Golf Players


This #tourtrucktuesday I head to Phoenix for a Golf Lesson with the highly regarded Martin Chuck.

Martin is based at The Raven Golf Club & is the founder of Tour Striker the creators of the famous Smart Ball:

Check out one of my favorite training devices The SMART BALL:

Entering into this lesson I deliberately didn’t want to divulge too much about my game in order to obtain a true demonstration as to how a world leading coach would conduct a lesson and manage an individual. The outcome is not what I expected!!

Martin, like all greats coaches, truly understands the relationship between teaching and coaching. He also recognizes the pressures on us all when it comes to time management and how we should set our expectation levels based on the commitment we make to competing.

As you’ve requested this is a longer form video but from start to finish their are nuggets (multiple onions) of information that will help us all improve. Grab a note pad or your iPhone and capture 5 points that are relevant to you and I guarantee you will improve from the next 40 minutes of YouTube viewing.

Yes the matches are fun and the LIVE fittings are crucial when it comes to equipment but with the season around the corner now is a good line to check in on your technique and prepare as best as you can to play the game.

Hit that #subscribe button and be sure to check out my other uploads, this one was personal to me as I’ve always wanted to visit Martin and I can’t thank him enough for his time and hospitality.


Check out Tour Striker :

Martin’s Performance Golf :

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Welcome back to Tor truck Tuesday and this week I find myself in Phoenix I’ve headed out to the desert to get a golf lesson with no other than Martin Chuck Martin Chuck is one of the top coaches in America he’s also the founder of tour Striker some of the best players in the

World like Cameron Smith or Hideki Matsuyama or Justin Rose all benefit from these great products that Martin has created this is no ordinary golf lesson so be sure to watch all the way through to the end end cu the nuggets and the onions keep flowing Martin I can’t thank you enough for everything

That you gave me in this lesson what club you got in your hands buddy just an eight okay perfect how’d that feel good still a little stiff but good okay so nice speed 87.5 ball speed2 baby baby draw spin axis uh normalized golf ball Flight 154

Yeah and that’s an eight so that would be about right I’d say for that yeah five yards bounce and spin Heights 107 so a lot of good stuff give me give me a couple more okay so you know push draw bias is that what you like to see or talk to me

Yeah I do like to see that hit a couple more you can bump around that tsquare where you need it there’s a lot of telling things that have been happening recently just trying to get golf game back to where don’t hit as many balls as I used to yeah and I

Know a lot about what I do and I think I know why I do it and there’s one thing I would love to fix and as that was the whole purpose when I was making this trip I wanted to get your opinion on that one thing but push draws

Like that I like that yeah I mean you know you’ve got a your path is a little bit inside out as this relates to your numbers I mean your numbers are your your path is is nice it’s mildly inside out your face is a little bit Square

Sometimes for a mild pole but otherwise you know when I when I look at this action Club gets a little across mhm right so when I take you to this point so this isn’t a very long swing I mean I’d say it’s about stock neutral for

Where a tour player would be right MH so when it gets a little across from there that club can sip a little bit inside out from time to time produce something little on the hookie side mhm you know so when I watch this I go darn good golf

Swing you know as a coach could I maybe get him stood up a tick could I get the golf club into a space where if we go further down the coaching role rather than the technique role is this ball tend to zip a bit more left than you

Want it to from time to time on the golf course or does it stay out to right feel more than you wanted to in the golf course cuz when I look at this the only thing that I see that might make me go hm is this shorter swing meaning you

Know as you start to go back and you get to P4 as it gets just fractionally crossed up just a little bit right club’s mask might back up and go behind you a little bit more than you want to and the club might Flash and you might

Hit a few more hooks than you want to Y okay so when I see this I’m like hm very good swing now as a player trying to find his golf ball in play more often than not could we be a little bit more to where this if you try to hit it hard

Won’t dump behind you a bit okay so and then I would say to you okay maybe a little bit on The reachy Squatty side could be slightly little bit more dynamic balance over your feet yeah you know so in a in a quick little snapshot watching you had five balls looking at

The numbers numbers look good yeah now what is the what does the player want to feel feel is it just tight draws yeah when you get nervous does that club dump behind you a bit too much yeah you know so this is where the coach and the

Student kind of work together to say what is it we’re trying to work toward okay okay cuz I don’t know your emotional state when you play yeah but here’s the thing too unstable but here’s the thing like so lessons are different right I have lots of people come in here

I’m literally teaching them how to put nice hands on a club yeah I’m showing them how to walk in a golf ball you come in Flushing it okay push through push dra gorgeous maybe baby pulls I’m like damn it’s pretty good it’s as good as anybody okay except maybe some whipper

Snapper might be 6 M hour faster than you yeah okay but you know it is reality I get it it is right you got weave few Grays in there I thought that was grass I have yeah that grass do you know the whole relationship is Center Mass how

Place the hands yeah and I love when I get a slicer I’ll put them here and sometimes when I get a guy that’s maybe a little bit as fast as you are which pretty fast yeah that can get going a little dumpy underneath and that can

Cause a bit of problem okay so that’s a visual I have now I have no idea why you’re here other than to take a little lesson but that’s what I’m seeing so tell me so for you guys watching this what I wanted to achieve from this I wanted desperately and people know this

From my YouTube channel I will literally regurgitate information too quickly so I’ve desperately tried so hard not to say anything but I think the Brilliance is in five swings as you’ve seen and you’ve pretty much laid out the things that I’ve worked with on for a long time

The fear is a misle you dive into the equipment world people that follow me know that I will build a driver with Hot Melt which people have become connected to in the toe because then it promotes the Miss right or gets rid of the draw

As the data’s gone on that I’ve kept and work closely now with launch monitors with clip data I’m seeing that the Mis right is far more prominent than my mind would tell me so on a golf course which it I kept coming back and looking at the

Tea alignment kept going into this I noticed this was a little lower feet than ball so I was like okay for me this is going to be a draw but it was music to my ears when you talked about push draw so again just to explain it for

Those watching yeah path more to the right and you’re saying dump the club Behind you because the thing that I hate P6 Halfway Down Club is there lot a lot which is why with what brought me on this journey I’ve been in smart ball

Yeah to get me here more to try and get more laid off everything you’ve already said but then Martin and this is again all paths lead you right here this has then become Miss right of the ball picker okay Under Pressure okay fear you know playing these Canyon courses in San

Diego maybe playing a stroke play thing and you know I’ll be honest as well there’s a reputation that come once you put yourself out there publicly to talk about golf there’s a reputation that comes and you need to play well and if it’s tight and narrow instead of

Thinking about the task in hand I’ll be thinking about the content which is a challenge for me and stuff I’m trying to work through if I’m being honest with you and vulnerable about it no I’m the same way been you know I’ve been a coach

Out there a long time I’ve play in I people go Oh Martin shot 78 today yeah you know what but I’ll tell you what it’s the best score I could have shot that day see my point so I don’t have shame in my score because I tell every

Student I say and I I’ve also shot some 60s somethings so I have way better that day than I was when I shot 78 or can you make your choice can you choose your routine can you go and execute like a woman like a man be proud of that moment

Execute the shot right play the game the outcome is the outcome man okay now as a coach student relationship you got a very good golf swing we can talk as a coach now hey when you get in the canyon course and there’s a situation there

There’s a couple of fields that a lot of good players will go to they’ve got their kind of not optimized has squeezer like it goes out there 275 280 for your speed it’ll be fine it’s not your part five letter reped High bomb 100% you see

What I mean that’s the journey I’m on yeah so if you want to you know playing the game right learning how to play when you’re puking that’s beautiful learn how to play what you know recognize your state yeah are you freaking good I’m freaking out that’s fantastic so it’s

Low squeeze cup cuz if I’m not exact if I’m not freaking out then I’m not alive yeah so as a coach I want you to be alive I want you to be like let’s go let’s bring I got a squeezy fade here perfect maybe a nut it and it goes to it

It’s perfect shot great shot Troy yeah because everybody knows I mean i’ I’d love to say you could send a high draw down every Fairway every single time that that’s lying because we’re not in the state to do that every time that’s been a massive thing for me that I’ve

Been trying to reconnect with as I haven’t played as much and again Martin hits on it exactly so I want to talk about cuz this and the conversations lead in there you coach all these students who come here from far and wide how much is based on the technique and

Then how much is based on playing the game like where do you separate between the two so the camp basically like this meet and greed for breakfast okay test them out real quick 3D Club swing analysis on Gears a little bit of trackman a couple two 2D videos we use

Uh Sports box too real quick yeah so we we can see super fast creating an argument okay so does this golfer have this do they have this offsetting event that lets them have this PO for power okay most people don’t so we try to teach them this Dynamic event that does

That do they have a grip that lets the face behave in a manner that doesn’t make them have a massive compensation so they’re going to deliver a wide open face argument for you to be a better golfer might be a clubface thing I don’t have to teach you how to grip it yeah

These people I do for the most part I’m telling you for your viewers you’re sitting there you probably have a bad grip cuz 17 out of 20 people do okay now there’s a small percentage of people that’ll take great care to put their hands on once we and that you know

Change a grip lose a friend kind of thing people hate changing their grip but they have to in many cases like let’s get their hands on nice so that they can articulate their wrists in a way that the club can behave nicely like you hated this okay well I didn’t see

That today and I haven’t and I I’ve watched your social media but I haven’t like I just enjoy your personality and so I watch a bit of it this keeps the the problem is and we’re talking between here and here and I’m like losing sleep

Over it okay it’s like that’s how big of a deal it’s become when you stand on shots where there’s trouble left and then it’s like okay I’m here and then this way and I’m always blaming that yeah and it’s like just keep working on it it seems like an endless keep working

On and then when you look at it on swing you know you can get it more laid off you can get it nice here but it’s oh look it’s there again see this is where the coach student conversation comes into play right so now now now I kind of

Get a little bit more slicer move is going to be Zippity dudah over here all this momentum is going this way and then it’s here and they back out of it there’s nothing on it and they hit this weak fade so then then the first thing I

Do with a like a big time slicers I’ll get them to get it deep stand it way up so that they have this sensation wolf totally Matthew wolf Jim furick tons of guys a lot of great coaches kind of get people like lead better had his a swing

George ganas had a lot of you know Club Mass over here so it could go behind the handle but you’re letting the athlete no matter what level turns up for you cuz you get a lot of amateur you’re letting them figure out based on a couple of

Pointers yeah so anyway long answer to your simple question was there’s a technique component and then there’s a really big component on and being okay I always say you’re not going to die when you hit a golf shot you might feel a little bit of you died but you’re not

Going to die okay you’re going to have a good indifferent or poor result your dog doesn’t care nobody cares really nobody cares now can you live with the fact that you’re going to have one of three outcomes and then man up and go through your routine and accept the outcome

Brilliant it’s not I mean it’s not it’s like we’re so people are so terrified of the outcome they just can’t go through the correct process yeah right so to me routine is a huge part of the golf school in fact I give you a keychain like a silly keychain when you pass a

Routine test I make people watch this thing called tiger 2000 Scott faucet and did this amazing video tiger wins a 200000 US Open by 15 Shots faucet’s video illustrates and highlights the like the Zen like routine of every time he walked into a golf ball he timed

Every time he walked in preceding the walk in was different like he might have taken one or two little baby practice swings maybe a couple big rips got to maybe there was a delay and he had to take some PR whatever okay but from the moment he stood back behind the golf

Ball and took one step that’s when faucet started the timer from the time the club went that was like 13.2 13.5 now I’m not saying be that anal but I’m saying once you make your mind up that you’re going to hit a shot hit the bloody shot you intend to hit yeah the

Outcome may not be perfect but might be so there’s a falo one isn’t there with John Cook 91 murfield Open Championship that he won and it was the same deal I think it was 18.1 seconds from the moment he went to the club next to Fanny

Sunon and put his fingers on it to hit him the shot it was 18 I think it was 18.1 and 19 I haven’t seen that but that that would elaborate for him to walk in the ball exactly little bit different same deal and then there’s they do him

On the first whole first day to that second shot long ey he hit into 18 when he’d had 18 pars to win it and it it’s the patience of it these are all things like my traits no patience when I play golf trying to birdy every hole um that

Was always a killer for me and then just yeah not things that I work on again now like pulling old psychology books out just to routine and deal with the outcome yeah because the older you get the more of a library you have and sometimes the library has some negative

Stuff in it rather than positive stuff oh it’s got tons of negative stuff in it which I realize from standing here now having a fear of left that right has become the fear you know yeah so no I get you I get you you know so safe to

Say when a good player comes to a coach let’s pick a tour player just give me a name uh current on tour nowbody so let’s go with uh Adam Scott okay Adam Scott uh hey Martin Chuck nice to meet you hey Adam nice to meet you I’ve

Admired you for years you’ve got I love the way you swing a golf club oh thanks but I’m actually here to talk to you about that do you think I’m going to rebuild Adam Scott’s golf swing no of course not I might I might say to him

Hey let’s look at your range of motion now that you’re not 28 anymore let’s let’s look at a couple things that can help you score better Landing angle maybe some spin might come to hey let me pull in your tour Tech guy yeah for a second make sure Landing angles are

Right spin numbers are correct okay let’s let’s talk about what fears you have on the golf course let’s go get let’s you know let’s get in the cart let’s go to a hole right now let me see you tea up a couple yeah you see my point different coaching different state

Right so what then if you get a kid say you get marawa who’s got full range of motion yeah no kids loads of time yeah yeah yeah is that conversation different well that conversation like say for example he he sought me out and I’m like okay you know here’s the guy who

Developed this amazing game with this crazy weak left hand in this impact condition that’s you know am I going to go even remotely close to messing with that not in a million years am I going to do that right so he’s changed he’s developed a sequence of events not too unlike say

Rah who has this and now if he was my kid if he was my junior golfer that I brought up from May maybe he nobody knows who his name is now maybe he’s some doctor lawyer or something like that he’d be something successful I guarantee right but you know a cessing

House Rick cessing house is his coach and Rick probably had enough sense to go this guy’s beating everybody I’m not going to mess with this really weak fa weak left wrist and the way he gets his his his impact alignments are gorgeous if he came to me I’d be really I’d be

Apprehensive to mess with that right but I would start to say okay what is the Deep what is the club ball Turf relationship creating outcomes he doesn’t like right is it is it he is he freaking out in the situation there’s a coach is it a bit of a technique piece

That we can brush up on see to me there’s always there’s always the three things okay there’s technique okay I call it trickery and I call it a test so technique is okay maybe you need a little smart balling like a lot of guys love warming up with it on tour

Fantastic you see Rory with a little clicker now being aware of his wrist conditions okay that’s been around forever everybody’s got their little technique totem that they grab on to then it’s like okay can you be playful again like you like hitting push draws great trying to think of the Texan uh um

Go His Name Escapes Me So he drew every ball every ball when he played golf but you know what he did when he practiced he faded every ball just to keep himself on the yeah he tried to stay on the Teeter Totter a bit right so I wouldn’t

So with you I’d be like okay here’s your practice routine what’s your bit of technique for 15 20 minutes okay what’s your trickery for 15 or 20 minutes and then now let’s have a test so now there’s 45 minutes 15 minutes for water check your messages whatever do it again

Okay that’s enough two of those sessions okay then it’s like hey what’s that called short oh yeah chip pot pitch you know grind six-footers get up and down from the bunker basic Chip Shot tricky Chip Shot poor light Chip Shot hit it off a thin L over a bunker right so see

Where I’m going with that yeah and so I skills that enable you to play the game amen it’s not I think everybody’s just too dialed into hitting balls I hate it I hate hitting balls now I’ll hit a few you know I hit maybe 30 then I’m like

Bored out of my mind I would rather chip in putt yeah rather get in a bunker oh you know what I really love to do is hit Fairway bunker shots yeah it’s my favorite practice because it’s harder yeah you see what I mean yeah so like

Watching you I know we’re kind of on a rant here but watching you it’s like okay very good golf swing numbers look really good it’s interesting now the club’s in a more appealing place for you which it is looks really good if this was where you were right the club is

Definitely exiting from here then I’d say Okay club’s behind the hands you like that as a player perfect let’s make sure you’re unwinding within your left foot a little bit okay good that was the next you see my point cuz like Darren Clarks an old friend of mine right dere

Could just like go beat up a bar if he wanted to cuz he hits overdraws you know and so he just kind of gets his weight goes too much on top of his lead foot pushes his path too much to the right it’s going to hook every Ball versus

Unwinding a little bit more within his foot changes his hula hoop a little bit to take the the Inside Out path out now he now he hits it good again yeah yeah um so when you do that so hula hoot being the path and when you change the

Path and you get more of the rotation how do you stop the club from going out this way more like Rosie talks about it doesn’t he on social media about he did something for the PJ tour about if the head is on a behind a boat and the boat

Is pulling the jet ski centrifugal force PES the club out so how do I ensure I get more in if I’m going to turn better so so and why is the right the right I think comes from being this way and then backing up that’s exactly it that’s

Exactly it so it’s like you know my thing is if you if you get the weight in a place and this is where again every sler I’m going to put here somebody who hits hooks that likes to feel this they have to unwind a little bit more before

They get too much on top of their lead side or they’re going to have too much rward path obviously to avoid missing left the club face can’t be square right I mean I know it sounds stupid but the face has to be pointed to the right when

You hit a golf ball yeah you know so you know you start looking at this and you say all right there’s my club face that address and a lot of people don’t know know this I’ll say okay here’s a dress and there’s impact here’s a dress there’s impact they’re like what do you

Mean how’s that impact well I’m saying well when that’s loaded with some unwinding now that face is not Point yeah it’s pointed to the right right so it looks really shut but is it not when it’s in a state of being loaded and is that how good you know do good good

Players have that sense poor players are trying to do kinds of wappy stuff again I know it was one of your things the plane mate there’s another thing David Woods David wood Partners on that yeah I was big time this on the plane mate so spent

Almost a summer trying to feel this sure but you I felt like I could cheat it a bit cuz if the head’s out here oh you could 100% man like there’s I don’t know that just shows that you’re rotating right right but is is is there any

Really perfect training aid I mean you know smart Ball’s probably the dumbest simplest thing of all but it’s super efficient yeah because if you can manage and I always say to people you know they always say why does that help people I say well if you can manage your arms

You’re also managing your wrists right so if your arms are a little bit more organized your wrists are a bit more organized and then I always say whatever you wind up you got to unwind so if you wind up a little chaos good luck unwinding chaos yeah right so just you

Know you give up a little range of motion sometimes maybe you give up a mile or two three of of Club head speed but your reliability in the club and the ball is way up yeah yeah yeah you know hits some let’s talk about it so situation then for you already I think

It’s similar you’d be like okay try and get a little closer to it yeah I would just say you know just being you know I’d say you’d feel a little taller there you go you know what I mean maybe a little closer to it that looks perfect

To me okay you know and so and then back swing wise laid off a bit I would here’s the thing I wouldn’t just I again good player I wouldn’t say lay it off i’ say be aware of this sensation if it gets if here’s we’re having this like coach teacher student

Relationship right now okay I’d say okay if you get in a situation where you start feeling like the ball’s squirting out to right field and it’s it’s a challenge for you okay I would say then be mindful of where this golf club if the lead arm gets deep and The Mask gets

Up which is good when you change direction it falls behind the hands that’s good you like that now cuz that’s not there for you are you you seen good players from here great players from here uh yeah but you know what they have to do they’re they’re always left and they’re usually

Take deep divots what’s the Australian guy who wanted Craig Perry Craig Perry very good player right amazing D diviton left of course and how about how about um guys with left arms that are out late that have to you know they’re a little bit you know what I mean but if you get

Closer to the ball then this Gap here has got to go yeah naturally mhm yeah so go on you were saying don’t get if there’s junk on the RO right just be aware of cross the line is going to create this you know exactly yeah you know so there’s if you’re trying to

Avoid over there what swing path helps you avoid over there yeah for a good player because you’re never going to have a wide open face you’re too good for that see my point yeah yeah yeah now that’s back to our conversation yeah if you’re a bad player you know if you want

To avoid hitting it over there play the ball forward in your stance right so the more forward it is the more naturally left the path is going to be because of the hula hoop of course yeah right so the balls move forward and in your in your ey line you’re like this Ball’s

Going to spit out left and hopefully fade a little bit yeah yeah okay and there and and since it’s forward you’re going to hit down on it everything since the ball’s forward here’s here’s something interesting let me step in so if I have a ball this forward okay and I

And I said how high can I hit that ball right so if I hit this you know so is that going to go really high that’s just a pulley fade you know so that’s a ball Way Forward of any iron shot that’s a path that’s got to be left now as a good

Player are you going to roll that face over not in a million years okay so I’ve had a lot of college players come out to me and say man it was really windy at the last tournament I was playing the ball back and I couldn’t and I was hooking it and I’ll

Say of course you were hooking it cuz you’re hitting this ball that’s back in your stance you know so they’ve got this golf ball back here and they’re trying to play this knockdown now this now they’re hitting it with some kind of square face with too much excessive path they maybe

They got the flight they wanted but now they’re they can’t control the curve and I’m like hey let’s play that sort of knock down from like a here’s kind of an exaggerated forward ball location because now you can kind of step on top of this thing a bit you know and so

There’s a ball flight that that thing you’re not going to lose that ball flight it’s not going to curve too much because it’s like as a good player you’re you’re not going to roll that face over with that Ford ball location it’s kind of like your insurance

You are going to have to move onto it though so trust your instinct as a player basically right and I mean typically when you get a guy like you or one of those college players that comes out I’d say the they that changes their intent and understanding of kind of

Controlling their golf ball and Breeze real fast yeah and like oo I never thought of that and then they then they have this sense of like covered and left and then low little chasy things now it’s no way to play a lot of golf but it’s survival when the elements are

Miserable yeah right if it’s nice out I want you hit and skyh high and yeah dropping down like a you know yeah yeah so stand a bit taller a little bit closer yeah so yeah hit another one so setup can’t be any better than that okay so there’s the one you hate right

There’s that there’s that like like that’s a l shallow to try and strike it and it’s a poor strike okay so here’s like what like watching this too like going back cuz I always it’s always the same thing with me like I always see I would say to

You when you set up to it can you avoid potentially getting the handle low mhm right can you go tap tap tap never really ground it m kind of find your happy place in space find you know here here’s why I’d say that is like the ball

There’s no guarantee the ball is going to be at the soles of your feet the ball could be up 5 in below your souls of your feet uh your SES are going to be caned one way or the other but my point is if you can always find your radius in

Space Troy to me that’s more reliable than something where the club is on the ground and then maybe we have some different sort of angle every single time so if we put our good hands on a wagget it’s always kind of I’m finding my radius without the club really grounded

The this is nudes in lesson 101 when I was a kid the club never was to touch the ground and we listened to him when we did it driver irons never it could go like this bend the grass a bit but it never set to a place where there was a

Possibility of a different angle okay so then you’re controlling the low point a little bit okay I’m with you I’m with you you know yeah I’m with you so I watch that I go H you know I’d be like all right can you can you challenge

Yourself to get set go ahead get ready to go good keep the Club kind of in this taptap space never really never on the ground though you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah and then you I’d say I want to be able to put a business card

Underneath there is about all just in control of the L yeah okay so maybe a half a Groove skinny but perfect yeah you know what I mean yeah I’d be stoked with it yeah I mean it’s just an A timeon but it’s a nice first

25 shot it’s it’s not a thick divot no right so I always feel like like I could run a business card right underneath this yeah and always last look take one look ball go really good I want your last look to be like Target Ballo I’ve been spending

Way too long over the ball looking at the ball thousand swing thoughts like stay centered cuz I get a little bit off of it here and then just have the most recent one is turn and just lose thought of the target especially with wedges and terrible wedge so your viewership okay

So everybody’s got some sort of hitting net now right yeah and maybe they’ve got some way to measure balls like ball flight and stuff and I think that’s been a bit of a disease for golf because people are like I had one of my students

Too and I even tell them all this I say if you’re hitting into a net right in front of you hit into the net 1 1,000 holes through the club imagine use your imagination see the ball flying beautifully land done even if it just one and hit a screen right here yeah

Because of all we’re doing is hitting hitting hitting and there’s none of that timing of like watching it kind of go up in the air and even if you know you hooked it cuz it felt toey or maybe it hung cuz you healed it a little bit you

Still got to use your imagination if you’re in a room hitting into a screen or H into a net like you got to you know be part of that that’s why I think some of the better ones now they have the ball Tracer like a Sim it at least it keeps

You in tune with the with the ball stopping rather than just hitting into a net and watching it come down yeah so you wouldn’t change the Orient the the feels in the back swing yeah do a bit of work with the with the smart ball that’s

One thing you know give me one more show me that waggle Club barely off the ground so but I want last look and then go okay you can’t really draw it up much better than this now the the swing is getting a little longer now you’re maybe

A bit more warmed up the club’s mask goes behind you there’s no way that that’s outside inside the hands you see my point there’s no way y okay what about the gap between uh left arm and left chest you know like I’m loving where this is coming out I got no issue

With this I’m I’m looking at the left glute clearing beautifully ey lines spot on you know the exits really good no early extension dude it’s as good as it gets right here so sometimes I’ll stand up on it head will come off the wall sort of thing and out of posture you

Know he’s moving back a bit from but I can I could show you 100 guys that make a living that don’t look as good as you m see my point like it’s like don’t let prog like Perfection be the pro the stops progress right and so what’s also

The like do you know who Mike Abbott is very good coach from Dallas yeah didn’t show any tour players a video ever he would look but he would never show the player why cuz he didn’t want the player fixating on any one particular place and

I tell you what he helped a lot of dudes because he just get got them into kind of a play feeling of getting better rather than fixating on a picture you touched on net do not think the Nets have made us fixate iPhones have made us fix8 100%

Yeah 100% you know I didn’t have video of my golf swing as a junior I looked back and somebody showed me a one of my buddies sent me a swing of mine from when I was about 17 and I was playing really well and I looked at the swing

Now I’m went didn’t really like it but I was I hit it where I was looking you know what I mean most every time I hit it yeah yeah so I have one of these at home so always ball position alignment yeah and then distance what would be your tip to

Ensure I mean for me I can kind of feel it get get a bit closer to it stand a bit taller but what else would be your checko so to me I always say this I would say you know you build a house you build a foundation then you put the

Studs up and golf you go the other way so to me like when you watch tiger 2000 the video that we coach our all the campers on he’s back here he walks in he pairs the hands he adds a waggle I’m a big fan of teaching a waggle feet are

Sorted together he tips over tap tap he takes a look then he settles his feet another waggle takes another look my big thing is your checklist of things to do in golf should be over by the time you get to the golf ball not starting they

Should be over why do we waggle because golf is a game separated by time you have to acquaint yourself to every Club you use every 5 minutes here’s what I mean you tea off at 8:00 hit your driver hey good drive try way to go we go down

There you got a wedge in your hands okay you hit your wedge we go to the then that’s 6 minutes later you go to the next hole maybe it’s a five iron part three and you go to the next ho it’s a driver again you don’t hit a driver for

25 minutes so routine critical in that how you walk in and wagle a golf club like good players just kind of do it I try to teach newbies how to do it how to step in AIM the face take a look oh then they’re in a position where they can now have a

Trigger you know to hit a shot and have and have a functional outcome and then there’s this I always try to and I didn’t do it there shame on me you know let that thing holster man put that thing away get the clip out of your hands then you’re done so there’s a

Routine piece that’s to me more important than the technique itself yeah with everyone as well not just with better players by the sounds of it so feel wise I mean it’s almost like you’d be sort of saying Chill on it all it’s all here I would say to you go chip and

Pie go play Beat people yeah you know what think about what a good coach does they they boost people up yeah yeah yeah definitely now if you had something wildly wrong don’t you think I’d tell you yeah so the whole thing about staying centered you again players get

Off center so why worry about it or like sometimes I I look at a swing and I’ll be back this way like I used to be I’ve worked on it but I don’t know why I’ve worked on it some guy told me to work on

It so watch like you know you know it’s like expansion into impacts freaking gorgeous okay um um could you reenter a tick because why because it’s like you know is the club traveling down into impact perfectly and impact looks absolutely flipping perfect bent right arm bent right wrist flat left wrist overing

Beling it a bit more it’s all just manage your game basically isn’t it I wasn’t that good but I played some good golf just because I was maybe just kind of ploted along and I didn’t mind making a bogey didn’t ruin my day double Bogies and triple Bogies are are silly yeah

Right a bogey doesn’t bother cuz you’re going to get on a bit of a run you’re going to hit a part five and you’re going to stuff it on a part four you’re you’re going to make a 20-footer once in a while yeah I kind of knew when I was

Coming here I was hoping I’d get for one of a much better description but this is a compliment like a full fat old school meat and potato kind of lesson and I’d say that this is it’s simple it’s to the point it’s you can cuz now there’s so

Much out there for people to watch that they can get lost buddy okay here’s the thing you show up here right you’re Troy yep okay I could I could put your swing right there and I could say this dude won $18 million last year playing professional golf people wouldn’t AR

They wouldn’t know they just Craig Parry you STI Craig Parry swing up and people might not believe it right but no they look at your golf swing that’s a damn good golf swing okay so now it’s a matter of all right you know and wey it’s not so much I’ve just known him

Forever Okay so we’ve been friends he used to have a really jacked up golf swing when we were little you know it was funny but he had this kind of zipped inside over the top hang back face was pretty square but you know what he was amazing at not make him bogey tenacious

Great short game okay I connected him with Mike Wilson as F well one of his first for uh formal coaches they did a great job together for years and years all I was for wezy was just a bit of sense he’d call me once in a while we

Traveled together in the Canadian tour I’d have a chitchat with them that’s about all same with Darren you know in your case it’s if if you showed up on like if this was like a real you know I don’t know you and you can I came out

Here and I’m like hey nice to meet you you hadit it pretty good man yeah I’m looking at your numbers going all right good speed reliable path the face was nice the face was a bit square a couple times maybe the ball missed a little left but I’m talking not missing a green

Yeah okay do I really start just making stuff up of course not I I build you up man cuz you’re good yeah I listen to where you came from okay you you you recognize that your Club Fizz in a different spot I might even get to thinking maybe your camera angle when

You videoed was Goofy who know yeah you know now I see a golf swing I really like okay and then it goes from just technique coaching to Performance coaching yeah right to me you’re more of a not much technique not much sorry okay now it’s a performance coaching

Mentality hey let’s learn let’s play yeah let’s let’s look at this golf course where do you get to bomb it okay where do you get get to squeeze it maybe where do you hit a three-wood okay let’s look at the golf course um what shots

Are going to be like this is the hard part three shot let’s face it this is a Redan it’s 25 I have to step up here you see what I mean this is the shot where you got to hit a good you know five iron or four iron or something it’s you know

It’s a it’s a big shot you make a par yay because that’s really a good score isn’t it and move on yeah yeah yeah I like it final question I guess from me yeah swing thoughts swing thoughts where you at with that my last comment was

Look at the Target Target ball hit it okay you’re going to have an outcome good batter or indifferent you’re going to have lots of indifferent Matt coocher brilliant golfer sexy to watch no made a lot of money absolutely one of the best Steepy Fades all day long figured out

How to putt yeah you know great little picture of the golf ball you know figured out a way right yeah so you know is it’s a Target game it’s not a it’s not a stare at the ball game it’s like look at that have that picture cuz if we

Know where that is before we swing it our R comes are going to be a little bit better if we lose where that is and that’ll happen to me I’ll get over a golf ball and then all of a sudden it’ll go away I’m like oh I got to get away I

Got to get out I I step out then I look at the Target again then I walk in I’m like okay I got it I got it I got to go if I don’t have it I don’t hit it if it’s not my if it’s not where I think it

Is you ever set up to a shot in the pin and you go oo set up to a shot all the time and uh it’ll be like this and and now I’ve got into trying to bring like an intermediate Target and I’ve been hanging out a little bit talking with

Rory I know he does it a lot putting for sure and I’ll be like that and I’ll look up and I’ll be aiming over here and I’m like what are you doing yeah and then sometimes the worst cuz you’re trying to make content or you’re not in it I’m

Doing this and I’m like I’m going to hit it anyway right horrendous right like content content’s content I mean I’m talking about playing golf but the two of them are becoming one as the game moves on you know no I get it so when you if you’re doing Vlogs I would say

You know it’s fun I used to do vlogs like you know course Vlogs they’re fun because now when um oh Crossfield came over had a hysterical time with him yeah he’s like hey do do you know who Paige spanic is I’m like no idea right now she’s like the biggest person in golf

Right and so I played a match her and I played uh coach locky in Crossfield it was like 48° at up at uh trun and we had a blast other than the fact it snowed so Vlog course Vlogs are great because now guess what the world gets to see you

Play golf yeah okay and so it’s fun pressure actually because yeah maybe you hit it out of bounds so guess what everybody in the world hits it out of bounds yeah okay how do you respond to that yeah you know can you can you bring

It back in hit a good shot move on that’s golf you’ve played enough you know I’m just telling you what you already know it it’s a challenge for me I wouldn’t say I’m great at it I’d say it let me down when I was playing seriously recovering from Bad shots

Really definitely yeah you know because not the process that we’ve talked about wasn’t strong enough the connection with the target wasn’t strong enough because the connection was with the emotion of the bad shot so I mean because I’ve hit millions of great shots I haven’t told

You about one of them yet sure what’s that all about yeah you know what I mean it’s like I’ve hit I tell you what I’d tell you I’d hit millions of okay shots and I’m okay with that I think I’ve hit millions of great ones

I I bet you you know what I mean though it’s like okay ones of course but no but I mean I’m good with okay ones I don’t have to be it’s it’s not about great shots to me it’s about functional shots which is important yeah you know and

It’s like even if I hit a bad one I’m okay hitting bad ones is and like I’m just hoping if I hit a bad one I get sort of where I can go hit it again yeah and then like Oh that’s oh good I get to hit it again so that reframing positive

Yeah oh good I get to hit it again see my point it’s amazing yeah like if you can and I know I’m not trying to like be a shrink here but I’ve you know been I’ve done it a long time and if you can reframe the bad into something that’s

Okay be your own best caddy amen man you know oh I get to hit that’s terrible but I get to hit it again let’s go you know you sound very similar to someone I know who played golf and was really successful Champions Tour and Main tour

One on tour and uh he talks the same way like Dean Wilson Oh de no friend we’re buddies yeah well he was on the same team as Wy yeah he talks exactly the same way and says that about we as well and yeah yeah it’s the same lesson well

You know it’s um you look at it like one were’re blessed to play you know what was awesome Nick Dunlap winning did you hear him say it’s a privilege to be under that kind of pressure yeah it was the coolest thing I’d heard because I’m like man he’s right what a privilege to

Be under that kind of pressure cuz you’re in the situation you you’ve put yourself there that’s why you that’s why you work so hard to be there can you imagine Michael Jordan going I really don’t want to take this shot who wants this shot Scotty you want the shot no

He’s like I want to shoot this I may miss but I think I’m going to make it yeah cuz you have a choice to think however you want to think right you know so this lesson sorry turned into more of a mental lesson maybe I drove it there I

Don’t know it doesn’t matter simple stuff it why shouldn’t it be it’s stupid game with a stick you seen Robin Williams talk about it yeah I have yeah awesome so there you have it guys I told you the whole reasons why I wanted to come here and it surprised me this is

One of the game’s best I’ve followed him for a long time thank you very much for that if you want to check everything out tour Striker down there in the description get after that I’m going to put all the links to Martin’s socials maybe you can get here and come to one

Of his golf schools and I think it will be as eye openening to you guys as that was to me don’t make the game so tough plenty of quotes for the quote list I like that we’re going to single them all out in this see if you can name in the

Comments how many quotes you got on that quote list that’s funny dude top man cheers [Applause] mate


  1. The irony for me is his coaching is like your club fitting. You don’t weigh your guys down with non-critical minutiae. Good players needing or wanting to see a different flight window, you make a tweak here, maybe a different shaft and you stop talking and call it a day. Good is Good, don’t screw it up and they trust you. Nice one here, thanks.

  2. I grew up playing junior golf with Marty in Ontario in the 80s — so proud to see how well he's done in the game and in his teaching — great stuff Trottie!

  3. Chris, this is poss the best lesson you will have ever had and I have seen on YouTube. Today, most guys get too hung up on technical aspects of golf when it is a fluid game which is full of mistakes. Managing these things in our head is the key. Just go and play but manage expectations and we can all be in our happy places.

    Good man, keep up the good work.

  4. One of the best 'lesson videos' I've seen in years. Martin feels so old school in the way he approaches teaching, it's great to know these guys still exist. The use of technology has overtaken the dig it out of the dirt and scoring first mentality. I may be making a trip out to AZ to see Martin.

  5. Starting my 3rd year and I can always tell who has had to many lessons. They often tell me how much better I can be if I did the same. I always ask them to explain their swing in the least amount of words.

  6. Absolutely great content Trottie, as a long time follower of Martin and somewhat new follower of you it was amazing listening in. More junior golfers need to find this video. Thank you for sharing.

  7. one of the best videos I have watched!!! Great info, I feel like a better golfer without even touching a club.

  8. one of the best videos i've seen. i think there's needs to be more about the mental side of the game

  9. Hitting flighted shots with the ball forward is a game changer. These high level coaches are so good. Thank you for filming

  10. This is a great video, I know the way you feel about trying to be perfect all the time, trying to teach myself to let it go and just play this mad game too mate, best video I’ve seen in a long time

  11. i am sure it is different for all, and I am a decent player, but if I am going for a lesson, I would personally prefer a tidbit of technical advice if I went in for a lesson. To be clear, lot of great info here, but I think it left me wanting just a bit more on the swing.

  12. That nugget about not setting the club on the ground was an eye-opener for me. Thanks Chuck and of course Trottie!!!

  13. Can you provide some information about the video that Martin mentioned about Tiger’s timing that Fawcett did? Where to find it?

  14. Great video, great lesson for all of us. BTW, "Pressure is a privilege" is attributed to Billie Jean King. It's a plaque in the player's walk way at the US Open (Tennis).

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