SUN DAY RED & Jordan 9 Golf Shoes | The Headz Up Podcast | Episode 2

The second episode of the Headz Up Pod touches on the recent golf tournaments including our visit at the Waste Management Phoenix Open, then dive deeper in the product side including the SUN DAY RED announcement, new drivers & irons, and Jordan Golf kicks.

Hosted by Josh, Aash & JP – the team behind Golfheadz and Pace of Play (Indoor Golf Facility in Toronto).

Timecodes 🕰️
0:00 Intro & Genesis Open
4:00 Josh & JP go to Waste Management Open
15:52 Thoughts on SUN DAY RED – Tiger’s New Brand
28:09 Talking About the New Drivers & Srixon Irons
35:07 Jordan Golf Shoes & Golf Shoes in General

That my problem with honestly with most of the Jordan shoes other than the ones is I found them way too heavy live now so he can cheat as much as he want doesn’t matter he’s still getting a bag who who gets an Ace and doesn’t win Michael

Block very true so what’s popping Josh what are we talking about today um there’s a few things on the docket uh why don’t we start off with the the Genesis Invitational I didn’t watch it to be honest I’m not gonna lie I stopped after tiger pulled [Laughter]

Out that’s crazy did you watch pulled out yeah I did I did um crazy finish yeah hii W Hadi won um he came through like big time though man like he had a few clutch iron shots at the end um that just sealed the deal yeah who who was up

There with him it was zot Torres uh it was pantley um Sheffer was kind of there in the beginning but then like tailed off in the end but um my money was on alores like he had an ace throughout the the tournament I’m like oh really who who gets an Ace and doesn’t

Win Michael block very true very true it does help the scorecard though yeah is up there yeah uh yeah hadi’s round was like he had a minus n throughout the day no bogeys all like birdies oh sick and the last day he shot a minus 9 yeah that’s

Insane yeah and he ended up winning so need a little bit more trackman work uh to get up to there that’s like a scramble H playe unreal yeah legit honestly um yeah did you guys see the the Jordan Speed thing cuz he’s somebody

I had I may or may not have had a couple bucks going into the tournament on him right along with chevler along with tiger at 50,000 to one something stupid U yeah spe he puts the wrong score down I didn’t actually see what happened did you did you catch

That I didn’t like witness it um I’ve just been hearing things online yeah U but he got yeah he got dqd for putting a birdie instead of a par I think I think it was a par instead of a Boi oh okay okay yeah you you know when you hit a

Birdie put that down that’s weird like he but I don’t know the like the rules like I don’t obviously can’t do that but I think he caught it um and but but they still disqual by it too late yeah like he left the scoring area and then came back yeah

Like that’s what I was hearing like there was like an interview with Xander and he’s like yeah like Jordan wasn’t feeling really well so he did a score and then he ran to the bathroom and then when he came back it was wrong and yeah

It was weird I don’t know my thing is like that’s pretty your job right like yeah and when you finish a hole you go put your score down you you have I mean lot lots of money’s on the line yeah one stroke can change everything yeah and I

I get it from the PGA side upholding that Integrity around scoring is pretty important yeah um it sucks obviously for the player like yeah yeah he two rounds in you you’re working your butt off to try and get in there and and perform and a simple era like that but yeah seemed

Like an honest error does seem like intentional yeah what’s the other guy’s name Justin Reed or just in something uh in the tournament or Patrick Reed patri Patrick oh yeah he’s in live now so yeah he can cheat as much as he wants doesn’t matter he’s still getting a bag yeah yeah

Honestly um what else happened well waste management was the week before so we’ve had a couple weeks of good fun golf tournaments because I think Genesis isn’t that fun tournament as well the Invitational only OB tiger being there was big draw but for sure Waste Management I know it was a couple weeks

Ago um you guys actually had a chance to go check out the pram on the Wednesday and go see TPC ahead of time yeah I wasn’t there for that can you tell us and me and the community like what was that Vibe like on the Wednesday heading

Into the tournament and did it feel like everything we saw kind of online and on social kind of after yeah I mean I feel like it was a tease to be honest um um it was still busy uh the course looks unreal and I love when you walk in you kind of get

Directed in multiple directions like you can go to practice area there’s a couple holes that you can go to all from the entrance oh cool so it’s not really like uh it doesn’t fun you through one way um but we we went on the progam it wasn’t

Even nice weatherwise it was terrible it was cold we got rained on like crazy rain hail wind like all the above man uh so and no one had umbrellas like no one prepared for him yeah no one was prepared we weren’t prepared obviously and it got canceled and then yeah it got

Cancelled the greens were flooded so I wasn’t surprised and it was a pram right um but we did catch some of the players practicing which was kind of cool yeah and then we did you guys get to check out the grand stands at 16 yeah we went to the Grand stands they had

Like a celebrity shootout yeah cool which I only knew like two celebrities celebrities yeah a lot of them were I don’t know like local radio host or um the owner of whoop and stuff like that so right I mean it it was a fun atmosphere but at the same time it was

Just we were just watching people like Miss the green miss the green and when they when they do it the Green’s like okay cool nice shot but like that’s it you know there was nothing to it I know I mean yeah like it was uh honestly it

Was so electric man it was so cool like we got there pretty early we’re talking about like the 16th hole Yeah uh we got there early so we kind of got like pretty good seats um when you enter they give you uh plastic cups cuz they know

Like people are throwing it on the field instead of like all these cans I thought was pretty cool um but yeah you know I can only imagine you know a Saturday Friday or Saturday like how much that changes like you guys saw online like people were rushing

Through yeah it was like a stampede well I guess that’s my follow question is like did you guys think that this year like I thought some of what I saw last year I would put in the fun category and almost like a really cool different unique environment for the golfers this

One seemed like it might have gone a little overboard as with anything like like once you have access like people will put it yeah what did you guys think cuz to me like the novelty of like the streakers which Frank weren’t even real streakers like you’re going to be a real

Streaker you got to show something that wouldn’t typically be seen on a beach day you know what I mean like totally yeah but it went it went to another level what did you guys think like did you do you like that kind of like for a one-off tournament every year or do you

Think it like to me it almost went too far took away from the golf itself right it was a mad house like it yeah you know it seemed like people were just out of control but I I I don’t mind that you know I feel like waste management is

That you know they kind of like you have these like golf tournaments throughout the year and it’s kind of very rare yeah to get that experience right know and I feel like that’s the attraction of why people go there yeah um I feel like there needs to be a little bit of

Control in the environment I mean you have guys that are just hammered um fights broke out things like that can get out of hand and may be uncomfortable for other people yeah yeah it’s dangerous at that point right you get ugly yeah but I mean but then at the the

Flip side I mean yeah it’s a whole different energy you know you go there everyone’s having fun um I I think even the Canadian open kind of had a little bit of that right especially at St George right you had sort of their part three where people were cheering and

Banging on the hockey rink hockey rink that was cool yeah and I think that’s what golf needs um at least having that as an option and that’s why a lot of people look forward to this tournament right yeah yeah yeah so couple yeah this is leading to some couple good good

Conversation points but like do you think part of what PJ is trying to do with stuff like the RBC open having a little bit more of that animation and a little bit more of that in-game experience for the crowd do you think that’s uh a side effect of the whole

Live thing that PJ is trying to find more of these tournaments to stand out and have what I would consider like standout moments or or do you think this is just something that’s organically coming into the game I I mean I would say like the waste management has always kind of had that

Yeah uh type of energy even before live even started yeah fair enough um but but I feel like they’re embracing it to a certain extent I heard actually that they want to tighten things up for Waste Management the following year cuz it got really out of hand this go

But again it’s about finding that balance but I I think uh it’s good for the game it brings a lot of fans that are’t die hard golfers to to be excited for these types of events I personally would rather watch the waste management and the RBC open as opposed to some of

The other tournaments right yeah yeah so I don’t know that’s interesting man like I I believe yeah the PGA is almost like they’re under the gun right you know with Liv sort of like doing what they’re doing you know they’re one they’re poaching these players and what like

Obviously the money’s a big thing but um they’re incorporating a lot of different games too aren’t they like I mean the one like the atmosphere is so much different than you know a PGA event um other than like the waste management but like yeah I feel like the PGA is really

Feeling the pressure of live as especially you know that move after wrong and then now they’re incorporating different games there’s like a 2v2 tournament going on with Liv yeah like that’s crazy and I feel like the PGA is missing out on these opportunities to grow the game you know put it in a

Better place like what do you think yeah I I I think it’s like a direct counterbalance to what Liv’s doing like I think there’s a direct correlation and then to Jay’s point I think there’s like an indirect as well where like the game is we see it all the time right we

Talked about the game’s getting younger and so now you’re just seeing those audiences actually come out to these events and realize they bring a different energy and a different vibe um you also you got to keep remind probably for a lot of like Waste Management uh

Attendees um as well as some of these like like an RBC open there’s a lot of firsttime visitors to a golf tournament totally right so people that aren’t necessarily accustomed to like the traditions of of going to these things right and like some of the protocols that are like the the etiquette that

Goes with it and so I think like yeah jade made a good point like that new wave of of uh guests and people coming to like the viewers The Spectators are what’s going to continue to make this game and so it’s like can you brace some

Of the fun without I think he’s like just not losing the full Integrity of the game totally like live in certain elements has lost I think a little bit and what’s like how in what way to me it was always like the three round thing like the 54 holes I see right like

That’s the starting point like imagine not having a Sunday red because there’s no Sunday to play yeah but like that that level of thinking to it like that that fourth day is almost like those are the ones that really test your will um and so I think right away for me that

Was like a big big adjustment but I do like the way they’re embracing some of the more competitive gamified types of golf yeah uh because it’s things that the average weekend golfer can really kind of associate with get down with but it got me thinky because I’m a big fan

Of all the TPC courses when you guys went there did it like is it the fact that it is Waste Management there where they treat it like a bit of a party a party course did take away from the fact that like would you guys want to play there as as like

As a play as just a golfer hell yeah yeah I mean yeah the course looked unreal it did uh we didn’t get to see all all the course obviously no but um yeah I mean again the layout was nice because like when I went to the US Open

For example it it was so tight to get to other holes uh there’s there’s roadblocks you have to wait you have to cross the Fairway just uh get to another hole so the the layout I think makes a big difference but the one uh TBC Scottdale

Just it felt like so spread out and you can and and just ways to get to the 16th hole easily yeah ways to get to the first hole ways to get to the ninth hole organized um so I I I love that and I think the venue makes a big big

Difference on that yeah it’s so funny like uh it was toward the end of the day um and like I want like we ended up at the first hole yeah and like you know normally it’s all gated right but then it was gated but I asked the I was like

Oh can I take a picture and I was standing on the first hole at the tips like where they tea off and I’m like yeah we can play here do well but it was just cool I felt like all right you know can I actually

Let me let me let me swing here I would say the grand stand like the 16th hole felt like a stadium it was really it such a cool Vibe yeah it was that you don’t see at every tournament yeah right are you high up yeah like pretty high up

Yeah high up uh it surrounds the entire hole oh sick you see people across you know sharing you feel like you’re in a stadium right legit and it feels big it’s it almost felt like you know a small condensed like baseball game yeah there’s [ __ ] going on but there’s also

People just having a good time like to me that’s so cool like that’s that’s the stuff you miss right you don’t get that at every tournament again RBC open I think is a that’s one that I’ve been to recently where I feel like they they had

A little Grand C at one of the part 3s but it PS in comparison yeah and so do you guys see this coming into more tournaments like having that type of environment I think so yeah more user like for sure I think so it’d be silly

Not to yeah you know like it just because uh a lot of tournaments I mean it’s so hard to watch all the golf right you want to be in in a fun environment it’s like going to like an F1 event which I haven’t gone to but obviously

You can watch the entire uh race but just the energy the people cheering um being the sun yeah you know that all impacts the experience and and I just that’s one thing I didn’t love about the US Open which was in uh Boston was there there was there weren’t really places to

Sit they had like little stands that again it was just so small that it felt like you’re just like at a like a like a small baseball game or something you know it didn’t feel like you’re at a major sporting event yeah so I I think having that at you know at every

Tournament could could really help help it okay yeah so back to I guess uh even the Sunday red right that was just released yeah uh would love you know what do you guys think uh you know yeah tell me what you think big smiles big smiles so I I

Actually didn’t he it as much as I think some of the J gen poop hated it yeah yeah um I I think that logo could grow on me over time like there there there’s a brand in tennis called something like that with a similar type of character like I feel

Like I’ve seen that logo a few times in different iterations it’ll it’ll improve as it goes yeah overall I was a little underwhelm with the actual designs of everything I thought I thought Ken M should made a better effort to take higher level uh product shots right from

The Geto cuz some of the details that I’m saying after the fact or the things that I was missing at the Press jet where like some of these pieces have like really cool details out of trims out of labels uh die over at land force uh Colin keeps pointing out like the red

Line I love that little touch on all the clothing same my problem is like because speed was obviously a factor you can see down to the threads and and Jay and I have done a lot of product sourcing over the last year or so yeah and we’ve seen

A lot of samples like you could see down to the way the thread was put in there that this was a rush job uh it wasn’t finesse like really this is Tire right this is a legacy brand you’re trying to establish totally uh I don’t think you brush it

Necessarily but I get it you know Genesis was around the corner they wanted him to be in that apparel for the weekend I I think the only thing that I would actually buy in that whole thing was the that uh the that kind of look like this color like oh asmir uh sweater

Yeah yeah the one that he was rocking at the uh interview yeah other than that was it blown away no that the shoes a little J JY yeah what you think of the logo like what’ you think of the logo I mean yeah we talked about the logo before I we did

I think it’ll grow on me but um when it comes to to the line of clothing that was released I didn’t really see a hero product it it just seemed like he they slapped the logo on a bunch of merchandise yeah yeah like it felt like

More like a merch line than a than a brand interesting um and when I look back at like for example Jordan like his first pair of shoes was a hero product and then everything came in after yeah the Footwear didn’t resonate at all if anything the the one that we saw at at

The reveal it it looked like a orthotic shoe that’s like what a lot of people said and I think that was a m opportunity I would have lik to see some more P patterns involved as opposed to just throwing the logo right um you know made like tiger stripes you know that

Was probably the first thing that like came to mind or my first first impression was like the print on some of the shirts it was pretty cool you like you like some of the yeah like the stripes yeah like the the standard P yeah yeah yeah yeah I I I I like that

They Incorporated that cuz I was kind of paying homage to what he wore back in the day yeah but again it’s kind of it’s an outdated design yeah um again going back to like Jordan he has the Elephant Print which is now iconic right I’d like to see Tiger have his own

That’s that really stands out and it’s not necessarily have to be just a basic tiger stripe but something unique about it I think there’s a lot of ways to kind of incorporate that but yeah it was it was underwhelming but at the same time I wasn’t surprised like I you know I was

Surprised to see that I mean when you look at Tiger he’s not really a style icon in any way I know uh so yeah it is what it is I think over time we’ll see new stuff that might be more exciting but I think just with the timeline of

Things it did feel like a r a rush jop I think you know expectations were high you know like we’re waiting on this this logo we’re waiting for tiger and like yeah I didn’t really love it either you know um but I don’t know like you know when a

Company just Nails something and you’re just like yeah like that works like to me that didn’t give that feeling you know just like ah there’s something off you know like what is it I can’t just just even the font just a small details font is like an aerial font you know

They could have came out with their own unique font around that yeah just like piggy back off of a lot of these golf courses that just have these like really unique while thought out logos are there any like on the topic of logos like is there any that stand out to you like

That are really good like Timeless Timeless logos like apple for example it’s genius you know what I mean like that’s awesome yeah like uh like but I would to wear an apple sweater no well it’s funny like people wear like Kirkland shirts you know what I mean

Like that’s a I think that’s it’s smart you know you’re extending the brand very small audience there Costco they come in bulk baby it’s [ __ ] bulk audience tayor made for example their logo if you were to just grab anyone off the street to to like observe the logo they’re not going

To even think that it’s affiliated with golf you know what I mean like Titleist for example like people aren’t going to know if you’re not a golfer you’re not going to know that’s affiliated with golf I think that’s what a good logo and brand does it’s very Timeless you know

People they see it and they’re like oh like that could work for almost anything but now that I know it Incorporated golf like it’s sick yeah yeah to me it’s in balance of both like you have the best logo in the world yeah but if if the

Company and the brand doesn’t back it up then it’s worth it’s worth nothing right right like if n made shitty shoes would you really want a rock to check you know IM me like in general totally and I think that that kind of goes with everything

Like this is where I give tailor made Sunday R I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt that that logo over time is going to age much better because it’s tailor made and because it’s tiger as opposed to being a dope logo because that’s where I started thinking about

Like the Lacosta of the world or like true even the Puma logo if you think about the Puma logo it’s a silhouette of a PR mod that in today’s day be would be considered clip art yeah right like it wouldn’t be that so to me it’s like can

The brand uh evolve and kind of like take on that logo and make it a thing I see um and yeah when I think of Sunday ride I’m like I’m I’m going to buy something because I love T right but I I’m a tiger fanatic I would consider

Myself that especially as far as golfers go he’s easily my favorite golfer I’ll probably buy something from the collection yeah but I don’t when I think about that logo and that branding and what we saw as the initial offering I don’t think that’s going to resonate

With a bunch of buers out there right yeah right yeah I guess your original question timelist logos like I love titelist Yeah Jan have done actually quite a bit of like look the logos and asard to all new brands we talked about a lot of these things yeah and I think

Some of those ones that um just age really well right like Titus is a really basic fun it you get slightly dated but they almost play into that right like they’ve actually since recreated the logo yeah in a bit more of a traditional font just cleaned up the aesthetic of it

And it’s held a test time yeah yeah yeah I mean I I I’m a big fan of um Golf Course logos just cuz they add so many elements to it that you get you already get the the vibe of the of the course right interesting uh especially

The font like cabbit for example just the font alone c um shout out to cabin uh just like can stand on its own right and can be used in many different ways yeah um Sunday red the name even doesn’t quite I don’t know excite me yeah yeah

Um you know obviously it’s probably been trademarked but like it would have been cool if it just said Woods or something you know some something very simple um that doesn’t Ru high on on the color red even too now now like you know how do

You put Sunday red on a on a blue shirt right without having elements of red on it you know there there’s going to always be an element with red you know as you said that yeah it gets me thinking though I bet you any money somebody in that boardroom looked at a

Brand like off white and was like this is what we want to do and I really think about that because like the the red line for example yeah reminds you right away of like the you know the uh the orange the orange uh uh stra stra right oh yeah

And gets me think with those kind of Concepts yeah yeah it’s just interesting like that like you could tell you could tell you kind alluded to Herer is not fash first yeah right he made things cool because he’s such he’s tight such an Innovative golfer yeah had a lot of

Like he had a lot of Youth and a lot of like no pun inted a lot of color to the game both like his energy his body the way he approached the game everything right and was a person of color that like quite literally like I think helped

Bring Nike fully into the game yeah yeah and so you have of that freaking caliber that power and that influence if Sunday Red’s the best we have to offer I feel like that’s a huge Miss opportunity like to me that’s what this all boils down to is like yeah made this [ __ ] amazing

And it’s okay yeah it’s cool his legacy no I don’t think it’s quite that bad okay no not at all no tiger tigers go and obviously things evolve over time like you don’t get it right out the gate yeah I think or like we have to give it

Some time it’s still early do we want to rate it that’s yeah it’s a hot take it’s easy for me that’s like a solid three-point seven like I I’m going to be pretty like this is Tiger that’s a 3.7 like didn’t quite cut it yeah I mean that’s the

Thing with it being Tiger’s brand I had high higher expectations sure for sure so I’d give it like a 1.6 yeah I’ll go in the middle I’ll go 2.4 like yeah I think it’s I end up being the highest safe to say it’s cuz I’ll be honest uh there’s nothing in that

Collection that I’d go out of my way to get I have to have I have to have it you know the only thing like reeling me in is that it’s tiger right yeah not the aesthetic of the the shoes felt like such a nement for like

That his first shoe drop in so long you could have made that thing amazing you could have found of uh like go find a parter to work with to develop that r that just look like half baked Inda that they put together yeah and then just

Slap the tiger logo again at the back like yeah yeah I saw I saw like a meme it was like uh Matsuyama winning and he was like oh when is he going to come out with Sunday yellow how it good that’ be good his first sponsored

Athlete un so K okay well okay so Taylor Made drop something they red right with that with that which we collectively have just ranked as a bit of a Miss yeah they’ve they’ve had some really good feedback on the new driver and a few of the new clubs that are coming coming out

And I know you guys have had a chance to try out the qi1 and funny enough at the Cobra event I couldn’t try a lefty dark speed but I know you guys tried the dark speed any upcoming drops that you guys are excited about well first and foremost yeah the

Qi1 um I have the max with like a 50 g stiff shaft I don’t really like it oh yeah yeah it’s uh it’s light so okay is that the shot or do the shaft or the head I think yeah to give some context like I’m using a rogue right now in LS

Uh uh 65 stiff extra stiff shaft and it feels like completely different um the weight of it you know it just feels a little more sturdy can you just swap the shaft out I think you can but I don’t think I could swap it out with my crer

Shaft which is weird like I think there’s different attachments that you need to make um yeah but that’s that’s my review on the the Q like it’s pretty accurate but still yeah have you ever got fit fitted driver yeah that’s the one I have I got fitted for yeah so the

Sha makes the big biggest difference it feels like a completely different Club yeah um but I heard a lot of great things about the qi1 it’s forgiving Matt Kang chose that over some of the other brands he was testing out yeah yeah you know at his level I think

He’s at a level where those small Details Matter so yeah yeah just it’s funny man like I think the Max is the most forgiving um if you’re a higher handicapper like they suggest the ls yeah which I think is more you could do more with it like flexibility so I I

Like I don’t know if that’s a fair um review because it’s not my specs you know what I mean it’s it’s almost like a stock Drive yeah right like all right so just give it give it to me then it’s just sitting there I’m trying to love it really but

It’s funny cuz you you’re getting fitted in a a couple weeks like that should be fun you know yeah I was schedule that yeah I’m playing the stealth too yeah I I switched out the shaft too and honestly it works really well for me it’s funny because well once I

Started using other drivers just to test it out the sound almost like startles me and I hit it yeah yeah if it’s not the stealth face oh interesting kind of use some more of that dampen sound now right um but yeah the Cobra driver when I when

I hit it uh that it felt really and you could here when you hit a good shot like I had a few that felt really good yeah it it definitely helps the the mental game like if you hear that and you’re like yeah hell yeah yeah you know yeah

Gives you confidence for sure yeah um what was your other question oh just any other new clubs that you guys are drops yeah any new drops or Club the strict song clubs we got first how the new first you set of irons in about seven years yeah what’ you have before

So I was playing the Nike I was playing the Nike Vapor uh cool clubs like I still I love those things but graphite shaft super light I have a bit of a more aggressive swing speed or swing style so I think the steel shafts have made look

A huge difference but what with the uh Mark 27s I [ __ ] up a little bit because about a week after I got them they dropped the new blacked out smoked out seven which look beautiful they look sick but just at a dress they feel amazing my thing is with the driver I’m Still

Rocking the Sim tube dents um so as we’ve you know as we talk to more Brands look we get to test out more Lefty clubs they’re kind of sometimes but like that’s why I’ve been having more conversations about like the qi1 versus the dark speed versus like I see I know

The Paradigm had a lot of good feedback originally um hearing some good things about the 430 uh 10K the ping yeah um so just debating on like what to try out next yeah but yeah shout out to strion they they set us up and Jay know you got

The mark 5 or the mark 2 fivs and you’re still on the fence about those but the sevens honestly like it it’s really it’s added an extra 10 10 or 12 yards per per Club right now for me and you’ve had them for like a month and a bit couple

Months yeah not even not even like a month I was lucky I got to bring those out to uh Scott sale with us I got three rounds you’re out there so like got a few good outdoor reps with those yeah yeah now it’s just more about getting

That flow here at PACE and just putting some reps in with it yeah like would you get like could you go to like modern for example and like get those like customly so fit to that’s been some of the feedback I’ve gotten that I think I need

To do I’ve never so I’ve never done a fitting oh wow ever for any club yeah yeah and so I think it’d be a cool experience to take the heads from that now go find maybe a touch lighter shaft um cuz what do you have on it now

They’re 120s I think okay okay um and a couple of people have recommended maybe dropping those a little bit Yeah but my big thing is really and with those the heads are kind of heavy as well already so a little lighter shaft might be okay yeah yeah how do your clubs feel like

Your I wish I did more research before we got it as was kind of just texting me he’s like hey what do you what do you want what do you want so I just did like a I did like a Google search but like what’s what’s good like I I did like a

Quick review of the difference right but now that I see it in my hand um the head does feel a bit bulky my yardages have gone up but like almost not in a good way they’re Juiced up a little bit a little bit Juiced up and I feel like

They have less control so yeah I’m still adjusting I haven’t really given it a fair shot yet yeah yeah but I might need to switch those over to to the yeah well see I we can cut this out but I think the main reason Jay mentioned my clubs

Earlier was like I played the last two and a half years like him and I collectively have played like 120 rounds each and I was playing the last two and a half Seasons with no nineiron no sixir iron or broken six iron yeah and a replacement five iron no pitching wedge

Oh my God and so now to have a full bag from in wedge to for iron is a very big luxury yeah so this morning I was actually taking reps with my pitching wedge because I haven’t swung one in almost 3 years oh my God man it’s such a crucial

Club oh it’s one of my favorites in the bag yeah you don’t realize how much you need it and then how many times I was either like trying to imagine always letting up on a nine or choking up and lighting up on a nine or trying to really extend an approach shot like

Again we’re not recipe profession Pros have a full set it’s not normal I mean is there yeah anything any drops that you guys are looking forward to like equipment wise other than I mean I guess we could talk about like the the apparel side but the

Jordan NES oh yeah are coming out yeah yeah um I think it’s a big big drop because honestly the past I don’t know year and a half like they they ran with the Jordan 1es for a really long time yeah and it was kind of it got stale

Pretty quickly it wasn’t it wasn’t limited in any way some of the colorways that came out were just they’re just not it so the nines are coming out they dropped the nines back in 2016 uh a couple colorways and they started off with the space gems which is like an iconic yeah

Silhouette let me check these out the knives so one thing though I and they did it with the sixes is that they really try to push the the colorways a little too aggressively where they’re trying to not use classic colorways yeah which just feels like missed opportunity Miss

Opportunity yeah just go with the OG’s yeah um I and I think that’s why the Chicago still stand out when you see the Jordan Ones because that that was the silhouette and the color way that everybody like that’s iconic yeah and it transcends just being like a golf shoe

Exactly right like that’s where it it goes into fashion and that that that hype side of it yeah yeah that my problem with honestly with most of the Jordan shoes other than the ones is I found them way too heavy like I find them very bulky like I love the four

Like just to rock on uh on everyday like casually but I found them like when I was trying to rock the four on course that thing is just so heavy and it feels like just bulky on my foot yeah you guys don’t not do you guys like do you guys

Play with Jordans typically or like are you used to it or you just don’t care are these that uh I think that’s a different color way oh or is that the one that yeah that was the one that first came out um but the so looks different so that that was like

It’s called the free Soul so they have that on the Tiger Woods and so it was a good Soul it was a little bulky but um the new ones that are coming out though it it looks completely different really yeah so I’m curious to see how

Good it is yeah um but yeah going back to the like wearing Jordans I do wear on occas but it’s not my go-to only because they’re they’re not that comfortable uh but I did find that I had some really good rounds with them oh yeah I just it kind of helps with my

Stability yeah yeah yeah uh so it’s so funny yeah also yeah sometimes I I don’t dress in a way that would fit that pair JS like I’d rather wear the JS when I’m wearing like a bunch of layers um but if I’m wearing shorts and

A in a polo like having it tucked in it kind of looks a little funny that dude it’s so funny so are you are you a superstitious athlete what you say uh not really no but if something works well for you like you’re going to like

Ride with that well when it comes to Footwear if I if I feel if I feel like I have a good round I feel like the Footwear does play a part in it right you know no for sure I I agree with that 100% yeah like are you are like for

Example I’ll wear like a glove and if I play well in it I’m always wearing this glove but if I if I don’t play well with it I’m like H maybe it’s the glove you know I kind of change it out I do that with the ball sometimes normally a Prov

Works best for me but are you not really like I have my preferences like ball wise whatever kicks wise my thing is like the kicks for the day so like having the right cleck like a soft a soft Spike versus a real Spike for for the different like environment

That we’re playing like I do find when we play nicer courses I tend to wear my more professional golf shoes yeah like knowing that almost like I’m going to go into a bit more of a challenge so I need I need to have these um but it got me

Thinking as you guys were talking are there any kicks that you guys have that you like just will refuse to wear on course like that have been reserved for like the case you know what I mean like for the yeah for the home case yeah I was just looking at what I have

Recently golf shoes yeah try to sell some of them but no I I I’m and I’m glad I held on to some of these like the Jordan 11s yeah um I have the white and kind of like a gold brownish Soul right I I never even thought about wearing those

On a course cuz they’re just pure white yeah and uh and and holding on to them now they’re like going triple what what I bought them for right uh I have like the cement fors um again a classic colorway yeah there’s certain ones and and then some

Of the mes Masters ones too tied to the course yeah there are some that I have broken in at a course and I mean they they they’re all right yeah it doesn’t like stand out to me I think it’s all preference too like I I

Had the the ones the all whites uh and like it didn’t fit me properly um I found that it wasn’t really waterproof you know and like it got in my head I was like man it’s screw these shoes I’m done with these I do I do like more of a a tighter

Fit you know I do I like the khans the foot Joys like it’s just I feel more balanced you know and like really nothing’s on my foot and it feels it feels really good but and then like I don’t really have a lot of golf shoes

Man like I I think I owned maybe one pair like U like Nikes that I bought at winers no and then like like I’m not really like a shoe collector ctor like that even though like you know the Jordans are very appealing you know and

Like I’d just love to get maybe the ones because they are iconic yeah um but none that I have in the case man no I you uh I got one pair I mean now two like the t3s the the Masters ones I don’t think I’ll rock those on course I’ll probably

Keep those maybe one day if I meet tiger I’ll get him to sign those and then the other ones I’ve held on to I haven’t touch are the 97s the Silver Bullets I love the 97 silhouette as a shoe in general like but at the same thing like

That’s a heavy shoe that I actually don’t see myself rocking those on course but like the silver the bullets were like silver with red like a red line going through as one of the rows they just look sick they’re pretty yeah classic colorway exactly yeah I heard they’re mad uncomfortable mad

Uncomfortable like you just rock them around the house I’m like I can’t wear these out there yeah we’ll get you some more shoes yeah you got the T I the TBS for sure and and that’s what’s funny you know like I love Tiger but I don’t know

If I would rock those to be honest on the course yeah I just don’t know if that’s my style my steas you know like real like the green I I don’t love it I it seems like very blocky yeah you know if you hold on to those yeah could value

Yeah you got to get some more kicks honestly it wasn’t until like like Jay and I connected that I started trying other brands too cuz I was I’m I’ve always been a big proponent of Nike as you guys know like for the most part like I was rocking the infinity pros and

Like I I really like those like The Wider cleats with golf heads having tried a bunch of the Adidas kicks now like though I still love playing with those uh what are they called the zg 23s or whatever oh yeah the the like the blue and white ones that we got they’re

They’re just a really good performance shoe whereas like I tried echko for the first time I got those bio bio domes or whatever could not wear those for the life of me I felt like they were just bulky they felt like really heavy on my feet totally and so like aidas for

Example I would have never tried those shoes Ultra boost all those I find them super comfortable yeah um the sambas I think it’s just a matter of like getting exposed to some of these new brands yeah I think this coming season I’ve never tried a traditional golf shoe right like

The you know the traditional silhouette and so I think maybe I’ll grab a pair of those this summer and try those out what when it comes to a golf she like what’s number one on your list oh for me it’s Comfort like I think waterproof is another big thing cuz we

Play a lot like and we’ll play in all seasons all weather types so I think the waterproof is big but for me it’s Comfort first so even before looks anything else I got a picture myself actually rocking these for 18 holes yeah for sure and and you know you’re out

There on your feet even if you’re in a car you’re on your feet for 4 hours at a time totally yeah so yeah I leave it for yeah yeah there’s only like two styles that I would wear it’s um like more the classic silhouette like the G4 and Taylor

M ganter I believe yeah yeah yeah I really love that shoe cuz there’s a lot of details that you don’t see that make the shoe amazing like the the insoles has these like weird waves that just add like this like almost massaging effect to the sole of your foot yeah

Yeah yeah and then and then go Resort back to more of the running shoes like the Puma true pair um the Jordans yeah um but I I do like more Spike shoes than the nonspiked right I think nons spikes is more for just casual rounds where I don’t really care scrambles scrambles

Like that you know knowing that I’ll probably go out afterwards like I don’t I just wear it to the course and leave with them yeah yeah uh like metal spikes I haven’t no I haven’t either I just I see it like on on TV yeah you hear guys like walking it’s

Like I think like courses hate that oh yeah the metal spikes cuz it does damage to that’s free irration Man irrated grein for free yeah would you mind taking a walk to the left all right boys well we’re sitting at 50 minutes yeah I don’t know how you

Guys feel yeah I mean we talked aot a our [ __ ] but it’s pretty good we could even split this up into two parts cuz I do want to talk about like the the indoor facility yeah I think yeah that’s a known episode man like I think you

Just can really dive into that like the nitty-gritty of yeah I also don’t hate if because I thought we we did a good job of really focusing on off related stuff today if this snaps Snips out to like a 30 to 35 minute pod but it’s like heavily concentrated around this like

More targeted content yeah I think it’s actually a pretty good listen like got to get in and out yeah it might just be a quick rip cool okay hey I better go be dad all right Happy Family Day to everyone out there love you all bye

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