Golf Players

Hardly ANYONE Knows How To BEND, TURN & TILT And It’s Ruining Your Game

This lesson is about how you move your body, and specifically how to get that perfect shoulder turn. In my experience when you turn your shoulders perfectly the club moves better, and that was certainly the case for Raphael during a recent lesson. I helped him turn his shoulders better and the results were incredible!

Raphael came to me wanting some help with his irons as he wasn’t as consistent as he wanted and he often had curve on his shots taking the ball away from the target, in this video I run you through exactly what I did with Raphael to completely change his swing, get him hitting it more solid and significantly straighter, and trust me its much easier than you may think.

I discuss the importance of shoulder turn, tilt and bend and show you exactly how to incorporate these 3 moves into your golf swing to get you some incredible results just like Raphael

As always drop me a comment with any questions and ill get back to you


#golfirons #turnshoulders #shoulderturn


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✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.

🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.


00:00 Introduction
00:38 Big Ben Story
01:41 Raphael’s Swing
02:00 How Your Body Moves
02:54 Top Of The Backswing
05:14 Get The Perfect Backswing
07:29 At Home Backswing Drill
09:59 Key Golf Swing Change

In today’s video I want to share with you a recent lesson I had with Raphael this was an incredible lesson we made some massive swing changes just look at the differences here between these two swings he started to hit it straighter further more consistently and more solid

And I’m going to share with you just how we did that it’s really simple you can follow these steps and all we did was we got into movie’s body better we didn’t even touch the golf club but we got so many things happen to get impact which

Helped him with his golf now before we get into that I want to share with you a little story this really shaped the way I coach and it might change the way you think about your goal swing and we certainly did this with Raphael to help him make these swing changes and

Actually we did it in a relatively short space a time I was doing a conference and I was asked on a piece of paper to draw a Big Ben so I attempted to draw it it was pretty terrible didn’t look great we were then asked to turn our paper

Over and draw a Big Ben again but this time at the front of the room on a projector a big picture of Big Ben appeared so what did I do and everyone in the room do well we looked at it and we copied it and who second picture was

Better than the first picture everybody why because we had a really clear image of what we were trying to do and we copied it the same thing applies in your golfing you’ve got to have that clear image of what you’re trying to do so if you know that your golf club is coming

Across the ball from out to Wi and you want to change that it’s not good enough you haven’t got that really clear concept you haven’t got that really deep understanding of what you’re trying to do in order to change it in this lesson I’m going to give you those Concepts I’m

Going to give you those visuals those feels that are going to help you swing the club better it’s exactly what we did with Raphael it’s how we got those incredible swing changes in a relative short space of time so for Raphael he was struggling with his irons because of

The way he moved his body he didn’t move his body well enough so that’s what I’m going to share with you today and show you how we did it now when we changed how his body moved we completely changed the shape of he’s golfing and that would

Have made him far worse as a golfer unless we did one really key thing which you’ll see at the end of the lesson so first of all everybody’s body has got the same three movements available to us and in aing we use all of those three

And how we blend them gives us the kind of shape of golfing what are the three movements that we have well we all have rotation away from the Target and rotation towards the target I’m sure you’re all happy that we have that in the goink but you also have this

Movement which we’re going to call forward bend and this movement which is the opposite and the third movement is we have the ability to tip over to one side or tip over to the other side now when I take an address to the golf ball

When I take a setup what have I got well effectively all we’ve really got is a little bit of forward bend we tip over to the golf ball now maybe my trail shoulders a little bit lower so we maybe have a little bit of this tilt but for

The purpose of this video we’ll say we’ve just got forward bend that’s our setup here’s the important part what have we got at the end of our back sing well let’s show you let’s take our setup I’d love you to do this with me stand up at your chair wherever you’re watching

This stand up normally okay clearly I’ve not got any of that forward bend so what I’m going to do is I’m going to take my normal position I’m going to rotate my shoulders through let’s say around about 90° where the club shaft kind of points back to you now so there’s rotation and

Then I’m going to tilt or bend over to my lead side so that would look like this and does that look like the top of a back swing hopefully you’re answering yes to that question and if I put my hands in there you’d say that that looks

Like the top of a back string so confusing because it’s setup we’ve basically just got one thing we’ve got fourward Bend at the top of our back swing we’ve got rotation and we’ve got tilt to our left but we don’t have that forward bend so that’s the key in the

Back swing you have to go from a position where you’ve got forward bend and you have to remove that and replace it with those two that’s why the back s is so difficult because it’s a blend of those movements and so many of you who are going to see your head lifting or

Drifting or dropping it’s because you’re not blending those movements correctly so watch what happens if I tried to keep this forward bend for too long as I turn and I keep my forward bend look at that that’s not where I want to be at the top that’s going to make it very very

Difficult to hit goal shots what was Raphael doing well he was actually taking this forward bend and he was actually going to this movement okay so if I show what that looks like it’s like this and that was what was calling causing his back swing where he got his arms really high

His body was in this position and look what happens if I start to turn from here the golf club comes away on the outside and comes across the golf ball so his golf golf club was moving across the golf ball in an inefficient way because of what his body was doing if I

Could get his body to move better if I can get your body to move better and you may well be not making the right movement it’s going to compromise your impact so the first drill you’re going to do is that one that we just did but

With a golf club you’re going to take a setup you’re going to stand up in this position here put the club in here okay and all I’m going to ask you to do is rotate now if you rotate from there you’re never going to do this you’re

Never going to to do this you’re just going to stay nice and centered and you’re going to make a rotation through about 90° then from there you’re going to take your lead shoulder and you’re going to tip it over towards the golf ball put your hands up to the top and

Look at that you’ve got an absolutely perfect top of the back swing position that is me revealing Big Ben that’s me showing you exactly where you should be and think about that analogy I used at the start if I’m taking a golfer from setup and I’m saying I want you to make

A better movement with the body part of that golf is going great but I don’t know what that right movement is I’ve never experienced it I don’t know what to kind of latch on to this little drill allows you to go potentially for the very first time Ah that’s where I

Should be at the top that’s how my body should feel that’s how my body should be positioned because now from setup if I said to you make the right movement guess what now you’ve got something you can work towards you’ve got a position you can try and find and that’s why it’s

So important that we reveal this big bed so I’m going to try and hit a shot now now this is not going to be a great strike it’s not going to be at full speed but it’s going to help me figure out actually it wasn’t too bad it’s

Going to help me figure out where it needs to be that’s the first drill that’s how we worked with Rafael you can see me here I was doing it physically with him because he was there in a in a live lesson but I was physically helping you move into those positions you can

See me doing that here your job is to get the grip end sorry the club head end what you feel is over your right knee okay and if you look in the mirror okay if you do that and look in the mirror there we go now look at the

Difference in your angle so your body now is tipped this way whereas as soon as this goes this way you’ve got a completely different sort of angle go again beautiful there you go there you go so here’s another great drill that you can do to really feel and

Sense how the body works I love this drill because it’s something you can do at home so I’m actually going to go into the academy where my Sho is and show you what that drill is so for this you’re going to need a couple of alignment

Sticks one is going to go on the floor just inside your tray heel you’re going to need a wall and you’re going to need something like a ball or something aidant so if I took a setup here and I want to take this ball and I want to place it

Simply between the wall and my lead thigh as you can see there now as I take a setup I’m going to place this across my shoulders very very simply what I would love you to do is make some rotations where this end of the alignment stick

Feels like it ends up above this one and you keep the board in place so let me show what that would look like okay and you can see how it gives me almost that perfect kind of body rotation okay I’m keeping that ball in place now if we look at what Raphael was

Doing he was tending to sort of slide this way and obviously he would have dropped that ball so with a pretty simple setup you know just a wall and a couple of alignment sticks and and a ball you can create a little station which allows you to kind of work

Into the right body position now the really key message here and I can’t stress this enough this drill here standing against this wall doing that for two three four 5 minutes a day will will not change your golfing that’s not what this drill is for because there’s no speed there’s

No Force there’s no golf B there’s no ball there’s no ball fly it’s not a golfing what it’s doing is it’s giving you that clear picture of Big B it’s allowing you to stand there make those movements and go Ah that’s what the back string should feel like that’s how my

Body should move and for many of you that will be the first time you’ve ever had that clear concept visual feel of what the correct movement is like what’s happened is Big Ben has been revealed so what you’re able to do now is go and actually perform the right kind of

Movement and you’ve got a much better chance of getting into the right position because you’ve just done this exercise once you’ve done this exercise what’s going to change your goal swing you you’re going to change your goal swing this won’t do it for you it just helps you along that process so now

You’ve got two really simple exercises to help you move the body better now I said right at the start there was one thing that we did with Raphael which made him hit it better without this thing he would have really really struggled if I swing severely out to the right of my

Target my club will land really early yeah if I swing massively to the left of my target my club will land which later yeah so if you are someone who swings over the top and left your Club tends to land later so where you where would you ultimately start playing the golf ball

From well where the club land yeah so when you play the ball forward it actually helps you in strike it but the key thing would be if we try and change the swing you have to move the ball because if we try and change the swing and we

Get this perfect swing where the club lands here and you still got the ball forward you’re suddenly going to have a better goal swing and you’re going to suddenly go well that was terrible Chris cuz I flattered it and it was like because if we change the swing the ball

Has to kind of move what you can see from this this video and that lesson with Raphael is that just a couple of relatively simple drills a couple of really clear Concepts and a little change in ball position and there was a dramatic change in his

Golfing and it just shows you how big changes improvements in ball flight and strike and distance are all achievable if you follow the right steps if you do the right things and if you kind of have a decent understanding about how all these pieces work together I’d love you

To go ahead use these drills give them a go and you should ultimately be able to make some movements where the body is working much much better and if you can do that you should be in a better position to play some better golf


  1. I have always been confused by this. My entire golfing career.

    Thank you so much for doing this, it certainly answers the question of what happens to the forward bend in the backswing. This is so simple, my wife's jaw dropped when you showed the consequences of maintaining the forward bend too long. "That's your swing!!"

  2. Excellent as always Chris, one comment when you first did the ball and wall drill your head moved a lot to the side is this acceptable as in a recent lesson with my Pro he said my head should hardly move in the backswing and mine does. I would like to know how much allowance there is with the head movement please. Other than it is an eye opening lesson, keep up the great work and thank you.

  3. If there’s a better coach than Chris, i haven’t seen him yet. Everything he explains just makes perfect sense. You’re a star Chris, love watching. Cheers.

  4. Hope you enjoy the video, as always any questions just drop them here in the comments and I’ll get back to you

  5. Chris- from a DTL view, my head would move away from the ball a bit during the backswing, with no standing up. Is this an incorrect blending of those 3 movements or is this simply too much weight going to the heels in the backswing? Any videos on this? Thx.

  6. Interestingly enough I had a lesson yesterday and I was told to level the shoulders more with irons as my head, big mass, was getting stuck preventing the transfer to the left side on the follow through. This also was promoting an out to in swing path by c4 degrees. After fix gained 15y

  7. I loved the “ball against the wall” drill.
    Stopped the sway to the right immediately and made the right hip move back.

  8. Brilliant video! I have been struggling with exactly these issues recently and couldn’t figure out where I was going wrong – i definitely didn’t have the correct image of where I wanted my body to be through the swing. Thanks 🙏

  9. Thanks, Chris. I'm currently trying to find and feel simple concepts, and these will help immensely. Thank you as ever very much.

  10. Brill
    iant video, thanks. Can you please explain the same concept for the impact and follow through. Body and shoulder turn position in the follow through and the finish of the swing. Many thanks!

  11. Very impressive Chris. This video is genius. I have always struggled with this concept, so I’m looking forward to putting this into practice

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