Open, Closed or Neutral? THIS WILL IMPROVE YOUR SWING!

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Should your shoulders be closed open or neutral at impact well the answer to that question is actually quite simple when you look into the logic of your Anatomy follow me on this when I’m in a closed position where my chest and my shoulders are closed at impact what I’ve

Done is I’ve set my lead shoulder socket so it can have a great range of motion I’ve also set my trail shoulder socket so it can have a restricted range of motion so when I’m in a closed position with my shoulders at impact I’m just in

A position to use my lead arm now let’s take a look at how the lead arm works to see if it’s of any use in a golf swing well watch my lead arm naturally swings on a shallow and Inside Out swing path shallow means the club is low to the

Ground on its angle of attack into the ball this is steep this is shallow you don’t want steep you want shallow any pro any swing coach will tell you you want a shallow golf swing so when you’re closed with your chest at impact that means you’re using your lead arm and the

Lead arm produces a shallow swing path well that’s pretty positive now when your chest is open at impact what you’re set to do is use your Trail arm you’ve set your Trail shoulder in a position where it now has a great range of motion and it could do what it naturally does

Well look what it naturally does it swings on a steep and outside in swing path it’s going to swing along the line of your body that’s just how our arms work so as that happens it’s going to swing across the ball when you swing across the ball and you have a steep

Swing path you’re putting first too much spin on the ball and second you have a glancing blow which kills power it’s why the general population predominantly slices the ball it’s because everybody in the general population is predominantly using their Trail arms to hit the ball so you commonly hit a weak

Slice as your normal shot well that all comes down to just the geometry of your Anatomy more than your own physical skill so when your body is open and your chest is open at impact you’re encouraging a poor swing path now when your body is neutral at impact you just

Learned that your lead arm swings on a shallow swing path and your Trail arm swings on a steep swing path so when you’re in a neutral position what you’re trying to do is balance two opposing truths this arm wants to do this while this arm wants to do this so then you

Have to use great Rhythm tempo timing and golf athleticism to try to manage both opposing forces to try to deliver a proper strike into the ball well that becomes not only too difficult to do but then the problem really lies in the misses when you’re using your body in

Neutrality that means if the trail arm wins you’re likely going to hit a slice if the lead arm wins you’re likely going to hit a hook that means your misses go both directions playing golf where your misses go both directions is no good so when you look into the logic of your

Anatomy it should be clear that being closed at and through impact is going to encourage a good shallow swing path and a shallow swing path creates really high quality ball flight and it’s going to create a draw as your stock shot so if you ask yourself should your shoulders

Be closed your shoulders be open or should your shoulders be neutral without a doubt I think your shoulders should be closed and if you want to learn how to do that I have a whole school devoted to teaching you how to play the game for your long game and your short game with

Your shoulders closed at and through impact


  1. There you have it; in under 5mins, why everyone sucks at golf and you cannot break 100, and you only get worse and worse and worse…oh yeah, you cannot putt; either. Golf is not intuitive.

  2. I think this is your best explanation of the benefits of this set up; or, I wasn't in a place to receive it earlier. Larry from NH

  3. Jim, PLEASE go on trackman and show the numbers.
    I don't want to invoke the name of God to compel you so if you wouldn't mind.
    Thanks Brother Jim.

  4. Thanks so much Jim. I really love this golf swing. After practicing your swing at home with a net I was able to play 9 holes a couple of weeks ago. I had 5 pars in a row a double and 2 bogies for 40. I was so happy at how consistent I was hitting my shots. Now after studying and watching a ton of your video's. I played again today with not such good results. I was pulling some of my shots just like I do with a traditional swing. I'm guessing I was either coming to far to inside or I was not staying closed through impact. Maybe it was ball position or my wrist cock not sure why I struggled this time. At the 9th hole I dropped 10 balls from 130 yards out. Hit 2 middle 2 right and 6 left. I'm 62 and have tried every swing system there is and I believe with a little help this could be the easiest swing to repeat. Money is tight right now but I may be able to join your program in the future. Jim do you have any advice for now? Again thanks so much for all your great video's

  5. I've said this before your instructional videos for me are the only one's that have made a consistent improvement on my game with every one relating to stillness and closed at impact so simple and so effective, thanks Jim.

  6. JVGA is the rehab centre for many swing struggling golfers. Period. Throw all you learnt out of the window. Give yourself a chance learning from Jim to own your new, repeatable day in day out, self-confident swing to play the game, and have fun all over again.

  7. I was a scratch player at one time and I used to shoot in the sixties regularly and quit playing, when I started up again I was shanking the ball every shot until I used Jim's method of closing it up and wa-la slam fest, I'm almost as long at 66 as I was at 45 and I had a 345 yd hole in one back then with persimmon

  8. I learned a long time ago from my father, don't criticize someone until you walk a month in their shoes or try their method, you just might find it helps

  9. Jim, my 10 year old granddaughter is just starting the game. She's pretty athletic. Would you suggest I start her out with your closed and still methodologies?

  10. I just started watching these videos and the concern I have is the shot looks like a push right?

  11. be careful to joint with thia guys, he used my credit card to pay their acadamy. I am very disappointed what they are doing. it is just $ 69 dollar. shit

  12. It’s been bad weather here, but 45 today. I tried this and the ball literally went to the same area I was aiming every time.

  13. So two things.

    Talk about closed and trail arm.

    And based on this video it would seem you're suggesting a pull with the lead arm through impact?

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