This Set Up Will Improve Your Entire Golf Swing Witin 3 Swings Of Trying It.

The Premium Set Up Principles are amazing for flushing out gross motor flaws and replacing them with solid mechanics that repeat under stress and pressure.
1) Piston Pivot & Anchor Your Weight
2) Close Off Your Shoulders To The Target Line
3) Swing Along Your Shoulder Line
4) Speed Out Front.

What’s going on let me do a quick video for renic go so I added um hangs dead hangs every morning so I weigh myself and then I do dead hangs I start off at 15 second hangs and my goal is to get the two minutes I’m doing a minute one

Minute hangs right now and pretty much anytime I walk past that bar in my house you know I get me a minute hang in well what happened is man my hands hurt so bad this week and um my grip strength is is up Club head speed actually went up

Almost 2 miles per hour with an iron shot and almost 4 M hour with um my driver consistently so I’m consistently at 106.4 for my driver and I’m consistently at 81.7 with a eight iron consistent that’s what I’m looking for now consistent speed but again my hands which just

Hurting so bad I could barely grip a club this week but I knew what it was I said either arthritis and probably at my age 60 I probably do got some arthritis now um or the dead hangs are taking their toll on me and I probably need to

Back off on them and get some rest in there but I knew I had Playing Lessons this week this week is scheduled heavy for Playing Lessons and the thing about Playing Lessons is you don’t have to play as a coach but there’s times when you actually have to hit a shot for your

Client to tell them this is how I would have played this hole or whatnot so KN that knowing that going in I said what can I do knowing that my hands were just so fatigued this week and that’s what they were they were just so fatigued so

I said you know what let me depend on the principles of the premium setup and it made me think about it years ago when I created the premium setup my version of the premium setup I I’m not the first person to say get your your pressure on

Your target side close your shoulders or whatnot there’s guys been saying that for 30 40 50 years probably even before that but my version of it is what I teach my clients to allow to have a lot more emotion um and had some hand path some Torx and forces and it really works

For them so years ago when I created my version of it a guy said that he was out playing and he said he called my premium setup the default swing anytime his swing went haywire he said he defaulted to my premium setup and it always got

Him back into the clubhouse so I said hey that’s a great name for it just call it the default swing so that’s what I defaulted to during my Playing Lessons this week I defaulted to the premium setup and it just reminded me of how solid the principles of the premium

Setup are piston pivot anchor your weight close the shoulders off if you get if you’re just getting started this I would like for you to have at least 70% of your pressure on the target side and I would like the shoulders very very closed swing Along the body line and get

That speed out front from this side piston pivot anchor your weight close the shoulders off I like to grip the club from underneath that keeps the shoulders closed swing Along your body line since the shoulders are slightly closed you’re going to feel you swinging inside but you actually just going to be

Swinging along your body line get that speed out front and get to a full balanc finish here we go all right so this ball is going to draw a little bit more cuz I’m closing my shoulders off more man that’s a beautiful ball right there it just made me

Appreciate the principles of the premium setup of how solid they are and how many people have been helped by the principls of the pre setup take care folks I hope you applying these principles no matter what you play rotary golf natural golf traditional golf stack and tilt I don’t

Care what it is you’re going to use the principles of the premium setup cuz all players got to get back to their target side all great players swing from what inside the square to Outside Inside the square to inside right check that out they get their speed where through the

Ball and out in front of them they swing to a balanced finish correct these are all principles of the premium setup we just giving you a cheat code to make it more easily accessible for you take care don’t forget to hit that like button or dislike button hit that subscribe button

And leave a comment below I truly appreciate everybody I really do take care that’s a beautiful ball right there all right right folks I said let me take you up here cuz it was such a well struck shot and um beautiful day 63° in Georgia in February yeah so this hold

Kind of funnels everything to the left and everybody comes up oh beautiful ball it’s an elevated green and you really can’t tell cuz the t- box is elevated also and most people like the whole plays from the tips it says 168 on the scorecard but let me tell you when you

Shoot the distance sing with the slope this hole plays about 180 to 185 all right there go the pitch mark right there boom and the ball rolled right out to here and there go the pin right there and we played it from back there on that t box back in that cut

Right there most people wind up over here in that bunker and that’s a tough shot out of that bunker or behind that bunker very rare have I seen anybody on the back of this green and a lot of people miss it over here to the to the

Right but if you miss it to the right everything kicks back over here to the left anyway so they wind up getting a good miss so again guys the principles of the premium setup are the real deal you know and it just I guess it took my hands getting hurt and being fatigued

For me to just realize how great the principles really are and I say that with humility the principles of the premium setup can totally change your game and if you’ve already implemented them to your game you already know this is true take care


  1. Gotta love an instructor that can actually perform his craft. When I swing down body line I tend to stall out. Still working on it though.

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