Golf Players

Samui Friday Doubles and Gregory Festian got an ACE – VLOG 53

Thank you to Christoffer Wirén for sharing the video of the ACE!

This is a video series about my disc-life in Thailand where I will show you everything what I’m up to. Unedited and raw footage of my day!

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It is Friday and like you can see it’s not really really nice weather today morning was fine there’s been like rain off and on since 6:00 a.m. basically and uh it’s the street is spotted right now can’t really change on that today is supposed to be uh doubles

Nights uh kind of a random doubles game uh on the South Side they’re playing a tournament you can take on those online scores there even though it’s not live scarring just to put the results in after the round but still interesting to check it out but yeah they’re probably enjoying the same weather

And and just like uh if it continues like this there’s going to be no game time for me oh you reach me the C try though and yeah we’ll we’ll see how the days goes and hopefully I can play today like you guys can see obviously we started

Playing uh I am playing with Nate with that guy in the front then we have YCO and swen and swen had an amazing shot check this out turn turn I like it turn more yeah nice yeah bu guy that’s money nice so after that hole my team and sn’s team we tied up

We’re both five down which means we both basically not playing for the win but you actually you never know it’s really windy I know there’s some really really strong teams out there and you you actually never know I just know that I’m not playing to my level I think YCO plays so much

Better he probably feels like that as well but you’re all tied up at least inside of this group is really really interesting standings so sweet like little there a too hard oh oh my God imagine that going in great one Mo that yeah good save it be high yeah yeah [Applause]

Yeah fly baby fly baby yes that’s on the dancing floor come here boom so as we walking down hole number two me and Nate should be really parked don’t know yet but I hit the middle tree of the fway I tried the sidearm too much

Angle on it and didn’t work so it is what it is but Nate parked it really nicely probably because it looked like it it got through over the high Gap it’s probably not going to show on the T t-shot video because it’s really bad place to shot the

Video and we really we want see to I see see the this red one right I think so yeah it’s this one over there so we have a putt but let’s check this out what they Doing good line though a d dang that and this is my shot and I trust Nate so much thank you Nate boom such a good teammate oh that’s okay if you get to those trees there’s always some kind of option from there okay man kitchen too long that’s all be long huh there

Yeah thank you so before this hole we were one stroke ahead oh that spider is getting angry or hungry I don’t know anyway we were one stroke ahead now they have a putt for a birdie I think and and we have put for a par so we’re

Going to be even again probably but it’s not a gimme it’s 7 m so we’ll see oh I will show him my shoulder nice bir bir bir nice yeah I can see my disc on The Fairway over there I don’t need it I can yo drop the

Beer that’s it Miss it yes Miss it that one too all right it’s fine I’ll take that too low again only this too high again oh nice line oo oo looked really close what go on the basket please yes yes oh money safe what happens when you don’t

Practice that sh I can’t practice this money that’s money that’s oh wait you go it’s fine where you rolling so we’re playing whole number six as Steve and this guys play hall seven and we are on the Buton green but the story is that uh me and Nate or swen and YCO we

Are not playing for the wind today but interesting enough look at that little spider going down the tree interesting enough both teams have seven down right now so we’re playing really equally and right now yo is basically Bullseye so we still have some work to do but we’re going to do it now

Come on face yes [Applause] good job I have a different so TR to do the same J not that was a little bit full a yeah that’s nice that’s nice that’s long tree we have two holes to go and we again all tied up like we can see in the background y

Co already making plans because me and Nate we are not in a good position because for some reason this hole is not good to me anymore oops so but we have a long look let’s see what happens if we get something between our boat it will be

Perfect so we are still tied up and this is the last hole Nate is throwing first because I have no idea what to do in this hole because today the wind has been up and down so much let’s see oh that’s a good shot oh why why I

Niced it sorry it was a good shot though I don’t really don’t know what to do on this one there’s no wind now Ace Ace Ace comeand oh same tree you’re H wow so we’re going to do now with live commentary and this is Yo for this increasingly pressurized

Moment this is mental game on on not since it’s on it’s oh no it’s same tree what’s happening I think the last guys put a magnet inside of that tree and now we have S to save everything everything on the line Halloween the glorian fame of YouTube is on the line

Me and let’s see he going for it it’s maybe no it didn’t hit the tree but it didn’t get past the tree so w grass complaining yeah there next time there’s probably some kind of magnet inside we’re going to check it out now so we are doing the putts now yeah

First on this one I agree and YCO and swin go first but we’re basically the same intense moment and it goes I and it goes too high oh my God oh my Lord everything on the line when is trying to no pressure no pressure

Shot he he has it he has it oh my God it was too long looked like a good line now we move on to the other guys and Nate from Canada no it was too low it was good line though oh too hot might might need a shootout for

This I don’t think it matters so this is how it ended officially but we haven’t ended it yet we’re going to have a shootout because somebody needs to get that Fame and chory on YouTube so hopefully it’s going to be me but I’m okay if it’s s or yo or

Nate well we’ll see what happens now the heck no pressure no pressure I’m going to save that little and life no pressure s said it ah bab okay seems like we’re going to have to do whole 11 to it’s a long P again swend to save the

Day is he going to finish us off oh looks good like it that’s a really nice 5 m putt nicely done sir thank you so we have to get our birdie from here oh Nathan has a really nice throw but it’s just a layup so I’m going to try it with with

The burg again every time I if I say it then show it to the camera for some reason it goes in yeah got to get right for this oh too low most the lined up don’t worry s you can do it only 5 million people watching nervous don’t worry the the

7even billion will like it Hallelujah yes it’s in congratulations oh nice birdies sir boom thank you guys thank thank you was a nice game fun round yeah it was fun it was quiet but fun interesting enough thank you sir pleasure and yeah we’re going to go

To the clubhouse and then we’re going to check in and find out who won because let’s be honest it was not definitely one from this group definitely not not with eight down because eight down is a good score individually time for second place we got Ben sari we got stepen

Martin and we got Craig and Chris shooting 55s get your money 500 by a team please split it we don’t have change you stole it all already than sir how much money was the winner uh 1100 other team and winning it I heard missing a putt on

The last hole to tie the doubles course record shooting a 49 you can OE 19 [Applause] under and and hting an ace on hole number nine we got Greg F winning 5,000 BS yeah he know [Applause] Leo Leo [Applause] hey so so this finishes today’s League I’m really enjoying this really comfortable

Chair uh I’m going to sit here a little bit and rest uh like I said our car didn’t have a chance to to play for the win and congratulations to greig for his Ace so I see you guys tomorrow and I really hope that you like this format

Because this is what I’m planning for the Su swine for my own game uh every round back 11s I’m going to show it to you probably some maybe some HS I will record more we’ll find out because the camera battery doesn’t last for the entire round so saying that

Congratulations to the winner they almost tied up the Coss record like you heard and Craig’s birdie it was amazing I saw it on the clip and here it is wow get in there wow yeah and I called it wow I called it oh


  1. Love it, such a beautiful course. My son and I plan to play next year, accommodations already booked. Hope to see you there!

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