Golf Players


Police confirm staggering amount of arrests at Waste Management Phoenix Open! The figures are shocking and scarily high, especially in comparison to the year on year figures. The Waste Management Phoenix Open descended into madness with a record number of arrests at the event as over SO MANY fans were kicked out after drinking and distracting golfers.. but these figures have been released for arrests, ejections, trespasses and calls for service.

These figures are that BAD could it actually cause a major problem and potentially threaten the tournaments future? Scottsdale Police have revealed the extent of the chaotic behavior at the Waste Management Phoenix Open which saw a crazy amount of people arrested throughout the week.

Find out all you need to know and get in the comments section of this video as I want to know what you think!

The Waste Management Open could be in jeopardy after the weekend antics from golf fans! What I have witnessed here on the leaked footage from fans doesn’t belong at ANY sporting event, never mind a golf event!

Top players such as Zach Johnson, Jordan Spieth, and other major golfers weigh in on the terrible behavior of fans at the Waste Management Open in Phoenix. Jay Monahan has indicated he may have to cancel the event. Has the huge party atmosphere on the 16th hole that we’ve all come to love just gone too far now?

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Shocking amount of arrests and people who were kicked out the Waste Management Open has been revealed and the figures have been released by the local police force now I’m absolutely astounded well I say I’m astounded I’m not astounded because I saw what was going on and two

Days ago I released a video of the absolute Mayhem that was taking place during the event now just to cast your mind back we had a guy taking away we had fights people sliding down on their belly during events Billy hell getting abused sack Johnson Ridder Cup captain

Getting abused because of his Ridder cup captaincy supposed mistakes at the Marco Simone Golf Course last year Jordan SP another person got ejected because he was getting abused it was absolutely well in my mind ridiculous but one thing that I found really strange was you a

Lot of you were saying this is what golf needed to take golf into sort of more of a a modern era and bring it to a more mainstream audience now 100% I am all for that but not at the expense of upsetting players not at the expense of

I don’t know losing the values of golf because what I saw here was something that wouldn’t be tolerated at any sporting event not just a golf event so I’m just sort of discounting the fact that this is a golf event this wouldn’t even be tolerated at any sport an event

Okay so let’s go through the figures so I I said here right it’s more than doubled the amount of people who have been arrested at the event this year but that figure doesn’t really shock me what shocks me is the trend so let’s go through this here so according to

Scottdale police a total of 54 fans were arrested during the Phoenix Open in 2024 now on top of those arrests there were records here 21 gold goers were kicked out of TPC Scotsdale which is more than double what we had last year 54 arrested 21 golfers kicked out now I want you to

Look at these Trends over the last 3 years so 2022 2023 and 2024 okay so we’re going to go through four categories here calls for service arrests ejections and trespasses now as I’m going through this as I always say with these videos as much as this is

Breaking news I want you to get down in the comments and let me know what you think the question I POs to you right now before going through these figures has the waste management gone too far has it become too party that we just sort of need to re it back slightly now

I’m all for the party atmosphere and all for the 16th but I just as I keep saying right this wouldn’t be acceptable at any sporting event so calls for service in 2022 I’m guessing this is calls to the police was 440 in in 2023 it was 558 and in 2024 it was

653 now look at the trend where does this stop that’s what I think going on to arrests in 2022 there were none in 2023 there were 18 and in 2024 as I said there was 54 look at the trend it’s more than doubled this year ejections in 2022

There was 90 2023 there was 102 and 2024 there was 21 just look at how these Trends are going trespasses now before we go into this one what do you make of these figures so far they’re scary to me because if we carry on at this rate

We’re going to be looking at 800 people call 800 calls for service looking at maybe a 100 arrests 400 people having to be kicked out it’s shocking it really really is if this happened at a football event well it wouldn’t I don’t think I mean correct me if I’m wrong it would be

In mainstream news that’s what I would say it would be a mainstream news so trespasses 2022 we had 14 2023 we had 41 and in 2024 there was 73 there’s only one way this curve is going now the mayor mayor Ora did have something to say about this and this is the statement

That he released the Phoenix Open has had an outstanding reputation as a successful attraction for millions of fans over the last 37 years to Scotsdale with our unruly behavior that we witnessed last week I am confident that the Thunderbirds Are committed to make the necessary changes so that the next

Open is safe and enjoyable for all well I think something does have to change how they do this I don’t know because there is a fine line between this party atmosphere that that people want to come to and I guess not getting it not letting it get too out of hand we also

Heard that people refused entry and they had to stop serving alcohol at some point during the event I’ve also heard rumors that Jay Monahan is on the fence about extending the contract for this event I honestly think that would be a mistake we’ve got to keep the event

We’ve just got to find a way of finding that balance between it getting absolutely out of hand and people having a good time now I appreciate that is very hard to find but these figures the way they are is absolutely ridiculous so that’s today’s breaking news within the golf

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  1. I know it would lose alot of $$$$$$$$$$, put just stop selling Beer! And I sure did not know they sold mixed drinks??????????

  2. Im.sorry, this video is ridiculous. The tournament stopped giving attendance figures in 2019. That year, four days had over 576000 people. Saturday alone had 200000 attendees. Using that number of 54 ejected over 4 days in negligible. Thats an average of 13.5 arrest per day at average of 140000 attendees a day. The police calls for service encompass everything,from u ruly attendees, lost cars, lost people, medical events traffic events. Your comments are not even remotely accurate. People get arrested at every nfl game here in the US at probably greater numbers please be a little more thorough in your research.

  3. After Jon & top world class players left to LIV – the PGA looks like a beer league.😀 Is this how PGA Executives want to proceed as the PGA’s future?

  4. Hopefully this comment doesn’t offend you and you pull it down like others. I don’t believe these people are golfers. They are just a bunch of unruly college kids they want to get drunk and cause trouble. This kind of behavior is not good for the game. These are not the kind of people the game of golf needs. People today don’t respect tradition.

  5. Absolute mayhem this started off with a good idea with the 16th hole & now due to a large band of wreck heads the whole tournament is under threat certainly not a place for families reign it in or cancel the whole thing what would Arnie of thought of this shocking behaviour on a golf course.

  6. I like what they do at WM and at LIV but there has to be a limit on what is acceptable. This looks like it's gone a bit too far now.

    It is a slippery slope but it can be brought back to an acceptable level. Just look at how bad it got here in the UK with the footballsoccer. But that took years and some major tragedies to get to where we are now.

    If there are lessons to be learned from that you need to nip it in the bud early. Longer you leave it the harder it's going to be to get it under control as it starts to get normalised.

  7. Does anyone think the PGA's allowance of the party atmosphere is to compete with the LIV party atmosphere?

  8. WMO selling beers like there is no tomorrow as if it’s a football game so no one is surprised.

  9. Umm this does happen at football games. And much worse. You’re looking at calls due to small crap that is acceptable at other sporting events. Not speaking for all but it is most. Sounds like it was a good time.

  10. The fans absolutely went too far. They need to rein this in. Fans can still have fun without being complete idiots and disrespecting players. If this is allowed to continue you can kiss big name players goodbye, they will no longer go to this event.

  11. Strong feelings on this subject from people who respect golf & support the true professionals who play this amazing game kick out the drunken idiots the game don’t need losers posing as supporters.

  12. Same old Tiger, if he's playing good he is fine. If not, something is always wrong with him. Always been that way. How many times in past oh the announcer says he's playing on one leg, example in US open with Roco, hits a bad shot and he's limping leaning on his club, and 5 minutes later makes a great shot or putt and hes jumping around fist pumping no problems at all. He was great. Maybe the best ever. Still a guy name Jack to consider but regardless of what he was is not what he is now. Time catches up with us all. Hes done, everyone just needs to except it, especially all the people on golf Channel and networks showing every shot he makes even if 10 shots behind and not showing the one leading the tournament. The game and the newest stars deserves the attention not Tiger. He had his days in the sun, for the sake of the game let it go!!!!!!!

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