Golf Players

02-18-2024 – Sports DAY

All-Star Weekend means future wins for The Heat, The Dolphins D may just get blown up and The Panthers may be the best team in South Florida period.

Turn it up it’s sports day with Dan day I kid you not I kid you not I am not a homer I am not someone trying to give you a hot take I am not someone that is overstating anything exaggerating I might be a crazy person

That’s okay but I’m not crazy when I say this the Florida Panthers are the best team in the NHL right here right now maken Vladimir Louis you can admit I’m crazy but I’m not crazy when it comes to this you’re not crazy no one has played better H admitt my might have something

To say about that nah we took care of Edmonton by the way earlier this year yeah but you’re talking about now AA they’ve lost some games I’m telling you this Panthers team is special going to Tampa the bullies are Bugaboo a team that we never wanted to

See much less in Tampa Bay they’re on a winning streak we’re on a four game winning streak we’ve won 10 on the road we won 11 on the road but we got to do it against the Bad Boys team that’s owned us not just on the ice they’ve

Beaten us up a lot too in the fights in the playoffs you just run up against the brick wall when you play them yesterday that brick wall got blasted through nine- two Vlad nine- two and you scored four in the first just let him know like uhuh no more of this no more

There’s a new sheriff in town uh Panthers overtook Boston with that win they now lead the Atlantic conference they need the Atlantic with 76 the entire Eastern Conference by the way and um they are the they them they and the Rangers are the hottest teams in um in

The NHL right now Rangers got a six game winning streak Panthers on the road monsters I mean monsters you go to Tampa they lay at the smack down on on the Lightning’s ass and that was good because you got to get that mind control away from um Tampa you went to Tampa and

Dropped you know they scored more points they scored more than the P than the Dolphins did in the wild card game that’s true the Panthers scored more last night in Tampa against the bullies then the Dolphins did in their playoff game and the only reason why I

Said that is because they kept on showing the P the the wild card came yesterday on the NFL Network so that’s why I was like oh man but yeah Panthers Paul Maurice best coach in South best coach in hockey right now best coach in South Florida we called that man

Out he listened ever since we called him out Vlad the Panthers were on the outside looking in at the end of the season last year trying to make the playoffs we said we’re about to start deliberating this jury is about to start deliberating since then the Panthers

Have been if not the best team in the NHL one of the handful top best teams in the NHL 9-2 yesterday in Tampa against the lightning who are on a winning streak who have owned us says it all we exercise those demons those demons are out they’re gone there’s a new sheriff

In town and it’s the Florida Panthers we’ll come to you I would say come get us we’ll come to you don’t you worry we’ll come and whoop that ass on the road real quick then we’ll come home and relax for a little bit I don’t want them

To come home I know they’re coming home on Tuesday no AWA will come to you that ass whooping comes to you doesn’t just sit at home and wait for you to come to it that that should be a slogan I want this vamos Gatos we bring the ass whooping to you

It’s a lot to write on a shirt but you know maybe on the back that is a lot to write well let’s work on it let’s work on it it’s a working title I would say we bring that ass to you but that’s a different totally

Different game go ahead and hit it hey yo thank you for joining us we’re on a little early because uh you know satellite problems satellite problems rvio Richie is keeping track of my hair flips throughout the day I took a shower before I got here today and I got rained

On a little bit so uh keep tracking that of course we are on YouTube live we are on Twitch we are on 560 across South Florida that’s am and on the Odyssey app around the world I know some of my family in Louisiana listening right now

Big Lynn stay strong my brother Paul all day thank you so much appreciate everyone listening and tuning in woo Vlad they say it’s the slow time of the year I beg to differ no it was it it was slow it’s slow bro I’m stoked up man

It’s snail I’m stoked up all right I’m happy to you you know what I’m so stoked up we’re gonna do four hours today we started early we might end late actually you know what no we might end early we might be Vlad let’s do it now can I ask

You a question you want to stick around an extra hour today no no because we started it early oh I’m here I ain’t going nowhere I’m glad look you say not a lot happened last night no you know what let me say that it’s a it is a

Boring time right now but last night I found myself watching the NBA Allstar Weekend I found myself enjoying UFC 298 um watching a good USC Colorado College basketball game that went to double overtime yes indeed so yes it’s not it was the first weekend in a long time it’s the first weekend without

Football like no football whatsoever of any kind so it it it got a little you know it took a little time to get used to but uh it was a good weekend we’re g to get you caught up right with everything that’s happening in the

Sports World I can tell you about it and I will tell you about it but why not go ahead and just like the Panthers did break it out with the Montage welcome inside Emily Arena here in Tampa for this evening’s matchup it’s the Florida Panthers and their cross State rivals

The Tampa Bay Lightning Miami and Boston College and away we go hurricanes win the opening CH please welcome AT&T CEO John Stanky joined by Julius Irving as they present the Julius Dr J Irving trophy to the winner of the 2024 AT&T slam dunk from the opola magic let’s hear it for Matt MCL 10 seconds got itar wanted to shoot WNBA WNBA ball is smaller with the w shot from the Line always comes down to this and you had the chance on the ROP and needed every single shot and it came down to the Money Ball D touch that watch baby touch that watch here to present the 2024 Kia challenge trophies to our winning team the [Laughter] Pacers sounds and Boston College comes

From behind with a solid closing argument they defeat the University of Miami by a final score of 85-77 hurricanes have lost their fourth straight game Eagles and a four game losing streak to Miami and Boston College has now won four of their last six Games and the Panthers top the lightning here in Tampa 9-2 Maya that thck Superstar I know you liking that oh man I’m at a Vegas man oh oh bag of Dimes by the way yeah she’s she’s one of them ones man yeah m is nice m is nice still

Looking great uh hey nice to hear PR hopefully he’s not in um well you know what Vlad I had all intentions of starting with this story with this lead but you know nine to2 against Tampa against the Rival against the bully becoming the new sheriff in town that

Took precedence but I do want to give you your flowers and give you your props you peacock you trumpeted you represented for the male species Steph Curry Sabrina ionescu I didn’t even have to watch it I was kind of watching it at my dud do Nathan and Joseppi’s place but your guy

Steph Curry came through and you let me know and I agree you’re right I will say this I like the allstar Saturday night events I like that led Court I like the LED Court it was all right I mean it’s okay I don’t wanted to see it in a game

Or anything like that traditionalist yeah I’m still traditional I’m still traditionalist but the three-point shooting in the NF in the NBA is ridiculous it’s I mean it’s like when you score 24 points in a competition and you can’t advance to the next round it’s layups nowadays it’s crazy it’s absolute craziness 24 points

Used to be the final score like the final tally that you would win the the competition that can’t even get you in the first that can’t get you into the finals um so shout out to all of that because the the three-point shooting contest was great damee won

That um but the main event was Steph versus Sabrina Sabrina was shooting from NBA range yes she was shooting with the woman’s ball and she was shooting with a woman’s Ball but it doesn’t matter shorty got range shorty got she could Shooters shoot you call shoter shoot you

Call her shorty yeah right now my roommate Blake P he liked her I I’m not physically attracted to her but I can see where some guys would like her no I I just like her Ste I like her like she’s I like how she buls up you know

You know people will take shots but um shots oh she can shoot she can shoot she can shoot she can definitely shoot but it was great it was great to see St and uh Sabrina put pressure on him she dropped 26 she had the final tally like

Think about it next year I think we’re going to have women and men NBA and WNBA players involved in the Three-Point Contest that’s awesome Steph said afterwards we need more of this I agree I like it yeah I yeah I I want to see the men destroy the women more so I

Think the men should shoot with the women’s ball next year every year we alternate women shooting men men shootting that’s not fair though no I do want to say this and I want to give props out on you know rip to my father figure my mentor my aaou

Basketball coach Bo champagne he said years and years ago now that the three-point Line’s been around for a little while eventually it is be going to become the most probably important part of the game and the big man is going to have to adapt at the time it

Sounded silly like no the game is throw it inside every once in a while shoot threes durk’s full remember Larry Bird never made 100 threes in a season I don’t even know if he attempted 100 threes in the season nowadays guys off the bench are making

100 threes the season so I like theol evolve evolution of all sports I accept it I don’t fight it that led Court Vlad get used to it one of these days it’s gonna be happening Maybe not maybe but still I like it man I think it’s cool

I’m I’m you know what Vlad you sold me on this all-star weekend I think I’m gonna watch the All-Star game tonight yeah a little bit of it Sam Dunk Contest we’ll get into that you know I don’t want to get into too much but I really

Got nothing else going on tonight so I think I’m going to sit around and watch the whole game tonight oh man knock yourself out knock yourself out I want to take who you think is gonna win MVP we’ll talk about that later they in Indianapolis sorry it’s got to be Halle

Burton right you got favor halberton he made that shot last night they won the skills challenge if he balls out and you know he can score and it’s not about defense in this game yeah I’m gonna go halberton I’m g go Hal Burton we’ll run through the starters and the player in

Just a little while but let’s get to some headlines can’t say it enough the Panthers routed the lightning 9-2 in route to their franchise record 11th straight road win get this Vlad the NHL record is 12 games so they’re one game away from time I look at it as they’re

Two games away from breaking it I like that we’ll bring that ass whooping to you stay right there stay right there a team coming to your house and just beating you man we’ll show up with a kegga beer and some I was I was going to say something some hot women and we’ll

No they G come to your house and take your women we don’t need to bring women because we’re taking yours parent your children lay their feet on your table why does your son look like me oh yeah because we beat you nine to two that was

Nasty work that’s it was a no doubter to would like they piled on at the end they scored four in the first eat that lightning and somebody from the other side of the state you talked a lot of this for the past couple years we got

You right now sit your ass down so then let me ask you a question down let me ask a question K yes got CAU up so Tuesday night Panthers come home Ottawa Senators Ottawa Senators yes sir seven o’clock I expect to sell out CR I’m in

My drop top Cru trying to work in as many Usher references as it’s all right man we’ve Usher’s been we don’t need to usher in another Usher song or any Usher information I’m ushered out but I know in two months but it should be sold out

Panthers now it should be sold out don’t you think like they they the Panthers come on cat fans it’s not every day you have this special of a team take advantage of it go out man go have Tuesday night enjoy a great game go support your cats let’s go man let’s

Like because you if they’re doing so well on the road you know how great it would be if they had a home ICE Advantage if it’s just a party in that joint down yourself some beers get yourself some nachos get there early wear your jacket because it’s cold in

There and get r nipp get Rowdy I I mean Panthers fans let’s get Rowdy you have the right you’ve earned this man remember we went two decades without winning a playoff series we got that monkey off our back couldn’t beat the lightning forever we got that monkey off

Our back made it to a Stanley Cup Final again after a hundred years it seems like that monkey’s off our back now it’s time to do one more thing one more thing I don’t want to get hit of myself too much let’s calm down or let me calm down

The can’s baseball team remain undefeated on the season vad I told you they’re three and0 yesterday they won the first one 19-2 not to be outd done in the second game 16 to nothing I told you New Jersey Institute of Technology they’ll put up a good fight that first game and then that

Miami lifestyle gonna get a hold of those guys it did 19-2 16 to nothing they’re scheduled to play today at one o’clock I don’t know if that’s going to happen you might be sitting in Titanic Brewery drinkinking a whole lot of beer today because that weather ain’t operating right but 19-2 16 to

Nothing yeah Vlad yeah Vlad here we go three and0 and they beat injit and they they can go four and0 today but WEA weather permitting I don’t think so we’re gonna keep an eye on it kanes men’s basketball team they’re now Losers of four in a row after falling to

Boston College 8577 yesterday Duke comes to town woohoo I’m going I know I can’t wait you’re going because of Duke no I’m going because uh uh it’s a great atmosphere at Casa Center when Duke and the kan’s play that’s gonna be a crazy game if it’s at the ca Center I’m sorry

Not the C watsco Center I’m sorry my bad excuse me go see the Metro Rail boys Metro Rail boys I know you’re listening you’re everywhere vlat that’s where I’m going last year original give M’s original last year I went to the Duke kan’s game which the kanes won and I

Went finally went to the bars around the Watco Center and it was it was nice it was nice the Metro Rail boy are right outside the watsco center under the rail Vlad I’ll say hello say sports day wants to say hi I’m Vlad and my guys and girls

Because there’s some girls in the Metro Royal boys represent they’ll throw you a Coors original one of those yellow belly beers because you know you and I in that michelo bolra and that Bud Light we’re not no we m not about that business man Titanic Oh man they got such good beer

At Titanic too so if you want to just run run around Vlad run around I’ll be uh at 26 degree Brewing drinking their zos rage Stout I got to work but that’s okay ranks the hurricane dline class for 2024 number one in the nation of course the you they open the

Season in Gainesville against Florida August 31st right here at 560 wqm that’s going to be a game right there Florida’s on the downside the U coming on the up this could be a game we make a statement once again we made a statement last night with the Panthers

Maybe it’s the U the Hurricane’s chance to make a statement against those gators in Gainesville August 31st week zero remember the last time they played in week zero kind of an underwhelming game Florida won nonetheless this is the beginning of the good the Third Reich as

We would say I don’t know that’s a good reference but the third rising of the you being the ultimate greatest teams of all time had it in the 80s had it around 2000 now this time I’m fired up today I could see that um I still need to see

More I know we all do but look is Mario’s is Mario on the gr no he got that huge contract you can’t can’t be on the you can’t buy that out man that’s an alumni plus man the foundation is there we’re getting some really good players and I know everybody they don’t make

It listen I hate to say it and it’s hard to believe you have to be patient as a fan you don’t want it but you have to be patient Nick sa’s first year at Alabama not too pretty they lost to University Louisiana Monroe patience it’s going to be okay of

Course Mario chrisal he coached with Nick SA nonetheless G leager Matt McClung has repeated as Dunk champion after dunking over sha last night H hakz Jr happy birthday by the way 23 years young he also dunked over Sha but finished in fourth place Damen Lillard I wouldn’t

Like to say heat guard Damen Lillard but repeated as the three-point Champion team Pacers took the skills challenge while Steph Curry outshot Sabrina aesu in the 101 three-point competition 29 26 the All-Star game tonight at 8 our very own bam out of Bio going to be starting in place of Joel embiid I’m

Going to be cheering for bam I will also tell you there is really hardly any chance that he would win MVP tonight no he’s not no his game isn’t that that’s not his game no it’s not his game but nonetheless but I’ll tell you this though if he starts taking three

Pointers and start making it I can see Heat fans being upset oh yeah bam don’t you dare make a three toight don’t you dare make a three because now it’s going to be expected from you every single minute what about Matt mclung g- leager for Orlando he’s played Four NBA games

In his career and he has two dunk competitions now remember he was a internet sensation in high school doing all types of crazy dunks on Tik Tock and YouTube but I like how he’s only played Four NBA games and he’s won two dunk championships what in the world are we doing here vad

What listen what are we doing what are we doing the the Stars don’t want to do the dunk contest because there’s two reasons I mean you had Jaylen Brown last night second place yeah Jaylen Brown come on man he was doing in-game dunks it wasn’t that a couple of them were creative but

You gota it’s when you slow it down and you look at it yeah it’s creative but and also let’s be honest the judges were nasty they they they screwed H they screwed Jacob topping like they were they were being rough I get it did you like hae’s owed to Mexico

Dunk I didn’t get it I didn’t know it was an old to Mexico second one yeah the one over Shaq was a little yeah the other one one over Shack is I’m like guys stop showing it you have hops stop putting your balls in Shaq’s face come on literally they’re putting his yeah

They’re Rawlings you know what I mean but yeah of course we’re talking about basketballs yeah so so if you need some more g-league action here you go he g- Leaguers from the sou fall Sky Force Cole swier and alandis Williams will compete in the g-league next up game

Today at 12:30 might keep an eye on that man you know Witchita State and Charlotte aren’t exactly getting me hype right now fa’s playing I know I’m watching that FAU game they’re down 16 to9 against a very good South Florida team both uh South Florida actually 11- one in the

Conference while FAU is 10 and two instate crime going on in know South Florida we want we want a war we want a war the lightning Cil War now you got fa versus South Florida Miami versus the world but especially the rest of Florida let’s go I’m ready um I’m thinking of we

Should go to that game which one Gator kanes first game of the season week zero Gainesville why not just a day we’ll see well let me let me chew on the fat and see in Miami has filled every spot in the top 25 most in demand MLS games for

2024 Luis Suarez says this is the last step of his career and he is ready for it MLS season begins Wednesday at 8 when the herens host Real Salt Lake I like that so they released a list of the 25 most in demand MLS games and every one of them includes in

Miami right because they all want to see Messi because you’re getting retired FC Barcelona basically that’s what you’re getting you got four guys and a coach now what if you go to a game like what if you’re a big soccer fan right I am a big ball fan I am and uh you’re

Going to go to see a game and Messi’s not playing but Suarez is playing that’s fine you’re still good with that my favorite inter Miami player is Leo kanana still well yeah you’re you’re yeah you’re you’re old school you’re you’re definitely you’re here for the team you’re not here you’re not for the

You’re not here for the the name in the back of the Jersey you and I were there early for the name the front City 1896 supporters group man but still the reason why those 24 games are the most 25 25 is because well it’s could probably be 24 22 because he’s not

Playing he ain’t gonna be playing n Play all of them um it’s because of Messi that’s it enjoy it we said it like d this is the last year it’s a onee it’s a year and a half deal and um hopefully all the Apple subscribers uh are locked

In yeah and we shall see so don’t kill me if you’re especially South American football fan or even a Liga MX fan the most popular team in the Western Hemisphere goes like this inter Miami bokeh Juniors it’s true Vlad then riverplate it’s River Plate River Plate over boka Juniors really yes we’re gonna

Get a fight over this now are we gonna fight know are we gonna fight today is that what we’re doing a River Plate baby boka Juniors give me that blue and yellow but in Miami let’s be honest the most popular team in the Western Hemisphere I mean come

On I mean now let’s go through it let’s go who’s your team in league of MX I got America America and I like the Tiana Childs but America is my team Mexico City represent yellow what are you doing man who’s your team in Brazil who’s your team in

Ecuador we’ll skip that we’ll get back to that later the Marlins their pitcher Tanner Scott won his arbitration hearing with the mar all right I like it when uh the players get money so instead of getting $5.15 million this season he will receive 5.7 million doll the fish

Are in spring training and open the season March 28th at home against the Pittsburgh Pirates not bad featherweight Ilia Toria KO Alexander vulcanos in the did you watch that fight no I saw I watched the replay dude that was a good fight it was a good fight he was G uh he

Was giving vul a lot of a lot of trouble in the first and vul started um getting his um his Groove going and uh second round he he promised it would happen he promised it would happen the first but in the second round he rushed him into

The cage and then he hit him but he would he put a little combo one two it was but he he really didn’t connect but the like he was so aggressive no he was and confused he no he was trying to defend himself and he left himself open

And dude hit him with such a flush right bang yo dropped if if you’ve ever had your life out let let me explain what it’s like you think you’re doing all right then all of a sudden there’s a huge Flash and then it’s like watching

Fade to Black for a while and then your vision starts opening up and you’re looking at the ceiling or the sky depending on where you you know I know he was messed up bro when he when they sh when when the camera went back to I

Was like yo why is this the side of his head split open it wasn’t split open before his eyeballs were doing dude it was yeah it was doing the slot machine like me on the week bro I’m like wow get this stat it was volkanovski 35th birthday yesterday ah UFC fighters are 0

And 15 on their birthdays in fights lightweight and below and they also said you know that he really started getting success towards I mean late in his career and then to take an L like that it’s nasty work he was training with Brady he was he was becoming a star

That’s just like that so wowski an Australian and theia is from basically all over he’s te he’s Spain he’s spion technically though he fights under the Georgia flag the Georgia flag not Georgia the United States Georgia but yeah he’s from Spain he’s got he was wearing he was rocking the span the

Spanish flag he’s multic Multicultural college basketball was wild yesterday top ranked Yukon blasted fourth ranked Marquette 8153 Arizona embarrassed rival Arizona State 1056 that was a beat now 10560 thought the Panthers game was bad and Colorado outlasted bronie James in USC 9289 in double overtime today we got

Florida Atlantic and South Florida South Florida’s up 20 to n with about 11 minutes left in the first and then you get like Memphis and SMU at four o’clock and that’s basically it until the All-Star Game I got something for you though oh wait wait we also have Stadium

Series if you’re hockey fan Stadium Series hockey fans yes New Jersey Devils they did win yesterday and you have Rangers Islanders today that’s a good one that’s a good one yeah Rangers rangers are right up there with the Panthers they’re three points behind the Panthers in the East and they have a six

Game winning streak I like my teams there Dan Islanders three and two under Patrick raw wall wait Patrick Wall is the coach yeah when did this happen I mean three three and two so eight games ago there you go so speak know that let’s go ahead and take a step into the day

Spa a bag of $30,000 was found on a New York City train the other day workers were Relentless and got it back to its owner as soon as possible wait in New York City mhm see who said we’re not honest people you know I’m thinking No

Country for Old Men man you find bag of money you get that back to its owner you don’t go running around that money wait you know wait hold on hold Spanish where in New York City though on the train I don’t know but where where was this train heading I don’t know anything

About New York I don’t know well I don’t know about this that must have been in the good parts of New York because I doing that Queens in the Bronx fam anybody sees a bag for a bag full of money come on I want to see what that

Owner like you know what’s coming we brought you your bad bag oh thank you you know the next question so why’d you have $30,000 on a train that’s a re that bag must have had an a a stamp or something to let people know oh this doesn’t belong to anyone this belongs to

A certain person they don’t want to mess with that person because I’m an importer exporter like art vanderlay that’s all you need to know if you watch Seinfield you know what that means up next we’re gonna talk a little Dolphins some people think we should just blow up the defense

Got a new coach on defense why not this is sports day 560 WQ um Oh you know it Vlad one love in theaters teas now the great ree music of Bob Marley number one movie in the world I’m predicting all Redemption Song feel good on this Sunday R Sunday someone argued with me the other day that one love’s not going to be the

Number one movie in the world come Monday or whatever I’m like what’s gonna be I mean yeah what what else is out there come on anybody came out with a corny romcom for the Valentine’s Day still I mean still this one love one of the most popular beloved iconic greatest

Artist of all time Bob Marley in his story unbelievable it’s G to be great Anthony Weaver is he gonna be great with the Miami Dolphins we shall see you guys hope so we shall see recently on dolphins Mike Olivia posted an article saying the Dolphins need to overhaul the defense

Basically let’s just go ahead and blow it up wait what let me read real quick I’ll read you the opening paragraph then we’ll kind of get into it literally he said I know I know some of you are saying but wait we were a top 10 defense

This past season vad that’s what I said why blow it up this is a valid question but the answer is simple this defense not only from a coaching standpoint will look totally different this upcoming season it will look totally different on the field as well as with a number of

Free agents Miami has on that side of the football and let’s not try to play whacka mole here overpaying to keep guys in hopes of building off of last year let’s blow it up start fresh build an around our core players who will be here long term and cut ties with dead

Weight here’s the dead weight he’s talking about the fre yeah tell me the dead weight well there’s free agents such as Christian Wilkins wait they want to C he didn’t say that he didn’t say that he’s saying there are are certain free agents that need to get paid that

Are we willing to pay them Christian Wilkins okay rayquan Davis okay Andrew van GLE okay Deshawn Elliot Brandon Jones Eli Apple Nick needam Melvin Ingram well you don’t need Nick they’re also expected to cut and I do think they will cut Emanuel agba and Xavian Howard

Xavian Howard’s a none deal I think I know Abba’s gone I want to see what’s up with X if they probably maybe X might take it got to realize he didn’t have a good season last year and the injuries and everything and the injuries so maybe

He might take a discount deal but but we’ve heard X is all about that one thing yeah but you know what though sometimes players got to look at themselves your yeah you know Klay Thompson taking a look at himself right now he had to Humble himself I bet you

He wish he could have he had that opportunity to sign that two-year 48 million contract X last season dude they were burnt like you were getting abused you were getting abused when you were needed to switch sides of the field you didn’t remember could Stefon Diggs ate ker kaho’s lunch

And you did nothing you standed by and watched now remember Jerome Baker do a lot of money a lot of people saying maybe he’ll be back he is the play caller on the defense maybe he won’t doesn’t in there though Vlad we remember Jaylen Phillips and Bradley chub Gonna

Miss parts of the Season well chub is paid Jaylen is the one that’s messed up because Jaylen was on his way of getting a big contract and hopefully he can get back to that um to the level of performance he was displaying at um during the season this year this past season

But it does take you at least a year to get back from an injury like that yeah where you get back to your old self again you may be back next season I I assume he he should be back hopefully by October maybe I mean I know these guys with in medicine they

Can get they can get back so so uh quickly got hurt on black Friday that is that was November end of November right but the same injury Aaron had and Aaron was trying to play like in three months so maybe if you if they had little bit

Of fight in the do a dog in the fight they might have they might have thrown Aaron roggers out there but man yeah so what I’m just saying with the with the evolution of medicine and and the rehab he could be back hopefully okay by this

The beginning of the season but I’m just just just just say just say 9 to 12 months right yep at least 9 to 12 months yeah so he’s not going to be back until Midway through the season next year and then Bradley as well this is the thing

You got a new coach you every Year’s a new team you’ve got a new scheme you’ve got new everything I see the thing let’s just blow it up and start over but there was a lot of good mojo and a lot of good things happening with this defense last

Year I don’t know if blowing it up and starting over from Ground Zero is the exact answer I think Christian Wilkins they find a way to get him back back Andrew van GLE I think he’s as good as gone he’s made his value someone’s going to pay him he’s going to go somewhere

Else Brandon Jones Eli Apple I mean Brandon Jones if you get him at the right price Eli Apple’s not going to be back Nick need him not going to be back and you kind of just fill it out and kind of get free agents here and there

You still got you know some of your cornerstones of course like we said chub and Phillips Zack seeler going to be there Jaylen Ramsey gonna be there Javon Holland should be healthy should be ready to go you have a good core right there make them comfortable but totally blowing everything up I

Don’t know I think let’s make some tweaks let’s make some fixes make some changes yes let’s have some new philosophies main thing is and we’re gonna get into this later dude we’re gonna see Anthony Weaver taking shots or maybe not taking shots no you Tak a shot well we’re gonna decide we’re gonna

Listen to some of the things you could tell he wants to have a different philosophy a different attitude and every coach does let’s not say oh Anthony Weaver is revolutionary no no coach is going to come in and say you know Vic vano top 10 defense I’m

Actually going to take a carbon copy of what he did and just be a nicer guy not an old school guy and we’re going to be better no everybody’s got their new philosophy everybody thinks they have a way of operating that is the best okay but I still think there’s some things on

This defense that are worth keeping that’s why it was a top 10 defense that’s why at the end of the season it was one of the best defenses minus the one game against Baltimore in the league so I think that the changes need to be made subtle changes not huge changes you

Got your core try to get Christian Wilkins back and then just figure it out through free agency that’s kind of one of the way that’s the way I’m looking at it Vlad do you think that blowing it up would be beneficial why you blowing it

Up that makes no sense I don’t see it you’re a team that can compete that are a couple players or maybe decisions coaching decision coaching decisions and health away from contending for a title why you gonna blow up like that makes no sense bro you have a top five offense and a

Top 10 defense and you want to blow up the defense yeah I would say that if anything needs to be blown up it would be we need to nothing needs to be blown up more changes need to be made on offense than they do on defense maybe

Add pieces but nothing needs to be blown up bro tweaks let’s tweak you could tweak but not blow up like he’s like he’s just when I’m sorry when you were writing this you he had that person had to be like yeah I might be reaching here

This is a su surf reach right here like get out of here really you want to break up the team and you’re nameing all the free agents fine you want Eli Apple I get it Nick need him don’t need him yeah you can find somebody serviceable for

Probably cheaper but and Eli Apple you got him because Jaylen Ramsey got hurt let’s not get right and here’s the thing if you knew that Jaylen Ramsay was you know Logan you know he was Wolverine and would be back so quickly maybe you might have not even signed him yeah you might

Have just rolled with it man tried to figure it out and I mean if jayen Ramsey is healthy next year and plays all the games watch out gota expect xaven Howard I I do like your your idea of if xaven Howard humbles himself and realizes hey I’ve been with this team long longest

Tenure player this is where I want to play this is who I want to be with I’ll give him the hometown discount I like what we got going on here he does that I mean I’m happy with that because here’s the thing where he has to look at

Himself right like like we said his play last year felt kind of fell off I don’t want to say he’s washed but no absolutely fell off and if he puts himself in the Market at 30 years old this is probably yeah his last chance to get his stock is down but that’s what

I’m saying is this is literally his last chance to get a big contract but his stock is down if he had a great year last year I can understand yeah but it wasn’t the same so don’t do you take a maybe a two-year deal with the team that knows you team

You been with and you know this you know that you fit in where you fit in how you fit in and the key if you and the thing about it is with good defenses you have to have two corners that can that can cover especially nowadays especially

With the gauntlet you’re going to be going up against exact and you seen Kansas City Kansas City I mean they have some decisions they have to make they got to they gotta sign Sneed but you saw uh McDuffy and Sneed you see the Jets with Reed and SAU uh Baltimore who might

Be letting Marlon Humphrey go they have decisions they have to make but yeah they have good quarterbacks maybe Marlon Humphrey that’s that’s the other things uh we have to look at in this off season free agents from other teams or free agents in teams that were good like

Baltimore that may want to come to South Florida because of the team and Anthony Weaver the only problem is 50 million problems that we seem to have looming over our heads you talking about salary cap oh salary cap okay we are way over budget and you know what these guys they

May love such and such but you know what they really love themselves and their money and you know what I don’t blame them 954 text King Henry coming to Miami for the cheap skis I don’t think so Playboy this is his last big contract as well

954 I don’t know if King Henry’s coming on the cheapy no on the cheap skis but it will help and benefit a lot of teams and here’s the other thing even if you have Derrick Henry right isn’t that kind of a shot at your boy I mean you

Had a great year with Raheem moer yeah you know now now with this Force Mike MCD to run the ball a little bit more even though he says he plans to run the ball more yes it would force him more I don’t know when you got Derrick Henry

Back there you gotta run the ball a little more but I don’t think he’s coming no don’t think he’s coming let’s not blow it up let’s fix it and then let’s make it right make it good up next going do a little hashtag what’s trending seeing what’s trending all

Across the world here on sports day 560 wqam Awesome YouTube Sunday Bloody Sunday on a rainy Sunday here not just in South Florida but pretty much all over Florida glad you’re hanging with us 560 wqam on your radio Odyssey app anywhere in the world twitch YouTube just for 560 wqm haven’t

Done this in a while BL a little hashtag what’s trending taking it to the xor I’m talking about and when I say mean formerly Twitter seeing what’s trending in and around the world at Vlad 278 is his handle I am at Dan day radio

Real quick first thing popped up when I opened up the old X on this day 1970 Joe Robbie hires Don schula as the Dolphins head coach that’s something that’s great right there that always should be trending always always okay I don’t know if it’s always that that’s a lot to always be

Trending that but you know what’s trending right now jayen Wadd why is Jaylen Wadd trending some Dolphin fan or hater recently posted some videos of him dropping passes straight up saying Wadd can’t catch which has had Dolphins Nation really up in arms defending Jaylen Wadd and his

Catching ability I get I wish we had more receivers that can catch like waddle they show some of the numbers over the past couple of years in that waddle over a thousand yards his first three seasons with the dolphins also Wadd is Elite but he cannot do everything Tyreek

Hill can yet that said any talk about trading Tyreek is insane but saying Wadd can’t catch as a counterargument for trading Tyreek is a problem for the uninformed inaccurate take what I’ve seen for a while and I said that he is a great receiver another person put in the

W disrespect on my timeline is crazy y’all really forgot how much of a dog he is and other things like that yeah Jaylen W’s a great receiver a great catcher now should you trade Tyreek Hill I would try not to but there’s no need to even take throw some shade at Jaylen

Wadd you know he’s getting a lot of hate right now who’s hating Jay Williams Oh I always hate Jay Williams go ahead why uh lost a lot of respect yesterday when he wouldn’t give he wouldn’t say Caitlyn Clark is Elite yet you talking about in college yeah come

On remember when we were going off the list of names of the players right she’s in the list of elite but I I get that I think she is Elite but the players that we were naming they all won championships she was a game away LSU

Took her down I don’t care if you’re game so was Marino yeah that’s that counts for something yeah but you know when you’re talking about great to the greats Rings matter did he get caught up in the air trying to say that no no no he just said she’s

Not she’s not Elite because she hasn’t won a championship right I don’t buy that I’m not a person that says you have to win a championship to make yourself Elite I kind of think you to be elite you got have to have Dan Marino’s an elite quarterback of all time just

Because he didn’t win a championship doesn’t mean he wasn’t Elite Barkley is the greatest example of being an elite player that never won a championship well Marino as well oh so Marino’s in the same he and Charles Barkley are in that boat together yeah bro listen that that’s always going to

Be that that Su stain on your jacket man that think is always gonna over over your headline it’s a team sport yes it is a team sport but when you’re that person when you’re when everybody thinks you’re that guy you need to lead or you need to win I mean think about

It we wouldn’t be having this argument about LeBron and Jordan if LeBron never won if LeBron would have won half of the Championships that he went to goodness gracious yeah it’ll be over that’s the thing about the arguments because once you when you win and you in the

Ring it adds more to your legacy well we wouldn’t be talking about Patrick Mahomes the way we are if he only had if he had one Super Bowl title but the fact that he has three and he’s the first guy lead his team to uh back to back now

He’s in yeah we rever him he’s in he’s already in the elite status he was already but now he’s in like now he’s in the goat status it’s him and Brady right as the two greatest quarterbacks of all time in the NFL which one do you like more I’m not saying I’m saying

Theoretically that’s what people are asking still got a long way to go too but man I I just if to to say Caitlyn Clark’s not Elite and one of the top she’s Elite I mean look at the score she’s gonna end up the highest scoring college basketball player of all time

She’s 99 points away from Pistol Pete mage’s record men and women how is that na Elite she’s been to a championship game she’s played in a major conference she’s been in big games she’s scored big in big games I don’t know I I I don’t like Jay

Williams to begin with I always never liked him as a player much less as an analyst but whatever one more thing that’s trining Vlad Daytona 500 postpone a Monday that is correct so we have something to talk about tomorrow yeah we’re gonna give you as much breakdown

On nasar break break it possibly good I’ll break it down is Ricky Bobby yeah I got Ricky Bobby winning it man I I just think he’s got one more in him like tiger man got one more in Jak and bake shake and bake baby Jesus let’s go let’s go so they

Total 500 not being run today it is going to be run most likely tomorrow weather permitting we’re going to keep an eye also on that Miami Hurricanes New Jersey Institute of Technology game that is supposed to start at 1 doesn’t look like it’s going to get played but

We’ll keep you up to date on that and get you posted up on everything else that’s happening in and around the world next here on sports day 560 wqam turn it up it’s sports day with Dan day and the plot thickens to Jaylen waddle and why he may be trending on there’s Whispers Vlad Whispers Whispers Whispers Whispers speak loud speak loudly yeah 49ers receiver Brandon iuk uh may be targeting or flirting with or being flirted at by Miami Dolphins Brandon iuk I am not gonna lie I am a fan of Brandon iuk I see what it can do yeah

He’s a bad man real bad man Brandon auk is really good if there is talk of possible Brandon iuk coming here and Jaylen wad going away that’s a good question for the Dolphins fans and the dolphins really better question for the Dolphins brass who’s better who do

You who fits your system more who do you like more the guy you drafted guy been part of the program that’s proven success jayen waddle or a guy that has a lot of Talent showing it all over the place to me pretty Elite Brandon auk silly talk br’s not coming here why

Would he become why wouldn’t he come here n it’s too much man it’s just too much why is it too much the money the make it fit the waddle issue just it’s a bad fit with everything going on well here’s a question are you planning on paying

Jaylen Wadd in the next year I think the Dolphins are planning on paying Jaylen Wadd so if you pay Jaylen Wadd there’s no need if you’re planning on paying Jaylen W there’s no need to go after Brandon hayuk who’s already got a contract correct or he’s looking for a

Contract let’s see what Brandon auk’s got going on in his life never thought we’d be talking about Brandon auk today well you know a lot of things happens when you lose you know you start tweeting saying that you know don’t forget what got you here and then you

Know you have your spouses or significant others start tweeting like oh this is the last time we you know we’re in California San Francisco that’s the thing when you got the significant others in the wives auk’s got a deal it’s just 49ers there’s just talk there’s Whispers that they could be

Trading his $72 million contract so okay do you want a deal that’s already done or do you want a deal that you’re going to have to pay that’s a lot of money man you’re already paying Tyreek Hill a ton of money and you’re going to have to

Repay Tyreek because this is year three Tyreek and was the deal fouryear deal and you can maybe get Jaylen WAD for a little cheaper than that letting him know that he’s a number two but you still treat him like a number one but you love him but you can’t pay him like

A number one that’s a lot of there’s even articles Chiefs urge to send two draft picks to Super Bowl rival for $91 million wide receiver Brandon hayuk that’s messed up it’s just man that’s a lot of money and I mean you got Tyreek Hill you’re

Going to have to pay Tyreek Hill in some way shape or form you’re going have to pay Jaylen wad do you already want the deal that’s already done or do you want to keep it in house with the guy you know the guy you love the guy that has

Produced for you and you know try to make your own deal I I think you want the money in your own hands make your own deal stay with Jaylen waddle Brandon auk’s really good but he’s also paid really good good player though man I think Jaylen W can catch too I’m

Not part of the that’s saying he drops passes all the time no I’m big on him you got a season though man W just looking over the looking over the season that he had last year oh man 75 receptions 1,342 yards average 17.9 yards per catch seven touchdowns no

Fumbles but then again let’s go look at Jaylen Wadd hold up let’s be fair I don’t have his numbers readily available right now okay so Jaylen wad pretty similar let let’s go ahead Brandon iuk 75 catches Jaylen W 72 catches Brandon auk 1,342 yards Jaylen W4 yards remember there are some injury

Issues in there too Brandon UK 17.9 yards per reception Jaylen W 14.1 touchdowns four for Jaylen Wadd seven for Brandon iuk so there you go pretty similar though pretty similar so so he knows the offense very well here’s the question now he know the offense very well since we’ve given up

Similar numbers does Jaylen Wadd go in there and say look what Brandon auk’s making we have pretty similar numbers right but here’s the problem though it’s Brandon I the number one Debo is pretty much the guy Debo is you know the Swiss army knife so you

Look can Jayla wild now go and say look very similar Brandon iuk and I well but the good thing about the uh the Wadd situation you still got a couple more years and you can franchise them right right you got a lot more yeah are you he’s paid he’s paid already you’re gonna

Have to pay that man you gonna I mean what are you gonna do trade Wadd for and auk for auk because number that’s a lot of money in the wide receiver position their numbers are eerily similar though in a lot of way Tyreek but you you know

Tyreek and auk would that’s almost like $60 million yeah that’s a lot to tie up in a re in two receivers that both want to be number one and we know Tyreek Hill is the number one look at this man career receptions for Brandon auk 269 jayen wle

251 yards career Brandon auk 3,931 there is somewhat of a discrepancy there 300 3,385 for Wadd so a few more lesser yards for wad average 14.6 for auk 13.5 for Jaylen wad I’m not gonna longest pass that doesn’t matter that much unless you catch a ton of long passes

Touchdowns 25 for auk while wad has 18 in his career pretty close pretty good pretty pretty good but nonetheless I think you keep you keep Jaylen wad bro so and you know plus he’s two as a boy are you came in the league a year before Wadd

H yeah you keep waddle now now that the numbers are similar and everything like that with basically one less year yeah we we’ve decided we’ve decided for the Dolphins Chris career if you’re listening and I know you are we’re going with Jaylen Wadd do I think auk’s a better player

Overall let’s get to headlines actually you know what let’s not get to headlines let’s play the Montage a little something that little taste of everything that happened in the Sports World yesterday right here on 560 wqm sports day welcome inside Emily Arena here in Tampa for this evening’s matchup it’s

The Florida Panthers and their cross State rivals the Tampa Bay Lightning Miami and Boston College and away we go hurries win the opening Tap please welcome AT&T CEO John Stanky joined by Julius Irving as they present the Julius Dr J Irving trophy to the winner of the 2024 AT&T slam dunk from the Oola magic let’s hear it for Matt mclanes Warr 10 seconds he got it he got it got it why you putting those boundaries On WNBA ball WNBA ball is smaller she shot with the WNBA ball she have shot from the Line always comes down to this and you had the CH on the ROP and needed every single shot and it came down to the Money Ball d touch that watch baby touch that watch here to present the 2024 Kia skills challenge trophies to our winning team the [Laughter] Pacers he was going to stumble and crumble him I told sounds and Boston College comes from behind with a solid closing argument to defeat the University of Miami by a final score of 85-77 hurricanes have lost their fourth straight game Eagles and a four game losing streak to Miami and Boston

College has now won four of their last six Games and the Panthers top the lightning here in Tampa nine to2 that right there is what you call a wol take him to the Woodshed show them who’s boss Panthers taking care of the Tampa Bay Lightning that was nine to2 that’s a franchise record 11th straight

Road win the NHL record is 12 straight road wins done by two different teams Minnesota Wild have done it the Detroit Red Wings have done it back in the day nonetheless the cats they go home that’s your home go to your home they face the Ottawa Senators Tuesday at 7even Vlad

And I are AG green that needs to be a sellout that needs to be a rockus crowd every game needs to be a rockus crowd for the Panthers especially with the team they have this year how many games left they have in the season 28 2 27 something like that

Okay I expect to see um sellout crowds I would hope it’s I mean this is the best of the best right now it’s like go it’s not but I mean like remember when Michael Jordan played every game should be sold out man like you’re seeing a great you’re seeing team relax relax

They’re not the Bulls I didn’t say that but I’m just saying you made reference stop stop I’m saying it should be a sellout game every game you’re getting to see a team that is very special that you might not see every single year it’s playing at an

Elite level that just seems to be clicking on all cylinders the coach that knows what he’s doing it’s just great absolutely great go on out there check out the Panthers I like it they uh they have 27 games left yep get on out 27 games left and they end the listen they end

The year with four home games lot could be on the line for that too and seven they half yeah so there’s 27 games left and half the half of them is at home 14 of them is at home that’s nice so guys go support them go to Sunrise go to the

You know go to Saw Grass and support your Stanley Cup finalist Florida Panthers who have probably the best chance out of any team collegiately and professionally down here in South Florida to bring a championship yeah definitely not FAU right now they are getting blasted by South Florida as the

Beginning of the second half letting Vlad down 49- 31 it’s probably about to be 50 to 31 because South Florida is shooting free throws right now so come on FAU let’s get going let’s make us proud Miami Hurricanes baseball team they’re three and0 on the season

Two big time blowouts in a double head yesterday against New Jersey Institute technology their game today supposed to start around 15 minutes ago is in a weather delay we will keep you posted nasty weather these next couple of days I know man I was planning on walking

Around after work and you know going to some the bars and breweries around here but this weather is kind of getting nasty man so disgusting we’ll see Kane’s B’s basketball team they’ve been I’m not going to lie lad they’ve been disgusting they’re now Losers of four in a row

After falling to Boston College 8577 yesterday Duke comes to town Wednesday at 7 I am not gonna be I’m worried bro I’m worried I’m very worried I I want to say we’re gonna rally the troops but this I think they got to win the tournament now I think they gotta win

The ACC conference tournament granted Duke is a very good team but they don’t have that low out capability I’ve watched a lot of games with Duke this year and a lot of their games are close but they find ways to win so the canes yeah but kanes can’t find ways to win

Right now that’s what I’m saying they’re gonna find a way to lose and Duke’s gonna find a way to win it seems like win s I’m gonna be at the I’m gonna be at Watco Cent cheering for the canes absolutely all right you gear on can you

Can you post a picture of you in Kane’s gear they don’t have any see kan’s don’t wear Nike no more oh you got are you brand loyal now I am I have a contract that nikee doesn’t know about Nike and Jordan I have a contract with them that they don’t know I literally

Everything on my body has no brand on it if you watch Twitch and YouTube this is a a hoodie that I got it for Forever 21 this shirt I don’t even know I might have got it for you know where I do go I

Do go to Canes Weare I do oh canes gotes Kane stuff man no I know they got Dolphins pan you know everything in Miami I go to kesare to get my cane stuff yeah man kesare is I got no I got no no hate to towards the Shell Toes you

Know I like shells I like Adidas but be some Stan Smiths I’m a Nike guy okay you got a deal Phil night I all allware is Converse Chuck Taylor is low tops but that’s just me and I’m not loyal to him like if you bring me a pair of Vans or

You bring me a pair of I also want to you got some old shoes I’ll take them Miami hasn’t been the same since they went to Adidas but I’m oh you figured it out Vlad figured it out I’ve been saying that for the longest but you know might

Be on something come back home r .c claims of the Hurricanes dline class for 2024 number one in the nation the U opens the season in Gainesville against Florida on August 31st interesting did you see this the other day of course the U went in there and got the guy from

Chicago that’s like the fifth overall Prospect dline guy and belma Brett belma formerly of Wisconsin formerly of Arkansas now Illinois head coach kind of took a jab at the you for getting him like I wish our players would stay in state and would want but then kind of thrw a little shade at

The you like how dare you come into my state and out recruit me knowing his big ass is down here recruiting the hell out of South Florida kids along with every other coach in the country what are you doing man belma you were okay at Wisconsin you sucked at Arkansas you are

Garbage basa at Arkansas on that big contract go home and when I say go home don’t go back to Wisconsin nobody wants you there although Wisconsin hasn’t been that great but they got Tyler Van Dyke now so we’ll see Jump Around jump jump jump run g-league seems to kind of be

Taking over the NBA this Allstar Weekend it’s odd Allstars and g- Leaguers are all over the place Vlad making it happen Matt mclung has repeated as Dunk champion after dunking over Shaquil O’Neal last night haime hakz Jr happy birthday he’s 23 he also dunked over Shaq but finished in fourth place did a

Little dunk his second dunk was an Ode to his Heritage of being Mexican which is always cool Damen Lillard repeated as the three-point Champion see it would have been cool if he did it in California Texas Mexico I don’t know if there’s a lot of Mexicans in Indiana

There is not a lot of Latinos in Indiana at all period I know so yeah kind of fell on De eyes I guess right there Dev eyes nonetheless um is that the highlight of Damen Lillard’s season so far as winning the three-point competition because the bugs have been

Pretty God awful with Doc Rivers that might be the highlight of his year could be I mean not we give D Lillard a little of shade which we shouldn’t because he wanted to P for the heat it’s just that Joe Cronin wouldn’t send him here for

Any offer that he got so it’s really not Dame’s fault he didn’t you know he tried his best to get down here he wanted to be married to us but we yeah it doesn’t but doesn’t mean that if he came down here things wouldn’t be different as well

True or some type of problem there would been some type of injury because the injury bug has hit the heat yeah roster since the beginning of the season I would have liked to seen how it played out though man I was really hoping I I really well you should have listened to

Sergey myself when we told you this not gonna happen Sergey was right on this Gotta Give the twitchers their credit man shot in the dark right nah he called it from the minute it happened well I mean yeah it’s easier to and he and he

Was T toed down on it and he when he broke it down to me I was like you know what this ain’t gonna happen the only reason it didn’t happen is because of Joe cronin’s ego though that’s the problem did he know Joe cronin’s ego must have congrats Sergey

I mean I give credit where credits do me and Sal salana and I on here talking about 89 100% no that’s what no that’s the reason why and and gota understand check out the YouTube listen folks I know that you know you’re listening to us or watching us on YouTube or twitch

But there’s certain callist that don’t like certain Talent here and you know one of them Sergey doesn’t like salana too much oh he really hates Trevor man he hates Trevor but he doesn’t like salana too much we know you’re watching that day which was what July 1 it was

July 1 that Saturday when salana came in and started peacock and talking trash to me un unwarranted unwarranted shots at yeah he opened up he opened the the segment with him taking shots at the Knicks and how he’s not going to the Knicks which was very odd I will admit

Unwarranted love you oh he’s in Italy he’s not in Italy you know hope good luck um good you know I’m disgusted go ahead I’m I’m sorry I’m disgusted that Damen Lillard didn’t come here well yeah well you know what my favorite player in the out of the Heat and the Pelicans you

Know whatever salana jinxed it and look at him now but yeah I know I know Dame was but Dame was going through his own things as well D’s gonna be coming with some baggage as well you know he was going through a divor was at that time

He was in the process of going through a divorce so who knows yeah I know I still I would have liked to seen it man Gotta Wear My Brandon Ingram jersey that’s my favorite NBA player but but guess what he have won six out of eight they they

After tonight’s allstar game like 30 and 25 down the stretch they start they start the second half of the Season tough stretch ironically enough get your uh new new orle the stretch the Miami Heat are going to hit the ground running after the All-Star break a Pelicans team

Which let don’t sleep on them they are a very good team dude the West is a monster Pelicans 30 and 21 right six and they’re sixth no they’re 32 and 22 okay my bad I want to say they’re they’re 10 games above 500 but they’re like they’re like six and

They’re 33 and 22 they’ve won seven of the last 10 winning three games in a row won and they one game out of the playin game they’re about to end up in a playin game they lose one game the Mavericks win because the Mavericks won’t lose

Again they’ve L won six in a row and they’re starting to figure things out Pelicans are 33 and 22 same same record as the Suns and in sixth you know how tough the West is and by the the Warriors have won eight out of the last

10 games and they’re the 10 seed let me correct you Zion haters that he needs to play fatty MCD he’s played 44 games this year still fat 44 out of 55 games this year he’s he’s healthier than Jimmy Butler let’s go come on let’s go he’s

Also younger he’s you know not in the same shape yeah but give my man a little bit of credit right there okay so he avoided a woule Brandon Ingram come on okay we’re not turning this into a pelican show because honestly in New Orleans they’re not even talking about the picans right

Now so let’s go uh I got so sidetracked no we just saying how tough the West is and Miami Heat begin begin their um this the second game no the third game of their road trip this is nasty so look you get the Pelicans on Friday in New

Orleans then you go up to the Kings who are playing team right now in they do they didn’t do Miami favors with this road trip bro how you gonna start them off in the east then have an All-Star break and then return them back to New

Orleans and then shoot them all the way to Sacramento and then you get a Trailblazers game where you’re going to whoop the hell out of the Trailblazers just to prove a point but then as always the end of the road trip where does it end in the elevation of Denver you get

The toughest game at the end of the road trip when you’re tired your legs are were shot they go up to Denver rough thanks NBA we appreciate you then the Jazz come to town Jazz are got awful Pistons are terrible they’re coming to town you get the Mavericks on the okay

You go to Dallas and you go to AKC that’s a tough two game that’s enough I mean that’s a tough two game you got some games Washington on um Sunday March 10th that should be good and then you have three days off and then you take on the defending champs in the at

Home yeah please Heat fans go out sell out their Arena they always do get there early get there early it’s not about selling out the arena Heat fans it’s about getting there close to tip I understand I understand but close to tip I told you big Lynn literally she

Doesn’t go to any games literally mom what are you doing well we got to get ready for the game okay get get to the TV it’s it’s almost six o’clock mom tips at seven she’s like yeah pregame starts at 6 but m i mean we don’t need to see the pregame sit down

Like in other in other parts of the country people are all in all the time Heat fans just get there for the tip I’m not asking for anything else just the tip I just want the tip just a tip lad just a tip RV isolate that sound please go ahead

What what is RV RV Richie said you know Miami wor yo you in this tip comment pause um yeah God you got to get there early man I understand it’s the culture it’s different what culture that’s what I don’t understand like have you got to the games you ever you seen a Cuban

Person show up on time for anything ever including their own birth no and I’m not knocking it that’s just different it’s different cultures that was damn day I love Cuban people what are you talking about Cuban people are the first to tell you they’re late to everything although

I I do Jimmy Garcia that works here Jimmy menthols that that boy time on early he’s early I’ve never seen that guy late for anything no the only time I ever seen him late his car broke he quit a flat that was it he still was trying

To walk here man running down the interstate gotta get to work Jimmy we love you you know that Um just try to get there for the tip that’s all I ask I mean heyo all right come on in Miami they’re going to start off their season in MLS that is going to be Wednesday 8 o’clock Real Salt Lake that’s going to be a soldout show game

Show whatever No it should be sold out oh well I think every game this year pretty much is gonna be sold out for in Miami home and the road now that is equivalent to Michael Jordan and the Bulls coming to town and going around that’s equivalent although they haven’t

Won championships except for the leagues cup which is an in season against Mexico nonetheless hey Messi was a title for you this year you gonna you all right he can leave you’re not gonna be upset no oh we’re GNA talk about this later expectations on this in Miami team and

I’m gonna keep him tempered and they’re still pretty high we’re gonna get it that’s another segment another time we’re gonna get into that let’s see the Marlins they got spring training going on college basketball FAU continues to be losing by 20 now with 15 minutes in the game let’s do some positivity though

Let’s go ahead and take a step into the day spa oh man this guy did himself wrong Vlad what he do a drunk driver in England called the cops and reported on himself saying that he was super drunk and did not know what he was doing of course they showed up they

Breathalizer rested him I’m actually happy that he did that I would hate myself so much hey man you know what you know you effed up take accountability yeah why get the cops involved get out of your car and walk off maybe he wasn’t in shape to walk off bro you ever been

Drunk where you like stumbling bumbling like Jason Kelce is that a rhetorical question no I yes it of course you have wait wait till 4:30 today when I get off of work you know what good for yourself bro I don’t like it listen what if he tried to call

Every all his bums all his friends his bum friends you know what I mean and they couldn’t answer you know they told him no mate I can’t I can’t I can’t leave right now what’s he what’s he supposed to do he’s got to get he’s got

To get somewhere he’s got to got to sober up somewhere good for him I mean he cost himself some money but he didn’t cost himself he didn’t cost anyone’s life good job by him accountability I like it there you go you’re a very responsible young man I I appreciate

That 30556 7560 the number to call if you want to text in of course you can jump in on the YouTube and twitch we’re going to be back talking about this Miami Heat team they’re good are they good enough to withstand this second part of the Season what do we expect

From them what do they need to do that’s next on sports day 560 WQ rep got a rep chasing [ __ ] Miami Heat taking a little break I think it’s a good break for them couple of days they get eight days in total off for the All-Star break

Then they are hitting the ground running as we said vad NBA did him no favors coming out of this All-Star break although those wins against the Bucks in the 76ers very very nice you get the Pelicans in The Big Easy this coming Friday at 8 o’clock that’s not going to

Be an easy task the Pelicans man they’re very good team but they are in a loaded West then you get a Sacramento team who last year was very very good this year they’ve kind of underperformed and they what what did they like they had a good win over uh Denver right before the

All-Star break and they’re the seventh seat this is crazy man the West they’re the E seat I’m sorry they at eight SE right now they 31 and 23 then you get to go to the Portland Trailblazers I’ve always wanted to make that road trip for heat Trailblazers man one of these years lad

I’m going to make the road trip to the Moto Center and check that out because you know I love the city of Portland you should be able to blast the Portland Trail Blazers they are really bad like I said I’ve watched some of their games this year mainly because there’s nothing

Else on and I grew up at Clyde Drexler and Blazers fan because there’s no team in New Orleans they are garbage then you get the nuggets at the end of the road trip in Denver very very very interesting game and you don’t know the health of this

Team once again we do know Terry roier and Josh Richardson are we to weak this is a mindset game think they’re going to be they most likely will not play in any of those games but this is also a mindset game Jimmy will be back though

This is a mindset game the Nuggets yeah because here’s the thing obviously it’s Revenge but it’s also the last game of the road trip your legs are tired and it’s it’s the altitude and are you already thinking about like man I can’t wait to get back home remember what

Happened to the heat when they played at the end of that road trip in Phoenix that was demoralizing and even B out bio afterwards said we really honestly were just thinking about getting home like we got blown out which is what I’m saying like if if Denver brings it to them are

They just gonna wave the white flag and say man let’s just end this road trip and go home or do they want to show showcase themselves and be like nah we still remember uh last season and I’ll tell you this they could theoretically and I do believe they will beat the Pelicans I

Think they’re going to beat the Pelicans I think they beat the Kings and the Trailblazers you have a chance to have a four game Road Trip where you win all the games go out there and you throw your best stuff against n nuggets and you might be all right man

So you should get Jimmy back because Jimmy was dealing with a death in his family he’s had a lot of time to deal with it with the games that he took off and the break I don’t know if he’s had a lot of time he’s had time but we can’t

Say the person’s had a lot of time to deal with it we don’t know how uh these events affect people so you know February to him and his family yeah it hey man that the you don’t know how close he was to that person so we can’t

You can’t justify and say anything just say hey hopefully he should be back and when he is he’s in the right right mindset but yeah what does thisat team need to do so now we know Terry rier and that Josh Richardson most likely going to be out

But going forward they need that haime hakz Jr to play very well they need Duncan Robinson to continue to play the way he’s played Tyler hero be tyer hero bab bio be bam bio give us that double double though with bam bio we’ve talked about this that 14 and 13 double double

Way different than that 20 and 13 double double and I mean it sounds like oh well I mean six points six points in the grand scheme of things in most NBA games look at it and see how much of a difference that it makes I think they’re okay though going

Forward I mean I know the schedule looks a little rough and stuff like that but I do think that the heat are good going forward they’re 30 and 25 so they got also have 27 games left they also have 27 games left hopefully they can get

Healthy they can get right they end the years with a lot of games at home and like I said it’s gonna be one of these roller coasters like if you told me we’re gonna beat the Bucks and the 76ers even with the injuries and the players

Not playing i’ have been like no way you blow out the Bucks pretty much handle the 76ers with a good second half H you say okay we got this thing figured out and then there’s going to be a part in the stretch where we can’t find the ocean and we’re gonna lose

Games still are you worried a little bit about the scoring ability of this team you know I’m yeah they have been in the hundreds lately yeah but you’re saying it but every team should be in the hundreds in this league right now you should be in 110 if you’re average if you can’t

Average boy if you can’t break 110 points you’re terrible in the league right now you’re a really good defensive team though that’s what changes things you’re not winning you’re not winning other teams just were able to score enough to beat you up until that t up until now they remember they lost seven

In a row that was tough yeah that’s haime hakz Jr was injured during that stretch they only scored 110 points one time in that seven game losing street that that was abysal yes you know and you know you know and they lost that game they lost to the Celtics by 33 in

That game and they scored 110 points so yeah offense is offense has been a problem the last two years but these last two games against Milwaukee and Philadelphia the ball was moving the outside they they shot the ball very well beyond the arc so hopefully this continues and if Duncan Robinson keeps

Balling and giving you all the points that he can give you then that really kind of does a lot of the cure for the old offense that has been somewhat lackluster I think what you guys are you realize this season there’s no like Gabe Vincent you don’t there’s not oh you

Know hey we could find somebody and make turn them into a Gabe Vincent and all that no there’s no not to say you be missing Gabe because Gabe is basically robbed the Lakers out of money you know he pulled the Kendrick nun but we love we love sending guys over to the Lakers

And have them steal just steal they without they’re not even using a weapon they just they have their their hands in their pocket and be like hey give it up um but the offense lacking certain Firepower hopefully Terry roier comes back from the injury and I expect him to

Be good and because he was starting to get a little bit more comfortable with the team he looked better yes Tyler hopefully knows his role you know bam atab bio gonna be bamed Jim GNA be Jimmy bam is Bam it’s not Jimmy’s Jimmy man we all know what

Playoff Jimmy’s about look man just get healthy bro just keep just stay healthy going to the to the to the playoffs just avoid a playing game and then you’re good nobody wants to play Miami in the playoffs let’s keep it a we know that we know that but the biggest thing for this

Team is we just need some time to gel there’s been no bonding really no jelling because there’s never been a lineup That been steady but here’s my question though that’s why they’ve been like this but has the team really changed though well I mean every Year’s a new

Year but has the team really changed has the nucleus of this team changed over the last three seas so then I don’t want to hear that well you got new starters you got Terry roier in there right other than Terry roier Kevin Love was there last year Josh Richardson Josh

Richardson’s been in Miami yeah he hasn’t been in Miami he’s been in Miami and benefited that’s how he be that’s how he got a contract that’s why he’s been in other teams because he was part of that heat culture I’m I’m not giving I’m not I’m not using that as an excuse

Anymore I know injuries do matter don’t get it twisted injuries do matter but the nucleus of this team has been together for four year nearly four years now right but like I said every year you do need to get that on the same page you do need to get together Caleb Martin’s

Been also very hurt they get on the same page when the postseason comes yes that’s because they have the season and usually towards the end of the season they start getting healthy and they start playing together Junior stop what what do it stop stop stop stop but stop stop stop

The nucleus has been together for a while it’s not it’s just sometimes these teams don’t play well in the regular season and but that’s the NBA the NBA look as you can win seven in a row you can lose seven in a row you can look terrible you can look great I don’t

Think SPO thinks cares about this would SPO would like would SPO wouldn’t want them to win more in the regular season yes I just think he wants them to have show some type of continuity and be healthy and then I can take my chance in but type of continuity going so he knows

What how to game plan if you’re but he knows this nucleus this has been Jimmy this has been bam this has been Tyler if you’re a Heat fan here’s some optimism you’ve been a one seed and you’ve been a playing team as a playin team made it all the way to the NBA

Finals as a one seed became a shot away from the NBA Finals doesn’t matter where you put them as long as they make the playoffs actually you know what if if we’re gonna have better results as a playin team oh you don’t want to be a

Play in know you came real close to not even getting into the big tournament but you did that’s all that matters so all right not an easy road coming out of the All-Star break but then again this team doesn’t seem to do things very easy ever

So let’s go let’s make it happen first up New Orleans Pelicans in The Big Easy Smoothie King Center Central Business District 8 o’clock on a Friday night those cinjun are going to be drunk but I expect the heat to win up next we’re

Going to do a little bit of n or day on 560 wqam all the time right make sure you have the Odyssey app it’s easy way to listen to us wherever you are make wqam your favorite station and take us wherever you go I’m your pusher one of the most underrated rap

Groups of all time you know how I love push from ghetto to ghetto from backyard to yard I’m your neighborhood push that first Clips album oh love malice I’m going to go listen to that when I get off man when I’m doing work around here and drinking some beer I’m gonna sit there

And listen why did you hold your nostril talking oh oh no no I ain’t doing that today enough enough is enough beer is enough that’s what I meant um all right beer uh what I was gonna say is I’m gonna listen to that first Clips album

Players we ain’t the same I’m in I definitely now that you just remind me me about that first album yeah I’m going to listen to first I’m going to hear the funeral the procession forel produced that because our cousin his cousins would push T and Malice right I just

Know they’re from Virginia so I don’t know if they’re related we from Virginia where ain’t no to do but cook triple price the book Virginia Beach baby I know all the rap song from the clips push malice push a t push a ton push a t push T he goes my grandma

You gotta love somebody who who could talk about the same topic for 20 years keeps a m to pitch from still talking about pitching yay man’s got priorities when you good at something he literally did Pitch for when you good at something you follow it yeah yeah if it ain’t

Broke don’t try to fix it don’t try to fix it my man all right let’s get into some nay or day we like Clips that’s a day thumbs up nay thumbs down oh let’s get to the first thing that we’re going to talk to you know at the end of the

Super Bowl there was an Embrace between Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift you couldn’t hear what they were saying because there was just too much crazy I told you she said she’s never felt like this before she was so horny Swift are better than the CIA they’ve been able to isolate the sound

Here’s what was said between Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift in that Embrace can’t believe that can’t believe you thank you for the support thank you for coming thank you for making it across the world best abute it was unbelievable dude I’m literally I told

You she was come on man so that is that a day is that a of course that’s a day listen she L she man she loves football and she loved football all right she loves Travis Kelce she Lov pixin I’ll give it a day simply because I like they use their

Words very carefully in that there was never you know getting swept up with the motion saying I love you or you’re the love of my life or any of that they they kept it very plain very generic well clearly he’s not the love of her life of

Hers or her I don’t think they’re the love of each other yeah other you know what I mean like Travis Kelsey was married for a while he definitely like he definitely got yeah yeah he was getting some that night I’ll give her credit she’s a very versatile dater she’s had musician she’s

Has actors she’s had football players listen entertainers are the great great source of songs yeah a breakup songs and stuff like that so she knows she knows what she’s doing she definitely gave it up to him that night absolutely like she would have gave it up to him right there

On the field that would have been awesome she was like CH listen to this like she was really listen to this you for coming believe that thank you for the support thank you for coming the world best absolute best Elric it was unbelievable what he say was it a record

Or was it erected was it did he say what don’t was it electric oh was it electric okay you know his ex has to be spitting Nails right now n she’s nice though that it doesn’t matter she’s spitting Nails nah she’s nice though it don’t matter if you’re hot you still

Care that you see your ex out there living the dream I mean the only thing a billion dollar girl yeah that’s a billy that everyone loves and everyone loves their relationship you love or you hate succeed you you want your ex that happy Vlad because I got this I got we gon ask

This question the other day do you want me happy no I mean I don’t care but I don’t want to see you happy like that Super Bowls billion dooll girls everyone Loving You millions and millions of dollars on your own she ain’t happy if she is happy she got

Something wrong with her she’s still fine real fine fine I’ll take care of that real quick uh I’m not Travis Kelsey though at least when it comes to money and fame Sports there’s another Kelsey though that everybody loves Jason Kelce he’s been whing out Shaquille O’Neal has this big podcast have actually help

Shaquil Neil out with that podcast before he gave Kelsey some advice about retirement my advice see you as if you are going to retire yes accept it enjoy your family brother thank you I made a lot of D mistakes to where I lost my family and I don’t have anybody that’s

Not the case for you so enjoy your beautiful wife enjoy your beautiful kids and never dwell on what we had what we had is what we got you got the ring people know who you are enjoy it because again I was I was an idiot and I’ve

Talked about this a long time lost my whole family been 100,000 square foot house by myself yeah I don’t think it was basketball that was just someone you decisions outside but anyway um I mean I guess that’s a day you can’t really oh you know what how you be down

On family it’s like that Simpsons uh Monty will Monty Monty Williams oh goodness gracious Monty Burns walks into the you know the career day and goes I’ll keep it simple God family friends these are the three things you need to slay to be successful you don’t want to be that guy that’s a

Definite day right there last night Battle of the Sexes Yeah Boy Vlad made some money he called it I did make some money last Curry Sabrina ionescu Sabrina ionescu asked afterwards and you know what she says ball is ball just continuing to use my platform and I

Think a night like tonight shows um a lot of young girls and young boys that if you can shoot you can shoot and um it doesn’t matter um if you’re a girl or boy I think it just matters the heart that you have and wanting to be the best

That you can be I got day on all that I got nay oh nay that’s for you girl girls little boys already know they can shoot once they saw Steph Curry shooting all right Steph Curry was the face hey he’s not 6768 260 pound muscular guy like all

The other guys like LeBron in them he doesn’t he doesn’t have that much super athleticism but he can shoot so everybody who loves basketball was shooting threes maybe the this is why the game is the way it is it is him but for little girls to see Sabrina go

Against stuff yes yes that’s an inspiration that is something to look to look up to but little boards already had that inspiration once again and once again Chef curry with the shot boy now he couldn’t let he couldn’t get Billy G King that would have been worse than

Billy Jean King beating Bobby rggs Bobby rggs was like 90 whatever but Steph Steph who’s on a streak right now he’s had the most games of seven three-pointers or more and she was shooting she hit her first five I’m like oh damn remember she scored the most points in an All-Star

Game Three-Point Contest she dropped 37 his Mo his most was 31 I was worried I ain’t gonna lie to you I was petol I ain’t gonna hold you you can ball I ain’t gonna hold you I was Petro but Steph Curry he did it so easy

Easy easy miss a couple of the money Sprite balls though that’s what kept I didn’t like you yeah the story boy you can’t miss the story boy right I like when you hit the story I’m sorry but yeah the story Ball but he nailed every shot the the money

Rack those guys and girls when they get in a Groove and oh man they don’t have to look they don’t have to it is I watching that Three-Point Contest yesterday just because it was like everybody was so good like 24 points is a great score in a Three-Point Contest not anymore not anymore

Not oh beautiful stuff right there up next gonna have the Mont let’s catch up with everything that’s happening here in the Sports World on sports day 560 WQ A.M powered by Anar LaVine accident attorneys call 1800 7473 that’s 1 1800 747 3733 it’s time for sports Day turn it up it’s sports day with Dan day texter and twitchers and YouTubers wilding out today it’s the weather me and you being hyped up 30556 7560 the number to call our text in one of the texts we got from the 305 kind of bagging on LeBron James LeBron James is

Not Elite he’s a decent player who’s won by hopping onto Elite teams and riding them while they’re high and then leaving them when they’re low and I put so he also put he or she also put he’s an elite destroyer of coaches and teams I put come on LeBron is Elite whether you

Like him or not alltime NBA scorer and four championships reply meh role player at best oh then he put LOL I just hate him for leaving us okay sound like get over it man still waiting like you still feing for that like just get over that

Bro I mean the role player at best I didn’t see the LOL afterwards okay so actually that is pretty clever I like that that is good so point for you right there got some other ones uh my guy Mark the heat I I kind of caught some

Shrapnel for this I don’t know why hawaz should be the Slam Dunk champion over Dan day’s guy mclung why is Matt mclung my guy you’re white is that it intangibles is that it we team up like that yeah I was cheering for Hae hawz Jr you can’t just assume that can’t assume that

Now Mark does bring up a good point mark de heat brings up a good point Dave would you dump everything around you as soon as you make it to the A-list glad you and I have had this discussion multiple times the answer is you owe it to yourself to do that it’s

True you can’t bring somebody along and bring people along with you they don’t fit in you can’t go to a party with Taylor Swift and her friends and you’re just some dude that lives in North hey yo Ryan Reynolds by the way Ryan Reynolds you can’t be leaving her your

Wife just just just Doo like that there’s snipers out there right oh yeah no Blake life was looking good I mean good wife was looking nice I like how Taylor Swift had a rotating cast too one one minute she’s next to ice spice next minute she’s next

To Blake Lively next her Suite must have been like the VIPs of all VIP I honestly think now this is a hot take I honestly think like you like she charged you like ice spice is like you had to get a I think you had to get a ban no you know what

You know what I’m saying like you know how you pay to be in like C I heard how it happened you ready bre down it was I think they paid money the week before was the week before the Grammys they were partying together okay and then she got drunk she asked are you

Going to Vegas for the Super Bowl it’s like yeah I don’t have a ticket oh girl come through that was it B bang she’s there that’s how it is that’s how it is Taylor Swift is she’s a she’s a nice person about being Taylor Swift is

You’re drunk you say some things you can cash those checks your butt has money to cash those checks you and I go to Bob’s your uncle on the Rocks yo you need tickets to the Panthers game or the Heat game we gotta you get that text on

Monday still got me on that Panthers or heat game Taylor Swift I got you Super Bowl oh I shouldn’t have been drunk and invited ice spice but h i got this come on you some of your Taco Bell money I did you hear the funny rumor that was

Going on that she got Kanye West removed from The Suite below him below her that’s balling that’s balling I could yo even if it’s not true I just like it I just like the happen yeah I don’t want hear that’s respect I I really thought that she went to like certain

Celebrities and was like yo if you give me half a million dollars no I would charge I would charge yeah because they’re automatically gonna get um hype and make money like ice spice give me half a million dollars I bet you a lot of people started buying Dunkin more

Dunkin’ Donuts yesterday ice spice comes in sitting with Taylor and they have someone watching the TV okay ice spice she got her her view now bring in break Lively Blake Lively Blake Blake but that’s what people that’s that’s a people they they’ve always been there right but then you know Blake okay but

When did Blake Lively become a casy Chiefs fan that’s the thing though not a band wagging fans in this room so here’s the funny part right so let’s let’s here’s funny right because we saw this happen early this week this past last week when the rumor of Lara Pippen and

Uh Marcus Jordan breaking up right H she posted oh when you break up with your boyfriend does your like do your friends have to break up with him yes that is the that is yes so now that Taylor and Travis are together if they do break up does that mean Travis

Can’t be friends with Blake Lively and Ice spice and all these other people cannot and they can’t be Kansas City Chiefs fans anymore either I mean Taylor left the Philadelphia Eagles that’s that to me is a that’s thicker than water but that’s a sin yeah but you got to and

Your man and everything like that that that’s okay to do that if your man is your man and your woman is your woman and stuff like that you can do that I understand that that it’s okay to homie hop or whatever you want to call that

Team hop if that’s it you know but you do have to break up with the friends if you break up with the girl of the guy I’ve lost some friendships friendships I didn’t want to lose but you gotta do what you got to do you got to take sides

You got to take the right side depending on how the breakup happens but yeah you got to decide with your boy yeah even if he’s wrong or she’s wrong had a girl if he’s wrong you side with him even more I had a girl that was my friend she got

Married her husband and I really really good friends really really tight we got along we did everything together we had fun and then she ended up cheating on him and it became known they got a divorce I had to R I had to I had to

Ride with her man she was wrong but she was my friend first so I got now you was going to ride but what happens got to ride with their guy I don’t know if we’ve had this discussion I ride with you no matter what Vlad myam man I’m

Ride with I’m G ride with you memorize my number you know why oh for jail um you should always memorize a couple of numbers yeah absolutely that’s that’s you know that’s common sense but what happens well well but what happens if you I don’t know if we’ve discussed this

Already but what happens if you you know your boy has a girl yall you know you cool and then you meet you become friends with her girl with her home girl and then y’all start going out together a couple couple it’s a couple couple but they their couple break up tough I was

Going to say something tough times who you side with because that’s still Shorty’s home that’s still Shorty’s best friend you roll with your you tell her you roll with your dude I roll with my dude you roll with your girl we’re cool and then you have like joint custody

Situations where you kind of hang out here and there with them maybe maybe they have girls night maybe you have guys night kind of deal with that you don’t end your relationship because you know that’s taking it too far that’s nasty work but you ride with

Your dude don’t you dare yeah he cheated on her and don’t you dare try to take her no because what if the what if your girlfriend says that’s my best friend that’s like my fif I mean you could still be civil and cordial just she’s not your girl she not

I’m G to say not your girl that’s why you don’t don’t get don’t get involved with your homeboy’s uh girlfriend’s best friend it’s nasty work because if they don’t CU you know your boy you know your boy if he’s tricking you know that your boy is stepping out you know it’s you

Know you know the shelf life of your boy and his relationship yeah you know it ain’t more than 18 10 months you’ve jumped on grenades and all of that for your boy I’ve done that a lot and he’s done that for you so you already know I’m jumped on

Some some mors some of them I haven’t minded though it’s just weird man it’s weird like the next day and week and then every time you know they’re always inviting you out to do things you’re like oh man I don’t want to go get sushi

Come on bro we’re g to have a good time like she’s going to be there man she going hang out and I just don’t want to go come on bro and they they always get you with this come on man drink a beer Let’s Take a Shot let’s have drinks on

Me you because he knows what the drinks are gonna do time last thing part two last thing on this right so and I I knew this was gonna be immediately when you saw I knew this was going to be the a number one topic but not for the sports

Casters but for the uh the rag magazines when when Travis got in upset and bumped uh Andy Reid and no body knew the cause and everything like that I could tell like oh my God you know everybody’s gonna be like oh my Taylor was so upset with Travis for yelling at

And bumping the old man coach Andy Reid I you know friends are wondering if he’s gonna have that type of anger yeah he’s so aggressive can he handle that aggression with Taylor that that was the number one thing this I mean we’re watching the Super Bowl now because a guy showcased

His passion now we have to read about it in like oh or watch it on E on ET on Entertainment Tonight and e or all extra whatever all these rag magazines and rag tag shows are all about abusive relationship right like come on man this is this is the Super Bowl where people

Show emotion but like oh Taylor was very worried about Tyler about Travis’s Outburst get out of here that’s why I was that’s why I wanted Chef Curry to win that’s why I needed needed Sports to be Sports I’m sorry I need machismo moo Florida Atlantic’s coming back

They’re only down by eight with about three and a half minutes left out Southern Florida south Florida oh if they come back and win that’s gonna be balling that’s stand my head Panthers they beat the lightning 9-2 best team in South Florida record 11th straight road win that’s something right there NHL 12

Cats return home to face Senators Sunday Sunday Tuesday at 7 kanes man’s back basketball team they’re maybe the worst team in South Florida right now they’ve lost four in a row falling to Boston College 8577 yesterday Duke comes to town Wednesday at 7even I hear there’s a guy for Duke

Because my dude D Nathan is a big fan who looks like me and has like black fingernails and everything like that and talks noise the whole time in games to opposing fans think that might be my new favorite player let me see what’s his name hold up let check him out I still

Have the text he balled yesterday too he had a lot of points uh it says Jared Kane is the guy okay paints his fingernails and talks s to people all the time I know who I know who to talk crap to on on Wednesday night yep yep look for Jared

McCain call him an emo kid or something I don’t know do something like that got the All-Star game tonight 8 o’clock bam atab bio going to be starting in place of Joel in B that is quite the accomplishment to have a player on your team as a starter in the allstar doc Riv

Is gonna play bam All 48 minutes oh you’re gonna try to wear him out yep get him tired not not a dumb move but that’s actually showing him a lot of respect though so I don’t know we’ll see in Miami they open their season MLS season Wednesday at 8 drive pink Stadium

Against Real Salt Lake I don’t like real Salt Lake to begin with now they’re playing my favorite team we got this the Marlins they continue spring training featherweight Ilia Tora he KO alexanderi second round UFC 298 a good card good UFC card oh my God the women

Were fighting boy always fight man I I I enjoy the women UFC fights as much as I enjoy the men UFC fights they’re equal to me no Steph Curry Sabrina ionescu here I like it no never never ever ever ever ever ever is All I’m gonna say no

It was a good yeah it was a good card you had um the I forgot the ladies names but they they put on a show and then the the the two main events the co- event Brazilian guy looks like like guy looks like he you should be in a fitness

Magazine and then uh Whitaker I think he’s from Australia they they put they had a good three rounds just listen man the brothers don’t like when get kicked don’t kick me man don’t kick me I don’t know anybody that likes to get kicked nah but Brothers really hate when getting kicked

Like don’t kick me you kick me we I got to kill you I’m sorry I yeah don’t kick me in the side with side of your foot in my face and those thing Areo that sound is nasty do you hear that sound it’s like wow knock you senseless nah uhuh but

They were fighting yes speaking of nasty let’s go ahead and take a step into the day spa a vlogger here in Florida is eating raw chicken for a 100 days or until he gets hospitalized oh well day two don’t worry he’ll be hospitalized by two in two days sounds like an absolutely terrible

Plan you know forget chicken who needs chicken it’s time to take some shots Anthony Weaver the other day was taking shots were they Fireball shots were they straight up bodka shots or were they water shots we’re going to determine that next here on sports day 560 WQ you sh and there we are

247 yeah Yeah got excited for four o’ today when we get off the air J off my eyes are like this okay speaking of inebriation Anthony Weaver no he was not inebriated the other day but he was introduced as the Miami Dolphins new defensive coordinator and he said some things that maken Vladimir leison raised

Eyebrows about saying that some of his statements were maybe subtle shots at Vic fangio as Vic fangio walks out the door so I said why not let’s go ahead and listen to some of these statements and Vlad now are going to decide whether it was shots shots shot shot shot shots

Or if it was just you know Anthony Weaver talking get things started with him saying hey I was a player that’s going to help me out as a coach I think that’s been a a huge asset to me just in general throughout my coaching career um not necessarily for

The UPS of what I did while I played but more just just the hardships and adversity that I face because I can help coach guys through that so that they can persevere be and ultimately hopefully be better than I was at those those same situations so that is probably the

Biggest asset for me in terms of like my my playing career just having having the ability to to coach guys through those those adverse situations I’m gonna say that’s not a shot at Vic F no that’s not a shot that’s not a shot at Fang he could have been like unlike some coaches

I was a player but you don’t matter him being the player of a Fang’s experience Fang has almost over 40 years of experience you can’t do that so we’ll say no that wasn’t shot that was just saying that let’s see if there was a shot this time he talked about the new

Scheme that he’s going to run being a lot like it was in Baltimore I think the scheme that we use in Baltimore is actually extremely multiple and flexible and the foundation of what we’re going to do here will be from that but the beauty in that is a lot of the things

That they’ve already done here that they’ve had success in we are very similar there so there should be a lot of crossover teaching but I think in this league it’s hard to just pigeon hole yourself as one particular thing because you’re face different situations throughout the entire year whether it’s

Weather injuries there there’s a multitude of factors and your scheme better be flexible enough to one adapt to the players and adapt to whatever situation you may be in so we got shot sh sh shot shot shots shot wow he couldn’t help but take a couple of Jabs right in there that was

Definite shots that was shots man you gotta be flexible and then he threw the weather thing in there at the end and stuff like that that was shots yeah it was absolute shots at uh at the old man well played though because at first he didn’t come

Out the gate with the shot he kind of SL he said it and then he worked his way to let people know like look I’m not like the other guy here you know fible very similar but whenever you hear that very similar but there’ll be some cross teaching but

You gotta be flexible whether it be one point game we got here I’m sorry to cut you off is that a onepoint game we got here Florida Atlantic has come all the way back from down by 23 to cut it to a one-point game with 23 seconds left my

Let’s go owls so they’re in a Timeout let’s hear another one real quick Anthony Weaver talked about he’s got mad respect for Mike McDaniel yeah so I’ve known Mike since 2006 I mean he was a QC in Houston when I played there and who you guys see on a week- toe

Basis is who he has always been um I had a tremendous amount of respect when I played un not under him directly but I just saw his work ethic as a very as an as a veteran player at that particular point and then when I had the opportunity to coach with him in

Cleveland I was like oh he’s special um it took the the rest of the world a little bit longer to see that than I did um some other head coaches along the way I tried to get him to hire Mike wouldn’t listen and hey to to their to their

Detriment right but from a coaching standpoint philosophically we believe in the same things we believe it I’m going to go back so do you guys remember Clarence Brooks all right Clarence Brooks he coached here defensive line back early 2000s something like that he’s since passed all right rest

Rest in peace but Clarence used to say this game has been and always will be about the players and I believe that wholeheartedly and as an ex player I know how finite this career is and because of that I take my respons ability and a leadership position as a defensive coordinator extremely

Extremely important and uh I don’t want to waste anybody’s very finite time in this leagues so um because of that man like we want to be great in all that we do got close but I don’t think that was a shot towards the end he kind of said

He didn’t want to waste players time yeah at the end he did so I I didn’t understand if that maybe that was a shot because of the fact that um there were certain young players who were in The Doghouse and yeah so I don’t know if that was uh something with that there

But I want to say no shot not necessarily a shot but you know just a reference okay so Anthony Reaver continued on talking about he’s the type of defensive coordinator doesn’t sit up in the booth in that Ivory Tower he’s down there on the field I’m a downstairs

Guy man um I need to I need to feel right what’s going on in the game feel how the players are reacting to the situation and hopefully be a POS be a positive influence in whatever reaction that is so um I don’t think you can have

That same effect from up in the booth that’s a shot that is a shot right there Vlad there’s many shots there he like he wants to feeli oh hey yo yo but I definitely was taking a shot at FS but f is old he’s not keep his old ass in the

Downstairs he says you got to have a feel for you got feel for it you got to do this that was a direct shot I’m down there I’m with the players I’m with in the trenches while I’m not up in the Ivory Tower like the last guy was

Sitting there just looking down on everyone yeah but he’s also young I know Ian it was a shot it a shot that’s a shot that’s a shot Anthony Weaver went on to say analytics a key to his game at this point at this point in time like I

Think you’re a fool not to listen to some of the analytical data and there’s so much positive uses of it some of it needs to be filtered absolutely but if you’re not at this point in time like you’re behind and we certainly want to make sure we’re

Staying ahead of the trends I’m gonna say that’s like a kamakazi shot not like a hard shot is it a shot at FS because I would think McDaniel uses the um the analytics so therefore everyone knows the old don’t like numbers they like feel like feel

The game plus well wa wait a minute so did but the young wants to feel the game PA because Anthony Weaver wants to be downstair to feel the game yeah but he still likes the analytics analytics is a youth term saying he he takes advantage of all

The numbers and everything like that the old like to use their eyes yeah so it’s like I said it was a kamakazi shot it wasn’t a shot of Ever Clear or a shot of whiskey or anything like that it’s one of those you know like weak shots that

You you could sip on but you know a little bit of a shot little bit of a shot last but not least Anthony Weaver talked about players attitude the players are the same right you hear guys saying like ah this this this decade players or whatever they’re

Soft all this stuff with social media the players are the same they want to be coached hard and they want to be loved up right and that’s what I believe in I believe coach them hard and love them up man and usually when you do that they

Tend to respond for you that’s a shot I’m sorry that is a shot right there at Vic Fu and his old school is the old school like to say this that’s a shot that’s a shot bled yeah yeah that’s a shot from the comments you heard about

Philadelphia um I mean uh coming out of Philadelphia with Ron josi saying that you know the players in Miami with soft and stuff like that yeah yeah I mean you can you can make yourself more light in that press conference and he did a good job of

Doing that like the players know who they got they got a defensive coordinator who’s going to be by by you know stand by their side listen to them uh take their in um their data and you know input it in the game plan there was shots there this was a

Lot of shots that was taken at the previous uh head uh defensive coordinator so but I also want to say this this is Mike McDaniels third defensive coordinated in three years this has got to be his guy it seems like they’re kind of on the same page there’s

A lot of respect they’ve kind of worked together they’ve played you know and everything like that this is the thing Anthony Weaver Vic fangio very different guys very different styles I think he did a good job of not only saying what he needed to say about himself but also

Kind of playing the old PR kind of being the hypem man kind of saying you know this guy forget about him we’re g to do it this way and it’s going to work thought it was a great job by Anthony Weaver sometimes got to take a couple of

Shots might take a couple shots after work man I don’t know we’ll just have to wait and see unfortunately FAU did not get enough shots in they lost by four blad they came back from I think 23 down ended up losing to South Florida by four

That’s tough I took the over it hit ah so out of the ashes comes a phoenix for Vlad absolutely let’s get into some something or nothing next shots on 560 WQ Oh that time something or nothing where I run through some things that are happening in the world and blad you decide whether it is something or nothing at all got something for you right now tomorrow it’s you and I for Tobin and Leroy so I’m gonna guess I’m Tobin you’re Leroy

Right yes that’s realistic yes that’s acceptable yes you and I so basically it’s this show in place of Tobin and Leroy tomorrow from 10 to two we’re gonna YouTube everything like that we’re gonna do all that it’s gonna be cool YouTube twitch 560 Odyssey app everything trying not to run out of

Material I really came in today being like Vlad I don’t know what we’re going to talk about we been fired up today it’s been awesome I got a lot to talk about and we’re going to get we still have another hour we have a full show today full show tomorrow should be a

Whole lot of fun President’s Day alltime favorite President Vlad go alltime presidents alltime favorite President oh you know automatically he Barack number one oh really yeah barack’s number one followed by Slick Willie I know Bill Clinton was so cool man slick willly my number one though is Abraham

Lincoln great guy did a lot for this kep this country actually you guys used to go to theater together no we didn’t catch we catch flick you didn’t catch movies catch what was the what was the play America I can’t remember the name of the play I wasn’t around back then

Nonetheless Abraham Lincoln I gotta go with Bill Clinton because you know we’re Southern and we like women I that’s love Ronnie ree no okay I’m not getting into that ionomics in the80s man number three would be bus John F Kennedy because of my Irish Catholic heritage I don’t like

JFK had side pieces I like the president I like the ladies what do you want from me man yeah well who doesn’t like the president I see a lot of myself in those guys you know Abraham Lincoln like him and Mary Todd there is some rumors that

She got him drunk and he got her pregnant and it was she kind of dirty like that but you know you gotta do what you got to do you know think you’re G get that history lesson see you get history lessons on Abe Lincoln all the

Time but you don’t get a history lesson on that Mary Todd got him drunk one night and took advantage of him and got pregnant from that and then he had to marrier because back then you had to make an honest woman out of a pregnant woman or else it gets it gets

Crazy gets crazy okay let’s do some something or let’s not digress too much here Daytona 500 pushed to tomorrow due to rain it is pouring here in elportal Little Haiti whatever you want to call it that sucks because I was going to go walk around and do some drinking after

This nonetheless blad something or another with Daytona 500 being supposedly pushed it’s something because um people were there people were there I don’t know if you want to you know you want to get back tomorrow’s a holiday so might want to be able to get back home

And relax and rest up until you start the work week but something for us to watch tomorrow because we had nothing to watch I mean drunk hot Panthers on Playdoh Tuesday redneck women locked up in a RV with alcohol that could be a good time that’s always a good time that

Could be a good time Adam Silver he says they are going to reassess the g- League’s ignite initiative following the nil and the NCAA if you don’t know the ignite is that’s the whole thing where you can leave from high school and go to

The G league for a year or two you can make money you can develop then you can get drafted they’re going to reassess that most likely get rid of it because of the whole nil and college it’s just a better system you get free schooling you

Get free room and board and you get paid either way so is that something or nothing something as long you know something because we don’t know what’s gonna happen yet and you know what you get Adam Silver you get the feeling that he’s like we’re not a daycare anymore

Like we’re let them handle that we don’t want to handle young guys oh well maybe yeah if the players are make money in college let them handle that I I see that I can see that but nonetheless Neary middleman yeah but if the players say that they want that Adam Silva will do

What the players want he’s a players he’s a players commissioner players commissioner Kanye West and Ty doas sign they’re scheduled to vultures perform at rolling loud California something or nothing um yeah it’s always something anytime you yay you they’ve had all types of issues with that music they

Made bro like there’s all types of come out and come it was in release early but it’s Kanye sometimes I think they had the preview party right down there at the Oasis in Winwood and it was like a secret show and they were on for like three minutes the album came out what

Tuesday of this week but like there was a secret listening at Oasis in Windwood and like literally like people were there and it was like playing but they didn’t know it was playing and then like towards the end Kanye and tidal sign came out and like kind of talked it was

Weird man and there’s some very Kanye says some very and if you think that I said some things earlier that are kind of crazy Kanye says some things that are really really inappropriate on that album I mean it’s easy I mean I can’t repeat them they’re that vulgar at least in my opinion

They’re that vulgar and it’s not just cuss words it’s content like do do I like Tai doign is it okay to like TI doign well wouldn’t you that out I think he’s a cool rapper I think he’s all right I mean he’s hanging out with the wrong crowd but you know leave

Y alone man leave him alone poor yay leave easy alone Kanye po alone poor nonetheless um they’re gonna be rolling loud maybe they’ll be here in Miami rolling loud we don’t know we have to see a Rhode Island hiker okay recently killed a coyote with his bare hands

Defending himself from an attack from that coyote something or nothing that’s something that’s a bad ass dude right there is that Jason Kelsey I don’t know you killed a coyote coyotes are no joke bro oh oh hold on was it a baby coyote

Was it was a man it was a it was a it was a might been a woman actually you’re probably better off fighting a male coyote than a female coyote so it was a aggressive coyote aggressive coyote that was attacking himig hands how do you just Strang I don’t know all right I’m

Just not messing with him man I don’t like killing animals kill animals with your yeah that man can fight okay with you bro yeah you good bro you walk into the bar you got a problem bro I’m that dude that killed a hyena or whatever with my bare hands nope I’m good get

This get this guy get this guy a beer cool you got that man you good you good you got that sorry about that man I didn’t mean to bump you or you didn’t mean to you probably didn’t mean to bump me I you know we’re cool did you hear

This Jen zers are bringing back the landline phone because they think they look cool is that something or nothing vad you got the rotary you got the cord you got all that good stuff oh my God they it’s nothing but they always say what was old will always come back in

The 30 years yeah baby who wants a landline now don’t get it twisted no they sound great they work all I’m not going to hold you back in junior high when you talking to a girl and you in the landline and then your mom would be like hey who’s on that

Phone they trying to be slick so yeah okay yeah wait wait who’s on the line who’s on who you talking to you don’t pay the bills here that phone get off the phone yeah I can’t I can’t go back to that not when you have your own cell

Phone I would love to Snoop on some of your conversations that would be so boy hey man those were those were good times but that I was but being you know in retrospect thinking about it right now it was fun because yeah when you talking to someone you were using a

Landline and that girl or that girl liked you she’s actually spending that time on the phone talking to you and you know you could tell like they’ be like man you ain’t talking to Julie be like oh am I promise you man we talking on

The phone no here pick it up let’s call her let’s call her oh I don’t know why I went call waiting call forwarding second another line hello hey can I speak with Julie please who is it it’s Dan okay Julie Dan’s on the phone told you man told you oh

[ __ ] hey Dan what’s up hey Julie you know I was just want to call you see what’s going on call you again you know because we talk all the time I know we’ve been on the phone a lot lately your friend’s like damn man that’s cool

I don’t know man but that could be we could be did you just give me a whole like Dr ization of a phone call you that was a reenactment bro that it was really like literally that was a reenactment you remember word for word everything that happened reenactment bro my best

Friend Bo Bujo line yeah it’s nothing damn because they’re not gonna utilize it the way it should be used no they’re gonna take Instagram pictures no no no not for the old Tik Tok man n no I like how Instagram and Tik Tok they read your algorithm and they send you what you

Really want to see and uh I mean I do you want to see what let’s do this Vlad let’s see how Instagram has read my algorithm this is totally impromptu am I right Vlad we got a camera hopefully I’ll give you some time if you’re on the

Twitch or YouTube you know I’m sorry so we’re going on Dand radio on Instagram let’s see what the algorithm has read for me I’m gonna hit the land line was so great because you could see the multitasking that you know your mom could do your mom could be cooking on

The phone with her best friend or your grandmother and still throw a shoe and hit you in the head for acting up yep that’s how they do things man yeah because the phone was always she was always with the phone they’re always in Triple Threat position bro oh yeah oh

Yeah they always in Triple Threat Triple Threat position and if your mom had one of it was really a talker she had that like weird foam thing that was on the handle of the phone so she could CL her neck Game Changer you ready for this let’s Go

Wireless oh man oh why oh yeah when the phone was portable you could go in any room that was it mom was whooping your ass there could be a day where you could actually talk outside now I can do it all over okay so Vlad you know I’m a big

Music guy I’m into sports and all this stuff what do you think the algorithm for Instagram is picked up when I hit the search button what do you think it’s going to be all of be honest phones women bro there always there always about why that’s the algorithm look if you’re watching on

Twitch and YouTube this is impromptu that poor woman all bad ones that’s what the algorithm has chosen for me just all bad ones and all bad ones to my liking did you notice that they were all very similarl looking ladies I love Instagram and Tik now Tik

Tok I can’t I can’t even get into Tik Tok right now it takes too long to log in and the videos are just amazing nobody likes to talk you got to know what my Tik Tok line is full of that algorithm man baddies that algorithm I

Mean like I’m into a lot of different stuff but there is one thing I am definitely into according to Instagram and Tik talk Bill Clinton read that get this lad a 48-year-old had a heart attack during a half marathon didn’t face him he finished anyway something or

Not all something he’s a badass what the hell you catching a heart attack are you still trying to finish the race dude that’s how fanatical those Racers and Runners are dude I’ve been training for this F that know I mean he’s a badass but there’s some type of things that are

Badass that I’m not trying to I mean imagine if you had a heart attack on the ca Center Court when you were playing basketball the other day Jesus that would have been bad that would have been really bad what was the final score of that

Game was it 21 to four I oh well yeah two baskets I heard 21 to I heard y’all made two baskets yeah 21 to four I heard there was a volume shooter on the team oh she was a volume shooter she was definitely a volume shooter figgy got

Mad at me the other day wait you know how to play basketball yeah I mean I played in high school I was a you you know I could have walked on at a college basketball team like we needed you I was like oh hell no no hell no I saw what

Happened to y’all do that video up anywhere can we I hope not I want to burn that video that’s a stain I don’t I don’t want I thought that you did it as as comedy talk about comedy routines our dude D Crowder’s got a comedy show

Coming up at the Dany improv which you work that is going to be on March 3rd at six o’clock I thought maybe you were trying to put together a comedy routine oh no the comedy routine was thinking that I’m still uh 36 or 26 when I’m

46 that’s why I chose not to be a comedian and not play when I got that text I said oh hell no I mean and it was horri horrible planning plus you also went up against ringers which made it even worse like seriously you were playing

Like some call center there was a six foot seven guy a girl not fam they brought in ringers they brought in ringers they had a girl that was like a Collegiate basketballer she like she was Kelsey Plum a 6′ s guy and like another like 6’4 guy who at the call center what

Call center has that yo fam the first play they ran buddy tried to dunk on me like he tried to put me this D like Marcos grab a dude that that the only reason you can get dunked on is because he grabbed yeah he grabbed him the guy was in

Mid-flight were like all around Marco’s face it was nasty there’s no way you should be playing charity SL whatever fun basketball and people should be dunking and running plays I’m sorry that’s a ringer that’s a a d move right there I’m I’m not going to lie that’s a d move it

Doesn’t help your business out it doesn’t make your business better didn’t make our business better with the team we put out there but that’s besides the point dating columnists recently said the worst lovers are rich men the worst lovers yeah because they they know they

Got it they don’t they don’t have to do they don’t have to do nothing they don’t have to impress they listen I’m rich I’m not trying to it’s about my pleasure not yours it’s not my pleasure you want me like me man I’m trying to do my best

Because that’s all I got rich dudes are like you know what if you don’t like it go home you ain’t getting this find the next one okay no that’s nothing man smart move okay last but not least a girl’s 49y old Dad recently impregnated her 23-year-old friend so

That girl said you’re a straight up gold digger told everyone posted on social media they’re not long they’re no longer friends but soon to be mother-in-law POS stepmother-in-law that’s nasty I ain’t gonna lie that 23y old is one too all right so pops smash his daughter’s

Best friend 23 years old he’s 49 this n it’s nasty I mean it’s I’m not upset I can’t I’m not mad at anybody every everything’s under everything’s under legal uh under legal circumstances let’s break down this three- leg parlay and I’m not mad at any of them the dad

Definitely not mad at him for getting a bad 23 23y old definitely mad at her she saw that the gold digging she saw the money she knows that rich men aren’t the best lovers but they can pay for kids boom and this the daughter the daughter’s hating that’s all but you

Know what if so you know what in that situation it’s okay to go out there and call your friend a gold digger nah she’s hurt no you just hurt because what you got Daddy Issues unless you have daddy issues and then your best friend knows that you had daddy issues and then came

In and if you ever have to tell your friend not to smash one of your parents it’s probably a tough situation that you’re I don’t know bro one more hour of sports day to come 560 w q turn it up it’s sports day with Dan day the NBA Allstar game is almost here

Eight o’clock is the tip off and you got nothing to do seriously it is rainy and nasty not just here in South Florida but it seems like the whole entire country is rainy and nasty so by default you will be watching the NBA Allstar game tonight whether you like it or not

There’s really nothing else going on Memphis and SMU the really only college basketball game that’s happening that’s at four o’clock UCLA Utah oh they are playing that’s is it gonna be on TV though yes FS1 okay I I stand corrected they got some women’s softball college baseball

Not the you because of this rign and everything like that but what we’re going to do right now is go through the NBA All-Star roster now Vlad I have also said Tyreese halberton is our favorite to win the MVP because he can he can

Build it up and is going to be at home but let’s go through the lineup kind of just talk about the lineup and then maybe see who our second pick is or our sleeper pick starting off with the East our very own bam matab bio gon to be

Filling in for Joel embiid he is going to be starting at Center forward that is for the East also top vote getter in the East Giannis anmo very deserving Tyrese halberton in the East we say you he can ball out he’s only averaging 22 points a game this

Year Vlad and almost 12 assist assist but still for some reason I imagine him averaging like 30 points a game like Giannis is no no just his team scores a lot steam scores a lot he’s the he’s he spearheads that offense Damen Lillard is also a starter in the East this year

He’s averaging about 25 points a game Dame is doing Dame things it’s just team’s not that good or no when I say not that is good it’s just that they’re not they’re not winning the way that people expect them but then it’s like people just need a [ __ ] about

Something if they were winning a lot oh who’s going to beat them I don’t think anybody could beat them now they’re not playing to the expectations that you want even though they have one of the best records in the NBA now people want to you know complain it’s like you you

Can’t win either way Jason Tatum gonna round out the Eastern Conference starters and we know he’s good but we don’t like him now onto the Western Conference top vote getter of course LeBron James LeBron James the King he may be in the All-Star game for the rest

Of our lives he’s only playing like seven minutes bro yeah I’m sure he’s going to try really he tries really hard in regular games much less an All-Star Game Luca donic going to be your starter number 77 from the Dallas Mavericks LCA kin 28 points a game this year he’s a

Starter KD averages yo he goes to sleep averaging 28 I mean he really does man Shay gilis Alexander congratulations to him well deserved by the way averaging 31 points a game he is a starter for the West thank you Dame ler for going to the east we said LeBron James and then of

Course well that’s shocking though give credit to Luca and SGA that they’re so popular that they’re starting instead of one Stephen Curry that is true luuka donic I think this year though uh it was different you voted for position you didn’t overall it wasn’t overall votes

So Shay Gil just Alexander did still the fact of the matter is you you’re telling me that Alexander G more votes than Steph Curry yeah you yeah like Steph Curry in the back court I would always assume to get the most votes so the fact that SGA and Luca like Luka gets

Obviously the international votes as well I’m sorry LCA I was thinking Nicole leic that’s I’m sorry yeah LCA gets all those International votes and he is averaging 34 and9 and goodness gracious he’s averaging 34 points a game nine and a half assists and almost nine rebounds

A game LCA baby we’re gonna get to who we think are will be the MVP if it’s not uh tyres Albert in a minute now let oh some let’s talk about these Eastern Conference reserves congratulations to one Paulo banero Duke he is really good 23 points a game

Five assists seven rebounds very good nice Scotty Barnes from Toronto getting the n as a reserve in the EAS uh yeah he’s a replacement for when Julius Randall so Jaylen Brown we know Jaylen Brown the richest man in the NBA Cape up right now Jaylen Brunson well J B baby

Brunson burner very well deserved right there absolutely Tyrese Maxie absolutely deserve to be a allar absolutely well deserve Donovan Mitchell maybe deserves to be a starter Maybe he could be an MVP I mean yeah you could see him and halberton being switched out you could see him and Dam Lillard getting switched

Out you can see him Jason Tatum getting switched in and out Cape up again Vlad Julius Randall I mean he’s there he got the selection but he won’t be playing because of the his dislocated shoulder so far so good this season 24 points a game nine rebounds five assists Juju

Does his thing man Juju does his thing Trey young he’s going to be one of the reserves Trey young what people don’t notice about Trey young he’s really good bro an assist guys no like I get it he could be annoying but he’s really good yeah I I get it that

His teams underperform and they say he’s a coach killer but man 27 points a game 11 assists a game three rebounds you’re not gonna get you’re not gonna find that anywhere and he can get hot a guy that can get his own B his own shot and and

Get you shots yeah and that the assist part is the big part and of course Joel embiid did make the team he’s not playing b m going to be taking his spot let look at the res reserves for the West Conference Devin Booker baboni said

Hell no hell no hell no babon said no Steph Curry of course we know Steph Curry with the shot boy should always be an All-Star Anthony Davis Kind of controversial I would say n nothing controversial with Anthony Davis Anthony Davis has been balling he’s only missed four games this season Anthony Davis has

Been balling I mean 25 and 12 that’s pretty good and he might be the best defensive player in the game I mean wimy might have something to say about that eventually ad still the best defens wi’s longer than ad I’m sure it doesn’t matter those guys are all arms and legs

Man imagine them wearing a suit Anthony Edwards well deserved man well deserved man well deserved five and five Paul George making a return to the all-star game uh Clippers have been one of the hottest teams in the NBA might be the best team in the NBA we’re all looking at how

Those four California kids all those four La kids were mixed yep and Ka Le back Kawai is playing like the kawhai of old so being as good as they are but just you know they’re they’re they like everybody else injuries is you know is their scare and they’ve known to

Fall apart in the postseason so yes and get hurt rounding out the reserves for the West Carl Anthony towns so the East is a lot more of an exciting team I think more fun to watch maybe but should be fun so with hearing all those guys we said Tyrese halberton

He has the inside track because he can’t score all these guys can score but he can score and he’s at home who would be your B you your B pick so you know all right so all watching the allstar game for many years being a uh kind ofur of

The allar game of the allstar game goodness I did not know um it’s definitely going to be they’re gonna try for Al Burton the East is gonna try for Alberton um the old guys Steph LeBron KD they’re not playing much minutes they’ll do you know they’ll be there but if

You’re talking about like second quarter and most of the game unless the game is close then they’ll go in there but if it’s for most of the game the the old 35 and oldo are not playing anony D Davis not might not play a lot well he’s you

Know a yid might not play a lot the second guy there’s two guys I’m looking at at the West if the East has halberton the two guys I’m looking at is SGA and Anthony Edwards oh Anthony Edwards feels he walks around like he’s the best damn basketball

Player in the world and he would love to Showcase people let people know I know yesterday in the skill competition he was being a little a-hole like shooting the ball with the left hand but he’s funny like that but when it comes to competition he wants to let everybody

Know that he’s him and I can see Anthony Edwards winning the the NBA All-Star MVP I believe it’s the year of Luca he’s having a wonderful year this would be not the crowning moment but one of those moments of that wonderful year I think if Tyrese Halbert doesn’t win it I think

It’s Luka donic he’s got that old man game Luka would have to get a triple double he could do it that I mean he could easily score 10 points but oh I just think a lot of these a lot of the guys that’s coming off the bench a lot of young guys when

Their first time um or their second time they didn’t want to uh leave a mark like you know what I’m saying like CLA make a claim that they’re here now I like Luca though I like Luca I think he says give me the ball get out of my way I can tell

You who’s not going to be the All-Star MVP bam out of Bio absolutely and I’m not being mean I’m just his game see all you Heat fans texting and and and on YouTube and and in twitch and and you know on the text line that he’s gonna no

He’s not no he’s not for two reasons one this is a guard game you’ve got to be able to shoot you got to be able to dribble and you know do all this the dazzling plays and second he’s spend in the allar game a lot of time I don’t want Doc Rivers

Trying to tire your guy that’s the thing that’s another thing you got to watch out those coaches some of these guys will play certain players a little bit more because they want to they think they could Tire them dur you know if they have to face them later on in in

The season yes trust me they do they do well should be a fun one tonight you’ve talked me into watching the whole entire game blad I mean some of some of my life plans changed but my my schedule’s free so I’m all in on the allstar G with the weather we’re all in

Last night though was also an exciting night in the Sports World let’s put it all together slap some music on it and call it a montage for you to enjoy to listen to welcome inside Emily Arena here in Tampa for this evening’s matchup it’s the Florida Panthers and their cross State

Rivals the Tampa Bay Lightning Miami and Boston College and away we go hurricanes win the opening Tap please welcome AT&T CEO John stanki joined by Julius Irving as they present the Julius Dr J Irving trophy to the winner of the 20124 AT&T slam dunk from the Oola magic let’s hear it for Matt mclan War 10 seconds he got it you Putar WNBA ball WNBA ball is smaller she shot with the WNBA ball she should have shot from the Line always comes down to this and you had the chance on the ROP and needed every single shot and it came down to the Money Ball touch that watch baby touch that watch here to present the 2024 Kia skills challenge trophies to our winning team the [Laughter] Pacers he said he was going to stumble and crumble him sounds and Boston College help from behind with a solid closing argument to defeat the University of Miami by a final score of 85-77 hurricanes have lost their fourth straight game Eagles and a four game losing streak to Miami and Boston

College has now won four of their last six Games H and the Panthers top the lightning here in Tampa nine to2 that’s what you call the Woodshed Panthers exercised some demons last night by going into Tampa Bay and putting that Woodshed on them nine to2 there’s a new sheriff in town the bullies are now no longer the bullies

They are being bullied franchise record 11th straight road win that bodess well no matter what you say in whatever League you’re in NHL record is 12 the cats return home why go home when you’re winning so much on the road to face the Ottawa Senators Tuesday at 7 o’clock

Vlad those Road WIS they’re only worth two points but man they feel like so much more so much more oh no man going into somebody’s house and beating them is always good plus you know now you got a game that travels you get into the postseason you’re gonna have to win some

Games on the road if you want to make a run you know you can you know you’re capable you know you’re good at it feeling good Kane’s baseball got a rain delay going on I don’t know if it’s been cancelled yet let me check real quick yeah has been canceled what we

Doing here let’s see what they say cancelled the game has been cancelled because there’s no way this rain is letting up anytime soon which is gonna throw a kink every time I look in your background it’s just dark and gray it’s nasty man I was gonna walk around do

Some drinking and thinking maybe not kanes men’s basketball team it’s dark and gray right now Losers of four in a row after falling to Boston College 8 577 yesterday Duke comes to town Wednesday at 7 you’re going to be looking for my dude Vlad on the Duke

Blue Devils yeah emo guy Jared McCain he’s gonna be talking that that noise too so get ready all right emo guy I got I got I got uh some emotional My Chemical Romance and start yelling at him and stuff like that talk about his mom H his feelings see how that goes ranks the Hurricanes dline class for 2024 number one in the nation of course the U they open the season in Gainesville against Florida August 31st that’s going to be a good litmus test if you can go out there get that big win Mario Chris Ball can say we’re moving in

The right direction we’re getting my guys in the program after three this is the third year we’re implementing what we want we’re getting a big road win against the state rival get some recruiting out of that let’s go g leager Mack mclung oh wait you’re upset am I

The only one who’s getting sick and tired of rankings and recruit I’m like I’m sick and tired of it bro you gotta rank I don’t care about that you don’t rank things in your life like best enough of that especially with this University and the in these in certain

All you know what let me put it break it down for you real quick there’s certain universities that I don’t want to hear about your rankings and just great class and all of this because if it’s not producing on the field what’s what’s the point of you saying oh you got a number

One recruiting class because it takes time man stop SI that come on man it’s just taking time for G leager mck mclung to come into his own he want won a second dunk Championship he’s only played Four NBA games because he’s not a good NBA player you can dunk you got a

Skill he’s going to be on that and one tour or what’s the other one Harlem glob trods oh maybe I don’t know I’m reaching well Harlem glob is that them just sorry guys every time I hear something about oh we have the yeah we always do it’s the State of Florida I

Believe today’s Hai hakz Jr’s birthday a lot of people on and they robbed him look what they did to him they robbed that man on his birthday he he dunked over Shaq although it wasn’t as impressive everybody dunking over Shack say MC mcclung’s dunk over Shaq was more

Impressive I’m just being honest let me tell you the dunk that was shocking the dunk where he aled it to himself yeah that old that first guy that won the Slam Dunk he was a bitter old com uh old man ah he wasn’t giving nobody any

Uh high high uh High marks High pointing none none if you missed the dunk that’s like automatically 1.5 off your score yeah it’s nasty work haime did pay homage to his Heritage in Mexico with the second dunk still finished in fourth place Damen Lillard repeated as a three-point Champion team Pacers took

The skills challenge while Steph did outd Sabrina aesu in a 101 three-point competition 2926 that’s right Steph you know what I loved about that whole situation stuff was just toring with her too it’s like oh my God he was acting like oh she’s doing great somebody on the show predicted that

Steph would win but wouldn’t win by a large amount no he wasn’t going to win by a large amount cuz she shot the ball well that’s one of the best Shooters in the world male or female don’t get it twisted spren is she’s nice she ain’t

Stuffed though pause what do you mean I how to pause I’m just saying she’s nice she’s nice 24th ranked FAU well I didn’t say he’s nice no you can still pause I’m not pausing for she’s nice she’s nice she can shoot FAU they lost to South Florida

Today Big Time comeback fell by four it’s okay oh no bro they could miss the tournament they’re second in the divis in the conference right behind South Florida right but I don’t know how many people they’re gonna take out of that conference you they might they might have to win the conference tournament

Yeah but I mean Now you kind of have that pedigree you went to the final four last year you’ve been ranked pretty much most of the season they might be a first four in they might have to play in those uh that Tuesday Wednesday game on True

TV just give us a ticket just give us a ticket True TV give me that ticket in Miami has filled every spot in the top 25 most in demand MLS games for 2024 lisis Suarez says this is the last dance for him but he’s ready for it MLS season begins Wednesday

8 o’clock Harens Real Salt Lake dry pink Stadium let me look at my let me see my Apple subscription is ready for uh I think someone offered me their me their their subscription stuff I think I’m going to have to take them up on this because it seems like I’m

Going to have a lot of free time on my hands these coming days and weeks so well kly says it on your uh headline oh yeah yeah I gotta find a place to watch the game though man I got my phone that’s cool continue to pay the bills on

It the Marlins pitcher Tanner Scott won his arbitration hearing with the Marlins so instead of getting 5.15 million this season you will receive 5.7 million the Fisher and spring training open the season March 28th at home against the Pittsburgh Pirates should be fun I’m got to hit a couple couple of those Day

Games I’m absolutely day drinking and yeah I’m we getting wasted oh yeah wasted yeah yeah yeah with that being said let’s go ahead and take a step into the day spa Australia’s Tessa Williams Australia’s Tessa Williams all right hold on how you spell it because I want

To see how she look SS a t SS a w i l l i Ms for 15 years she was the country’s most successful Dominatrix and regularly spanked men with Bibles but now what is celibate in a Sunday school teacher well that’s not gospel got to change your pace some time

Out she was spanking her men with Bibles yes for 15 years the country’s most successful dominatrix BDSM John 316 means something different now Y no oh my God and then now she’s turns celibate number one that’s the first step number two she’s a Sunday school teacher

Now all right you know why that’s weird I don’t think it’s weird at all no because you I’m gonna tell you why what’s that girl that claimed she was black but she wasn’t white but she was white Rachel Rachel dozel whatever she uh got fired from her teaching job

Because she had an only fans uh page you should not fire a working girl for working for working yeah like Lynn Lynn knows about my only fans page he hadn’t fired me yet all right that’s enough coming up next MLS season starts what are the reasonable maybe even watered

Down expectations for this inner Miami team Vlad and I discuss on sports day 560 wqam The Odyssey app it’s an easy way to listen to us wherever you are make wqam your favorite station and take us whever you go hopefully you’re being safe no matter where you’re at especially in South

Florida because it is a mon outside Vlad look out these windows you can’t even hardly see it is raining so hard dangerous conditions on the roads dangerous it’s just getting outside with that being said Vlad I have a question for you would you like to work an extra hour

Today no okay hopefully no woring on Wednesday 8 o’clock drive pink Stadium it is the opening game the season of dreams for inner Miami you’ve got the Firepower Leonel Messi Louis Suarez Jordy Alba Sergio busets tat Martino B Leo Campana Campana Drake Calender and many others it’s looking

Like Gregory when he gets back from injury will not be with inter Miami he’s going back to a so you asking me BR do we have a do you think this is a team that’s ready to win the MLS Cup this season I mean that’s what I want to ask

You Vlad realistic ex I’m going to water things down better I’m gonna give you my water down expectations they better I’mma take expectations MLS Cup or this is a this is a failure and the whole Messi uh the whole Messi operation has been a failure because this could yeah I

Said it your last chance to have Messi on the team he’s I literally think I literally think this is his he’s only doing this full season yeah then he might go back to nles old boys and play a year just to kind of Full Circle things nonetheless yeah you’re all or

Nothing this year Vlad you’re absolutely All or Nothing I’m gonna be realistic I’m gonna water things down a little bit shoot low hope you get high or aim low hope you you get high this season is successful if minimum minimum you have to win one of

The cups it would be great to win that conaf Champions Cup that’s basically UA Champions League all the champions for for this for con for this for North America basically area of the world yes that’s not including bokeh Juniors but we’re not going to get into that right

Now River Plate oh so you win that that’s that’s number one that’s that’s somewhat successful that’s not that’s not the end all be all but you have to win one of the cups whether it’s leagues cup whether it’s hope conaf Champions Cup so you have to win one of those

Inseason tournament cups one of those national International cups in MLS you have to finish one two or three in the league fam you gotta win so you you want you got to finish the regular season you say with the mo most amount of points they got to win they got to win they

Can’t sneak into the playoff I mean need make the playoff but I don’t want no sneaking I’m watering down a little bit I’m being I’m tempering a little bit no temper you got Messi you got Suarez you got a team that should be saying everyone you’re you’re the not tempered

I’m the tempered so you got to win one of these so do you have to win conera Champions Cup you have to win them all you have to win all the cups yes so you have to go for trebles quadruples I need I need hard yeah you might have to go

Break into someone’s house and just steal you maybe you have to win two a brace treble I I they gotta win okay so I’m saying you win one of the cups in season you finish in the top because there could be injuries there’s International Duty crazy things happen I

Expect injuries we all know soccer’s crazy there’s no given you have to finish in the top three teams in the league MLS and you have to at least at least make it to the MLS Cup Final that is a water down successful season for this inter Miami team now

Vlad tell me what your expectations are and what the expectations of the fan base and the team should be rings as in they need to win the MLS Cup they need to win the uh Champions Cup con C Championship leagues cup leagues cup they have to win they have

To defend their title again and what is it the commander cup uh to win the regular season do they have to do they have to defend their their their title that they won last year yeah leagues cup they got to do that they gotta do Messi’s gotta put in a a a tremendous

Season yes it’s the commander cup they gotta win the commanders cup he has to put a he has to have a tremend season because I personally think this is the his final season with inter Miami and with MLS so he has to win because if he wins

Then it was this one year this year and a half Umor it’s called the supporter Shield I’m sorry supporter Shield you so they have to win the supporter Shield also yeah they gotta win it all because yeah it dude he’s it’s he’s really gonna be with the team for 18 months if you count last year if you don’t have many Hardware

It’s all for nothing who benefited more from um the messy they’re worth over a billion dollars now La Moss benefited from this Moss did yeah David Beckham but as a fan you had a lot of exciting moments but what’s a whole lot of exciting moments without anything to

Show for it I mean dude a lot of guys who a lot of people a lot of fans who who became inter fans had to get apple yeah you see a lot more inner Miami jersey shirts and hats around now than when you did back in 2020 2021 202 I

Haven’t seen this much pink and black since Bret Hart beautiful kit though the the [ __ ] Rosa not the pink one [ __ ] Rosa yeah I haven’t seen that much pink and black attack since Bret Hart it’s gonna be a hot ticket Wednesday but you’re saying you gotta win basically

Everything I mean and I hate to be like this Vlad you’re somewhat realistic I try to be the realistic fan but I mean look at the Firepower you have you have who some people argu the greatest player of all time of all time and who’s still playing at an extremely high level I

Don’t care that you old still 36 years old nonetheless and I don’t want to hear about he had a bad preseason or offseason or International Friendly he was not trying he was a little bit dinged up they say he’s 100% now you have some people say the

Greatest player of all time if not top three greatest player of all time you have his running buddy Lewis Suarez who arguably is the greatest Uruguayan player of all time I would say he is and the biggest Hustler and maybe one of the biggest hustlers in soccer history and a

Really darn great player and they’ve also played together in Barcelona then you bring in your other guy Sergio buset who’s been a little nicked up this preseason but nonetheless a generational player one of the best players of the decade and Jordi Alba comes to the team plus you’ve got some other signings

Some of the guys now fuk faras from Argentina he’s hurt we don’t know when he’s going to be back but you still got Drake cender who was one of the Premier goenda compana who was a good goal scorer before you know Leonel Messi came to town took that number 10 and ran with

It still got a good base so Vlad you saying in a league that is I think underrated I think MLS is a lot more competitive than a lot of people give a credit for nonetheless these guys are better than the MLS at least those that those four guys and the

Coach tatan Martino who you brought in who’s also already won a bunch of things to say that they should go in there win conera and I’ve already said they’re the best team in conera best club team in conera and our dude do Joe malfa agrees with that and Joe malfa

Knows a little more than I do Thomas rongin told us that stuff too you know we love TR more than anybody they got to win that that’s a big trophy you go back win League’s cup you say you dominate that you want them to run I mean I say run through dominate

For the most part when everybody plays in MLS and then they got to win that MLS Cup they got to win it all they have to win it all and like I said that’s somewhat reasonable like I said you can make the argument with the players you’ve got with the money you’re

Spinning with everything that’s going on you have a reasonable you know belief for that to say that that’s something reasonable because of the deal and all the the the focus on the deal and what everybody had to do in order to watch one of the greatest athletes um in the world you

And I want to watch the game we can’t just turn on the old TV you can’t turn on the old TV fire up the Apple app you to get an Apple app you want to go to a game probably goingon to have to buy tickets on the secondary market and

Ain’t going be cheap think about it last year last summer who we were talking about inter Miami right after the Heat NBA final run right after the Panthers Stanley Cup Final Run you’re talking about Messi like there wasn’t there wasn’t a dead period down here in South Florida you

Had the greatest soccer player or one of the two greatest soccer players in the world um playing locally playing here in Fort Lauderdale right off commercial you couldn’t picture that let me tell you the two things I’ve never thought I would ever SE in South Florida

One is a casino on 441 and the other is a topnotch superstar playing on Commercial Commercial Boulevard yeah if youve ever told me that I would see a great casino on 441 and one of the great greatest athletes and the one of the greatest soccer players ever playing on

Commercial I wouldn’t believe you I believe that I believe that you would never believe that you would ever see that that’s it’s hard to believe so it’s all or I mean not All or Nothing But success is this very high luckily though especially this number 10 but those guys

They’ve dealt with the pressure they’ve dealt with the success before there’s anybody in any squad that can pull it off and can maneuver through all that it’s lonel Messi and Friends Leon Messi and friends yeah I’m not gonna list them all again I’m just gonna tell you no I’m

Just saying it’s funny when you say that like that’s basically who they are it’s Leno Messi and FRS leono mess I mean he and that’s another thing you brought you brought your dudes in you got everything you asked for if anything goes wrong it’s on you definitely on you it is on

You number 10 doesn’t it doesn’t hurt your legacy or anything like that but at the same time hurt your ego a little bit like I want this this this this this this you got it all say no more say less get done hit we did what you asked you also own

Part of this team you I’m part of the team he does have an investment to play well though I do like that I do I think players need a little more of that give him some ownership that’s that’s that’s for another time I think they can do it

Though that’s the man made a billion dollars off Apple yeah and Adidas he’s got some good money from them too last year then he did a Super Bowl commercial with what was it Michelob mob Al what’s going on with mob what’s going on with michelo they getting all the all the

Cool South Florida athlet de Marino to uh Messi and Jimmy Jimmy bow if I if they want hold on hold on wait a minute you’re right hold on they got Jimmy they got haime because it’s hot man they got Jimmy and haime by the way I like their commercial with

They sniff in the coffee like they snorting cocaine I don’t understand that but it wasun I don’t know what that has to do with Miami I know but Jimmy haime was looking at Jimmy like Y what why you sniffing coffee why you Smelling Coffee but a funny commercial but nonetheless

You got haimi and Jimmy michelo right you got Marino and Tua michelo yes sir and we have Lon Messi oh wait all we need is Matthew kachuck to do a a Michelob commercial and I’m saying mob in South Florida got something going on is there a is there a

Plant is there a facility here in South Florida it’s because it’s hot you need something refreshing that ain’t refreshing it’s water man it’ll hydrate you it’s urinated water it is urinated water I mean once again if they want us to do a special I will yeah you cut a check you

Cut a check I’ll sing your Praises in the meantime I’ll Scouts I’ll drink mob all all show I’m hting the Stouts I’m surprised glad you don’t drink more Stouts you seem like I do like I like Guinness yeah okay I fig that’s you you know B Guinness you know what I

Mean you Stout baby as funny as you walk around this neighborhood there’s all types of bottle caps but really only two Guinness PR and Guinness that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying I love both of them so you know how that is with that being said we’re going to close out

The show next year on 560 coach right on 56 WQ it is nasty all over South Florida and pretty much the whole United States with the rain so you got time to get ready for this NBA Allstar game which is starting at eight I’ll tell you 24 hours ago I was not stoked

Up about this allstar game now I am I’m watching every single minute of it tonight Vlad well when you when you see the weather like this of course what are you gonna do I don’t know what I was gonna do tonight I don’t know I’m gonna try to i’mna tomorrow’s off tomorrow’s a

Holiday so but you and I are now are going to be working non-stop yeah go out tonight yeah you and I will be on tomorrow from 10 to two basically it’s just you and I filling in for Tobin and Leroy and Jay fig and Marcos it’s going

To be two men for the price of four I’m Leroy you can have that although I mean Leroy and I have a lot in common too because we’re both from New Orleans and stuff like that so in that aspect still not close enough not close enough so

Tomorrow from 10: to two you’ll have us on President’s Day hope you have a nice president day my plan was to finish up here I was actually believe it or not Vlad since we’re so busy tomorrow I was going to do some work today once I got off the

Air kind of finish some things up now I’m really going to do a lot of work because I really can’t get out there but I was going to do a little bit of work then I was going to run around this neighborhood have a few beers kind of

Check what’s going on they got this off-site place that’s supposed to have their own beer across the street it’s rainy now then this place called focal which now I found out is permanently closed it was a brewery but and then I might run down to Don’s fstar Dive Bar

The Anderson I might just bar hop but now with the rain you can’t really hop so I don’t know I would invite you but today’s is your family day so I didn’t want to bother you with that and the boat show is it the boat show this weekend was the boat show this

Weekend I think so 14 yeah I think it is yes yes it is this weekend I miss I’m missing it again I don’t know it’s a boat show but yeah this All-Star game I’m now really really excited because by default there’s really nothing else to do and there’s no really other sports on

There is nothing it’s rainy and nasty outside why go around and like I’m doing and spend a bunch of money on beers and bars when I can just kind of sit around and watch the All-Star Game and hope B matab bio shows up and plays out I still

Think Luca is going to win the MVP if it’s not for Tyrese halberton and I like that I like that uh well we have well we think the favorite should be Tyrese but hom guys always but I’m going you going Luka I’m going an Edwards I mean and and

Shay gilis Alexander is a wild card is a wild card I mean the guy can fill it up he’s a great player great defender great all-around player hence why he’s a starter in the All-Star Game above Steph Curry who won against Sabrina aesu last night Chef curry with the shot you don’t

Have any bets on the game tonight do you listen I had bets yesterday prize picks baby prize picks I’ll let your boy um I I took the over in all the three-point Shooters oh except for Malik Beasley and I won that’s was a nice little $200 right there

Whoa and I got some I got some picks on tonight’s game oh you got some like not props but like like yeah like prop no props yeah like LeBron to shoot over two and a half three-pointers you no par you don’t like I’m parlaying it I’m parlaying it oh the excitement of the

Parlay cuz you feel got hit that first leg man fam you feel like the how about when you hit six and then you lose yeah I’ve gotten I’ve won a four-leg parlay once or twice I’ve come an inch away from winning a five leg one time oh my

Goodness I was about to say something Jason Tatum why’ you hit that last second shot hey yo why’ you hit that last second shot Jason T this was year this is like a year or something go but there’s nothing worse than losing by a half a point tough times right there tough

Times like you’re you hit every game and you’re one game one win away and you played what you know you’re right you know you’re right and then all of a sudden a final basket that happened to me last week in a college basketball game that’s gambling team was covering

They gave up a game-winning three I lost that’s G no what’s also bad let’s see you got like a silly little three- leg parlay you lose the first leg but you hit the other two it’s like man was some wi man man like right now I’m about to lay

Over AG right now live betting right now live betting I’m looking at the four o’clock games you guys could text me or you know I got I got Memphis winning this one take the points I know Memphis has been kind of slacking Anthony Hardway man yeah he’s

Not playing he’s coaching Oh I thought he was playing I thought he had another year year of Eligibility all right I like the over in the St John seat and Hall game at five You a New York guy of course you know that is a New York college basketball guy they don’t get

Better than that don’t get much more New York than that you know yeah okay yeah they gonna play hard I should take C Hall plus the points but I I’ll go over Memphis is that that’s an over Memphis can’t play one licker defense good that’s what I like Minnesota and Ruckers

Minus five and a half let’s let’s look at Ruckers record here gota look at the Record Man you just you can’t just start betting Willy willy-nilly throw money at things all right so both teams are 14 10 and six and seven you know what I’m going to go with Ruckers again five and

A half this is how blad gambles his life away that’s how I gamble my life away nice nice well enjoy I’m about to go grab some beers run around Little Haiti I’m sure I’ll look a little out of place for a while but once I start drinking

That PR I love how my Ken runs around my neighborhood like he’s Haitian you run around Little Haiti more so than I do and you’re not the Haitian let’s be cre though so I’ll be all right that that automatically Gets You Through a couple of checkpoints you know but

Then the rest of the time yeah I will be running through little haes so if you see me and I will be easy to spot just you know honk the horn or come by and have a beer with me it’ll be fun B Vlad I’ll be texting you throughout the game

Talking to you seeing how your bets are doing and uh basically because I mean got nothing else to do other than watch the NBA Allstar game and drink beer and you know what happens when that happens text machine is alive thank you so much for joining us today we’ll be back

Tomorrow 10 two for Tobin and Leroy for Myan Vladimir Lis I am Dan day this has been sports day on 560 wqam later fools

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