#5 Greater Control &1e

#5 in the series: Fold your arms at the top of the backswing.

Stop hold your arms in place stand up straight and turn to the front it’s time to put it all together this is the final video in the series how to fold your arms in the back swing if you haven’t watched the previous videos I want you to click

Here so we’ve done the small moves let’s put them all together you take your Club put it in front of you and get in your golf stance now what I want you to do is just turn and fold turn and fold turn and fold now I want you to do one more thing

Here for me when you get to the top I want you to just stop hold your arms in place stand up straight and turn to the front now is that your that’s your arm position at the top and it should be the exact same arm position you made when we just

Folded are they the same is this the same as this if they are you’ve done it correctly if not you’ve messed up you’ve somehow gotten your arms out of sink with your body they’re not in front of your chest now I want you to do this exercise

Or this little double check on every repetition of the exercise turn stand up and face forward it’s important your arms remain in front of your chest that was the whole point of this drill the whole point of the entire series is to keep your arms in front of your chest you

Just fold them instead of swinging them okay it’s time to do the exercises we’re going to do 100 which will really help you drill it in and just take your Club take your golf stance turn and fold one two three four five it’s very important that at the end

You stand up straight and turn forward so you can check your arms at the end when you come back around you should be in the same position as the second exercise where you just stand straight and fold your arms let your arms stay in front of your chest they don’t go around you

One two three four five and we’re putting it all together now but don’t lose sight of what you did in the previous ones you’re going to feel like you’re throwing your arms around that’s the turn but your arms are just folding and staying in front of your

Chest if you have to do a little slower to make sure you’re not throwing your arms do it a little slower we’re just at the learning stage now we’re trying to ingrain in the right motion one two three four five just slow turn come back to normal come back forward one two three

Four five one two three four five remember all your checkpoints first checkpoint was your arm straight when you get back here look at your lead arm see that it remains straight it doesn’t have to be like board straight it does have to be straight one two three four five remember your second

Checkpoint your wrist should be flat when you come back here straight arm flat wrist one two three four five excuse me third checkpoint going to make sure you check is that your lead arm is parallel with the ground that’s your lead arm and shoulders should just make a big L One Two Three

Or five next checkpoint haven’t mentioned it but it’s something that should be obvious when you get up here to the fold your lead wrist should be hinged back hinged back and rolled back as far as it can so you’ve got a flat lead wrist excuse me and a Hing back Trail wrist one

Two three 4 uh okay your next checkpoint tray alarm in fact let’s turn it around this way so you can see a little bit better tra arm should be not vertical to make it vertical you have to bend your lead arm Trail arm should

Be as far up as it can go while keeping your lead arm straight one two three four five your next checkpoint is also your Trail arm you want to make sure and it’s not glued to your side because you’re bringing your lead arm level with the ground your Trail arm

Will have to come out from your side like that one two three four five your next checkpoint is that your arms are in front of your chest when you return here you’re if they’re not in front of your chest or in some weird angles go back and do the previous

Exercises but now you should have drilled that fold in enough that your arms are not swinging around your body one two three or five one two 3 four five and we it’s just turn and fold one two three four five remember another checkpoint check that your arms remain in front of your chest

Not over here and not over here okay they’re just in front of your chest one two three four by uh now’s the time it starts to get boring but this is also the time you start drilling it in one two three four five one two three four

Five if you need to take a few breaks along the way you I know we’re taking breaks every five but occasionally you know take a few minutes break in between uh you notice I’m I’m taking breaks about every 20 on this video you’ll learn

More you do a few take a break you been studied it works better that way than trying to do all the repetitions straight through one two three four five we are almost done I tell you this goes quickly one two three four five five more one two three four

Five that’s a 100 see it goes quickly if you don’t feel you’ve got this do another 100 it should have been boring by this point you should feel you’ve got it so ingrained in that you can do it automatically in your sleep that’s the point of these exercises

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