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The SWING that SHOT 60 at PEBBLE BEACH | Wyndham Clark Swing Analysis

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Three wins in one year does Windam Clark have the best swing on the PJ tour I vote Yes leave a comment below if you agree with that let’s break this move down and find out what makes him so Great all right Windam Clark this is a swing I have been very impressed with dating back to Bay Hill of last year when I was watching him rip 3 past most guys drivers on the first hole naturally watching him hit it far I was took an

Interest into his game and I knew it was just a matter of time before he was going to get that first W obviously that came at the Wells Fargo he followed it up with the US Open Victory and then he got his third win at Pebble Beach in my

Opinion I think he’s on the Brinks of the P being the PJ tour’s next Superstar if not already there and the thing about this swing is I think this is the prototypical swing we’re going to see in years to come so guys who are athletic guys who take care of their body guys

Who don’t only hit it straight but they also bomb it it’s going to be interesting to see as they eventually roll the golf ball back if this is the type of player that’s going to separate themselves on that note been very impressed with how Windom takes care of

His body uh if you follow him closely on Instagram he works with Premier Fitness Solutions out in Scottdale Arizona puts a lot of work into his body so uh you can tell he’s a hard worker and uh let’s jump into it starting with the setup I always like to start with the left

Shoulder to left hip relationship so you can see those are pretty much aligned and that’s going to create some tilt in the shoulders this helps hitting the driver um you might see it a little differently you know with an iron especially as you’re trying to hit more

Down on it but um pretty standard in terms of spine tilt out of dress his lead elbow points at the Target okay so this is something that we now have seen from the last three winners on the PJ tour and his Trail elbow points just outside his right rib cage now I think

This is where we we see a little variance so Rory sets up very similar to Windam and then I would say some players set up with it a little bit more tucked maybe like a Bryson D Shambo so that’s kind of the window of where we see that

Trail elbow point and ultimately that’s going to influence how that trail shoulder is loading in the back swing and through the transition so either way works obviously it’s just got to match up now I really like the amount of foot flare when has out of dress and I think

This is a good um model to follow if you’re you know 95% of the golfing population assuming that uh most people are not going to have range of motion in their hips and so U basically by adding some flare we’re going to give the pelvis more room to actually turn now

The interesting thing about this is Windom has a very wide base okay and one of the things about a very wide base is the wider your stance gets a lot of times that will actually pull the pelvis into more of an anterior tilt so a lot

Of times in that case the belt buckle will Point more down anytime that happens the hips themselves will will have less range of motion to work with with the wide base it makes sense now of why he has a little bit more flare it’s probably to allow that pelvis uh some

Range of motion to actually turn through so I I really like that correlation there now his grip I would say his grip is on the weaker side of the spectrum so most of the logo is pointing at the Target I think this is actually similar

To Nick Dunlap script I know a lot of you commented in on that analysis and thought that uh his grip was actually stronger so uh if you disagree with what I’m saying about winds grip leave a comment below I’ve been wrong before um but to me it looks a little a little bit

On the weaker side the V of his right hand points up inside his right shoulder so uh overall I would say it’s a little weaker grip there is some Cup in there right so we do see a little bit of Cup in that uh form to a hand relationship

Uh so it’s going to be interesting to see how he kind of monitor monitors that relationship in the back swing down the line’s pretty good obviously the camera angle slightly off um you can see that it’s set up more down the target line typically we like to shoot from uh more

On the hand line or the toe line and you can see that does create a little Parallax here so you can see uh at a dress uh his body looks like it’s aimed slightly to the right uh it’s not it’s just the where the camera was being shot

From um but overall I think it’s a pretty good setup from the down the line right uh knees are flexed over the balls of the feet we draw a line up that hits at the armpits so that’s sign that he’s pretty balanced there’s some space between his hands and his pelvis

Obviously um we see this from a lot of the bombers as they create more rotation they need room to actually rotate through so um that is something we see a lot and that helps establish how far he’s standing from the ball so obviously if there’s more distance from the hands

To the pelvis he he’s going to be a little bit further away but overall I like that spine is pretty neutral so pretty neutral in the lumbar section we start to see a little curve not much up top so that that’s good and then the big

Thing that I I’m always looking at is is how these arms are hanging relative to the PEC so you can see if we draw a line down his humorous bone which is from his shoulder down to his elbow is hanging this side of 90° so I that’s something I

Like to see typically what that does is that’s going to allow the arms to sit a little little bit more in front or on top of the pecs from the face on view so uh that’s something that when we look back to our last to analysis is uh

Matthew pavon and Nick Dunlap their arms sat a little bit differently uh so they sat more on the sides of the peck so the way Windam has it set up is my preferred way because then that will allow the arms to move a little bit more in front

Of the body uh going back so that that lead humoris doesn’t have to work around that lead pack as much but overall I think um a really good setup that the thing to kind of take away is is the wider base uh is paired with the foot

Flare so I love that all right so we’re going to get some lines on his pelvis and then the top of his head okay and in my opinion this is where the magic happens off the ball he doesn’t have as much lateral motion so you can see if

Anything he’s moving up very quickly so almost up into the right at a slight angle okay versus Nick Dunlap and Matthew pavon we saw a little bit more lateral Motion in their swing early on so Windham has very little of that so what he does is he he goes up in the

First half of the back swing okay nice wide takeaway I want you to kind of notice that the pelvis has not moved much laterally so he’s he’s pretty much staying in between the lines that he started at a dress and then right about waist high what starts to happen is he

Now starts to lower okay so he starts to then lower as he goes to the top okay um this is something that we see from the bombers so at at some point we see an upload in the backswing and then at some point they reverse that and their goal

Is to accelerate that Center of mass as fast as they can towards the ground this is creates what we call unweighting so as you unweight and you get lighter through the transition uh there’s more potential for vertical Force he does a great job with his pivot okay so you can

See that the right hip has worked back just a little bit and because he had more turn and less sway now the byproduct is his upper body is going to be angled slightly away from the target okay benefits of this are one you’re going to be able to create more turn so

You’re going to be able to wind your body up a lot more efficiently and then two that’s going to help neutralize the path for the most part so the opposite would be if a player wound up and their spine was more extended or on top of it

Uh there’s a good chance that that path might end up on the more left side of the spectrum if they rotate so not always the case obviously players find ways to get in and out of every position but if Windom was more extended with a lot of body rotation that could pull the

Path left but overall really good model pivot to to emulate down the line view we’re going to look at the up and down motion and then I also want you to kind of look to see what’s happening with the lower body okay so we got a line on his

Head we got a line on his butt as he creates that up move okay in the first half of the back swing um what I want you to see is he’s not only going up but he’s also pulling away from where he started okay so he’s going up up and

Pulling away and I also want you to take note of what’s happening with this Trail leg so he starts with a little bit of flex in that trail leg and then as he goes up to about waist high you can see that he’s actually losing a little bit

That Flex so now he’s basically a lost flex and losing Flex in that trail leg in my opinion is very important to allowing the pelvis to turn it doesn’t mean that he’s not loading his Trail hip it can still extend a little bit do we want that locking out no we definitely

Don’t want that locking out but we also don’t want to see that increasing Flex right A lot of people do that and all that does is ends up restricting their their hip turn as he continues to move up to the top I want you to see he’s now

Reversing that process he’s now back to where he started so he he’s pretty much regained that Flex that he started with in that right leg and his head is not only going towards the ball but he’s also going down so remember this is the point where he’s trying to accelerate

His Center Mass as quickly as he can towards the ground this is in my opinion what the longest guys do really well uh they they have some type of upload move in there and then somewhere between P2 and P3 they are going down now remember

What we said right so in the back swing he lost some Flex now he regains flux okay so this Trail hip is loaded he’s ready to go from there you know interestingly enough wiam doesn’t have like a massive turn okay so you can see where his lower body starts and then at

The top there’s a little Bank of his left leg so his his lead leg banks in just a little bit but it’s not a ton right I mean obviously not like a Bubba Watson or anything and you can tell that’s probably why his swing only goes back to roughly parallel so perfectly

Okay I think if you’re someone that struggles with range of motion I that’s something I wouldn’t be afraid of so I would maybe let that lead leg work back just a little bit more but obviously he he’s got the mobility to to support it all right so checking in on this gript

Face relationship obviously we mentioned maybe a little weaker grip at the face on view a little cup in that lead wrist as he moves back to P2 one of the things we see is we see maybe a little loss of that cup okay so obviously tough to tell

Exactly with the the camera angles looking at the face relationship it’s definitely more on an incline Okay so so pretty much matching the spine angle this is something that we we like to see that’s going to ensure that the face is staying Square to the AR he swinging

Back on as we move him up to the top from the face on you you’ll see he has a decent amount of Cup in his wrist okay so left arm relationship to the club it’s definitely loading and in the process of doing that he actually

Regains a little bit of that cup that he had at a dress so now the byproduct is the face isn’t going to be pointed as much at the sky okay so I say it’s definitely on the Square to maybe even open side of the spectrum you know weak

Grip if you maintain that cup you’re going to have more of a a square to open face now this could lead to one of two things one if he cuts the ball and he gets that path more to the left that creates a matchup or if he does get his

Path moving a little bit more into out the Open Face could help him actually start Balls to the right I don’t know the exact ball flight he hits but overall he sets himself up nicely from a body positioning standpoint to have a good move through the transition and

What we see is we see a little bit of an overlapping so as the club is still working back okay so we can see the club working back his lower body is starting the process of actually rotating towards the target okay so you can kind of see

That if I play that a couple times Club Going Back lower body going in the opposite direction that’s going to create a big stretch so lead arm is going to load across the chest chest and then what he’s also doing is he’s he’s creating a massive stretch from his left

Hip up to that right shoulder really important part of the rotational process so if you can load that obviously your body is going to fire much more efficiently so one of the things I’ve talked about in other videos is I love to see this P5 position so especially U

We like to see the knee Square by this position this is telling us that his lower body is opening at the appropriate rate and remember with the camera angle the way it is you know it’s going to look less open from this position but obviously I like where he’s at a hand

Path in a down swing is pretty much center of the chest okay so if we look at where the hands are moving they go up they load back a little bit so they they drop down and then as he rotates they work out okay so pretty much middle of

The chest based off that information I’d say his path is pretty neutral Club moving nicely down through the forearm and then if we stop right at impact uh this is this is textbook right here folks so bent right elbow love that lower body that is open so we can see

His left hit and then the spine is actually tilting a little bit to the right so he’s got some nice lateral Bend in there so that that is textbook and that’s going to play a role in allowing his hands to exit nicely around the body

So you can see for the most part the hands are exiting just under the left shoulder and that’s going to create create some stability through that face so we don’t see a ton of rolling of that face really nice finish I I love this position where um golfers finish with

Their heel a little bit more that way so that is uh from some of my go to days I I like to see that heel away all day as you can see not much lateral motion with the pelvis in the through swing okay so

If we draw a line from the left hip down okay very minimal lateral now one of the interesting things is his upper body does tip back just a little bit okay so you can see the upper body moving back ever so slightly typically when we see the upper body move back sometimes what

That does uh is that could actually move the low point back okay so to where now you might be hitting balls thin or you might be uh hitting balls fat but one of the way he he offsets this is watch his lead elbow so as he gets closer to

Impact he starts to actually Flex this lead elbow okay so we start to see that actually pull towards the target a lot of you guys might consider this a chicken wing uh and and I know a lot of you hate this in your own swings but

This is a release style we do see from a lot of the top guys you know Brooks kka Victor havin we could certainly put Windom in that category so by flexing that lead elbow okay that’s going to get the handle more forward at impact okay and ensure that uh his strike point is

Correct does everyone need to do that no but is it a a good way to to match some things up 100% Ricky followers another one and then obviously the last thing we’ll talk about is because he has a lot of rotation his lower body I love what

This left leg is doing through impact okay so it’s straightening right so that left leg straightening is going to increase vertical Force obviously that’s a major power component um but also the the more we can get that left leg straightening you know in a timely fashion that’s going to help pull up on

The handle and as a byproduct that’s going to uh accelerate the club head overall I mean as you can see I think there’s a lot of really good things in this swing big things that we see in his swing versus like a long drive swing is

We don’t see as much lateral so I’d say uh the fact that he keeps his Center of mass a lot more stable from a from a lateral standpoint is going to probably make it easier on his ability to hit the different shots needed in golf obviously

In Long Drive guys are are only hitting driver keeping that Center of mass a little bit more stationary will help with some of the shorter shots especially the offs speed shots but nonetheless you know he he still has a few of those power components built into his move

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