Want A CONSISTENT Golf Swing? Watch This EYE OPENING Golf Lesson!

In this video we show you how we completely transformed my students golf swing with these 2 very simple tips. Minh was struggling with his irons and would often slice and duff his iron shots. After this lesson he was hitting his irons consistently pure and his golf swing looked so much better!

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Do you want a go swing which delivers consistent results while carry on watching because in today’s lesson I show you how two simple tips completely transformed my students’s golf swing and by the end of the lesson he was striking his irons consistently pure let’s show

You what we did okay man let’s watch hit a few and let’s see where we’re at so we know that the bad shots at the moment are hitting the ground before yeah very inconsistent fat shots fat shots and weak shots to the left weak shots to the

Left yes sir weak shots to the left obviously he’s left handed and that that’s going to mess with us a little bit today for sure that was actually quite nice what if I said to you by the end of the lesson we could get you drawing it cuz then that’s something

You’d like to do and striking it all consistently would you be happy you guys would be my best [Laughter] friends that’s really nice see all we’re going to do is talk to you and then it just happens and we obviously don’t want many of those shots not many of those to

Understand what it is okay oh my gosh where are those coming from I’m going stop they can they can easily happen with what you’re doing though all right jump out let’s just we’re going to go through this so we can see now that your shoulders are open at setup so

They’re pointing to the right now if we look at the way on the way back when you swing the club back the club is going above the plane on the way back and then above the plane on the way down and now this could be virtue down to the fact

That you’re actually aiming your shoulders too much to the right so what about if we were to square the shoulders up straight away let’s see how this is going to help the goal swing because it could from here allow the club now to go back on a much better plane on the way

Back and then on a much better plane on the way down so that’s the first step the Second Step which is going to be really important we’re going to do after this but we have to see if we can actually get you hit in the draw and

Also for those of you watching if you’d like to be coached by myself and Andy make sure you check out the end of the lesson or wait till the end of the lesson because we got an amazing challenge which is definitely going to help you transform your golf swing right

Min jump in there for a sec so we’re literally going to get you here now that’ll feel really strange it does this is going to really help with the Second Step as well by the way because this is actually part the first part of the Second Step as well okay so

What we’re going to do there we go perfect so when when you now have some swings you’ll probably feel the club going more around your body okay good so so this was what I felt was straight obviously not so this this this this feels like it was a normal so if we look

Where that are pointing the target is actually here this red flag flag and obviously mind is way to the right on that there so the feeling so the feeling from here of turning your back the target it’s only going to shut the shoulders probably turn them about

Another 10 15° but that’s as much as we need to do there that’s perfect that’s really good okay cool let’s put let’s put a few uh golf balls in there and hit some shots okay nice shot nice strike yeah good point beautiful shot I mean now to hit a shot that’s the best

One you’ve hit so far beautiful shape I mean the path’s got to be left there I mean look at that 0.3 to to the left on that one really nice first of all let’s have a look at that as a result and we can now see that

The club is on plane pretty much on the way back and if anything it’s ever so slightly under playing on the way down second thing ball striking which is the main reason that we want to actually get you better isn’t it that’s it’s the main thing that we’re looking at here let’s

Look at the screen here so we’ve actually got you and we’ve actually got our cool avatar from Sports box which is going to show you a little bit more in-depth stuff here so as we swing back we can see that you in your back swing

You are swaying 6 in so 6 in of sway away from the target we’ve got a 27° hip turn and a 63° torso turn so basically your hips and your torso are underturned so you’re moving laterally away from the target so then as you come back down

Into impact we can see when you’re striking the golf ball that you are well short now of the impact line the hip and the lead shoulder they’re well short of that line so it makes sense that if you’re not getting onto this lead line this impact line that you’re going to be

Hitting the ground before the golf ball we’re not trying to fix the sway here here which we’re trying to increase the turn and I think that’s the key thing isn’t it you knew you were swaying yet you hadn’t fixed it n but we replace the

As Pier said replace it with a good good motion what we’re going to do I’m going to have a go at this one here so let’s get in a lamp stick so this is what an inch from your leg Yeah judging on what you would do in your normal swing you

Would hit that 100% so have me some have me some back swings where you stay away from that I say you’re going to turn inside that stick much better and this probably an inch way there yeah good how does this feel awkward yeah tell me why how why does it feel

Award cuz I don’t think I’ve ever had my hips that open what about if we thought about getting this front pocket back so put the front pocket in the back pocket we call it swap Pockets nice that was nice yeah really good and we I don’t need Sports box to

Tell me now that you’re turning more I can see that there’s at least 40° hip turn and it looks like you’re getting near a 90 on the Torso turn as well you set up this ball here okay we’re going to put on a t the reason putting on a t

To start with this I’m going to get his hitting shots with that stick in place okay so I want to make sure so we could say oh look at that amazing strike but it was on a te but this is just whilst we get do this drill and then we move

On that was nice good yep not worried about the shot yet okay notice the ball flight what’s that doing slight draw slide draw and where is it starting it’s starting left and then drawing so it suggests that the path is going to be pretty good check the path out there 3.4 to the

Right to the left to the left damn it you stupid left-handers can we can we just throw another one in here I want to throw the I want to use the Shadow on this CU because we’ve got beautiful sun here this is instant feedback so we’re going

To get it to turn around okay so what what we’ve done here now we’ve got the the ball just outside his left hip now we want to make sure that that stays in the sunlight oh I see so this is a this is a real good one to go can you keep in

The sunlight and can you still turn those hips good and and and key what Andy said there mhm yeah look at that the ball’s still in the sunlight we can’t cheat it it’s not about staying still it’s about it’s about turning so let’s let have a

Couple of these really want to see this now so can we turn the hips turn turn turn turn turn see how the instant feedback now you’ve got is he turning enough Pier yeah just better that was better that was better that was good look what happens do that

Again look look what happens when I turn you look at the shadow off you go when I turn you a gap appears yep not even close so when I turn you you actually go the opposite way of the sway so the more you turn and if you think about it these

Are an ellipse so when they start turning more and more they’re just going to disappear even further away from this back swing line that we put in place yep okay but that I I love that if you you yep simple simple instant feedback you if you get it wrong you know whereas

Sometimes sometimes it’s hard to know great great drill for that much better beautiful shot so good really nice shot that is really good yeah so again pass to the right left to the left 1.9 to the left there on full swing out I’m going to start

Saying into out out into out it’s give me loads of turn turn turn turn that was very nice good very nice probably the best one in terms of movement there that noise that’s the noise yep overcooked it a little bit on the drawer but that was beautiful club path 0.1

Left nothing been right now which is great all right so let’s show you the difference this is unbelievable so if we look at the back swing now we can see there’s still a little bit of sway there but there’s only 2 and 1/2 inches of sway complete difference to what it was

Before more than half what it was before hip turn has gone up to 41° and chest turn has gone up to 93° that was absolutely amazing thank you great work going to take some time great stuff so you too have a chance to have your go swing transform just like M

Because next Monday the 26th we’re launching the 30-day go swing transformation four simple steps that allow you to understand exactly what’s going wrong with your swing and how to transform it click the link in the description and we’ll see you there


  1. Neat idea with the shadow. I'm surprised nothing was mentioned about him watching his club head the first 1/4 of his swing maybe causing his sway. I know I did that a few years ago and it helped me after I realized I was doing it.

  2. Having similar issues and after checking some alignment and videos, I'm making basically the same mistakes so this is really helpful

  3. Didn’t really explain in the video exactly why he was hitting low to the left (shank for left handed golfer) – his clubface looked closed also all the way in backswing so possibly too closed at impact at times

  4. Take care of Minh. He’s a good man. Just don’t make him too good. I’ll be following you guys👍🏻

  5. These lessons are always great to watch. I've learned a lot from watching and I've been improving since watching, thanks for sharing

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