. Love KSR. Love UK. And I hope things turn around. Go Cats!

  14. Dum bum coach never calls timeouts at the appropriate time. Let LSU come back to a tie, did nothing. XOXOXO is fundamentals, bad coaching.

  15. Cal thinks he is too big to be fired doesn’t have to answer to anyone. He is a terrible coach period. His program does not produce nba players. The skills the player has gets him to the nba. One year players do not learn to be an nba player in one year god gave them that talent not Cal. Every team at the beginning of the year has flow, then what happens.CAL and his so called system. Lakers had a coach like him that had very talented players but kept getting beat because of a system. Pat R. said let them play basketball and what happened. Wins and championships. UK fans don’t care if you’re going to nba . We care about winning and championships. Cal is not true blue,because of that reason right there, he gets paid either way,gets his quad one win and he’s in. Doing the same thing over and over again with the same negative result is stupidity and insanity. But that what’s con men do. Maybe it’s time for another billboard to get some results. FREE UK FROM CAL

  16. Jay Williams said it best. UK is the Dallas Cowboys. All hype and no action. Yes Cal is definitely a sore loser.

  17. If your "Built for March" you cannot give up a 15 point lead to team like LSU. Cal needs to stop 'gaslighting' us!

  18. It wasnt Cals fault. He coached those kids to a fifteen point lead and hes not responsible for them not keeping it. Time for these players to take responsibility

  19. Inability to rebound in the 2nd half, unforced TOs, stopped passing the ball, not defending the corner 3. Wide open layups. Sound familiar! Why does Cal not recruit players 6'8" 240 plus? None of the bigs can hold a spot on the floor.

  20. I’m still in shock we lost. I really feel like we can’t win without a big. Ugo is horrible Bradshaw horrible and big z soft. Ugo got demolished whole game smh. I know we lost but this one of those games where we won fr. Lsu is a bad team smh

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