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Chipping Like a Pro – Stop Chunking #golf @NoGolfNoGlory

Eli getting an chipping lesson with Coach John from Miles of Golf in Ann Arbor, MI. To book a lesson with Coach John click here ๐Ÿ‘‰
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#golf @NoGolfNoGlory

All right guys this is a follow-up video from the ENC course lesson with Coach John this video will be him helping me around the green so I can lower my score let’s get into it first let’s go over a low medium high with a 58 for a medium

Height pitch shot you’re going to put ball middle you’re going to put your handle a little bit left okay then we know from a technical standpoint we’re going to set up with a little bit more weight on our left side and we’re hitting these shots with the lift and

Fall of our arms and the turn of our body so you’ll notice my chest and hips continually rotate on the way down right what we don’t want to do is Propel the club with their hands and risk cuz if we do that we’re going to lengthen the club

Relative to the ground we’re going to risk him behind it or if we do that then we’ll probably stop hitting the ground entirely then we might risk swinging up on it and toping it so we’re going to hit these shots with the turn of our body and the gravity of the club falling

Now if I like I said earlier medium height ball pretty middle handle a little bit forward this is probably the Chip Shot that you’ll use the most something like that right okay now if I want to hit it higher at setup I’m going to put the ball further up in my

Stance MH and I’m going to put the shaft closer to 90ยฐ because the more I move the handle in front of the club head the more I’m delofting the club naturally the lower it’s going to come out right but for this High shot we want to get

The ball up in the air quickly so you’re going to put the ball a little bit forward maybe around left nipple left armpit area and then the handle and shaft pretty much at 90ยฐ okay and then you’ll notice to at set up I’m going to

Work the face up to the sky and as I work the face up to the sky I’m adding Loft which is going to naturally make the ball want to come out higher but you’ll notice as I do that I’m also pointing the face more to the right so

Then I have to compensate by aiming my body to the left so my body’s aim left to the Target my but my face is actually in line with the target yeah and you’ll see because the face is open and my handle is more at 90ยฐ not forward the

Ball’s going to come out much higher and because the ball’s going to come out higher I’m going to have to swing much bigger cuz the ball’s going more up and and not out right so for the high one I’m going to put the ball forward face is open you can see I’m

Aimed left and this is like your high soft one you can see now the ball comes out high so when it lands it has some grab to it right yeah okay now for the low one you’re going to take a club like a pitching wedge or an N iron something

That has a lot less Loft and now you’re going to put the ball in the back of your stance so now I got the ball more maybe by my big toe my right foot or kind of right armpit somewhere in there and I’m going to point the handle at my

Left leg just like we talked about the more we move the handle forward the more we deloft it right yeah and for the low one we want to deloft it right so now I got the ball back I got the hands left same deal I’m keeping the pressure on my

Left leg and I’m hitting this shot with the lift and fall of my arms and the turn of my body again you can see pressure on the left and that’s how you hit your like bump and run or your low running shot is this stuff making sense yeah okay now in

Terms of like when to use these shots we can move around a little bit so let’s say you’re going from here to that pin across the graen okay okay if you’re going here to that pin across the green there’s really no reason to hit the high shot right no cuz there’s nothing you

Have to go over there’s nothing you have to cover there’s room for the ball to roll out M so in this scenario you’d probably want to go medium or low right so if you go Medium you’re going to land it a few Paces onto the green and let it

Bounce and roll back there and if you’re going to go low you’ll probably have to land it close to the front edge right yeah so this is probably best set up for 58ยฐ ball a little bit back kind of almost like a medium to lowish type of

Shot and the ball will come out low and it’s going to have some bounce and Chase to it and that’s a way easier way to control it than opening up the face and doing this big swing to get it there is a lot a lot more risky right yeah okay

Now let’s talk about a scenario to where you would have to hit the high shot let’s head over here okay let’s say your ball is here and you’re going to that pin there okay now obviously there’s not a lot of room for the ball to roll out right like you’re kind of short-sided

This is the only time you’d use that high shot when there’s not room for the ball to roll out now I got ball forward got face open the ball should come out pretty high and soft so when it lands it doesn’t roll a bunch and when it lands it landed

Relatively dead right yeah and when you were on course dude you would be in a scenario to where like your ball’s in the Fairway back there there’s a ton of room for the ball to roll out and you’re trying to hit this High 64 degre there just making it like unnecessarily hard

Right like remember that chip shot on hole three the par five Go go all that you still that leaf yeah whatever was in there yeah that’s a prime scenario for just like hit a low PE wedge in there and let him roll it back to the hole instead of trying to hit like a high 64 and carry it all the

Way there well here how about you try H some shots so yeah how about you just start with like a medium height Chip Shot medium now you said for it to be um kind of forward y having this like that exactly the the the handle you’re going

To put the hand like over here yeah a little bit forward and then just yeah hit it with the turn of your body so you just got a little grow me for a ball try it again yeah how far is this probably like 30 yards uh yeah probably shorten That nice nice Check need aim more right or left sh Ain it right yeah ah nope so the tendency has been to hit the ground a little bit early on the ones that haven’t been good okay so let’s talk about how path affects low Point okay okay the more I swing in out

And the more I swing to the right the more I move the low point back see I tend of hit the ground back here yeah just like the more I swing out to in the more I swing left the more I move the low point forward see I’m hitting the

Ground over there right so the reason why you’re hitting the ground a little bit for the ball is not because you’re flipping your hands and flipping your wrists like this you’re actually doing a good job keeping the handle in front of the club head and turning the reason why

You’re Hing back here is because the shaft is too far inside or you know you’re swinging too in out which is moving the bottom of the swing back so you’re going to need to feel a little bit more keep the club head outside of your hands or feel like the club head’s

Working a little bit more to the outside and that’ll move the low point a little further up okay now what we absolutely do not want to do is put push our hands out like this cuz if you start to push your hands out you’re going to start to

Move weight on your toes you’re going to move closer to the ball you’re probably going to shank it so what we need to do is work our hands straight back but keep the club head outside the hands like notice if you check this out here my handle is going straight back but the

Club head is staying to the outside of the handle so we want to take it back like this we don’t want to correct an inside takeaway by pushing our hands out cuz we’re going to move into our toes we want to correct the inside takeaway by

Keeping the club head to the outside of the handle that’s key right there you see what he’s saying yeah is that making sense cuz your your hands will go inside right it’s going to feel a little bit more like this see how the C head’s kind of staying out here

Yeah now do a couple of practice swings let the club brush feel a little more outside it’s probably going to feel a little bit more like you’re hitting a cut Dude first Contact pretty good there we go nice that was hit perfect that’s exactly what it should look like sound like Etc good Work yeah so I couldn’t tell from this angle cuz I want to see from the face on but it’s possible that the shaft got too far behind you and that happens from wrist break so what we want to do is move the club by turning our upper torso

And lifting our arms what we don’t want to do is Propel the club with their hands and wrists like this see how if I break my wrist the shaft Gets behind me yeah so you want to initiate up here turn and lift don’t break wrists all

Right guys this lesson was fire the tips that he gave me was incredible you know not breaking the wrist and to have my club go straight out instead of going to the inside stay tuned for the next one I’mma show yall the progress that I accomplished with my chipping make sure

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